I hear hurricanes a-blowing
I know the end is coming soon
I fear rivers over flowing
I hear the voice of rage and ruin
I feel the storm coming
I know when it will arrive
I see it approaching
Like the coming tide
30 june 2018
Hmmm... which mischief outfit for the next outing.....*giggles* #TeamInsanity
And of these.... when going to the dragon kingdom .....
2 july 2018
~3 July 2018~
begin solo
*smiles to herself, as she steps outside into the backyard.* 'Moisture on the air' *she thinks to herself as she hears the low rumble of thunder in the distance. Feeling the energy slowly build up more and more around her as the thunderstorm creeps closer crackle and rumbles of thunders grow more and more as the storm comes closer, her smile brightens and her eyes widen more brightly as finally a small faint flash of lightening in the corner of her eyes appear, followed by a long, low rumble of thunder... finally, a release from the summer heat arrives to cool them all down. One or two fat drops tease her of the coming storm. A smile remains as she stands in the middle of her garden, waiting to welcome it. Suddenly and finally, without warning, the sky opens up and the rain pours down. Drenching her in its delightful coolness. She lifts her head up to the sky and welcomes the cool drops to kiss her eyes, and her lips. Until finally, she must make her way back into the house again. Drenched. But recharged.
jul 3 2018
*smirks, and walks away whistling innocently*
*smirks* what mischief?
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good 😉#DisobedienceDay }
5 july 2018
~ "sweet dreams are made of this.
Who am I to disagree..."
~" Like a comet pulled from orbit
As it passes a sun
Like a stream that meets a boulder
Halfway through the wood
Who can say
If I've been changed for the better?
But because I knew you
I have been changed
For good"
-for good, wicked
~ 'Oh raven, you shadow my soul, forewarning a storm, so cruel and so cold Oh raven, do lend me your eyes, and show me my fate so I may survive' -k
solo~ 6 july 2018
Solo start
as the evening approaches, and the sun sets, the garden area around her gets slowly noticeably darker. Even more slowly, is the dance that begins to take place. Every night. This time of the year.
From the neighbors yard faintly, is the firefly dance.
They slowly make their way down through the neighbors back end of their yard. Crossing then through the fence. And the eventually into the garden. A smile crosses her lips and her eyes how wide with childlike excitement awe, and wonder. They blink of tiny yellow flashes in the air. Randomly spaced and placed in time. They dance around her in the garden. Making they're inevitable way to the house. Dancing ever more around the yard. Sitting on the bench just quietly soaking it.
~solo end
solo~ 6 july 2018
*she lays down on the garden bench and lazily watches the dragonflies dance around her now that there has been a pause in the summer heat from all the rain from the day. She slowly closes her eyes as the cool breeze begins to gently bend the tall flowers in the garden to bow -~down to it. She drifts off in quiet solitude in a nap awaiting her love to return home.*
6 july 2018
New outfit idea..... what mischief?
11 july 2018
Wild lady slipper flower
Gram would allow me to pick 1 only when we went to camp.
And I always gave it to gladis to have in her room. She was elderly at the time.
Childhood memories
solo~ 26 july 2018
~solo*she stands along the edge of the cliffs, overlooking the cove and the sea below. She walks slowly along the edge away from the weeping cheery tree until she comes to the one spot. She silently stands near the edge of the cliff at this spot.
She falls like Alice through the rabbit hole, only down the side of the cliff through the portal that exists there and only the few know of. She feels the soft, old ground under her as she lands. She slowly opens her eyes to see a world she hadn't seen in years, eons in fact. She carefully looks around and lifts herself up off of the now forest floor
* she reached the edge of the water and stepped out, climbing carefully over the rocks on the edge. She stepped up and through the Grove of weeping candles. She made sure to stand in the middle of them and to not listen to their cries of pain and sorrow. For she knew that if she
*did, it would be the end of her mission. And she could not fail in this one. It was much too important for her to be successful in this...
*Finally , she made it through and came up to the castle she remembered all too well.
The druid was here. She had to be extra careful. He may have already heard the story of what she had done to his brethren back on Beltane...
*She bows * yes, I do. And I understand. As you may already know as to why I have returned?
*and turns to be on her way. She heads down along the side stairs to tmfind the sisters three...
{You must defeat the one you seek this time alone. If you dare want the goblet of yours to
*flow like a river never ending once more like wine.....}
*So off she went in search of the champion of their realm.the giver of life, of blood. Of the blood thirst...
*she comes across the Grove where he would be found*
{ well, well. Have we run out of our precious goblet already? I would have thought it would have last eons longer than this...*he smirks at her*}
*she stands strong* I gave it to a family member in need more than i
{How very noble of you, my little faye... *he bows low*or should I say my little queen, now? *he eyes her with a snicker in his voice* }
Yes, well. All in good, for the good, as always, right? Old friend?
{*he looks at her* do you expect me to just hand over such a thing to you
Did you think you can just have it, little faye?}
Of course not. *she looks him in the eyes, while pulling her dagger out.*
I know when one must go up in front of thee, one must be ready to battle thee, my lord of life. *she bows in return*
I was just hoping, as friends of old. ...
