5 nov 2018
ೇ @SkyBoivin
'She became the music. TheUnbearableDeliciousHunger that was TheSweetestPain' ―TH. ~ to worship every single dawn. ℣ˑ #Off

{gif by 0riginalGillies}
~te amo, mi rey. Blessed dreams.
6 Nov 2018
10 nov 2018
~ te amo, mi luna. I can't imagine all of our new adventures soon to come, as we turn the pages in our continued writing of our own FayeStoies. But by your side, I know it will be an exciting adventure.
12 nov 2018
~ my #ManCrushMonday is
~ can't imagine anywhere I'd rather be than by your side. Each day more precious than the next, as we start our family. Continuing our shared love of music, time spent, stories made
CarЕ̃ssingPianoKЕ̃ys ∫ TellingFAErieStoriesᶜᵃˢᵗˡᵉ
30 nov 2018
~*out shopping with the girls @DemonWith_ASoul @Ange1Hawkeye @skyessong
Look at these!! Aren't these perfect? I have to bring them home to Mi luna, @0riginalGillies
2 dec 2018
Everytime our eyes meet - Amazed - Lonestar
skijah playlist youtube
all of me ~ John Legend
Ellie Golding~ Love Me Like You Do
Savage Garden~ I Knew I Loved You
Karline~Your Girl
8 dec 2018
~ sueños benditos, mi Dios, mi corazón. te amo siempre y para siempre.
9 dec 2018
~lazy Sundays
starting the week off right with mi Dios, mí corazón...
2 jan 2019https://twitter.com/0riginalGillies/status/1080393835186978816?s=20
ೇ ━ #Off{rt lord byron
she's fire in my blood
the passion in every dream}
3 jan 2019
ೇ ⎝ #Off
~beautiful. ... ♡ blessed dreams, mí corazón
@0riginalGillies "Take my heart Kindle it with your heart And my heart cannot be Kindled without you Your heart will kindle my heart" ~ my heart grows more with each passing day. here's to the rest of our lives sharing music, lore, and love. https://youtu.be/paD1elwPik0
3 January 2018
ೇ My first and only #WCE as well as #WCW of 2019 to my beautiful and beloved wife @SkyBoivin The mother of our twins and the owner of my heart.
~ I love you endlessly and beyond. Till the moon meets the sea, #myQueenFaye

5 jan 2019
ೇ ━ #Off
{rt lord byron
she is the chaos that creates my calm in the eye of her storm I am at peace}
~blessed dreams, mí corazón
ೇ {rt https://twitter.com/bevandeveire/status/1081282599652331521?s=19
You write and it’s magic and
my addiction only grows.}
~*whispers* I could say the same to you, mi corazón. *blush*
6 jan 2019
ೇ ━ #Off
{rt lord byron
perfect love
perfect sharing
glorious hope
fulfilled dreams}
~blessed dreams, mí corazón *whispers*
@0riginalGillies ~you've inspired so much from me these past months. I do hope I may continue to bring you the peace you feel in my arms as you bring a sense of home to me, mí corazón. ♡ -your encanto

7 jan 2019
~ Happy Carnival time, beginning on Twelfth Night, Jan. 6.
~blessed dreams, mí corazón *whispers*
@0riginalGillies ~you've inspired so much from me these past months. I do hope I may continue to bring you the peace you feel in my arms as you bring a sense of home to me, mí corazón. ♡ -your encanto
7 jan 2019
~ Happy Carnival time, beginning on Twelfth Night, Jan. 6.
how beautiful ♡
ೇ ⎝ #Off 「https://soundcloud.com/allpiano/34-la-plus-que-lente-debussy…」
{ rt https://twitter.com/0riginalGillies/status/1068408482762825728?s=20 }
8 jan 2019
ೇ{rt La magia existe. Son dos eligiéndose todos los días. }
9 jan 2019
ೇ ━ #Off
{rt lord byron
the mystery
isn't that we are together
is how we could ever
have been apart}
10 jan 2019
ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife @SkyBoivin ~ I love you endlessly and beyond. Till the moon meets the sea, #myQueenFaye ℣ˑ

{photo edit by @0riginalGillies}
~ my beloved, our love knows no bounds. amantes del tiempo te amo, mí corazón ♡ siempre y para siempre. -your Sky
11 jan 2019
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
{rt lord byron
just thought I'd let you know
I happened to think of you
in this moment
and every one before}
@0riginalGillies ~blessed dreams, mí corazón
12 jan 2019
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
{rt lord byron
she writes places
my heart
has forever longed
to be}
~ you've inspired those places that have been written, mi corazón. ♡ blessed dreams
~blessed drreams, mí corazón
@0riginalGillies ~"My love for you is past the mind, beyond my heart, and into my soul.” – Boris Kodjoe

@0riginalGillies ~“I swear I couldn’t love you more than I do right now, and yet I know I will tomorrow” – Leo Christopher

~"Let's travel together and get lost in beautiful places" -unknown
13 jan 2019
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
{rt lord byron
she is innocence
and insolence
and irreplaceable}
~ Te amo mucho. Tú haces mis días y noches felices. mi amado esposo. No puedo imaginar querer estar en ningún otro lugar, pero aquí siempre y para siempre

ೇ 𝒜𝓁𝓌𝒶𝓎𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒻𝑜𝓇𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇.
~ Te amo mucho. Tú haces mis días y noches felices. mi amado esposo. No puedo imaginar querer estar en ningún otro lugar, pero aquí siempre y para siempre

ೇ 𝒜𝓁𝓌𝒶𝓎𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒻𝑜𝓇𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇.
♫ ♪♫ her-eyes-make-the-stars* look-like-they're-not-shinin'... There's-not-a-thing-that-I-would change-'cause-you're-amazing Just-the-way-you-are ♪ ♫♫
"When I see your face There's not a thing that I would change 'Cause you're amazing Just the way you are And when you smile The whole world stops and stares for a while"
14 jan 2019
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ 「https://twitter.com/L0RD_BYRON/status/1084724641963241472…」
{she lights in my heart
a fire that never ends}
{rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1084708834172698625?s=20
~ *whispers* the stars shine brighter because of you...
#ThingsThatKeepMeAwakeAtNight https://twitter.com/MemesFoIder/status/1084888143785005058
~should not it be your encanto, that keeps you awake at night, mi corazón? *smirks*
ೇ awake. by your side and holding you close ‘til the morning light, mi encanto. ℣ˑ ━ #Off
~*smiles playfully* that is what your Encanto thought. *holds him close*
16 jan 2019
swamp walk♡
{videos of waterflows }
#NationalHatDay [ImagesᵛᶤᵃFERRVOR]
{tumblr post}
~See Blue And Gold~ Venice Honeymoon~
~16Jan2019~ 20June2019~
21 jan 2019
~#QueenFaye #ManCrushMonday mi amado esposo
Te amo más y más cada día. https://youtu.be/HCm6gRHINqA "I've got a ticket for a world where we belong" -sg ♡
23 jan 2019
27 jan 2019
28 jan 2019
~ #ManCrushMonday
QueenFaye's beloved corazón ♡
"I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years I'll love you for a thousand more" -CP
loving you more each and every day♡

29 jan 2019
~"You’re my downfall, you’re my muse
My worst distraction, my rhythm and blues
I can’t stop singing, it’s ringing, in my head for you"
*she continues as the music flows through her...*

2 February 2019
~ can we keep him? https://t.co/JogOsgTIiT
4 feb 2019
~ each and every day and night is always magical with you in my life. you are always so understanding, supportive and loving. te amo, mí corazón ♡ siempre y para siempre, tú encanto

11 feb 2019
~ QueenFaye #ManCrushMonday
I remember the first time we met, I'll always cherish each moment here after with you.♡te amo, mí corazón. siempre y para siempre "you have me until the very last star in the galaxy dies. you have me." -AK https://youtu.be/LjhCEhWiKXk

25 feb 2019
#ManCrushMonday ~ one true friend, mí corazón, mí amor, mí rey. Has always been so supportive and I hope I can continue be so in return♡
Hope for blessed days ahead.
~ Obsessing about the past only brings misery and torment, mi encanto. And all we ever have is now, the beauty of every moment unfolding before us.
∫ Blessed days ahead.
4 mar 2019
#ManCrushMonday ~Haces de cada día y cada noche más especial que el anterior. Las estrellas en mis ojos brillan más por ti.
Te amo siempre y para siempre a la Luna y de regreso y las galaxias más allá. https://youtu.be/AAfPBuFjW9M

11 mar 2019
~Tus palabras derriten mi corazón. Tu sonrisa, nunca me resistiré a volver. Nuestra canción es una melodía en el viento. que atesorare siempre. Te amo siempre y para siempre #ManCrushMonday
loving you more each and every day♡
29 jan 2019
~"You’re my downfall, you’re my muse
My worst distraction, my rhythm and blues
I can’t stop singing, it’s ringing, in my head for you"
*she continues as the music flows through her...*
2 February 2019
~ can we keep him? https://t.co/JogOsgTIiT
4 feb 2019
~ each and every day and night is always magical with you in my life. you are always so understanding, supportive and loving. te amo, mí corazón ♡ siempre y para siempre, tú encanto
11 feb 2019
~ QueenFaye #ManCrushMonday
I remember the first time we met, I'll always cherish each moment here after with you.♡te amo, mí corazón. siempre y para siempre "you have me until the very last star in the galaxy dies. you have me." -AK https://youtu.be/LjhCEhWiKXk
#ManCrushMonday ~ one true friend, mí corazón, mí amor, mí rey. Has always been so supportive and I hope I can continue be so in return♡
Hope for blessed days ahead.
~ Obsessing about the past only brings misery and torment, mi encanto. And all we ever have is now, the beauty of every moment unfolding before us.
∫ Blessed days ahead.
4 mar 2019
#ManCrushMonday ~Haces de cada día y cada noche más especial que el anterior. Las estrellas en mis ojos brillan más por ti.
Te amo siempre y para siempre a la Luna y de regreso y las galaxias más allá. https://youtu.be/AAfPBuFjW9M
11 mar 2019
~Tus palabras derriten mi corazón. Tu sonrisa, nunca me resistiré a volver. Nuestra canción es una melodía en el viento. que atesorare siempre. Te amo siempre y para siempre #ManCrushMonday
'The fixations of the poet
to her eyes and lips and skin.
Those which he can only recall
in music– the slow andante
entangled in the coasts of her body.
Come morning you wake
to the tune of silence.'
~my beloved husband
#ManCrushMonday Tú eres mi día, mi noche, mi todo. Las estrellas brillan más por ti. Te amo, mí corazón, eres mi Dios. 'Take my heart Kindle it with your heart' https://youtu.be/AAfPBuFjW9M
~ first days of spring 20 mar 2019~

21 march 2019
ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife, @SkyBoivin
ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ~ SpringEquinox
℣ˑ https://t.co/bgvj8DBwt7
~blessed ostra, mi corazon https://t.co/eJMxp1P6zw
2 apr 2019
ೇ {rt lord byron
there is powerful magic
in new beginnings}
{ rt https://twitter.com/0riginalGillies/status/1019101791835869185?s=20
'Love is a vision, a firefly that majestically glows in the night'
{ rt https://twitter.com/0riginalGillies/status/1019101791835869185?s=20
'Love is a vision, a firefly that majestically glows in the night'
~ to worship every single dawn. ℣ˑ
4 apr 2019
@VampireMotif_HT Breezy but quiet ;)
Playing in the falls ... *smirks*

*smug look* I may have climbed the rocks for these shots.... *giggles*

5 apr 2019
@VampireMotif_HT When I reached the top this morning on my walk. 4 of them ^_^ {video of hawks flying}
6 apr 2019
Simply because its probably not said enough
Siempre sé que pones una sonrisa en mi cara, gracias
~Las estrellas brillan más por ti, mí corazón. Te amo, siempre y para siempre a la Luna y de regreso.

7 apr 2019
campos de lavanda
~El delicioso aroma de la lavanda puede facilitar el sueño,
entre otras cosas. https://t.co/61OWKfBg16
{ rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1115090645725663233?s=19 solo from 7 apr 2019}
10 apr 2019
∫ @SkyBoivin
{rt https://twitter.com/AshmoleanMuseum/status/1115547472342941702?s=20
Today is #NationalUnicornDay! We don't have many unicorns in our collection, but here is one with a maiden drawn by Italian Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci. Brown ink on white paper c.1470}

12 apr 2019
Look! A dragon head *giggles*

22 april 2019
'Then I met you, & slowly but all at once my whole world began to change' -r.m.b #ManCrushMonday
~ magic was the first night we met. Music and poetry flowing like water along a babbling brook. Our love blossomed beyond our imagination and grows more each day♡
28 apr 2019
A faery’s song.
{rt Keats_Shelley
'Pale were the sweet lips I saw, Pale were the lips I kiss’d, and fair the form I floated with, about that melancholy storm.' John Keats transcribes these lines (As Hermes once took to his feathers light) on 16 April 1819. Five days later he has written La Belle Dame Sans Merci.}

19 apr 2019
Pink full moon tonight

Friday, April 19 A full pink moon will appear early that morning, according to a calendar published by The Old Farmer's Almanac.The April full moon might be a bit of a misnomer, but it still plays a pretty important role in the Christian tradition. The date on which the full pink moon appears has historically been used to determine when Easter will be observed. The holiday always falls on the Sunday following the first full moon that appears after the spring equinox. However, if the full moon falls on a Sunday, Easter will be held the following Sunday.
This rule dates back to 325 C.E., when a group of Christian churches called the First Council of Nicaea decided that the light of the full moon would help guide religious pilgrims as they traveled ahead of the holiday. Since the full moon will be visible on April 19 this year, Easter will be held on April 21.
18 apr 2019
~*hides a sweet treat for later in the refrigerator for her beloved after her trip out. She smirks because she hopes he doesnt sneak a bite without her later*

{ rt poetry in sunsets
and when
*smug look* I may have climbed the rocks for these shots.... *giggles*
5 apr 2019
@VampireMotif_HT When I reached the top this morning on my walk. 4 of them ^_^ {video of hawks flying}
6 apr 2019
Simply because its probably not said enough
Siempre sé que pones una sonrisa en mi cara, gracias
~Las estrellas brillan más por ti, mí corazón. Te amo, siempre y para siempre a la Luna y de regreso.
7 apr 2019
campos de lavanda
~El delicioso aroma de la lavanda puede facilitar el sueño,
entre otras cosas. https://t.co/61OWKfBg16
https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1116405518342422532?s=20 {solo 7 apr 2019}
{ rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1115090645725663233?s=19 solo from 7 apr 2019}
10 apr 2019
∫ @SkyBoivin
{rt https://twitter.com/AshmoleanMuseum/status/1115547472342941702?s=20
Today is #NationalUnicornDay! We don't have many unicorns in our collection, but here is one with a maiden drawn by Italian Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci. Brown ink on white paper c.1470}
12 apr 2019
Look! A dragon head *giggles*
22 april 2019
'Then I met you, & slowly but all at once my whole world began to change' -r.m.b #ManCrushMonday
~ magic was the first night we met. Music and poetry flowing like water along a babbling brook. Our love blossomed beyond our imagination and grows more each day♡

28 apr 2019
A faery’s song.
{rt Keats_Shelley
'Pale were the sweet lips I saw, Pale were the lips I kiss’d, and fair the form I floated with, about that melancholy storm.' John Keats transcribes these lines (As Hermes once took to his feathers light) on 16 April 1819. Five days later he has written La Belle Dame Sans Merci.}
19 apr 2019
Pink full moon tonight
Friday, April 19 A full pink moon will appear early that morning, according to a calendar published by The Old Farmer's Almanac.The April full moon might be a bit of a misnomer, but it still plays a pretty important role in the Christian tradition. The date on which the full pink moon appears has historically been used to determine when Easter will be observed. The holiday always falls on the Sunday following the first full moon that appears after the spring equinox. However, if the full moon falls on a Sunday, Easter will be held the following Sunday.
This rule dates back to 325 C.E., when a group of Christian churches called the First Council of Nicaea decided that the light of the full moon would help guide religious pilgrims as they traveled ahead of the holiday. Since the full moon will be visible on April 19 this year, Easter will be held on April 21.
18 apr 2019
~*hides a sweet treat for later in the refrigerator for her beloved after her trip out. She smirks because she hopes he doesnt sneak a bite without her later*
{ rt poetry in sunsets
and when
I found your eyes
and saw me there
It felt like
you’d been waiting
for my arrival
for me to come home}
~blessed dreams, mí corazón

19 apr 2019
blessed morning , mí corazón

{rt onlyinindigo
Just after midnight.
~blessed dreams, mí corazón
19 apr 2019
blessed morning , mí corazón
{rt onlyinindigo
Just after midnight.
Fold me softly into the silence.
Tuck the darkness gently around my form.
Hold me there until the dawn.}

"There's this place in me where your fingerprints still rest, your kisses still linger, and your whispers softly echo. It's the place where a part of you will forever be a part of me."-GK ~te amo siempre y para siempre. a la Luna y de regreso

@VampireMotif_HT ೇ https://t.co/TVTlDbS6wc
20 apr 2019

21 apr 2019
{rt poetry in sunsets
He knows
"There's this place in me where your fingerprints still rest, your kisses still linger, and your whispers softly echo. It's the place where a part of you will forever be a part of me."-GK ~te amo siempre y para siempre. a la Luna y de regreso
@VampireMotif_HT ೇ https://t.co/TVTlDbS6wc
20 apr 2019
21 apr 2019
{rt poetry in sunsets
He knows
which buttons
to push
to make
my knees weak}
Easter, like spring is renewal of the year. Life springs anew in the world (gardens) and thus new adventures to be had and shared with dear loved ones. Here is to our new adventures to follow us on our ride. ~blessed Easter, mí corazón.

23 apr 2019
{video of bunny in yard}
Garden walk :)

24 apr 2019
*giggles* ello fern

25 apr 2019
♫ ♪♫ Days-they-fade-away All-that-matters-is-where-we-are-now / And-when-the-skies-are-grey My-demons-come-out-to-play I-promise-they-are-not-here-to-stay / You-can-fall-into-my-arms Fall-back-asleep ♪ ♫♫
days they fade away All that matters is where we are now/ All that I want is to be by your side/ There's one thing on my mind You look into my eyes, and then you know /I'll be there when you get lonely You have done the same for me/ You can fall into my arms Fall back Asleep

26 apr 2019
"When I saw you I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew" - Shakespeare ~Tú haces mis días y noches felices. mi amado esposo. No puedo imaginar querer estar en ningún otro lugar, pero aquí siempre y para siempre. ೇ

27 apr 2019
@0riginalGillies~today's travels found this ♡

@0riginalGillies The view♡

28 apr 2019
ೇ @SkyBoivin
~ lazy #SundayMorning ℣ˑ ━ ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ 𝓣𝓞ℬooks & blood orange-ginger-crepe cake

~ delicioso, mí corazón. Let us not forget your coffee, too. Lazy #SundayMorning ೇ

~*curls up with a book while she awaits for her beloved corazón to finish his momentary task. Really
smiling and thinking about lazy Sunday snuggles.*
∫ ILovЕ̃ThЕ̃QuiЕ̃tOfThЕ̃Night... 'The tale begun with one moment of fluttering immortality: he was blood thirsty for her. Immortality was in the eyes of his love, in the way fire danced at night around her heart.' https://soundcloud.com/margency/g-2 ━ ೇ ~ to worship every single dawn. #Off
Easter, like spring is renewal of the year. Life springs anew in the world (gardens) and thus new adventures to be had and shared with dear loved ones. Here is to our new adventures to follow us on our ride. ~blessed Easter, mí corazón.
23 apr 2019
Garden walk :)
24 apr 2019
*giggles* ello fern
25 apr 2019
♫ ♪♫ Days-they-fade-away All-that-matters-is-where-we-are-now / And-when-the-skies-are-grey My-demons-come-out-to-play I-promise-they-are-not-here-to-stay / You-can-fall-into-my-arms Fall-back-asleep ♪ ♫♫
days they fade away All that matters is where we are now/ All that I want is to be by your side/ There's one thing on my mind You look into my eyes, and then you know /I'll be there when you get lonely You have done the same for me/ You can fall into my arms Fall back Asleep
26 apr 2019
"When I saw you I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew" - Shakespeare ~Tú haces mis días y noches felices. mi amado esposo. No puedo imaginar querer estar en ningún otro lugar, pero aquí siempre y para siempre. ೇ
27 apr 2019
@0riginalGillies~today's travels found this ♡
@0riginalGillies The view♡
ೇ @SkyBoivin
~ lazy #SundayMorning ℣ˑ ━ ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ 𝓣𝓞ℬooks & blood orange-ginger-crepe cake
~ delicioso, mí corazón. Let us not forget your coffee, too. Lazy #SundayMorning ೇ
~*curls up with a book while she awaits for her beloved corazón to finish his momentary task. Really
smiling and thinking about lazy Sunday snuggles.*

∫ ILovЕ̃ThЕ̃QuiЕ̃tOfThЕ̃Night... 'The tale begun with one moment of fluttering immortality: he was blood thirsty for her. Immortality was in the eyes of his love, in the way fire danced at night around her heart.' https://soundcloud.com/margency/g-2 ━ ೇ ~ to worship every single dawn. #Off
29 apr 2019
~ cuddles, picnics Music and books Gardens and playing with the twins♡ Forever my heart, forever my home♡ wherever mí corazón is I shall be ೇ ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
~ *giggles in her thought to distract her Rey from his busy work day just just a short pause...*
~blessed dreams, mí corazón.
@0riginalGillies ೇ
'I have a ticket to a world
where we belong...'s.g.
~our hands entwined
As we hold close.
A love of ours
Beyond the ages of time.
Always new and exciting
Each day as we embrace,
Keeping close as can be
~morning snuggles and a hearty breakfast of blueberries and figs Before you head to working your new project around our little cottage. ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ೇ
*whispers* @0riginalGillies
It's #InternationalDanceDay *giggles*
~ 'music is perpetual, and only the hearing is intermittent.' ೇ
𝐼𝒻 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓎
𝐼'𝓁𝓁 𝓂𝒶𝓀𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒶 𝓃𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉
𝐿𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝓃𝑜 𝓃𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝒽𝒶𝓈 𝒷𝑒𝑒𝓃
𝒪𝓇 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝒷𝑒 𝒶𝑔𝒶𝒾𝓃
~*smiles and keeps close* I shall always stay, mí corazón. *whispers* Every night with you is always more special than the last

~springtime walks and flower edits~
~*smiles and keeps close* I shall always stay, mí corazón. *whispers* Every night with you is always more special than the last
~springtime walks and flower edits~

1 may 2019
ೇ {rt romdom
In her quietest moments she can almost hear him thinking about her across the miles}
@0riginalGillies Happy #MayDay2019 #BlessedBeltane https://twishort.com/7O2nc

~*now that she has finished the TO trilogy... and her beloved
@0riginalGillies appears to still be very busy in his business of the day, she pulls out book one of The Game Of Thrones, in the hope that he shall be done shortly...*
2 may 2019
~blessed #maymorning on this 2nd day of may, mí corazón.

