- I】
━ #TheHollowSL TheRise&S5
- ‘Saudade’. Si en griego “regreso” se menciona como
'nostos’ y 'algos’ significa “sufrimiento”, la nostalgia es, pues, el
sufrimiento causado por el deseo incumplido de ~
【 ℬ𝓵𝓪𝓬𝓴𝓞𝓾𝓽𝓓𝓪𝔂𝓼
- I】
TheRise & S5 ℣ - 'Saudade'. If in Greek "return" is
mentioned as "nostalgia" and "something" means
"suffering", then nostalgia is, then, the suffering caused by the
unfulfilled desire of ~
~ regresar. O tal vez, el sufrimiento producido por los
recuerdos que vuelven a materializarse. El presente ahora evidenciaba que la
última decisión tomada en conjunto por la familia Mikaelson, debía honrar la
redención. ¿Irónico? No existía ~
~ otra alternativa.
Las reflexiones de ese momento también alcanzaban a los
recuerdos de siglos anteriores, incluso señaladamente en el siglo dieciocho,
con la llegada de la Familia Original a Nueva Orleans. 1722.
'En el transcurso de mi ~
~ larga vida, he llegado a creer que estamos ligados para
siempre a aquellos con quienes compartimos los lazos de la sangre. Y aunque tal
vez no elijamos a nuestra familia, tal vínculo puede ser nuestra mayor
fortaleza o nuestro más profundo ~
~ pesar. Esta verdad infortunada me ha obsesionado
durante tanto tiempo como soy capaz de rememorar.' Y la evocación está a punto
de terminar.
Fueron nueve horas de viaje en avión, a Londres para
buscar al joven familiar de #HugoRey, ~
~ Christian, y completar la extinción definitiva de
#Inadu, cerrando la posibilidad de su regreso al sellar la línea de sangre
ascendiente y descendiente.
Nueve horas y diversos empleados sometidos a compulsión
para lograr llegar a Londres, tras el aviso de #CarolineForbes acerca de la intención
/suicida/ de mi hermano.
Y un par de horas antes de que cayera la noche,
finalizando la luna llena correspondiente a este mes de julio: la luna de
sangre, también conocida como luna llena del ciervo y que en el 2018 llegaba acompañada
del fenómeno más interesante: un eclipse lunar total que, además, sería el más
largo del siglo.
La cosmopolita ciudad me recompensó inicialmente con una
visita al Brown's, uno de los mejores sitios para tomar el té, desde el tradicional
que se reserva para la tarde hasta el que se disfruta a todas horas y en la
cotidianidad de cualquier inglés que se precie de serlo.
"Incluso era uno de los pocos lugares que habían recibido la visita de la Reina Victoria", me
permití recordar un instante, con nostalgia.
En Londres es imposible desligarse de la tradición del
"Afternoon Tea" y /sin ser supersticioso/ no me sentiría cómodo si,
en ese par de horas antes de la caída de la noche, la primera bebida que
disfrutara no fuera un té que invitara a la reflexión. Un soberbio Earl Grey,
aromatizado con el cítrico mezcla de naranja amarga con limón pera, cultivado
al sur de Italia, en la región de Reggio Calabria.
Miré mi reloj: las cinco de la tarde.
Cierto, mi familia se debatía entre las luchas de
facciones, brujas, lobos y humanos, incluso de la deslealtad de quienes
pertenecían a la misma naturaleza sobrenatural, o a nuestra propia sangre. Cerré los ojos y reflexioné sobre la
última batalla librada por la familia, no de la mejor manera, y en la cual tal
vez se olvidó el hecho de que, en ocasiones, la mejor victoria es vencer sin
Sin embargo, #Inadu había establecido ya la cadencia en su batalla
ancestral: los movimientos simplemente fluyeron, y era hasta el día actual en
el que comprendí en su totalidad la enigmática profecía que había pronunciado
la bruja vidente, #Alexis, años atrás: “Todos sus juramentos han traicionado. Sus votos
sagrados han sido cortados. Y ahora sabrán que nada dura ‘por siempre y para
siempre’. Todos estarán perdidos”.
Este pensamiento disperso cruzaba por mi mente, cuando
decidí que eran suficientes evocaciones para aquella, mi última tarde;
las hijas adoptivas de #Caroline deberían, seguramente y bajo la atenta mirada
de #Alaric, estarse preparando ya, en Mystic Falls, para llevar a cabo el
hechizo que liberaría a mi familia, de una vez y por siempre, de la influencia de
#TheHollow, cuyo poder ahora se encontraba contenido en el cuerpo de #Niklaus.
Los sentimientos del pasado no nublan mi razonamiento, ni
mi lógica, ni la visión sobre lo que ambos, #Niklaus y yo, debemos proteger. A nuestra Esperanza, y
a la de esta familia. Ciertamente, mi híbrido hermano no era el único dispuesto
a entregar una existencia inmortal por la salvaguarda de #Hope.
Llevé mi mano al bolsillo derecho de mi saco y acaricié por un momento el extremo del
artefacto nacido de la magia oscura, de la intersección entre la química y la
alquimia, entre la ciencia y el espíritu: la daga preparada por #Freya, forjada
en fuego y transformada en oro puro, suficiente para neutralizar a un Original.
En el bolsillo izquierdo, el peso de la última estaca de
roble blanco me proporcionaba la seguridad de que no cabía la posibilidad de
error, salvaguardando la necesidad de hacer sacrificios por la propia familia.
Tal vez en el último momento, definitivo y preciso, me dé
cuenta que cometí un error que nunca tuve oportunidad de rectificar. Y que la
estrategia, la más profunda y la más simple a la vez, es que no se puede permanecer estático por una eternidad.
El tiempo es únicamente cierta parte de esa eternidad,
tiempo y existencia que le habían sido arrebatadas a #Hayley de la peor manera,
en gran parte por la consecuencia de mis acciones.
Era tiempo de retomar las batallas actuando con cálculo, precisión
y lógica, de enfrentar momentos agónicos e irrepetibles de estos siglos de
batallas, en ocasiones por el poder, algunas veces por el amor.
Como ha ocurrido siempre, bajo amenaza se toma una acción inmediata: lo que se necesite para
proteger a la propia familia.
Miré mi reloj: las siete de la tarde. Era tiempo de
encontrar a Christian en las afueras de Londres. O de permitir que él me
localizara primero, en su nueva condición.-
There'sAMorning RℰdℰmptionDoesn'tFallDownAtYourFeet】
Christian Talbot @MoonlightCursed replies~
Intento en vano localizar a Howe, olvidando por completo,
en medio de su desesperación, que el hombre iba a pasar unos días con su esposa
fuera del país. - Diablos...- y nuevamente la señal que se perdía en la nada,
una complicación en apariencia normal. La barrera mágica de contención
parecía trabajar desde adentro de la ciudad, hacia fuera, sin permitir que los
sobrenaturales salieran, pero evitando que entraran. Deseo haber sido un poco
menos orgulloso y haber respondido favorablemente al ofrecimiento de la bruja
Calladine para ayudarlo. Ahora, en cambio, estaba solo, al borde de un cambio
inevitable y de hacer frente al mayor miedo que poseía desde hacia mas de
ciento veinte años.
Una parte suya decidió que podría atravesar la ciudad
hacia el lado opuesto e intentar recluirse en su mansión. Después de todo, los
diferentes sótanos abovedados eran antiguos, de fuerte roca maciza y
laberínticos. Pero no podía arriesgar la vida de Kendall, sin mencionar que había pedido a Mina que
lo esperara allí. No, el hogar no era una opción. Y entonces cayo en la cuenta
de Marco y una promesa que había realizado hacia apenas unos meses atrás,
cuando el le había pedido que actuara sin miramientos si, llegado el caso, la
situación así lo ameritaba. Inicio entonces un camino inverso, de regreso hacia
el auto.
Y como si fuera una burla a sus decisiones y voluntad, el
primer espasmo lo dejo doblado sobre sus rodillas, cayendo sobre las mismas mientras se aferraba
a la grava de la calle con una mano. Jadeando, volvió a incorporarse cuando los
nubarrones volvieron a tapar el cuerpo celeste que se habia manifestado lleno,
redondo y rojizo. Avanzó nuevamente, ya podía ver su Audi aparcado
descuidadamente en el medio de la calle abandonada. Pero cuando el cielo volvio
a verse despejado, el hombre volvió a caer, esta vez con mas fuerza que antes,
engarfiando los dedos en el suelo. Su mirada colmada de lagrimas buscaba
desesperadamente un punto al que aferrarse, hasta que lo vió. Una figura que se
aproximaba. En medio del dolor tomó la suficiente fuerza para gritarle al
extraño que se fuera, que se alejara... imploró al cielo que se lo llevara, solo una cosa podía
ser peor que el dolor agudo de su cuerpo comenzando a romperse, y era el saber
que pronto una criatura hambrienta se alzaría para dar buena cuenta de la
primera vida, en una noche que presumía sangrienta e infinita.
@0riginalGillies replies~
En realidad, aquella caminata nocturna por las afueras de
Londres la habría disfrutado de no ser por la inquietud que me provocaba no
materializar pronto el encuentro deseado.
La estrategia siempre ha sido mi obsesión… no podría
respirar y existir sin pensar en como adelantarme varios
escalones en lo que podría ser el futuro de una situación determinada.
Todo estaba previsto.
Sin embargo, el destino no comenzaría a actuar en mi
favor hasta que pudiera encontrar al descendiente de #HugoRey, en aquella noche de luna
llena, y clavar además en su cuerpo la daga impregnada con la sangre de Hope, como
una manera de atraer a #TheHollow, una vez las dos hijas de #AlaricSaltzman y
#JoLaughlin la liberaran del cuerpo de #Niklaus, al percibir la energía mística
que generaría tal contraste de una misma línea de sangre.
El eclipse no podía desaprovecharse.
Miré impaciente al cielo, hasta que éste de nueva cuenta
se despejó. Fue entonces cuando mi fino oído vampírico escuchó el resonar de un
corazón, claro y desentonando, en un extraño concierto de vida y renacimiento.
Contrastante. También el sonido de huesos al romperse, y el último grito humano
que /tal vez/ escucharía.
Mucho mejor así.
Saqué la daga del bolsillo de mi saco, apretando con
fuerza el mango, antes de dirigirme a velocidad vampírica al encuentro con el
descendiente de #HugoRey. El hombre que caía ante mis ojos dejaría de serlo, en
breve, así que era imprescindible aprovechar ese momento de
única debilidad previo a la transformación de Christian, para culminar el
primer ataque.
El eco de visiones de muertes pasadas dieron tregua a mi
espíritu cuando llegué al lado del ser que engarfiaba los dedos en el suelo, llamando /tal
vez/ a recuerdos desenterrados o alucinaciones convincentes.
Y la sangre brotó de entre su carne ya rota, traspasada
ahora también por la daga imbuida de magia, en un movimiento único con cuyo
impulso acabé de enterrar y fijar la afilada hoja en su pecho, tras un abrazo
fiero que duró tan sólo un instante.
La sangre del lobo, derramada sobre mis dedos, mitigó la
ira contenida durante las últimas semanas ante la situación experimentada
por mi familia; en ese instante, el resto del ataque se convirtió en una
cuestión interna para dominar la cruda necesidad de continuar una lucha que
era, a todas luces, desigual.-
@MoonlightCursed replies~
Entre las lagrimas y el dolor no pudo ver claramente en
que momento la presencia había llegado hasta su lado.
-VETE DE...AQUÍ!.- Una mezcla horrorosa de humanidad
cedida a un rugido metamorfo. Una orden que devenía plenamente de una suplica, a sabiendas de que, en cualquier caso, era
tarde ya.
Y entonces, la sorpresa se antepuso dos segundos al
dolor. Por esa escasa fracción, el tiempo se detuvo. Dos segundos confusos,
indoloros, donde humano y bestia se unían por primera vez bajo un mismo
sentimiento, confusión silenciosa que rompió el bramido de la ira animal,
adelantándose con un nivel de odio tan grande que la inconsciencia, por primera
vez, gano en fuerza al humano mientras la bestia se abría camino a través de
su carne, incluso antes de que los huesos animales terminaran de re-acomodarse.
Bajo la luna sangrienta, el lobo, casi listo, contemplo
al adversario. Bajo sus pies los restos dispersos de quien había sido humano y regresaría al amanecer. De un manotazo de sus patas delanteras, se arrancó la
daga del pecho y dió un paso al frente. Incluso en su transformación finalizada
pudo sentir dentro suyo el curso de algo que no era natural, ni siquiera para
el. Una fuerza que lo sobrecargaba, a la vez que lo ponía de rodillas. Un
nuevo lapso, pequeño, de confusión, antes de fijar la mirada en el vampiro,
flexionando sus extremidades se impulso hacia delante, derrumbándolo. Sobre él,
sus ojos se encontraron con la fuerza del diablo, deseosos de destruir. Una
promesa latente de infiernos a quien osara desafiarlo. Un gruñido acompañaba
los colmillos babeantes, expuestos, mientras sus garras se incrustaban en la
inmortal carne de su próxima victima.
1 august 2018
Rebekah Mikaelson @mikaelson_crazy
You can’t be dead dear brother
Sky~ *sobs*
Rebekah ~ It can’t be over dear brother. You can’t be dead.
Rebekah ~*I walk over to where Freya has you laying in your coffin with tears in my eyes.* No dear brother
Elijah~will love you always and forever, dear sister. Until forever ends. It's peaceful here..
Rebekah ~And I will lone you dear brother always and forever until forever ends *I glance down with tear stained face at you laying there in your coffin.* I’m glad that it is but you’re missed dearly.
Sky~*watches from the shadows, just....*
Rebekah ~Sky you don’t have to hide in the shadows.
𝑺𝒌𝒚~*shakes her head*
Rebekah~*I walk over to her as I wrap my arms around her
pulling her close hugging her tightly.*
𝑺𝒌𝒚~*stops fighting back and
let's flood of tears go*
Rebekah ~*feels you begin to cry as I continue to hug you
tightly crying with you.*
𝑺𝒌𝒚~*holds her tightly still
Rebekah ~*keeps hugging her tightly crying with her*
Sky~ *remains silent*
Rebekah ~I know that there isn’t any magic words to say to
bring either of them back.
