~Part 2 of Really Happy In Manosque~
10 Oct2019~ 18 Nov 2019
10 October 2019
@0riginalGillies ೇ
~beautiful thoughts on this thirstyThursday morning, thinking of when my beloved esposo is finally home from his now long trip
*smirks* if it lasts too much longer, one may need to hop an ancient grove portal and be sure all is fairing well.
*looks innocent*
ೇ~ Sky* and inspiration: 'She became the music / to worship every single dawn.'
#Off https://t.co/KYS0rXGJBk }

~kisses infinite/timeless is our love
You set me free in my soul
I find myself always flying only for you/ to you
{Rt https://t.co/miBGWQKJWd }

The sweetest lips
'I have tasted sweeter lips, but none that felt like they were made for me,' Elijah thinks to himself as he slowly sips his favorite bourbon while he sits in a quiet corner at Russo's in his beloved city of New Orleans. 'It is such lips I long for this night.'
He plays the glass along his fingertips a while longer, lost now in thoughts of his beloved wife back in Manosque. "Maybe..." he whispers, "maybe I can pause back home for a while and return in my business..." he places the glass lightly back to his lips, indulging the taste of a substitute to his wife's lips.
She leans against their bedroom balcony, her sheer dress flapping softly against the cooler autumn evening breeze. She looks up into the night sky, thinking on if he was gazing upon these very stars now also. She longs for nothing more than to feel his warm and inviting arms to be wrapped around her once again. She closes her eyes, breathing slow and deep, making a silent wish for her beloved Elijah's safe return back home; for this night of nights was peak night for the Draconid shower. The waxing gibbous moon, shining bright in the sky early as the showers slowly merge in the ever growing evening sky.
Slowly, she opens her eyes to gaze upon the great Draco the dragon constellation smiling back at her. She whispers upon the air into nothing, hoping her words will travel from her lips to his ears, "I miss you, mí corazón, and I hope you return home soon. Safest travels til one is back in home's arms." She closes her eyes to remain alone in the cool quiet night a while longer.
13 October 2019
*after the day about the castle once again, she tends to around their cottage, keeping busy along the way.
As evening falls,
She freshens up from the long but quick day and then dresses for the evening.
She heads on to their bedroom once tending to things in the kitchen
for small snacks to be ready for the evening. She sits out upon their balcony to watch the moon rise up high and bright. As tonight is the full moon. The hunters moon for this month of October. Harvest and hunts for preparation of the soon to come long winter months.
she slips on a blanket as she lays back in a lounge chair, hoping on things for this night.
The moonlight shines down over her as she day dreams at this hour...*
∫∫ 'faint glimpses of shooting stars barely visible / the
moon with a faint white circle glowing around her' ~ to worship every single
dawn. ∫∫
~ La Lecture sous Pleine Lune ·
But there’s a full moon rising... 「ᶠʳᵒᵐ ᴸᵃ ᵗᵒ ᴹᵃ」
~ ᶠʳᵒᵐ ᴸᵃ ᵗᵒ ᴹᵃ ʄancifulʄlight
Moon is beautiful tonight. Waxing Gibbous. Full Hunter’s Moon Sunday at 4:08
pm. @wdsu #nola #lawx #FullHuntersMoon https://t.co/xCEiIkDoIc
~*she sits by the window, in the moonlight of the Hunters moon this evening,
reading and hoping her beloved esposo @0riginalGillies might sneak home for the
weekend from his business venture...*