ೇ thank you for being my #maymorning sun, from a magical spell of the enchanted wishing well: Ŧorever, 'til the end of the time, and that's the pledge I make. I love you ❤
Е̃ˑ ━ (21:20 - 2 may. 2018) #tbt NOLA [https://twitter.com/0riginalGillies/status/1043596281791299590…]
{video of fountain}
ೇ ~siempre y para siempre, mí corazón. todos mis deseos se hacen realidad gracias a ti. You are my #MayMorning sun. Te amo ❤S
ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ #MayDay2019 ~ BlessedBeltane ೇ「https://adaptablecharm.tumblr.com/private/184591192345/tumblr_pqv1poJGUG1ut5qbh…」
{Tumblr post and edit by @0riginalGillies💜

ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ #MayDay2019 ~ BlessedBeltane
ೇ Bonfires kindled with the first rays of the rising sun and burned through to the end. It was May Day again, and the sun burned bright and at break of day the hawthorn tree washes in dew. Lasting love, endlessly gorgeous.}
{rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1123602769519235080?s=20 }
*smirks and hums softly to herself as she leaves something on the counter for later...*

~blessed dreams and slumber, mí rey, mí corazón. @0riginalGillies
I shall guard your heart. Te amo, siempre y para siempre, A la luna y de regreso, Soy todo tuyo.

#tbt & #ꓛɥɐɹɐɔʇǝɹⱯɹɔᴬᵁ 「'8YearsLater Elijah's life is in Manosque, this village in France that he's deeply fond of.' ~ 2019 #ElijahJourney Happy. To praise the beautifully nostalgic twinklings of what eternity is made of.
{rt https://twitter.com/0riginalGillies/status/991896086762655744?s=20 }
━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ ~ forever hold this ℋeart that I give to you #MayMorning
@SkyBoivin ∫ ILovЕ̃ThЕ̃QuiЕ̃tOfThЕ̃Night
3 may 2019
~'𝒴𝑜𝓊𝓇𝓈 𝒾𝓈 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓁𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝒷𝓎 𝓌𝒽𝒾𝒸𝒽 𝓂𝓎 𝓈𝓅𝒾𝓇𝒾𝓉'𝓈 𝒷𝑜𝓇𝓃: - 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒶𝓇𝑒 𝓂𝓎 𝓈𝓊𝓃, 𝓂𝓎 𝓂𝑜𝑜𝓃, 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒶𝓁𝓁 𝓂𝓎 𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓇𝓈.'~𝐸𝐸𝒞 ~𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒷𝑒𝓎𝑜𝓃𝒹 𝒾𝓉 𝒶𝓁𝓁 𝒜𝓁𝓌𝒶𝓎𝓈 &𝒻𝑜𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇 ~S #MayMorning

~who would have ever thought that a quiet evening of CarЕ̃ssingPianoKЕ̃ys would ever lead us to now? #HappyOneYear my darling @0riginalGillies Our adventures are only beginning :) ೇ
{rt https://twitter.com/0riginalGillies/status/991891685889146880?s=20 }

@0riginalGillies ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ~ I love you endlessly and beyond #oneyearAnniversary
4 may 2019
@0riginalGillies ~lost in the sea of white silk sheets, tender caresses all night long. Losing themselves to their name on the others lips Free in the moment Unthinking Just feeling As the world disappears ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ೇ ILovЕ̃ThЕ̃QuiЕ̃tOfThЕ̃Night OneYear
~ learning how to make music with each other's heartstrings: sunlight in your touch, a living and breathing symphony. #off

{rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1125651168666050560?s=20
~blessed dreams, mí amor. Til the morning comes again ♡


~Gracias, mi corazón ❤🌹

~"...They pull each other close

{rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1128507899456696321?s=20 }
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ 「https://twitter.com/L0RD_BYRON/status/1063703451320762368…」
there is a power
in her blood
not to be denied
waiting for the one
willing to be changed

♫ ♪♫ 'cause-your-shine-is-something-like-a-mirror And-I-can't-help-but-notice, you-reflect-in-this-heart-of-mine... ♪ ♫♫
♫ ♪♫ ...we're making two reflections into one 'Cause it's like you're my mirror My mirror staring back at me...♫ ♪♫

ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
{rt myarousingheart
“She buried her face into my neck,
slid her arms under my jacket,
and disappeared for a while.”
~good morning blessings, mí corazón. Hope you slumbered well, mi amor.

swamp walk This was the little waterfalls. Now grown over and hidden ;)
ೇ @0riginalGillies

~no hay corazón en este mundo, que puede amarte más que el mio ೇ ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ #TemptationTuesday
{~ there is no heart in this world, that can love you more than mine}

{other edits

~ Do you have any idea how rare love is? You can’t find it even in eternity of time. But If you meet it, your world will never be the same. ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ

23 may 2019
@0riginalGillies ~blessed morning, mí amor. *she whispers upon his ear as he still slumbers* Je les ferai toujours pour vous ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ೇ

{other edits

ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ ~ NewOrleans 𝒯𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒟𝒾𝓈𝒶𝓅𝓅𝑒𝒶𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝐿𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 TheAllureOfDarkness ~ OldOrleans ˑ Foggy nights /& memories/ 'Highlights of yesterday' ᴸᵀ℣┇ℰӍ [Imagesᵛᶤᵃfrenchmenstreet&thedeis_fotos]

Blessed dreams, mí corazón.

~morning blessings, mí corazón. Happy fri-yay. Here's to a relaxing day

come with me to tír na nóg/ From the shores through the ancient mist/You bear the mark of my elven kiss/I will take you home/ToEternalBliss/We build our life of a sacred ground/Come my love, our world's may part/We'll be safe and sound

@0riginalGillies ~ "I'll never finish falling in love with you" -N.W. ~ everyday that passes, I fall just a little bit more. ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ

25 may 2019
@0riginalGillies ~Saturday morning blessings, mí corazón. #MayMorning kisses from your sun.

swamp walk♡

@0riginalGillies ~mi rey, mi corazón, tú eres mí luna y mí canción. Siempre amaré nuestras melodías y canciones que compartimos. ೇ ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
{~ my king, my heart, you are my moon and my song. I will always love our melodies and songs that we share.}

~ all night /until the indefinite unshapen dawn/ upon mine heart I felt her warm heart beat /like angel—winged./ Night-long within mine arms in love and sleep she lay (Е̃ˑD) ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ

~comforted arms of home/ my home/ my herthfire/ his heart beats against mine/ Each and every night/ until the morning comes/ and beyond the sunrise

26 may 2019

Played in the garden earlier, and of course had to play with the flowers *smirks*

@0riginalGillies ~evening blessings, mí corazón, mí luna, mí rey.

ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ https://twitter.com/lustvauIt/status/1124088470530666497
~*whispers* maybe it is a number of special little things combined, mí corazón. We flow like a melody of a song upon the wind, with our own little harmony to contrast along with it. Blessed dreams and slumber, mí rey, te amo.
{other edits

27 may 2019
~my #mancrushmonday @0riginalGillies Haces de cada día y cada noche más especial que el anterior. Las estrellas brillan más por ti. tu sonrisa me hace sonreír. te quiero hasta la luna y más allá. ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉೇ
{~ my #mancrushmonday
You make every day and night more special than the last. The stars shine brighter for you. Your smile makes me smile. I love you to the moon and beyond. ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ೇ}
Removed the old trellis and built a new one. Then pruned the dead stuff from the primroses. Lots of new life underneath it all♡

~an evening picnic to wind down a manic Monday for you, mí corazón. @0riginalGillies


ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ https://twitter.com/L0RD_BYRON/status/1165533027306336256…」
{I'll leave you
when breath leaves me
the sun goes dark
and the universe ends}

I'll leave you
when breath leaves me
the sun goes dark
and the universe ends
And even then
I shall still be by your side
Holding fast
To a love so strong
I'll leave you
When my eyes close forever
the stars fail to shine
And the world stops turning
I'll leave you
When words fail my lips
Melodies cease to be
And Morpheus has won finally
Until such time
I'll hold you close to my heart
Guard your dreams
And keep you safe
Now and always

28 may 2019
~Tuesday morning blessings on this beautiful tempting Tuesday, mí corazón. *A hearty breakfast she leaves on their besdie table for when he wakens from his slumber after their beautifully shared evening.* Te amo ahora y siempre, más allá de la luna y las estrellas.*she whispers*

29 may 2019
~blessed morning, mí corazón. A hearty breakfast for a beautiful sunny fri-yay monring *smiles and kisses his cheek*

~ quiet evening, magical music and snuggles. There's nowhere else I'd rather be than here, with mí corazón.

15 june 2019
@0riginalGillies ~ blessed evening dreams, mí corazón, mi Rey.
Te amo ahora y siempre, más allá de la luna y las estrellas.

~ quiet blessed evenings with you is all I ever want...
23 june 2019
~*smirks and giggles* ¡mí corazón! I just found this, blueberry goat cheese coconut ice cream... so I made sure to bring it home just for you.

@0riginalGillies ~blessed #SeductiveSunday morning, mí corazón. Tú encanto te cuidará, siempre. ೇ ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ Ahora y siempre.
I love you endlessly and beyond. The love of my light (life), my faЕ̃ry’s song ೇ Now&Always ℣ˑ 「https://soundcloud.com/margency/mtk」 ━ There's nothing like your smile made of 𝒮un ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ

#midnight𝓢unn ~ 'night crossing: black coal of dream... Love, because of it, tie me to a purer movement, to the grip on life / with the wings of a submerged swan.' ―𝒮₇₉ˑ ━ ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
~Blessed dreams, mí corazón. *she snuggles in close to guard his heart as he guards her dreams. The perfect end to their peaceful evening together.

@0riginalGillies ~a quiet evening to end a manic Monday. Peaceful night with fireflies dancing in the garden and sweet treats to end the beginning of a new week. ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ೇ

~firefly.... in the grass
{video of fireflies in grass }
~ tú encanto cuidará de ti esta noche,blessed dreams, mí amor ♡

25 june 2019
@0riginalGillies ~blessed morning, mí corazón. Here is to a not so manic day ahead.

~ *she places some rose ice cream in the freezer to await for her beloved esposo's return from his business *

@0riginalGillies bienvenido a casa, mi corazón. Peaceful evening to end a busy day... ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
@0riginalGillies ~blessed dreams,mí rey. I shall always guard your heart in our slumbers.

@0riginalGillies ~blessed Saturday morning, mí corazón.
@0riginalGillies ~let us make it a lazy Saturday and forget the busy week that is now behind us, mí amor. Tomorrow is another day. And today is ahora y siempre. ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
{other edits

30 june 2019
ೇ @SkyBoivin
#SundayMorning ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ~ Gardening is the purest of human pleasures. It slows us down and forces patience, sets us back into the slow circles of nature. {#ᴀᴋғ} ━ 'Heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul.' -Voltaire

ೇ ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ #sundaymorning ~ a connection with the earth, the dirt is the best way to ground and purify our soul to become ourselves once again. - "The garden suggests there might be a place where we can meet nature halfway" michael pollan

~ blessed dreams, mí corazón. *holds close to guard his heart and ease his mind as she tries to drift back to sleep*

@0riginalGillies "Only once in your life, I truly believe, you find someone who can completely turn your world around/ they build you up and show you the things about yourself that make you special and even beautiful"-BM ~eres verdaderamente mi alma hermoso, mí corazón. Te amo
1 july 2019
"I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where/so intimate that your Hand Upon My Chest is my hand, so intimate that when I fall asleep your eyes close"-pn
~yourWordsAlwaysBrings smilesToMyLips/cant imageLovingAnyoneElse
Te amo
@0riginalGillies ~ blessed manic monday morning, mí corazón. Let us hope there is no actual manic to tha day;)

2 july 2019
@0riginalGillies ೇ "Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."-LT
~ morning blessings mí corazón. Here is to a mild tuesday.

@0riginalGillies "Every moment I spend with you is like a beautiful dream come true." ~*she spends the afternoon preparing the perfect quiet evening, starting with a simple small meal and then thinks on a possible dessert. But not before grabbing his favorite drink*

{other edits

ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ〚#ᵀʰᵉᴴᵒˡˡᵒʷ𝚂𝙻𝙻 'Love will find a way through paths where wolves fear to prey. / Here’s a heart for every fate.' -LB
3 july 2019
~Blessed morning, mí corazón. hoping for a not so manic day this day. ' When I tell you I love you, I don't say it out of habit. I say it to remind you that you're the best thing that ever happened to me.'

@0riginalGillies Sometimes I look at you and I wonder how I got to be so damn lucky.


4 july 2019
"Every moment I spend with you is like a beautiful dream come true." ~blessed morning, mí corazón.

~missing her beloved...

@0riginalGillies ~Happy Thursday and happy 4th of july
{other edits

ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife, @SkyBoivin
~ le ciel bleu ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ᨀ Now&Always ℣ˑ

♡ -sky


5 july 2019
blessed morning, mí corazón

@0riginalGillies ~blessed dreams , mí corazón

{other edits

"I must have wished for you so hard and so often that you had no choice but to come true." ~ each time the sun rises and when the moon sits high in the sky, I count my blessings on how lucky it was you came in my life when you did.♡

@0riginalGillies Back to gillette castle tonight... and just as the sun was setting too ♡♡


Cheshire smiles in the sky tonight

6 july 2019
"Imagining a life without you is something that is impossible, you make me complete and I want you to know you mean everything to me." ~each day is a blessing, having you near to me. Each whisper, smile, any other moment in between that we share, cherished ೇ
{rt ೇ https://twitter.com/ItsFoodPorn/status/1147715114637897734 }
Ooo... yumm... ;)
Happy #InternationalKissingDay
morning blessings, mí corazón
7 july 2019
@0riginalGillies ೇ
~blessed #lazysunday mí corazón. Here's to a relaxing day of snuggles. "Spending time with you is so precious and I love every minute that we are together" ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ

ೇ ~let us end #lazysunday and begin the new week with a quiet, relaxing evening. Picnic, boat ride, nothing but you and me♡ ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ᴱᵛᵉⁿⁱⁿᵍˢ𝒜𝒽𝑜𝓇𝒶 𝓎 𝒮𝒾𝑒𝓂𝓅𝓇𝑒

{other edits

8 july 2019
~fairy's song~
It is him, and his love,
That brings out her song.
She hums happily along
As she goes about her days.
Carrying baskets for flowers
Back in from the gardens,
To be shared inside,
As their twins frolic and giggle
With the bunnies along their way.
They share their love
Of songs, words, and stories.
His smile and beautiful words,
Brings her simple joys each day.
His arms are her peace.
Whenever they're together,
They share simple pleasures.
Simple happiness they have found
within each other.
They tell faye stories and caress
piano keys each evening
As the moonlight fills their room.
She became the music he
worshipped every single dawn.
And she sang her fairy's song only
for him. ~

9 july 2019
~blessed morning, mí corazón. Here's is to start another manic Monday to hoping it is not actually so manic in the end.ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ


https://twitter.com/0riginalGillies/status/1148094175038124032?s=20~ happy Sunday and happy#WorldChocolateDay, myQueen 🍫❤

~happy #WorldChocolateDay mí rey. 🍫💜a wonderful way to end our happy little sunday ;)

{rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1147946397540466688?s=20}
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ〚#ᵀʰᵉᴴᵒˡˡᵒʷ𝚂𝙻𝙻 「https://twitter.com/L0RD_BYRON/status/1044486577643110400…」
{lord byron
I don't really know
ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife, @SkyBoivin ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ~ soft twinkle of stars and galaxies fading in and out. ᶠᶤʳᵉᶠˡᶤᵉˢˑ[https://adaptablecharm.tumblr.com/private/186182236010/tumblr_puexu1bsdC1ut5qbh…] ⁸˒ ¹⁰ & ²² ᴶᵘˡʸ ²⁰¹⁸

~fireflies slowly make their dance through the gardens, to light up the branches. ೇ ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ

11 july 2019
@0riginalGillies ೇ
~ a year ago seems so far away,
As the moon kindles the night as the wind kindles the fire As the rain fills every ocean And the sun, the earth Let your heart kindle my heart Take my heart Take my heart Kindle it with your heart And my heart cannot be Kindled without you Let your heart kindle my heart...

{rt poetryinsunsets
I woke up
from what
I thought
was a dream
but you are
absolutely real
who is able
to make me feel
even from a distance}
13 july 2019
@0riginalGillies ~Saturday morning blessings, mí corazón. Let us have a relaxing weekend.

@ 0riginalGillies ೇ My heart, I love you now and forever, beyond the moon and the stars. #sultrysaturday ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ

@0riginalGillies ~ a relaxing evening after a crazy week, mí rey. Nothing but gentle breezes and quiet evening ahead. ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ

19 july 2019
@ 0riginalGillies
ೇ ~bienvenido a casa, mi amor.
sueños benditos, mí corazón. lo mantiene cerca mientras ella se queda dormida. *susurros * tu encanto siempre te cuidará
{~ welcome home, my love. Blessed dreams, my heart. Keeps him close while she falls asleep. * whispers * your charm will always take care of you }ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
{other edit
~ let us enjoy the weekend like this...

ೇ "When you feel all alone/When darkness is upon your door and You feel like you can't take anymore/Let me be the one you call/If you need to fall apart I can mend a broken heart/If you need to crash then crash and burn/You're not alone"


@0riginalGillies * ella camina por los jardines mientras espera a que su amada regrese a casa *
{rtYour Desires https://twitter.com/desires_your/status/1069369190916665344?s=20
can still
feel your kiss
#CarnalVerse #Sixwords #123words
#art Amanda Redmond
21 july 2019
@0riginalGillies Bocadillo de la tarde para este domingo.

@0riginalGillies ~*dreaming of sunday snuggles on this lazy Sunday, wishing for the arms of her corazón she has been missing all week.*

@0riginalGillies #SultrySunday

my darling corazón
Look at what the fates have done along the path of life. Never would have one thought one night strolling along and stumbling upon beautiful piano music; sitting beside a just as beautiful of a soul playing it; and a friend to share in the love of music, songs and poetry, would lead us to here?

Imagine that it all started with a simple #happypiano and caressing of piano keys. And before we knew it, it was the telling of Faye stories and other stories, whispered in the moonlight nights. Watching fireflies dance along the garden. To an evening picnic, with yummy treats and a small red box hidden within your pocket, with a question on the tip of your tongue. and then leading us to now.
Magic was in the air that night. And now a year has come full circle, to begin anew. With new stories, to tell and the share. New songs for us to share, and to make together /in only the way/ we can.

You have inspired me in so many ways, I cannot even express some days. I shall never allow your light to shimmer out, but hope you will remember in you dark times that I am here to be your guiding light. I promised you , that one night, not long ago, that I would always make sure the light never fades. And you still have my word, darling. You are my Faery’s song each and every day.

And as our story and symphony of songs continues to grow /as we continue to write it, with each pen stroke, and each key stroke of the musical note, so shall our love continue to only grow from here. We now add our beautiful twins and who know what else the fates may have planned to our little story ;) ? Only time shall tell as we make more in time.

I am very blessed every day that you have shared the ticket to ride to the place beyond the stars with me, my corazón. I can’t imagine sharing this ride with anyone other than you.