𝑺𝒌𝒚~*whispers* can't bring back
the dead, not myself ....I'm not that strong...
Rebekah ~*hears you whisper* No but Freya and Davina might
Sky~ *closes her eyes as she speaks these words* but would we be too late?
Rebekah ~ No we would never be too late for anything when it
comes to the Supernatural and the Mikaelson’s
𝑺𝒌𝒚~ *nods silently, taking in
her words*
Rebekah~ So don’t you think for one second that we can’t
bring them back.
𝑺𝒌𝒚~ *whispers* yes, dear
Rebekah ~They wouldn’t want us to be sad.
𝑺𝒌𝒚~ *takes a deep breath.* yes,
but still, it's heartbreaking. .. *tries
to smile*
Rebekah~ Yes it is. I’ve never been without both of them at
the same time. Yet I always wanted my freedom to live my own life.
Sky~But, can't you still have that? Even if they are still with
{6 august rt
ೇ 'In cathedrals of the forest
Love is a vision, a firefly that majestically glows in the night' ―MM&VV.
~ Forever and ever. Till the moon meets the sea, #myQueen
「#TheHollowSL TheRise&S5」}
thread 2 aug 2018 / 4 august 2018
*if she was to fall here, the spot where she knows she can get between the realms. She can go any realm she so desires. But, she can also go between the veil this way.
The one spot of Faye, where the living and the dead can be together. But, she must fall first...
*slowly she gets up from her knees and stands tall. *she focuses and remains in control of her thoughts. She slowly calls her circle and asks upon the ancients to guide her.
Then she throws an energy blast outward. She pauses and waits, holding her breath....
*it seems like ages pass. Nothing appears to have happened. Did she do something wrong? Has he moved on before she could do this?
She shakes her head quickly trying to push such thoughts from her mind. She pulls back her tears to only have one lonely tear escape ..
She stands in silence waiting to see if he will appear through the mist and walk with her through the veil. Even if it is only this one time that It allowed for her. ....
*standing for what feels like forever,
She losses hope a moment, and falls to her knees, hanging her head...
~ To be or not to be was stolen from our family, my love. I'm stealing it back -sighs. The time is OutOfJoint, and it must be healed. Just trust me, #myQueen -leans down and kisses her, slowly, as if there was nothing more he wished to do.
~she hears his words and returns his kiss. *
Oh #MyKing, I miss you. They all miss you. What can I do to help bring you back? *she whispers, wrapping her arms around him*
♫ ♪♫ Hold-me-now,-warm-my-heart Stay-with-me,-let-loving-start You-say-I'm-a dreamer,-we're-two-of-a-kind... ♫ ♪♫
{ rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1025635356761378817?s=20 }
But you know that there's no where that I'd rather be than with you here
Hold me now, warm my heart
~ There comes a time when the world gets quiet and the only thing left is your own heart: you're mine. My strength, #myQueen.
~ and you're my heart, my world.
{ rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1025635356761378817?s=20 }
But you know that there's no where that I'd rather be than with you here
Hold me now, warm my heart
~ There comes a time when the world gets quiet and the only thing left is your own heart: you're mine. My strength, #myQueen.
~ and you're my heart, my world.
*holds him close, not ever wanting to let him go.*
Don't let me go, ever....*she whispers*
Don't let me go, ever....*she whispers*
4 aug 2018
tweet thread
Bringing Elijah back~ 4 aug 2018~
“Yes, aunty it’s right here,” Bria holds up the bag, nodding in her seat. “What’s inside?”
Sky gives a nod, “good, because we need these urns for what I'm about to do...” She trails off as she turns on the car.
They head on out to New Orleans. After some time, we make it to the French Quarter. They pull baby over to the side and get out. Bria climbs out of the impala, taking the bag with her, careful not to drop it.
Sky looks around, scanning the crowd for any threats, “we need to find the bench.” She trails off as she tilts her head looking around the square.
Bria questions as she looks around also, keeping the bag close, “where should we go?” She turns to Sky.
Looking off in the direction of the bench, Sky points to it, “yes I think that might be it.” She gives a knowing nod. “Let's do this.” She gives a heavy sigh.
Bria follows close behind her, “Is there anything I should be doing, aunty?”
“You just keep those safe, and make sure I don't get interrupted during my spell,” Sky replies simply as they reach the bench and she places her bag down, digging out her crystals and salts. She places them around the bench and around them within a circle. She places the salt around them, and then she takes the bag carefully from Bria, slowly removing each urn and placing them on the ground. She stands back up and nods, “ready?”
Bria just stands there and nods as she watches everything that Sky does, mesmerized by how swift she was in her movements. She looks up suddenly, realizing she was asked a question, “What if it doesn’t work?” She speaks softly.
Sky grabs Bria’s eyes with hers, “It has to. Just stay in the circle and don't let anything happen. Got it?” She gives her a look, waiting.
All Bria can do is nod. Sky gives a nod back. Then, she turns towards the urns in front of the bench. She breathes and focuses, calling on her circle. Raising her arms up over her head, she silently calls upon those to help and guide. Then, she brings her arms out and down to bring her hands together. Opening her eyes, she gives pause.
She turns to the urns and raises her arms out and open, bringing her hands palm side up, chanting softly, old druids spells. Slowly, she see faint specks follow each other a swirl around them. They slowly take a shape. She keeps her chant focused, not letting it up, but watching the specks take a faded shape of human form. She waits until all are together. They fade quickly as she then directs her hands to the urns, they turn back to specks and enter the urns. Just ashes of their former selves. She quickly closes out the circle and gathers up the urns and quartz. Standing up, she looks to Bria, “we need to find Rebekah and Freya. They will know what to do next with these.” She places a hand on her shoulder, “we will get him back, both of them.”
Bria nods silently and follows Sky back to the impala so they can head over to where Freya and Rebekah waited for them.
Rebekah waits for news on the gathering up of her brothers, Elijah and Nicklaus, ashes so they can possibly get them back.
Sky pulls up outside in the impala she borrowed from the bunker and gets out. “I think Rebekah is here. Let's get these to them.” She says to Bria as she walks around the car, not taking her eyes off of the old homestead.
Upon hearing a car pull up and then someone calling her name, Rebekah vamp speeds to the front door opening it. “Yes I’m here. What’s going on?”
Sky gives a slight smile at Rebekah, nodding to the bag in Bria’s hand, “I did it.”
Rebekah smiles back, “Yes you did Sky. I can’t thank you enough.” She turns to her big sister Freya. “Now we can get our brothers back.”
“Yes, and my beloved,” Sky adds, looking hopeful.
Rebekah adds, “Both of our brothers we will get back.”
Sky smiles, “Yes.”
“Anything I can help with?” Bria asks following them.
Sky turns to Bria, “You stay safe. You won't be part of this. Your uncle will never forgive me if he found out.”
Rebekah agrees, “He may be angry with me for wanting to do what I volunteer for. But I want to.”
“He will forgive us once all is said and done,” Sky adds back.
They get the urns up to Freya’s workstation. She hurries to ready everything and then places the urns carefully down where she needs them for the spell. “I might not have enough power to do this alone,” she turns to the others in the room.
Sky gives a nod, “Anything I can do to help.”
Freya smiles, “I just might.”
Sky stands near, watching silently, waiting for her part when Freya needs her.
Freya looks up at Sky once all is in place and nods. She holds out her hand to Sky, “Ready?”
Sky nods and gathers her energy to send through to her. She feeds the energy at a constant flow to Freya, staying focused on keeping it strong for her.
Freya focuses hard on her spell, tapping in to Sky’s energy. She gives a frown, “It’s not enough.”
“I can tap into more myself,” Sky starts as her eyes flash blue and glows slightly, tapping more energy eyes flash red. “I don't know how long I can stay in this. But this is the higher power,” She whispers to Freya to give her warning she may not last long in this.
Freya nods and sets back on task, she finishes the spell quickly. Freya falls to her knees after she is done. Sky falls to Freya, to see if she is ok, dizzy from the energy boost and drained herself.
Bria whispers, “Did it work?”
Sky shakes her head, “I, I don't know.” She looks over towards the urns wondering.
Rebekah hesitates to look over where the bag was in fear that this didn’t work. She gently hugs her big sister. “I won’t let you try that again big sister.”
“I’ll be fine, little sister.” Freya replies.
Sky distantly, “May, maybe there's a delay.” She gives a hopeful look, “Like with mine with the veil…” she trails off, growing more distant.
“Do you think so?” Rebekah raises an eyebrow trying to remain hopeful.
Sky gives a reassuring nod, “It took almost 24 hours for him to come through.” She waits and watches over the urns with hope in her eyes.
Rebekah agrees, “Then maybe it will take that long as well.”
Bria pulls out some chocolates for everyone upon direction from Sky. She passes some around to each of them. Rebekah and Freya each take a piece in turn.
Sky continues, “We just need to have hope and faith.” She gathers the three of them into her arms and sits there, watching the bag with the urns, “we just need to hope it was enough.”
Rebekah gives a sigh and tries to hold back tears. “We have to have faith and hope. Freya is right. Nik was too bloody stubborn to let her place the Hollow into anyone else.”
Sky nods quietly, “So true, but we are all just as stubborn. Look what we just did.” She pulls Delirium up closer in her lap gently to bring her close to the group as she enters the room from her travels. She gives a smile and guides a small flutterby as Deli snapping at it that flutters along in the room. “Lucky when they land on you,” she whispers. “Maybe a sign.” She smiles, lost in thought, playing with the flutterby on her hand.
Rebekah smiles softly as I watch the flutterby, petting Deli.
Sky rests her head and starts to drift off, randomly stroking Delirium's fur as the flutterby sits on her head. “Come sit and rest Bria,” She starts. “Get some rest, it's been a long week.”
Rebekah adds, “You won’t miss it Bria.”
Bria curls up alongside them both and tries to sleep.
In a hushed tone, Sky whispers,” sleep Bria.” As a sigh of tired relief escapes her as she passes out unknown to the others.
Rebekah notices Sky passing out as she realizes that she was drained from letting Freya use her energy.
Sky slips into dreams of being in the arms of her king. She senses something from her dreams of drained power and slowly opens her eyes. ‘Could it be real?’ Her mind thinks. ‘Is she still dreaming?’ She faintly whispers his name, “Elijah?”
['Every quarter-hour, the thin peal of bells at St. Louis Cathedral calls SaintsAndSinners, mostly the latter.']
「#TheHollowSL TheRise&S5」
~ 'And then, of course unrelenting tragedy.'
[…] The spirit that I have seen
May be the devil, and the devil hath power
T’ assume a pleasing shape; yea, and perhaps,
Out of my weakness and my melancholy,
As he is very potent with such spirits,
Abuses me to damn me.
(2.2.627-632) #ₕₐₘₗₑₜ
━ #TheHollowSL
ೇ 'In cathedrals of the forest
Love is a vision, a firefly that majestically glows in the night' ―MM&VV.
~ Forever and ever. Till the moon meets the sea, #myQueen
「#TheHollowSL TheRise&S5」
#DeeperBlues NiklausMikaelson
#TheHollowSL &Solo
「-The jewel of the French Quarter. This is how the Cathedral of St. Louis is well-known among the residents in New Orleans, who consider it as a site that represents a point of faith, both in triumph and in tragedy. The building has stood for generations as a place of joy and sadness, and above all, to find redemption, despite all of the problems, as an anchor of life to the heart of old New Orleans.
Every quarter-hour, the thin peal of bells at St. Louis Cathedral calls saints and sinners, mostly the latter. And sometimes when Elijah heard the sound of the Cathedral’s bells /the largest named “Victoria”, the one that rings every hour, and the smaller ones that toll every quarter/ he almost always starts a reflection on past events, as during the last centuries his family has chosen to live in this city… despite the battles, the problems and the cloudy issues.
The Mikaelsons’ lives are far too long to waste hesitating century after century. Although the siblings could have been entitled to forge their own fates, since over the centuries there is just one truth for all of them: the blinder the passion, the more tenacious it is. Never is it stronger than when it is most unreasonable.
Sudden cold gloomed in Elijah's brain after that last reflection, and he knew better than to try to evade the flares. In one of the stained glass windows of the Cathedral, wisps of sapphire smoke began to drift and azure smoke continued to float up from the rim of the old fenestra.
A familiar voice filled his mind like steel searing into a mold, hissing and glowing with unbearable cold. "Ah, my Original. For the moment at least, I won't begrudge you your brief moment of happiness. It was my hand that banished you from your ancient home, my hand that keeps you away". He swallowed and said nothing. A moment of cold silence, before he heard again that voice. "You wish to return, perhaps I will lift my hand."-
In my long life I've called many places home, #KreNanHun -the vampire said calmly.
The voice squeezed him more tightly. Elijah shuddered, releasing one slow, anguished breath. "I prefer the power channeled by the death of someone like you. And #Niklaus. Old, ancient, imbued with magic." Suddenly the grinding coils that had crushed him relaxed. He gasped with relief as the voice of #TheHollow went silent just an instant. "Trust me, you will find the way to anchor me again to the living world when the time comes. Maybe ending for good with that successor to the untriggered werewolf, #HugoRey?
Elijah lifted his head, and stared directly at the stained glass window.- I give you my word on it -he simply replied.
"Well. You are one of my highest followers, as I channeled your power when you and your sireline died, years ago, to complete my resurrection." #TheHollow paused for a moment. "For now, I will free you for your homecoming. And await my word." The eyes flared once more, scorching his soul. And were as quickly gone.
The darkness returned and touched Elijah, soothing him. The light of the moon cast a silvery tint inside of the Cathedral, as it had been minutes before #Niklaus left the venerable building to walk to the bench placed where they killed each other /just a couple of nights ago,/ with the last remaining white oak stake, and hoping to seal #TheHollow's spirit away.
Elijah moved to the solid oak door. His hand slid over the latch and the door opened. He walked outside. The New Orleans rain had stopped. The stench of the city had been purged, and the air smelled fresh and clean. It was so like him, this city. Its surface could be smoothed and made fresh for a few moments, but the cracks beneath the cleansing seethed with a hundred years of rot, and could never be made pure again.
