❆The Faye Castle Ballroom Christmas Ball 2018❆
Katie ~ -Slides into the ballroom. I grabbed what I wanted
and will get more. *Omg! Morri and I will need to go dress shopping! I love string lights. Ember, these for center pieces?
Ember~ *peeks* Ooooh yes!
Katie~ Yay
{pic of centerpieces and then the tables}
Ember~ This for the table? We can fit the center pieces lol
or this?
Dean~ It’s beautiful
Gabriel~ Elegant. Oh, sorry. Just popped in... I'll go
away. But it looks great!
Ember~ Aww thanks :)
Katie ~ Ooooooo. The first one is beautiful.
Ember~ Ok, first one it is!
Katie ~ Where the candles are we could replace with the
center pieces? Sounds good!
Ember~ Food?
Katie~I like both spreads.
Ember~ We can use both But #1 for the table, right?
Katie ~ Yes.
Ember~Ok perfect. I think that’s all for the dining room...
Katie~Idk, do we need anything else for the dining room?
Ember~ And I’ll send you some things
Katie ~Mmm...you've set the table and food. What about wall
decorations and maybe some lights?
Ember~ Oooh lights!! I sent you an invite to the board
Katie~ Thank.
Ember~ No problem
Katie~ I have almost everything aside from hanging lights I
think heheheh.
Ember~ Woohoo!
Katie ~ Annnnd I found some. The ones on your board if thats
okay? :o
Ember~ That’s fine :)
Katie~ Okay. I think I might be ready.
Ember~ Awesome!
Katie~ Imma post one at a time with description so you have
an idea on where things are.
Ember~ Kk
Katie ~ -She hummed softly as she had an armful of items.
She careful set them down and began to work starting with wall items. She
strung greenery over the large mirrors and then moved on, a small spring in her
-She moved to the windows next that looked out onto the
snowy outside world, making quick work there before pulling out wreaths.-
-These, she placed in certain areas, between the pillars and
on either side of where she was going to put the tree. Next, she moved to the
-She wanted it simple and elegant and hung the handmade
stockings she had made with Morrigan. She stepped back and nodded at her work,
moving on to the pillars. She wrapped greenery around and then looked at their
bases with a small frown, thinking.-
-She grinned then and placed glass vases with pinecones and
lights and placed them at the bases of the pillars.-
-In the sitting corner, she gently floats up to the ceiling
and strung up mistletoe balls.-
Gabriel ~*walking, rather than popping, in, as I have no
idea how much Grace I have, although I do keep a small reserve tucked away,
just to keep me alive in case…Well, you never know when it might come in
handy.*Wow! This is fantastic! Too bad I don't have duds to match the décor…
Katie~ -She floats to in between the pillars and strings
more greenery, ornaments gently hanging from them.- Oh, hello Gabe. -She floats
down back to him and smiles.- Do you really like it so far? I've never done
anything like this before.
Gabriel~ Peacock tail feathers, maybe, for a splash of
Katie ~ Mmm...I have a few more items with color. I was
going for gentle subtle elegance.
Gabriel ~ Oh, I love it! I can't remember a Christmas party
decorated so appropriately. In other words, you don't good, kiddo!
Ember~ *she peeks out from the dining room* we’re all set
Gabriel ~ Done good, sorry, language glitch. Simply beautiful.
When it has to come down, I'll help. Don't know if I can fly much yet, but
wings do need exercise like any other limb does.
Katie ~ Love love it! I'm almost done in here! Oh. Em. Wanna
decorate the kitchen?
Gabriel ~ Or so it seems.
Katie~-She placed jars of ornaments, pinecones, and sage
with lights on the mantle and then placed a small tree in the center of it.-
Ember~ Yes! *she grins*
Katie~ Gabe, wanna help with the outdoor decorations?
Ember~ That’s a great idea!
Gabriel ~ Sure! Let's go. Want me to carry something?