~such beauty in the paleness of the night sky, yet bright enough to illuminate the land around us same...
~ and TheGracefulnessOfTheNight𝓢ky*, myQueen.
Beautiful Saturday morning, mí corazón ♡
~an evening more special when shared with you, mí
rey. *susurros *
13 October 2019
@0riginalGillies ೇ
"Spending time with you is so precious and I love every minute that we are together"
~quiet mornings
Indulging in sweet treats
Cuddled cozy in each others arms until the days disappears
ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife, @SkyBoivin
'Tell them that you weren't hungry, tell them you followed the pomegranates seeds because they tasted like blood, like love.' - PA/Tcd
~ ᶠʳᵒᵐ ᴸᵃ ᵗᵒ ᴹᵃ ʄancifulʄlight
~a lovely little treat to be indulged with a mixture of sweet figs and maybe a hint of sweet honeysuckle later on. Shared with mí corazón
#HuntersMoon #seductivesunday #LazySunday
*playing in the garden and taking piccys rather than collecting seeds....*
They look like little hearts♡
𝓢𝓢 ❤️
Mi rey https://t.co/3ct5XPTbV6
14 October 2019
෴ 'Parting is such sweet sorrow,
That I shall say good night till it be morrow.'
▬ ᴵˡ ᴹᵒˢᵗʳᵒ ℣ˑ
'In every moment a choice exists. We can cling to the past or embrace the inevitability of change and allow a brighter future to unfold before us. Either way, a new day is coming whether we like it or not.' ━NM.
~ Faℳily above all.│Е̃ˑ╱@0riginalGillies
~ *whispers upon the air*
Let us forget all around us... just be you and me, mí corazón...
In every moment a choice exists. We can cling to the past or embrace the inevitability of change and allow a brighter future to unfold before us. Either way, a new day is coming whether we like it or not.' ━NM.
~ Faℳily above all.│Е̃ˑ╱
Elijah Mikaelson [The Originals] - Chasing Cars [3x22]
{continued thread }
━ Ella, silenciosa, contemplaba el paisaje a través de las grandes ventanas del local. También las construcciones, adornadas algunas aún con los colores del Mardi Gras: el morado, que representaba a la justicia, verde para la esperanza y el dorado que ~Recuerdo que dichos colores fueron elegidos, con su verdadero significado y para honrar al visitante ruso, tan sólo cinco años después de que Niklaus decidiera ~ remover la daga del pecho de Rebekah; esa primera noche, mi hermana y yo fuimos a la ópera y es uno de los recuerdos que guardo con mayor aprecio: el ayudarla a reintegrarse de nuevo a la sociedad de Nueva Orleans, después de que habían transcurrido ya más de 50 años
desde que fuera endagada por nuestro hermano.
Fruncí el entrecejo, y agradecí que justo en ese momento llegaba el servicio a mi mesa: una tetera de plata, bellamente ornamentada, conteniendo té negro del tipo Earl Grey, aromatizado con bergamota. También pequeños bocadillos de pan de molde -finger sandwiches- con pepino, salmón y crema, roastbeef y mostaza, además de los omnipresentes y absolutamente deliciosos scones, pastelillos con mermelada de frambuesa y clotted cream, aunque por supuesto no tan excelsa como la originaria del condado de Devon. Una copa de champagne R de Ruinart, helada, completaba la orden. El ritual del té de la tarde siempre ha tenido algo de hipnótico y relajante. Además, coincido con la opinión, plasmada en una novela de Henry James, de que el intervalo de tiempo comprendido entre las cinco y las ocho de la tarde de un día estival es a veces una pequeña eternidad… una eternidad de placer. Y
entre las continuas luchas que libran brujas, lobos y seres sobrenaturales en Nueva Orleans, ese pequeño paréntesis de ‘eternidad’ era necesario para reflexionar tranquilamente, o simplemente para descansar. Debo confesar que había descubierto el elegante salón de té del Windsor Court recientemente; para ser exactos, apenas desde 1984. Aunque la restauración que se llevara a cabo con un presupuesto de casi 22 millones, había añadido cierto encanto al lugar. Y si a ello se le agregaba el hecho de que el sitio estaba muy cercano al corazón del Barrio Francés, era una inmejorable elección para alejarse de las pugnas, al menos momentáneamente. De manera casi inconsciente, aflojé un poco mi corbata: los largos días de negociaciones y tácticas quedaban atrás, justo al atravesar la puerta al salón de té, 'Le Salon', del Windsor Court, tras un día común en el Barrio Francés: alianzas y estrategias para continuar con la paz de la que ahora se disfrutaba /al fin/ entre las facciones de Nueva Orleans. Una /efímera/ paz que el augurio pretendía fuera larga y próspera; tanta calma parecía irreal
y, sin embargo, así era: se mantenía. Algunos candelabros con velas ya encendidas daban el toque acogedor a la habitación que albergaba a 'Le Salon', con sus luces cálidas, resaltadas en el elegante esmalte de la superficie impecable del piano que era el protagonista indiscutible del recinto. Mientras disfrutaba de la primera taza de té y de un scone, miré de nuevo a la mujer sentada cerca de la ventana, mientras ella observaba a la multitud moviéndose incansable en las calles de Nueva Orleans. Turistas, en su mayoría. “En verdad, la ciudad tiene vida propia”, contesté mentalmente a la pregunta que ella se formulaba a sí misma. La observé entonces mirar, confundida, el jardín interior del Windsor Court, que daba una nota de acentos de color a la uniformidad de la madera pulida que
adornaba el interior del salón. Y después, con disimulo, también recorrió con la vista a los comensales en el salón de té. Disfruté un poco de champagne helado, bebiendo del contenido de la copa con gran calma, con el rostro vuelto hacia ella, mientras regresaba a sus meditaciones. “Es como un monstruo de mil cabezas que nunca se detiene, en el día o en la noche… pero sólo es cuestión de estar siempre alerta para que no se torne peligroso”. De nuevo, una respuesta a los pensamientos de la mujer. Supe que las cavilaciones de ella eran sólo un reflejo para mi propio interés, pensando en la situación de la familia Mikaelson y de nuestros múltiples enemigos. Otra breve pausa, y a punto de elegir un bocadillo de pan de molde, salmón y crema, mi móvil vibró, anunciando un mensaje que leí de inmediato: “Jackson Square”. Sonreí, sin dejar de mirar la pantalla. El pasado nunca me dejaba en paz, era cierto. Y es que, musicalmente, el contratiempo acentúa una nota situada en un tiempo débil, pero el sonido no se prolonga al tiempo fuerte. Pedí de inmediato la cuenta. Dejé una generosa propina, y todos los 'finger sandwich’ sin haber probado uno siquiera. Salí del salón y caminé a Jackson Square, al punto de reunión por excelencia de los artistas y los músicos de la ciudad.
En pos de las notas musicales que se percibían diáfanas /legato-ostinato-crescendo/ en el agudizado sentido del oído vampírico. Inconfundibles. La /bienamada/ ciudad tenía vida propia y los músicos contribuían a iluminarla con su interpretación y su presencia. Me detuve entonces muy cerca del grupo que ya se había formado alrededor de una violinista para escucharla, rindiendo homenaje a su técnica musical. Y es que en cada nota, era notorio que ella volvía a embelesarse con su música, sin permitir que las situaciones alrededor de ella se interpusieran y poder mantener así la atención del oído en las notas: Sol-Re-La-Mi, jugando también con las cuerdas y el arco, escuchando con los ojos cerrados sus propias notas, en una interpretación delirante, combinada con los latidos de su corazón y su cuerpo siendo uno solo con la música. Formulé entonces, mentalmente, un comentario: “Es diferente para nosotros”, sin dejar de mirarla y mientras ella continúa interpretando su música, en impecable concordancia al verla deslizar el arco sobre las cuerdas para hacerlas vibrar sobre la madera delineada, a modo de caja de resonancia de uno de los instrumentos más perfectos.
Técnicamente, al tocar el violín la modelación de las posiciones afinadas se apoya en el sentido del tacto, y por supuesto con la guía del oído. Los dedos, al ejercitarse para aprender a tocar el instrumento, serían como los ciegos que avanzan en una existencia invidente, tocando los objetos que les marcan su camino, de un lugar a otro. La mano izquierda de un violinista aprende, gradualmente, a orientarse y a posicionarse a través del tacto en el cuello del instrumento. Pero la habilidad de tocar y expresarse a través de la música -una tarea incluso más compleja que aprenderla por primera vez en la condición de sobrenatural, con los sentidos exaltados de un vampiro- requiere repasarla desde lo más básico hasta los arpegios cambiantes, las escalas avanzadas de tono entero, disonancias y cuartos de tono, sin olvidar los intervalos paralelos de octava e incluso de décima.
La ejecución de la joven termina y mientras algunos depositan monedas y billetes dentro del estuche abierto del violín, otros felicitan a la artista. Brevedad casi eterna para la creación, Levanto la vista para observar el entorno, fijando la atención de los sentidos en posibles peligros cercanos.
Pero todo está tranquilo, así que vuelvo a mirar a la violinista antes de caminar entre los artistas locales, checar la hora en el reloj y pemitir que la noche continúe su marcha entre los puestos de los artistas locales que venden cuadros con los más diversos temas, hasta que me aproximo cerca de uno de ellos que exhibe una interesante pintura en la que se ha representado al 'Bayou' con luces del anochecer, realzados en tonos ad-hoc de acuarelas difuminadas. #HuntersMoon Detuve entonces el andar, y dirigí mi atención específicamente a ese puesto y al cuadro con sus matices de los tonos relativos a la luna. Adquiriría ese bello cuadro. Tal vez elaborado con una técnica no tan perfecta, pero que evocaba genuinamente la belleza del 'Bayou', al anochecer y bajo destellos de plata, merced a la técnica de un pintor de ojos azules. Cierto es que en esta ciudad es difícil que las personas, sobre todo las que son residentes habituales, como el artista Andrew, no distingan a quienes formamos parte de la comunidad sobrenatural. Creo incluso que el artista no se sentiría tan honrado de que un ‘distinguido vampiro’ adquiriera una de sus obras. La desconfianza sería su principal consejera.