And #TheHollow wanted power, the kind that only comes from sacrifice. /Everything that you want to keep buried... it's going to use that and make you do exactly what it wants you to do./
The vampire looked along the empty street, feeling the weight of his own presence, of the many things both named and unnamable he'd done through the centuries. It was a heavy burden. For now, it was enough time for reflections, as “Victoria” was ringing two times and there was a lot to do towards delivering another kind of nightmare.
He waited a few more seconds, then moved off with precise vampire speed into the dregs of the night, to stray down some new path with his hybrid brother. Seeing that #Niklaus already was sitting on the bench in front of the Cathedral, Elijah took a seat beside him. Both of them on their way to meet /again/ their family.
Because even when all seems burnt to ash, in the story, there is always another chapter to be told.
One chapter that started when @SkyBoivin placed two urns in front of the bench and chanted softly an old druids spell, faint specks slowly following each other a swirl around her and @Bellabells2197. Slowly taking faded shapes of human forms as she keeps her chant focused, waiting until all the specks are together /but fading quickly/ and directing her hands to the urns.
/Just ashes of their former selves, as the winding path guiding @foIIowingmyfish from one reality to another and beyond./
One chapter continued while @mikaelson_crazy waited for news on the gathering up of the ashes, and later too when @FreyaMagicalWi1 placed lighted candles around the bag containing the urns, chanting louder and quicker as ashes turned into two bodies and the lights went out, while the Viking witch passed out from being drained due to the spell.
'And then, of course unrelenting tragedy.'
First a shaded shape of human form, transformed shortly afterwards into flesh and blood. Reborn, in the heart of old New Orleans: an enchanted land where all things were possible. Elijah stared at his family with an unreadable expression /for a long moment/ before walking towards them, to embrace all his loved ones, holding them close and smiling roguishly.」
Every quarter-hour, the thin peal of bells at St. Louis Cathedral calls saints and sinners, mostly the latter. And sometimes when Elijah heard the sound of the Cathedral’s bells /the largest named “Victoria”, the one that rings every hour, and the smaller ones that toll every quarter/ he almost always starts a reflection on past events, as during the last centuries his family has chosen to live in this city… despite the battles, the problems and the cloudy issues.
The Mikaelsons’ lives are far too long to waste hesitating century after century. Although the siblings could have been entitled to forge their own fates, since over the centuries there is just one truth for all of them: the blinder the passion, the more tenacious it is. Never is it stronger than when it is most unreasonable.
Sudden cold gloomed in Elijah's brain after that last reflection, and he knew better than to try to evade the flares. In one of the stained glass windows of the Cathedral, wisps of sapphire smoke began to drift and azure smoke continued to float up from the rim of the old fenestra.
A familiar voice filled his mind like steel searing into a mold, hissing and glowing with unbearable cold. "Ah, my Original. For the moment at least, I won't begrudge you your brief moment of happiness. It was my hand that banished you from your ancient home, my hand that keeps you away". He swallowed and said nothing. A moment of cold silence, before he heard again that voice. "You wish to return, perhaps I will lift my hand."-
In my long life I've called many places home, #KreNanHun -the vampire said calmly.
The voice squeezed him more tightly. Elijah shuddered, releasing one slow, anguished breath. "I prefer the power channeled by the death of someone like you. And #Niklaus. Old, ancient, imbued with magic." Suddenly the grinding coils that had crushed him relaxed. He gasped with relief as the voice of #TheHollow went silent just an instant. "Trust me, you will find the way to anchor me again to the living world when the time comes. Maybe ending for good with that successor to the untriggered werewolf, #HugoRey?
Elijah lifted his head, and stared directly at the stained glass window.- I give you my word on it -he simply replied.
"Well. You are one of my highest followers, as I channeled your power when you and your sireline died, years ago, to complete my resurrection." #TheHollow paused for a moment. "For now, I will free you for your homecoming. And await my word." The eyes flared once more, scorching his soul. And were as quickly gone.
The darkness returned and touched Elijah, soothing him. The light of the moon cast a silvery tint inside of the Cathedral, as it had been minutes before #Niklaus left the venerable building to walk to the bench placed where they killed each other /just a couple of nights ago,/ with the last remaining white oak stake, and hoping to seal #TheHollow's spirit away.
Elijah moved to the solid oak door. His hand slid over the latch and the door opened. He walked outside. The New Orleans rain had stopped. The stench of the city had been purged, and the air smelled fresh and clean. It was so like him, this city. Its surface could be smoothed and made fresh for a few moments, but the cracks beneath the cleansing seethed with a hundred years of rot, and could never be made pure again.
And #TheHollow wanted power, the kind that only comes from sacrifice. /Everything that you want to keep buried... it's going to use that and make you do exactly what it wants you to do./
The vampire looked along the empty street, feeling the weight of his own presence, of the many things both named and unnamable he'd done through the centuries. It was a heavy burden. For now, it was enough time for reflections, as “Victoria” was ringing two times and there was a lot to do towards delivering another kind of nightmare.
He waited a few more seconds, then moved off with precise vampire speed into the dregs of the night, to stray down some new path with his hybrid brother. Seeing that #Niklaus already was sitting on the bench in front of the Cathedral, Elijah took a seat beside him. Both of them on their way to meet /again/ their family.
Because even when all seems burnt to ash, in the story, there is always another chapter to be told.
One chapter that started when @SkyBoivin placed two urns in front of the bench and chanted softly an old druids spell, faint specks slowly following each other a swirl around her and @Bellabells2197. Slowly taking faded shapes of human forms as she keeps her chant focused, waiting until all the specks are together /but fading quickly/ and directing her hands to the urns.
/Just ashes of their former selves, as the winding path guiding @foIIowingmyfish from one reality to another and beyond./
One chapter continued while @mikaelson_crazy waited for news on the gathering up of the ashes, and later too when @FreyaMagicalWi1 placed lighted candles around the bag containing the urns, chanting louder and quicker as ashes turned into two bodies and the lights went out, while the Viking witch passed out from being drained due to the spell.
'And then, of course unrelenting tragedy.'
First a shaded shape of human form, transformed shortly afterwards into flesh and blood. Reborn, in the heart of old New Orleans: an enchanted land where all things were possible. Elijah stared at his family with an unreadable expression /for a long moment/ before walking towards them, to embrace all his loved ones, holding them close and smiling roguishly.」
~ Do you not recall your Shakespeare, Marcellus?
'Barely remember who I am
You FriedMyMind oh yes you did
... Or the #Fαçαԃҽ that you flaunted'
S4E5 [https://twishort.com/edit/kwhnc] S5E8
[...]the spirit I have seen
May be the Devil, and the Devil hath power
T'assume a pleasing shape; yea, and perhaps,
Out of my weakness and melancholy,
As he is very potent with such spirits,
Abuses me to damn me.
The jewel of the French Quarter. This is how the Cathedral of St. Louis is well-known among the residents in New Orleans, who consider it as a site that represents a point of faith, both in triumph and in tragedy. This Cathedral has stood for generations as a place of joy and sadness, and above all, to find redemption, despite all of the problems, as an anchor of life to the heart of old New Orleans.
Every quarter-hour, the thin peal of bells at St. Louis Cathedral calls saints and sinners, mostly the latter. And sometimes when he heard the sound of the Cathedral’s bells /the largest named “Victoria”, the one that rings every hour, and the smaller ones that toll every quarter/ he almosts always starts a reflection on past events, as during the last centuries his family has chosen to live in this city… despite the battles, the problems and the cloudy issues.
The Mikaelsons’ lives are far too long to waste hesitating century after century. Although the siblings could have been entitled to forge their own fates, since over the centuries there is just one truth for all of them: the blinder the passion, the more tenacious it is. Never is it stronger than when it is most unreasonable.
Sudden cold gloomed in Elijah's brain after that last reflection, and he knew better than to try to evade the flares. In one of the stained glass windows of the Cathedral, wisps of sapphire smoke began to drift and azure smoke continued to float up from the rim of the old fenestra.
A familiar voice filled his mind like steel searing into a mold, hissing and glowing with unbearable cold. "Ah, my Original. For the moment at least, I won't begrudge you your brief moment of happiness. It was my hand that banished you from your ancient home, my hand that keeps you away". He swallowed and said nothing. A moment of cold silence, before he heard again that voice. "You wish to return, perhaps I will lift my hand."
In my long life I've called many places home, Kre Nan Hun -the vampire said calmly.
The voice squeezed him more tightly. Elijah shuddered, releasing one slow, anguished breath. "I prefer the power channeled by the death of someone like you. And Niklaus. Old, ancient, imbued with magic." Suddenly the grinding coils that had crushed him relaxed. He gasped with relief as the voice of The Hollow went silent just an instant. "Trust me, you will find the way to anchor me again to the living world when the time comes. Maybe ending for good with that successor to the untriggered werewolf, Hugo Rey?
Elijah lifted his head, and stared directly at the stained glass window. -I give you my word on it- he simply replied.
"Well. You are one of my highest followers, as I channeled your power when you and your sireline died, years ago, to complete my resurrection." The Hollow paused for a moment. "For now, I will free you for your homecoming. And await my word." The eyes flared once more, scorching his soul. And were as quickly gone.
The darkness returned and touched Elijah, soothing him. The light of the moon cast a silvery tint inside of the Cathedral, as it had been minutes before Niklaus left the venerable building to walk to the bench placed where they killed each other /just a couple of nights ago,/ with the last remaining white oak stake, and hoping to seal The Hollow's spirit away.
Elijah moved to the solid oak door. His hand slid over the latch and the door opened. He walked outside. The New Orleans rain had stopped. The stench of the city had been purged, and the air smelled fresh and clean. It was so like him, this city. Its surface could be smoothed and made fresh for a few moments, but the cracks beneath the cleansing seethed with a hundred years of rot, and could never be made pure again.
And The Hollow wanted power, the kind that only comes from sacrifice. Everything that you want to keep buried... it's going to use that and make you do exactly what it wants you to do.
The vampire looked along the empty street, feeling the weight of his own presence, of the many things both named and unnamable he'd done through the centuries. It was a heavy burden. For now, it was enough time for reflections, as “Victoria” was ringing two times and there was a lot to do towards delivering another kind of nightmare.
He waited a few more seconds, then moved off with precise vampire speed into the dregs of the night, to stray down some new path with his hybrid brother. Seeing that Niklaus already was sitting on the bench in front of the Cathedral, Elijah took a seat beside him. Both of them on their way to meet /again/ their family.
Because even when all seems burnt to ash, in the story, there is always another chapter to be told.
One chapter that started when {Sky} placed two urns in front of the bench and chanted softly an old druids spell, faint specks slowly following each other a swirl around her and {Isabella}. Slowly taking faded shapes of human forms as {Sky} keeps her chant focused, waiting until all the specks are together /but fading quickly/ and directing her hands to the urns.
Just ashes of their former selves, as the winding path guiding {Delirium} from one reality to another and beyond.
One chapter continued while {Rebekah} waited for news on the gathering up of the ashes, and later too when {Freya} placed lighted candles around the bag containing the urns, chanting louder and quicker as ashes turned into two bodies and the lights went out, while the Viking witch passed out from being drained due to the spell.
'And then, of course unrelenting tragedy.'
First a shaded shape of human form, transformed shortly afterwards into flesh and blood. Reborn, in an enchanted land where all things were possible. Elijah stared at his family with an unreadable expression /for a long moment/ before walking towards them, to embrace all his loved ones, holding them close and smiling roguishly.
ೇ 'I don't wanna die or fade away
And if the Sun's upset and the Sky goes cold
Then if the clouds get heavy and start to fall
I really need somebody to call my own
I wanna be somebody to someone
Someone to you
I don't even need to change the world
I'll make the moon Shine just for your view
I'll make the Starlight circle the room
And if you feel like night is falling
I wanna be the one you're calling
TheKingdomCome- The Rise -TheFall
The Setting Sun above it all'
[L-S1E5 ℳalivore] There were still traces of the Setting Sun in the Sky]
3 dec 2018
「#TheHollowSL TheRise&S5」
━ DeeperBlues, & ClarionLoessBlackMagicWine:
'Of course, that process was only for the long-lived vampires, as it took ages to build up enough loess. The grapes were grown and processed, without ever seeing the sun.'

ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ〚#ᵀʰᵉᴴᵒˡˡᵒʷ𝚂𝙻𝙻{rt lord byron
in this life
I was born too soon
to live it all with you
but any years you want to share
are always and irrevocably
1 july 2019
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ〚#ᵀʰᵉᴴᵒˡˡᵒʷ𝚂𝙻𝙻
2 july 2019
𝐋𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ '𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 𝐀𝐬
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⊱╾~༄
「'Sleepwalker'/Nightmare-1 #ᵀʰᵉᴴᵒˡˡᵒʷ𝚂𝙻𝙻」{@0riginalGillies} I can hear it... whispering.
╾ In his nightmare, a mere moment of hesitation on his part was always present, one origin that careened into chaos.
Elijah wiped the small droplets of blood and tears from her forehead, before he pulled her lifeless body toward his chest, refusing to accept that she was gone forever.
She was a woman who deserved the gift of everlasting life which she had been offered. But her face, that used to be so full of life and joy, was now a barren wasteland of no emotion at all.
Slowly he let go of her body, gently laying her on the floor in the pool of her blood that now stained the floor.
His voice was already broken before he even whispered his name for the last time, and said goodbye before slipping away into the No rest. No peace. No end.
He could feel the last of his spirit crumbling into dust inside of him. He felt the weight of his own presence, of the many things both named and unnamable he'd done through the centuries.
It was a heavy burden. And Elijah welcomed the silence and the darkness. The oblivion that will remove him from the chaos.
The lights go dark.
In his nightmare, his pupils were cloudy and unfocused, before he fully awakens. He sat up slowly from the uncomfortable position in which ~ he'd fallen asleep.
Elijah held out his hand and it closed around the stem of a delicate crystal glass, mind still fuzzy from sleep and filled with sporadic images.
He stood and swirled the splash of the deep violet liquid in it expertly, then gently ~ ~ rolled it on his tongue and gulped down its black velvet, dark, delicate taste.
A pledge to detach from reality.
