Masquerade Ball
Halloween 31 October 2019
snapshot this screen for your admission in to the Masquerade Ball.
Then hop any old groves tree portal to the Island of Realms to the Faye Castle.
Raven Guards will be on stand by to guide one through portals and up to the grand gardens for entry to the Grand Ballroom. Come in masques and elegant attire for the evening.
Use #GSMasque for all tweets to this event
snapshot this screen for your admission in to the Masquerade Ball.
Then hop any old groves tree portal to the Island of Realms to the Faye Castle.
Raven Guards will be on stand by to guide one through portals and up to the grand gardens for entry to the Grand Ballroom. Come in masques and elegant attire for the evening.
Use #GSMasque for all tweets to this event

Page for the invitation to the ball♡ The event itself ♡
22 oct 2019
Plaid is a thing completely
I don’t think so, Sammy.
The rest of us are dressing up for the masquerade ball, and so are you.
Go find a nice tux to go with this.
-cue a bitch face,,,
A classic one, as continues the
Younger one-
Really ,Dean...
Could you be more obvious?
Get that thing back to where
It came from, im not allowing
It anywhere near me
*giggles and whispers* I found some plaid tuxes....
Although this may be more his color.....
Woah,, , ,
Really guys, you all know i am
No team Halloween...
I can watch you all "play"...
Would that work ?
~no, you can come. It's just a party. A dance. *she gives a pouty face* it will be fun... everyone will be in masques. *she twirls around the room and giggles* if you're that against it, you can just hang out by the food.
Well im not against it, i just....
-an exhale, quite audible one
Upon that-
Alright, i'd be there,
I'd provide company,
But no promises upon the fancy
*she let's out a happy little squeal to his agreement upon going to the ball and gives him an extra big hug.* you will not regret it, sam. Promise. *she smiles brightly* and what about those suits I showed you? They go along with team flannel, dont they? *showing again the plaid suits she came across in the endless closet between herself and miss ember had
Trapped, he was trapped in a hug,
Not complaining though,
Looking down at the crown of
Her head as says he eventually-
...... cant i really skip on
The dressup though ?
Nope *she smirks as she continues her bear hug of him.*
Moose gotta dress up like the rest of us. You dont have to go all fancy. But that masque dean found you is awesome! No one will even know it's you
-cue the raise to a definite
As an index of his points at
The ugly thing placed upon the
Table beside-
That...... thing is not getting
anywhere near me, sky...
*pouts slightly and gives her best sam Winchester puppy dog eyes at him.*
But sam.... please..... even for an hour? *smiles ever so sweetly*
~28 October 2019~
~*being the week of all Hallows eve, and Halloween and the ball right around the corner now, sky took a pause from tasks around the cottage and other tasks at the castle to make sure that everything was going according to plan for the big night. Everyone was looking
the piano stood in the corner of the room, near the tall windows as was preferred. She strolled slowly over to it and ran her fingers happily along the ivories. Freshly tuned and polished.* perfect...*she whispered. She turned over to head beyond the other side of the room.
The chandeliers sparkled brightly as she made her way across the room. Small sections of spooky displays set around parts of the room made her smile. This was her favorite time of the year. She grew excited to see all the work the castle staff has already done
~she smirks as she notices other charming scenes and placed her finger to her chin in thought.
{Everything ok, miss? *a small voice of a newer staff passing by with an armful of decorations hanging over her small arms*}
Oh, everything is~perfect so far. I was just thinking where the games area was going to be. As well as maybe a haunted house out in the gardens? So many ideas rolling around for Thursday night! *she smirks and then makes to help her with her armful* allow me to help...
~{oh, I have it... *she makes to bow slightly as she suddenly realized it was the queen before her as she had yet to meet her in person. She began to fluster suddenly* not a trouble at all...I was going to set these at the small tables for the dining settings }
These settings are divine. Really.
{*she gave a sigh of relief and allowed her to help. Walking beside her as they finished setting all in place* thank you my queen *she started*}
Not a worry, really. *she placed a gentle hand on hers and smiled.*
It appears you have it all under control here. Maybe I will look into other things for the night?
{*she bows* thank you again, my queen..}
And thank you...
*she turns to
~head back to tend to other things...*
*she heads back towards one of the smaller ballrooms located off of the main ballroom, one of which will be used as the photography gallery for the night. A few tables lined the side of one wall with masques and props to be used in front of a few extra special mirrors. She stepped closer to one of them and smirked. A camera angled down towards the person standing before it and you tap the glass to begin. She touched the design saying "touch hers to begin" and it guided her through options and then snapped her photo. A printer nearby spit out the taken photo when she was done. She let out a giggle.* oh they will all simply love this...

*she passed the staircase that lead up and out towards the gardens, all decorated pretty and festive. It was all coming together nicely. And she grew more excited to see everyone happy for the fun to come.* Once she entered the next ballroom, it was like a transformation into a new world. It was always like this with banquets and balls here. The room any other day stood by idle and alone until suddenly, an overnight transformation of splendor and awe. Decorations lined every corner, same as the other two rooms. The main side of the room had tables lined up for the feast. A banquet of food just waiting to be devoured. She slowly made her way along the tables here.

Sweet treats of chocolates, and other treats, down to some edibles unseen before around the castle.

~ the night of the 2019 ball~
~*after making sure all was set for the evening, she heads back to get ready for the ball, and all of their guests. She freshens up quickly and sits at the vanity to brush out her long blonde tresses. Then she slips into her gown and masque for the ball. She takes some moments before heading down to greet everyone. Waiting for the guest to arrive before making her entrance before all and being sure all was going well...{continued below...}
*he is getting ready for the #gsmasque tonight*
*Opening her closet, a small smirk forms on her face as she reaches to grab her dress for the night. This was certainly going to be a lovely evening, and she couldn’t wait til the party got started.
Setting the mask on the dresser she quickly slips out of her clothes and pulls on the golden dress. Once done she sits in front of the mirror to apply her make-up and do her hair. The final touch, the golden mask that matches her threads and pulls the whole outfit together. She hums a soft tune as she twirls once before gliding out the door*
Dean/ ember ~
*he arrives at the Castle, grimacing somewhat. He does not like portal travel.
He makes his way to the ballroom, eager to meet up with
@DemonWith_ASoul *
*She was making her way down the hall towards the ballroom when she sees a familiar figure. A grin lights up her face and she sneaks up behind him before throwing her arms around him gently*
Is this the hunter I think it is?
*he chuckles softly as feels the familiar arms slide around him. He glanced at her over his shoulder and grinned beneath his masque*
Maybe... Maybe I’m the Big Bad Wolf and I’m gonna eat you up.
*he spun in her arms, swooping in to kiss neck*
*She lets out a soft squeak followed by peals of laughter as he spins around. Her arms stay wrapped loosely around his waist in order to keep him close, while the feel of his kisses make her giggle*
I love the masque, it's very fierce.
*Wolves meant quite a lot to her*
*he laughed with her, kissing her neck again*
I’m glad you like it.
*he had chosen it for her, his wolf. He straightened, and offered his arm*
You look stunning. Shall we go try the champagne or the bourbon?
*She takes his arm and tilts her head to look up at him.
A small smile stays on her lips* Thank you, you look stunning yourself. And
champagne sounds like a lovely idea. *She listens to the sound of her friends
laughter and the music for a moment before taking a step in*
*they step inside and he stops for a moment, adjusting to
the glow and sparkle of the ballroom, an atmosphere festive for the Samhain
season and magical. With Ember on his arm he heads toward one of the
refreshment tables, listening to the delicate rustle of her dress *as they move
together perfectly. He orders a champagne for her and a bourbon for himself.
It’s rich, smooth, and more elegant that any he’s tasted before. He knows she
wants to dance, so he sips his bourbon and reminds himself *that if he can
sweep her off her feet in the kitchen while they cook dinner together he can do
again in a lively ballroom*Ember ~
*Her eyes widen a tiny bit as they step into the room, the beauty and well placed decorations take her breath away. Sky had done a marvelous job with this event, and her inner planning self nearly squeals with wonder and awe. However she keeps her composure, only allowing an amazed grin to slide across her lips.
She accepts the champagne Dean hands her with a grateful smile. Before taking a sip she admires the lovely golden color and the small bubbles floating towards the surface. As she takes a small sip of her drink her gaze turns towards the dance floor. She did want to dance with the handsome man beside her, and upon remembering all the times they had danced in the kitchen before, her smile spreads, lighting up her face with happiness.*
*he finishes his drink and sets the glass down. When she finishes hers he takes her glass as well, then turns to her with his most charming grin, his green eyes smoldering*
My lady.
*his voice is almost a purr. She is stunning and just looking at her makes his *heart beat a little faster.
He bows his head down toward her, takes her hand in his and lifts it up, placing a warm, soft kiss on the back of it*
Shall we?