{*he draws his sword and takes his stance* ready my little one?}
*she nods and takes her stance. They move at each other as though they were really in a practice. She remembered his every move from when they were younger...
*she makes one move on him he unexpected from even her. She places her dagger at his throat and pauses*
{bravo, pupil }
*she faintly smiles and slides her dagger down. She grabs his hand and slices it open. Pouring it over Her goblet.*
{ very well played, little faye}
{You won this round, my queen. *he bows* allow me to send you home to your realm. *he reaches his hand out to her* until we meet again. My dear friend. }
*she takes his hand and whispers* until next time my friend.
*she wakes back up safely under her old weeping willow tree on the cliff top once again. She sits up quickly and looks in her bag. She pulls out the goblet and finds the mission really was a success.
She slides it back into her bag and heads off to her cave to keep it safe
*she hides it safely until she can finish the ritual ...*
~end solo
29 july 2018

solo~ 31 july 2018
*as she leans against the tree waiting, she decides now is as good a time as ever. No one is around to look for her. She may as well head off and get this last step done for her spell.
So she heads off down the garden path to to secret exit only she knows about...*
*she silently and swiftly makes her way down the path and out of the castle gardens, unseen by the guards. She heads down to the old groves and finds the tree lined path to take her to the ancient woods area she will need...*
*she walks silently and cautiously, for some times there are creature non too friendly in this part of the forest. Especially to the faye people, let alone the Queen herself, alone and unguarded...*
*she comes to the secluded walking bridge that takes her above the magical waters below. She crosses quickly. She would have any other day stopped and enjoyed such a sight, but time was pressing for this task she had at hand to be done. And she did not want to grow scared
*and back out of what she needed to do. At the end of the bridge, and through a narrow cavern, she comes up to the seemingly abandoned sanctuary. She looks around to be safe and sure that she was not followed. She takes a deep breath in and steps through the gates
*heading to the ritual site. She calmly places her bag on the ground near by, and sets to getting all in place. She lights the candles one by one after setting the protective quartz in their circle. Nothing will be allowed to enter. But, as an extra insurance,
*she adds a ring of salt around her working area, as well. She places her items and to blessed and spelled in the center and closes her eyes. She then stands and casts her circle, calling on all the elements, the corners, and those of gods/deities to help guide her.
*she finishes herb circle, and sits down in front of her items. The goblet filled with the blood from her last mission. And the other items necessary for this dark spell...
*she takes out her dagger, and slices into her palm. Placing the dagger on her lap, she squeezes her hand, pressing her fingers deep into the wound. She allows the blood to drop slowly out of her hand and into the goblet. Mixing it with all of the other ingredients.
*she pauses a moment and then places her hands out, palms facing the goblet. With eyes focused and locked on the goblet, she makes flames appear inside the goblet. Setting all inside aflame. She sings her chant louder and raises her hands slowly up to the sky
*as she does. The flames follow her hands as though alive and obedient to only her. Her eyes never leaving the flames, entranced by them, they turn so deep a red, that they look almost black. Entranced still by the spell, suddenly, the flames blow out. Almost as though *someone blew out a birthday cake. She sits there staring at the goblet, waiting for anything more to happen...
Silence, is all that welcomes her.
She slowly stands up, and closes her circle thanking those who came to her aid. She gathers the goblet first and then her other items
*once certain she was still alone, she silently and swiftly heads back to the castle before anyone could get get a chance to notice she was ever gone...
... once back at the secret entrance to the gardens, she slips silently back into the garden and back against the tree
*like nothing ever happened...
She hopes the spell worked and the goblet will work when the next blood thirst came around...*
~end solo~
solo~ 2 aug 2018
*she stands alone on the edge of the top of the cliffs. Looking down upon the cove far far below her. She watches as the waves crash hard on the sharp rocks below. She knows of one thing she can do at this point. They only thing she knows of how she can see him again...
*if she was to fall here, the spot where she knows she can get between the realms. She can go any realm she so desires. But, she can also go between the veil this way.
The one spot of faye, where the living and the dead can be together. But, she must fall first...
*she closes her eyes a brief moment. She can faintly feel his kisses upon her cheek. As though he was still there. But, she needs his arms more now. she breaths deep and jumps off the cliff, falling quickly down the side of the tall wall of rock towards the water below...
*she makes it through the portal of the veil safely. It's always a risk if one does not do so correctly. She lands on her knees and hands and slowly get her bearing before looking around. She sees the vast space of mist surrounding her...
*slowly she gets up from her knees and stands tall. *she focuses and remains in control of her thoughts. She slowly calls her circle and asks upon the ancients to guide her.
...Then she throws an energy blast outward. She pauses and waits, holding her breath....
*it seems like ages pass. Nothing appears to have happened. Did she do something wrong? Has he moved on before she could do this?
She shakes her head quickly trying to push such thoughts from her mind. She pulls back her tears to only have one lonely tear escape ...