"It was the real thing. Black Magic wine, grown from Clarion Loess Black Magic grapes. It was the only wine most vampires would drink -and there were apocryphal stories of how it had kept them on their feet when their other thirst could not be assuaged. True, Black Magic wine didn't have the sharp odor or taste of most alcohol. It was subtle, created for the fastidious vampire palate. The ~ grapes were grown in the soil, loess, that a grinding glacier leaves behind. Of course, that process was only for the long-lived vampires, as it took ages to build up enough loess. And when the soil was ready, the grapes were grown and processed, from graft to foot-stomped pulp in ironwood vats, without ever seeing the sun." ⁽ᴺᶦᵍʰᵗᶠᵃˡˡ - ᴹᶦᵈⁿᶦᵍʰᵗ & ᵀʰᵉ ᴿᶦˢᵉ⁾
In his nightmare, it was as if his memories had followed the line of his present thoughts perfectly. As if Elijah didn’t need to make an effort to ~ understand. A silent moment proved him right, and he sipped again at his liquor, just remembering. The sleepy haze had begun to fade, as well as the confusing images. Stay, they whisper. And his guard was lowered, just a fraction, and his voice was a bit hoarse at the mention of The Hollow.
He himself had a vague picture of this and that thought alone made him shudder. Absolute freedom is achieved by the suppression of all contradictions.
But it felt like drowning in a cycling hell, catching a breath ~ every so often only to plunge back into the cycle again.
Debauchery. A certain viciousness, as opposite to a well-polished, charming demeanor.
And then he got to choose. To slaughter his prey carelessly and lose himself in that same violence. Terrifying ~ them and drinking blood tainted with fear. Tasting that fear.
Sudden cold gloomed in Elijah's brain after that last remembrance, and he knew better than to try to evade the flares.
The heavier the burden, the closer our lives come to the earth, the more real and truthful they become. Words can be factual yet untrue, at the same time. ╾
~ ೇ
{ #ᵀʰᵉᴴᵒˡˡᵒʷ𝒮𝐿𝐿 https://twitter.com/L0RD_BYRON/status/1150274490099568640…
I've been inside her mind
you could get lost there for a thousand years
and barely scratch the surface}
He’s been inside her mind. He’ll tell you so himself. He would stay lost within there To fight off all the nightmares. If only the sleep god Would stop being jealous and so. They are a common creature with his own. And he has barely even begun To scratch the surface.
As their inner demons fight on. He’s been inside her mind. He’ll tell you so himself. He would stay lost within there To feel the love that flitters as her gift, He floats enveloped in fairy kisses like the sun To only be denied
Himself to brace from loves lore
hey have barely even begun To scratch the surface.
As their demons fight against rising sun.
'Love will find a way through paths where wolves fear to prey. / Here’s a heart for every fate.' -LB
3 july 2019
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ〚#ᵀʰᵉᴴᵒˡˡᵒʷ𝚂𝙻𝙻
{each time
we make love
the universe
begins anew}
{rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1146211400634834944?s=20
2 july@0riginalGillies ೇ ~I need you like a heart needs a beat.
#temptationTuesday }
https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1146292252706295808?s=20Every moment I spend with you is like a beautiful dream come true.

5 july 2019

{each time
we make love
the universe
begins anew}
{rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1146211400634834944?s=20
2 july@0riginalGillies ೇ ~I need you like a heart needs a beat.
#temptationTuesday }
https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1146292252706295808?s=20Every moment I spend with you is like a beautiful dream come true.
5 july 2019
6 july 2019
~restless sleeping leads to laying in their bed wide awake and reading awaiting her beloved to hopefully return home from his business. She wishes his safe return as she misses him so*
~restless sleeping leads to laying in their bed wide awake and reading awaiting her beloved to hopefully return home from his business. She wishes his safe return as she misses him so*
9 july 2019
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ〚#ᵀʰᵉᴴᵒˡˡᵒʷ𝚂𝙻𝙻
{rt lord byron
do not be disturbed
by my silence
I am listening
to your heart}
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ〚#ᵀʰᵉᴴᵒˡˡᵒʷ𝚂𝙻𝙻
{rt lord byron
do not be disturbed
by my silence
I am listening
to your heart}
thread below solo~ 12 july 2019

*she stands at the windowsill, looking out on their grounds around their cozy little cottage, taking in the changing colors of the setting sun. Soon she will be setting their twins to slumber, but for now, she stands to enjoy the setting sun. The garden beds changing to a ~golden glow mixed with the other vibrant colors of purples, reds, blues, and more. It all seemed to magically change into an entirely new world before her very eyes. She smiled contentedly as she watched it slowly change before her. She rests her head against the side of the window frame wishing her beloved husband was home to share in this very moment with her. A small smile crosses her lips as she thought about him being there with her. Even if he might not make it for this one, there would be plenty more sunsets to be shared together
and they had forever to share them all. She thought on also that maybe he was pausing at this very moment too, to enjoy this beautiful scene from wherever it was his business took him these past few days. She watches a little longer before she turns to go head off and tend to their girls. Picking up their remaining toys after tending to their baths. Bubbles still floating around the bathroom after she drains their tub. She carries them both in their blankets and sits in the rocker to sing them to sleep before she lays them softly in their beds.
She hums quietly as she closes the door to their room just enough, looking down at Rune and whispering to the now not so kitten black cat* your turn to keep watch then, sir? *she gives a smirk at his "me-ow" and winks before her skirts swish behind her, heading down~the hall. She slides her hand along the wood frame to the music room. Peeking in and seeing the piano sitting all alone, she tilts her head in thought.* it has been a while... *she said to her self, speaking softly. She smiles and heads in the room. She lifts the violin up to her chin once she reaches it and rests it in place as though it hasn't been months since she has last picked it up.
Yes, it had been a while since they sat and played together. But, they had two beautiful little cherubs to steal their time. And that little miracle~was more than worth a little time away from this. She closed her eyes as she pulled the bow along the strings, allowing the feeling to wash over her. She moved with the sound as it flowed through her and from her. Falling into place from the strings of the violin. she danced slowly around the room as though she was on air. Her wings giving a slight flutter here and there as she would give a small twirl in the song. She giggled a little as she danced around the room. Before she finally ended the song and set the violin back on its holder she ran her finger lovingly over the rich wood it was made from before her eyes lifted to gaze upon their piano in the room.
She pattered softly over to its bench and sat down before it. Gently placing her fingers along the ivories. Lost in her thought of how they first met, she smiles to herself. She glides her fingers slowly along the keys, not pressing on any of them at first.*~*she fixes herself better on the bench and begins a slow chord to warm her fingers up. Iding slowly and then picking up speed. After some moments of this, she changes over without pause to one of their first shared songs when they first started to speak and share such things~ she hummed oh so softly to
The song she started off with after the chords.* And all along I believed I would find you Time has brought your heart to me I have loved you for a thousand years I'll love you for a thousand more* She hums along before { a thousand years ~ Christina Perri} she changes over smoothly and seamlessly to their next song. Singing just a hair louder, but just as quiet as before. She flows into savage garden "to the moon and back" * I would fly you to the moon and back If you'll be, if you'll be my baby I've got a ticket for a world where we belong
So would you be my baby?* she smiles as the happy moments were rolling along in her mind. And also of all the new ones that will soon be shared between them. She then interwove into their wedding song. She smirks playfully to herself as she thought upon the fact before too long, their one year wedding anniversary would be creeping up on them. She giggles softly as she thinks on what she could possibly do for such a blessed day. Sept 22nd, feeling like it was right around the curve. She quickly sings along again as she~singing happily to no one in the room, well except maybe the plants. Or maybe even their cat Rune. Closing her eyes as the music flowed through her like water along the babbling brook*
As the moon kindles the night as the wind kindles the fire
As the rain fills every ocean And the sun, the earth
Let your heart kindle my heart Take my heart Take my heart Kindle it with your heart And my heart cannot be Kindled without you Let your heart kindle my heart...
11 july 2019
~She wakens in a cold sweat snapping her eyes open and looking around the room. She lays back, staring at the ceiling blankly thinking from the day. She reaches over, to find her beloved fast asleep next to her. She snuggles into his arms, trying to focus on his breathing so she might be able to drift back to sleep.
After some time of debating to the restless mind and the rumble of an apparently empty stomach, she silently slips from their bed to head out to the kitchen. She fixes a small snack and then heads back to climb under their covers, listening to the birds lament to the morning in these wee morning hours. She softly kisses the temple of her beloved husband and nuzzles her nose into his neck, right below the ear as she wraps her arms back around him. She wonders on when he slipped in from his business and frowns a moment to scold the sleep God for stealing their short time they could have had together in the night. She lays against Elijah's chest and listens again to his soft breathing, trying to fall back asleep. She whispers in the air,"blessed dreams, mi corazon..." as she slowly and finally drifts back to sleep, guarding his heart and sending thoughts to ease his mind.
14 july 2019
~ ೇ @0riginalGillies { #ᵀʰᵉᴴᵒˡˡᵒʷ𝒮𝐿𝐿
https://twitter.com/L0RD_BYRON/status/1150274490099568640… }
{I've been inside her mind
you could get lost there
for a thousand years
and barely scratch the surface}
{rt https://twitter.com/0riginalGillies/status/1145929569955930113?s=20
~ real and truthful they become. Words can be factual yet untrue, at the same time. ╾}
~ to worship every single dawn. 「https://twitter.com/0riginalGillies/status/1133960932852457473…」#ᵀʰᵉᴴᵒˡˡᵒʷ𝚂𝙻𝙻 ℣ˑ
{~the hall. She slides her hand along the wood frame to the music room. Peeking in and seeing the piano sitting all alone, she tilts her head in thought.* it has been a while... *she said to her self, speaking softly. She smiles and heads in the room. She lifts the +}
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ〚#ᵀʰᵉᴴᵒˡˡᵒʷ𝚂𝙻𝙻 「https://twitter.com/L0RD_BYRON/status/1149929736254021633…」
{she granted my fantasy far beyond mere reality now it's up to me to do the same for her}
*susurros* Pero mi corazón lo haces todos los días.
(Fb.) ೇ @SkyBoivin
~ Lazy Sunday mornings ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ 🥞
ℬ𝓁𝓊𝑒𝒷𝑒𝓇𝓇𝓎 𝒫𝒶𝓃𝒸𝒶𝓀𝑒𝓈 & ℳ𝒾𝓂𝑜𝓈𝒶𝓈 ℣ˑ
~ ೇ @0riginalGillies
lazy Sunday mornings are always relaxing with you by my side ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ

17 july 2019
#LunarEclipseೇ TheMidnightSky* ⊱╾~༄ 𝐀𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐞. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
lazy Sunday mornings are always relaxing with you by my side ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
17 july 2019
#LunarEclipseೇ TheMidnightSky* ⊱╾~༄ 𝐀𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐞. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
She had woken feeling on edge. Her nerves pushing against her mind. She couldn't explain why she was feeling like she did on this particular day. She just knew she had to hide away for the day. To keep others safe from her. She ducked out of the cottage in Manosque, after making sure their girls were safely tended to.
Her first thought was to head up to her cave. She hadn't been there in some time as she could do just about everything she needed right there in their cottage. She headed up to her little cave this morning however, thinking maybe she would be able to clear her head from how she was feeling on this morning. She steps into the mouth of her cave and softly spatters over to her inner room to lay on the sofa before her fireplace. She curls up on the sofa, bringing up a blanket to cover herself up. She stares at the fireplace and let's her mind wander. She tries to not allow herself to think then just as quickly. Instead she just cries until she can't cry any longer.
After a time, she stops and she lays back, staring at the ceiling. That helped a little, but she was still uneasy. She makes a frown and gets up from the sofa and heads out.
She decides next to try the now abandoned safehouse. The waters and the beach always helped calm her nerves. But once she set foot on the sand, she instead raced up to the house itself. She entered the silent and solitude house quietly. She looked around, holding her breath to listen for any sounds within the house. Nothing. Not even a creek of the floorboards.
She headed up to her old room and grabbed the door handle, slowly turning the knob as she listened. The house remained silent as she opened the door. She breathed a sigh of relief and entered the bedroom. She quickly crossed the room, burying herself under the covers and hiding officially from the day and the world.
She soon fell to a slumbering nap for the remainder of the morning.
Once she woken from her nap, she made her way back down to walk the beach. Walking along barefoot to allow the waves to lap at her toes. She becomes lost in her mind again as her thoughts continued to escape her. Again, still unsure of what or why she felt like she needed to run off to anywhere. She just could not stay still.
She pauses halfway down the shoreline and looks out to the waters. She breathes deep once again and then strips off her dress. She Wade's into the water quickly and then swims out fast and hard.
After swimming out fast a few minutes, she stops and floats where she stopped. She leans her head back as she floats along the water, soaking up the energies coming from the waters.
After some minutes of this, she returns back to the shore. Stepping out of the water, she scoops up her clothes and heads up to the blankets and pillows further up the beach. She swaps the clothes for a towel to dry herself off.
Then, she lays back on the pillows to finish drying off and rest from her swim. Then, she heads back on her way down the beach. She heads back to their cottage in Manosque.
Once back on the grounds of their cottage, she strolls through the gardens. She spent the afternoon alone in her thoughts out in the garden, trying to clear her mind. Trying to lift her spirits from the day. She could not explain her mood or feelings for the day. She breathed deeply the fresh air as she slowly strolled through the gardens. She stopped along the blackberries and carefully picked through the bushes, picking and eating what ripe berries the birds had not gotten to yet. She closed her eyes as she savored the sun warmed berries as they popped in her mouth. The sweetness washing over her tongue. She spends much of the afternoon, slowly weeding through and picking off berries to pop into her mouth, savoring in their sweetness.
Once the afternoon fades away, she heads back inside to tend to their girls. Once they are settled for their bed time, after singing them and rocking them to their sweet little slumbers in their beds, she heads on up to their chambers.
She strips out of her clothes from the day, slipping on her bathrobe. She heads out to their balcony off of their bedroom and curls up on the pillows piled on the sofa iut there. The cool air was a relief from the heat of the day. She stares up at the stars and then watches as the gardens slowly illuminate from the full moon as it creeps slowly into the night sky. She tries to push all thought from her mind. Set all worries aside as she daydreams over the moonlight...
Lonely little Faye
She had woken feeling on edge. Her nerves pushing against her mind. She couldn't explain why she was feeling like she did on this particular day. She just knew she had to hide away for the day. To keep others safe from her. She ducked out of the cottage in Manosque, after making sure their girls were safely tended to.