*her hand in his he leads her out onto the dance floor, finding the rhythm of the elegant waltz playing
as they weave their way through the crowd. He found the perfect spot, an empty space beneath a glittering chandelier that was just big enough for them. He spun around and pulled her close, slipping his hand around to the small of her back. He smiled, his eyes gleaming behind his dark wolf masque, and he began to move with her to music, as if they had done this a hundred times before, both of their bodies familiar with the motion of the other*
*Her heart beats faster as he takes her hand and leads her to a small place just for them. The smile on his face and the way he looks at her with those beautiful, stunning eyes of his set off butterflies in her stomach. With his arm wrapped around her waist, gentle yet sturdy, at the same time, she tilts her head up to look at him as they dance to the music. They moved gracefully across the floor, the golden glow of the chandelier shining down on them and casting a soft gleam in her eye. One hand was settled gently on his shoulder, the other
intertwined with his. A smile slips across her lips as she takes in the fact that here she was, dancing with this handsome man. She counted herself lucky, and as he spins her, she is reminded of all the reasons why she loves him. Nothing on this Earth could make her happier*
*his face lights up with a charming smirk when he sees her smile, sees her love and passion for him sparkling in her eyes. He feels just as much for her, his beautiful Ember, the steady, glowing bright spot in his dark, dangerous life. He keeps her close to him, his hand splayed across the small of her back, his other hand entwined with hers. He breathed in the delicate scent of her perfume as he spun across the floor with her. He winked, and then gracefully dipped her, his hold on her strong and steady. He pulled her back
and stole a soft kiss before resuming their dance, flowing seamlessly with the swirling tide of other dancers*
*She giggles as he dips her, once again reminded of his strength and how no matter what, he would always catch her. Just like he did when she fell for him and his charming ways. The way his green eyes sparkle when he's happy, combined with that grin of his that would sweep any +
female off her feet, what chance did she stand?
Not only that, but the sweet, kind and caring personality hidden beneath his tough hunter exterior had been a pleasant surprise. He really could be romantic when he wanted to, and she was delighted that she was the one allowed +
to see that side of him.
She continues to dance gracefully with him, easily anticipating every twirl and dip as if she could read his mind. The soft sound of her friends chatting and the clink of glass reaches her ears and she smiles, her eyes taking in her surroundings for a +
brief second before once again landing on his. A soft expression slips across her face as she gazes into his eyes for a moment, once again counting herself lucky for being able to call this man hers*
-Stands there in front of the mirror making the last few adjustments on her costume before finally making her way from the bunker. Climbing into her own car before driving herself to the entrance to Faye Castle. Once arriving to the portal she noticed other cars where there. Which wouldn't end well for her. But taking a deep breath as she climbed out of car and made her way through the portal. She held her ticket over to one of guards at the door before strolling inside. That was when she stood there in complete shock. This place was very breathtaking and huge. Alex truly had never seen anything that remotely compared to a small brick within the foundation of this place. Much less the entire thing. Finally letting go of the awe of it all, as she finally made her way to a very quiet corner of the place. Definitely out of sight and reach of others there. For she never was the sociable type. More of the kind that just stayed quiet in the corner observing people. But this outfit really made her feel even more out of place than she already was. Dresses were never her thing. Especially ones that were as short as this one was. Not to mention her boots that just barely went over her knee. Folding her arms behind her as she just watched as others arrived and some even was having a blast with other guests there. Yet she just stood there quietly hoping maybe to at least enjoy her observing while not getting pulled out of her comfort zone of the quiet corner.
// Make-up for the #gsmasque. Even if the eyeshadow can't be seen that much. Still. That is it. //
-Alex leaned against the wall as she saw Jo talking with Sky. While it seemed like Dean trying to get the courage up to dance with Em. But that was when looked over to her side to see that @_DamnedOne was standing a few feet away from here observing the party. Why wasn't he over with the rest of the group having what she figured was fun? She never pegged the hunter for the sitting back and observing type. Shrugging her shoulders lightly before turning her attention from @_DamnedOne to the rest of guests at the party.- #gsmasque
Sassy / sebastyan
sassy~ *she follows the clues in the elegant invite from Sky, locating a Faye portal in a small grove of trees behind an old graveyard. She waits in her flowing gown for
@BazzieLibrani , knowing he can easily find her anywhere, as she reads the grave inscriptions.
*He feels a little clumsy all dressed up. Fancy clothes had never been his thing. He’d always been more of a jeans and T-shirt man. But @Captain_Sassy77 has wanted to go to this ball thing so badly. And he couldn’t say no to her. Even if he was so nervous he felt his +Stomach clenching. Because big crowds were not his thing. But. He we were. He’d gotten ready and followed the clues as well and he found you waiting for him. And he smiled. Stepping close he smiled and bowed low. “Mademoiselle”. He offered his arm. Shall we?
*she blushed a little, and took his arm, saying softly*
You look amazing.
*she raised her hand hesitantly to the portal. She had never heard of one before, much less traveled by one, but she trusted Sky so she followed the instructions she’d been given by the Faye Queen. they stepped through the portal. In the space of a heartbeat they landed on the Island of Realms, within the Grand Garden on a starlit path leading to the Castle. A distant cawing heralded the approach of the Raven Guards.She smiled up at Sebastyan, holding his arm.*
*he also blushed, "amazing" was not a word that was usually used to describe him....but he actually took your hand and gave you a little twirl before we headed off and he smiled brightly*......You look absolutely beautiful. Like a real princess. *he then gave you his arm and we stepped through the portal. He blinked when he found himself on the other side and he looked around a little skeptically, distrusting of the new surrounding. and he held you just a little bit closer....he senses on edge, watching, listening. Yes, he knew this was supposed to be a fun night. He knew that we were safe. but part of him was still on edge. like the proverbial long tailed cat in a room filled with rocking chairs.
*she felt him tense by her side. It was strange for her, too. The crisp autumn air was scented with night blooming flowers, and fairy lights sprinkled throughout the grounds created an otherworldly glow. Even the starlight here seemed magical.
She leaned into him, needing him just a little closer, as he needed her. She was excited and nervous, whispering softly*
Thank you for this, Sebastyan.
*when the Ravens arrived they started down the path to the Castle. The closer they got the more clearly she could hear the music and murmurs of conversations between arriving guests. The Ravens announced their arrival at the Castle before flying off to the other portals.
She looked up at him, her smile bright. She leaned in and whispered something in his ear, low and soft so only he could hear. she met his icy blue gaze for a moment, then looked back up at the Castle.
Ready to make their entrance they started up the stone stairs to the warm glow of the Castle interior.
She wanted a glass of champagne and to look around, get a feel for the room and guests.*
You had been so excited about this Ball..and he would do anything for you so he'd let you talk him into it. He used to love parties, and this kind of thing. Dressing up, masques and costumes would have been right up his alley a few years back. Now, he was just a ball of nerves But you took his arm and pulled him closer and he could smell your soft perfume. and you looked absolutely beautiful with your hair all done up, and the gorgeous purple dress. His favorite colour, and he could feel your excitement and it made him smile. He leaned in when you leaned up to whisper in his ear and he listened for what you were telling him. And then we were ready to enter. we just waited for the great doors to open up on to the Ball room and the lights to shine upon us as we walked in. And he would stand tall He escort you like you were the Belle of the ball. Because in his eyes, You were. and he was going to make sure that you had the time of your life.
*they made their entrance into the ballroom, and for one small moment she found herself over-whelmed by the ethereal light and color, the hypnotic movement of so many masked dancers, the heart-stopping realization that for one magical night they were in another realm...she might have even taken a tiny step back, but she glanced up at him, and saw how regal he looked tonight, how handsome and unafraid he was, holding her arm and looking at her like she was the most beautiful thing in the world. She blushed slightly under her delicate silver mask, and then her face lit up with the brightest smile. She took a deep breath and walked with him, crossing the threshold into the magic of the ballroom. She looked around at everything, her eyes full of wonder, taking in every detail of the elegant dresses and elaborate masks, the glittering chandeliers twinkling with every color of the sunset, the refreshment tables lined with exquisite drinks and exotic treats, the dark flowers and darker candles decorating every corner of the enormous room.
She squeezed his arm, trying to contain her excitement. She spoke softly to him, knowing he would hear her beneath the swell and cascade of the music* I’d like to try the champagne. And then... can we dance? *she met his icy blue gaze behind his mask, ready to dive into this spectacular adventure with him*
*he walked in with you and he too took in everything. The lights the decorations, the music, the sounds, the other costumed people. It was all a little overwhelming actually. But he held on to you and he felt safe and he smiled at you and led you down on to the floor* Champagne sounds great. *he would let you lead us towards where the drinks were being served and he also had a look at the long table with the loads of food all elaborately prepared and displayed.* is really amazing. Your friend went to a lot of trouble for this *he would pick up a champagne flute and hand it to you and he would take up another for himself and he smiled and held it up*....shall we toast? *he looked thoughtful for a moment and he spoke softly* new beginnings, beautiful friendships and dancing the night away *he winked at you because he hadn't actually answered you before about dancing. He figured this would have answered your question. He hadn't danced in a long time. He wasn't sure he remembered how. But tonight, he just wanted you to enjoy yourself to your fullest potential. he would deal with his anxieties. As long as you were there by his side, he could face anything.