She stands in silence waiting to see if he will appear through the mist and walk with her through the veil. Even if it is only this one time that I'd allowed for her. ....
*standing for what feels like forever,
She losses hope a moment, and falls to her knees, hanging her head...*
solo~ 12 august 2018
*she slips out of the ballroom unnoticed and races down the stairs. She runs across the garden and reaches the secret entrance making sure not the drop her carefully wrapped item from the chest. She pauses when she reaches the gate, looking to see if anyone ~
~*has followed her. Certain that she was not, she slips through the gate and races down the path.*
Like hell will I allow my druid spell book stolen out from under my very nose and they not pay for such a thing!
*she mutters under her breath as she makes her ~
~*down the path. She reaches the beginning path to the misty mountains where she is greeted my one of the ravens.*
Tell the others I'm coming.
*she tells him. He caws and flies off. She races down the path after him.~
~ she passes the old burial grounds and stops at one of the older head stones. She kneels down in front of it and pulls her skirt up to grab her dagger out. She jams the dagger into the ground in front of it. She grabs up a handful of grave dirt and slips it into her pocket~
~ *she stands back up, slides her dagger back into place and heads out of the burial grounds. She is greeted by a few of her dogs as she is. She lifts her hand out to one, who sits gently on her hand as the other follows close behind her. Come along boys...
~*as she walks along, he walks up her arm and rests more on her shoulder. She hums softly as she walks through the path up through the misty mountains and into the darkening woods. She comes along the entrance of the ritual spot she needs for such a spell she must work ~
~*more of her dogs are gathered here. She looks at them and smiles softly*
Yes, my boys, we are up to right a wrong done to your queen. Let us set straight to work.
*she head over to the ritual spot and kneels down, pulling out her wrapped item. She places it ~
~* gently down on the ground and sets to unwrapping it, revealing an old book. Older than the dawn of time one would think just from the sheer sight of it. She pulls aside the cauldron and adds her ingredients into it, adding the grave dirt last.~
~*she opens the book and chants softly from the pages, making a flame spark from a wave of her hand in the cauldron. As it burns, she chants as in a trance*
...Bring what was taken back to me....
*the Ravens circle around her as she continues. She lifts her hand up and~
~*sends the contents of the cauldron flying into the winds. Watching as it swirls up through the dogs circle above her head. As it scatters along the wind... the book in her hands lights with the flame to tell her it has been done. She blows on the flame on the book
Come along boys, now we plan out our revenge.....
*she hums softly as they caw around her. she slips back into the castle gardens and sends the dogs up into the trees within it. She heads back up the stairs. Hoping she has still gone unnoticed.*
~end solo
30 aug 2018/ {24 nov 2018}
*she slowly makes her way leisurely through the gardens, lazily running one hand along the tree trunks and walls as she walks past them each in turn...*
*eventually, she finds herself at the secret exit to the garden. She debates if she should dare go and see this old "friend " of hers or not. Dare she go see this soul sucking sprite or just ignore their request of her presence in their home. It wasn't like they could...*
Does she dare go inside now? It's been eons since she last spoke with them. Alas, she came all. This. Way.
*It would be too late to turn back now. She pauses and takes in a deep breath before venturing towards the front steps. She grabs the door knocker of heavy cast iron and lifts it to knocker, sending a resonating echo throughout the surrounding hillside. slowly, the door creeks open. She peeks her head inside and calls out*
*as she steps through the threshold, feeling the magic spelled on the door frame surging through her to be sure she is safe *
*she looks around carefully, the old house lit only in dim candlelight. No one is apparently at home at this time, from what she could tell. Her fingers slide lovingly along the old grimoires. Older than time these books hold everything. And this person was the keeper... she sent them away to this place, yes. But it was for the safety of all. If no one knew this place, these books. This person existed, then all would be safe. No fears in spells getting to the wrong hands, ever. she whispered softly as she trailed her fingers along these old things. These treasures, as one might call them.* you came...*a soft voice said behind her. She turned behind her and looked upon the voice* and what was so urgent, sweet one that you needed me ...
so badly before things happened to who?
*a tilt in her head and a puzzled look*
You're future, my queen, of course. As always. You keep me safe here *waving at the house* and I keep all the secrets safe. All the grimories in great care. *she bows slightly, never taking her...
Out with it then, there is lot to be done. And I'm sure this will just add more to what I must do. *she tries to not sound annoyed by all of this.*
*a slight smirk upon her friends face as she lifts her hood off of her head and heads over...
to the fireplace. Stroking the fire when she gets there before continuing on* alas, I've seen things... my dear morrigan.
Wars they will try to wage,
After what seems as a blissful time.
Threats of nappings,
And possible followings of these such things.
More trails of wars...
*she continues in her rhymes as she plays with the fire, setting the poker down finally and staring into its flames *
For these wars
But those least thought of will rise to the top
New champions of the queen
New friends new allies.
Old friends will be ...
found out as foes,
All along
Two faced. Scarred in their own times
From their own pain and denials.
Their own suffrage will then follow
Their attacks will become their own demise
They will reap what was sown by themselves
For the false hearts will be no more...