Y tal como se había desarrollado la historia de mi familia en Nueva Orleans, nunca estaba de más cualquier precaución por mi parte. Me detuve frente al cuadro elegido, inmóvil. A mi espalda, y tal como lo esperaba, el hombre de edad avanzada se sobresaltó un poco cuando me miró en su puesto. De inmediato, para no causarle mayor inquietud, giré y me acerqué a él para preguntar por el precio de la bella representación pictórica que plasmaba la belleza del Bayou. Noté de inmediato su reticencia a dar incluso una contestación, aunque sí respondió a mi cuestionamiento. Un precio mucho menor al que había supuesto. No esperé más. Fijé la mirada en sus pupilas, y la compulsión surtió su efecto. Saqué los billetes ya preparados y aumenté la cantidad con varios dólares de mi cartera. Los ofrecí al pintor y esperé un momento, mientras él preparaba el cuadro, que fue cuidadosamente empaquetado para proteger sus difuminadas acuarelas. Después caminé de regreso al hotel, con el paquete bajo el brazo y dejando atrás el puesto de Andrew, que ahora estaría seguro de que un distinguido turista francés había pagado al triple una de sus obras más Y es que en ocasiones es mejor cambiar la habilidad de persuadir por la precaución de una compulsión efectiva. La compulsión tiene efectos secundarios, y no debería de utilizarse, a menos que sea estrictamente necesario. Los humanos ‘deberían’ tener acceso a su libre albedrío y a la capacidad de elegir una línea de acción sin estar sujeto a limitaciones impuestas por una coacción externa. /Técnicamente, claro está./
{English translation :
━ She silently watched the landscape through the large windows of the premises. Also the constructions, adorned some still with the colors of the Mardi Gras: the purple one, which represented justice, green for hope and the golden one that ~ I remember that these colors were chosen, with their true meaning and to honor the Russian visitor, just five years after Niklaus decided to remove the dagger from Rebekah's chest; That first night, my sister and I went to the opera and it is one of the memories I have with the greatest appreciation: helping her reintegrate back into the society of New Orleans, after more than 50 years had passed.
since it was endagada by our brother.
I frowned, and thanked that just then the service arrived at my table: a beautifully ornamented silver teapot, containing black tea of the Earl Gray type, flavored with bergamot. Also small sandwiches -finger sandwiches- with cucumber, salmon and cream, roast beef and mustard, in addition to the ubiquitous and absolutely delicious scones, cupcakes with raspberry jam and clotted cream, although of course not as excellent as the original Devon County A glass of champagne R from Ruinart, frozen, completed the order. The afternoon tea ritual has always had something hypnotic and relaxing. In addition, I agree with the opinion, embodied in a novel by Henry James, that the time interval between five and eight in the afternoon of a summer day is sometimes a small eternity ... an eternity of pleasure.
And Among the continuing struggles that witch, wolves and supernatural beings wage in New Orleans, that little parenthesis of par eternity ’was necessary to reflect calmly, or simply to rest. I must confess that I had discovered Windsor Court's elegant tea room recently; to be exact, only since 1984. Although the restoration that was carried out with a budget of almost 22 million, had added some charm to the place. And if we add to this the fact that the site was very close to the heart of the French Quarter, it was an unbeatable choice to get away from the struggles, at least momentarily. Almost unconsciously, I loosened my tie a little: the long days of negotiations and tactics were left behind, just through the door to the tea room, 'Le Salon', Windsor Court, after a common day in the French Quarter: alliances and strategies to continue the peace that was now enjoyed / finally / between the factions of New Orleans. A / ephemeral / peace that the omen intended was long and prosperous; so calm it seemed unreal and yet, it was: it was maintained. Some candlesticks with candles already lit gave the cozy touch to the room that housed 'Le Salon', with its warm lights, highlighted in the elegant enamel of the impeccable surface of the piano that was the undisputed protagonist of the enclosure. While enjoying the first cup of tea and a scone, I looked again at the woman sitting near the window, while she watched the crowd moving tirelessly in the streets of New Orleans. Tourists, mostly. "In truth, the city has a life of its own," I mentally answered the question she asked herself. I watched her then look, confused, at the inner garden of the Windsor Court, which gave a note of color accents to the uniformity of the polished wood that
It adorned the interior of the hall. And then, with disguise, he also looked around the diners in the tea room. I enjoyed some iced champagne, drinking the contents of the glass with great calm, with my face turned towards her, while returning to her meditations. "It's like a thousand-headed monster that never stops, day or night ... but it's just a matter of always being alert so it doesn't become dangerous." Again, an answer to the woman's thoughts. I knew that her thoughts were only a reflection of my own interest, thinking about the situation of the Mikaelson family and our many enemies. Another brief pause, and about to choose a sandwich of bread, salmon and cream, my mobile vibrated, announcing a message I read immediately: "Jackson Square." I smiled, still looking at the screen. The past never left me alone, it was true. And, musically, the setback accentuates a note located in a weak time, but the sound does not extend to the strong time. I immediately asked for the bill. I left a generous tip, and all the 'finger sandwich' without even trying one. I left the room and walked to Jackson Square, to the meeting point par excellence of the artists and musicians of the city.
In pursuit of the musical notes that were perceived diaphanous / legato-ostinato-crescendo / in the sharpened sense of the vampiric ear. Unmistakable. The / beloved / city had a life of its own and the musicians contributed to enlighten it with its interpretation and its presence. I then stopped very close to the group that had already formed around a violinist to listen to it, paying tribute to their musical technique. And it is that in each note, it was notorious that she was again enchanted with her music, without allowing the situations around her to interpose and thus be able to maintain the attention of the ear in the notes: Sol-Re-La-Mi, also playing with the strings and the bow, listening with his eyes closed his own notes, in a delirious interpretation, combined with the beating of his heart and his body being one with the music. I then made a mental comment: "It's different for us", while looking at her and while she continues to play her music, in impeccable concordance when she saw her slide the bow on the strings to make them vibrate on the outlined wood, as a box resonance of one of the most perfect instruments.
Technically, when playing the violin the modeling of the tuned positions is supported in the sense of touch, and of course with the guidance of the ear. The fingers, when exercising to learn to play the instrument, would be like the blind people who advance in a blind existence, touching the objects that mark their path, from one place to another. The left hand of a violinist gradually learns to orient and position himself through the touch on the neck of the instrument. But the ability to play and express themselves through music - an even more complex task than learning it for the first time in the condition of supernatural, with the exalted senses of a vampire - requires reviewing it from the most basic to the changing arpeggios, the scales advanced full-tone, dissonances and quarter-tones, not forgetting the parallel intervals of octave and even tenth.
The execution of the girl ends and while some deposit coins and bills inside the open violin case, others congratulate the artist. Almost eternal brevity for creation, I look up to observe the surroundings, fixing the attention of the senses on possible near dangers.
But everything is quiet, so I look back at the violinist before walking among the local artists, checking the time on the clock and allowing the night to continue its march between the positions of local artists selling paintings with the most diverse themes , until I get close to one of them that exhibits an interesting painting in which the 'Bayou' has been depicted with dusk lights, enhanced in ad-hoc tones of faded watercolors. #HuntersMoon Then I stopped walking, and directed my attention specifically to that post and to the picture with its nuances of the moon-related tones. I would acquire that beautiful picture. Perhaps elaborated with a technique not so perfect, but that genuinely evoked the beauty of the 'Bayou', at dusk and under sparkles of silver, thanks to the technique of a blue-eyed painter. It is true that in this city it is difficult for people, especially those who are habitual residents, such as artist Andrew, not to distinguish those who are part of the supernatural community. I even think that the artist would not be so honored that a ‘distinguished vampire’ acquired one of his works. Distrust would be their main advisor.
And just as my family's story had developed in New Orleans, there was never any more caution on my part. I stopped in front of the chosen painting, motionless. Behind me, and as I expected, the elderly man jumped a little when he looked at me at his post. Immediately, so as not to cause him more concern, I turned and approached him to ask about the price of the beautiful pictorial representation that embodied the beauty of Bayou. I immediately noticed his reluctance to even give an answer, although he did answer my question. A much lower price than I had assumed. Do not wait more. I fixed my eyes on his pupils, and the compulsion had its effect. I took out the prepared bills and increased the amount with several dollars from my wallet. I offered them to the painter and waited a moment, while he prepared the painting, which was carefully packaged to protect his faded watercolors. Then I walked back to the hotel, with the package under my arm and leaving Andrew's post behind, that I would now be sure that a distinguished French tourist had paid three times more of his work. And sometimes it is better to change the skill to persuade by the precaution of an effective compulsion. Compulsion has side effects, and should not be used, unless strictly necessary. Humans ‘should’ have access to their free will and the ability to choose a line of action without being subject to limitations imposed by external coercion. / Technically, of course. /
~ nothing better than a relaxing bubble bath on an afternoon like this...*
*she sends a message to her beloved husband @0riginalGillies
Giggling as she does*
Miss you, mí corazón, hope you are home soon. 💜🐞
other photo edits not used yet ❤🦇🌹🐞