Katie ~ -She takes him outside and points at the large
chicken wire and light balls.- They're already made up. We just need to place
them around the yard here.
Gabriel ~ Wow! Look it this!
Ember~ I’m still working on the kitchen
Katie ~ -She began rolling the balls out into the snow in
random spots.- Come on Gabe. After this it's the steps and door and then back
inside. You can help hang lights and put up the tree.
Gabriel ~ *I should be helping more.* [snap!] Sure! Glad to!
?Roll, roll, roll my balls…
Katie ~ -She laughed and threw a snowball at him.-
Ember~ *she hums to herself as she hangs up the decorations,
smiling as she hears their laughter and Gabe singing*
Gabriel~ Hey! You wanna get the ambiance goin' or a snowball
Katie ~ -She stuck her tongue out and finished rolling the
last few into place.- Phew. This isn't looking half bad.
Gabriel~ I think this is war …*I make a snowball and throw
it, but not hard, and it connects and blows apart, some of it in Katie's face.*
Crazy face *grinning, I put my last ornamental ball in place and pack another
snowball.* Gotcha back, nyah!
Katie ~ Okay okay. We're even. Come on. -She laughed and
pointed at the boxes near the door.- You handle the steps, I'll handle the
Ember~ *she steps back and looks at the kitchen* I think I’m
Gabriel~ Okay, what do I do on the steps besides falling
down? Hmmm…*Pulling garlands out of the box, I wrap them around the banisters
and show Katie my handiwork.* Like this?
Katie~ Mmhmm. Don't forget the reindeer statues.
Gabriel ~ Oh. Where…*I keep opening boxes until I find the
reindeer statues. It's slippery l, and I lose my footing and go head first into
the box.* Who pushed me!?
Gabriel ~ *My weight tips the box over and I back out of the
box. None of the statues sustained injury. My injury was wounded
pride…*Grabbing the first reindeer, I walk it to its' place as I see in the
diagram, but I bounce it like its running to the place I plant. I do the same
for each reindeer, so they make hoof prints in the snow. I didn't make any
prints, as I was walking just above the snow.*
Katie~ -Katie held her stomach as she laughed.- Ahahaha!
Gabriel ~ Hey, it's slippery! And my boots are just a tad
big now, so that didn't help! Deer statues look okay? Hmmm…which one is
Rudolph? Or did he get dissed outta playin' reindeer games?
Katie~ -She steps back with Gabe, admiring their handiwork.-
I think it all looks fantastic.
Gabriel~ Uh, okay. What goes on them?
Katie~ Now, we finish up inside. Come along.
Gabriel~ Sorry, dropped the ball. Guess I'm out as a ball
Ember~ *holds back her laughter* thanks for the help Gabriel
Katie~ *Katie laughed and handed him some things.* Can you
fly up there and put this all up there?
Gabriel #GSrpg
I can try.*mentally, I envision my wings unfurling,
invisibly, this time, and go up and set them where they're s'posed to be. I
know Katie can feel the wind and hear the wing flaps. Not loudly, though.*
Katie~ Wow. It's looking good Gabe!
Gabriel ~ Thanks. Just following the diagrams . . .
Katie ~ You really did a good job. Now. The tree.
Gabriel~ Are we going out to cut one?
Katie ~ Oh, that's been done. Just need to bring it in...
Gabriel ~ Okay. Where is it?
Katie ~ Out back. *She lead him out the back of the kitchen
and a large tree was leaning against the wall.* We'll have to pull it in.
Gabriel~ What!? That'll hurt it -- or us!
>snap!< *the tree disappears, reappearing in the ball room*
Katie~ Oh. Right. Powers. Come on. -She pulled out a box of
numerous ornaments.-
Gabriel~ And how long do we have to put these ornaments?
Next week?
Katie ~ Tomorrow.
Gabriel ~ Put 'em on the tree, that is. Any partc'lar
Katie ~ Hmmm...sorta. I'll make adjustments as needed. Just
start putting them on.