Her first thought was to head up to her cave. She hadn't been there in some time as she could do just about everything she needed right there in their cottage. She headed up to her little cave this morning however, thinking maybe she would be able to clear her head from how she was feeling on this morning. She steps into the mouth of her cave and softly spatters over to her inner room to lay on the sofa before her fireplace. She curls up on the sofa, bringing up a blanket to cover herself up. She stares at the fireplace and let's her mind wander. She tries to not allow herself to think then just as quickly. Instead she just cries until she can't cry any longer.
After a time, she stops and she lays back, staring at the ceiling. That helped a little, but she was still uneasy. She makes a frown and gets up from the sofa and heads out.
She decides next to try the now abandoned safehouse. The waters and the beach always helped calm her nerves. But once she set foot on the sand, she instead raced up to the house itself. She entered the silent and solitude house quietly. She looked around, holding her breath to listen for any sounds within the house. Nothing. Not even a creek of the floorboards.
She headed up to her old room and grabbed the door handle, slowly turning the knob as she listened. The house remained silent as she opened the door. She breathed a sigh of relief and entered the bedroom. She quickly crossed the room, burying herself under the covers and hiding officially from the day and the world.
She soon fell to a slumbering nap for the remainder of the morning.
Once she woken from her nap, she made her way back down to walk the beach. Walking along barefoot to allow the waves to lap at her toes. She becomes lost in her mind again as her thoughts continued to escape her. Again, still unsure of what or why she felt like she needed to run off to anywhere. She just could not stay still.
She pauses halfway down the shoreline and looks out to the waters. She breathes deep once again and then strips off her dress. She Wade's into the water quickly and then swims out fast and hard.
After swimming out fast a few minutes, she stops and floats where she stopped. She leans her head back as she floats along the water, soaking up the energies coming from the waters.
After some minutes of this, she returns back to the shore. Stepping out of the water, she scoops up her clothes and heads up to the blankets and pillows further up the beach. She swaps the clothes for a towel to dry herself off.
Then, she lays back on the pillows to finish drying off and rest from her swim. Then, she heads back on her way down the beach. She heads back to their cottage in Manosque.
Once back on the grounds of their cottage, she strolls through the gardens. She spent the afternoon alone in her thoughts out in the garden, trying to clear her mind. Trying to lift her spirits from the day. She could not explain her mood or feelings for the day. She breathed deeply the fresh air as she slowly strolled through the gardens. She stopped along the blackberries and carefully picked through the bushes, picking and eating what ripe berries the birds had not gotten to yet. She closed her eyes as she savored the sun warmed berries as they popped in her mouth. The sweetness washing over her tongue. She spends much of the afternoon, slowly weeding through and picking off berries to pop into her mouth, savoring in their sweetness.
Once the afternoon fades away, she heads back inside to tend to their girls. Once they are settled for their bed time, after singing them and rocking them to their sweet little slumbers in their beds, she heads on up to their chambers.
She strips out of her clothes from the day, slipping on her bathrobe. She heads out to their balcony off of their bedroom and curls up on the pillows piled on the sofa iut there. The cool air was a relief from the heat of the day. She stares up at the stars and then watches as the gardens slowly illuminate from the full moon as it creeps slowly into the night sky. She tries to push all thought from her mind. Set all worries aside as she daydreams over the moonlight...
Lonely little Faye
The hours grow late
As she tries to hold on
Fighting the sleep God
But, to no avail at times.
Are things ok
She wonders over and over in her mind.
Will they come around?
Will we miss each other once again?
The night grows later still
She grows weary
Her eyes grow heavy
And still no sign of them.
She rolls over,
holding their pillow tight;
⊱╾~༄ 𝐀𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐞. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ {Fifolet} #ᵀʰᵉᴴᵒˡˡᵒʷ𝚂𝙻𝙻
{rt https://twitter.com/0riginalGillies/status/1145929569955930113?s=20 }
~She rolls over in in her sleep, reaching her arm out to hold her beloved husband close only to find nothing but his pillow and warm sheet from where he laid. She opens her eyes tiredly and rubs them slightly, looking better at his side of the bed. Lifting her head slightly, she whispers, “Elijah?” she pauses to wait for a response, listening to the silent room around her.
After a few moments, she sits further up, holding the sheet against her chest from the cool summer breeze as it filtered through their open bedroom window. She gives a little louder call of his name into the room and waits. The still silence of the room returns back to her once again. She slides her body to the edge of the bed, wrapping the sheet around her. She lifts her slender body up from the bed and softly patters across their bedroom listening as she goes to the sounds of the house. She pauses at the threshold of their bedroom, resting her hand along the door frame. She glancing into the living room, she sees her beloved sitting on their sofa alone with a glass of his favorite red wine. She tilts her head in his thoughts and is drink. Without a word, she stands behind the sofa and slides her hands slowly down his chest, resting her head gently on top of his. She bends her head slightly to give a soft kiss to the top of his head, closing her eyes as she does. Clasping her hands lightly together, she sends soothing thoughts to try and ease his mind as she stands there holding him.
She had noticed him distant as of late and wondered just what it was troubling him. She wished he would remember that she was here for him to do so. With all they had gone through this past year, she wanted to remind him she was his rock. He didn’t have to always protect her from what was troubling him all the time. She wanted to be troubled by it, too. How else would she be able to help her beloved? She stood like this silently, just being there, waiting for what he may need from her. ~
#LunarEclipseೇ TheMidnightSky* ⊱╾~༄ 𝐀𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐞. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #ᵀʰᵉᴴᵒˡˡᵒʷ𝚂𝙻𝙻
18 july 2019
~*she lays down in the fields of their gardens and stares up at the sky, wondering just what has been going on this past week. her mind wanders along off on it's own. racing off like it always does. poor little Alice alone trapped in her thoughts with no one to help her escape from them once again. she always ends up alone when she gets like this. it was almost as though they all scattered to the winds when she needed any one the most. but she would never dream to tell any one this of herself. she would never dream to breath such a thing. she instead remains it all hidden away. locked behind her walls; she never really took completely down. she learnt over time to never truly believe when told anyone cared. or trust they'd always be there. she would just be in her mind. alone in her world. like she has always learnt to be. it was alright because by now she has become friends with such demons who dwelled in here. they were no longer to be feared than friended.
she dreamed off in her mind, carelessly roaming around as she pleased. no one to stop her from doing so. she will lay her and ramble on, causing herself to over worry as she tended to do. and yet, even that, she will never let on. people promise things always to her. she knew by now to never believe in such promises. they were almost always broken on her. she supposed she was also used to this as well.
ignored, left aside, always the way of her. it was how she is and was and always will be treated as such. doesn't matter anyways. things will never be changed. she's stopped trying to pretend to hope for such things any longer.
never mind of anything, she shakes her head and rolls over to her stomach, picking at the tall grass surrounding her. she nibbles a little like a farm girl would in the fields before she gathers herself up, some hours later, and heads on down the path away from the cottage.
maybe she'll just go for a long stroll. not like anyone would be missing her anytime soon anyways. all she has seen these past days must have been the goddesses playing tricks on her heartstrings. to make her wish and long only further than she already was...*
19 july 2019
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ〚#ᵀʰᵉᴴᵒˡˡᵒʷ𝚂𝙻𝙻 「https://twitter.com/L0RD_BYRON/status/1144481003479552000…」
I belonged to you before I met you just in case you thought to ask
rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1152037727623426048?s=20 }
You had my heart right from the start ♡
She wakes up from having fallen asleep in their bed, only to find her beloved Elijah is still not home. It's been days, and she still wonders if the past few evenings were just dreams of him home holding her because her heart wanted it to be so that her mind decided to play tricks on her.
She calls out softly as she leans upon her elbow, "darling?" And pauses to give a listen. When nothing but the silence of their Manosque cottage returns in reply to her, she slips out of their bed, heading to their balcony to sit with her Faery's tonic from earlier.
Sitting out on the railing, she holds the wine glass that delicately in her fingers, rolling it around as she sends thoughts out with her mind to her beloved. Thoughts on easing his mind and wishing her arms in his. Where ever he happened to be with his business by now. She hopes deep within her heart that he will return home very soon.
She tucks her legs up into her chest as she sits her, day dreaming at this hour of the night. She can't possibly get back to sleep as of yet. She misses him too much and worries so.
She closes her eyes briefly and thinks she feels his light kiss to her shoulder as she does. She whispers into the wind, "welcome home, my love." Hoping in her heart that its true and that he will stay for now. She wants it to be true so much in her heart.
She gives a pause to wait for any new sign and hides her head in her knees to hide the tear that escapes her eye. She feels it trickle down her cheek and wipes it away quickly as soon as she does. She thinks to herself, 'soon. Soon her beloved husband will be safe where he belongs.' She lifts her eyes up enough to look out to the gardens, watching as the fireflies dance slowly around the flowers in the moonlight that remains from the full moon.
She peeks up into the night sky after and watches and stars that might want to shine for her this evening, noticing the moon being covered in a hazy and eerie yellow mist behind the trees far off. She sits here for some time, just in this manner. Trying not to think too much any longer this night.
Pulling the sheer bathrobe closed over her slender body because of what was underneath, she looks over the moon and sends again more thoughts of ease and wrapping her arms around her beloved before she finally slips off of the balcony railing to head back inside.
She sets what remains of her Faery's tonic beside their bed and pulls back the covers. She slides over to his side of their bed, pulling in his pillow close to her so she may try to slumber once again.
21 july 2019 solo thread~
With her uneasy and restless ways this past week, she has also been feeling more alone. Sure, she has their daughters to keep her busy. The little seven month olds running around on their tiny legs and making giggles echo along their cottage and grounds. So she had more than enough to be keeping her busy, fear not. But, it was the sheer fact that her beloved had also been away all week.https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1153047819810496512?s=20
Was it the Hollow? She wondered to herself this particular
morning. She stood out on their balcony, looking down along the grounds of
their property here in Manosque. She didn't not for sure, but if he would only
talk with her on it, maybe she could help him. And maybe he would be able to
sleep easier once again.
She merely wrapped her arms around herself, and then tilting
her head downward slightly to hold back any tears from her longings. Now was
not a time to dwell on such matters. She squeezed her arms in her palms a brief
moment before wiping her eyes with the back of her hand and quickly turning
around to head inside their bedroom and begin the day.
With their anniversary coming up quickly, she thought of
making a small scrapbook to gift her beloved Elijah for such an occasion. After
all, the first anniversary was paper. She smiles to herself as she hums happily
when she sets to work with papers, and photographs now scattered along their
dining table.
She cuts and glues in various arrangements into a small
square book she lovingly added tiny wooden hearts to and penned in their
initials on each one. She pauses after a few to watch their twins playing
happily across the cottage in the open room.
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ〚#ᵀʰᵉᴴᵒˡˡᵒʷ𝚂𝙻𝙻 「https://twitter.com/inkandstars/status/1155709513099620352…」
{rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1155675370496188416?s=20 }
1 aug 2019
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ〚#ᵀʰᵉᴴᵒˡˡᵒʷ𝚂𝙻𝙻
{rt https://twitter.com/0riginalGillies/status/1024538603794456577?s=20
~ good night, #myQueenFaye ೇ ℣ˑ
~black moon rises in the night sky tonight and the end to a mercury in retrograde. Nothing but better things ahead, mí corazón. *susurros *
2 august 2019
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ〚#ᵀʰᵉᴴᵒˡˡᵒʷ𝚂𝙻𝙻 「https://twitter.com/L0RD_BYRON/status/1157168482569482240…」
{goodnight sweetheart goodnight may the sunlight kiss you content within my arms}
~blessed evening, mí corazón
9 aug 2019
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ〚#ᵀʰᵉᴴᵒˡˡᵒʷ𝚂𝙻𝙻
{rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1159683244360720385?s=20 }

20 oct 2019
ForTheNextMillennium & BehindTheBlackHorizon [Е̃ˑˢᵐᶦᵗʰ╱ᴺᴼᴸᴬ]
'Promise me that you won't ever deny AnyPartOfYourself.'—HM-K
'I thought that I was actually gonna fix it by doing the BindingSpell.'—HM
'I will not let MyPast become YourFuture.'—KM
AnimaMarcam. IskoristiVuka.
What,Will,I,Have,Left [Е̃Ӎ╱ᴺᴼᴸᴬ]
෴ SoMyPathIsClear. #TheHollowSL
25 oct 2019
She finally decides to get up and move away from the warm fire to begin going through the stacks of books. She takes a deep breath in before she slides into a chair and pulls a book in front of her. She cracks the old spine open and coughs a little as dust kicks up into her face. Waving it away from her, she glances down to read the worn parchment, fragile from time.
She spins around and gathers up the ingredients called for in this particular spell she found and sets them all on the table next to the book. She whispers as she picks up each ingredient and places them into her small cauldron, reciting each line as it called for. She places the last ingredient in the cauldron and then grabs the candle beside her. She sets it close to the cauldron and blows lightly upon the flame, making it jump from the wick and into the cauldron, setting the ingredients aflame.
18 nov 2019~ caressing ivories at midnight

the antique grandfather clock chimes softly in the hallway; 'one, two...' she silently counts the chimes of the bells in her mind... 'six, seven...' she takes a deep breath in and slowly releases it out... 'ten, eleven... midnight.' she slowly moves her fingers along the cool ivories, making the keys ring out now in response to the chimes of the clock. she slowly plays the ordinary chords, practicing as it had been some time since she had last played them. she wishes her beloved was sitting beside her, playing along like they did. she alternates sharps and flats mixed with regular notes...

...The day you looked my way, it took me back You said something like "you're beautiful" And stopped me in my tracks...Tell me softly That you want me Tell me I'm your girl...