*her heart fluttered when he winked at her, and she blushed a little, knowing that he was promising her the night of her life, and also that he would probably sense the momentary change in her pulse*
I’ll drink to that.
*she replied with a joyful smile before tipping *her glass to his with a delicate clink. She took a sip of her champagne. It was perfectly chilled, crisp and indulgent, and left her feeling warm after swallowing it.
With her free hand she found his, caressing his fingers and wrist, creating a soft, subtle connection.
he was playful tonight, bold and strong. None of it was lost on her. She knew his deeper instinct in this crowd would be to lay low and hide, to step back into the safety of the shadows, to find a quieter space. But here he was. Dressed to kill in the middle of a roaring masquerade ball, sipping champagne and prepared to dance until dawn. She knew this was for her. A night of magic and fun, a night away from the mundane and the stress of their everyday lives. She knew he was putting on a brave face to give her this gift. She could feel the slight shudder ripple through his body as she held his hand, and knew how nervous he was. She was so immensely grateful to him, and for him. Her moonlight prince. She didn’t quite have the words to explain, but hoped he could sense at least some of it. if the event grew too over-whelming she would lead him outside, and they could explore the starlit gardens, seek out the fireflies, and witness the night blooming flowers. They could even play hide and seek. He had an unfair advantage, but it made playing with him more fun.*
He definitely was doing this for you. For you, he would do anything.....climb any obstacle, defeat any foe, face the largest crowds. and you were right, he was on high alert and all his instincts were telling him to run, to hide in the darkest hole and never come out but FOR YOU, he was here and he was giving himself permission to have fun. He could pretend he was someone else, someone brave, someone suave, someone worthy of being on your arm. Dress like a prince, and wearing a mask he could be anything he wanted tonight. So he took the glass of champagne and tinked it lightly with yours & took a sip and soon he would lead you out onto the dance floor & let the music take us into it's thrawl. Yes he was inwardly shaking, but watching the twinkle in your eyes and the bright smile on your ruby lips and hearing the light happy sound of your laughter, lightened his heart and quickened him. He was going to let the magic of this enchanted place, this night lull away the fear and the darkness and he would be present in the moment. With you. His warrior princess.
*after finishing their champagne she happily followed him out onto the dance floor, her hand entwined with his, taking in the sight of his feline grace as he prowled across the floor, slipping between dancers like a shadow until he found the perfect spot for them.
the crowd was dense, moving together like a tide to the ebb and flow of the music, but he was the only thing she saw. She couldn’t help her bright laughter as they stepped and spun, falling in time with the most enchanting music she had ever heard, as the players transitioned from piece to piece without a single break of silence, guiding the dancers on an all night journey of fast and slow, rise and fall.
She was having so much fun, and she knew he was as well. His eyes were bright and his lips were curled into a mischievous smirk.she knew she was catching a glimpse of the real Sebastyan, the one buried beneath so much darkness, and she was happy to see him. She would treat him to the most wonderful night, just as he was doing for her. She smiled up at him and elegantly followed his lead through dance after dance until she tired a little and her thoughts drifted to champagne and chocolate cover strawberries.
She swayed and sauntered through the sea of masked dancers, his hand still hers, held close as she led them off the dance floor to the refreshment tables. She needed a quick bite of something sweet, and a moment to catch her breath before they returned to their dance*
Pit stop
*she said with a soft giggle. She took a chocolate covered strawberry and offered it for him to try*
Sebastyan was actually having a good time. Sure he was anxious and being in big crowds was always overwhelming....but he was focused on you and your smile and the twinkle in your eyes and that giggle...god he loved that giggle.......and so that's what he focused on and he lead you through the crowd of couples spinning around the dance floor and he was quite impressed with the players.......and with the dancers too. It was almost as though everyone here was enchanted to know exactly how to move to each song played. But it was wonderful *when you tugged him out of the crowd towards the table he nodded, he was a bit thirsty and he could eat. Hell he could always eat that was a given with him. But something sweet sounded nice to him too and his eyes brightened when you fed him a chocolate covered strawberry *he first nipped it with his teeth and pulled it into his mouth, suckling upon it and tasting the sweetness of the chocolate with just a hint of bitterness, and then he drew it into his mouth, his lips kissing against your fingers as he did so and he bit down into the juicy fruit beneath, sweet sticky juices spilling down his throat and he licked his lip. Mmmmmmmm so good.....*he plucked another berry off the tray and this time it was he would feed it to you....that slight crooked smile curling upon his lips
*she loved to see him smile. Seeing that playful curl of his lips was one of her most favorite things, and she watched him eat the strawberry from her fingers with a tingling blend of happiness and fascination.
She looked up at him, returning his smile, as his eyes *shone icy and bright behind his mask. She could see the happiness in them.
She turned her attention to the strawberry her offered, placing her fingertips delicately on the back of his hand to guide him closer as she opened her mouth, her eyes closing as she captured *the ripe berry with her teeth, sealing her lips around it. She swirled her tongue around the offered fruit, the decadent chocolate melting in the warmth of her mouth. She made a soft “mmmm” and sank her teeth into the tender flesh of the strawberry, sucking the *sweet juice before taking the whole thing into her mouth, her red lips softly grazing his fingertips, finishing it off with a content sigh*
That was delicious.
*an attendant at the refreshment table offered them more champagne. She passed a glass to Sebastyan then accepted one herself. The champagne was divine. She laced her fingers around his and walked with him along the row of treats and delicacies, sipping the champagne and tasting every bite that was offered to them. She happily accepted a small bowl of sugared grapes, *the first of which she offered to him with a soft giggle. It was a deep purple, one half of it sparkling with fine sugar, held delicately between her finger and thumb for him to bite. She was enjoying herself so much, and knowing he was as well made it even better*
You had been anticipating this Ball for some time and he was glad that he had been able to put his fears away enough to be able to come with you. He actually blushed when you plucked the berry from his fingers like that and he bit his lower lip. Thankfully, you had
turned away by then to accept another coupe of champagne from the attendant and that gave him a few seconds to recover before you handed it to him. He thanked you and took a sip and then followed you down the table. There were so many treats. So many things to try.
He didn't think we'd be able to try everything. But it looked as though we were going to try. When you took the bowl of sugared grapes and fed one to him he took it and munched on it, he felt the crystals of sugar crackling between this teeth and the juice of the grape burst into his mouth and he chased it with a sip of champagne it went so well together*. wow, everything seems magical here. *he took your hand again as we walked*. Hey, Think we could go out into the gardens again? get a little bit of air?. It's a bit warm in here.
*she looked to him, squeezing his hand gently. She nodded. Of course she wanted him to be comfortable, and the ballroom was quite crowded and warm.
She glanced around, looking for the same doors they had entered through from the gardens. Once she spotted ornate glass doorway she pointed it out to him, then began heading for it.
Instead of moving through the crowd of dancers, she led him along the perimeter of the room, still holding his hand and staying close to him.
The movement of the dancers was even more hypnotic from the edge. It was quite beautiful to watch, and the music was enchanting.
She continued moving swiftly toward the doorway, seeing the stained glass glittering with reflected light from within the ballroom, navigating around decorations, tables, and masked guests.
she didn’t know for sure how stressed or anxious he was feeling, but her only thought was to get him outside and calmed.
When they reached the doors she pushed them open just enough for the two of them to slip quietly through. The chill of the evening air embraced her and she shivered, walking out across the stone patio. She looked to Sebastyan*
You ok? We can go for a walk if you want.
*flickering candles lined the stone staircase that led down to the garden path. The cool night air was lush with the scents of dark flowers and sweet wood smoke from the castle chimneys. She took a deep breath of the sweet night air, and squeezed his hand, moving closer him under the starlight, looking up into his icy blue eyes*

*he followed you when you took his hand and led him around the perimeter of the room, and he looked up at the sea of dancers and smiled, it was beautiful. It was almost like in the movies when they show historical grand balls. Ladies and long flowing gowns and gentlemen
dressed up to the nines with tuxes and top hats. It was quite mesmerizing. When we slipped out the doors we looked like two naughty school children sneaking away when they shouldn't and that kinda made him laugh as we made our way out to the stone walkway. *he stopped when you did and he had a look around, he was smiling. A bright, relaxed smile and his icy blue gaze was bright and twinkled in the fairy light dangling from the trees*
... I'm fine. I'm having an amazing time. There was just a little too many people on the dance floor. I needed a little reprieve. I hope that's ok. I don't want to take you away from the festivities. I'll be ok in a minute or two.....
*he moved down the path into the garden*
...Although it's beautiful out here. and these flowers look and smell amazing.
*he reached out for one of the night blooming roses and carefully, so he didn't prick his fingers, plucked one out and he carefully removed the leaves and broke off the thorns he would then gently slip it into your hair*
It matches, it's almost purple like your dress.
*he smiled, as through the opened windows we could hear the music playing inside, joining in with the choir of crickets and peepers and as we turned a corner he motioned to a large tree that was decorated with lanterns but seemed to have a life of it's on as fireflies decorated it's leafy branches* Look, fairies.