Gabriel ~ Don't you wanna sleep tonight, kiddo?
Katie ~ It won't take that long.
Gabriel ~*I put some ornaments here and there, resisting the
urge to just snap my fingers. Of course, someone has to get the star on top.*
Katie ~ -She hums Jingles Bells softly as she decorates the
bottom.- Okay. Now...who should put the star on top?
Gabriel~ *I'm guessing I'm gonna be the tree topper. I'm not
letting Katie on a ladder with something unknown prowling around out here.* Uhm
… Me?
Sky~ *sneaks in to side of ballroom and turns on the player*
Katie~ Hmm...I wanted to. I can float up there.
Gabriel ~ Be my guest. *I hand her the star and make a bow.
I can hear the music and know someone else us there. No prickling at the back
of my neck, so it's friendly.*
Katie~ -She floats up and places the star and smiles. -
Gabriel ~ Perfect.
Katie~ It's all ready for tomorrow night. Aside from the
garden. We need Ember's help with that.
Ember~ *peeks*
Katie ~ -She takes her hand and smiles- You did a wonderful
job my dear.
Ember~ *grins* you did too Katie, really it’s amazing
Katie~ Gabe helped. This is so exciting.
Gabriel ~ Gotta earn my keep somehow, don't I?
Ember~ You did great Gabriel!
Katie ~ It all is lovely.
Gabriel ~ Thanks. Now what? **At one time, all I had to do
was snap my fingers and everything would've been done. Now, though . . . I
shook my head. I don't know if I'll ever regain my full Grace the constant
harvesting of it might have stunted my ability for getting it back . . .**
Sky~*steps in the ballroom quietly smiling at all their
work**looks over at them* beautiful jobs you three. *smiles*
Gabriel ~ They knew what to do. They had to tell me what was
wanted. Give the credit to them.
Sky ~ oh nonsense. *she overheard Gabriel and remembers
something she always kept on hand, just in case. It seemed like ages ago when
she may have last needed it for anything. Tonight, however seemed a perfect
time to set it for good use* Gabe? *she says softly*
Gabriel ~ Uh, yes? Sorry, I don't remember your name . . .
Sky~ its sky, my dear friend.*she cups his hand in hers, and
pulls something small from her pocket. She carefully places it in his hand,
smiling softly and whispering* I almost forgot I had this... I ... *slightly
blushes from embarrassment. * I made this month's ago, to help your brother
when he lost his grace. Maybe? *she pauses* maybe it could help you? *a small
vial of home spelled Faye magic infused with ancient magic, angel grace.* it
only last temporarily. But it's almost full strength when using it. And it
seemed to heal as Balthazar used it way back when.*she slowly steps back and
smiles, whispering* merry Christmas my dear angel.
Gabriel ~ *I blinked, looked at the small vial, and
considered.* Do I drink it? Wear it, or what?
Sky~ *whispers* I think you drink it. It is angel grace,
homemade. *stands straighter* I mean unless you want to hold on to it in case
you're ever in a battle... it does have a nice big boom of you throw it
*winks**smirks trying not to giggle * but I of course would know nothing about
Gabriel ~ Would it, uh…offend you if I waited you drink it?
Sky~ not at all. You think about it. It’s your gift.*she
smiles happily *
Gabriel ~ Th-thanks. I want to save it j-just in case I'm
needed at full power. I want to be safe in case I fall into enemy hands. I
can't take that -- *swallows hard, mouth suddenly dry, keeping those memories
at bay* -- torment again.
Sky~ *she gently places a hand on his shoulder* we never
want to see that happen either. Know you're safe here.
Gabriel ~ I know I'm safe *here,* but not out there. I could
practice flying in the ballroom, but it's not as big as I need to exercise my
wings, is it?
Sky~*she smirks* no. but...*she nods her head down the
hallway* I have a nice empty throne room that very high ceiling.
