*please note, this is an open invite to come join in our group, @grayscalegods rpg annual masquerade ball event.
We hope you come, with friends and enjoy an evening filled of food, music, dancing and of course, fun!
8 oct 2020
*She heads off to the island of realms, slipping silently through an old grove portal. Stepping through the other side and emerging into the open gardens of the faye castle, she looks up into the sky as she smooths out her skirts.*
Off to the kitchens to check on everything before the ballrooms...
*she says out loud to herself as she makes her way through the gardens here. Already, preparations for the Halloween/ Samhain masquerade ball that everyone was already bustling about now that the month of October has finally arrived. Some remnants from the anniversary celebrations her sister niki had made for them were still here and there. Items that just looked ideal now to become additions to the gardens left behind upon cleaning up, sparkled in their coppery Ironworks against the sunlight through flecks of greens and bursts of colors of plant life.
She made her way to the kitchens, inspecting and looking over the plans for food, games and decorations galore.
She approved of all she saw, adding more of her ideas as well as she went over plans with the head kitchen cook.
Special treats for the kiddies and the young at heart, she smirks in soft giggles as she imagines certain someone sneaking some treats that night.
To interesting drinks to indulge wild dreams and delights. Some that mist with smoke hovering along the tops of the glass brim to those of deep rich blood from unknown places for creatures of that variety; to the more lighter side creature comforts of the others among the realms.The ballrooms set for seating of all walks of life. Along with space for the dancing to take place all the night through. Music and more as candles will flicker their soft glows well into the wee hours of morning...
Hidden away in their private garden area, a special preparation for just the two of them so that they may sneak away from the crowds of creatures come to celebrate the day and nights to come.
She nods her approvals to all then strolls back to the gardens to sneak away to their private garden area to look over things. She smiles as she slowly runs her palm along the stone wall down the stairs. The lanterns giving a soft glow to her steps.
A pause by their tree where now a beautiful chandelier hung draped in elegance and the feel of their beloved fireflies. She smirks playfully as she twirled under it a little, a small giggle escaping her lips. Then, not far was a small area with a lovely and elegantly dressed area waiting to be dressed in delicious delights of food for them to enjoy. She smiles as she plays with the settings before skipping off to the portal back to home. Home to her beloved corazรณn. Anywhere in the world that might be always.
30 October 2020
-the night before-
She returns the day before festivities are to begin to ensure all is well. Smiling as she goes in her approvals, she checks on pumpkin patches ready and full of those ready to be carved by guests, should they so choose to do so.

Fence posts heading the other way lined with a small pumpkin atop each post of the fencing, a softer feel up towards the castle.
She turns to make her way up to the castle, gardens and ballrooms themselves. The gardens decorated in webbing and lights giving a fun feel here. She grew excited with all Hallow's eve just around the corner.

All was set in decorative says as she approved before so she made her way down to the fire area.
Once here, she noticed some cauldrons placed along one area, tables lined with food not far from them. She breathed in deeply and ran her tongue along the bottom of her lip in anticipation. Mulled cider, apple ciders, some beer, all being warmed and cooked to heat up the souls that will be here to dance and enjoy fireside. She snuck a taste of some cider, closing her eyes as the warmth tingled down to her toes. She giggled to herself and turned to head off to ready for her appearance at the masquerade ball.
She strolls through the night before the grand ball of the masquerade ball of Halloween, checking in on guests who arrived early for the fun. She nods in turn to each greeting of creatures far and wide from all the realms.
This was more for them, than for her any more. She loved Halloween, especially the dressing up part, and she did slip into a small costume with a masque to conceal herself from the spirits that might be lurking early this day. She headed off firstly to check on the haunted house her dear sister had made for their wedding anniversary. Deeming it to stay just a little while longer, with Halloween and all. So that others may enjoy it this night as well.{For fun house set up- go here:
[https://twitter.com/MsNiki3/status/1307773246817931270?s=20] }
She smirked mischievously as she looked over those at play with it. Tinker's was in full swing at this point with extra treats. A giggle escaped her as she spied a young one sneaking a lolli from a jar and taking off.
A small shake to her head meant she was to pay that scene no mind. Tonight, or tomorrow, is the night for tricks as well as treats.She herself picked up a caramel covered apple from their display to indulge in along her stroll. In the ballrooms, tables lined with Jack o Lanterns were lit and played with bowl of candy corn before their eyes as she made twirls about the dancers here to make her way across to the entry to the gardens. The steps here lined in colors as well.
She made her way down to the bon fires...
She makes her way down through the main ballroom and small ones alongside early in the evening of all Hallow's eve. Guests arrived the night before and throughout the day.
Some staying a while in guest chambers already prepared for such occurrences, others just for the evening festivities. She pauses along her way to Ember and Dean, Miss Sassy and Sรฉbastien along with all the others who made their way to attend.
Many masques and costumes littered the floor of the dance floor. The piano being played softly for now, then other music ready for later on. She smirked playfully as she lifted her masque to her nose and danced her way across the floor.
She twirled her way through the room to check in on old friends.
A short conversation with her old teacher of another realm with their mischievous smirks exchanged. "Scanning for new potentials again, i see?" As she greets in a bow.
"As always, my little faye, and my queen. There seems a few new numbers of potentials this year. A wonderful turn out." He bows in return then lifts his glass to salute. "A finer selection found this evening as well, i might add..."
With a giggle in her smirk "your pupil is happy to know you might have more to teach as you taught this faye. As well as glad to hear that you approve of the new wine." With a whisper "I hear tell the brewers found some new ones to try out for it this year. I shall let them know you approve."
"I thank you" he then disappeared into the shadows.
She turns to dance her way back across the room. Towards the entrance of the gardens so she might sneak away to the private area awaiting for her and her beloved corazรณn Elijah this night. She felt a quiet time away from the crowds would be a nice change for this years festivities. She wondered on what he would be wearing this evening as she made her way across the way...
Hidden away in their private garden area, a special preparation for just the two of them so that they may sneak away from the crowds of creatures come to celebrate the day and nights to come.