*she slowly goes to her by the fireplace. Listening closely at her castings.* not castings, visions. She came to you *she whispers to her*
But why you, when she has always come to me? Have I wronged her?
*no her friend shakes...
she came to me because you were due to come to me...*she turns quickly and runs across the house digging around furiously for something...tossing things here and there. Knocking things over.* I had it here. You gave it to me to keep safe... but. But. She said you must...
*puzzled* I must what? What is so important?
*she flips a stacking over and suddenly hugs a book wrapped in a shawl* this... you must take this back. *pauses and looks her dead in the eyes* she said you need this right now, before they try to make war on you...
*whispers* who is going to make war on me? *she walks up to her and places her hand gently on hers*
*sad and scared eyes looking back at her* your closest loyals...a stack of books across the room falls over, breaking the silence that sudden came over them*
*eyes narrowed* it's hard to think on such a thing to be true. But, alas *sighs* one never truly knows these days...
*she slides her hands down so she may accept her book back...she takes the old grimoire, and holds it close. Feeling all the power of ancient days seeping through its covers.*
Thank you *bows* I promise there will be a day, when this will be returned here.
*she wraps the book better and slides it into her satchel*
*she bids her old friend good bye for now. And slips her a small purse of coin for anything she may need.*Thank you again for your trouble in these. Blessings * she heads out the door and back the way she came from. Back home...she sneaks back through the secret entrance of the gardens. Unseen and apparently Unnoticed this entire time. Holding her sachet, close against her body. She runs quickly up to her chambers to hide the grimoire and keep it safe...*
~*she walked alone along the beach. Alone in her thoughts. Alone in her worries. Nothing else has worked at distractions from her thoughts. Nothing else really matters right now.....~*she stops along the way to stare out unto the vast ocean standing before her. Lost more into her thoughts. ... *She climbs up on the rocks, watching the waves crash along them. Fierce and strong. As strong as her thoughts piercing through her these last couple of days.
Nothing she could do stopped them...she opens her arms to the wind that blows against her as she stands along the rocks. It makes the waves splash more up into her face as they continue to crash on the rocks below her. She tries to let her mind go....she climbs down the rocks into the crashing waves. The icy water stinging her skin as she climbs down...**she wades into the deep waters moving slowly aways from the rocks the waves crash dangerously on now that she was down at them. Further on out to the depths of the ocean. As far as she dared to go...
Like she's being rejected from the ocean....she allows the wave to carry her. Not bothering to fight what's being done to her. The waves carrying her to the shore. She lands hard on the sand and passes out safe enough not to be drowned as the waves softly lap around her. ... slowly she stirs awake. Realizing she is now on the shore. She sits up and pulls herself further up on the shore, wrapping her arms around herself as the chilly air blows on her with the setting sun. She sits and waits *~* her thoughts driving her deeper into her pain, the loneliness of the one side conversations because of the disappearance. She walks back into the ocean...she slowly swims out into the ocean, further and further in. Wishing to ease her mind. Take away her thoughts racing in her. Wanting to just be calm. But missing those arms. Missing the simple kiss on her forehead.
The guarding of her dreams.... it just keeps weighing on her. Racking her head as to just what happened
Onward she swam more... the water seemed calm at this hour, maybe it could help ease her as well.... as she swam, a riptide she wasn't watching for, carries her much further out ...she wakes from being tossed through the rip tide, miles and miles away from the shore now. She let's out a sigh as she looks around. Nothing but ocean. No land in sight. She starts swimming in a direction she hopes is back to the shore...she dives underwater to get better distance using her skills learnt from her mermaids friends.

She swims for what seems like hours... she comes up at one point for air. Her lungs pushing to explode by now from being under the water for so long. She breathes deep and long, wiping her face of the water as she surfaces to the top...**she allows herself to float a moment before continuing on to find the shoreline again. Searching around her, she see waves in the distance. A sure sign some form of land or dune was near by. She makes her way towards them..

29 sept 2018
6 oct 2018
Tormenting myself watching final episode of the originals again .. the feels....

Sky looks around, “Our own private beach now, huh?” She smirks to herself as she walks down to the shore, letting the waves lap at her toes along the shoreline. The water just now starting to get chilly as the seasons change, But she needs to be in the water after all that has happened. She needs to let the energy go. Now would be the best time, as no one is around to see her. She slowly steps into the water, wading deeper in. She stops far enough in as her swollen pregnant belly was half covered in the chilly water. She closes her eyes and slowly lifts her arms above her head, clasping them lightly together. She pauses her a while, calling her circle in. Focused on her ritual, not noticing at first the water around her no longer chilly, she slowly brings her hands down to her chest. Calling softly all the negative energy from the past weeks to rise up from with in her. She breathes steady, remaining focused as she does. After a slow long breath in, she releases her arms quickly outward and away from her. Sending the energy onward and outward away from her. But, this time it seems different, more powerful. She ponders this a moment. She then closes her eyes again and begins to close her circle. Thanking for the allowance of the release.