Gabriel ~ That might work! *I smile at her, not a smirk.*
That could work! Um, what if the king comes back unexpectedly and finds me hanging
upside down from his chandelier? Is he gonna have his archers shoot me down so
he can have roast angel on the menu?
Sky~*laughs softly* oh mí corazón will not harm you at all.
He tends to be by his Encanto in the late hours.*tilts her head* come along.
It’s has been some time since I have spread my wings myself.
Gabriel~ Oh. Okay. I was only joking about hanging from the
chandelier, etc. I think . . .
Sky~ oh there has been plenty odd happening around here.
*nods slightly to the guard in the shadows all in black and whispers * those
there, are my personal guards my dogs. They’re really ravens. So you see, in
here, just about anything can happen. Gabriel ~ They aren't hidden to me. We
can see ultraviolet and heat signatures.
I used to change my pets into different animals, but not
into humans. There could be recuperations if a human fell for a morphed critter
. . .
Sky~ *shakes her head* not these ones. And not here. This is
the island of realms.
Gabriel ~ I . . . d-don't understand. I've visited other
places that were the nexus of many dimensions, but this doesn't feel like that.
Sky~ this... *she walks towards the garden opening,
motioning him to follow* is where all those dreams and books and thought up
places dwell and meet up. *she opens the door where a balcony overlooking the
island is**she steps aside, pointing* there is our lovely Neverland. There,
wonderland. *points and whispers*the dragon castle.
Gabriel ~ I . . . Loki never brought me here when he was
training me to be him.
Sky~ this entire island, has portals to anywhere you need to
reach. *whispers* queen Mother never allowed him here for such things*she
stands behind him and looks over the island silently*
Gabriel ~ I had to learn to . . . Compartmentalize my angel
powers from his, but the different abilities merged and morphed into other
abilities, I guess. And, of course, submerge my real persona from Loki's but
that didn't quite work out, especially when the Winchesters started the
Apocalypse . . .
Sky~ *frowns* no one is perfect
Gabriel~ Being able to stick different bits of me away is
how I survived Hell.
Sky~ *sadly* we sometimes must do that. If...*she pauses and
then shakes her head.*
But, we digress. Come if you want to stretch out your wings,
you can do so in the gardens. There are walls so no one may enter the grounds,
or that there *points to stairs on the left side with large ornately wooden
doors* is the throne room. The guards all know you're welcomed here. No one
will harm you unless you show me or the twins harm.
Gabriel ~ Like *that's* gonna happen, *I scoffed, chuckling
a little* I like kids! And you, too.
Sky~ *smiles* I know sweets I know. That why I said it. *she
softly laughs*
Gabriel ~ Well, I flew a bit in the ball room, hanging
garlands from the ceiling. Do your wings show? Do you need to see mine?
Sky~ *she smiles and steps back, spreading her wings out.
Wings of purple and black butterfly style still tattered from all her years of
her own torments. She notices suddenly and then folds them back up quickly,
looking away* maybe you should stretch yours out for now... I'll keep watch in
case you need anything?
Gabriel ~ If I drink your gift, I could probably mend your wings.
I used to do it all the time. If. . . You want me too? **Opening my own wings,
I made them appear, in all their feathery glory. The outsides were these
iridescent blues, so dark on the edges they looked black. In different light,
they might show turquoise, sky blue, all tints and shades of blues. The inside
feathers were golden, either looking goldenrod or actually bright gold.*
Sky~ *she smiles as her eyes watch his wings appear. Such a
beautiful splendor they were. Blues like the heavens skies in the deep evenings
when she watches the stars with her rey.* no, my dear friend. You save it for
when you need it most. I shall be alright. They heal slowly as mí corazón
guards my dreams at night.