~ vineyard picking &picnic evenings edits~

sweet treats ~

other delights~

sweet breakfast kisses~

15 oct 2019
*smirks *
~morning blessings on this temptingTuesday, mí corazón.
Snuggled close in silky sheets and moonlight dreams as it filters softly through the windows upon our bed.
{ rt https://t.co/9bUBpfvNz0
ೇ @SkyBoivin
𝒮eaOf𝒮heets. DarkAsDreamy, DangerousAsDelicious & DamagingAsDelightful; blood holding some Dark𝒮ecret & all is different from how it usually is: bringing out another 𝒮ide of everything, the darkne𝒮𝒮 & my𝒮teriousne𝒮𝒮 of it all. Loving to get lost at 𝒮ea...
https://twitter.com/0000_official/status/1087242256086638592 }

16 October 2019
~ your smile drives the beat to my next breath, mi encanto. Missing you every second. Е̃ˑ
━ just watching the city breathe again...
TuesdayNightNola「ᶠʳᵒᵐ ᴸᵃ ᵗᵒ ᴹᵃ」
~*smirking playfully and biting the corner of her lip, she sends a message to her beloved esposo
@0riginalGillies ...*
~*she wakes up extra early to send her beloved esposo @0riginalGillies
a message before he wakens for the day...*
Te amo, mí corazón, miss you and cannot wait for your return home...