She then starts to head back and notices now how that water is no longer cold around her as she moves. “I wonder,” she whispers, smiling softly and gently rubbing her belly. Feeling the slight kicks from her girls. She whispers to them as she wades back to the shore, “your papa will be so excited to feel your little kicks, my little bugs,” smiling to herself about the thought. She reaches the shore, and makes her way to the blankets and pillows left behind from when the others used to frequent here with her. She takes up a towel to dry off with and then wraps up in a large blanket. She lays back on the soft pillows to rest a little from the energy release before she heads back to their chambers at the castle. ~end solo
28 oct 2018
"she was the kind of girl
who was a chaos of contradictions
from one second to the next,
for her mind was never free."
Nikita Gill, Your Soul is a River
December 2018~
solo~ 6 dec 2018
*she quietly walks out into the gardens on this quiet night, enjoying the solitude of the hour. She heads to the edge of the garden where the secret entrance is and ducks out, unseen by anyone. She looks around, smiling at the peaceful night..
~*she heads to the large field near the stables. Enjoying the feel of the tall flowers and grass as she slowly walks her way to the woods at the far end of the field. She pauses a moment, to pick a couple of the flowers of purple clovers growing wild here...
~ she sets them in her hair and continues to walk to the woods. Looking around in defense, just in case anything or anyone was there who should not have been. All was still quiet...

~ *once at the edge of the woods, she follows the path into her sacred grove. Her 'dogs' now taking their true form and staying with her. Some remained behind to keep her hearts safe at the castle. She smiles soberly at them as one perches on her hand...
~ new day, new dawns
My pretties.
New beginnings
Surely this shall lead to peace
With them here in our hearts
And being home.
You will help keep them safe
As you have always done with me
I know this holds true.
They are of me as much as they are of him.
Together they shall...
be peace and new beginnings.
But they shall do so in their own ways.
Alone in each individual and together in their sister bond.
*she strokes the wings gently of the one on her hand and it nuzzles her briefly before removing two feathers, passing them to her.
She nods and ...smiles*
Gracias. I shall keep them safe til a time they may need them.
*she sends him off to the sky and heads back to the castle, back to her chambers to rest the remaining evening*
~ end solo for now~
solo~ 7 dec 2018
*she flies through the door, races down the stairs and he lines straight for the library. She searches quickly through the shelves mumbling under her breath* I know it has got to be here somewhere... *she sees it finally. An ancient, worn book.She snatches it up quickly and stuffs it unto her carry on bag before pausing to listen to the bunker.*
They must all still be asleep...* she runs down the hall to her room to grab some other needed items. In her room, she throws open her chest and stares at her assorted weapons. She grabs her dagger, and slides it along her leg. Then grabs her potions, stuffing them into her carry on next to the book. Lastly grabbing her sword and bow and arrow set before slamming it closed and racing out of the room
she pauses at the main room and scribbles a note quickly so she may sneak out before anyone else notices she's in gear for a hunt.
' got a lead on the pirates. Rumor king Roberts did not have all his fleet there that long ago night. one ship with his second in command was away. Checking it out
*she heads out the door and back to the cove to follow her lead...arriving at the cove, she sits by the fire pit and pulls out the book, scanning through the pages. And pausing from time to time, watching the cove. she seems to be alone for time being. No one back at the bunker must have seen the note she left. She continues reading the old grimoire she had kept hidden all these years. She whispers to herself* it's a good thing this hasn't fallen into the wrong hands... *She stops on a page and looks at it thinking. She looks near her and grabs a long piece of driftwood washed up on shore. she begins copying the symbols from the page upon the sand. Without taking her eyes of the page; her nose buried into the book by now as she scribbles into the sand in short, quick swirls. Mimicking the exact ways they were drawn on the pages. she stops and looks down at her feet seeing the circle of symbols in front of her. setting the stick down, she looks out to the water and the cove. she lifts the book to scan the words. she sets it down and begins to recite the old Gaelic words out loud. the symbols in the sand glow a soft blue as she chants. they continue to glow as she chants in Gaelic. she holds her hands out over the symbols and ends the chant. the blue glow slowly comes up from the symbols and to her hands. once it is all at her hands, she closes her eyes and focuses; sending it out to the entry of the cove. she stands and waits. watching for anything to happen. unknowing exactly what to expect from this. after some minutes, she sits back by the fire, placing the book back in her carry on bag. she sits and meditates as she waits for the spell work to take its affect...~
~end solo~
Sky lands and goes to the back of the cave, goes to her bench. “Now, where is it...?” She looks slowly around. “Ah! There you are.” She grabs a simple box and brings it to the fire. Sitting at the fire, she opens box, removing a necklace. She places the necklace around her neck and closes her eyes. She begins to softly sing a song the Merlin taught her when she last did this. The fire grows bright as she sings, making the necklace grow hot but doesn't burn her. She reaches with her mind to get the demons she took from Gabe. “There you are...come on out and play?”
“Never!” The demons yell back at her.