Gabriel ~ Like my Grace is so slow. I used to have endless
reserves of energy but . . . Not now. Well, here goes nothing! *I launched
myself over the balcony. Falling slightly until muscle memory kicked in and I
straightened out before I hit the ground and soared up high before shooting
back down and flying around the courtyard. I flew back up to where she stood,
watching me. I was a bit embarrassed because I knew I was rusty but the
knowledge came back quickly. Instinct, like a bird will still try to fly when
their wings have been clipped.*
Sky~ *she leans along the balcony smiling as he remembers
how to fly. Like riding a bicycle once again. He seemed free once again for a
Gabriel~ That...felt good! I was in that cramped cell so
long! I wasn't about to show my wings there, I was threatened more than once
with having them chopped off! Wings don't grow back . . .
Sky~ *smiles at his happiness* go ahead and fly here any
time you need dear. Again, it is safe here to do so.
Gabriel ~ *Suddenly shy, I looked down and scuffed the toe
of my boot on the balcony.* O-okay. I'll try to exercise every other day, and
y-you c'n come watch if y-you have time . . . ?
Sky~*smiles softly* sure. When I'm not at business of the
castle I'll check in.*looks at the time* I must check on the girls and then
head in for the night. There’s a passage here* points to the door* takes you
right back to the bunker.
Gabriel ~ Heh. *I blushed. So much for my so-called charm!*
'Kay. See you soon.
Sky~ *shakes her head* known you for some time sweets. I
know all your moves *winks* blessed dreams my friend.
Gabriel~ Same. I guess I need to go change clothes for this
shindig, huh?
Katie~ -Katie popped up.- Gaaaabbbbeeeee. Come on, time to
decorate the gardens.
Sky~ go have fun helping Katie. *smiles * I'll see you all
soon *she heads down the hall to her chambers*
Gabriel ~ Guess I'd better go. Thanks for everything!
Katie ~ It's almost all ready my queen. Have a blessed
Sky~ blessed night Katie! Not a worry Gabe
Katie ~ Ember is...occupied so we're gonna have to pick up
the slack.
Gabriel ~ Coming, Katie! *Once more, I soar up and swoop
down, landing by Katie. Blast! I kept my wings showing! * Uh ... heh ...Now
what do we decorate?
Katie ~ We have lights mainly for this area. I also wanted
to do something special for Sky and Elijah. Hang these stars among the bushes.
These string lights go over the arch. Oh and these go in the wooden nests
hanging baskets.
Gabriel~ And what, pray tell, are you doing?
Katie ~-She heads for the tree in the center of the garden
and began hanging little lanterns. Once she had finished she chants and they
all warm up. Suddenly, in the snow, twinkling lights appear. There are 1,000s
of fireflies that flutter into the lanterns. - There we are. Perfect.
Gabriel ~ So, you're the lightning bug whisperer? Or do you
call them fireflies?
Katie~ Fireflies. And here, they always listen. Lord Elijah
loves them so they love to show off for him.
Gabriel~ Ooohhhkay. Copy that. Don't understand it, but I'll
remember that. I like bugs.
Katie ~ I do too. -She giggled and watched him for a
Gabriel ~ **Here it comes. I braced myself for the
Katie ~I'm glad you're home, Gabe. -She helped him hang the
lights over the arches. - Whew. Okay, let's get this show on the road.
Gabriel ~ And Katie? Thanks for the welcome.
Katie~ Mmhmm. -She stepped back and admired their handiwork.
- Lovely.
Gabriel ~ Enchanting. We done good, girl.
Katie~ Ahh. Now all I have to do is find a dress and finish
getting everyone a present.
Gabriel ~ Presents? **my voice squeaked. My Grace wouldn't
extend far enough ...unless ...I could maybe risk a touch of my present to my
tongue ...*
Katie~ Mmhmm. I forgot to get them before now so I'm
Gabriel ~ No mo#GSrpg ney. Never needed it. I suppose I
could star in a freak show . . .
Katie ~ Hahaha. Gabe. You don't need to worry. Morri has us
all set up on a checking account.-She pulled a spare bankcard out of her bag
and handed it to him.- The code is 2438.
Gabriel ~ Oh-ohkay. *my wings folded and vanished from
sight.* is what I'm wearing okay?