♡ ~ tú encanto ahora y siempre, te amo ahora y siempre, más allá de la luna y las estrellas.
{July 10, 18, 22}
solo thread below~
With her uneasy and restless ways this past week, she has also been feeling more alone. Sure, she has their daughters to keep her busy. The little seven month olds running around on their tiny legs and making giggles echo along their cottage and grounds. So she had more than enough to be keeping her busy, fear not. But, it was the sheer fact that her beloved had also been away all week.
Surely, he made it home in the wee hours a couple of evenings, as she lay slumbering in their bed. But, he had been silent in his returns. She sensed something was different with him lately. But he was closing himself off from her once again. She wished to help him, she desired to be doing so. It pained her to see her heart in such a disarray of his own mind.
Was it the Hollow? She wondered to herself this particular morning. She stood out on their balcony, looking down along the grounds of their property here in Manosque. She didn't not for sure, but if he would only talk with her on it, maybe she could help him. And maybe he would be able to sleep easier once again. The breeze gently kissed her long blonde tresses as she stood silently thinking. She closed her eyes to its touch, imagining his hands there instead. How she longed for his gentle caress through her tresses. Longed to fee his lips once again. She whispered without thinking, "How much longer will you be away for, my dearest heart? Your girls miss you so..." only the breeze relied, kissing her tresses once again. Its coolness a temporary relief to the summer heat of the day as the sun blared down with intense humidity upon the land for yet another day.
She merely wrapped her arms around herself, and then tilting her head downward slightly to hold back any tears from her longings. Now was not a time to dwell on such matters. She squeezed her arms in her palms a brief moment before wiping her eyes with the back of her hand and quickly turning around to head inside their bedroom and begin the day.
She quickly heads off to change into a light and flowy summer dress and then heads off to ready Samantha and Solveig for the day. After slipping them into simple dresses, and getting their hair ~brushed and fed breakfast, she sets them off to play in the quiet of their living room. She busies herself in a project she thought of doing just the other day.
With their anniversary coming up quickly, she thought of making a small scrapbook to gift her beloved Elijah for ~such an occasion. After all, the first anniversary was paper. She smiles to herself as she hums happily when she sets to work with papers, and photographs now scattered along their dining table.
She cuts and glues in various arrangements into a small square book she lovingly ~added tiny wooden hearts to and penned in their initials on each one. She pauses after a few to watch their twins playing happily across the cottage in the open room.
She rests her chin into her glue covered hands and sighs softy as she watches them, wondering once again when he would return as he was missing these little moments with them. She then thinks to pick up the camera near her and begins to get a few photos snapped to include in their scrapbook so that he doesn't miss out after all. She spends the afternoon doing this instead and forgetting the cutter she had on the table.
21 july 2019
ೇ Bocadillo de la tarde para este domingo.



22 july 2019
One year ago I made a marriage proposal to my beloved queen. I worship every single dawn that I spend here. I can't imagine loving anyone the way I love you, @SkyBoivin
and I am so grateful for the life that we share. ೇ Fire flies. Fire, fly. Life&Hope ahead. #1928ClosDuMonet

and I can't imagine anything more perfect than sharing each moment by your side, mí corazón. I so happy you asked me to share in this chapter of life.

#manCrushMonday #mancrushEveryday "Imagining a life without you is something that is impossible, you make me complete and I want you to know you mean everything to me." ~I'm thankful each day you have asked that day to share in your life story/I can't imagine sharing w anyoneElse
{rt https://twitter.com/0riginalGillies/status/1021228529646698496?s=20 }
{ https://queenfayesky.tumblr.com/post/186504744702 }
@0riginalGillies ~blessed Saturday morning, my darling. Here is to a relaxing end to a crazy week. ♡

@0riginalGillies ~after the day, she waits and watches over the gardens, sipping her mug of hot chocolate awaiting her beloved esposo to return home *

@0riginalGillies *she lays in bed, resting her eyes and dreaming dreams of what may come to be....*

28 july 2019

~these were pretty... ♡ ;)

@0riginalGillies Blessed morning, mí corazón. ♡ Let us have a relaxing start to a new week

@0riginalGillies "Spending time with you is so precious and I love every minute that we are together."


29 july 2019
My #ManCrushMonday #ManCrushEveryday @0riginalGillies
~ together we shall create more to our Faery'sSongs and build upon our chapter of life. Your smile always brings me great comfort and joy. ♡ ೇ tú encanto ahora y siempre

ೇ @SkyBoivin 🌹 ~ 'Love itself is what is left over when being /in love/ has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident.' ―LdeB #ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉMonday RosesBloomAgain ℣ˑ

{video of fountain }
ೇ ~"love you without knowing how, or when, or from where/ so intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand, so intimate that when I fall asleep your eyes close." -PN #ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉMonday

My #ManCrushMonday #ManCrushEveryday
~ together we shall create more to our Faery'sSongs and build upon our chapter of life. Your smile always brings me great comfort and joy. ♡ ೇ tú encanto ahora y siempre.
ೇᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ @0riginalGillies ~ each note, pen stroke, chapter... we are the melodies and harmonies of our shared song♡
{ https://twitter.com/inkandstars/status/1155866639918931968?s=19 }

~ begins solo ೇnow and always part 2 chapter 4
{ https://www.wattpad.com/765094975-now-and-always~-part-2-ch4-discovering-rooms }

ೇ *whistle innocently*

~solo~ After the day before’s discovery of new rooms and their condition, she set out early the next morning to fix them up further. She starts with the two identical rooms she feels would be perfect for their twins. Not too much work was going to be needed in these rooms, she planned out her task as she carried the bucket of water up the stairs with the washing clothes and the mop. She already had a waste basket in another room from where she left off the other day. She sets the bucket in a corner and turns to the other room to grab the waste basket and the broom. She hums the tune from their first meetings and twirls around the room as she sweeps the old piles of dirt, dust, and crumbling plaster along the floor. Smiling as she goes, she scoops it all up in a swift motion and then pauses with the broom stick in her hand. She sways the broomstick slightly as she stands in the middle of the room once she was done, thinking out loud on her next task to be done.

ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife, @SkyBoivin


{tumblr post- it's the little things https://queenfayesky.tumblr.com/post/186715452537/its-the-little-things }

{other edit

there are no lost souls

susurra *dulce madreselva siempre será tuya. ¿Qué susurran los lirios? tu eres mi cancion, mi corazon. *ella sonríe suavemente
~ahora y siempre, mí corazón.


*smirks* mí dios...

*smirks* mí dios...




{other edit


she has so bewitched my eyes






ೇ {rt romdom
In her quietest moments she can almost hear him thinking about her across the miles}
@0riginalGillies Happy #MayDay2019 #BlessedBeltane https://twishort.com/7O2nc
~*now that she has finished the TO trilogy... and her beloved
@0riginalGillies appears to still be very busy in his business of the day, she pulls out book one of The Game Of Thrones, in the hope that he shall be done shortly...*
2 may 2019
~blessed #maymorning on this 2nd day of may, mí corazón.
ೇ thank you for being my #maymorning sun, from a magical spell of the enchanted wishing well: Ŧorever, 'til the end of the time, and that's the pledge I make. I love you ❤
Е̃ˑ ━ (21:20 - 2 may. 2018) #tbt NOLA [https://twitter.com/0riginalGillies/status/1043596281791299590…]
{video of fountain}
ೇ ~siempre y para siempre, mí corazón. todos mis deseos se hacen realidad gracias a ti. You are my #MayMorning sun. Te amo ❤S
ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ #MayDay2019 ~ BlessedBeltane ೇ「https://adaptablecharm.tumblr.com/private/184591192345/tumblr_pqv1poJGUG1ut5qbh…」
{Tumblr post and edit by @0riginalGillies💜

ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ #MayDay2019 ~ BlessedBeltane
ೇ Bonfires kindled with the first rays of the rising sun and burned through to the end. It was May Day again, and the sun burned bright and at break of day the hawthorn tree washes in dew. Lasting love, endlessly gorgeous.}
{rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1123602769519235080?s=20 }
*smirks and hums softly to herself as she leaves something on the counter for later...*
~blessed dreams and slumber, mí rey, mí corazón. @0riginalGillies
I shall guard your heart. Te amo, siempre y para siempre, A la luna y de regreso, Soy todo tuyo.
#tbt & #ꓛɥɐɹɐɔʇǝɹⱯɹɔᴬᵁ 「'8YearsLater Elijah's life is in Manosque, this village in France that he's deeply fond of.' ~ 2019 #ElijahJourney Happy. To praise the beautifully nostalgic twinklings of what eternity is made of.
{rt https://twitter.com/0riginalGillies/status/991896086762655744?s=20 }
━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ ~ forever hold this ℋeart that I give to you #MayMorning
@SkyBoivin ∫ ILovЕ̃ThЕ̃QuiЕ̃tOfThЕ̃Night
~*whispers* I shall guard your heart always, mí corazón. #MayMorning
3 may 2019
~'𝒴𝑜𝓊𝓇𝓈 𝒾𝓈 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓁𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝒷𝓎 𝓌𝒽𝒾𝒸𝒽 𝓂𝓎 𝓈𝓅𝒾𝓇𝒾𝓉'𝓈 𝒷𝑜𝓇𝓃: - 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒶𝓇𝑒 𝓂𝓎 𝓈𝓊𝓃, 𝓂𝓎 𝓂𝑜𝑜𝓃, 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒶𝓁𝓁 𝓂𝓎 𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓇𝓈.'~𝐸𝐸𝒞 ~𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒷𝑒𝓎𝑜𝓃𝒹 𝒾𝓉 𝒶𝓁𝓁 𝒜𝓁𝓌𝒶𝓎𝓈 &𝒻𝑜𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇 ~S #MayMorning
~who would have ever thought that a quiet evening of CarЕ̃ssingPianoKЕ̃ys would ever lead us to now? #HappyOneYear my darling @0riginalGillies Our adventures are only beginning :) ೇ
{rt https://twitter.com/0riginalGillies/status/991891685889146880?s=20 }
@0riginalGillies ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ~ I love you endlessly and beyond #oneyearAnniversary
4 may 2019
@0riginalGillies ~lost in the sea of white silk sheets, tender caresses all night long. Losing themselves to their name on the others lips Free in the moment Unthinking Just feeling As the world disappears ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ೇ ILovЕ̃ThЕ̃QuiЕ̃tOfThЕ̃Night OneYear
Each and every night.
Her soft sounds;
His desires upon his ears,

Neck kisses before
Neck kisses before
Laying upon white silk sheets.
Entrancing and sweet.
5 may 2019
#maymorning @0riginalGillies ~Lazy sundays, breakfast in bed.


6 may 2019
#ManCrushMonday @0riginalGillies ~Lazy Sunday mornings, Kisses from the morning sun, Snuggles&cuddles. CarЕ̃ssingPianoKЕ̃ys& TellingFAErieStories In the quiet of the night. Nothing better of our time well spent other than making our own music together.
~ here is your coffee and breakfast for you manic monaday

~ quiet, relaxing evening ahead ♡

7 may 2019

5 may 2019
#maymorning @0riginalGillies ~Lazy sundays, breakfast in bed.
6 may 2019
#ManCrushMonday @0riginalGillies ~Lazy Sunday mornings, Kisses from the morning sun, Snuggles&cuddles. CarЕ̃ssingPianoKЕ̃ys& TellingFAErieStories In the quiet of the night. Nothing better of our time well spent other than making our own music together.
~ *smirks* #ManCrushEveryday There is just something about him... *giggles*
~ here is your coffee and breakfast for you manic monaday
~ quiet, relaxing evening ahead ♡
7 may 2019
~ learning how to make music with each other's heartstrings: sunlight in your touch, a living and breathing symphony. #off
{rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1125651168666050560?s=20
~blessed dreams, mí amor. Til the morning comes again ♡
8 may 2019
Garden walk First blooms♡♡

And then 7 of these guys soaring overhead♡♡


9 may 2019
~blessed dreams, mí corazón

10 may 2019
blessed Friday morning, mí corazón
11 may 2019
~blessed Saturday, mí corazón.

The Secret
Garden walk First blooms♡♡
And then 7 of these guys soaring overhead♡♡
9 may 2019
~blessed dreams, mí corazón
10 may 2019
blessed Friday morning, mí corazón

11 may 2019
~blessed Saturday, mí corazón.
The Secret
you are my music
my heart doesn't beat
without you
the secret is
you are my song
my soul ebbs and flows
just for you
the secret is
you are my poetry
my veins pulse
at the thoughts of you
the secret is
I love you
12 may 2019
𝑅𝑒̂𝓋𝑒 𝒹'𝓊𝓃 𝒜𝓃𝑔𝑒 ೇ Happy MothersDay!
I love you, my faЕ̃ry’s song
12 may 2019
𝑅𝑒̂𝓋𝑒 𝒹'𝓊𝓃 𝒜𝓃𝑔𝑒 ೇ Happy MothersDay!
I love you, my faЕ̃ry’s song
⎝ ℣ˑ 「https://soundcloud.com/margency/amll」
━ ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ~ SundayMorning
~Gracias, mi corazón ❤🌹
~"...They pull each other close
Wrapped in the sea of white silk sheets.
Only the silent shadows watch,
As they slumber in the early morning hours
Entwined in each other
In the coolness of the silk sheets."

~ You are my music and I listen to you ceaselessly. /Drafts on your skin,/ a dance between heaven and earth, the ebb and flow of life. ℣ˑ

{rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1127365279170859008?s=20 }
~ You are my music and I listen to you ceaselessly. /Drafts on your skin,/ a dance between heaven and earth, the ebb and flow of life. ℣ˑ

{rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1127365279170859008?s=20 }
13 may 2019
#ManCrushMonday @0riginalGillies
"The secret is
#ManCrushMonday @0riginalGillies
"The secret is
you are my music
my heart doesn't beat
without you
the secret is
you are my song
my soul ebbs and flows
just for you
the secret is
you are my poetry
my veins pulse
at the thoughts of you
the secret is
I love you"
~SB ~te amo
14 may 2019
'I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride/ so close that your hand on my chest is my hand, so close that your eyes close as I fall asleep.' PN.

ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ 「https://twitter.com/L0RD_BYRON/status/1128193198411542528…
she reads the secrets
between my lines
knows me better
than I know myself}
{rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1127781316748087296?s=20 }
~blessed dreams, mí corazón. Te amo siempre y para siempre.

15 may 2019
~morning blessings, mí corazón. Some breakfast and coffee before you start your day.

@0riginalGillies ~did you know its #NationalChocolateChipDay Here's some some delicioso cookies.

14 may 2019
'I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride/ so close that your hand on my chest is my hand, so close that your eyes close as I fall asleep.' PN.
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ 「https://twitter.com/L0RD_BYRON/status/1128193198411542528…
she reads the secrets
between my lines
knows me better
than I know myself}
{rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1127781316748087296?s=20 }
~blessed dreams, mí corazón. Te amo siempre y para siempre.
15 may 2019
~morning blessings, mí corazón. Some breakfast and coffee before you start your day.
@0riginalGillies ~did you know its #NationalChocolateChipDay Here's some some delicioso cookies.
ೇ 'The near touch
Forehead to forehead
They stand silently
Eyes closed
Arms holding the other
It feels like a lifetime
A symphony to their song
Reality It held a melody
~ 𝓢ilence is as deep as eternity ℣ˑ 「https://chirb.it/mBdwKa」
{rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1128507899456696321?s=20 }
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ 「https://twitter.com/L0RD_BYRON/status/1063703451320762368…」
there is a power
in her blood
not to be denied
waiting for the one
willing to be changed

16 may 2019
🥝 {rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1128994684142014464?s=20

{other photo edit
@0riginalGillies~blessed dreams, mí corazón

17 may 2019
@0riginalGillies ~morning blessings, mí corazón
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
{rt lord byron
I have the same dream
🥝 {rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1128994684142014464?s=20
*smirks and giggles* I thought you might get a kick out of that one *wink*

@0riginalGillies~blessed dreams, mí corazón
17 may 2019
@0riginalGillies ~morning blessings, mí corazón
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
{rt lord byron
I have the same dream
every night
maybe because I treasure
her every day}
18 may 2019
~*she sets fresh baked pies on the open window sill to cool and heads to the gardens to pick some fresh lavender to sweeten the house*

swamp walk before the sunset♡

Not a clear shot from my distance. Deer drinking at the pond 💜🦌
{video of deer in the woods}
18 may 2019
~*she sets fresh baked pies on the open window sill to cool and heads to the gardens to pick some fresh lavender to sweeten the house*
swamp walk before the sunset♡
Not a clear shot from my distance. Deer drinking at the pond 💜🦌
{video of deer in the woods}

♫ ♪♫ 'cause-your-shine-is-something-like-a-mirror And-I-can't-help-but-notice, you-reflect-in-this-heart-of-mine... ♪ ♫♫
♫ ♪♫ ...we're making two reflections into one 'Cause it's like you're my mirror My mirror staring back at me...♫ ♪♫
{rt myarousingheart
“She buried her face into my neck,
slid her arms under my jacket,
and disappeared for a while.”
19 may 2019
(Fb.) ೇ @SkyBoivin
~ Lazy Sunday mornings ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ 🍒℣ˑ

~Lazy sunday mornings are always worth waiting for the end of the week to arrive. 🍒 ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ



∫ CarЕ̃ssingPianoKЕ̃ys
~ i fear
no fate (for you are my fate/ ) i want
no world (for beautiful you are my world/ )
& it’s you are whatever
& whatever a 𝒮un will alway𝒮 𝒮ing is you —EEC
ೇ Le𝒮 𝒮oirée𝒮 Nomade𝒮
#IvorySorceress 「https://chirb.it/2khBx5」
~I carry your heart with me (I carry it in my heart) I am never without it
(anywhere I go, you go, my dear; ...) -eec

~bienvenido a casa, mí corazón

20 may 2019
ೇ #ManCrushMonday ~ your smiles that always make me smile/ You always know just what to say/ time stands still / As the world rushes past us. Te amo, hasta la luna y de vuelta, siempre y para siempre.

ೇ ~Monday morning blessings, mí corazón. ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ

lonestar~ amazed~ everytime our eyes meet
21 may 2019
~blessed morning, mí corazón. Here is to another relaxing day ahead for us both.

@0riginalGillies ~swamp walk♡ collages



22 may 2019
(Fb.) ೇ @SkyBoivin
~ Lazy Sunday mornings ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ 🍒℣ˑ
~Lazy sunday mornings are always worth waiting for the end of the week to arrive. 🍒 ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ


∫ CarЕ̃ssingPianoKЕ̃ys
~ i fear
no fate (for you are my fate/ ) i want
no world (for beautiful you are my world/ )
& it’s you are whatever
& whatever a 𝒮un will alway𝒮 𝒮ing is you —EEC
ೇ Le𝒮 𝒮oirée𝒮 Nomade𝒮
#IvorySorceress 「https://chirb.it/2khBx5」
~I carry your heart with me (I carry it in my heart) I am never without it
(anywhere I go, you go, my dear; ...) -eec
~bienvenido a casa, mí corazón

20 may 2019
ೇ #ManCrushMonday ~ your smiles that always make me smile/ You always know just what to say/ time stands still / As the world rushes past us. Te amo, hasta la luna y de vuelta, siempre y para siempre.
ೇ ~Monday morning blessings, mí corazón. ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
lonestar~ amazed~ everytime our eyes meet
~blessed morning, mí corazón. Here is to another relaxing day ahead for us both.
@0riginalGillies ~swamp walk♡ collages
22 may 2019
~good morning blessings, mí corazón. Hope you slumbered well, mi amor.
swamp walk This was the little waterfalls. Now grown over and hidden ;)
ೇ @0riginalGillies
~no hay corazón en este mundo, que puede amarte más que el mio ೇ ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ #TemptationTuesday
{~ there is no heart in this world, that can love you more than mine}
{other edits

~ Do you have any idea how rare love is? You can’t find it even in eternity of time. But If you meet it, your world will never be the same. ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
23 may 2019
@0riginalGillies ~blessed morning, mí amor. *she whispers upon his ear as he still slumbers* Je les ferai toujours pour vous ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ೇ
{other edits

ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ ~ NewOrleans 𝒯𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒟𝒾𝓈𝒶𝓅𝓅𝑒𝒶𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝐿𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 TheAllureOfDarkness ~ OldOrleans ˑ Foggy nights /& memories/ 'Highlights of yesterday' ᴸᵀ℣┇ℰӍ [Imagesᵛᶤᵃfrenchmenstreet&thedeis_fotos]
Blessed dreams, mí corazón.
{other edit

~manosque, france. summer into fall 2019~
24 may 2019https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1131881473760464897?s=20
~morning blessings, mí corazón. Happy fri-yay. Here's to a relaxing day
come with me to tír na nóg/ From the shores through the ancient mist/You bear the mark of my elven kiss/I will take you home/ToEternalBliss/We build our life of a sacred ground/Come my love, our world's may part/We'll be safe and sound
@0riginalGillies ~ "I'll never finish falling in love with you" -N.W. ~ everyday that passes, I fall just a little bit more. ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ

@0riginalGillies ~Saturday morning blessings, mí corazón. #MayMorning kisses from your sun.

swamp walk♡
@0riginalGillies ~mi rey, mi corazón, tú eres mí luna y mí canción. Siempre amaré nuestras melodías y canciones que compartimos. ೇ ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
{~ my king, my heart, you are my moon and my song. I will always love our melodies and songs that we share.}

~ all night /until the indefinite unshapen dawn/ upon mine heart I felt her warm heart beat /like angel—winged./ Night-long within mine arms in love and sleep she lay (Е̃ˑD) ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
~comforted arms of home/ my home/ my herthfire/ his heart beats against mine/ Each and every night/ until the morning comes/ and beyond the sunrise
26 may 2019

Played in the garden earlier, and of course had to play with the flowers *smirks*
@0riginalGillies ~evening blessings, mí corazón, mí luna, mí rey.
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ https://twitter.com/lustvauIt/status/1124088470530666497
~*whispers* maybe it is a number of special little things combined, mí corazón. We flow like a melody of a song upon the wind, with our own little harmony to contrast along with it. Blessed dreams and slumber, mí rey, te amo.