“Oh, come on now, it’s more fun on the outside...” She snatches them up and throws them into the necklace. Breathing deep, “oh, always that one last one...”She searches deeper. “I had you all together, where did you get to, now...” Suddenly flashes of everything Gabe went through race through her mind. She screams out in pain. “Oh you think you're so smart huh?” She snatches him and squeezes him tight with her mind.
The demon makes chocking noises. She throws him in the necklace, and throws the necklace into the fire, chanting and singing loudly. Watching the flames burn, she hears their screams from the flames. Breathing heavily, she waits and listens. Finally, their screams are silenced. She grabs the necklace unharmed by the flames and throws it back in the box. “There, now you can’t hurt him anymore,” placing the box back in its safe place. She stumbles and grabs bench. “That was worse than I remembered.” She closes eyes and centers herself. “I need to get back to help the others...” She pushes herself from table and forces self to fly back.
She returns and goes back to making things as the other night. Grinding the remainder of the egg shells where she left off. She grinds it to a fine powder, pours back into jar, and places it on the shelf of finished jars. She pauses and looks over at the simple box where the necklace was kept and pauses. Shaking her head, “They can't hurt anyone anymore. They're all gone. You saw them fry in the fire yourself.” She closes eyes. “Balth, I need you here...” She prays and stands silent for what seems like forever. Finally, she puts her hand out to reach another jar and can't continue. The memories of what she saw, still on the front of her head, she takes a deep breath, “you got this. You've dealt with worse.” She pauses and scolds herself. “Who am I foolin’? He will never return.” She sits on floor and holds head in hands.
Sometime later Balthazar appears in the cave, “Sky?”
Not believing her ears, she looks up, whispering “Balth?”
Balthazar pauses, “you ok?”
Relief at the sight of Balthazar alive and standing in front of her, she reaches for him, “I saw...” she pauses as tears begin to flow. Then whispers, “Everything they did to Gabe...”
He sits down next to her, pulling her close “Yeah?”
Finally, she lets tears flow. She whispers, “It was horrible. No wonder he was so broken.”
Balthazar nods, “I know.”
Sky continues distantly, “It's so hard to push it from my mind. It wouldn't have been so bad, if,” she pauses and sighs, “if that last one wasn't so stubborn.”
Balthazar begins to run a soothing hand through her hair.
Sky rests against a moment then looks up at Balthazar puzzled, “you’re?”
Balthazar looks at her, “what?”
Smiling, she finishes her question, “are you feeling better?”
Balthazar thinks a moment before responding, “Yeah. Way better.” He grins. “Thank you. I will need to recharge every day, though… but no matter.”
“Good.” Sky smiles at him and snuggles against again, “Baby steps. I'll be OK in time. It will just take a while for these memories I pulled to go away. It's just overwhelming right now.” She begins to stare off into the fire.
Balthazar continues, “I will still need to get my own grace back, but this will at least keep me alive.” He smiles at her and then suggests, “I can take some of them from you, so that it’s easier.”
Sky starts to relax as she watches the flames dance around in the fireplace, “Only if it doesn't hurt you.”
Balthazar smiles to reassure her, “Of course it won’t. I can just absorb them.”
She frowns and shakes her head, “No...That’s what I did. You don't want to see these.” She sits up straighter, concerned.
“I am a celestial being, billions of years old. They will just sink to the bottom.” Balthazar smirks.
“Trust me; you don't want to see these.” Sky’s eyes begin to well up, “The things they did Balth...” she trails off shaking her head as the tears trickle down her cheek.
Balthazar comforts her, “I can’t let you suffer, Sky. I will survive, promise. It’s gonna be ok.”
She pauses, “I don't want you to hurt from them.” she closes her eyes and then lets out a sigh, “Fine,” she finally whispers.
Satisfied, Balthazar touches her forehead, absorbing all the bad memories. His eyes glow blue. Once done, he sits in silent shock for a moment. Finally, he whispers, “Shit…”as he takes all the memories in and just sits there, staring at the ground. Finally he looks up, “how did you not go insane? It’s ok.”
Sky falls to her knees, “No!” she holds him. “I...I can redo this and maybe I can make it so I don't retain it again. The original demon is gone…” she quickly suggests without thinking. She whispers, “I prayed for you to come. Plus, I had to help you, In between.”
Balthazar hugs her, “Thank you.”
Sky returns his hug and laughs a little, “Those bastards ruined my Beltane fire watching.
Balthazar grins at her, “Well at least they didn’t get you.”
She smiles and kisses him, “I may have torched some of them instead... And.... may have let Gabe take one as a new toy...” she bites her lip. “Which.... I get to have play time soon with. I have questions for him.”
He grins, “Well of course. Surprised… oh never mind.” He gives a crooked grin.
She gives a wicked smile in return, “Well, we need to know who's started this. I'm not safe until the top person is dealt with. But first, I must talk to the new toy.”
Balthazar gives a nod, “and I will turn the whole universe upside down if that means finding them. Well of course, do what you need to.” He smiles.
Sky nods and then rests her eyes, falling asleep.