*the sound of his laughter made her smile brightly, and the twinkle of his eyes and the relaxed ease of his smile warmed her*
Of course it’s ok. We can stay out here as long as you like.
*she slipped her shoes off and set them beside the steps before she walked down to the path with him. Her feet were a little sore from all the dancing and she wanted to feel the cool grass beneath them. She looked around, taking in the sight of all the dark blooms and tiny glittering lights decorating the trees.
She watched as he plucked a deep plum colored rose and trimmed the stem. She blushed when he placed it so carefully in her hair, saying softly*
Thank you, it’s beautiful.
*she gasped softly when he pointed out the fireflies. She had never seen any in person before and she was mesmerized by them. she slipped her arm around his and walked with him to the glowing tree, her bare feet soothed by the delicate grass.
Standing with him beneath the tree, looking up at the soft lights and glowing fireflies, she smiled brightly.
Waves of beautiful music floated down to them through the open windows of the castle, softer in volume than within the ballroom yet still crystal clear. She turned to him and wrapped her arms tight around his neck, hugging him close, softly nuzzling his jawline*
I’m having an amazing time tonight. Thank you for this.
*she leaned back to look at him, a gentle smile on her lips, her hands still clasped behind his neck*
Sebastyan Librani, may I have this dance?
*he was watching you as much as you were watching the fireflies as we walked towards the tree. He thought you looked amazing. He'd always thought you were beautiful. But tonight he thought you were exquisite, To the point where it made his heart flutter. He wasn't exactly sure what to make of those feelings. He hadn't set out to find a mate or a partner. We had simply stumbled into each other's life. but tonight maybe it was the fairy lights and the enchanting setting. The champagne and the magic in this place but There just seemed to be so much more emotions rising within him. he smiled when you took his arm and walked closer to the lit tree and he had to chuckle softly when you slipped your arms around his neck, he laced his around you and pulled you for a tight hug when you backed away he looked away slightly bashful but when you asked him to dance he instantly nodded and offered you his hand pulling you to him again and he'd wait for the refrain of the music before leading you in a grand waltz. He didn't exactly know how he knew how to waltz. Maybe it was this place maybe it was truly magic. But it felt as though we were dancing on air. He would lead you in large circles in the courtyard, the soft grass crushing under our feet and he felt his heart flutter again watching your smile and laugh He knew he could be truly happy again. Maybe his nightmare was over. Maybe, just maybe he could learn to live again with you guiding him. he liked that thought. he liked it very much.
*her whole face lit up in a smile when he offered his hand and pulled her in close. She followed his lead as he spun her gracefully around old tree under the glow of fireflies. The ballroom had been an incredible experience, but this, the two of them alone beneath the stars, always felt like their most natural place. Two wild hearted, kindred spirits dancing in a midnight garden. She laughed softly as they danced, waltzing through the cool grass. She never felt more alive or free than when she was with him.
the way he looked at her made her heart flutter. She had to look away from his gaze once or twice for fear her heart might stop.
He was so dashing tonight. He had always been so handsome to her from the first moment she had laid eyes on his human form. And tonight he was so relaxed and playful. It was a beautiful thing to see. His smile was irresistible.
She laughed again as he spun her through the last of their dance, and when they finished and he pulled her closer she threw her arms around his neck again. There was no place *she would rather be than close to him, wherever they may be. She felt a tingling rush of butterflies.
She stepped back just a little, just enough to look up into his eyes. They sparkled in the ambient light. She was lost in his gaze, perhaps a little longer than she *should, and she felt herself blushing. She glanced down to his lips, his curling half smile.
There was no rush to return inside. As long as she was with him she was perfectly happy*
Would you like to explore? Maybe we can find that swing?
*The ballroom had been beautiful. The music was wonderful. The food was phenomenal. Everything was magical. But he liked it out here better. He'd always preferred the outdoors. He'd always found it claustrophobic inside. That was likely his animal side but there were other reasons he preferred to be outside too. He felt free when he had the wind on his face. But regardless of where he was, he felt alive when he was with you. He loved the sound of your laughter it was like music on the air and the way you moved as he spun you in the grass. Tonight was amazing and he was having so much fun and he felt something more too. Like his heart was light. Like his fears were lessened... he felt free. And that was such a gift. he held you against him when you wrapped your arms around his neck and he lifted you slightly off your feet before gently depositing you back down and looking down into your eyes.* yeah. finding that swing sounds like a good idea to me. These grounds are amazing. and so huge. I feel like we could get lost in them and that wouldn't be a bad thing. *he chuckled softly. he offered you his hand so we could walk together. we were off the beaten path now. But that didn't matter. the moon was shining, the stars twinkling and the air was sweet with the perfume of night blooming flowers and the music from the band carried on the air like it was being delivered to use specifically. there was just something magical about this place. He couldn't put his finger on it but he liked it... he smiled brightly as we walked through the grass... he'd let his fingers dance on leaves, and shrubs and flowers as we walked together under the watchful eye of the man in the moon.
*she looked up at him with a playful grin*
Let’s get lost...
*she took his offered hand and walked beside him, her barefoot steps quiet on the silky grass, the fabric of her dress rustling softly as she moved. The silvery night air was chilly but she welcomed its caress on her bare skin, and with him so close she wouldn’t feel cold, kept warm by his radiating body heat.
She stole the occasional glance at him as they walked, their steps fluid like the slowest dance. Her moonlight prince. His powerful shoulders were relaxed, the muscles of his sculpted jaw unclenched, his whole demeanor more tranquil than she had ever seen. Unafraid and free.
She believed it was this fairytale setting that was putting him at ease. An enchanted creature himself, the ambient magic here must feel good to him, even empowering. hidden away here on this otherworldly island, that which he feared most couldn’t find them.
She had watched through the evening as he had slowly stretched out of his fear and shed the chains he wore as the ghost of the man he had once been. The man she believed he could be again one day. She had captured glimpses of that man before, buried in his own darkness, concealed behind sharp teeth and claws. And tonight she had danced with him.
Warmth spread through her chest, a deep quiet joy for him, for this magical night of freedom for him, a desperately needed reprieve from his pain. Her eyes glistened with the threat of tears, though tears of happiness.She felt other emotions stirring, the kind that made the butterflies race when he looked at her a certain way or made her heart flutter when he laced his arms around her. They weren’t new feelings, and she always tried to keep them in check, but the carefree joy and enchantment of the evening seemed to draw them to the surface. She wondered if he could sense it.
She smiled softly, realizing they had wandered far from the main gardens and deeper into the labyrinth of night blossoms and majestic weeping willows. It was darker here, away from the carefully strewn fairy lights, with only starlight and the silver glow of the crescent moon to light their way. Everything took on a faint, dreamy glow. She trusted him completely to lead her through the iridescent dark, her human eyes unable to see as clearly as his.
She could see a white shape ahead, not too far, and she smiled and squeezed his hand excitedly. They had found the swing*
*as we walked side by side in the garden....he held your hand and he lead you in the obscurity his cat eyes able to see just a clearly now as during the day....he'd notice you shivering every now and again and he'd hold you we rounded a corner he stopped +*he took off his suit jacket and he gently draped it over your shoulders. it would be warm as it wrapped around you and he gently rubbed your arms up and down* Can't have you catching a cold....*he smiled as he took your hand in his again as we continued to walk. soon we would come across what we had been looking for. The swing in the middle of the maze of flowers.....and he smiled as he lead you over to it so we could sit under the stars...*'s funny. I know there's so many other people here. But right now it feels like we're +alone in the universe. And I kinda like it. *he would slide his arm around you and pull you against him as he gently pushed the swing back and forth* Thank you for indulging me. I know you have friends inside. let me know when you're ready to go back in. +You know me I'd be happy sitting out here all night. But it is cool out and well. even with my jacket on. I don't want you to get cold......and besides. we're gonna need more champagne at some point. *he laughed softly, his laugh was bubbly and relaxed and just plain happy*
*his jacket was warm and smelled like him. She nestled into it as they continued their leisurely walk to the swing. It was beautiful, seemingly dressed up for the occasion with white flowers that glowed softly in the moonlight, highlighted by the greenish flicker of fireflies. when they sat on the swing and he put his arm around her she leaned in close to him, resting her head against his shoulder, basking in his warmth and looking up at the stars and the smoky band of the Milky Way*
Mmm. It does, doesn’t it? I like it too... Just you and
me and a sea of stars.
*she laced an arm around his middle, pulling him a little closer. She was still shivering slightly, but it had very little to do with the chill in the air. Her heart skipped a little, and she bit her lip, wondering if he heard or felt it. the gentle rhythm of the swing was soothing. She kept her gaze up at the stars as she replied to him softly*
No, it’s ok. I’m not that cold. Really. And... I’d rather stay out here with for a while longer. Just us. I like this.