27 may 2019

~my #mancrushmonday @0riginalGillies Haces de cada día y cada noche más especial que el anterior. Las estrellas brillan más por ti. tu sonrisa me hace sonreír. te quiero hasta la luna y más allá. ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉೇ
{~ my #mancrushmonday
You make every day and night more special than the last. The stars shine brighter for you. Your smile makes me smile. I love you to the moon and beyond. ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ೇ}
Removed the old trellis and built a new one. Then pruned the dead stuff from the primroses. Lots of new life underneath it all♡
~an evening picnic to wind down a manic Monday for you, mí corazón. @0riginalGillies


ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ https://twitter.com/L0RD_BYRON/status/1165533027306336256…」
{I'll leave you
when breath leaves me
the sun goes dark
and the universe ends}
I'll leave you
when breath leaves me
the sun goes dark
and the universe ends
And even then
I shall still be by your side
Holding fast
To a love so strong
I'll leave you
When my eyes close forever
the stars fail to shine
And the world stops turning
I'll leave you
When words fail my lips
Melodies cease to be
And Morpheus has won finally
Until such time
I'll hold you close to my heart
Guard your dreams
And keep you safe
Now and always

28 may 2019
~Tuesday morning blessings on this beautiful tempting Tuesday, mí corazón. *A hearty breakfast she leaves on their besdie table for when he wakens from his slumber after their beautifully shared evening.* Te amo ahora y siempre, más allá de la luna y las estrellas.*she whispers*
~ I love you ⧿ Now&Always
~te amo, mí corazón
29 may 2019
~morning blessings, mí corazón. Here is to an easy day. *she sets his breakfast and coffee on their side table ready for her beloved esposo to waken.* Te amo ahora y siempre. ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ೇ
{other photo edits

🦇🐞@0riginalGillies *giggles and smirks* ೇ
{rt A little reminder to do your stretches before exercising.
~evening blessings, mí corazón, ahora y siempre, te amo.
@0riginalGillies *she wraps her arms around her beloved esposo and keeps close* bienvenido a casa mi amor

30 may 2019
~blessed morning, @0riginalGillies mi Rey. Here is to a non manic day ahead.

@0riginalGillies ~nothing better on a busy middle of the week, than to unwind with a small picnic in the gardens as the sunsets. And with your favorites, cheeses and figs... *smiles*

~morning blessings, mí corazón. Here is to an easy day. *she sets his breakfast and coffee on their side table ready for her beloved esposo to waken.* Te amo ahora y siempre. ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ೇ

🦇🐞@0riginalGillies *giggles and smirks* ೇ
{rt A little reminder to do your stretches before exercising.
*giggles and smirks*
~evening blessings, mí corazón, ahora y siempre, te amo.
@0riginalGillies *she wraps her arms around her beloved esposo and keeps close* bienvenido a casa mi amor
30 may 2019
~blessed morning, @0riginalGillies mi Rey. Here is to a non manic day ahead.
@0riginalGillies ~nothing better on a busy middle of the week, than to unwind with a small picnic in the gardens as the sunsets. And with your favorites, cheeses and figs... *smiles*

~@0riginalGillies ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ೇ


{other photo edits

31 may 2019
~blessed morning, @0riginalGillies , mí querido esposo. Esperanza para un día de trabajo relajante. Happy fri-yay, mí corazón. Te amo ahora y siempre, más allá de la luna y las estrellas. *she sets a hearty breakfast on their side table and then kisses his cheek as he slumbers*
ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ೇ

#ManCrushMonday #ManCrushEveryday @0riginalGillies ~ my wonderful, beautiful soul querido esposo, padre de nuestras hijas gemelas, mi corazón mi alma Ahora y siempre

@0riginalGillies ~blessed morning, mi corazón. una hermosa mañana para pasear Para ser disfrutado con la persona que amo. el amanecer de la mañana nunca se vio mas hermosa, como lo hace a tu lado.
{other photo edits

@0riginalGillies bienvenido a casa mi amor A beautiful evening spent in your arms. Nothing could be better than this...
{other photo edits

𝑅𝑒̂𝓋𝑒 𝒹'𝓊𝓃 𝒜𝓃𝑔𝑒 ೇ @SkyBoivin
I love you, my faЕ̃ry’s song
@0riginalGillies ~blessed quiet evenings, mí corazón. A lovely night for a stroll along the waters or the gardens. ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ #NowAndAlways
{other edits

│CarЕ̃ssingPianoKЕ̃ys ∫ ILovЕ̃ThЕ̃QuiЕ̃tOfThЕ̃Night│ 'I will play the most beautiful music with you. Writing to become immortal.' ~ to worship every single dawn. ThereInTheDisappearingLight (Fb 2:28/12July18) & Des ronds dans l'eau 「https://twitter.com/0riginalGillies/status/1017309705012744192… 」 ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ

{rt https://twitter.com/0riginalGillies/status/1017309705012744192?s=20
│ CarЕ̃ssingPianoKЕ̃ys ∫ ILovЕ̃ThЕ̃QuiЕ̃tOfThЕ̃Night │ ೇ 'I will play the most beautiful music with you. Writing to become immortal.' ~ to worship every single dawn. ℣ 'The stars choose their lovers, save my soul.' ThereInTheDisappearingLight. 「https://soundcloud.com/margency/drdle」 #Off

~ our music to be shared each and every night. Such beauty it is within your arms.
12 june 2019
~blessed morning this beautiful Wednesday, mi corazón.

@0riginalGillies ~bienvenido a casa mi amor Te amo ahora y siempre, más allá de la luna y las estrellas.

@0riginalGillies ~blessed dreams, mí corazón, buenos noches. la suave música de la noche nos ayudará a dormir *holds him close as the crickets chirp their evening laments through their open window along the soft, gentle breeze* ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ

13 june 2019
@0riginalGillies~blessed Thursday morning, mí corazón. Quite rainy morning snuggles With coffee and tea to enjoy♡ ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ೇ



~ following the colosseum moon.
ೇ {rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1139359168417140738?s=20

smiles softly keeping close as the soft breeze filters through their window*

ೇ {rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1139021115064430592?s=20
~blessed evening, mí corazón. hagamos una noche relajante tu encanto te cuidará Te amo ahora y siempre, más allá de la luna y las estrellas.

{other photo edits

31 may 2019
~blessed morning, @0riginalGillies , mí querido esposo. Esperanza para un día de trabajo relajante. Happy fri-yay, mí corazón. Te amo ahora y siempre, más allá de la luna y las estrellas. *she sets a hearty breakfast on their side table and then kisses his cheek as he slumbers*
ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ೇ
1 june 2019
"You are my today and all of my tomorrows."- unknown ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ೇ @0riginalGillies ~to a relaxing evening from a long week, just moonlight garden stroll, beautiful music and snuggles galore until the sun rises once again. Te amo, ahora y siempre.

'...She's flower petals
"You are my today and all of my tomorrows."- unknown ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ೇ @0riginalGillies ~to a relaxing evening from a long week, just moonlight garden stroll, beautiful music and snuggles galore until the sun rises once again. Te amo, ahora y siempre.

'...She's flower petals
And golden sun rays
I'm moonlight strolls.
If we are lucky,
We can out run the sleep god.
Enjoying our blessed time
That we may steal away
At any hour of the day
She's early mornings
And I'm late nights.
Sometimes we just make it be"

2 june 2019
ೇ @SkyBoivin ~ 'And then, one fairy night, May became June.' ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ (FSF) ℣ˑ

ೇ ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ~And a magic moment it is....

@0riginalGillies ೇ ~blessed Sunday snuggles #lazysunday ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
{other edit
#sultrysunday *giggles and smirks* I forgot I had this pic from some time ago..

♫ ♪♫ The-clock-moves-out-of-time /I-trip-to-feel-alive And-die-to-forget / Illuminate-the way-to-my-heart (heart) Existing-on-a-thread... ♪ ♫♫
Lift me up and I feel lighter I'm living in a dream♪ ♫♫

@0riginalGillies *smirks*
3 june 2019
~ #mancrushmonday @0riginalGillies Mí corazón, mí luna, mí rey y mí vida. tus brazos están donde quiero estar. Haces de cada día y cada noche más especial que el anterior. Te amo ahora y siempre, más allá de la luna y las estrellas.

@0riginalGillies ~ Sunday evening snuggles

9 june 2019
@0riginalGillies ~blessed #lazysunday mí corazón. breakfast in bed as the birds sing for us and the crisp breeze slowly filters in through our balcony, keeping close in each others arms.

#SeductiveSunday #lazysunday @0riginalGillies Let us lounge around in the early morning sun until the stars return to play Then we can play until the dawn returns again

{other photo edits
@0riginalGillies ~finally home. After a long and tiring drive, looking forward to a quiet and relaxing evening of #lazysunday snuggles with mí corazón. ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ೇ

~ to worship every single dawn. ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ

{other photo edits

10 june 2019
2 june 2019
ೇ @SkyBoivin ~ 'And then, one fairy night, May became June.' ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ (FSF) ℣ˑ

ೇ ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ~And a magic moment it is....

@0riginalGillies ೇ ~blessed Sunday snuggles #lazysunday ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ

#sultrysunday *giggles and smirks* I forgot I had this pic from some time ago..
♫ ♪♫ The-clock-moves-out-of-time /I-trip-to-feel-alive And-die-to-forget / Illuminate-the way-to-my-heart (heart) Existing-on-a-thread... ♪ ♫♫
Lift me up and I feel lighter I'm living in a dream♪ ♫♫
@0riginalGillies *smirks*
3 june 2019
~ #mancrushmonday @0riginalGillies Mí corazón, mí luna, mí rey y mí vida. tus brazos están donde quiero estar. Haces de cada día y cada noche más especial que el anterior. Te amo ahora y siempre, más allá de la luna y las estrellas.
@0riginalGillies ~ Sunday evening snuggles
9 june 2019
@0riginalGillies ~blessed #lazysunday mí corazón. breakfast in bed as the birds sing for us and the crisp breeze slowly filters in through our balcony, keeping close in each others arms.

#SeductiveSunday #lazysunday @0riginalGillies Let us lounge around in the early morning sun until the stars return to play Then we can play until the dawn returns again
{other photo edits

@0riginalGillies ~finally home. After a long and tiring drive, looking forward to a quiet and relaxing evening of #lazysunday snuggles with mí corazón. ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ೇ

~ to worship every single dawn. ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ

~ahora y siempre...

10 june 2019
#ManCrushMonday #ManCrushEveryday @0riginalGillies ~ my wonderful, beautiful soul querido esposo, padre de nuestras hijas gemelas, mi corazón mi alma Ahora y siempre
@0riginalGillies ~blessed morning, mi corazón. una hermosa mañana para pasear Para ser disfrutado con la persona que amo. el amanecer de la mañana nunca se vio mas hermosa, como lo hace a tu lado.

@0riginalGillies bienvenido a casa mi amor A beautiful evening spent in your arms. Nothing could be better than this...

𝑅𝑒̂𝓋𝑒 𝒹'𝓊𝓃 𝒜𝓃𝑔𝑒 ೇ @SkyBoivin
I love you, my faЕ̃ry’s song
━ 𝓢unday. A little kiss from this morning's 𝓢un. ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ

11 june 2019
~ te amo, mí corazón. Forever shall you be my heart
11 june 2019
@0riginalGillies ~blessed quiet evenings, mí corazón. A lovely night for a stroll along the waters or the gardens. ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ #NowAndAlways

│CarЕ̃ssingPianoKЕ̃ys ∫ ILovЕ̃ThЕ̃QuiЕ̃tOfThЕ̃Night│ 'I will play the most beautiful music with you. Writing to become immortal.' ~ to worship every single dawn. ThereInTheDisappearingLight (Fb 2:28/12July18) & Des ronds dans l'eau 「https://twitter.com/0riginalGillies/status/1017309705012744192… 」 ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
{rt https://twitter.com/0riginalGillies/status/1017309705012744192?s=20
│ CarЕ̃ssingPianoKЕ̃ys ∫ ILovЕ̃ThЕ̃QuiЕ̃tOfThЕ̃Night │ ೇ 'I will play the most beautiful music with you. Writing to become immortal.' ~ to worship every single dawn. ℣ 'The stars choose their lovers, save my soul.' ThereInTheDisappearingLight. 「https://soundcloud.com/margency/drdle」 #Off
~ our music to be shared each and every night. Such beauty it is within your arms.

12 june 2019
~blessed morning this beautiful Wednesday, mi corazón.
@0riginalGillies ~bienvenido a casa mi amor Te amo ahora y siempre, más allá de la luna y las estrellas.
@0riginalGillies ~blessed dreams, mí corazón, buenos noches. la suave música de la noche nos ayudará a dormir *holds him close as the crickets chirp their evening laments through their open window along the soft, gentle breeze* ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
13 june 2019
@0riginalGillies~blessed Thursday morning, mí corazón. Quite rainy morning snuggles With coffee and tea to enjoy♡ ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ೇ
~ following the colosseum moon.
*smiles* she has led me far... especially a night to you, mí corazón
ೇ {rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1139359168417140738?s=20
smiles softly keeping close as the soft breeze filters through their window*
ೇ {rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1139021115064430592?s=20
~blessed evening, mí corazón. hagamos una noche relajante tu encanto te cuidará Te amo ahora y siempre, más allá de la luna y las estrellas.
14 june 2019
~blessed morning, mí corazón. A hearty breakfast for a beautiful sunny fri-yay monring *smiles and kisses his cheek*
~ quiet evening, magical music and snuggles. There's nowhere else I'd rather be than here, with mí corazón.
15 june 2019
ೇ {rt lord byron
I pretended to be human
I pretended to be human
until she showed me how}
︴'EvenInADeepestBlue & TheBlackIsBlack' #ᴀᴋғ ~ I fight for you, to rise by you, this life with you, it's hard to lose. ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ

Darling, by your side, we cannot lose, We have the world at our fingertips. And I'm by your side every step of the way, fighting with you.

Darling, by your side
we cannot lose
WeHaveTheWorldAtOur fingertips
AndI'mByYour sideEveryStepOfTheWay
We shall let our feelings show
ForOurLoveWillConquerItAll https://t.co/GjqT5wCN0Q
16 june 2019
@0riginalGillies ~ lazy sunday to follow up our lazy Saturday morning. A quiet rainy day. Ahora y siempre. ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ


17 june 2019
@0riginalGillies ~#ManCrushMonday I'm the luckiest to have found such a caring and inspiring soul to share in a beautiful life story. Mí corazón, a smile that brings mine to life. I can't Imagine calling any other arms home. ♡ Ahora y siempre, te amo. - tú encanto

~ @0riginalGillies blessed monday morning, mí corazón. Hoping for a not so manic Monday for the both of us this beautiful sunny morning of the strawberry full moon.
Te amo ahora y siempre ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ

︴'EvenInADeepestBlue & TheBlackIsBlack' #ᴀᴋғ ~ I fight for you, to rise by you, this life with you, it's hard to lose. ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
Darling, by your side, we cannot lose, We have the world at our fingertips. And I'm by your side every step of the way, fighting with you.
Darling, by your side
we cannot lose
WeHaveTheWorldAtOur fingertips
AndI'mByYour sideEveryStepOfTheWay
We shall let our feelings show
ForOurLoveWillConquerItAll https://t.co/GjqT5wCN0Q
16 june 2019
@0riginalGillies ~ lazy sunday to follow up our lazy Saturday morning. A quiet rainy day. Ahora y siempre. ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ

17 june 2019
@0riginalGillies ~#ManCrushMonday I'm the luckiest to have found such a caring and inspiring soul to share in a beautiful life story. Mí corazón, a smile that brings mine to life. I can't Imagine calling any other arms home. ♡ Ahora y siempre, te amo. - tú encanto
~ @0riginalGillies blessed monday morning, mí corazón. Hoping for a not so manic Monday for the both of us this beautiful sunny morning of the strawberry full moon.
Te amo ahora y siempre ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ

ೇ {rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1140808124120686592?s=20
~ @0riginalGillies a peaceful, crisp evening to be enjoyed in the gardens together on this strawberry moon night. And nothing better than to share with mí corazón. Ahora y siempre ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
@0riginalGillies ~#ManCrushMonday I'm the luckiest to have found such a caring and inspiring soul to share in a beautiful life story. Mí corazón, a smile that brings mine to life. I can't Imagine calling any other arms home. ♡ Ahora y siempre, te amo. - tú encanto

~ to worship every single dawn. ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
{rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1140354747779731459?s=20 }
18 june 2019
morning blessings, mí corazón. Here is to a wonderful day ahead of us. ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ೇ

@0riginalGillies ~ *she sets aside fresh home made BlackBerry lavender chevre ice cream for later...*

19 june 2019
~❤ { rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1141199074361823232?s=20 }
ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife, @SkyBoivin ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ~ ce matin au jardin #fleurrouge ℣ˑ

~♡ te amo, mí esposo, mí corazón. belles fleurs comme toujours tu me gâtes donc ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ

20 june 2019
{threaded tweets combined below}
~headache and light headed feeling disappeared... a song in her heart and a soft breeze kissing her skin. The fireflies start their dance along the gardens and she dances along like no one else is watching...she wanders in her little gypsy waltz into the fields of flowers, the ground beneath her feet, grounding her more. She closes her eyes imagining music playing off someplace. Maybe her corazón was home, playing his piano. Maybe it was just her thoughts escaping her. She moves her hips, swaying and twirling around. The flowers brushing up against her bare legs. She imagines the arms of her esposo, wrapped around her body. Flowing with her as she moves...

~ blessed Thursday morning, my heart @ 0riginalGillies I will always be your angel, you make each day and every night more special than the previous one. I love you now and forever, beyond the moon and the stars. ೇ ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ

#ThrowbackThursday ~ I can't imagine loving anyone the way I love you. ೇ @SkyBoivin
~ Well, the truth is... actually... I'm in love. Е̃ ೇ @SkyBoivin
~neither can I, mí corazón. Te amo ahora y siempre.



Strawberries galore this day. As it is the third Thursday of the month of june *smiles brightly* And that can only mean one thing, the strawberry festival is later today. ♡

21 june 2019
@0riginalGillies ~blessed solstice evening, mí corazón

~don't forget to pause for lunch, mí corazón. And maybe tú encanto will have a sweet treat later... *smirks*

@0riginalGillies bienvenido a casa mí corazón. Blessed Litha evening. Flowers, fires, and home made mead and curry chicken with pineapple. On the list for this beautiful evening now that the rain has departed and the sun shines bright.♡ ೇ


blessed solstice, mí corazón. @0riginalGillies longer days mean cooler evenings to be shared in your arms. What a time of the faye to be shared with my dearest heart.
~ @0riginalGillies a peaceful, crisp evening to be enjoyed in the gardens together on this strawberry moon night. And nothing better than to share with mí corazón. Ahora y siempre ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ

@0riginalGillies ~#ManCrushMonday I'm the luckiest to have found such a caring and inspiring soul to share in a beautiful life story. Mí corazón, a smile that brings mine to life. I can't Imagine calling any other arms home. ♡ Ahora y siempre, te amo. - tú encanto
~ to worship every single dawn. ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
{rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1140354747779731459?s=20 }
morning blessings, mí corazón. Here is to a wonderful day ahead of us. ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ೇ
@0riginalGillies ~ *she sets aside fresh home made BlackBerry lavender chevre ice cream for later...*

19 june 2019
~❤ { rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1141199074361823232?s=20 }
ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife, @SkyBoivin ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ~ ce matin au jardin #fleurrouge ℣ˑ

~♡ te amo, mí esposo, mí corazón. belles fleurs comme toujours tu me gâtes donc ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ

20 june 2019
{threaded tweets combined below}
~headache and light headed feeling disappeared... a song in her heart and a soft breeze kissing her skin. The fireflies start their dance along the gardens and she dances along like no one else is watching...she wanders in her little gypsy waltz into the fields of flowers, the ground beneath her feet, grounding her more. She closes her eyes imagining music playing off someplace. Maybe her corazón was home, playing his piano. Maybe it was just her thoughts escaping her. She moves her hips, swaying and twirling around. The flowers brushing up against her bare legs. She imagines the arms of her esposo, wrapped around her body. Flowing with her as she moves...