Katie~ You look fine. I can take you shopping for a shit for
tomorrow. SUIT
Gabriel ~ Shirt?
Katie~ Suit. Like...formal wear. For the ball tomorrow.
Gabriel~ Oh. Right. Like a tux? Not like my usual
semi-hunter garb.
Katie ~ Yes. A tux. Heheh.
Gabriel ~ If I can find one I look good in. Presents for
everybody else first. How many presents?
Katie ~ Let's see...me, Sky, Elijah, Renée, Morri, Ember,
Chuck, Dean...Mary...
Gabriel~ 9 at least. I d-don't know what to get! Help?
Katie~ Chuck likes coffee and t-shirts. Sky and Elijah would
like anything lore related. Renée and Em both like tea and Nutella. I like
anything really from coloring books to music to crystals. Mary would like
something simple or homemade. Morri...I think she would like some new bath
stuff. She loves bath bombs. Dean, beer. Or new jackets.
Gabriel ~ Check. Where are we going and how do we get there?
Katie ~ We can walk to town. It's safe enough from here and
I'll sense something long before it gets to us.
Gabriel ~ I might be able to sense danger. Do we go now, or
are others coming? Charlie? I haven't met her. Bobby, yeah, met him. Sorry,
names coming back. Sometimes memories are just there. Sorry, shouldn't talk to
Katie ~ It's alright. Come along. -She began walking along
the path that led to town.-
Gabriel ~ Coming. Lead the way.
Katie ~ -She smiles, leading him into several shops, helping
him pick out things for everyone. She took him to the formal wear shop and lead
him to the tuxes section.- Take your pick.
Gabriel ~ Heh. Uhm , Green? Or this red violet?
Katie ~ Something subtle to match your skin tone...the red
would look better.
Gabriel ~ I've been told that before, but I don't wear that
color much. Earth tones seem to suit me, too.
I need to try these on. Where's the changing booth? I need a
shirt and ties socks and shoes.*We find someone who works there and I get a key
for a booth. Of course, I go in alone and change. Not too bad. I come out to
get Katie's opinion.* How's this?
Katie~ It looks fantastic.
Gabriel~ Yeah, I think so, too. What color shirt and tie,
and the little pocket thingy that matches the shirt? New underwear, I'll ship
for by myself.
Katie ~ White or gold.
Gabriel~ Gold might bring out the color in my eyes when the
sun hits them, anyway. They're a mix of dark green rim with splotches of green
in the golden-brown iris. Apparently, rather than just calling it hazel, it now
gets called hazelnut.
Katie~ Yes. That will work well I think.
Gabriel~ So. Hmmm. Tie? I think this one. It matches the
suit in color and has golden birds of some sort flying around, with matching
pocket handkerchief . Golden socks or the reddish ones?
Katie~ Gold socks. Yes. Love the tie.
Gabriel ~ But I need some shoes. And boots. These oxblood
loafers might work. And these sturdy boots, for hunts.
Katie ~ Yes and yes.
Gabriel ~ *I shudder to think how much I've spent on
everyone's gifts, let alone just on me. I also got a dove grey shirt and socks
for less fancy occasions. Some brown pants and jacket, underwear and, of
course, a flannel shirt in grey and black to go with the Jean's I'm wearing.*
Katie~ Morri doesn't mind. She has a world wide business.
She makes more money than she knows what to do with. She helps supply hunters.
Gabriel ~ Oh. Mori''s always been nice, and she doesn't
really care about money, never did. My mind must've been wiped the time Michael
and Raphael tried to change my programming, make me more like them. It just
made me scream and bleed, and Dad gave them holy hell about that. Told them I
had the qualities he wanted *them* to have! They decided he was pulling their
wings and just kept up their attempts to kill off the others and get rid of the
Katie~ You've had it hard, huh?