*she grew quiet for a while, listening to the distant calls of night birds, the spectral refrain of the music drifting from the castle, the rustle of leaves and flowers caressed by the gentle autumn breeze. She could stay here all night, in the peaceful garden, or anywhere as long as he was with her. she felt a soft twinge of longing and tried to push it away. The enchantment of the evening was lowering her guard. She turned her face up toward him, nuzzling his neck softly for a moment. He was so warm, and he smell good*
Maybe we should spend the night. We’re pretty far from home. We can drink champagne by the fireplace. Maybe have a few more chocolate strawberries. Dance some more.
*she giggled softly at the thought. An evening this magical should be enjoyed until dawn. And she was happy to spend it however he wanted*
*he prrrrrrrred softly when you nuzzled against his neck and he closed his eyes and drew a deep breath. Even the air seemed sweeter here and he leaned into you and nuzzled back, like the big cat that he was......He reached for you hand and let his fingers entwine with yours *he nodded*....yeah, I'd be ok with spending the night. I like it here. it's peaceful. and More champagne and snacks sound divine. But you know I'll never turn down food. *he laughed brightly, throwing his head back, making the swing rock deeply as he did so*
As long as your friend doesn't mind us spending the night. I wouldn't want to impose. There are a lot of people here. Although this place seems like it could house all of us even if we all decided to stay. *he pulled you against him protectively making sure that you stayed warm and he turned his face up to look at the stars. it seemed as though they were shining just that much brighter tonight. and the wisps of northern lights made this night even more enchanting
*she smiled and closed her eyes when he nuzzled her, tilting her head back, stroking his hair and the back of his neck. She was perfectly comfortable with his animal nature. She shared a close bond with the shadow cat, and something much deeper with the man.
When he pulled *her close to keep her warm she felt his protectiveness, the fierceness within him, though he was always incredibly gentle with her. He was so warm, and she seemed to fit perfectly against his side.
She gasped softly at the sight of the aurora. There was no end to the magic here. It was a perfect fairy tale night.
She laughed with him, a bright, happy laugh*
So, I’ll request a couple bottles of champagne, a plate of strawberries, and a big juicy steak.
She said we are welcome to stay, and this place looks like it *has more than enough rooms. I’ll ask someone when we get back inside. And then, while we’re waiting for the room to be ready, you can spin me around the dance floor a little more?
*she rested her head on his shoulder, looking up at the stars. The longer she looked, *the better her eyes adjusted, the more stars she could see, and the sky seemed to deepen.
She squeezed his hand gently, their fingers perfectly entwined. All of her senses felt a little heightened tonight, more perceptive, especially to his touch.
*when you leaned in against him he tilted his head and kissed your forehead sweetly and he smiled warmly, and lifted his gaze back up to the starry night and watched the auroras flutter by like wisps of colored clouds. *he chuckled when you said we'd ask for a big juicy steak it always amazed him how you always thought about him. and made sure that his needs were taken care of. It didn't go unnoticed that you did things that were out of the ordinary for you just because you knew he liked it or needed it. Meat for instance. you did not have to go out of your comfort zone just so he could have meat. But it warmed his heart. and his belly. that you took the time to do that. *he nodded when you said he could take you for a spin around the dance floor again while we waited for the room* are your feet? he had noticed you'd taken your shoes off when we stepped outside earlier and he knew that those heals could not be comfortable. But he would gladly take you out onto the dance floor again and stay as long as you liked, or as long as the music played if it was what you wanted *he held you against him for a long time, until we were ready to head back inside and then he would stand and offer you his hand and we'd walk slowly back through the maze of night blooming flowers back towards the lights and sounds of the party inside
*she smiled when he kissed her forehead, and giggled when he asked about her feet. She stretched her legs out and wiggled her bare toes, peeking out from beneath her purple skirt*
Kind sir, you may have to carry me home tomorrow. But I wouldn’t miss the chance to dance the night away with you. A little soreness is totally worth it.
*she settled back against him as he held her a while longer, watching the incredible performance the sky put on, warm and cozy in his arms. When it was time to return to the ball she happily took his hand, *pulling his tuxedo jacket a little closer around her shoulders.
The garden was alive with night birds and fireflies, and the scurry of small field mice. The longer they spent in the garden the more life and magic they would notice around them.
She stopped here and there, *smelling the various night blooms, reaching out to play in the light of the fireflies, or kneeling down to watch a small creature going about its evening. Then she would walk with him again at a leisurely pace, watching the stars, peering into the shadowed spaces
*between the light-adorned trees, or stealing glances at him.
The castle rose, grand and glowing, out of the curling mist. The music grew louder and more crisp, and the air grew rich with the scents of oven fires, roasting meats and vegetables, and warm sugary treats.
*at the top of the steps she slipped her shoes back on, returned his jacket to him, and fluffed her skirt.
She took his hand and they snuck back into the grandeur of the ballroom, giggling playfully as she led him toward the champagne table.*
*he chuckled when you wiggled your toes when he asked about your feet and told him he might have to carry you and he stood and offered you his hand* you wish My Lady.....But then we got to walking back slowly. Enjoying the night. The party atmosphere but also the beauty and the calm in this magical place. Typically in a setting like this Sebastyan would have been like the proverbial long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. But even when he was surrounded by people in the ball room he didn't feel claustrophobic at all. He loved the way you loved nature. He loved the way you stopped and smelled the flowers, and played with the fireflies and crouched down in your beautiful ball gown just so you could watch a couple field mice scurry away. He loved your wildness.
and he loved that you made no apologies for it. When we got back to the palace he offered you his arm again and escorted you into the double doors into the ballroom. and he walked with you when you went to the usher and let them know that we would be spending the night and he gladly accepted another cup of champagne and he snatched a couple more oeuvres off the table. munching happily and unabashed. There was so much food here. and he was actually a guest and he actually was entitled to as much as he wanted. He wouldn't go crazy but it still was a little hard for him to believe that he wasn't about to get his hand chopped off for snatching a piece of cheese, or a caviar canape. wow. caviar. he'd never had any of that. weird texture but yum. he loved the fishy flavor. he looked up to see you staring *he blushed*......i'm making a fool of myself aren't I. *he popped the last of the canape in his mouth and chased it with a sip of champagne*...i'm done....I promise. *he finished his drink and set the empty glass on a passing tray and he offered you his hand once more* shall we?....*he would lead you back onto the dance floor and we would let the music entrance us once more*
*she smiled, watching him eat as she sipped another glass of champagne and nibbled some delectable cheeses. Seeing him help himself to food made her truly happy. When he said he was making of fool of himself she smiled warmly and squeezed his hand*
No, it’s wonderful. *when he said he was done she giggled, and leaned in to ask the attendant for two bottles of the exquisite champagne and a variety of snacks, especially the caviar, for their room. They would make a slumber party of it, staying up all night by the fireplace, sipping and munching and laughing and talking about everything under the sun, and maybe even dance some more.
She took his arm when offered, and let him spin her back out onto the dance floor, their movements falling in time with the colorful sea of masked couples.
she threw her head back and laughed as he twirled her. She was having so much fun. This was a night to remember.
When the music slowed to a more romantic pace and he pulled her close she laced her arms around his neck and looked up into his icy blue eyes and smiled, *soft and bright. She was having the most amazing time. She knew she didn’t have to tell him with words, that he would sense her contentment and excitement, that he would see the happiness in her eyes*
Thank you, Sebastyan, for tonight. For all of this.
*he blushed when you said he wasn't making a fool of himself. He knew he was. He was stuffing his face. It was so unlike him. He didn't know what had gotten into him tonight. But he felt Free. For the first time in four years he felt truly free There was no fear here. There was no little voice at the back of his head telling him he was worthless. There was no holding back for fear of repercussion. Even the air felt lighter here. He couldn't explain why all he knew was that this had been the best night ever and he wasn't ready for it to be over. He was so very grateful that you had suggested we stay the night. When he'd finished his "snack" he escorted you back on to the dance floor and we danced and danced until our feet could no longer support us. And he laughed along with you. Drunk on your smile and the twinkle in your eyes... When the music slowed he pulled you closer and leaned his forehead to yours and he closed his eyes and just swayed to the music. Content to just being here. in this place with you. He didn't see anyone else. He'd only had eyes for you all evening. when the music stopped and the band took a moment to reset he opened his eyes and he looked deeply into yours and slowly, shyly, almost tentatively he leaned in. his lips ever so gently pressing against yours, one of his hands tenderly sliding up to cup your chin as he did so.....and then it was like the whole world stopped spinning and in that one perfect moment was like everything slowed. The lights dimmed, the sound muffled and hushed and there was just us.. and the beating of our hearts and he let the kiss linger just a moment before breaking it and leaning back with the softest and fondest smile......before he realized what he'd just done and went completely tomato red.
*she was having the time of her life tonight. Her feet were aching but she hardly noticed, she was so caught up in dancing with him. She was warm from the champagne and dizzy from spinning as they moved around the dance floor as if they’d been doing so together their whole lives. When the music slowed they swayed, pressed close together, their fingers entwined, and when the tempo picked up they stepped and spun, laughing together, lost in the glimmer of each other’s eyes.