~ blessed Thursday morning, my heart @ 0riginalGillies I will always be your angel, you make each day and every night more special than the previous one. I love you now and forever, beyond the moon and the stars. ೇ ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
#ThrowbackThursday ~ I can't imagine loving anyone the way I love you. ೇ @SkyBoivin

~ Well, the truth is... actually... I'm in love. Е̃ ೇ @SkyBoivin
~neither can I, mí corazón. Te amo ahora y siempre.
Strawberries galore this day. As it is the third Thursday of the month of june *smiles brightly* And that can only mean one thing, the strawberry festival is later today. ♡
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣

21 june 2019
@0riginalGillies ~blessed solstice evening, mí corazón
~don't forget to pause for lunch, mí corazón. And maybe tú encanto will have a sweet treat later... *smirks*
@0riginalGillies bienvenido a casa mí corazón. Blessed Litha evening. Flowers, fires, and home made mead and curry chicken with pineapple. On the list for this beautiful evening now that the rain has departed and the sun shines bright.♡ ೇ
blessed solstice, mí corazón. @0riginalGillies longer days mean cooler evenings to be shared in your arms. What a time of the faye to be shared with my dearest heart.
{ https://skyboivinauthor.tumblr.com/post/185760804611/blessed-solstice-mí-corazón-0riginalgillies }
ೇ Midsummer's Eve is breathtakingly beautiful, my love. With you by my side ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ━ (Fb) In the morning we awakened to a clear day; a special #SummerSolstice for my queen𝐹𝒶𝓎𝑒. For this is the night the 𝐹𝒶𝑒 dance by the bonfires. ~ and TheSlowGood-byeOfTheSun ℣ˑ
{ rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1142199290233794562?s=20 }
~ each evening is beautiful by your side, mí corazón. ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ~A beautiful morning, and day. Nothing but clear days, protection, and prosperity as we blessed the fires the night before. Nothing but goodness for all. As the fireflies danced around. #SummerSolstice
ೇ Midsummer's Eve is breathtakingly beautiful, my love. With you by my side ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ━ (Fb) In the morning we awakened to a clear day; a special #SummerSolstice for my queen𝐹𝒶𝓎𝑒. For this is the night the 𝐹𝒶𝑒 dance by the bonfires. ~ and TheSlowGood-byeOfTheSun ℣ˑ
{ rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1142199290233794562?s=20 }
~ each evening is beautiful by your side, mí corazón. ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ~A beautiful morning, and day. Nothing but clear days, protection, and prosperity as we blessed the fires the night before. Nothing but goodness for all. As the fireflies danced around. #SummerSolstice
@0riginalGillies ~ blessed evening dreams, mí corazón, mi Rey.
~ quiet blessed evenings with you is all I ever want...
{other edits

22 june 2019
Blessed morning, mí corazón. A beautiful sunrise and day ahead for us. *whispers* and a even more beautiful future before us lays... ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ೇ

~ 𝓢aturday 𝓢unrise & happy places ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ೇ ℣ˑ ━ #BookloversGourmet- OpenMicPoetryShare & saying hello again to 'Rusty' ᨀᵖᵒʳᵗᵃˡˢ

~bienvenido a casa, mi amor. noche tranquila por delante para nosotros. cualquier cosa que desees. *smiles*

ೇ {rt honeysuckle drunk fawn}
*fruits and honey drunk queenfaye... she thinks and giggles*

22 june 2019
Blessed morning, mí corazón. A beautiful sunrise and day ahead for us. *whispers* and a even more beautiful future before us lays... ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ೇ
~ 𝓢aturday 𝓢unrise & happy places ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ೇ ℣ˑ ━ #BookloversGourmet- OpenMicPoetryShare & saying hello again to 'Rusty' ᨀᵖᵒʳᵗᵃˡˢ
~anywhere by your side is the happiest of places in this life... ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
~bienvenido a casa, mi amor. noche tranquila por delante para nosotros. cualquier cosa que desees. *smiles*
ೇ {rt honeysuckle drunk fawn}
*fruits and honey drunk queenfaye... she thinks and giggles*
23 june 2019
~*smirks and giggles* ¡mí corazón! I just found this, blueberry goat cheese coconut ice cream... so I made sure to bring it home just for you.
~ Thank you, myQueen. I am forever yearning for ice cream: it is happiness condensed. And this one is naturally off the charts, Choirs of Angels if we share it!
~I thought you might enjoy this one, especially, mí corazón.
@0riginalGillies ~blessed #SeductiveSunday morning, mí corazón. Tú encanto te cuidará, siempre. ೇ ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ Ahora y siempre.
I love you endlessly and beyond. The love of my light (life), my faЕ̃ry’s song ೇ Now&Always ℣ˑ 「https://soundcloud.com/margency/mtk」 ━ There's nothing like your smile made of 𝒮un ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
~te amo, ahora y siempre. ೇ — You are my moon, ever shining ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
#midnight𝓢unn ~ 'night crossing: black coal of dream... Love, because of it, tie me to a purer movement, to the grip on life / with the wings of a submerged swan.' ―𝒮₇₉ˑ ━ ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
let us enjoy this peaceful night... and maybe play with pillows?... *she smiles softly and holds close*
~Blessed dreams, mí corazón. *she snuggles in close to guard his heart as he guards her dreams. The perfect end to their peaceful evening together.
24 june 2019
~Blessed monday morning, mí corazón. Here is hoping for a not so manic Monday after this beautiful weekend.

@0riginalGillies ~bienvenido a casa, mí corazón. hermosa noche por delante ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ೇ
~Blessed monday morning, mí corazón. Here is hoping for a not so manic Monday after this beautiful weekend.
@0riginalGillies ~bienvenido a casa, mí corazón. hermosa noche por delante ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ೇ
@0riginalGillies ~a quiet evening to end a manic Monday. Peaceful night with fireflies dancing in the garden and sweet treats to end the beginning of a new week. ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ೇ
~firefly.... in the grass
{video of fireflies in grass }
~ tú encanto cuidará de ti esta noche,blessed dreams, mí amor ♡
25 june 2019
@0riginalGillies ~blessed morning, mí corazón. Here is to a not so manic day ahead.
~ *she places some rose ice cream in the freezer to await for her beloved esposo's return from his business *
@0riginalGillies bienvenido a casa, mi corazón. Peaceful evening to end a busy day... ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
@0riginalGillies ~blessed dreams,mí rey. I shall always guard your heart in our slumbers.
26 june 2019
@0riginalGillies ~morning blessings, my darling. Here's to a relaxing and non manic day ahead♡

@0riginalGillies ~*whispers* sweet treats for an extra busy week, to break up such a week? *smiles*

ೇ https://twitter.com/lustvauIt/status/1143982533509550081
@ 0riginalGillies ~ welcome home my heart Your charm will take care of you tonight.
27 june 2019
@0riginalGillies ~ blessed morning, mí corazón. Here's to a better day to help end a busy week♡ ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ

@0riginalGillies ~blessed dreams, mí rey. Guardaré tu corazón siempre mientras dormimos. *holding him close as the sleep God steals their time away...* ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ

~ quiet evening awaits...
{other edits

ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife, @SkyBoivin ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ~ ces belles dames des champs, ces belles fleurs

28 june 2019
@0riginalGillies ~ blessed morning, mí corazón. Here's to a beautiful ending to a long and busy week♡ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ೇ

ೇ ~*she plans out all day for a quiet, relaxing evening for her beloved @0riginalGillies , after his long week. Setting the table, and fixing up treats from his favorite figs, and blackberries. She pulls out a red wine she knows he is always partial to and pours it in a glass.*

{other edits

29 june 2019
@0riginalGillies ~morning blessings, my darling. Here's to a relaxing and non manic day ahead♡
@0riginalGillies ~*whispers* sweet treats for an extra busy week, to break up such a week? *smiles*
ೇ https://twitter.com/lustvauIt/status/1143982533509550081
@ 0riginalGillies ~ welcome home my heart Your charm will take care of you tonight.
27 june 2019
@0riginalGillies ~ blessed morning, mí corazón. Here's to a better day to help end a busy week♡ ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
@0riginalGillies ~blessed dreams, mí rey. Guardaré tu corazón siempre mientras dormimos. *holding him close as the sleep God steals their time away...* ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
ᦾ landing on common ground.
*smirks and giggles*
~ quiet evening awaits...

ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife, @SkyBoivin ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ~ ces belles dames des champs, ces belles fleurs

~gracias, mí corazón.

28 june 2019
@0riginalGillies ~ blessed morning, mí corazón. Here's to a beautiful ending to a long and busy week♡ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ೇ
ೇ ~*she plans out all day for a quiet, relaxing evening for her beloved @0riginalGillies , after his long week. Setting the table, and fixing up treats from his favorite figs, and blackberries. She pulls out a red wine she knows he is always partial to and pours it in a glass.*
{other edits

29 june 2019
@0riginalGillies ~blessed Saturday morning, mí corazón.
@0riginalGillies ~let us make it a lazy Saturday and forget the busy week that is now behind us, mí amor. Tomorrow is another day. And today is ahora y siempre. ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ

30 june 2019
ೇ @SkyBoivin
#SundayMorning ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ~ Gardening is the purest of human pleasures. It slows us down and forces patience, sets us back into the slow circles of nature. {#ᴀᴋғ} ━ 'Heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul.' -Voltaire
ೇ ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ #sundaymorning ~ a connection with the earth, the dirt is the best way to ground and purify our soul to become ourselves once again. - "The garden suggests there might be a place where we can meet nature halfway" michael pollan
~ blessed dreams, mí corazón. *holds close to guard his heart and ease his mind as she tries to drift back to sleep*
@0riginalGillies "Only once in your life, I truly believe, you find someone who can completely turn your world around/ they build you up and show you the things about yourself that make you special and even beautiful"-BM ~eres verdaderamente mi alma hermoso, mí corazón. Te amo
1 july 2019
"I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where/so intimate that your Hand Upon My Chest is my hand, so intimate that when I fall asleep your eyes close"-pn
~yourWordsAlwaysBrings smilesToMyLips/cant imageLovingAnyoneElse
Te amo
@0riginalGillies ~ blessed manic monday morning, mí corazón. Let us hope there is no actual manic to tha day;)
2 july 2019
@0riginalGillies ೇ "Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."-LT
~ morning blessings mí corazón. Here is to a mild tuesday.
@0riginalGillies "Every moment I spend with you is like a beautiful dream come true." ~*she spends the afternoon preparing the perfect quiet evening, starting with a simple small meal and then thinks on a possible dessert. But not before grabbing his favorite drink*
{other edits

ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ〚#ᵀʰᵉᴴᵒˡˡᵒʷ𝚂𝙻𝙻 'Love will find a way through paths where wolves fear to prey. / Here’s a heart for every fate.' -LB
I shall guard your heart, mi corazón
3 july 2019
~Blessed morning, mí corazón. hoping for a not so manic day this day. ' When I tell you I love you, I don't say it out of habit. I say it to remind you that you're the best thing that ever happened to me.'
@0riginalGillies Sometimes I look at you and I wonder how I got to be so damn lucky.
4 july 2019
"Every moment I spend with you is like a beautiful dream come true." ~blessed morning, mí corazón.
~missing her beloved...
@0riginalGillies ~Happy Thursday and happy 4th of july

ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife, @SkyBoivin
~ le ciel bleu ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ᨀ Now&Always ℣ˑ

5 july 2019
blessed morning, mí corazón
@0riginalGillies ~blessed dreams , mí corazón
{other edits

"I must have wished for you so hard and so often that you had no choice but to come true." ~ each time the sun rises and when the moon sits high in the sky, I count my blessings on how lucky it was you came in my life when you did.♡
@0riginalGillies Back to gillette castle tonight... and just as the sun was setting too ♡♡
Cheshire smiles in the sky tonight
6 july 2019
"Imagining a life without you is something that is impossible, you make me complete and I want you to know you mean everything to me." ~each day is a blessing, having you near to me. Each whisper, smile, any other moment in between that we share, cherished ೇ
{rt ೇ https://twitter.com/ItsFoodPorn/status/1147715114637897734 }
Ooo... yumm... ;)
Happy #InternationalKissingDay
morning blessings, mí corazón
@0riginalGillies ೇ
~blessed #lazysunday mí corazón. Here's to a relaxing day of snuggles. "Spending time with you is so precious and I love every minute that we are together" ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
ೇ ~let us end #lazysunday and begin the new week with a quiet, relaxing evening. Picnic, boat ride, nothing but you and me♡ ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ᴱᵛᵉⁿⁱⁿᵍˢ𝒜𝒽𝑜𝓇𝒶 𝓎 𝒮𝒾𝑒𝓂𝓅𝓇𝑒
{other edits

8 july 2019
~fairy's song~
It is him, and his love,
That brings out her song.
As she goes about her days.
Carrying baskets for flowers
Back in from the gardens,
To be shared inside,
As their twins frolic and giggle
With the bunnies along their way.
They share their love
His smile and beautiful words,
Brings her simple joys each day.
His arms are her peace.
Whenever they're together,
They share simple pleasures.
Simple happiness they have found
within each other.
They tell faye stories and caress
piano keys each evening
As the moonlight fills their room.
She became the music he
worshipped every single dawn.
And she sang her fairy's song only
for him. ~
9 july 2019
~blessed morning, mí corazón. Here's is to start another manic Monday to hoping it is not actually so manic in the end.ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ

https://twitter.com/0riginalGillies/status/1148094175038124032?s=20~ happy Sunday and happy#WorldChocolateDay, myQueen 🍫❤
~happy #WorldChocolateDay mí rey. 🍫💜a wonderful way to end our happy little sunday ;)
{rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1147946397540466688?s=20}
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ〚#ᵀʰᵉᴴᵒˡˡᵒʷ𝚂𝙻𝙻 「https://twitter.com/L0RD_BYRON/status/1044486577643110400…」
{lord byron
I don't really know
how we got so tangled
bodies and minds I'm just glad
there's no way out}
{rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1148111001042259971?s=20
~*susurros * tiempo para la cama,mí rey... el lunes llega pronto ;)
blessed dreams, mi corazon.
9 july 2019
@0riginalGillies ~new day dawns, and new adventures awaits to be written into poetry, stories and songs. And you are my favorite chapter by far ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ

~blessed dreams , mí corazón. Te amo ahora y siempre ೇ
{other edits

10 july 2019
~ morning blessings for a not as crazy day today.

Stopped by bridge of flowers on way to holey moleys to grab what didnt sell. :) ♡

{rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1148111001042259971?s=20
~*susurros * tiempo para la cama,mí rey... el lunes llega pronto ;)
blessed dreams, mi corazon.
9 july 2019
@0riginalGillies ~new day dawns, and new adventures awaits to be written into poetry, stories and songs. And you are my favorite chapter by far ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
~blessed dreams , mí corazón. Te amo ahora y siempre ೇ
{other edits

10 july 2019
~ morning blessings for a not as crazy day today.
Stopped by bridge of flowers on way to holey moleys to grab what didnt sell. :) ♡
ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife, @SkyBoivin ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ~ soft twinkle of stars and galaxies fading in and out. ᶠᶤʳᵉᶠˡᶤᵉˢˑ[https://adaptablecharm.tumblr.com/private/186182236010/tumblr_puexu1bsdC1ut5qbh…] ⁸˒ ¹⁰ & ²² ᴶᵘˡʸ ²⁰¹⁸

~fireflies slowly make their dance through the gardens, to light up the branches. ೇ ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ

@0riginalGillies ೇ
~ a year ago seems so far away,
A distant but blessed memory.
And now we stand here before each other,
like a dream come true.
Sharing in a beautiful chapter of melodies and song.
Your faery's song has just begun.
Forever shall it be sung.
I shall be sure

{other edits

~to never let the flame of our heart dull nor fade.
What started with piano keys and poetry
Has blossomed beyond even my dreams
And I hope to continue to share these such dreams with you
{other edits
{other edits

~to never let the flame of our heart dull nor fade.
What started with piano keys and poetry
Has blossomed beyond even my dreams
And I hope to continue to share these such dreams with you

~morning blessings, mí corazón. Hoping for a not so manic day this day.


12 july 2019
@0riginalGillies ~blessed dreams, mí corazón. It has been a long week, but friday is just around the bend. Here is to a good ending of what has been manic week. *whispers and snuggles into bed, keeping her beloved close to guard his heart as they slumber* ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ

@0riginalGillies ~blessed morning, mí corazón. Here's to a more relaxing fri-yay to end the week. ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ

{right image photo by sky boivin}
@0riginalGillies ~beautiful evening of quiet and relaxing after a very long week. And nothing better than sharing this and every night by your side.

@0riginalGillies ~*whispers* don't forget to pause for lunch, my darling. I know how swept up with your business affairs you can get on your manic days.

12 july 2019
@0riginalGillies ~blessed dreams, mí corazón. It has been a long week, but friday is just around the bend. Here is to a good ending of what has been manic week. *whispers and snuggles into bed, keeping her beloved close to guard his heart as they slumber* ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
@0riginalGillies ~blessed morning, mí corazón. Here's to a more relaxing fri-yay to end the week. ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
{right image photo by sky boivin}
@0riginalGillies ~beautiful evening of quiet and relaxing after a very long week. And nothing better than sharing this and every night by your side.
@0riginalGillies ~*whispers* don't forget to pause for lunch, my darling. I know how swept up with your business affairs you can get on your manic days.
thread below solo~ 12 july 2019
*she stands at the windowsill, looking out on their grounds around their cozy little cottage, taking in the changing colors of the setting sun. Soon she will be setting their twins to slumber, but for now, she stands to enjoy the setting sun. The garden beds changing to a ~golden glow mixed with the other vibrant colors of purples, reds, blues, and more. It all seemed to magically change into an entirely new world before her very eyes. She smiled contentedly as she watched it slowly change before her. She rests her head against the side of the~window frame wishing her beloved husband was home to share in this very moment with her. A small smile crosses her lips as she thought about him being there with her. Even if he might not make it for this one, there would be plenty more sunsets to be shared together and they had forever to share them all. She thought on also that maybe he was pausing at this very moment too, to enjoy this beautiful scene from wherever it was his business took him these past few days. She watches a little longer before she turns to go head off and tend to their girls. Picking up their remaining toys after tending to their baths. Bubbles still floating around the bathroom after she drains their tub. She carries them both in their blankets and sits in the rocker to sing them to sleep before she lays them softly in their ~beds. She hums quietly as she closes the door to their room just enough, looking down at Rune and whispering to the now not so kitten black cat* your turn to keep watch then, sir? *she gives a smirk at his "me-ow" and winks before her skirts swish behind her, heading down~the hall. She slides her hand along the wood frame to the music room. Peeking in and seeing the piano sitting all alone, she tilts her head in thought.* it has been a while... *she said to her self, speaking softly. She smiles and heads in the room. She lifts the ~violin up to her chin once she reaches it and rests it in place as though it hasn't been months since she has last picked it up. Yes, it had been a while since they sat and played together. But, they had two beautiful little cherubs to steal their time. And that little miracle~was more than worth a little time away from this. She closed her eyes as she pulled the bow along the strings, allowing the feeling to wash over her. She moved with the sound as it flowed through her and from her. Falling into place from the strings of the violin. she danced slowly around the room as though she was on air. Her wings giving a slight flutter here and there as she would give a small twirl in the song. She giggled a little as she danced around the room. Before she finally ended the song and set the violin back on its holder~she ran her finger lovingly over the rich wood it was made from before her eyes lifted to gaze upon their piano in the room. She pattered softly over to its bench and sat down before it. Gently placing her fingers along the ivories. Lost in her thought of how they first met, ~she smiles to herself. She glides her fingers slowly along the keys, not pressing on any of them at first.*~*she fixes herself better on the bench and begins a slow chord to warm her fingers up. Iding slowly and then picking up speed. After some moments of this, she changes over without pause to one of their first shared songs when they first started to speak and share such things~ she hummed oh so softly to
The song she started off with after the chords.* And all along I believed I would find you Time has brought your heart to me I have loved you for a thousand years I'll love you for a thousand more* She hums along before { a thousand years ~ Christina Perri}~she changes over smoothly and seamlessly to their next song. Singing just a hair louder, but just as quiet as before. She flows into savage garden "to the moon and back" * I would fly you to the moon and back If you'll be, if you'll be my baby I've got a ticket for a world where we belong So would you be my baby?* she smiles as the happy moments were rolling along in her mind. And also of all the new ones that will soon be shared between them. She then interwove into their wedding song. She smirks playfully to herself as she thought upon the fact before too long, their one year wedding anniversary would be creeping up on them. She giggles softly as she thinks on what she could possibly do for such a blessed day. Sept 22nd, feeling like it was right around the curve. She quickly sings along again as she~singing happily to no one in the room, well except maybe the plants. Or maybe even their cat Rune. Closing her eyes as the music flowed through her like water along the babbling brook*

As the moon kindles the night as the wind kindles the fire As the rain fills every ocean And the sun, the earth Let your heart kindle my heart Take my heart Take my heart Kindle it with your heart And my heart cannot be Kindled without you Let your heart kindle my heart...
*thinking and smiling as the notes flowed to the ivories like they were meant to be ~played in this manner. She smiles fondly on all the poetry shared, all her beloved husband had inspired from her and how much more will and could possibly be created. Nights scribbling away at the vanity of poetry to be shared later. She hopes her beloved esposo will be ~ back home from his business and can then share in another heartfelt memory to create and be shared...*
{rt poetryinsunsets
I woke up
from what
I thought
was a dream
but you are
absolutely real
who is able
to make me feel
even from a distance}
13 july 2019
@0riginalGillies ~Saturday morning blessings, mí corazón. Let us have a relaxing weekend.
@ 0riginalGillies ೇ My heart, I love you now and forever, beyond the moon and the stars. #sultrysaturday ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ

@0riginalGillies ~ a relaxing evening after a crazy week, mí rey. Nothing but gentle breezes and quiet evening ahead. ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
14 july 2019
@0riginalGillies ~sultry Las noches de domingo son siempre tranquilas y divertidas. Acabemos la semana y comencemos de nuevo con un poco de diversión con burbujas. ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉೇ

~blessed morning, mí corazón ♡

~ ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ

{rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1150207236100300800?s=20
~ a relaxing evening after a crazy week, mí rey. Nothing but gentle breezes and quiet evening ahead. ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ [13 july2019]
~*risitas * y coloca algunas burbujas en su nariz. ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ

~sueños benditos, mi corazón

15 july 2019
ೇ "The world is beating you down I'm around through every move you're my muse My worst distraction/my rhythm &blues/Cause all of meLoves all of you/All your perfect imperfections" ~eres verdaderamente mi alma hermosa/te amo #ManCrushMonday https://youtu.be/tJNvcE9nqj4

@ 0riginalGillies ೇ ~ blessed tomorrow, my heart. I hope the day is not so manic. I love you now and forever, beyond the moon and the stars. Your charm will always take care of you, my king. ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉαнσяα у ѕιємρяє


@ 0riginalGillies
{"A veces, tu cercanía me quita el aliento y todas las cosas que quiero decir no encuentran ninguna voz. Luego, en silencio, solo puedo esperar que mis ojos hablen mi corazón ". - RS
~Te amo ahora y siempre, más allá de la luna y las estrellas.}
"Sometimes, your closeness takes my breath away and all the things I want to say find no voice. Then, in silence, I can only hope that my eyes speak my heart." - RS ~ I love you now and forever, beyond the moon and the stars.