*she steps through the woods behind the bunker careful to be silent as she steps past her wards she set up many moons ago. She looks around carefully, keeping her eyes and ears at the ready in case of anything that may come after her. It’s been some time since she's really actually gone out like this. But it was long overdue. She had to test out the wards and make sure all was good. She takes a slow deep breath before she continues further into the woods. She follows the faded path leading away from the bunker. Silently thinking in her head the many million things she always does. Spells to be made, ingredients to be gathered, what she was running low on, just to start. To things like how to help poor Gabe from his nightmares of memories and to Renee, and the goddess like abilities seeming to surfacing. And helping her regain her memories. And her wolf, helping her to regain trust in love once again. After being tossed aside to be replaced within seconds of being so. She feels in her heart dean can melt that barrier of hers. If only he can allow himself to do the same. They are two sides of the same coin, it seems. And she hopes someday they will. Helping the Morrigan, see past her fear of losing her childhood love, possibly. She feels this just might be the reasons as to why she over shadows all around her. Mother Morrigan, might be old as time. But she still shows human emotions, and so she must have some form of a soul within her somewhere. She, like anyone here has a lesson of life to be learnt. And hopefully her and Katie will return to realize that they cannot control life. It I'd not meant to be controlled. It is meant to be a little chaotic. That is what makes it called life. It’s how we learn. How we are molded into who we become. She hears a snap off to the side and freezes. She closes her eyes and lets out a long breath of relief * just a rabbit *she whispers to herself. Next comes a blow from behind.* son of a- *she starts as she lands on the ground. She rolls over quickly and grabs her dagger from her thigh all in one swift motion. There’s nothing there. Puzzled and now on alert, she quickly jumps to her feet and stands ready, slowly circling around.* I know you're out there! Show yourself. I'm not afraid. *she darts her eyes and she keeps her ears keen to any sudden sound. A jab at the knees that sends her to the ground again and a faint laughter running away. She glares in the direction of the sound. Her eyes flash a faint red as her anger builds.* she slowly stands up, grabbing her dagger as she does. She stares in the direction of the sound and whispers* do you want to test the queen of your kind? Then so be it. I dare you to come attack me again, you little fucktards. *she slowly turns in the direction they ran off to and listens. She closes her eyes and links to the ground. She slowly scans and then steps towards an old sugar maple. Placing her hand on it, keeping her eyes closed. The tree whispers to her. They link to the rest of the woods. She watches through the dryads of the forest. Her eyes snap open suddenly, a flash of deep red and she darts through the woods, her wings flipping silently with her. She flies through the woods at full speed now, dodging trees and bushes. Until she sees the faint image if the sprite that's was attacking her.* you little shit. *she mutters under her breath as she puts her arms out and tackles them to the ground. Holding them tight as they tumble on the ground together. *
{ahhhh!!! let me go! *the sprite screams out and squirms*}
Why are you here? *she spins them around to look them in the eyes, her eyes flashing red once again*
{*the sprite glares back at her. refusing to speak.}
*she asks again* who. Sent. You?
{*the sprite snaps their fingers and disappears from her fingertips, leaving her alone in the woods*}
Dammit! *she mutters, her eyes flash red again and she sends a blast of energy out to the middle of the woods. The blast hits a tree and sets it on fire. She looks over and mutters* crap. *she quickly gets up and heads to the stream nearby and calls on her circle. She brings the water up. It slowly swirls up and around as she calls on it. Once it forms above the tree, and blasts it, sending the water as a mist over the fire, putting it out. She straightens out her skirt and hair and then heads back home.*
the queen fayes cave archives~ selected

may 1 2018
{note beginnings of newbie to rp~ pardon sloppiness/ updated best could to organize}
Sky~ {to the others with her} Yes. Cave is on the highest perch of the mountain. Across from the cliff overlooking the drop to the cove. Looks at the cherry blossom tree now in bloom by me.
later that day~
She lands under tree across from cave. Sits under it. Places book in lap. Looks around. "good. All is nice and quiet." She opens book to read. Leans against the large trunk of the tree. Running her fingers along edges of the pages as she reads carefully and then starts to day dream as she fiddles with the pages and a piece of old parchment falls out.
"What's this?" She opens the piece of parchment and sees Older Egyptian text. "odd..." as she tilts her head, "I better go grab a translation for this one."
She then quickly takes off for bunker for another book to research her discovery.
She lands at the cherry blossom tree and screams loud and long.
She closes eyes and pauses for the silence to come after the sound of her scream echos below. she breathes long and deep. Ever so slowly. finally, she whispers, "why can't they just leave me alone. Migraine now turning to stay out of my bubble get away. Being spoken to as though I'm some stupid idiot. Being told I'm stupid. Then span up my as all of a sudden no means let me still be up the ass. Poke poke poke." She screams again.
Mean while, the Lady knight sneaks to cave to leaves treats and the favorite drink for the queen faye. The faye calms down some after the release of the energy and goes over to the cave. Seeing the gift left for her, she smiles and sits to watch sunset while munching on chocolate. She whispers, "thanks my right hand..."she smiles at the thoughtfulness of just knowing.