The music slowed again and he pulled her close, resting his forehead against hers, an expression of affection between them that ran deep and held more meaning than it would appear to anyone else.
The music died down for a moment and she opened her eyes to see him gazing at her, his icy blue eyes looking deep into hers, his expression hard to discern, almost as if he was asking something.
Her breath caught and her heart skipped. The ballroom, the castle, the world itself seemed to fall away like autumn leaves. Time slowed a moment into eternity.
His lips, soft and gentle, had found hers. she closed her eyes as his hand tenderly cupped her face, and she pressed into him, shy but longing. Careful, delicate. It was a first kiss between these kindred spirits and she knew now she had wanted nothing more than she wanted this, nothing more than she wanted him. when he broke away he left her breathless and smiling back at him. He looked truly happy.
But then his eyes widened and he blushed a deep red. She bit her lip, and placed her hands softly on his chest, trying to read him. She spoke softly*
Sebastyan? Are you ok?
*he was still blushing and he chuckled bashfully, rubbing the back of his neck*...uh....uhmmm yeah... I'm..... uh........ wow. *he bit his lip...*....I uhmm.... I hope I didn't overstep. I mean. You're just so. Amazing. and i'm having so much fun tonight and feeling unlike I've ever felt. I don't know if it's this place. The champagne. I couldn't be the champagne...alcohol doesn't affect me.....but oh......I don't know Sassy. I guess....I just hope I didn't do anything wrong. I would hate to have ruined what we have.
I've never known anyone quite like you. Someone who gets me. You're kind and patient with me. And I know it's not always easy. I can sometimes be all over the place emotionally, clingy one moment and pushing you away the next. But, when I'm with you it's like it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. It's just us and we do what we want. we get to just be us and be wild and spend the night under the stars or on the beach or curled up on the couch munching popcorn. it just feels right. and I don't want to lose that. I don't know what came over me just then but I just felt the overwhelming need to kiss you.....and so......I did......*he reached out and gently brushed a stray strand of hair behind your ear, his fingers warm against your cheek as he smiled softly, fondly. his eyes still twinkling like starlight.
*they were standing, a beautiful sun, as a cosmos of masked dancers revolved around them in a brisk tempo of elegant steps, still lost in their moment together, the rest of the world long forgotten.
She slid her hands slowly down to his waist, listening intently *as he spoke, her eyes wide and warm, the softest smile lingering on her lips.
She leaned into his hand when his warm fingers brushed her cheek. She didn’t answer him right away, needing a moment to take it all in. The kiss. His words. The expression in his eyes
*that told her more than his words had.
He was beautiful to her, in every aspect, even those things he considered flaws, because they were part of him, and she loved him unconditionally. She smiled, her soft gray eyes looking deep into his icy blue ones*
Sebastyan, you didn’t ruin anything. I... don’t know what to call what we have together, but it means the world to me. You mean the world to me.
*she bit her lip shyly*
I’d like you to do that again. I mean... um... if you ever feel the need to again... I would like that.
*he was still blushing when you said you would like him to do that again sometime. *he looked down and shuffled his feet and laughed. Ok he felt like a school boy. His heart was pounding and he felt like he had butterflies in his stomach. and he turned around and rubbed
the back of his neck and turned back towards you just as the servant you had spoken to earlier about getting us a room came back out and flagged us to let us know things were ready.....he nodded at the gentleman and he turned to you and motioned*....Looks like they have things ready for us. Did we want to head up or did you want to dance some more?....*he smiled warmly at you and offered you his hand. One way or another he was going to lead you. Either down the great hall towards the room that was made ready for us...or he would lead you around
the dance floor once again. One way or another, tonight was far from over and he was grateful for it. He had been so nervous about coming. Being around so many people. So many voices. Large crowded areas. But now that he was here. He was glad that you had convinced him to come and that he had let you convince him. He had had the most fun, he'd had in a very long time.
*she was blushing so much she was sure her bare shoulders must be pink. But she meant what she had said.
She ran her hands lightly up and down his sides reassuringly, trying to ease his nervousness, still looking up at him with a soft smile and loving eyes. He was adorable, they way he fidgeted, and she couldn’t imagine ever feeling this way for anyone else. He truly owned her whole heart, whether he knew it or not.
Her smile deepened when he told her their room was ready. Dancing into the late hours had been like a dream, rich with music and motion, a blur of glittering light and fantastical sights. But she was ready to settle in with him, curl up beside the fireplace, sip champagne, munch on some more delectable treats, and talk and laugh until dawn.
She took his offered hand, always so warm, entwining her fingers with his*
I think I hear that fireplace calling my name. We can head up if you like, ditch the crowd. Just us for the rest of the night...
*she tilted her head, looking at him playfully, her eyes sparkling*
*he nodded when you said you thought the fireplace was calling your name and he smiled and he would gently place your hand at his arm and he would lead you towards the great hall where the usher was waiting to escort us to our room. As we left the ballroom and the doors closed behind us the noise seemed to be swallowed up by the walls of the castle and all he could hear was your soft footfalls on the marble floor and the swooshing of your dress as you walked next to him. well when it wasn't drowned by the sound of the beating of his own heart. He said nothing as we walked just enjoying the silence. Once we turned the corner the marble was replaced by an intricate carpet that lined the hall and there were many doors. The usher led us to the one farthest down the hall
*he spoke softly as he pushed open the doors* "I hope this suite will be suitable. We prepared it away from the ballroom so that you would not be disturbed by the ongoing party. Your Food and drink has been brought it and kept warm for you. And if you need anything else +do not hesitate to ring for service. There will be someone available at all hours"......*He then looked at you and at Sebastyan* "Is there anything else that I can get for you before I take my leave? *Sebastyan blinked as he entered the lavish room. There was large fireplace+with a crackling fire, a plush carpet in front of it and a stack of cushions and pillows, and blankets. Across from the fireplace was a large four poster bed. hung on the wardrobe were two robes and beneath them were two pairs of slippers and he was ready to bet that were +exactly the right size. In the large vaulted window was a reading nook and in front of it was a rather large table where the food had been set in platters and belled plates to keep what needed to stay warm, warm. and there were two bottles of champagne on ice ready to be +popped opened. *He turned to look at the usher as he asked if we needed anything else*.....I....I....I don't think so thank you. *The usher would then bow and exit the room closing the doors behind him*........*Sebastyan would then turn to look at you*......+I feel like i'm in a fairy tale...... #GSmasque
*she ran her fingers lightly down his arm and nodded slowly, her gaze twinkling, when he said this felt like a fairytale.
She walked around the opulent room, illuminated by the fire, scattered candles, and moonlight streaming through the high peaked window, her eyes
*wide with wonder. She smiled in delight at the sweet and savory treats laid out for them, the ripe fruits, chocolate covered strawberries, delicate cakes and mousses, an earthy rainbow of breads, an elegant plate of thinly sliced rare meats, and a generous helping of caviar.
*champagne and sparkling waters awaited them, chilled in ornate buckets of ice.
The fireside was cozy, a comfortable nest of impossibly soft blankets and cushions, warmed by the fire and surrounded by candles in the festive colors of the autumn season.
She ran her fingers
*over the dark silk of the comforter on the large four poster bed, piled high with pillows. It looked like the most inviting storm cloud, a dark heaven, just waiting for them to sink into it.
She went to the window, smiling at the sight of the stars above and the
*intricate garden below.
She slipped off her shoes and set them beside the wardrobe, followed by her mask, placing it on a shelf inside. She removed all her sparkling pins and shook out her long hair, then turned her back and looked over her shoulder at Sebastyan*
Unzip me?
*he smiled when you brushed your fingers over his arm like that. He loved that you always sought to touch him. He took great comfort in your proximity and he knew for a fact that you had figured that out. He pulled off his mask and set it on the bench in front of the bed he walked over to the table where all the treats were and he popped a couple pieces of cheese and fruit in his mouth while he explored the room, munching happily he then turned towards you when you spoke and he nodded and moved closer so that he could help you with your dress he would reach out and deftly undo the zipper at your back, and then he would turn his back to give you the privacy you needed to disrobe and put on the fluffy robe that was provided. In the meantime he undid his blazer and shrugged it off draping it over his arm until you told him it was safe for him to turn around. When you did he would make his way over to the wardrobe and hang pull of the second robe that was hanging there and he would set it and his blaze on the bed and then undo his shirt and hang both it and the blazer neatly on the hanger before kicking off his shoes and setting them in front of the wardrobe next to yours and undoing his belt and trousers and slipping out of them and pulling on the robe and he'd fold the trousers and set them on the little bench where he'd put his mask earlier.* This place is too much....*he chuckled softly* Would you like some more Champagne? *he asked as he moved to your side with a warm smile pulling the chilled bottle from the bucket of ice? droplets of water sliding down the bottle as he held it up*
*she slipped out of her dress and draped it carefully over the chair, then wrapped up in the luxuriously soft robe. She turned to Sebastyan and placed her hand gently on his back*
Your turn. The robes are so soft and cozy.