16 july 2010
@0riginalGillies ~bendita mañana mi corazón aquí es para un hermoso día ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ

17 july 2019
@0riginalGillies ~sultry Las noches de domingo son siempre tranquilas y divertidas. Acabemos la semana y comencemos de nuevo con un poco de diversión con burbujas. ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉೇ
~blessed morning, mí corazón ♡
~ ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ

{rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1150207236100300800?s=20
~ a relaxing evening after a crazy week, mí rey. Nothing but gentle breezes and quiet evening ahead. ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ [13 july2019]
~*risitas * y coloca algunas burbujas en su nariz. ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
~sueños benditos, mi corazón
15 july 2019
ೇ "The world is beating you down I'm around through every move you're my muse My worst distraction/my rhythm &blues/Cause all of meLoves all of you/All your perfect imperfections" ~eres verdaderamente mi alma hermosa/te amo #ManCrushMonday https://youtu.be/tJNvcE9nqj4
@ 0riginalGillies ೇ ~ blessed tomorrow, my heart. I hope the day is not so manic. I love you now and forever, beyond the moon and the stars. Your charm will always take care of you, my king. ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉαнσяα у ѕιємρяє
@ 0riginalGillies
{"A veces, tu cercanía me quita el aliento y todas las cosas que quiero decir no encuentran ninguna voz. Luego, en silencio, solo puedo esperar que mis ojos hablen mi corazón ". - RS
~Te amo ahora y siempre, más allá de la luna y las estrellas.}
"Sometimes, your closeness takes my breath away and all the things I want to say find no voice. Then, in silence, I can only hope that my eyes speak my heart." - RS ~ I love you now and forever, beyond the moon and the stars.
16 july 2010
@0riginalGillies ~bendita mañana mi corazón aquí es para un hermoso día ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
17 july 2019
Simply A touch, a word
A mere caress of the hair
a stroke to the skin
Whispers within the night
It is all simply to show
One is there
In arms as moonlight
washes over them
just simple thoughts
simple gestures
simply love.

ೇ ~bendita mañana mi corazón aquí es para un hermoso día. Te amo ahora y siempre, más allá de la luna y las estrellas. ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ


ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife, @SkyBoivin
ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ~ le miroir des coquelicots #southoffrance

pique-nique dans les coquelicots
avec mon amour

18 july 2019
"Mi amor por ti no tiene tiempo ni lugar. Mi corazón comienza a palpitar cada vez que veo tu hermosa cara." ~buenos dias mi amado esposo. Te amo ahora y siempre, más allá de la luna y las estrellas.
{"My love for you has no time or place. My heart starts beating every time I see your beautiful face." ~ good morning my beloved husband. I love you now and forever, beyond the moon and the stars. }ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ

{FB} 18july happy #NationalFudgeDay
~ like chocolate, fudge can help melt the days worries away as it melts slowly in our mouths and upon our tongues...


Simply A touch, a word
A mere caress of the hair
a stroke to the skin
Whispers within the night
It is all simply to show
One is there
In arms as moonlight
washes over them
just simple thoughts
simple gestures
simply love.
ೇ ~bendita mañana mi corazón aquí es para un hermoso día. Te amo ahora y siempre, más allá de la luna y las estrellas. ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife, @SkyBoivin
ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ~ le miroir des coquelicots #southoffrance

pique-nique dans les coquelicots
avec mon amour

18 july 2019
"Mi amor por ti no tiene tiempo ni lugar. Mi corazón comienza a palpitar cada vez que veo tu hermosa cara." ~buenos dias mi amado esposo. Te amo ahora y siempre, más allá de la luna y las estrellas.
{"My love for you has no time or place. My heart starts beating every time I see your beautiful face." ~ good morning my beloved husband. I love you now and forever, beyond the moon and the stars. }ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ

{FB} 18july happy #NationalFudgeDay
~ like chocolate, fudge can help melt the days worries away as it melts slowly in our mouths and upon our tongues...
19 july 2019
@ 0riginalGillies
ೇ ~bienvenido a casa, mi amor.
sueños benditos, mí corazón. lo mantiene cerca mientras ella se queda dormida. *susurros * tu encanto siempre te cuidará
{~ welcome home, my love. Blessed dreams, my heart. Keeps him close while she falls asleep. * whispers * your charm will always take care of you }ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ

~ let us enjoy the weekend like this...

ೇ "When you feel all alone/When darkness is upon your door and You feel like you can't take anymore/Let me be the one you call/If you need to fall apart I can mend a broken heart/If you need to crash then crash and burn/You're not alone"

~Tus palabras derriten mi corazón. Tu sonrisa, nunca me resistiré a volver. Nuestra canción es una melodía en el viento. que atesorare siempre. te amo, mí corazón Eres mí Dios Eres mí casa Las estrellas brillan más por ti




20 july 2019
"I used to think this world was dark and cold/The day you looked my way, it took me back/You said something like “you’re beautiful”/And stopped me in my tracks/ Tell me softly That you want me Tell me I’m your girl" https://youtu.be/AAfPBuFjW9M

~bendita mañana mi corazón aquí es para un día relajante
~Tus palabras derriten mi corazón. Tu sonrisa, nunca me resistiré a volver. Nuestra canción es una melodía en el viento. que atesorare siempre. te amo, mí corazón Eres mí Dios Eres mí casa Las estrellas brillan más por ti

20 july 2019
"I used to think this world was dark and cold/The day you looked my way, it took me back/You said something like “you’re beautiful”/And stopped me in my tracks/ Tell me softly That you want me Tell me I’m your girl" https://youtu.be/AAfPBuFjW9M
~bendita mañana mi corazón aquí es para un día relajante
@0riginalGillies * ella camina por los jardines mientras espera a que su amada regrese a casa *
{rtYour Desires https://twitter.com/desires_your/status/1069369190916665344?s=20
can still
feel your kiss
#CarnalVerse #Sixwords #123words
#art Amanda Redmond
21 july 2019
@0riginalGillies Bocadillo de la tarde para este domingo.
@0riginalGillies ~*dreaming of sunday snuggles on this lazy Sunday, wishing for the arms of her corazón she has been missing all week.*

@0riginalGillies #SultrySunday

my darling corazón
Look at what the fates have done along the path of life. Never would have one thought one night strolling along and stumbling upon beautiful piano music; sitting beside a just as beautiful of a soul playing it; and a friend to share in the love of music, songs and poetry, would lead us to here?

Imagine that it all started with a simple #happypiano and caressing of piano keys. And before we knew it, it was the telling of Faye stories and other stories, whispered in the moonlight nights. Watching fireflies dance along the garden. To an evening picnic, with yummy treats and a small red box hidden within your pocket, with a question on the tip of your tongue. and then leading us to now.

Magic was in the air that night. And now a year has come full circle, to begin anew. With new stories, to tell and the share. New songs for us to share, and to make together /in only the way/ we can.

You have inspired me in so many ways, I cannot even express some days. I shall never allow your light to shimmer out, but hope you will remember in you dark times that I am here to be your guiding light. I promised you , that one night, not long ago, that I would always make sure the light never fades. And you still have my word, darling. You are my Faery’s song each and every day.

And as our story and symphony of songs continues to grow /as we continue to write it, with each pen stroke, and each key stroke of the musical note, so shall our love continue to only grow from here. We now add our beautiful twins and who know what else the fates may have planned to our little story ;) ? Only time shall tell as we make more in time.
I am very blessed every day that you have shared the ticket to ride to the place beyond the stars with me, my corazón. I can’t imagine sharing this ride with anyone other than you.

♡ ~ tú encanto ahora y siempre, te amo ahora y siempre, más allá de la luna y las estrellas.
{July 10, 18, 22}
solo thread below~
Surely, he made it home in the wee hours a couple of evenings, as she lay slumbering in their bed. But, he had been silent in his returns. She sensed something was different with him lately. But he was closing himself off from her once again. She wished to help him, she desired to be doing so. It pained her to see her heart in such a disarray of his own mind.
Was it the Hollow? She wondered to herself this particular morning. She stood out on their balcony, looking down along the grounds of their property here in Manosque. She didn't not for sure, but if he would only talk with her on it, maybe she could help him. And maybe he would be able to sleep easier once again. The breeze gently kissed her long blonde tresses as she stood silently thinking. She closed her eyes to its touch, imagining his hands there instead. How she longed for his gentle caress through her tresses. Longed to fee his lips once again. She whispered without thinking, "How much longer will you be away for, my dearest heart? Your girls miss you so..." only the breeze relied, kissing her tresses once again. Its coolness a temporary relief to the summer heat of the day as the sun blared down with intense humidity upon the land for yet another day.
She merely wrapped her arms around herself, and then tilting her head downward slightly to hold back any tears from her longings. Now was not a time to dwell on such matters. She squeezed her arms in her palms a brief moment before wiping her eyes with the back of her hand and quickly turning around to head inside their bedroom and begin the day.
She quickly heads off to change into a light and flowy summer dress and then heads off to ready Samantha and Solveig for the day. After slipping them into simple dresses, and getting their hair ~brushed and fed breakfast, she sets them off to play in the quiet of their living room. She busies herself in a project she thought of doing just the other day.
With their anniversary coming up quickly, she thought of making a small scrapbook to gift her beloved Elijah for ~such an occasion. After all, the first anniversary was paper. She smiles to herself as she hums happily when she sets to work with papers, and photographs now scattered along their dining table.
She cuts and glues in various arrangements into a small square book she lovingly ~added tiny wooden hearts to and penned in their initials on each one. She pauses after a few to watch their twins playing happily across the cottage in the open room.
She rests her chin into her glue covered hands and sighs softy as she watches them, wondering once again when he would return as he was missing these little moments with them. She then thinks to pick up the camera near her and begins to get a few photos snapped to include in their scrapbook so that he doesn't miss out after all. She spends the afternoon doing this instead and forgetting the cutter she had on the table.
21 july 2019
ೇ Bocadillo de la tarde para este domingo.

~*dreaming of sunday snuggles on this lazy Sunday, wishing for the arms of her corazón she has been missing all week.*

22 july 2019
One year ago I made a marriage proposal to my beloved queen. I worship every single dawn that I spend here. I can't imagine loving anyone the way I love you, @SkyBoivin
and I am so grateful for the life that we share. ೇ Fire flies. Fire, fly. Life&Hope ahead. #1928ClosDuMonet
and I can't imagine anything more perfect than sharing each moment by your side, mí corazón. I so happy you asked me to share in this chapter of life.
your life depends on it}
#manCrushMonday #mancrushEveryday "Imagining a life without you is something that is impossible, you make me complete and I want you to know you mean everything to me." ~I'm thankful each day you have asked that day to share in your life story/I can't imagine sharing w anyoneElse
{rt https://twitter.com/0riginalGillies/status/1021228529646698496?s=20 }

23 july 2019
@ 0riginalGillies
~tal vez más tarde, su encanto puede ayudar a aliviar su mente del ajetreado día de {TemptingTuesday} ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
{~ Maybe later, your charm can help ease your mind from the busy work day }
@ 0riginalGillies
~tal vez más tarde, su encanto puede ayudar a aliviar su mente del ajetreado día de {TemptingTuesday} ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
{~ Maybe later, your charm can help ease your mind from the busy work day }
{ https://queenfayesky.tumblr.com/post/186504744702 }

ೇ ~Sueños benditos, mi corazón. *susurros* Mantendré tu corazón a salvo. ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ

july 23 2019
{ https://queenfayesky.tumblr.com/post/186504744702 }
july 24 2019

ೇ karline~ your girl demo



{other edits


~ sits at the piano and plays a small song on her king's piano...

Estoy en casa, mi encanto.
espero que tu día esté bien

july 25 2019
ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife, @SkyBoivin
ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ~ la Provence en bleu et violet #lavenderfields ℣ˑ


~benita mañana, mí corazón. ♡

*giggle* maybe someone won't notice...

ೇ ~I have the same dream every night
and he lays in my arms
each time I slumber
I wish to never waken
From such a splendid dream
For I may never want to sleep again
If I was to waken to it not be true
I have the same dream every night
And I hold her close to my heart
In the light of the moon
I sleep peacefully
Guarding her dreams maybe because
I treasure her each and every day
we have the same dream every night
ೇ ~Sueños benditos, mi corazón. *susurros* Mantendré tu corazón a salvo. ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
july 23 2019
{ https://queenfayesky.tumblr.com/post/186504744702 }
july 24 2019
ೇ karline~ your girl demo

~ sits at the piano and plays a small song on her king's piano...
Estoy en casa, mi encanto.
espero que tu día esté bien
july 25 2019
ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife, @SkyBoivin
ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ~ la Provence en bleu et violet #lavenderfields ℣ˑ
~benita mañana, mí corazón. ♡
*giggle* maybe someone won't notice...

ೇ ~I have the same dream every night
and he lays in my arms
each time I slumber
From such a splendid dream
For I may never want to sleep again
If I was to waken to it not be true
I have the same dream every night
And I hold her close to my heart
In the light of the moon
I sleep peacefully
Guarding her dreams maybe because
I treasure her each and every day
we have the same dream every night
and we lay in each other’s arms
keeping close to our heart
guarding dreams and hearts
consoling slumber
as we treasure each moment
we share in our waking dreams.
ೇ ~My thoughts are lost
when I’m with him.
A simple look and I am gone
Swept beyond all that is real.
A mere caress that is barely a touch
And the world goes away.
Whispers like the wind within my ear
All becomes right once again.
Fingers in my hair, caressing softly
Trailed with butterfly kisses
Upon naked skin
Sweet kisses as we drift to sleep
Blessed slumber in each other’s arms
I’ll dream of your nakedness...
to pretend that you are next to me...
holding me and making love to me...
I will feel your arousal entering me...
coming inside of me until I can no longer breathe...
26 july 2019
~*ella se acuesta en la cama para esperar a su amado esposo
@0riginalGillies a volver a casa...*

~*smirks to herself as she thinks of his smile... she lays back day dreaming as she fights the sleep God awaiting for her beloved esposo to return home...*

27 july 2019
we share in our waking dreams.
ೇ ~My thoughts are lost
A simple look and I am gone
Swept beyond all that is real.
A mere caress that is barely a touch
And the world goes away.
Whispers like the wind within my ear
All becomes right once again.
Fingers in my hair, caressing softly
Trailed with butterfly kisses
Upon naked skin
Sweet kisses as we drift to sleep
Blessed slumber in each other’s arms
to pretend that you are next to me...
holding me and making love to me...
I will feel your arousal entering me...
coming inside of me until I can no longer breathe...
26 july 2019
~*ella se acuesta en la cama para esperar a su amado esposo
@0riginalGillies a volver a casa...*

~*smirks to herself as she thinks of his smile... she lays back day dreaming as she fights the sleep God awaiting for her beloved esposo to return home...*

27 july 2019
@0riginalGillies ~blessed Saturday morning, my darling. Here is to a relaxing end to a crazy week. ♡
@0riginalGillies ~after the day, she waits and watches over the gardens, sipping her mug of hot chocolate awaiting her beloved esposo to return home *
@0riginalGillies *she lays in bed, resting her eyes and dreaming dreams of what may come to be....*
28 july 2019

~these were pretty... ♡ ;)
@0riginalGillies Blessed morning, mí corazón. ♡ Let us have a relaxing start to a new week
@0riginalGillies "Spending time with you is so precious and I love every minute that we are together."
29 july 2019
My #ManCrushMonday #ManCrushEveryday @0riginalGillies
~ together we shall create more to our Faery'sSongs and build upon our chapter of life. Your smile always brings me great comfort and joy. ♡ ೇ tú encanto ahora y siempre


ೇ ━#Off ━ ℣ˑ〚#ᵀʰᵉᴴᵒˡˡᵒʷ𝚂𝙻𝙻


ೇ @SkyBoivin 🌹 ~ 'Love itself is what is left over when being /in love/ has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident.' ―LdeB #ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉMonday RosesBloomAgain ℣ˑ
{video of fountain }
ೇ ~"love you without knowing how, or when, or from where/ so intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand, so intimate that when I fall asleep your eyes close." -PN #ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉMonday
My #ManCrushMonday #ManCrushEveryday
~ together we shall create more to our Faery'sSongs and build upon our chapter of life. Your smile always brings me great comfort and joy. ♡ ೇ tú encanto ahora y siempre.

ೇᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ @0riginalGillies ~ each note, pen stroke, chapter... we are the melodies and harmonies of our shared song♡
{ https://twitter.com/inkandstars/status/1155866639918931968?s=19 }
~ begins solo ೇnow and always part 2 chapter 4
{ https://www.wattpad.com/765094975-now-and-always~-part-2-ch4-discovering-rooms }
ೇ *whistle innocently*
30 july 2019
@0riginalGillies ೇ ~let us end the week start with frozen summer treats and quiet evening together...
{Summer kisses/ waremelon&cucumbers
Ice cream treats and gin} ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
~Blessed dreams, mí corazón. ♡
{rt sky saying Iridescent wings... }
31 july 2019
@0riginalGillies ~let us spend the days watching the hot air balloons pass by and take an evening ride within one of their wicker baskets with a picnic dinner for two to be enjoyed.
Grand Est Mondial Air Ballons 2019нαgéνιℓℓє, ƒяαη¢є
~ some chilly treats for while you work in this summer heat of the mid day, mí corazón.
August~ 2019
1 aug 2019
~morning blessings, mí corazón. Here's to a quiet day ♡
~solo~ After the day before’s discovery of new rooms and their condition, she set out early the next morning to fix them up further. She starts with the two identical rooms she feels would be perfect for their twins. Not too much work was going to be needed in these rooms, she planned out her task as she carried the bucket of water up the stairs with the washing clothes and the mop. She already had a waste basket in another room from where she left off the other day. She sets the bucket in a corner and turns to the other room to grab the waste basket and the broom. She hums the tune from their first meetings and twirls around the room as she sweeps the old piles of dirt, dust, and crumbling plaster along the floor. Smiling as she goes, she scoops it all up in a swift motion and then pauses with the broom stick in her hand. She sways the broomstick slightly as she stands in the middle of the room once she was done, thinking out loud on her next task to be done.
She bites the corner of her lip slightly as she looks at the room before her, now all swept. “I think I saw some cream colored ~paint in the small shed in the yard,” she thinks out loud to herself, turning to rest the broom against the wall to head back down the stairs.
She lifts the front corner of her skirts as she glides her way down the stairs and out the side door to the small courtyard right off ~of the cottage. She looks over to the far end where a tiny one door, faded green shed stood with a tiny window on the side wall. With a nod, she makes her way across the courtyard to the shed.
She tugged on the shed door and grunted softly to herself when it didn’t give easy to her pull. “Stubborn humidity,” she mumbled as she reminded herself as to why the door may have given her trouble. She turned her hand slightly lifting the door another way to pull it once again. This time, the door gave way to her efforts and she sighed with relief.
She stood ~in the doorway, peering inside, looking for the one can of paint she thought she saw some time ago. The sunlight filtered through the tiny window as the dust particles danced quietly around the air. She waved a spider web out of her path as she stepped inside to get a better look. She had some of the web land on her face that caused her to make a squeamish face as waved it quickly away.
She shakes her head as she fixes herself from the web attack and continues further into the shed. She stepped around some old boxes she still needed to look ~through, left behind by the previous owners and sees the can of her quest. She grabs it up and heads back out of the shed, leaving it partially open so it would not get stuck on her again later.
She carries it back up the stairs after she grabs a large paint brush on her way. She spent the rest of the morning painting and touching up spots around the room before she grabs the paint roller for the higher to reach spots. Then she does the same to the next room.
When she walks through the door between the rooms, she discovers there is really a small bathroom with a door at each end to the respective rooms. She smiles at her new discovery and thinks on more plans to be done. She works quickly now as she finds more things to be done upstairs and wants to have as much done to surprise her beloved at all of her hard workings while he goes about his business affairs.
At the end of her busy day, she drags her water bucket over to the new bathroom and empties it down the drain, listening to make sure the pipes were still in working order. Happy in her thoughts, she sets the bucket in the tub and heads back downstairs to shower and change into cleaner clothing for the early evening before fixing meals for herself and their girls.
She spent the quiet late afternoon in the gardens with their daughters before it was time to tell them stories and lullabies for bed. She rests her eyes to their snuggles as she gently rocked them to their peaceful slumbers, dreaming partly on her beautiful she was going to transform their new rooms upstairs.
~end solo~
~ * whispers * welcome home, my heart. let's enjoy the night
ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife, @SkyBoivin
TheGracefulnessOfTheNightŠky* IvorySorceress/#blackmoon
2 august 2019
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ〚#ᵀʰᵉᴴᵒˡˡᵒʷ𝚂𝙻𝙻
{goodnight sweetheart
may the sunlight kiss you
content within my arms}
~blessed evening, mí corazón
@0riginalGillies ~morning blessings and happy fri-yay, mí corazón. Here is to a not so manic friday ♡
@0riginalGillies ~*she quietly leaves lunch on the side table in his office while he works...*
{tumblr post of poem "missing arms" https://queenfayesky.tumblr.com/post/186717244977/missing-arms-she-lays-awake-at-night-trying-hard }
{tumblr post- it's the little things https://queenfayesky.tumblr.com/post/186715452537/its-the-little-things }
2 august 2019
@0riginalGillies ~almost the end of a busy week. Let us enjoy a quiet night with fresh picked blackberries and your favorite wine, mí corazón. ♡
{other edit