*smirking and biting the corner of her lip as she sends her beloved esposo
a message she then giggles*
Mi darling corazón, i have such surprises for one when one returns home...
*she giggles some more as she presses send...*

ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife, @SkyBoivin
~ when the light hangs late & 𝓢tubborn in the 𝓢ky (...)
&it feels like going home.
It’s all #ThereInTheDisappearingLight:
(...) 𝓢low𝓢ky & 𝓢lowLoving.
— 𝓢low, deliberate, & magnificent. SSt.G
WednesdayNightNola「ᶠʳᵒᵐ ᴸᵃ ᵗᵒ ᴹᵃ」
~ before we know it, the stubbornness of delays will find one home
In arms where one belongs
Feeling more than like going home
We shall then turn out the world
And allow it all to be slow as we wish...
17 October 2019
~blessed morning, mí corazón. Happy thirsty Thursday...*she smirks playfully* a nice morning for a relaxing bubble bath and sweet candles you left for me...
*she giggles*
~*she sends an evening message to her beloved esposo @0riginalGillies , smirking and biting the corner of her lower lip as she does...*
19 October 2019
a message before he wakens for the day...*
Te amo, mí corazón, miss you and cannot wait for your return home...
*smirking and biting the corner of her lip as she sends her beloved esposo
a message she then giggles*
Mi darling corazón, i have such surprises for one when one returns home...
*she giggles some more as she presses send...*
ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife, @SkyBoivin
~ when the light hangs late & 𝓢tubborn in the 𝓢ky (...)
&it feels like going home.
It’s all #ThereInTheDisappearingLight:
(...) 𝓢low𝓢ky & 𝓢lowLoving.
— 𝓢low, deliberate, & magnificent. SSt.G
WednesdayNightNola「ᶠʳᵒᵐ ᴸᵃ ᵗᵒ ᴹᵃ」
~ before we know it, the stubbornness of delays will find one home
In arms where one belongs
Feeling more than like going home
We shall then turn out the world
And allow it all to be slow as we wish...
17 October 2019
~blessed morning, mí corazón. Happy thirsty Thursday...*she smirks playfully* a nice morning for a relaxing bubble bath and sweet candles you left for me...
*she giggles*
~*she sends an evening message to her beloved esposo @0riginalGillies , smirking and biting the corner of her lower lip as she does...*
19 October 2019
“In my dreams I am kissing your mouth and you’re whispering ‘where have you been?’ I say, ‘I’ve been lost but I’m here now. You’re the only person who has ever been able to find me.’” — Sue Zhao
Saturday ╱ᴺᴼᴸᴬ #ᴏғғ
Saturday ╱ᴺᴼᴸᴬ #ᴏғғ
~*she sits and reads in the quiet of the evening, waiting and hoping her beloved esposo @0riginalGillies returns home very soon from his extra long trip...*
~if finding you is all that is needed, mí corazón, I shall always keep you found, here in my heart, beside my heart.
~*sends a message to her beloved @0riginalGillies...*
Te amo, missing arms. ♡ hope mí Dios is home very soon.
Te amo, missing arms. ♡ hope mí Dios is home very soon.
-He reached for his phone and checked the message; he couldn’t help the smile that lite up his face as he starts reading it. Elijah slid his fingers over the keypad-
{Text} that is an entirely rude image
{Text} when i’m stuck in meetings
{Text} missing you every second, myQueen❤️
~*she peeks at her phone and giggles with a smirk... and then bites her lower lip to reply...*
{Text} Rude, mí rey?
{Text}Then one should probably be home soon as one forgot to tell their Alice to behave...
{Text} miss you more, mi Rey 💜
20 oct 2019
~*sends another message to her beloved @0riginalGillies , smirkingAsSheDoes*
{Text}darling,do you think these will go with the dress for the ball?
{Text}or maybe these...
{Text}what about these shoes?
Maybe I still need to figure out which dress/you liked the black one,right?
-He felt the buzz in his pocket again. He smirked a bit and looked at it, making a sound under his breath at the imagery.-
{Text} oh, no doubt.
{Text} you tease. especially when i’m so far away.
{Text} black, definitely. although i am sure it looks better off: bedroom dress code.
~*she giggles as she feels her phone go off shortly after. Looking over the message and biting her lip as she giggles more*
{Text}well, teasing so far away can be fixed easily as one knows which portal leads home
{Text}this black one?
{Text}or this black one per dress code...
She turns slightly to a soft patter of Runes paws scampering across the house after some mouse of invisible creature of the night. She slips upon the bench before the piano and gently laid her fingers along the keys...*
│ CarЕ̃ssingPianoKЕ̃ys ∫ ILovЕ̃ThЕ̃QuiЕ̃tOfThЕ̃Night │ ೇ
'I will play the most beautiful music with you.
Writing to become immortal.'
~ to worship every single dawn.
「https://soundcloud.com/margency/drdle 」
SundayNight╱ᴺᴼᴸᴬ #ᴏғғ
ೇ Our UnfinishedManuscript is just beginning to be woven along as we тєℓℓƒαуєѕтσяιєѕ & CarЕ̃ssingPianoKЕ̃ys sharing in the joys of our littleBugs♡ Our song is neverending as is our timeless love against Morpheus
21 October 2019
~*she sends a morning message to her beloved @0riginalGillies *
{Text}I hope you enjoy the lunch I had sent over to you today, mi amor.
{Text} do you think this necklace looks alright from the back?
{Text}I may have picked a few rose petals this morning ....
~*giggles at her afternoon message to her beloved*
{text} why hello, Mi Rey.... i do so hope one certain gentleman will be home soon... for reasons....
{text} why hello, Mi Rey.... i do so hope one certain gentleman will be home soon... for reasons....
~Haces de cada día y cada noche más especial que el anterior. Las estrellas en mis ojos brillan más por ti.
Te amo siempre y para siempre a la Luna y de regreso y las galaxias más allá.