~Before the dawn, we found forever╱ᴵᵒᴿ
'ℒ𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝓃𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇 𝑔𝑜𝑒𝓈 ~ 𝒥𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓈𝓉𝓇𝑒𝓃𝑔𝓉𝒽 𝑜𝒻 𝓌𝒾𝓃𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉'𝓈 𝓁𝑒𝒻𝓉
~ 𝒜𝓈 𝓉𝓌𝑜 𝓁𝒾𝓅𝓈 𝓅𝒶𝓇𝓉 ~ 𝒜 𝓉𝒶𝓈𝓉𝑒 𝑜𝒻 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓇 𝒶𝒻𝓉𝑒𝓇.' ℣ˑ
𝒜𝓃𝒹 𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓂𝒾𝓈𝓉 𝓌𝑒 𝓀𝒾𝓈𝓈𝑒𝒹
𝒜𝓃𝒹 𝓉𝒾𝓂𝑒 𝓈𝓉𝑜𝑜𝒹 𝓈𝓉𝒾𝓁𝓁
13 dec 2019
Mҽɱσɾιҽʂ Lαιԃ ƚσ Rҽʂƚ
She lays awake staring at the wall. Silent is the land surrounding her as she thinks over and over things in her head. Memories of the past filling her mind as she ponders over things in the now. The hollow she fears is sending her beloved away from her. Her heart cannot bear such a thing, as she contemplates what she might be able to do to bring it to an end.
Slowly, her eyes finally begin to grow heavy as lead, shutting tight finally in the end.
She mumbles and tosses in her slumber as her mind has been much more restless than before. She whispers beyond the hearing of any mortal creature, "secrets... none should be had..." she drifts deep into slumber, falling fast in her dreams, memories of the past.
She stands under the weeping cherry tree beyond the cave of her hidden treasures. The sanctuary she once lived in before she found her home. In the end, not that of the castle she grew up in, rather instead arms strong, safe, secure became the home she longed for. She lays down in her dream under the tree, staring now instead of that of the wall but through the flower blossoms of the sweet smelling cherry blossoms. The branches swaying and creaking from the wind swept up from the pirates cove depths below.
She closes her eyes in this dream scape she has fallen into, breathing deep she can almost smell the aromatic fragrance of these blossoms. Sweet and pure. So much danger has been near this ancient tree, yet it still held such sweet smells. She sighs heavily and opens her eyes once again. Slowly gathering herself up to her feet and raising her arms high above her head, centering herself and becoming one with all around her.
As she gathered herself, memories of all the attacks held against her in the past flooded through her mind. The shadow demons vile ways at her cave, the time when her new friend the Empty helped her snap the neck of the pirate king as she made his entire fleet explode in fire and allowed it to burn into the sea...
She smiled sinfully at the thought of that moment as her mind dwelled on being led to the dragon kingdom itself, now under her control. Slicing the head off so cleanly in one swift motion of her blade, then holding it up high for all to see.
Just before that, Beltane night... her eyes flashed red like fire embers of a flame. They dared attack her. They dared betray her.
She set the maiden house aflame. Ironically allowing it to also burn to ashes and ruin before she snapped necks of the oldest of druids of the lands... she smiled pure over such flames as they engulfed the building with a hunger so deep and snickered with delight over the ease of snapping such necks.
She throws her arms out with a force to rattle and shake the land beneath her very feet. Causing the ground to rumble in such a way that it had no other choice but to split beneath her. Large a fissure appeared before her as she split the land. Her eyes glowing red as she thought on how she was pushed from this very ledge. In her sleep, none the less. She was deemed to be protector of everyone who came here, yet she still could never save herself. Forever held prisoner here. She fought her way awake then. She should be able to do so now...
Yet, she stayed in dreamscape. She glared around the land before her. Scanning where she was. She stepped forward to the edge, where the veil passage lived. She opens her arms and allows the fall to take place. Remaining focused and calm as the fall takes place, she lands softly on the winter moss surrounded by the cool and think mist. Smirking to herself, knowing it worked as always.
She lays there a while, silently indulging herself in the thrill the mist always brought over her. Shaking her head as she thought just how crazy the full moon made her go some months.
She rolls over to her stomach and pushes herself up from the invitingly plush moss, brushing off her skirts as she does.
She whispers again in her sleep
"Such soft moss..."
She walks on her way like nothing happened, tilting her head as the ravens who protected her found her even in sleep. Silently one lands on her shoulder as she strolls along, the mist parting as she approaches. She smugly smiles in her little stroll through the veil, thinking on where she should be heading to at this point.
She passes along through her way; the druids home she was denied in for her actions against their brethren. She dared not risk trying for entry with them this night. Anything could happen in sleep. She silently strolls along past the bridge before it, slipping through their gardens and down the stairs.
She sneaks past the sisters three in their forest temple. Pausing before her friend and teacher of younger years.
He sat in his chair, waiting and knowing she was on her way. She stood there, patiently waiting to see what words might behold for this night...
"Blessed moon night, my queen" his soft voice rolled through the mist that still followed her. "Come along..." he turns towards her and hands her a new goblet. "Maybe this will help in what one searches for this time around..." whispers travel to her ears.
She shifts her head in her sleep and mumbles again "goblet... why?..."She makes a muffled sound.
He fades away from her vision as he liked to do when he sent his little pupil away. She still had yet to learn such tricks to stand her ground to stay. She needed more answers to this puzzle he now bestowed upon her. "Wait!" She yells in her sleep and then sighs in a frown as all disappeared and the silence of the room brought her back to the now.
She opens her eyes and stares back at the same wall a moment, reaching out for her beloved husband as she does so this time...
8 feb 2020
{28 oct 2019}
【2/∞ Nocturne: NothingIsHeard】
▬ #MerlockOrchid ᴿ̶ᵉ̶ᵈ̶ᴰ̶ᵒ̶ᵒ̶ʳ̶Dream 2/∞
「#TheHollowSL TheLoss&S5」
━ DeeperBlues, & AWitchWhoDevouredHearts:
'He looked for HerHeart, hoping it would be a clue, but it was nowhere to be found.'
{8 feb 2020}
【3/∞ Nocturne: TheBedroom】
▬ #APortalToAnotherDimension ᴿ̶ᵉ̶ᵈ̶ᴰ̶ᵒ̶ᵒ̶ʳ̶Dream 3/∞
「#TheHollowSL I𝓞nceCaredForAWitch」
━ DeeperBlues, & WhenYouWrestleTheAngelOfSleep:
'This is the vision of me that keeps you up at night, the fear of what you know to be inevitable.' https://t.co/VjnvUArehV
14 February 2020
~restless slumbers needing to be tired out~
Having fallen asleep earlier in the evening by falling under Morphues' spell again. Stubborn as he is to make them fall under it so...
She heads out silently to walk slowly along the shores in her now restless sleep. She cannot help when she becomes restless, mind wandering when left alone to her thoughts. She tries to listen to the sound of the waves crashing along the sand to try and block out her thoughts for the time being. Sometimes the sound might be louder and make it harder to think, thus causing her to grow tired once again.
She stops by the area with the pillows, blankets and small fort type area for resting under and slips slowly from her clothes. Maybe a short swim will help her while she tried to get back to sleep.
She quietly spells the fire aflame before she makes her way down towards the shoreline and the waters before her. This way her naked body will not freeze at such a strange hour, having just past witching hours by now.
The beach, their private strip of land now, was silent other than the sounds of the waters crashing against the sand.
She gives a content little sigh as the fire grew hot then made her way down, leaving her clothes piled behind her upon the pillows.
She stood at the edge, allowing the water to lap at her toes before she stepped further in the deeper waters. Crisp and cold as it hit her bare skin, she shivers at first but forces herself to continue further still. She knew her body would adjust before too long, even if it was for a short while. Just long enough to hopefully tire herself out to go back to sleep soon.
Once she was deep enough in, the waves pushing against her as she waded deeper still, she swam a little bit out more then paused. Standing up now, just deep enough here to still stand, her body mostly covered by now with the water.
She breathed slowly and deeply in as she closed her eyes to focus her attention to her task at hand. The cool moisture air entering her nostrils slow as she breathed deeply in helped her to relax and the tension in her muscles ease some from the shock of the crisp waters just moments before. She slowly brought her arms out from her sides to raise them high above her head. Keeping her eyes closed, she clasps her palms tightly together and stays in place even with the waves trying to rock and sway her about in their playful way. She stays focused and continues to breath slow and steady. Never breaking her stride as she does.
Before long, she feels the waters energy well up through her veins. She opens her eyes, staring out in front of her; and with one swift motion and breath, she throws her arms out away from her sides, palms facing away as well. Energy expels from her and out to the cosmos. Releasing to the earth to be recycled into new energies elsewhere. Still staring before her, she stands like this, focused on her breathing. Slowly a smirk creeps in the corner of her lips as she sees the faint sight of a mist beginning to now roll in. She takes in a deep breath, feeling the moisture in the air now from said mist and makes her way back to the shore. Swimming quickly and then wading against the waves crashing now against the back of her legs as she stumbles over them to the sand. She smirks more at how funny it seemed to her as she went.
Thankful she thought to light the firepit before she headed in for her little swim, she shivered a little before the flames, reaching down for a towel draped over a nearby lounge chair and drying herself off quickly so she might at least slip on her shirt over her nakedness.
She puts her hands out to the fire, palms out to invite the warmth smiles to the welcomed feeling in contrast to the chilled waters just moments before.
She giggles over a thought of indulging in some s'mores before heading back home but decides otherwise at such a late or early hour, depending upon how one saw it by now.
Once she was satisfied in the warmth, she scooped up the rest of her clothes to patter silently back up the beach to head back to their home in Manosque. More than ready to hopefully fall into the arms of her beloved home, hoping he had returned home safely by now. She wanted nothing more than to rest peacefully against her beloved Elijah's chest, guarding his heart while she wrapped her arms around him in their slumbers.
She ducks through the old grove portal and disappears from the wee early morning hours, nothing but the mist she called up remaining as a reminder of her time there...
26 march 2020
~ I don't believe that endings are written in advance.
[LS2E16] 'FacingDarknessIsKindaMyThing'
Magia tollox de terras. Solvo. #TheHollowSL
[TOS5E12] 'TheTaleOfTwoWolves'
[Fb https://t.co/yIAfYkBnpO] https://t.co/smbSTcE9y4
{Rt https://twitter.com/0riginalGillies/status/1023170875208675328?s=19
~ descendiente de #HugoRey, en aquella noche de luna llena, y clavar además en su cuerpo la daga impregnada con la sangre de Hope, como una manera de atraer a #TheHollow, una vez las dos hijas de #AlaricSaltzman y #JoLaughlin la liberaran ~}
11 july 2020
⊱╾~༄ V: ˢᶦˡᵛᵉʳᵉᵈ·ˢᵘʳᶠᵃᶜᵉ
'𝐵𝓊𝓉 𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓃𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝒽𝑒 𝓌𝑜𝓀𝑒 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒽𝑒𝓁𝒹 𝒽𝑒𝓇 𝓉𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝒶𝓈 𝓉𝒽𝑜𝓊𝑔𝒽 𝓈𝒽𝑒 𝓌𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝒶𝓁𝓁 𝑜𝒻 𝓁𝒾𝒻𝑒 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒾𝓉 𝓌𝒶𝓈 𝒷𝑒𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓉𝒶𝓀𝑒𝓃 𝒻𝓇𝑜𝓂 𝒽𝒾𝓂.’ ᴱᴴ
[Tumblr post
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
{Rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1281808874006351873?s=19
Soft evenings of quiet rainfall
Sweet scents in the air
Let us end a week indulging our senses in sweet honeysuckle and lavender
Along with other favorite little things...
29 July 2020
「#TheHollowSL TheRise&S5」
~ 'And then, of course unrelenting tragedy.' DeeperBlues https://t.co/iomRaM4nFT
{Rt https://twitter.com/0riginalGillies/status/1023082582580387840?s=19 }
30 July 2020
She heads down early in the day to their kitchen, smiling as she sing songed to their girls already chattering away at their breakfast. She checked with their nanny and she then gave her approvals and nods for the plans of the day before picking up her baskets and hat to shield from the heat of the summer sun. The day just beginning, the heat could already be felt. Kissing their twins upon their heads, she waved good bye to head out the door.
She strolled through their gardens, pausing to bend here and there to blow kisses upon flowers not yet in bloom. Their buds slowly grow to full bloom as she smiled the slightest smirk as she watched them form before her eyes even though she already saw them in full bloom before her kiss crossed their buds.
Humming along as she went, she passed by the willow at the far end of their grounds, checking in with her dogs. The ravens cawed at her their reports from around their duties as she took it all in. "Very good, carry on. Report as need be..." she told them each in turn then headed through the shield.
She took her time to the village, taking in the day as she went. She observed in her silent faye way, the countryside, the village itself, the people.
Her thoughts traveled back to a time couple years ago...
That one night she first ventured through the portal to here. The sounds of the piano floating through the air... she closed her eyes, smiling softly at the memory then shook her head to continue on her way.
"Errands..." she sang softly scolding herself. She stepped into the bakery first to collect her orders from the day before. "Sweets for the sweet..." the bakery shopkeeper smiled brightly upon the sight of her entering the door. "Always a pleasure to serve the best for the fairest..." he handed her a beautiful array of pastries and cakes.
"You are much too kind. You spoil my husband and our girls too much..." she bowed slightly to him as she glanced over the extra items he had slipped in her order as she smirked at him to show she knew there were more added.
"Nonsense! Those little cherubs of yours deserve to taste sweets." He waved her off, refusing payment this day.
She shakes her head and leaves the payment in the tip basket instead. "I always pay for good service..." she whispered her queenly command then turns out the door, waving her good day to him as she went.
She carefully carried the basket, stopping next at the winery to replenish her beloved Elijah's favorites he so enjoyed.
"Always a pleasure to see you." The keeper smiled as he turned to fetch the already waiting bottles for her. He set the items in her basket and added "extra special bottles this time as well, my dear lady. Also, the freshest beef, chicken and veal".
" you always find the best, dear sir." She nods her thank you as she hands her payment. "The rest to be delivered this afternoon?"
"Already in route to your cottage, my dear lady" he smiled brightly.
"Perfect" she smiled her approvals and headed back out the door.
She paused in the square to sit a few and take in more of the day. The sound of the water in the fountain bringing some calm to her unease from these past days. She watched the villagers going about their day as she sat there to enjoy the moment. Perhaps when her beloved returned home, they could take a pause for a stroll through the square. They could enjoy the moonlight and watch their villagers as they went about, arm in arm. She smiled at the thought then finally decided to head back up to their cozy cottage.
She took her time strolling back up their paths back to their home, hoping her beloved felt better this night. She wondered if she might be able to find something on this hollow in her books from the castle. Alone in her thoughts, she was back to their cozy little cottage before she knew it.