Gabriel ~ Never fit in, no. Never what anyone wanted me to
be. I was supposed to be a warrior but I hate killing for no reason. He's the
enemy! Kill him! And all I saw were terrified eyes of my little brothers,
fighting and dying because their commanders told them their siblings were the
villains, destroy them so we win. Hideous, hateful war. Sorry. Mori started the
memories coming back so sometimes I get overwhelmed.
Katie ~ I'm so sorry you went through that...and I know. You
really should let her finish so they don't do that.
Gabriel ~ They'll always be there in one way or another,
because they made me what I am now. But I'll try again before too long. But
it's tiring reliving that horror emotionally. I'm feeling wiped, in more ways
than one. Let's get back. I'm afraid I need a shower and my bed. It's been fun,
though. I kinda like shopping, so maybe we can do it again?
Katie~ Sure. Come on then. -She took her bags and walked
back to the Bunker with him.-
Gabriel ~ Thanks, Katie. * I kissed her cheek, just a peck.*
Thank you for being with me and all the help you've given me. Sorry the
flashback took so much out of me. See you tomorrow. Good night.
the castle ballroom bustles with activity the day before Christmas as they excitedly get ready for celebrations.....
@GabrielGsrpg and @Ange1Hawkeye put special touches on the garden... to surprise the #queenFaye and her rey.
they finish with the tree making sure to add the star as well before going shopping and fitting Gabriel with a suit for the following evening.
~once midnight arrives, and it's officially Christmas, she sets off to bring them all their gifts. for
@DemonWith_ASoul , some Nutella as she is always eating that around the bunker ...
Ember~Awww thank you 😘❤️
@skyessong, another Nutella buddy
for @ChuckSurley and @Ange1Hawkeye our soon to be married couple ;)
Chuck~It's beautiful, Sky. I'm sure we'll put it to good use
Sky~*winks* I certainly hope you two do.
for @Castiel_NovakJ his love of bees. ♡
Castiel~I like it. Thank you, Sky
Sky~you're very welcome. merry Christmas
for @Mama_Bear1954
for @ClaryFay69
@A_MDavies74 a little something for a future date night :)
or @ThatOneWolfDog a bed for Katie room and some treat
for ranger winchester, even if you're not part of the bunker, still been there since the beginning @DWImpalaOwner
Dean~Ha! I love it! Thanks, Sky
Sky~I thought you would ^_^
~*she looks at the time and places her gifts by the tree for her beloved. paper un written on along with some classic pieces she hopes he would enjoy for his piano, and then something hand made.*
for @0riginalGillies as their love of music is what brought them together.
for her twins, she leaves many small gifts as well as a charm for a bracelet as they grow
for her twins, she leaves many small gifts including charms
for each of them to add to a bracelet as they grow
and now that @jknougat has returned safely home, she can give him his Christmas gift. better late than never. some nougat because her sweet little man loves it so much. and then a compass to always find his way back home to his family should he ever need to stray again.
Merry Christmas to my fam in the bunker!
I am so glad to have y’all in my life, you’ve made me a better person.
Thanks to Katie and Gabriel we had an awesome time last night at the party. I have your presents here
@Ange1Hawkeye : I know you said you like to draw, so I got you a kit. I really hope you enjoy it, and thank you for the party last night. Maybe you can decorate the bunker with your drawings! I’m sure everyone will love that. Love you!
@ThatOneWolfDog: Ranger I cleared out half the living room, so now you have your own bed! 💕 I also got some blankets so you can be comfy. Thank you for protecting our family 😘
ember~*she smiles and hugs him* I love them so much! Thank you, they’re really beautiful. I don’t know what I did to deserve you, but I’m glad I got lucky enough to have you by my side
Dean~ You mean everything to me.
Ember~And you mean the world to me.
: My Nutella buddy! I got you your own basket, and you don’t have to share 😘 maybe tonight we can watch some movies and have some fun! You not only accepted my weirdness, but joined me and encouraged it 😂Thank you for all you’ve done, love you ❤️❤️