22 oct 2019
{t}mi amor, pillows are fluffed upon the balcony *she smirks*
{t}are these cute to go with "dress code"?
{t}although it might be chilly out this evening... will one be home soon to keep tu Alice warm? temtingTuesday
24 oct 2019
ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife, @SkyBoivin
~ watching the 𝓢unset in all its magnificent colors, /like angel—winged./
& it feels like going home.
It’s all #ThereInTheDisappearingLight
—You are my goddess Now&Always
WednesdayNightNola「ᶠʳᵒᵐ ᴸᵃ ᵗᵒ ᴹᵃ」
~ ahora y siempre, mí corazón, mí Dios. Your arms are always home to me.
25 oct 2019
~*a message to her beloved esposo @0riginalGillies *
Soon, lips will meet sweet honeysuckle, &clover honey& sweet scent of lavenders...
Sweetkisses in moonlight pale...
As soft candlelight flickers around us...
The sweet UnfinishedManuscript of our Faery'sSongs sings on..
~ a thousand years of memories & I loosened the reigns, in the name of my own happiness: a whole eternity.
'sweet honeysuckle &clover honey &sweet scent of lavenders...'
ThursdayNight╱ᴺᴼᴸᴬ #ᴏғғ
Morning sunrise♡
~*sends a message to her beloved
blessed frisky friday, mi amor...
~*sends an evening text to her beloved @0riginalGillies *
"Lost in the sea of white silk sheets/tender caresses all night long/As the world disappears..." SB
sweet treats await along with tu encanto's arms longing for your safe return home, mi Dios.

26 October 2019
~fireflies blink
As the Cheshire grin moon glows
Darkness creeps
As thoughts begin to build
Sweet treats and butterfly kisses
Trailed along skin
In the softness of the night
27 October 2019
SaturdayNight╱ᴺᴼᴸᴬ #ᴏғғ
{ rt lord byron https://twitter.com/L0RD_BYRON/status/1187961925415473153?s=19
without her
light grows dim
music fades
I miss her}

~ sweet honeysuckle
Snuggled close in the rainy day...
Sultrysunday https://t.co/laMPDKDub7
28 oct 2019
'I love you past the moon and miss you beyond the stars'
~you inspire so much and challenge me both at the same time.
You are my light in my dark night.

#BlackCatDay & Rune.
{Rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1187816550704832513?s=19
♡ *giggles*
~*she sends a message to her beloved
@0riginalGillies *
{T}Mí rey, evening blessings. I played with roses today
{T}just lounged around in the afternoon
*giggles as she sends the next*
{T}do you like the new pink silk sheets for our bed? Missing your arms, te amo...

29 oct 2019
yummy looking treat, mi Rey;)

~*she sends a message on this temptingTuesday to her beloved
{T} lookie what I found to go along with my old hunting outfit, mí rey...
{T} but maybe I will now lounge around for the day...
*she smirks as she giggles in sending it*

30 October 2019
~*she sends a message to her beloved @0riginalGillies *
{T}Mí corazón blessed evening.
{T}missing you, and dreaming of when our arms may hold each other once again. Te amo, ahora y siempre, mí Dios
{T} UnfinishedManuscript lays awaiting to be written more...

{Other edit
1 nov 2019
ೇ ━ #Off╱ᴵᵒᴿ ━ ℣ˑ
November* TheGracefulnessOfTheNightŠky*
~ to worship every 𝓢ingle dawn.
Rt lord byron
her lips
taste of honey
mine drift lower
find her mead

~*susurros* sweet honeysuckle... awaits for our UnfinishedManuscript...
Sweet November is merely the beginning...
~*sends an evening text to her beloved @0riginalGillies *
"Lost in the sea of white silk sheets/tender caresses all night long/As the world disappears..." SB
sweet treats await along with tu encanto's arms longing for your safe return home, mi Dios.
26 October 2019
~fireflies blink
As the Cheshire grin moon glows
Darkness creeps
As thoughts begin to build
Sweet treats and butterfly kisses
Trailed along skin
In the softness of the night
27 October 2019
SaturdayNight╱ᴺᴼᴸᴬ #ᴏғғ
{ rt lord byron https://twitter.com/L0RD_BYRON/status/1187961925415473153?s=19
without her
light grows dim
music fades
I miss her}
~ sweet honeysuckle
Snuggled close in the rainy day...
Sultrysunday https://t.co/laMPDKDub7
28 oct 2019
'I love you past the moon and miss you beyond the stars'
~you inspire so much and challenge me both at the same time.
You are my light in my dark night.
#BlackCatDay & Rune.
{Rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1187816550704832513?s=19