*she stroked the length of his back as she stepped past him. Keeping her back to him so he could change, she went to the table and began selecting a delicious assortment of treats and savory bites, placing them on a tray she would take to the fireside. When he came up beside her she leaned affectionately into him*
A little more champagne would be wonderful, thank you.
*she reached up to pop a sugared grape into his mouth with a playful smirk.
She took the tray and settled by the fire. She arranged the cushions into a small half circle in front of the hearth, just enough space for them to get cozy. She placed the blankets within easy reach for when they wanted them. She stretched out on the cushions and munched on some smoky cheese with hearty bread. When he joined her she took her glass and thanked him, waited for him to get comfortably settled, and then offered a toast*
To fairytales and magical nights.
*her gray eyes, sparkling in the firelight, were lost in his icy blue gaze. She smiled softly when they clinked their glasses together. Her free hand found his, their fingers entwining in a natural, perfect fit. As though they had been made for each other*
Happy Halloween ๐
Blessed Samhain ๐ฏ
Thank you so much to
and #GSRPG for inviting us to come play.
#gsmasque ๐ค
blessed Samhain, my dear! thank you so much for joining us! i have enjoyed your visit with us and i cannot wait for your return again! ๐
Sky/ Sassy/ Seb~
*After stopping to greet Sam, she bowed low to depart and
twirled back across the dance floor, her skirts to her black lace dress swishing
softly as she went between dancers, somehow seeming to avoid them and spilling
what remained of her drink. As she made her way towards the main doors to the
gardens, she handed off her glass of misting drink to a passing waitstaff. She smoothed
her dress as she approached, waiting to greet miss @Captain_Sassy77 and master
@BazzieLibrani . She caught a glance of one of her favorite couples as they
entered. Sassy looked stunning in her silver masque and purple gown, and
Sebastyan looked regal with her upon his arm. She smiled brightly as she saw
them together. She scurried over to them, avoiding the few dancers at this end
of the floor and bowed low to greet them.* Miss Sassy, Master Sebastyan *she
spoke in a bubbly tone* I am thrilled you were able to make it this blessed evening
of Samhain! Welcome to the castle of Faye upon the Island of Realms. Please, do
not hesitate to ask for anything while you are here. *she leans in to place a
soft kiss on Sassy’s cheek as she greeted her then in a small hug. Then she
turned to Sebastyan to shake his hand.*
*she waved excitedly, seeing her friend approach them from across the dance floor, so beautiful in black lace this evening. She returned her kiss on the cheek, and happily hugged her* Thank you so much for inviting us. It’s beautiful here, there’s so much to take in. I just want to explore everything, especially the gardens. *she turned to make their formal introductions*
Sky, this is my friend, Sebastyan.
Sebastyan, this is my friend, Sky. She is Queen of this realm, and hostess of the Masquerade Ball.
*nodding and then blushing to Sassy’s compliment* the staff out did themselves this year with getting it all ready. There is even a photo mirror in the other room you just have got to try out! *she giggled then whispered* I did just yesterday. And be sure to stroll through the gardens later on before you leave, sometimes to fireflies will come and glow in the tree branches. It is simply breathtaking to watch them. *she smiles softly at a memory* they are the gardens Elijah proposed to me in. *she squeezes Sassy’s hand lightly* no formalities this evening. This *she plays with her butterfly masque Elijah found her* is a night of mystery…*she giggles at her mischievous voice as she says this and then glances around the room, her eyes twinkling like stars on a dark summer night.* I am in search of my king… *she winks in her giggles* but, I think I shall head back to the table for a refill of the yummy cherry and faye tonic misting drink. *she takes both of their hands, smiling bright* enjoy and explore. If you find you wish to spend the night to explore more in daylight, let them know to escort you both to the guest chambers wing. There will be a fire roaring in the fireplace as the night gets chilly for when you decide to settle in for the night. Again, so good to see the both of you this evening. And please have fun tonight.
*he would take your hand when you handed it to him but instead of shaking it he took it delicately in his hand and bowed down to place a gentle kiss upon the back of it* It's a pleasure to meet you Ms Sky.... this place is amazing. I look forward to discovering all the bells and whistles. I'm certain that Sassy, will keep me on my toes all night. *he would release your hand and sidle up to Sassy again, his hand finding hers.......He was trying really hard not to look like a nervous wreck.....he wasn't sure he was succeeding*
*she gave a slight blush in her smile as he kissed the back of her hand, and smirked at Sassy with a side glance* My miss Sassy dearest, you have found yourself quite the gentleman here. *she giggles again* oh, i have not a doubt that She will do just that, master Sebastyan. *she smiled sweetly as she noticed he took Sassy's hand. then, leaning in close to now whisper to both of them, sensing with her emphatic abilities a bit of nervousness from one of them.* no need for nerves this night, if it does get to be too busy in here, we have the gardens. there are smaller secluded gardens off of the main one you strolled through to enter here. i believe one might even have a swing for two? no one will venture down to those smaller ones this night. *tilting her head towards the crowd of dancers* i think they will all be much too occupied in the dance floor tonight.
*she smiled softly at Sky, and entwined her fingers with Sebastyan’s, giving his hand a gentle squeeze*
Thank you, Sky, for all your hospitality. You’re too sweet.
*she gave her friend another hug, and whispered with a giggle* Go find your king. He’s gonna love your dress.
*she smiles as they hug once again and giggles, whispering back* oh I shall hunt around for my beloved husband. *she giggles more* considering I wore the black lace rather than the real he originally wished for... *she giggled and kisses her cheek once before stepping back from their hug.* enjoy the night you two. Blessings. Remember, if you need anything at all. Not to hesitate to ask.
Jo slipped on her red evening gown and positioned the matching mask, complete with sequins and feathers, over her face and headed of to the ball. #GSMasque
Jowalled into the ballroom and looked around for her friends. She was on her own tonight, but that would give her the chance to mingle. #gsmasque
- Jo heads over to the refreshment table and pours herself a drink. She took a look around the room and watched as her friends enjoyed herself- #gsmasque
Well, it is nice to see them happy once again. The new overseer must be doing fine work over there after all. I shall have to pay a visit One of these days before we take off on our trip away...
*she whispers, taking note to herself over the happy scene. Then she hears a cluster of bubbly giggles enter through the
garden doors, as some young fayes that have newly joined the castle staffing to
learn what they may in their stays before they are sent to their other fated
ways. She thinks out loud.*
*she notices an old friend off in the shadows in the other
room, sitting alone with their choice of drink. She makes her way over to greet
them, a small detour before stopping by Jo and the others. She approaches the
table and bows low in greeting to her dear old friend*
Blessed Samhain, old friend. What brings one out from their
realm on this night?
*she gave a knowing Smile as she spoke, already knowing they
knew her bad joke.*
{*he let out a small chuckle, after sipping his drink
slowly. A slight amount of blood dripping from the corner of his lips. He
notices quickly and dabs it away with his handkerchief. * my queen, *he makes
to bow to her+ But she will not hear of it here of all nights nor places.*}

{All has been well and quiet since many things you have done
recently. All is well. *he gave a smile back* and the item one seeked months
ago? How has that worked for ones need? *he raised his glass to her to make his
agreement to her words known*}
All has worked splendidly. I thank you in the assistance in
that quest. I should now be set for some time.
{Splendid. *they gave a nod* I came because I heard of this
ball. Have you heard of it? *his turn to smirk at his bad joke. Their childhood
always consisting of such things.*}
*she shook her head* not a clue. *she winks from under her
masque and then nods towards those dancing* plenty of chances to see if Any new
students might be around...
{I have been... observing from here...shall we say? }
*she gave a nod* then I shall let one in their, observations
as one so put it. *she gives another low bow and turns to make her way around
the room, greeting those here and there as she Made her way around the room,
wishing her beloved might sneak in at any moment and "steal her away"
from the crowd that slowly began to grow in the room as the evening went on.
She loved the balls, and the dancing. But Samhain was special. She paused and
debated if she wanted to make her way to the gardens for some air...*
* * *
Instead, she makes her way around the room as she knows she must greet everyone in turn. It was only proper for the queen hosting such a gala to at least make sure her guests were happy so far before she disappeared altogether for a chunk of the night.First was miss Alex, standing alone in a quiet corner, keeping to herself. Then, she would head to Jo as she was closest at the refreshment table. She could grab a small drink while she was greeting her before then heading across the way to Sam. The raven guards would inform her as the others arrived, as sure enough, on her way over from miss Alex to miss Jo. She had some time she felt before they finally made their way to the main entrance way from the gardens.
While she spent her time greeting the others, miss Ember and master Dean finally entered from the hallway after their own private little greeting of their own... she smirks as she turns from Miss Sassy and master Sebastyan. She loved seeing them very happy together as the night will surely be a bright one for the young couple. She watches Ember and Dean as he sets both of their glasses down upon the table near them and he makes to then guide her out upon the dance floor.