3 august 2019
@0riginalGillies ~since we missed it yesterday, thought we can have it today ;) Happy national ice cream sandwich day, my darling. Enjoy
reply to sky ~ and when #NationalChocolateChipCookieDay lands in August, you make cookie ice cream sandwiches. I love you, #myQueen
~*smiles* of course, mí rey ! It is summer time, we must have it as a cool treat *smirks and winks* plus we can have shakes to go along with them... #myking
4 august 2019
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
only missed opportunities
there is always another
chance to be free
{rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1157855079040466945?s=20
only missed opportunities;
We only feel lost
When not together.
there is always another
chance to be free;
Chances are always abound
We have been blessed.
We have been granted the chance
We are no longer lost
We are now free together.
Opportunities passed before us
Long before and were ignored.
Little did our "lost" souls know,
We were waiting on the right time.
That one correct soul meant to fall before us.
And here we now stand.
No longer feeling lost and alone.
~let us leave the world behind closed doors
Even for a short while
Let us forget all that has been
And learn what can be
We only need to worry about what lays before us
Not what lays out there
For what is here before us
Is what truly cares.
~new days, new moon
New adventures around the corner awaits
We never truly know what life will lead us
We only know now for sure
But together, we will face it all
Nothing will stand in our way
Nothing can stop us
I just published "finishing touches" of my story "Now And Always~ part 2".
chapter 6
Let me sink into your protective arms and drift away
@0riginalGillies ~a happy sunday to relaxed and start the week anew. Nothing but ease to our minds as our hearts are filled with nothing but love♡
@0riginalGillies My thoughts are lost when I’m with you A simple look&I am gone Swept beyond all that is real A mere caress that is barely a touch&the world goes away. Whispers like the wind within my ear All becomes right once again. #sultrysunday
the secret is
you are my music
without you
the secret is
you are my song
my soul ebbs and flows
just for you
the secret is
you are my poetry
my veins pulse
at the thoughts of you
the secret is
I love you
~*giggles* I always love that little steam spitting guy. ♡ *giggles more*
~*giggles* I always love that little steam spitting guy. ♡ *giggles more*
ℋappy ~ ‘Spirit is a child, the tune of dancing feet its lullaby.’ ― S. Asad R. #8monthsold https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1158083422323118081 …
ೇ{rt from calyptra @bleachedfaun} your kiss must taste like laughing honeysuckles and whispering lilies; i want the pollen of your lungs, the wind carries your voice to me
susurra *dulce madreselva siempre será tuya. ¿Qué susurran los lirios? tu eres mi cancion, mi corazon. *ella sonríe suavemente
{rt of lord byron}
it's all about choices I chose to love you once and forever and I still do
~ahora y siempre, mí corazón.
Nothing says innocence quite like a millennium-old assassin of balletic brutality in a /$9000/ suit. Commence resurrection.' ²⁰¹¹
Best dressed for any situation. #TheOriginals
*smirks* always looks good even when in casual wear ;)*giggles then looks innocent*
5 august 2019
@0riginalGillies ೇ ~blessed morning, mí corazón. Let us start our monday with a quiet and relaxing breakfast before the day turns manic on us, and hope it does not end so manic instead ;)ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ #MiRey
*smirks* mí dios...
#ManCrushMonday ~@0riginalGillies ೇ it's the little things. Brings out inspiration. The smile the crosses his lips, brightens my day. Little everyday surprises and everything in between. Your Faery'sSongs are just a NewChapter in your UnwrittenManuscript Te amo, mí corazón
6 august 2019
@0riginalGillies ~blessed morning, mí corazón. Here is to a not so manic Tuesday and another relaxing evening ahead♡
Trail walks New trails
beaver video
bird video
it's a tie game you create the fantasy I'll design the knots
*smirks* mí dios...
7 august 2019
~Treasured dreaming
I have the same dream every night
and he lays in my arms
each time I slumber
I wish to never wake.
From such a splendid dream
For I may never want to sleep again
If I was to waken to it not be true
~I have the same dream every night
And I hold her close to my heart
I sleep peacefully
Guarding her dreams
maybe because I treasure her
each and every day
~we have the same dream every night
and we lay in each other’s arms
keeping close to our heart
guarding dreams and hearts
consoling slumber
as we treasure each moment
we share in our waking dreams.
8 august 2019
~bienvenido a casa,
mí corazón.
permíteme hacer
desaparecer el mundo...
#tbt ~ smokey and beautiful feathers. 「https://twitter.com/0riginalGillies/statuses/1051011210810875904?tw_i=1051011210810875904&tw_e=details&tw_p=archive…」
{rt @DarkerSunrise
· Aug 8
She comes for you
She fills your mind
She feeds your need
ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife, @SkyBoivin
𝐴𝑢𝑔𝑢𝑠𝑡 ~ fairytale track.
9 august 2019
~ blessed dreams, mí rey. Te amo ahora y siempre ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉೇ
~ending a manic week with just you and me and quiet, mí corazón, mí alma, mí amor. We'll set the table and lock the door, shutting out the outside world. Set the music low and create our Faery'sSongs once more { https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrXkLG7ufm18LMWgWSTNktAXC6ZSYp80o… }
~ blessed dreams, mí rey. Te amo ahora y siempre ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉೇ
ೇ "Mi amor por ti no tiene tiempo ni lugar. Mi corazón comienza a palpitar cada vez que veo tu hermosa cara." ~buenos dias mi amado esposo. Te amo ahora y siempre, más allá de la luna y las estrellas. ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
10 august 2019
#sultrysaturday @0riginalGillies ~let us spend the day playing with bubbles and being free of the outside world and cares for a while... it will be there once we finally return.
@0riginalGillies ~ afternoon blessings, mí corazón. Let us enjoy the sunset upon the lavender and share blackberry iced treats
let us blow bubbles while we enjoy a quiet picnic beneath the stars. Nothing but time for us to share and a sky full of stars waiting to be viewed.
{other edits

11 august 2019
Wandering, Restless Minds
Allow us to ease each other’s minds
As we lay back on a blanket beneath the stars
To send away the outside world
And all the troubles that came to be.
Let us not be restless mind any longer
But be here within the darkest hours
Holding close just to be
Just holding tight and keeping close
Allow our minds to wander off
To other things that matter
Like sunsets, fireflies, and fire flies.
Gardens that blossom and grow
Toddlers that giggle so
Flower petals catching the sun’s rays so
That the world becomes golden yellow all around.
So let the restless mind wander
Beyond the days that have fallen behind us so.
Show the world what living really means
Let them all wonder so.
Tales of Time
Let us sit beneath the flower tree
Within the tiny sunroom.
And read within the pages old,
Of tales beyond our time.
Let us share in stories before us
And be swept away in our memories.
The pink petals will float around us
As we snuggle close to read.
Let us become our favorite characters.
And make our own tales of time.
We will dive within the pages
Be swept away by stories old.
Let us sit among fallen tree petals
Making up our own stories
We can become anything we wish to be
And no one has to be the wiser
Let us sit beneath the flower tree
Reading old story pages
With pen and journal in hand
To make our own love story old.
~let us enjoy a quiet night,
𝒜𝓃𝒹 𝒞𝒶𝓇𝑒𝓈𝓈𝒾𝓃𝑔𝒫𝒾𝒶𝓃𝑜𝒦𝑒𝓎𝓈 ,
Lҽƚ υʂ ɱαƙҽ συɾ σɯɳ Sƚσɾιҽʂ αɳԃ
Oυɾ Bҽαυƚιϝυʅ Fαҽɾყ'ʂSσɳɠ
oɯɐ ǝ⊥ ahora y siempre
ɬɧɛ ɖąყ ʄơཞ ɬɧɛ Ɩąŋɠųąɠɛ ơʄ Ɩɛıʂųཞɛ.”-ɛ.ʝ.
~let us enjoy the quiet morning
Allow the world to disappear
Let us begin the week anew
With nothing but promises
of goodness to come
(Fb.) ೇ Lazy 𝒮unday𝓈 ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ~ 𝒮𝓂𝑜𝓇𝑒𝓈; 𝓈𝓉𝓇𝑒𝑒𝓉𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓁𝓎 𝓈𝓆𝓊𝒶𝓇𝑒𝓈 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝒻𝑜𝓊𝓃𝓉𝒶𝒾𝓃𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒸𝒶𝒻𝑒𝓈. ℣ˑ
yum, s'mores and cafe street squares with fountains. A warm campfire and the one I love. I cannot think of a better way to spend this night.ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉೇ lazysundays
[John Coltrane - In A Sentimental Mood]
{other edit
mi rey, llenas mi corazón con tanta alegría.
tú iluminas mi vida,
como cuando la luna está llena
y ilumina el mundo
Te amo, mi rey
a la Luna y de regreso
Ahora y siempre.
This week, we’re showcasing one of our #medievalanimals manuscripts: MS 132, a mid-15thC Italian bestiary. This treatise features watercolour illustrations of animals, such as this #unicorn. #medievaltwitter https://wellcomelibrary.org/item/b19309296#?c=0&m=0&s=0&cv=18
~*smiles* two of my favorite things...unicorns, and watercolors.
12 august 2019
♡ ೇ You bring such smiles to my lips and brighten my days, my heart. Me mueves más allá de las palabras con tus palabras, siempre. Te amo
~blessed manicMonday @0riginalGillies , mí corazón. Let us start the day with coffee, chocolate and berries mixed with sweetkisses upon the lips. The day, and week, is fresh and new. Nothing can stand in our way.♡ ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
~blessed dreams, mí corazón. Let us start the week anew. *snuggles and keeps close*
13 august 2019
~*just laying in the gardens daydreaming the afternoon away... as the golden sunset slowly crawls its way through the sky...*
solo thread
~*she picks up the basket and heads out to the gardens as the set starts to set. Hitching up the corner of her skirt as she scurries in her faye way through the gardens to the far end past the weeping willow standing tall and wise, she pauses a moment to look up through ~its tall swaying branches before turning to continue on her way. She passes the stone bench, running her finger slowly as she strolls past, A tiny smile upon her lips as she does. She reaches the tiny shed beyond, just before the property line. She ducks inside ~and looks around the tiny room shed. She closes her eyes and breathes in slow and deep to the aroma of the room, savoring the smells. She plays around to pick out some bunches of lavenders and assorted other flowers she has been allowed to dry these past weeks. after shes done making her selections, she heads back to their cottage centers on the property. Nestled, and protected. She spends the rest of the late afternoon setting up beautiful arrangements to brighten their little home *
~blessed morning, mí corazón. Let us continue the week new and fresh with hints of lemon among our tea kisses. ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉೇ
~at the end of the busy day, there is only us to remain. We can just close the door to the world outside and allow it all to melt away...
♡♡♡ New header edit by
♡♡♡ In total love with it Gracias, mí corazón. ♡
14 august 2019
ೇ ~let us pause this mid week, crazy and long as the day has become, and relax the night away. Making it all melt and disappear beyond our thoughts. No need for worries until the morning sun reappears. Nothing but love for mí corazón. ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
@0riginalGillies ~blessed morning, mí corazón. Let us start the day relaxing and sharing the quiet morning in the gardens♡
the taste of her instantly brings me to the moment of love when our world began
~ blessed dreams, mi corazón. Til the morrow. Let us enjoy the quiet night til the morning sun...
15 august 2019
~let us spend the evening, Quiet and tranquil. We will caress piano keys Your unfinished manuscript awaits, mí rey...
ೇ The days almost done, the week as well.
Soon it shall be time to play with pillows.
In the manner that we do. ThurdaysThoughts ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ Şน ēຖ¢คຖt໐
~blessed day, mí corazón. Let us enjoy sweet lemon treats under the shady sunshine gardens
ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife, @SkyBoivin
𝐴𝑢𝑔𝑢𝑠𝑡 ~ a faery’s song.
~the week has finally come to an end. Let us begin the days to relax before a new crazy week begins♡
~let us pause in the day and enjoy some afternoon delights.
~morning blessings, mí corazón. Let us end the busy week relaxing.
@RealElleYess Moonlight... {tree moonlight video gif}
17 august 2019
@0riginalGillies "...let’s feed the fire slowly; bank the embers and allow the slow burn to transport us beyond time. It was just a kiss between souls..." ~deja que tu encanto te cuide, mí rey. sultrySaturday ೇᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ https://youtu.be/HCm6gRHINqA
[rt poetryinsunsets
kissed one another
for the first time
I could swear
I heard our souls
whisper ever so quietly,
‘Welcome home.’
-Beau Taplin
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ 「https://twitter.com/L0RD_BYRON/status/1107879200424288257…」
she showed me how to love again
18 august 2019
@0riginalGillies~morning blessings, mí corazón. Let us hideaway this #lazysunday morning away and play with pillows... ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉೇ
19 august 2019
You bring such smiles and sense of peace to me each and every day ♡ ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉೇ
~ I love you, my faery's song ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉೇ
{gif by 0riginalGillies}
~te amo, mí corazón. ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉೇ
@0riginalGillies ~ let us end the week and begin anew. Let us shut out the world, by locking the door behind us. Theres nothing but us. We need nothing more.ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉೇ
{other edit}
~let us end a manic Monday with relaxing treats and quiet... ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉೇ
~let's feed the fire and allow the embers burn bright Nothing stands in our way as long as we have each other This is our time/our story/our song We can make it how we wish it to be ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉೇ YσυɾFαɾҽყ'ʂSσɳɠ
~never would have thought a single moment would lead to now. Here we are, memories made, stories shared, music made. I wouldn't trade a single bit of it for anything in the world. As long as we have each other, that's all that matters
*smirks* these look yummy....@0riginalGillies
21 august 2019
ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ~ and gathering swallows twitter in the 𝓢kies.
@0riginalGillies "Sometimes your nearness takes my breath away and all the things I want to say can find no voice. Then in silence, I can only hope my eyes will speak my heart."-RS ~blessed morning, mí corazón. ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉೇ
@0riginalGillies ~Blessed quiet evening for us to share in. Only wish we can pause Morpheus from stealing all of our time away...
~blessed morning, mí corazón. The busy week is almost over. Let us relax this morning a little longer before we must start our days... *smirks*
I write along her edges close to her truth then closer still until she's everything
@0riginalGillies ~relaxing evenings/ the week is almost done...
ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife, @SkyBoivin
𝐴𝑜𝓊̂𝓉 ~ Éternellement éternel / Dans la lueur écarlate
~Merci mon amour. Elles sont belles.
~as the week comes slowly to an end, nothing stopping us to jump ahead to make quiet evenings to be enjoyed ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉೇ
I gulp you water to sate my thirst only to find you are the finest wine to intoxicate my mind
@0riginalGillies Thirsty Thursday thoughts...
@0riginalGillies ~peaceful nights with berries and fig treats.
@0riginalGillies ೇ ~Lazy sunday Memories shared and made. Nostalgia in the air as the anniversary of a blessed union approaches around the corner. Could not think of anyone better to have spent all of these days than with you, mí rey, mí corazón, mí diosᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
@0riginalGillies "Far away from the land you knew, The dawn of day reaches out to you. Though it feels like a fairy tale, All of this is true. Run with me, have a look around." https://g.co/kgs/h31BSa ~let us share in love and freely run Away from all abound
@0riginalGillies ~let us begin the week anew. Allowing the outside world to pass by unnoticed. #lazysunday ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉೇ Sunday snuggles and butterfly kisses, hidden away from the world...
26 august 2019
~my beautiful soul that brings life to music upon my ears, and shares in such love of music and words, filling my heart more than one may imagine. My darling corazón. ♡ ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉೇ
27 august 2019
ŋɛῳ ℘ơɛɱ Ⱥʍօղց Ӏąѵҽղժҽɾ The moon shines pale Hanging high above As she steps out in the fields Fragrant lavender flows into her nose. Sheer blue dress Hangs upon her silken skin. She floats to the middle Playing her fingers Along the delicate... https://tmblr.co/Zy7Mlg2kT8cVf
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ 「https://twitter.com/L0RD_BYRON/status/778107752308731905…」
we exist outside of time you were my answer long before I found my question
~let us spend the weekend playing with pillows and relaxing in the gardens. Not a care for the rest of the outside world to be had today....
Outside of time
we exist outside of time
beyond the very reaches
of Morpheus himself.
you were my answer
long before I found my question
of what I was searching for.
You came along
Out of the blue of the night.
And before I knew it,
I was home.
Time means nothing
As we stand beside each other
Arm in arm
Beyond the very reaches
Of where my answer laid.
Long before
I found my question,
We existed outside of time.
You have always been my answer
Outside of time.
Tempting tuesday... ~until the end of our busy day... We shall then be together again, To shut out the outside world And all of its troubles away Even for just a short spell of time.
I'll leave you when breath leaves me the sun goes dark and the universe ends
@0riginalGillies ~blessed morning, mí corazón. Let us hope for a not so manic day today.
@0riginalGillies ೇ ~ let us shut away the outer world, all their crazy ways. For the spell of the moonlight, starlight, and just us. Just peace. Ahora y siempre ♡ ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
@0riginalGillies ೇ ~love is a timeless creature Eternity to be shared Standing against a jealous Morpheus We kiss under moonlit skies By candlelight and starshine ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉFαҽɾყ'ʂSσɳɠʂ
~ missing this smile right about now... Hoping ones business brings them home safe again very soon so su encanto can hold him close once again to ella corazón. ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉೇ
29 aug 2019
ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife, @SkyBoivin
𝐴𝑢𝑔𝑢𝑠𝑡 ~ fairytale track. #lavander
holding close along the paths Our own fairytale ♡
@0riginalGillies ~let us spend a quiet evening Shutting out the world and leave all their troubles out for another day.