♡ *giggles*
~*she sends a message to her beloved
@0riginalGillies *
{T}Mí rey, evening blessings. I played with roses today
{T}just lounged around in the afternoon
*giggles as she sends the next*
{T}do you like the new pink silk sheets for our bed? Missing your arms, te amo...
-He felt the buzz in his pocket and looked at his phone-
{Text} you’re beautiful, '& my Luve is like a Red,RedRose'
{Text} you will be the death of me
{Text} but what a hell of a way to go
{Text} oh, no doubt. you make me want to be in them...
{Text} i miss you as well, myGoddess
~*peeking at her phone, she giggles in her smile*
{T}mí Dios, always so sweet with such words
{T}but darling... endless hours without the world... *she smirks*
{T}should we add anything else to the bedroom?
*she giggles*
{T} siempre, mí corazón. Soon to hold each other
29 oct 2019
yummy looking treat, mi Rey;)
~*she sends a message on this temptingTuesday to her beloved
{T} lookie what I found to go along with my old hunting outfit, mí rey...
{T} but maybe I will now lounge around for the day...
*she smirks as she giggles in sending it*
30 October 2019
~*she sends a message to her beloved @0riginalGillies *
{T}Mí corazón blessed evening.
{T}missing you, and dreaming of when our arms may hold each other once again. Te amo, ahora y siempre, mí Dios
{T} UnfinishedManuscript lays awaiting to be written more...
{Other edit
1 nov 2019
ೇ ━ #Off╱ᴵᵒᴿ ━ ℣ˑ
November* TheGracefulnessOfTheNightŠky*
~ to worship every 𝓢ingle dawn.
Rt lord byron
her lips
taste of honey
mine drift lower
find her mead
~*susurros* sweet honeysuckle... awaits for our UnfinishedManuscript...
Sweet November is merely the beginning...
~blessed morning mí rey
on this friskyFriday
It's so good to have your arms around tú encanto once again...
~blessed November
Days grow shorter
nights colder
Fires burn brighter, longer
Kindled hearts burn desires hotter
Sweet snuggles
Cozied by fires...
ೇ November╱ᴵᵒᴿ TheGracefulnessOfTheNightŠky*
2 nov 2019
~'Yours is the light by which my spirit's born: - you are my sun, my moon, and all my stars.' -EEC
~blessed seductiveSaturday mí Dios
3 November 2019
I love you.
{Rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1190848428554760192?s=19
I love you.
{Rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1190848428554760192?s=19
Te amo, mí corazón.
~blessed morning this Sultrysunday morning, mí corazón.
"Dance with me/bring my demons to their knees"-N.L.
𝓛𝓸𝓼𝓽 in a 𝔖ea of 𝔖heets
AsMoonlightFiltersUponOur pillows
4 Nov 2019
@0riginalGillies~you challenge me yet let me be me each and everyday. My inspiration ♡
~blessed evening, mí Dios @0riginalGillies
Sweet apple treats for sweet November dreams
Crisp and warm and cozy snuggles
5 nov 2019
'I love you past the moon and miss you beyond the stars'
A beautiful misty evening to snuggle close.
it would not be selfish to always wish it so, mi Dios... let us become immortal with a kiss, mi Rey
6 nov 2019
Lights sparkle from stars brighter as the darkness grows deeper. Our love shines through just as bright as we continue TellingFayeStories to our UnfinishedManuscript
7 nov 2019
ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife, @SkyBoivin
'She is and always will be a phoenix'
Yet, do thy worst, old Time: despite thy wrong,
My love shall in my verse ever live young ~𝒮onnet XIX
℣ˑ│#gsmasque ∫ 𝐼𝓈𝓁𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝑜𝒻 𝑅𝑒𝒶𝓁𝓂𝓈 (IoR)
We shall remain immortal with our love/ Merely a kiss away/ our UnfinishedManuscript has only begun
@0riginalGillies A beautiful morning sunrise♡
@0riginalGillies On the edge of paradise/Only you can set my heart on fire, on fire
so let's feed the flame slowly on this chilly evening/ shutting out the rest of the world/only you and me/ me and you
ahora y siempre
let us continue our UnfinishedManuscript
8 nov 2019
@0riginalGillies ~frisky friday morning blessings, mi Rey. Let us enjoy sweet food and sweet kisses and snuggles...
~*sitting at home waiting for her beloved
. thinking of friskyfriday snuggles and cuddles as flurries lightly fall...*

~blessed evenings, mí rey.
A beautiful, quiet seductiveSaturday
All to us alone
Let us allow the fire to burn out as we stay snuggled close
Ahora y siempre

ೇ ━ #Off╱ᴵᵒᴿ ━ ℣ˑ
November* TheGracefulnessOfTheNightŠky*
~ all night /until the indefinite unshapen dawn/
upon mine heart I felt her warm heart beat /like angel—winged./
Night-long within mine arms in love and sleep she lay (Е̃ˑD)

~blessed dreams and warmth within the home of loving arms we share as the November evening grows

9 November 2019
@0riginalGillies ~blessed evening, mi corazon. Let us snuggle close in the chilly evening
10 November 2019
@0riginalGillies ~blessings on this sultrysunday, mí rey. Let us play with sweet honeysuckle and lavender... Te amo a la Luna y de regreso y las galaxias más allá.
11 November 2019
~always inspiring & thoughtful,
Smiles that make me smile and sillines that makes me giggle♡
{other edits

12 november 2019
~*she waits for chilly snowy evening snuggles as she texts her beloved esposo...*

13 nov 2019
ೇ @SkyBoivin
~ La Lecture sous Pleine Lune · fullmoon-halo-undermoon-skylovers-cleariceblue-purearcticblue. The Šky* is a curious mix of green & blue, a turquoise on the horizon. The Ӎoonˑ with a faint silver circle glowing around her.
#FrostMoon ╱ᴵᵒᴿ

~blessed morning, mí corazón.
May the day be as blessed as I am to have found you.
Ahora y siempre
ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife, @SkyBoivin
~ A cream-white rosebud with a flush on its petal tips. ·IvorySorceress
℣ˑ│𝐼𝓈𝓁𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝑜𝒻 𝑅𝑒𝒶𝓁𝓂𝓈 (IoR) [ImagesᵛᶤᵃShilah]
14 November 2019
~blessed morning, mí rey on this chilly thirstyThursday morning. Let us stay snugly warm under these silky sheets instead...