She placed her baskets upon their island in their kitchen and began to put everything away. She set some items on their serving trays to set aside for later and then hummed as she set their table.
She hoped that they might be able to spend the evening preparing a dinner together like they used to do. Things have become so hectic these past months that maybe a break in their new normal routines might be a refreshing change for them.
She wiped her hands once she was done and headed to their bedroom chambers to freshen up from her travel to the village, slipping into a lighter summer dress when she was done.
By now, the sun made its way across the summer sky and was beginning to make its way towards its slumbering rest. She brushed her long blonde tresses before picking up a couple of spell and lore books to sit out upon their balcony to read while she waited for the return of her beloved husband....
She strolled through their gardens, pausing to bend here and there to blow kisses upon flowers not yet in bloom. Their buds slowly grow to full bloom as she smiled the slightest smirk as she watched them form before her eyes even though she already saw them in full bloom before her kiss crossed their buds.
Humming along as she went, she passed by the willow at the far end of their grounds, checking in with her dogs. The ravens cawed at her their reports from around their duties as she took it all in. "Very good, carry on. Report as need be..." she told them each in turn then headed through the shield.
She took her time to the village, taking in the day as she went. She observed in her silent faye way, the countryside, the village itself, the people.
Her thoughts traveled back to a time couple years ago...
That one night she first ventured through the portal to here. The sounds of the piano floating through the air... she closed her eyes, smiling softly at the memory then shook her head to continue on her way.
"Errands..." she sang softly scolding herself. She stepped into the bakery first to collect her orders from the day before. "Sweets for the sweet..." the bakery shopkeeper smiled brightly upon the sight of her entering the door. "Always a pleasure to serve the best for the fairest..." he handed her a beautiful array of pastries and cakes.
"You are much too kind. You spoil my husband and our girls too much..." she bowed slightly to him as she glanced over the extra items he had slipped in her order as she smirked at him to show she knew there were more added.
"Nonsense! Those little cherubs of yours deserve to taste sweets." He waved her off, refusing payment this day.
She shakes her head and leaves the payment in the tip basket instead. "I always pay for good service..." she whispered her queenly command then turns out the door, waving her good day to him as she went.
She carefully carried the basket, stopping next at the winery to replenish her beloved Elijah's favorites he so enjoyed.
"Always a pleasure to see you." The keeper smiled as he turned to fetch the already waiting bottles for her. He set the items in her basket and added "extra special bottles this time as well, my dear lady. Also, the freshest beef, chicken and veal".
" you always find the best, dear sir." She nods her thank you as she hands her payment. "The rest to be delivered this afternoon?"
"Already in route to your cottage, my dear lady" he smiled brightly.
"Perfect" she smiled her approvals and headed back out the door.
She paused in the square to sit a few and take in more of the day. The sound of the water in the fountain bringing some calm to her unease from these past days. She watched the villagers going about their day as she sat there to enjoy the moment. Perhaps when her beloved returned home, they could take a pause for a stroll through the square. They could enjoy the moonlight and watch their villagers as they went about, arm in arm. She smiled at the thought then finally decided to head back up to their cozy cottage.
She took her time strolling back up their paths back to their home, hoping her beloved felt better this night. She wondered if she might be able to find something on this hollow in her books from the castle. Alone in her thoughts, she was back to their cozy little cottage before she knew it.
She placed her baskets upon their island in their kitchen and began to put everything away. She set some items on their serving trays to set aside for later and then hummed as she set their table.
She hoped that they might be able to spend the evening preparing a dinner together like they used to do. Things have become so hectic these past months that maybe a break in their new normal routines might be a refreshing change for them.
She wiped her hands once she was done and headed to their bedroom chambers to freshen up from her travel to the village, slipping into a lighter summer dress when she was done.
By now, the sun made its way across the summer sky and was beginning to make its way towards its slumbering rest. She brushed her long blonde tresses before picking up a couple of spell and lore books to sit out upon their balcony to read while she waited for the return of her beloved husband....
*she sits back in one of their chairs on their balcony, setting the few spell and lore books upon the side table beside her. She leans back and sets the top book upon her lap, opening it up and beginning to look over the pages of old and yellowing parchment. The lettering beginning to fade from its age. She slowly runs her fingers along the brittle pages, wondering on what she might discover within these pages.
Some minutes later, she pauses and day dreams, the light beginning to fade now with the evening sky taking over upon their grounds. She waves a spell over a couple of candles outside with her as she looks up to watch the stars slowly make their mark over the world above. She lifts her head slightly to rest against the back of the chair, wondering in her thoughts as she did...*
31 July 2020
Having fallen asleep in the chair on their balcony reading, but actually day dreaming and watching the stars come out to play. She woke and set the book from her lap back upon their side table before she headed back inside their bedroom chambers. She listened carefully to the sounds of their cottage at such an early hour of the morning.
The silence that echoed back at her deafening to her mind. To her thoughts. She was alone in their cottage. Well, maybe not fully alone, but she still felt lost in such silence that greeted her as she began to patter across their room.
She wished he would be home by now.
She crawled into their bed, pulling the covers tightly up around her as she buried her nose near his empty pillow. Empty, cold bed and silence in their cottage. Not even the piano being caressed at this hour like he would have done sometimes.
She rested her head against the pillow and closed her eyes, hoping that slumber would allow her rest from her tormented mind.
Instead, she opened her eyes back up and stared at the wall before her. The scent from her beloved's pilow still smelt of him, yet faint by now as the sunrise cast an eerie orange and red glow through their chambers; like fire blazing around her.
With a heavy sigh to the fact she would never get back to sleep, she rolled over and pulled their covers away with a toss. She sat up, propping on her hands as she stared into the Alice mirror that haunted her from across their room. The reflection even more crazy than before. The colors from the sun making her thoughts now race.
She could not take this silence any longer. She bit her lip as she fought back feelings, a tear trickling down her cheek as it escaped the corner of her eye. She sprang up from their bed, went to her husband's study and scribbled a frantic note saying where she was going should he finally return to their home. His sanctuary and she was still gone.
She took a shawl from their closet as she flew back through their cottage after leaving the note and then took off through the portal she made back at holiday time for her beloved husband's birthday.
Before she knew it, in the blink of an eye, she was in the gardens of the castle and she flew through to the door to leave the grounds all behind.
She flipped her shawl into her arms and spread her wings wide. Tattered once more from her feelings and thoughts as they raced through her tortured mind.
The cave and across the way was where she went. She stood under the weeping cherry tree, its blossoms all in bloom and floated around her as she landed under them.
She opened her arms wide, tilting her head back behind her as she allowed her feeling to now take her fully. Destruction was allowed here. She could be red as she wanted and no one would be hurt here. Only herself if it happened to be.
She breathed in deeply, swallowing air in large gulps. Then screamed out full rage, despair and grief. She fell to her knees, tears streaming down as the ground rumbled beneath her as though it was an earthquake rattling the earth around her when in fact it was her own power fueling it. The edges of the Cliffside giving way to her powers as it crumbled below to the cove.
She paid none of it any mind as the palms of her hands captured the grass blades between her fingers.
"Where are you?"
She whispered as the tears flood down. She leaned back on her legs. Her knees covered in grass as she threw her hands now through her hair. How she wished that were his hands, caressing her long blonde tresses once again. She screamed once more. The Hollow tormented her beloved Rey. Her corazón. For much too long. Thus in turn causing her torment for failing in finding ways to be rid of the bloody thing once and for all.
This beast. This vile creature of night as caused too many sleepless and restless nights.
She sent more screams across the way until the tree shook and the cherry blossoms swirled around her. She collapsed under it and finally passed out from all the energy she released, now being covered in cherry blossoms as she finally slept.
She faded in the slightest as her wings tattered more, her feathers shedding from them a little bit more as well. Only one thing escaping her lips as she closed her eyes, the most not white but black as it encompassed the lonely faye.
"Elijah..." then silence as her mind finally quieted for once these long days. The black must hid her as the cherry blossoms covered her like a blanket to keep her warm. Their queen may be exhausted from such a feat, but the tree knew to protect and guard over her until someone came for her. The mist, a silent void to hide them both.
She only hoped answers would come as she passed out...
3 August 2020Nothing.
The silence that echoed back at her deafening to her mind. To her thoughts. She was alone in their cottage. Well, maybe not fully alone, but she still felt lost in such silence that greeted her as she began to patter across their room.
She wished he would be home by now.
She crawled into their bed, pulling the covers tightly up around her as she buried her nose near his empty pillow. Empty, cold bed and silence in their cottage. Not even the piano being caressed at this hour like he would have done sometimes.
She rested her head against the pillow and closed her eyes, hoping that slumber would allow her rest from her tormented mind.
Instead, she opened her eyes back up and stared at the wall before her. The scent from her beloved's pilow still smelt of him, yet faint by now as the sunrise cast an eerie orange and red glow through their chambers; like fire blazing around her.
With a heavy sigh to the fact she would never get back to sleep, she rolled over and pulled their covers away with a toss. She sat up, propping on her hands as she stared into the Alice mirror that haunted her from across their room. The reflection even more crazy than before. The colors from the sun making her thoughts now race.
She could not take this silence any longer. She bit her lip as she fought back feelings, a tear trickling down her cheek as it escaped the corner of her eye. She sprang up from their bed, went to her husband's study and scribbled a frantic note saying where she was going should he finally return to their home. His sanctuary and she was still gone.
She took a shawl from their closet as she flew back through their cottage after leaving the note and then took off through the portal she made back at holiday time for her beloved husband's birthday.
Before she knew it, in the blink of an eye, she was in the gardens of the castle and she flew through to the door to leave the grounds all behind.
She flipped her shawl into her arms and spread her wings wide. Tattered once more from her feelings and thoughts as they raced through her tortured mind.
The cave and across the way was where she went. She stood under the weeping cherry tree, its blossoms all in bloom and floated around her as she landed under them.
She opened her arms wide, tilting her head back behind her as she allowed her feeling to now take her fully. Destruction was allowed here. She could be red as she wanted and no one would be hurt here. Only herself if it happened to be.
She breathed in deeply, swallowing air in large gulps. Then screamed out full rage, despair and grief. She fell to her knees, tears streaming down as the ground rumbled beneath her as though it was an earthquake rattling the earth around her when in fact it was her own power fueling it. The edges of the Cliffside giving way to her powers as it crumbled below to the cove.
She paid none of it any mind as the palms of her hands captured the grass blades between her fingers.
"Where are you?"
She whispered as the tears flood down. She leaned back on her legs. Her knees covered in grass as she threw her hands now through her hair. How she wished that were his hands, caressing her long blonde tresses once again. She screamed once more. The Hollow tormented her beloved Rey. Her corazón. For much too long. Thus in turn causing her torment for failing in finding ways to be rid of the bloody thing once and for all.
This beast. This vile creature of night as caused too many sleepless and restless nights.
She sent more screams across the way until the tree shook and the cherry blossoms swirled around her. She collapsed under it and finally passed out from all the energy she released, now being covered in cherry blossoms as she finally slept.
She faded in the slightest as her wings tattered more, her feathers shedding from them a little bit more as well. Only one thing escaping her lips as she closed her eyes, the most not white but black as it encompassed the lonely faye.
"Elijah..." then silence as her mind finally quieted for once these long days. The black must hid her as the cherry blossoms covered her like a blanket to keep her warm. Their queen may be exhausted from such a feat, but the tree knew to protect and guard over her until someone came for her. The mist, a silent void to hide them both.
She only hoped answers would come as she passed out...
[𝔉𝔩𝔞𝔰𝔥𝔟𝔞𝔠𝔨𝔗𝔬𝔗𝔥𝔢𝔇𝔞𝔱𝔢 2 𝔄𝔲𝔤~4 𝔄𝔲𝔤 2018
In her sleepless seeming state where the mist so black it has become the blackest of blacks, memories flood her mind. She fell / plummeted to the depths of the between the worlds/ between the realms/ in the veil. She searched for her beloved there once before. That two years ago, when he and his brother took their lives to stop TheHollow once before. She found him there before/ felt him there/ felt his kiss.
Does she dare go there now/ for the answers she seeks this night of all nights? The mist continues to encompass her/ a slight change in its color as she searches the depths of her mind/ the memories buried deep within her soul.
[𝔉𝔩𝔞𝔰𝔥𝔟𝔞𝔠𝔨𝔗𝔬𝔗𝔥𝔢𝔇𝔞𝔱𝔢 4 𝔄𝔲𝔤 2018 https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1025852111274344448?s=20 ]
Does she dare go there now/ for the answers she seeks this night of all nights? The mist continues to encompass her/ a slight change in its color as she searches the depths of her mind/ the memories buried deep within her soul.
[𝔉𝔩𝔞𝔰𝔥𝔟𝔞𝔠𝔨𝔗𝔬𝔗𝔥𝔢𝔇𝔞𝔱𝔢 4 𝔄𝔲𝔤 2018 https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1025852111274344448?s=20 ]
She grabbed up their adopted niece, Bria and had raced back to NOLA, speeding down through twists and turns in the Impala. Setting urns down and casting her spell to collect their ashes. She saved her beloved husband/ her corazón/ once before. Their love has always broken through/ she vowed now that it shall do so once again.
She stayed here/ searching deeper in the depths of her mind/ seeking answers to this creature trying to take over their lives...
{5 aug}She stayed here/ searching deeper in the depths of her mind/ seeking answers to this creature trying to take over their lives...
~𝔴𝔞𝔫𝔡𝔢𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔱𝔥𝔯𝔬𝔲𝔤𝔥 𝔥𝔢𝔯 𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔡~
*she continues to search her mind, falling deeper still. There had to be something, somewhere...
She breathed deeply as the weeping cherry tree swayed in a breeze that suddenly rose up from the pirates cove below. The mist surrounding her never stirred however strong it may have been. The cherry blossoms swirled around, laying over her like a blanket.
The scent of the blossoms perfume rose up to her nose, taking over her senses. She recalled their times in the gardens around the castle. Strolls arm in arm and soft, hushed whispers between them. Their cozy cottage in ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ, endless times in his sanctuary; their sanctuary. A place they were able to both escape the castle and NOLA drama. Times they held each other, dancing a short while in their chambers. Smirks and laughter while preparing a small meal together.