@0riginalGillies ~as the cooler nights creep closer As the days slowly turn to fall Let us enjoy late night fires Munching on gooey s'mores Mixed with soft kisses ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉೇ
@0riginalGillies ೇ ~days are brighter when one remembers to reach for the things that make us happiest, When we need them the most ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ Fαҽɾყ'ʂSσɳɠʂ Tempting Thursday ;)
@0riginalGillies ~blessed morning, mí corazón.
May be have a stress free day until we can be together once again to enjoy each others company.♡ ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉೇ
she decorates my mind images incandescent writ in fine detail with burning desire
~blessed dreams, mí corazón I shall guard your heart, as always.
She sets to work in the early morning hours. So much to be happening in the upcoming month of September and she grew more excited as the days approached quickly. Funny how time flies by. It seemed like just yesterday they were preparing and saying their vows to each other.
Now, one year later, they celebrate not only that, but nine blessed months with their little bugs. Beautiful baby girls that were growing so fast now. She headed out quickly to the gardens and gathered up some of the lavender already set aside, placing them into a small wagon to be sent off to the castle. She was going to have some of these prepared there for her as she had some other ideas for while she was around their cottage home. A couple of her ravens swooped down and transformed into their humanoid form, ready for their orders. It may be a small task, but after the last little, shall we say, run in, she would rather not take any more chances. She nods and gives her orders, "take these up to the head cook, she will know where they must go. She has space in the freezer to store them."
{ other part(?)*she heads out in the wee early hours to the gardens to gather and fetch as many flowers and add to a new wagon to be ready to head out the castle de Faye for their celebrations to be held later in the month of the fast approaching September She adds the piles of bundled lavender into the wagon from the shed, as a pair of her beloved "dogs" swoop down, transforming from their raven form to their new human guard form, ready for their orders.
She nods and instructs, "take these up to the castle. Cook will Know just where to set these. “After what happened the last time, she would take no further risks. This was too special and important of days ahead for wanting to risk anything further...*}
They make a soft caw in reply and head off, wagon in hand. Then she carried by the armfuls to the cottage as much lavender as she could. Then she went back to gather other flowers to add to such arrangements she would spend the day creating. She busies herself all morning, gathering and bringing back inside to her workstation, already being piled high with various freshly picked flowers. She steps into the room and looks around, "maybe I should get started by now on some of the arrangements. Before I run out of space completely!" She laughs at herself as she smiles over all the smells now filling her nose. A delightful bouquet of smells bringing a bright smile over her thoughts. As she sets to work finally, a caw from the open window and her beloved raven guard hops through, back in his bird form. "Welcome back. Maybe I should have you take some of these other flowers to free me some space to work in here as well?" He caws some more and hops about, playing with ribbon and makes to fly off with it in his mouth, as payment for his task of earlier. "Oh no you don't! That, stays here. "she scolds him quickly, pointing over to the pile of other ribbons in the far corner.
"You know better than that. Those over there belong to you. "He caws in argument back at her and she sets her work down upon the table, now setting her hands on her hips as she makes her way around the table. She walks over to him, smirking and knowing this was more a play than anything else. "Don't you be tryin' to sass at me, mister." She waves her index finger at him in more scolding. "There is no time for that, those are yours over there." Holding out her hand now to him and motioning for him to give back his stolen ribbon. "Now, give it back. "She stands there patiently waiting for him. Reluctantly, he abides and hops up to the table, dropping his stolen treasure into the palm of her hand. “Thank you. Now take from your pile and be off with ya." She sighs. Some days it's like dealing with a two-year-old with this one particular raven. She laughs and shakes her head at the thought before turning back to continue her work. She trims the roses and other flowers to fit into small bundles. Her thought was to have these drape along the gardens later. Next, will be some for tall vases along the ballroom and entry into the gardens, combining long stalks of lavender and white roses with other tall stems of green to coordinate. She piles them high as she hurries through her workings and then hears another caw at the window. Without glancing up, "come to try and steal more of my ribbon rather than yours again, my dear little dog?" She gives a smirk and looks up when another caw retorts.
The raven stays in the window, cawing at her. She sets her work down and walks over to the window. "What is the matter, now?" She scratches under his chin and coos at him. He stops cawing so much and then hops to the floor, changing back to humanoid form. He silently begins to gather up the piles of arrangements to be carried down to the wagon and brought up to the castle. “Many thanks, dear friend." She softly says and pauses before turning back to her work. She peeks out the window and wonders just what had her little raven so stressed about. She shakes her head and turns back to her work. Now pulling out votive holders and wrapping carefully the lavender and ribbons around each one so they can place them on tables.
She wasn't certain how large of a celebration this would turn out, but she figured she could not have too little of things made. She hummed along to herself as she carefully did these up and set them into boxes to be brought up later. Her ravens having already set off with the next wagonful by now. She then adds wreaths to be hung between satin and silk ribbons around the grounds and ballroom. She wraps slowly to ensure that each was tight and secured. Finally, after the busy day and afternoon has been spent, she pauses in her workings and sets it all aside for the remainder of the day. She heads off to change and freshen up before she checks for some things in the old grimoires she now has here in their home. She wanted to look into some rituals and wondered if there may be some within these old pages. She sits curled up in a large chair with one in her lap and reads the rest of the afternoon as she waits for her beloved Elijah to finish his own business from the day.
30 august 2019
@0riginalGillies ~morning desserts are the only way to start a Friday....
∫ ILovЕ̃ThЕ̃QuiЕ̃tOfThЕ̃Night... you are the blood in my veins, and the beating of my heart burning like cinnamon, sweet like a rose in the sun ೇ ━ ~ to worship every single dawn. ℣ˑ
~afternoon treats to end a busy morning... nothing better than sharing in delicious goodies...
*smirks and giggles, thinking the same*
~*playfully smiling and mentally sending a message for her beloved to come find her among the flowers...*
*playfully blows a handful of glitter his way, then giggles as she scampers off in faye like fashion*
ೇ {rt @AlainaHuffman
Aug 29
Name one thing that’s changed your life for the better!}
Awww... mi corazón ♡ *blushes*
{rt @kris0723
I asked this little #crow if he could show me how he picks berries and this is what he did.
*smiles* I do love my ravens...
31 august 2019
~from that moment our eyes caught from across a room Only a piano between us A shared love of words,songs, poetry I shall always be your unfinished manuscript I am your Faery'sSongs Brought to life by your kiss and your love AhoraYSiempre is only the beginningೇ
2 sept 2019
#ManCrushMonday ~my darling corazón,
You are a beautiful soul, You always bring a smile to my face, inspire me and lift me up with my work♡ It is always fun and relaxing when we can steal our time from Morpheus. Te amo ahora y siempre ♡
4 sept 2019
that in every scrap of beauty
I must imagine her hand
5 sept 2019
@0riginalGillies~blessed morning, mí corazón. Let us hope for a not so manic day. We can start the day with chocolate, coffee and kisses... ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉೇ
~the week is just about over, mí corazón. Let us send the outside world aside and lock it away. We can hide away from it all and just be you and me. So let us to us, and be free... ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉೇ Faery'sSongs TemptingThursday
~*susurros * el único error sería no seguir tu encanto a la cama ... * risita *
~ahora y siempre...
~blessed morning, mí corazón. Happy fri-yay finally. Now we can almost be done with the week...
7 sept 2019
∫ CarЕ̃ssingPianoKЕ̃ys ~ And still my heart has wings, How strange / How sweet Two lovers on the street / Who walk like dreamers ೇ Le𝒮 𝒮oirée𝒮 Nomade𝒮 - Mano𝒮que 「https://chirb.it/1vwDd9」Е̃ˑ #september
@0riginalGillies "We know that in September, we will wander through the warm winds of summer's wreckage. We will welcome summer's ghost" h.r. ~ summer leaves us with cooler breezes and warmer blankets to be shared, snuggled in with hot apple ciders to be shared ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉೇ
~First daffodils/And candle lights/A little corner table/ And still my heart has wings ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉೇ #september
@0riginalGillies ~*waiting for here Rey, her corazón, to finish his business for the day, is always worth the wait...* #sultrySaturday
8 sept 2019
~ Happy birthday, my Ǥoddess: ♕Ŧaye ❤
#SundayMorning BirthdaySundaySnuggles ೇ I will play the most beautiful music with you. Writing to become immortal. Е̃ˑ 「https://youtube.com/watch?v=gn0jk0nSbQc…」
~gracias, mi corazon ♡♡
@0riginalGillies ~afternoon snuggles and treats. Nothing better for a day such as this
9 sept 2019
{I would save the last dance for you but there will never be one we have always danced and ever will}
@0riginalGillies ~you make each day more special than the last♡
{Chess in bed . I move *here* . Fully expecting you *there* . Instead . Utterly shocking delight #micropoetry }
~*giggles and smirks*
@0riginalGillies *online shopping for their celebrations coming up later in the month and she let's out a tiny giggle. Glancing up she smirks playfully and then asked her beloved esposo* Oh, darling, do you think this would be too much for things? *she giggles more*
11 sept 2019
@0riginalGillies ~ cherry, chocolate and kisses... Full moonlight sky upon us as we escape from the outside world ೇ
~ https://my.w.tt/k24JiP36SZ ch 15~ just a dream now and always part 2
She heads out through the gardens of their cottage. She sneaks out to beyond the immediate grounds and down the path her raven had taken her some months ago. She follows the water, slipping her shoes off and wading happily in the cooling waters from this time of year. The air becomes crisp around now. The breeze becomes slowly more blustery as the moon turns its eerie yellow of the harvest time.
She lifts her head up to see the slowly sinking sun and the yellowing moon. A moon that becomes slightly creepy to some as a fog will wrap lovingly around it later in the wee hours of the following morning hours.She walks along like this for some time, passing along in her restless thoughts for now until she finally reaches her destination. The old building left all alone to fend for itself against the elements. She strolls slowly over to it, pausing to slip her shoes back upon her feet.
The energy coming from this place still as strong as that first time she came upon this place. She looks around to ensure nothing was around to attack her.
She was hoping to use this building for a few months. She pushes the large doors slowly, their creaking echoing along the waters of the still lake next to it.The cool darkness and moss welcoming her as she steps inside.She plays her fingers slowly along the soft moss, smiling to its touch."What wonders do we hold today?" She whispers to the moss covered wall as she continues to play her fingers along its softness.She heads down the hallway and down the dark stairs. The faint light casting a soft light along her way.She reaches the room hidden at the end of the hallway and peeks carefully around. The sense of nothing here but herself, she eases slightly and steps into the room, this time feeling the magic surround her as she steps inside. "How did I not notice this before?" Apparently it was cast in a protective spell to keep certain creatures out. She feels around the walls slowly and then checks the doorways in her new discovery. Pleased in her findings she turns back to the room itself.She walks slowly around the room, running her hands along the worn spines of leather and parchment from ages past. She finds a small chest with iron lockings, and pulls it out to look within. She checks for any spells already existing and finds nothing there.
"Perfect," she whispers. She pull her bag over and takes a few older books out. She sets them inside the chest and locks it up once again. She spells it closed and hides it under the table nearby. "You should be safe here. And no one else needs to know where you are now."She smoothed out her skirt as she stands back up. She spends a little longer in the room, exploring a short while before she heads back up the stairs. She runs her hands along the moss walls once again as she walked.
She sits on the walkway outside the building after she secures the doors behind her and spells it shut for others to not be allowed in without her. Added security was better than none at all she thought.She sits and wonders on her beloved's unease of sleep lately and hoped she would be able to help ease it better than she has been. She contemplates on if he might open to her soon about what his dreams were that seem to be bothering him lately.She lays back after staring out over the waters for some time, lost in her thoughts.
~ September 𝓢ky* never looked more charming; or the sublime petals of the rose looked so graceful. ·IvorySorceress ℣ˑ 「𝐼𝓈𝓁𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝑜𝒻 𝑅𝑒𝒶𝓁𝓂𝓈 (IoR) ∫ TamquamCoronaCircumdaretur」
𝓢eptember* ೇ TheUnbearableDeliciousHunger that was The𝓢weetestPain ~ to worship every 𝓢ingle dawn. ℣ˑ #Off
~blessed dreams, mí corazón. ೇ
~I know this world can be hard and trying at times. Always know tú encanto is here to help. We will shut away the outside world for a spell.♡
13 sept 2019
@0riginalGillies ~evening sets and quiet settles in the cottage Tiny toes set down to bed And our time begins. Blood orange treats spiced with cinnamon ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉೇFaery'sSongs
Little Red Lung - Fangs
tonight's full harvest moon, in Boston; time lapse. so stunning! full moon rise video
~blessed morning, mí corazón. Let us start off the ending of the week with special treats along side coffee and hot chocolate. We can allow it all to make the world disappear until we are ready to face it this morning. ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉೇ
tonight's full harvest moon, in Boston; time lapse. so stunning! full moon rise video
(5x07 God'sGonnaTroubleTheWater #TheOriginals) ~There's a moon over Bourbon Street tonight . It was many years ago that I became what I am . The brim of my hat hides the eye of a beast . I must love what I destroy and destroy the thing I love. #GSumner 「https://soundcloud.com/margency/mobs」}
~ let us enjoy the evening, ending a week with a beautiful harvest moon
~ La Lecture sous Pleine Lune · sculptureenbois-fullmoon-halo-nuitamanosque-souslalune-undermoon-champsdelavande-southoffrance-skylovers-provencealpescotedazur. But there’s a full moon rising... #HarvestMoon
@0riginalGillies ~perfect way to end the week, and enjoy a harvest moon, coffee in bed before the busy day begins. #SeductiveSaturday ೇ
@0riginalGillies ~let us start the week off with our quiet ways... with our beautiful songs and music we so enjoy to share.
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ ~ 'Immortality was in the eyes of his love, in the way fire danced at night around her heart.'
~*but did he know he was the one who kindled those embers so...*
'For every day, I miss you. For every hour, I need you. For every minute, I feel you. For every second, I want you. Forever, I love you.' ~let us stay hidden from the world today... #LazySundaySnuggles
@0riginalGillies ~ together there is nothing that can stop us. Look at all we have survived so far, all the good that has come, and still more to come... ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉೇ
16 sept 2019
'I've got a ticket for a world where we belong' ~ I can't believe that in just a few short days left, we shall be saying 'I do'all over again. Time has flown by so very quickly. But it has been a beautiful ride with you by my side. #ManCrushMonday
@0riginalGillies ೇ I love you/I am who I am because of you/YouAreEvery reason/EveryHope+Every dream I’veEverHad/+no matter what happens to us in the future/ every day we are together is the greatest day of my life.”–T.N. ~blessed morning, mí corazón. Let us start the week anew.
ೇ ~the sun sets and the day fades away slowly before our eyes. Let us spend the night, holding close. #TemptingTuesday ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ Faery'sSongs
@0riginalGillies ~*giggles....*
I-don't-care-what-they're-going-to-say No-right,-no-wrong,-no-rules-for-me-I'm-free I'm-never-going-back, the-past-is-in-the-past. ♪ ♫♫ a little bit me.
Let it go, let it go I am one with the wind and sky Let it go, let it go You'll never see me cry Here I stand and here I'll stay
ೇ {16 sept 2018}
19 Sept 2019
ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife, @SkyBoivin
~ September 𝓢ky* never looked more charming; a cream-white rosebud with a flush on its petal tips. ·IvorySorceress

-sky ~gracias, mí esposo.

sept 20 2018
always and forever, myQueen ೇ
~sky ~ siempre y para siempre, mi rey.
~ I could be right here all night watching them, and the stars, with you ahora y siempre, mí darling
21 sept 2019
ೇ{rt flowers
♡ ~you spoil you so always, mí corazón
{chicken and sunflower emoij
rt of pics by sky sunflower rooster and bee}
~you do enjoy when miss deb places that giant metal rooster in her garden ;)
i love that so much more than i should
It is ok to do so, my darling *smiles*
23 sept 2019
ೇ Blessed monday, and blessed mabon, my darling. You've been so wonderful and supportive this past year. ♡ gracias Sharing your time with me is most precious ~let us continue in shared fireflies, time beneath the stars, and sunsets to sunrises.
26 sept 2019
Celebrating 𝓢ummer turning to Fall 𝓢eptember 𝓢ky* never looked more lovelier ·IvorySorceress ℣ˑ│#skijahbash~UɳϝιɳιʂԋҽԃMαɳυʂƈɾιρƚ 𝐼𝓈𝓁𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝑜𝒻 𝑅𝑒𝒶𝓁𝓂𝓈 (IoR) ∫TamquamCoronaCircumdaretur [Imagesᵛᶤᵃryanmillerlane&ironika_photo]

nothing better than spending it with you, mí corazón
27 sept 2019
~*just reading off by the gardens, while she waits for her beloved esposo
@0riginalGillies ...*
~ *heads off back to the inner gardens and sits to play with some bubbles a short while....* #friskyfriday
28 sept 2019
~a quiet afternoon treat outside in a sweet day of gardens. And maybe so bubbles later on.
29 sept 2019
30 sept 2019
~*smirks* when he gives me that look as I bite my lip and look innocent over my "adventures" or some of my thoughts. *giggles*
My #ManCrushMonday #ManCrushEveryday
@0riginalGillies ೇ
Te amo, mí corazón ahora y siempre ♡
1 oct 2019
White chocolate dipped cranberry oatmeal cookies to end a busy day such as this...

2 October 2019
2019 ∫ ೇ
{rt ~ ~ it's about that time...}
giggles softly*
~blessed morning this beautiful beginnings of October. Let us indulge our taste buds with apple butter and biscuit cookies. Then snuggle under warm blankets when the day becomes chilly.
*she busies to prepare afternoon treats for them...
*newcomers making themselves at home around their cottage at ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
'Happiness comes in small ʄragile doses, transparent & gentle.' ~ ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ʄancifulʄlight

Such happiness found among the tiniest things...
2019 ∫ ೇ
[oct 2018]
~ it's about that time}
*giggles softly*
3 October 2019
morning sunrise
~ @0riginalGillies blessed morning, mí corazón. May the day be quiet and peaceful until you return home once again.
∫ ILovЕ̃ThЕ̃QuiЕ̃tOfThЕ̃Night ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ 「https://twitter.com/L0RD_BYRON/status/1179619343199432704…」
~as evening begins once the sun finally sets, let us share in sweet kisses by soft candlelight, sweet rose and honeysuckle flavors and scents floating around us... ೇ
~the quiet of the night is the best part of the evening...
tongue tickling her fancy words tease and titillate
4 October 2019
"The trees are in their autumn beauty/The woodland paths are dry/Under the October twilight the water Mirrors a still sky." WBYeats
~@0riginalGillies beauty and splendor shared, snuggled close as nights grow cold.

~let us end a #FriskyFriday and a busy week snuggled close with soft moonlight filtering through the windows and our beautiful music/ UnfinishedManuscript/ to entertain us to our hearts content...
{Rt myPassion, MyDesires
I just want to lay
here with you...
My head on
your chest...
Hearing your heart
beat for me...}
ೇ ━ ℣ˑ
{ rt HopesAndBones
She sighs and the planets collide.}
*giggles with that playful smirk*
ೇ after {GoldAndBlue - Venice}: #BeautifulParasols - Japan
4 oct 2019
~let us end a #FriskyFriday and a busy week snuggled close with soft moonlight filtering through the windows and our beautiful music/ UnfinishedManuscript/ to entertain us to our hearts content...
I just want to lay here with you... My head on your chest... Hearing your heart beat for me...}
october morning ❤
Blessed morning, mí corazón. Let us sneak morning snuggles on this chilly October morning before we start our days. #friskyFriday
*smirks and giggles* snuggles and nuzzles the day away...
5 October 2019
𝒮ome kind of 𝑀𝒶𝑔𝒾𝒸, baby we have it, whatever have been is I will 𝒲𝒶𝓁𝓀 with you.
~our 𝒮ong is our own 𝑀𝒶𝑔𝒾𝒸, 𝐹𝑜𝓇𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇 𝒞𝒽𝑒𝓇𝒾𝓈𝒽𝑒𝒹
in my 𝐻𝑒𝒶𝓇𝓉& 𝒟eep in 𝑀y 𝒮oul. ೇ
'EvenInADeepestBlue & TheBlackIsBlack' #ᴀᴋғ ~ I fight for you, to rise by you, this life with you, it's hard to lose. ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ }
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
~ 𝒯𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒟𝒾𝓈𝒶𝓅𝓅𝑒𝒶𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝐿𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 / TheAllureOfDarkness
{rt lord byron
I want to be in your morning light the sight that reminds you of the lessons of the night}
~~ 2 oct / 5 oct 2019
'TheCitrusCapsule blends vibrant bergamot, zesty grapefruit & almond with pepper. TheWoodCapsule combines powerful woody notes of cedar & sandalwood. TheSpiceCapsule blends a base note of vetiver, dark walnut bitter, leather & tobacco.' ━ there's WhiskeyInThePod, oh ♪ stop it.
No ice. No stirrer. No glass. We're redefining how whisky can be enjoyed. Introducing The Glenlivet Capsule Collection #noglassrequired ~ video on new alcohol drink pods}
~*smirking as she playfully sets his glasses aside on him* mí rey... tú encanto needs you elsewhere...
GardenWalk Collecting more seeds before the frost comes.
And the roses are still in bloom
Colors of fall♡♡
Let's spark up October and make it better than September/ in the way we know how...
{She sighs and the planets collide.}
*she walks along the gardens until the sun begins to set, waiting on her beloved esposo,
to return home from his business affairs. She plays her hands slowly along the flowers that are beginning to change into the coming autumn. Petals turning to dry out
and be ready for sleep the coming winter cold. She looks upon them, planning what to be harvested now and those for later. Lavender, to be dried in the coolness and dryness of the tiny shed on the other side of their grounds. She could get some of it planned out before the frost
She picks up a bundle to bring to her nose, breathing in deeply the sweet aroma of the herb. Maybe with their trip to happen soon, she will leave the task for those she left in the care taking of their cottage while they were away. A smile crosses her lips at the thought of such
beauty they will discover together before too long. She grew excited for their trip to take place. She loves their cottage, and the town of ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ, but she was still excited to travel and see the exquisite land Japan had to share with them. The clothing, the culture,
the parasols... She blushes at how her thoughts were getting ahead of itself and sat on the swing once she came to the far corner of the garden, hidden behind the roses. She slips upon the seat of the swing and slowly allows it to sway back and forth along the breeze.*
*after some time, she hops off the swing, the sun setting lower at this hour. She heads back towards their cottage, strolling slowly along. She stops to play with the remaining blossoms on some bushes, taking in the sweet fragrance that still came from them. She closed her
Eyes to the sweet nectar of their scent, before turning to be on her way. She pauses among some flower beds, and lays back to enjoy the remaining warmth of the setting sun...
giggles with that playful smirk*
6 October 2019
~sweet cherries, honeysuckle and more... just you and me hidden from the world on this beautiful #LazySunday for sunday snuggles
Additional edits by sky~ other filters}

~let us begin a new week, shutting out the world on this lively autumn evening. Dissolving the world and making more of our UnfinishedManuscript
7 oct 2019
~you brighten my days, that smirk makes me have to smile right back. You spoil tú encanto so ;) But you also challenge and inspire me ೇ
"I've got a ticket for a world where we belong"-sg
♡ ~Haces de cada día y cada noche más especial que el anterior/Las estrellas en mis ojos brillan más por ti/Te amo a la Luna y de regreso y las galaxias más allá/ahora y siempre
8 October 2019
~you brighten my days, that smirk makes me have to smile right back.
You spoil tú encanto so ;)
But you also challenge and inspire me ೇ
~ your smile drives the beat to my next breath, mi encanto. Missing you every second. Е̃ˑ
just watching the city breathe again...
TuesdayNightNola「ᶠʳᵒᵐ ᴸᵃ ᵗᵒ ᴹᵃ」
Tumblr post
~ It's that time of year again.
Faℳily above all.
╱ᴺᴼᴸᴬ #ᴏғғ
~ Do you have any idea how rare love is? You can’t find it even in eternity of time. But If you meet it, your world will never be the same.
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
9 October 2019
~blessed morning, mí corazón.
Let us enjoy this blustery day inside with warm food and cozy blankets beside a roaring fire.
Special thoughts on treats and snuggles on a chilly autumn evening...
@0riginalGillies ೇ
"Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies."~A
𝒲hat feels like a dream has become a 𝓡eality/I 𝓕all in 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮
With you, and your beautiful soul
𝓜ore each and every day
𝒜𝒽𝑜𝓇𝒶 𝓎 𝓈𝒾𝑒𝓂𝓅𝓇𝑒
ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife, @SkyBoivin
'Tell them that you weren't hungry, tell them you followed the pomegranates seeds because they tasted like blood, like love.' - PA/Tcd
~ ᶠʳᵒᵐ ᴸᵃ ᵗᵒ ᴹᵃ ʄancifulʄlight
~a lovely little treat to be indulged with a mixture of sweet figs and maybe a hint of sweet honeysuckle later on. Shared with mí corazón
{Rt lord byron
she would let me
clip her wings
but I love most
how freely she flies}
~mí corazón, you help me fly so freely.
~ We just kissed. You and me. In my mind.
Missing you every second. Е̃ˑ
make me immortal with a kiss, myQueen...
WednesdayNightNola「ᶠʳᵒᵐ ᴸᵃ ᵗᵒ ᴹᵃ」
╱ᴺᴼᴸᴬ #ᴏғғ https://t.co/C7mP0dQemk
~ mind kisses are something special, until we can be together once more. Missing you more, mí rey. ♡S
Mí corazón, we are simply timeless through our love. Even Morpheus has grown jealous of us.
Sunset♡ pinks and purples
continue the story here:
{honeymoon 16 jan 2019- 20 june 2019}