mí rey @0riginalGillies
Let us continue writing our UnfinishedManuscript
without words/just our song &the TellingFayeStories to our song of ahora y siempre
Until candle flames die out and the moon fades away
While we lay in each othersArms
{rt https://twitter.com/MyArousingHeart/status/1179121080704757760?s=20
“Of lovers whose bodies smell
of each other, who think the same
thoughts without need of speech.”
-T.S. Eliot

{rt https://twitter.com/MyArousingHeart/status/1194808636846903296?s=20
15 November 2019
@0riginalGillies ~blessed friskyfriday, mi darling
16 November 2019
Missing mi corazón
Wishing to be holding and keeping close
Warm arms keeping me home

mi rey, llenas mi corazón con tanta alegría.
tú iluminas mi vida, como cuando la luna está llena y ilumina el mundo
Te amo, mi rey
a la Luna y de regreso
Ahora y siempre.
Blessed SeductiveSaturday mí corazón

*giggles... and sneaks another fry...*
17 November 2019
@0riginalGillies blessed sultrysunday mí rey. #lazysunday
Perfection just laying in your arms and not leaving these warm blankets... https://t.co/CEk57pP2ZQ
~evening blessings, mí dios...
tu encanto espera a que mi dios regrese a casa con seguridad; para el perezoso cálido El domingo se acurruca en esta tarde fría. *susurros* Te amo, mi Rey...
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
~ 𝒯𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒟𝒾𝓈𝒶𝓅𝓅𝑒𝒶𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝐿𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 / TheAllureOfDarkness「https://twitter.com/L0RD_BYRON/status/1196294245616771073」

{rt lord byron https://twitter.com/L0RD_BYRON/status/1196294245616771073?s=20
let's make a miracle tonight
an alchemy of souls combined
in such synchronicity
it echoes across the universe
~siempre, mi Rey... we will write our own miracles...
18 November 2019
"Spending time with you is so precious and I love every minute that we are together/I must have wished for you so hard and so often that you had no choice but to come true."-unknown
~tu siempre hace sonreír a tu encanto
me inspiras siempre
22 nov 2019
//out sick today...
╱ᴵᵒᴿ and hot chicken soup to help you feel better, my queen.

Always the sweetest, mi Rey. Gracias
Follow the story here...
@0riginalGillies ~blessings on this sultrysunday, mí rey. Let us play with sweet honeysuckle and lavender... Te amo a la Luna y de regreso y las galaxias más allá.
11 November 2019
~always inspiring & thoughtful,
Smiles that make me smile and sillines that makes me giggle♡
{other edits

12 november 2019
~*she waits for chilly snowy evening snuggles as she texts her beloved esposo...*
13 nov 2019
ೇ @SkyBoivin
~ La Lecture sous Pleine Lune · fullmoon-halo-undermoon-skylovers-cleariceblue-purearcticblue. The Šky* is a curious mix of green & blue, a turquoise on the horizon. The Ӎoonˑ with a faint silver circle glowing around her.
#FrostMoon ╱ᴵᵒᴿ

~its halo is bright and faint both at once/remains of shooting stars sneak by/snuggled up in warm blankets/as the night creeps by

~blessed morning, mí corazón.
May the day be as blessed as I am to have found you.
Ahora y siempre
ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife, @SkyBoivin
~ A cream-white rosebud with a flush on its petal tips. ·IvorySorceress
℣ˑ│𝐼𝓈𝓁𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝑜𝒻 𝑅𝑒𝒶𝓁𝓂𝓈 (IoR) [ImagesᵛᶤᵃShilah]
Mí corazón, always so wonderful to me. *susurros as she keeps close*
~blessed morning, mí rey on this chilly thirstyThursday morning. Let us stay snugly warm under these silky sheets instead...

mí rey @0riginalGillies
Let us continue writing our UnfinishedManuscript
without words/just our song &the TellingFayeStories to our song of ahora y siempre
Until candle flames die out and the moon fades away
While we lay in each othersArms
{rt https://twitter.com/MyArousingHeart/status/1179121080704757760?s=20
“Of lovers whose bodies smell
of each other, who think the same
thoughts without need of speech.”
-T.S. Eliot
{rt https://twitter.com/MyArousingHeart/status/1194808636846903296?s=20
There is no
other man that can
persuade her to be his...
Her heart
belongs to only one...♥️
15 November 2019
@0riginalGillies ~blessed friskyfriday, mi darling
16 November 2019

Missing mi corazón
Wishing to be holding and keeping close
Warm arms keeping me home

mi rey, llenas mi corazón con tanta alegría.
tú iluminas mi vida, como cuando la luna está llena y ilumina el mundo
Te amo, mi rey
a la Luna y de regreso
Ahora y siempre.
Blessed SeductiveSaturday mí corazón
*giggles... and sneaks another fry...*
17 November 2019
@0riginalGillies blessed sultrysunday mí rey. #lazysunday
Perfection just laying in your arms and not leaving these warm blankets... https://t.co/CEk57pP2ZQ
~evening blessings, mí dios...
tu encanto espera a que mi dios regrese a casa con seguridad; para el perezoso cálido El domingo se acurruca en esta tarde fría. *susurros* Te amo, mi Rey...
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
~ 𝒯𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒟𝒾𝓈𝒶𝓅𝓅𝑒𝒶𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝐿𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 / TheAllureOfDarkness「https://twitter.com/L0RD_BYRON/status/1196294245616771073」
{rt lord byron https://twitter.com/L0RD_BYRON/status/1196294245616771073?s=20
let's make a miracle tonight
an alchemy of souls combined
in such synchronicity
it echoes across the universe
~siempre, mi Rey... we will write our own miracles...
18 November 2019
"Spending time with you is so precious and I love every minute that we are together/I must have wished for you so hard and so often that you had no choice but to come true."-unknown
~tu siempre hace sonreír a tu encanto
me inspiras siempre
22 nov 2019
//out sick today...
╱ᴵᵒᴿ and hot chicken soup to help you feel better, my queen.

Always the sweetest, mi Rey. Gracias
Follow the story here...