The mist slowly faded its blackness, turning ever so slowly into a silvery shimmer of a gray. She searched now through her mind, projecting out over their home. Connecting to the eyes of her "dogs" the ravens.
The moon having now risen high in the night sky, the clouds surrounding her in an eerie, haunting glow. They sprang into action/ flight as the deepest of blues encompassed the yellow moon in all her fullness. Silently, they flew around their cottage as it laid silent and in wait for their family to return.
The evening sky reminding her of so many nights they shared...
She wondered on where she should look towards for answers.
There had to have been something they have overlooked...
As the ravens flew around, lending to her their eyes as they always done, moments / memories of their love surrounded her.
She opened her eyes finally, losing the connection to her dogs. She stared straight before her in the still partly dark mist, the blossom petals delicately covering her face.*
"Love..." she whispered to nothing/ to the tree/ to the mist/ to the petals still falling about her face.
She allowed the breeze to carry her single word off into the world. Perhaps it would make it to her beloved corazón / give him something to hold on to through the Hollow's grasp. She sent a mental image and thought to him/
Holding him close and surrounding him in the love she had in her heart for him. She said she would always guard his heart.
She breathed deeply as the weeping cherry tree swayed in a breeze that suddenly rose up from the pirates cove below. The mist surrounding her never stirred however strong it may have been. The cherry blossoms swirled around, laying over her like a blanket.
The scent of the blossoms perfume rose up to her nose, taking over her senses. She recalled their times in the gardens around the castle. Strolls arm in arm and soft, hushed whispers between them. Their cozy cottage in ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ, endless times in his sanctuary; their sanctuary. A place they were able to both escape the castle and NOLA drama. Times they held each other, dancing a short while in their chambers. Smirks and laughter while preparing a small meal together.
The mist slowly faded its blackness, turning ever so slowly into a silvery shimmer of a gray. She searched now through her mind, projecting out over their home. Connecting to the eyes of her "dogs" the ravens.
The moon having now risen high in the night sky, the clouds surrounding her in an eerie, haunting glow. They sprang into action/ flight as the deepest of blues encompassed the yellow moon in all her fullness. Silently, they flew around their cottage as it laid silent and in wait for their family to return.
The evening sky reminding her of so many nights they shared...
She wondered on where she should look towards for answers.
There had to have been something they have overlooked...
As the ravens flew around, lending to her their eyes as they always done, moments / memories of their love surrounded her.
She opened her eyes finally, losing the connection to her dogs. She stared straight before her in the still partly dark mist, the blossom petals delicately covering her face.*
"Love..." she whispered to nothing/ to the tree/ to the mist/ to the petals still falling about her face.
She allowed the breeze to carry her single word off into the world. Perhaps it would make it to her beloved corazón / give him something to hold on to through the Hollow's grasp. She sent a mental image and thought to him/
Holding him close and surrounding him in the love she had in her heart for him. She said she would always guard his heart.
1 August 2020
{ rt https://twitter.com/L0RD_BYRON/status/1285827883563388928?s=19
there is a melody
that carries my mind
back to you
as if we had never parted}
~ both a plea and an admonishment ╱ 'of loving someone so much you cannot bear to see them in pain.'
━ DᴇᴇᴘᴇʀBʟᴜᴇs & ᴛʜᴇ ғʟɪᴄᴋᴇʀɪɴɢ ʟɪɢʜᴛ ᴏғ sᴇᴠᴇʀᴀʟ ᴡᴇʟʟ ᴘʟᴀᴄᴇᴅ ᴄᴀɴᴅʟᴇs ɪɴ ᴀɴᴄɪᴇɴᴛ ᴄᴀɴᴅᴇʟᴀʙʀᴀ. https://t.co/nVjrGge2kv
~ he looked for her heart, hoping it would be a clue ╱ but it was nowhere to be found.
Eveɴ aѕ tнe sυɴ rιѕeѕ, I see oɴly nιɢнт ﻭᵀᴴ https://t.co/e9tXskE00U
Eveɴ aѕ tнe sυɴ rιѕeѕ, I see oɴly nιɢнт ﻭᵀᴴ https://t.co/wENGahee9w
𝐻𝑜𝓁𝓁𝑜𝓌𝑒𝒹 𝑜𝓊𝓉 𝑜𝒻 𝒶𝓁𝓁 𝓂𝓎 𝒻𝒶𝒷𝓁𝑒𝒹 𝒾𝓃𝓈𝒾𝒹𝑒𝓈
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒑𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒕 𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒅 𝒂 𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒄 𝒇𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒌
𝑺𝒂𝒊𝒅, '𝒅𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒌 𝒊𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝓕𝒐𝒓𝒈𝒆𝒕𝓣𝒉𝒆𝓟𝒂𝒔𝒕
𝑩𝒖𝒕 𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒇𝒖𝒍 𝒊𝒕’𝒔 𝒂 𝒑𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏 𝒃𝒂𝒕𝒄𝒉'
NoPeace━DᴇᴇᴘᴇʀBʟᴜᴇs https://t.co/jZEjBU7wrD
6 Aug 2020
Having searched for some time while wrapped in the mist and covered in the protection of the cherry blossoms under her beloved weeping cherry tree, she breathed deeply the healing moisture of the mist as it transformed into its beautiful shimmery silver color. She pushed herself up with the palms of her hands and looked around her. The land was silent, deafening in her ears, in fact. She closed her eyes as she let out a breath of exhaustion. She pushed herself to her feet and walked over to the edge of the cliffs. She stood tall as she gazed over the cave below, deep in thought. She gave a nod to herself as she agreed on her plan and flew off back to their cozy cottage home in ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ. She had an idea on how she might trace something to help her beloved with this vile creature. She had to be swift on her new task at hand.
She arrived back at their home and flew off up the staircase to the library. She searched quickly for the one book she needed to use. She paused in the pile of books before her, thinking back on just where it may have gotten off to. A jump in her step as she recalled now where it may have been hidden, she sprang into motion off to their chambers. She went across their bedroom chambers and went to their nightstand. The night she brought this grimoire home, her beloved Elijah had snatched it from her hands as she stepped in their room. She smirked to herself as the memory crossed her mind. How she convinced him it was safer to be tucked away and hidden from hands that may cause harm then good, the book never moved from where she placed it that long ago night. She paused here, lost in this memory. The night they shared then. She opened her eyes after her indulging and opened the drawer. There it sat, just as that very night. She scooped up the book and turned back out their door.
She needed answers and she hoped this was the key to do so. She headed off through the fields of their gardens and took off to the ritual site after a short portal to the island of realms. The travel to it was silent and eerie. The woods had not a sound from any creature as her dogs silently flapped around her to follow and keep her safe, ready to turn into humanoid for if need be.
She paused by the sisters three home they hummed in their song and waved her along, sensing the book in her arms. They knew better this night to bother her in her ways. She nodded return silently as she swept past in a blur.
Finally arriving to the ritual site, her boys stirring more in their flight.
"Hush now..." she whispers as one lands on her shoulder.
She set the book down as she played with the candles where she left them the last time she was here. It felt like ages ago since she had been here. She closed her eyes as she focused her mind. The book now sitting before her. She placed her hands palms down over it. The pages beginning to call out to her like her oracles would. The tingle in her fingertips as they tried to speak with her.
She whispered in hushed tones. The ancient tongue of the faye. The old viking of her beloved's ancestors. She she placed her hands upon the book. The ancient grimoire with now knowledge of whence it came.
She became light as she opened her eyes, staring straight ahead. The candles around her flew into flames, the ravens all now sitting in a circle around her. Protecting their queen.
Finally, the book stopped her to a page. She glanced down upon the parchment pages and narrowed her eyes as she focused closely. She made a face as she began to read it over what was shown to her.
She tore a page from the book and prepared what was spoken to her in the cauldron that also sat before her. Holding up the page between her hands as it caught flame, sealing the spell. She blew at it, making it travel out upon the wind, upon the air. She watched as the charred parchment floated up and caught on the wind. She whispered to them "give me what I want..." she sat there in silence, waiting for any answers.
The raven closest to her hopped over and nuzzle her hand, breaking her thoughts. She scratched its head and then picked up the book. She heaved a sigh at what she felt may have been a loss and headed to go back.
"Little faye not get her answers?" An old, familiar voice whispered behind her.
She turned to look, a smile on her lips "a mere delay. You know very well my spells always like to take their time in their replies to me." She smirked at her old teacher and laughed a little.
He returned her laugh and held out his hand, "care for a short cut home to that cozy little sanctuary you have treasured so these days?" He gave her a knowing look as he stepped closer.
She took his hand and nodded, "you are too kind, teacher. As always, I thank you."
"Protecting the queen, and my little faye. I am certain your beloved would appreciate such a thing as keeping you of all creatures in this world safe..." he took her hand and before he could reply, her eyes opened and she was directly below their weeping willow in the center of their gardens. Sharing her head, she hugged the grimoire and went back inside their cottage, wondering if she will ever get the answers she seeked...
ᴸᵒᵘᵛʳᶤ ᵃᶰᶤᵐᵒˑ ᴾᵉ́ᵐᵉ́ᵗ ᵖᵒᵘ ᵃᶜᶜᵉˢˢᵘᵐˑ
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
[Translation, loosely- Louvre state of mind. Pemex where access.]
{Rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1291900131843940353?s=19
~the morning mist.
The branches swayed softly in the breeze as she sat upon the bench, leaning back and closing her eyes. She breathed in deep as she sent a mental image to her beloved so that he might share in this quiet of a moment. She smiled softly when she took in next +}
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ '𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐚 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦'
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 𝐀𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐞
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⊱╾~༄
4/∞ Nocturne: Nightmare ᵀʰᵉᴴᵒˡˡᵒʷ𝚂𝙻
{https://t.co/MvqkpQ0UKq} ﻭᵀᴴ━#Off ━ ℣ˑ
ᵃᶠᵒʳᵉᵍᵒᶦⁿᵍ:「https://t.co/u8DzJ0waCF」 https://t.co/co5HNGWbKu
CarЕ̃ssingPianoKЕ̃ys & TellingFAErieStoriesೇ {@SkyBoivin}
ѕαмαηтнα мαнαяєт мιкαєℓѕση & ѕσℓνєιg ¢αℓℓυм мιкαєℓѕση
2019: TheMidnightSky*「open.spotify.com/track/35HrhB…」
2020: Awe&Wonder^「soundcloud.com/echosonica/awe…」
"Once upon a time, there was a kingdom where music and art were celebrated, an enchanted land where all things were possible. And there was a spirit who wanted to take the kingdom for her own. Armed with a pack of untamed creatures, it drove the other magical creatures from the land. And, there was a wicked sorceress with enchanted stones and merlock orchids. Some say that a blue light that shines in the castle illuminates the room meant for the precious princesses. But, little did the spirit and the wicked sorceress know that there would be not rest until the enemies were vanquished. For one day, they would heal the kingdom and live happily ever after."
𝑅𝑒̂𝓋𝑒 𝒹'𝓊𝓃 𝒜𝓃𝑔𝑒
24th September, 2018: 'Through the Looking-Glass'
October 1: 1 month -
October 8: 2 months -
October 15: 3 months -
October 22: 4 months -
October 29: 5 months -
November 5: 6 months -
November 12: 7 months -
November 19: 8 months -
November 26-December 3: 9 months *
In the great blue room
There were two little kittens
And a pair of mittens
And a little toy house
Goodnight room
Goodnight moon
Goodnight light
Goodnight kittens
And goodnight mittens
Goodnight stars
Goodnight noises everywhere.
(M. Wise)
I'm the luckiest man on the planet. Blessed to have these three beautiful women in my life:
𝓢am & 𝓢ol, the tiny new empresses of my everything: I love and adore you. You have shown me the meaning of life.
~ 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓼𝓮
'I will never tell you to dream small.
I will never let you believe the lie that one person has no power in this place.
I will never let you forget magic.
I will never let you be cruel to yourself.
I will never let you deny the world your heart.
I won’t let you forget courage.
I won’t let you forget laughter.
I won’t let you forget beauty.
I won’t let you forget kindness.
I won’t let you forget nature.
I won’t let you forget music.
I won’t let you forget the good war.
I won’t. I won’t. I won’t.'
𝓢ky, my #queenFaye and my beloved wife. I can’t wait to spend forever loving you.
Grateful today and every day.
December, 2018 {twitter.com/0riginalGillies/s… - twitter.com/0riginalGillies/s…}
24th January, 2019: TellingFAErieStories {twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/… - twitter.com/0riginalGillies/s…}
February, 2019: TellingFAErieStories {twitter.com/0riginalGillies/s… - twitter.com/0riginalGillies/s…}
March, 2019: TellingFAErieStories {twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/… - twitter.com/0riginalGillies/s…}
April, 2019: TellingFAErieStories {twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/… - twitter.com/0riginalGillies/s… twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/…}
May, 2019: TellingFAErieStories {twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/…} {twitter.com/0riginalGillies/s…}
June, 2019: TellingFAErieStories {twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/…} {twitter.com/0riginalGillies/s…}
July, 2019: TellingFAErieStories {twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/…} {twitter.com/0riginalGillies/s…} {twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/…}
August, 2019: TellingFAErieStories {twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/…} {twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/…} {twitter.com/0riginalGillies/s…}
September, 2019: TellingFAErieStories {twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/…} {mikaelson-free-life.blogspot.…}
October, 2019: TellingFAErieStories {twitter.com/0riginalGillies/s…} {twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/…}
November, 2019: TellingFAErieStories {twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/…} {twitter.com/0riginalGillies/s…}
December, 2019: TellingFAErieStories {twitter.com/0riginalGillies/s…} {twitter.com/0riginalGillies/s…} {twitter.com/0riginalGillies/s…} {twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/…} {twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/…} {twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/…}
* TWINS FIRST BIRTHDAY: 3rd December 2019 {mikaelsontwinsfirstbirthday.c…}
~*She wakens from her slumber briefly, reaching for her beloved corazón. Pulling him close as she senses even in her sleep, she snuggles in and sends peaceful images to her esposo's mind as she plays her fingers through his hair to caress there, humming softly his name* https://t.co/1i8MpQ6AaL