QueenFaye of the island of Realms, ruler of Faye, and of the Dragon kingdoms both, as well as guardian of realms. She is the Morgaine LeFaye reborn. She is of the Goddess the Morrigan, who runs through her veins. she is a daughter of Avalon and of the old Celtic ways. Sky can recall some past lives, but is still learning /remembering others as well. with help and guidance she has done so thus far. Sky recalls a time of studies under the great Merlin, a time at Avalon itself. She remembers faces at some places, but some are still blurry. she recalls a time a Croglin Grange with her sister/ surrounded by vampires and werewolves and others/ a time when they were kicked out by the Tudors/ and then a time when she was suddenly in the new world but no recollection on how they came to be there.She rules her island, the island of realms fairly and with tough motherly earthy love and understanding. She guards the realms and the dreams, portals to and from other worlds, realms, and creatures from them. But can't do so for her own.
sometimes down the rabbit hole, sometimes at the castle on the island of realms, sometimes pop in visits to check up in the bunker, or to raid a hidden stashed item of hers at the library there for some purpose or other. But always where ever her love, her corazón is, too. One just never knows when she will pop up.

Half of the sisters two, Sky is the light to her sister, Niki's dark; although she is not completely light and her sister is not completely dark. They are the true essence of the dying and yang essence aspect; but free will and choice run their conscience. Sky is what her sister calls her "bleeding heart"/ true to always helping everyone and anyone she can. Even if they don't always deserve it. But I guess that's what one gets when the love of all creatures reside in ones heart no matter what they may be. One may think she is completely good and pure and such, but deep down and hidden/ there is a dark hidden place deep within her soul. she just keeps it under lock and key as best as she can. Her sister helps her to keep such things at bay/ in check.

A New Found Love
Upon finding love beside the piano one lovely evening, a new friend sharing the love she had of written words and song, soon became a love to her life. She quickly found her heart beating for one man, who was more than just any mortal. He was in fact another mystical creature as herself. A vampire, and Original Vampire at that by the name of Elijah Mikaelson. He was very quick to win her heart with their shared love for words and the beauty of the world around them.
A love blossoming quickly, they both soon found themselves engaged and then married. A beautiful night with fireflies and a picnic for their engagement; a memory she shall always cherish. To their wedding day, and the beautiful letter the morning of that blessed day from her coraozn. To the beautiful words of their exchanged vows.
They continue in their love of song, words, fireflies, and many more things they discover along the way.
follow their story and watch a love blossom~

follow her solos here~
~the year of 2018~

~the year of 2019~

~the year of 2020~

Grayscale Gods RPG~
Renee~ @skyessong
Chuck Shurley~ @ChuckSurley
Dean Winchester (RP)~ @RighteousOne
Raphael~ @angelwhoheals
Samuel Winchester~ @_DamnedOne
Jo Harvelle (RP)~ @NoviceHuntress
Crowley~ @KingOfLilliputt
Jack Kline~ @JackKline22
dear writing friends ~
Dean Winchester "ranger winchester"~ @DWImpalaOwner
Sebastyan Librani~ @BazzieLibrani
R u d y -~ @ToxicLoyalty
Bell Mikaelson~ @BellMikaelson
Eve Blake ~ @EveBlakeRp
Her beloved esposo ~ ℣ˑ│Е̃lijahˑ ~ @0riginalGillies
Her sister~ The Demon Queen~ Niki @MsNiki3
The Lady/Queen Ember~ @DemonWithASoul
Niece~ Hope Mikaelson~ @HerFathersHope
Their Children~
The Twins~
Samantha Maharet~ @SamiMikaelson1
Solveig Callum ~@CallumSolveig1
Samantha Maharet~ @SamiMikaelson1
Solveig Callum ~@CallumSolveig1
Renee~ @skyessong
Chuck Shurley~ @ChuckSurley
Dean Winchester (RP)~ @RighteousOne
Raphael~ @angelwhoheals
Samuel Winchester~ @_DamnedOne
Jo Harvelle (RP)~ @NoviceHuntress
Crowley~ @KingOfLilliputt
Jack Kline~ @JackKline22
dear writing friends ~
Dean Winchester "ranger winchester"~ @DWImpalaOwner
Sebastyan Librani~ @BazzieLibrani
R u d y -~ @ToxicLoyalty
Bell Mikaelson~ @BellMikaelson
Eve Blake ~ @EveBlakeRp

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