She smiles and twirls herself about the dance floor alone, weaving in and out through the dancers so as to avoid yet again of being bumped into. She thought to maybe hide off along her quiet corner of her own and watch them dance for a short while. She giggles as she twirls happily along in her own tune that now played from the DJ. She made it over to a nice shadowed corner, lit only by dim candlelight and settled quietly to watch her friends and guests dance. She slowly gets lost in her own thoughts, wondering if her beloved esposo, Elijah would make it here this evening. She runs the palms of her hands slowly along her arms without thinking about it as she does, missing his arms around her. His recent trip being much too long this time for her liking. she wished to spin around the dance floor like the others, maybe with the occasional dip he would treat her to... she gets lost in her thoughts, a smile crossing her lips as she does...*
{rt }
ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife, @SkyBoivin
'She is and always will be a phoenix'
Yet, do thy worst, old Time: despite thy wrong,
My love shall in my verse ever live young ~๐ฎonnet XIX
℣ห│#gsmasque ∫ ๐ผ๐๐๐ถ๐๐น ๐๐ป ๐ ๐๐ถ๐๐๐ (IoR)
We shall remain immortal with our love/ Merely a kiss away/ our UnfinishedManuscript has only begun
{4 jan 2020}
The Masquerade
Away from all her guests.
She has already greeted
Them each in turn by now.
She watches happily
As couples dance
their romantic poses.
Quiet whispers
upon their lovers’ ears.
her daydream begins
in her mind,
them gliding along
between them all.
he makes his way silently
grazing his eyes around the room
couples happily about him
until he sees the one he wants.
he stands and stares,
wondering just how
this creature ever came to be his.
blue and teal butterflies
trimmed in gold,
framing her face.
coming back to the present
he resumes his way to her.
she feels his hand
slide slowly around her waist
caressing it as he does.
he places a soft kiss

the smell he recognizes
of honeysuckle and lavender,
belonging to that which was his.
A soft whisper in her ear,
(black lace, my dear?)
A blush to her cheeks as she smiles
Whispering back in his ear
(just for you, my love)
He slips her hand in his,
Guiding his goddess to the floor.
Simple movements;
Gliding and swaying,
Their private song
playing in their heads.
she giggles as he dips her;
he sees only this creature.
as she is brought back up
to meet his nose to hers.
Their lips meet finally
In a long-needed kiss.
- as he had said...
"He would be there,
Standing in the corner,
Watching you all enjoy,
Cheer even...."
*she notices Samuel standing off in the corner. After much convincing by herself and Dean earlier in the week, he had promised to make an appearance to the ball. She made a pause after her time with Jo and headed back across the dance floor, swishing and twirling as she went to the music to avoid the dancers lost in their own fun. She held her drink above her head at some points, to avoid spilling the delicious drink. Soon, she hoped to take a spin herself along this dance floor. For now, it was time for mingling and greeting all. That and searching among this growing crowd for her beloved. It was becoming fun, to see if she can find his eyes hiding behind the sea of masques around her…
Finally, she reached Sam’s quiet corner. She bows low as she greets him *Blessed evening, my dear Sam. I am very glad you did make it tonight. Please, *she waves her hand towards where Jo stood tasting food* make sure to get a bite of food. There are plenty of interesting treats and drinks that you must try. *she smiled brightly in her excitement of the evening. She showed Him her glass.* This is Cherry flavored mixed with honey and other berries…
Sky / alex~
*she comes up to the quiet corner of where Alex was hiding out away from the rest of the guests, watching them as she had briefly thought of doing so herself before stepping through the entryway and down the staircase. Softly she spoke as she bowed her head in greeting* blessed evening, miss Alex. *she gave a friendly smile as she spoke.* I do hope you are finding everything satisfying tonight? There are plenty of treats across the room and the next ballroom has a photo mirror I stumbled across. *she giggled* I had already tested it the other day. It is pretty neat. *she leaned closer to whisper* and if it gets too much, ask miss ember later where the entry to the special room of ours with the billiards table and such. One can slip away there to hide for a few mintues if one needs a time away. Also, we have the gardens where there are plenty of places to discover. *she smirks playfully at such a thought* you look divine, my dear Alex. That dress compliments you perfectly.
Sky/ Jo~
After spending some time with miss Alex and making sure she was settling in at the ball, she slowly made her way across the dance floor of the grand ballroom. Her skirts swishing side to side as she made slight twirls to avoid dancers in her path. She was heading now to the refreshments table to see how Jo was enjoying the evening.
Once she managed to avoid being bumped into dancers, in a masque no one knew really that she was who she was after all. For once, she could go invisible through the craziness of castle life. That, felt like a vacation to her. Even if it was only for tonight. She smiled as she approached Jo and bowed low to greet her, a playful smirk crossing her lips as she did.* blessed evening Miss Jo. How fairs our tasting of the treats along the table before you? Are you finding them all satisfying your taste buds, this evening? *she couldn't help but let out a giggle then to her silliness of the night now.*
Jo grinned back at the woman bowing in front of her. She
recognized Sky’s unmistakable musical voice, and she bowed in response.
“Everything is absolutely lovely. The food tastes wonderful and the place looks
beautiful. Everyone here seems to be enjoying themselves. Would you like a
drink?” She indicated the array of beverages before them.
*she smiled brightly as Jo commented on everything* They
out did themselves this time. Then again, they always out do themselves. Do not
hesitate to ask if there is anything you need. The staff is all over the place.
*she glances over at the table and notices the red liquid with mist coming from
the rim of the glass.* I think I must try this interesting beverage here… *she
reaches over for it and smirks her playful smirk* The cook promised me this one
is a special cherry mixed with the Faye Tonic my sister discovered. *she couldn’t
help but giggle at just how this would taste. She slowly places the rim of the
glass to her lips and sips it slowly. The mist cool against her skin as she
lifts it higher to taste it. She closes her eyes savoring the flavors splashing
upon her tongue.* oh, I must have Elijah try this once I find him later… this
is really tasty, Jo. Be sure you try this one later, too.
*she gave a giggle and smiled* in one form or another, I’m sure. *she giggled more and then looked out upon the dancers. She noticed Sam way off in a corner by himself. She gives a small sigh* It looks as though I must find a way for our two wall flowers *nodding her head towards Miss Alex and Sam in each of their quiet corners* to enjoy the festivities. Maybe I can suggest the photo booth to them. It is a neat mirror you can play with to take your photo. *she sips her glass again.*
*she gave a giggle and smiled* in one form or another, I’m sure. *she giggled more and then looked out upon the dancers. She noticed Sam way off in a corner by himself. She gives a small sigh* It looks as though I must find a way for our two wall flowers *nodding her head towards Miss Alex and Sam in each of their quiet corners* to enjoy the festivities. Maybe I can suggest the photo booth to them. It is a neat mirror you can play with to take your photo. *she sips her glass again.*
Jo ~
“How fun!” That was definitely something she wanted to try later. “I bet everyone will love that. I know I will.” Jo would be taking her pictures alone, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t enjoy it. She loved photo booths as a kid, and she wanted some pictures to remember this amazing evening by.
“How fun!” That was definitely something she wanted to try later. “I bet everyone will love that. I know I will.” Jo would be taking her pictures alone, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t enjoy it. She loved photo booths as a kid, and she wanted some pictures to remember this amazing evening by.
I have already tested it out the other day. It was pretty
neat when I did. *she nodded as she spoke.* maybe we can get the others away
from their wall posts and over to play too. *she laughs softly and then gives a
small bow* I must be off a little, I heard announcement of a few other guests
and I must greet some more. But I shall swing back around before too long. *she
gives a playful nudge* go mingle, there are dragons, and fayes and all kinds of
other creatures about here dancing and such.
“I will certainly do that. Should I go over to Alex and
Sam? They know me. Maybe they‘ll feel a little more comfortable with a familiar
face to talk to. Unless I still make Alex nervous because of recent events.”
I stopped by miss Alex earlier, so maybe swing by her
first? I can go greet Sam and send him along to you two in a few? Familiar faces
do makes these easier to handle.
“Think that’s a good idea. I kinda get the impression that crowds make Alex nervous. And we have a few hunters here tonight. That probably makes her even more uneasy.”
*she gives a nod before she bows low to Jo and then twirls about with her glass still in her hand to make her way through the dancers once again, this time towards Sam and greet him* I shall meet up again soon, my dear, Miss Jo *she gave slight smirk as she went*
Shift to Jo / Alex~
“We certainly shall.” Jo turned and made her way toward where @DamagedOne_ was standing by herself. She had a drink in each hand, and when she reached Alex, she offered a glass to the shifter. “You look like you could use a little company,” she said as she offered the woman a drink.
*she gives a nod before she bows low to Jo and then twirls about with her glass still in her hand to make her way through the dancers once again, this time towards Sam and greet him* I shall meet up again soon, my dear, Miss Jo *she gave slight smirk as she went*
Shift to Jo / Alex~
“We certainly shall.” Jo turned and made her way toward where @DamagedOne_ was standing by herself. She had a drink in each hand, and when she reached Alex, she offered a glass to the shifter. “You look like you could use a little company,” she said as she offered the woman a drink.