[Later on that night]
She sits at the edge of the cave writing. Or more day dreaming and watching the stars come out...
She Stands silent in the circle under the tree, Connected to angel radio still as a she absorbed the spell flame. She Tries once again with the spell made angel grace to speak to him
{Balthazar. Please it's alright to show yourself. I can connect to this, I can see you fine as well.} she waits...
Goes to cave with the new sachet.
[*Lady knight sleeping in shadows* what you got ?]
sky ~Walks to the back of cave for her supplies *smirks* stalking me again dearest?
[You need a sitter...]
Fingers the jars and scans their contents *smirks* no I dont. I have a sidekick.
[Lady knight smirks* they should be fired then .... fate always in trouble...]
*Grabs an assortment of jars. Arms full, goes to table.* Not any more than balth is in the woman's body right now. He's having too much fun in that right now.
*changing topic*
*opens each jar and adds various amounts of each in the mortar*
[I have a headache... do nothing without me... *smirks*]
*pauses places fingers on temples. New angel energy to find headache*dulls it just enough**turns back to mortar and pestel*
[Closes eyes to rest]
*begins to grind everything together. * Bed in the corner dearest
[Sleeps in corner]
Once done...
*grinds items together in mortar. Pours in small cauldron. *Still need couple more things.
*goes to mouth of cave. breeze lightly blows hair in her face as looks out along the island. she sighs* I have to get the staff now. But going in there.... *shakes head*I better go now before the others wake up....* she heads to the faye castle. Walks softly through the front gates. everything seems too quiet.
Passes by a statue of the first queen* Somethings not right.*she is attacked from behind*
Son of a -
*the attacker cuts her arm. she sends a blast at them. They turn to dust. she looks around. Hides behind statue in shadow. she hears other faye talking to a shadow demon*
{Yes, she will be captured. We will get her not a worry}
{{ you have better}}
{ she will never make it to be crowned}
{{ good. }}
*her eyes flash red, they leave. She looks around, flies off back to others*I'm not getting in that way.
*she lands at cave, enters the back room of supplies. she starts throwing things together in mortar. Starts crushing it and then looks around* damn. I have to go back and grab something ain't i? *she frowns and comes back with the missing items. Sets down on table. Begins to work again on it. Puts it together from memory adds back to sachet for later* that should do it. *proceeds to start on a new spell* Maybe I can ease the pain... *Finishes putting new spell together. Puts in a sachet. Flies off to the tree. Lands under tree and walks into the circle of quartz. starts casting her circle.
I call upon the north, south, east and west.
I call upon the earth, fire, air, water and spirit.
I call upon any god, goddess, deity that helps me
Please guide me
Help me to get through to him.
*she lifts arms up as a circle. Up above head. clasps hands together as though in prayer, brings down to center in front of her chest, takes a breath in to ensure she is grounded and centered. Opens eyes*
Please send me guidance to help ease his pain.
Please show me the way to help him through his pain
Please show him I am here
*takes sachet and places it on ground by her feet. makes a small fire spark on the sachet so it begins to burn. Sits and watches until it burns completely Once done, stands back up.
Reverses her circle lifts hands up from her chest center and up and outward to her sides again*
I release you and thank you north, south, east and west.
I release you and thank you earth, fire, air, water and spirit.
I release you and thank you god, goddess, deity that helps me
I thank you and release you to do as you see fit.
*stands still in the circle a while longer, tears begin to well up as she stands there waiting for anything. The wind begins to pick up in her own hurt and sorrow, rain begins to fall on her. stands still looking straight out intone great beyond of the out stretched sea before her, not really seeing it at all. falls to knees. Waiting for anything to happen. Rain pouring in a drizzle around her. Wind blowing her hair in her face. reaches in her pocket and throws her runes upon the ground. Not daring to read them. Not caring anymore.looks up to the sky as the rain washes over her, washing the tears away from her eyes*
{continued elsewhere conversation with Balthazar}
*sits under tree before starting the days work. Mist and sunlight rising simply more beautiful than before, if at all possible. Sprites and nymphs dancing off in the woods for the day. Smiles and lays back on the grass enjoying the rising sun*
It's going to be a good day I think.
*stands up for a moment and adds ribbon to one of the branches.*
She adds colors purple, yellow and blue with notes asking for blessings to those she wants attached to them.
And then adds a white and orange entwined together for all of them
*goes to back of cave, grabs chest with protection signs. And grabs one of the sachets out. Takes a smaller sachet, and transfers a little into the smaller one. Replaces the larger one back into chest. * just in case you are needed.
playing w demons` ch 17 queen faye book 1
Sky lands at the mouth of her cave and goes to the back. Going to her bench, "Now, where is it?" She looks slowly around. "Ah! There you are." She grabs a simple box and brings it to the fire. Sitting at the fire, she opens box, removing a necklace. She places the necklace around her neck and closes her eyes. She begins to softly sing a song the merlin taught her when she last did this. The fire grows bright as she sings, making the necklace grow hot but doesn't burn her. She reaches with her mind to get the demons she took from Gabe. "There you are, come on out and play?"
"Never!" The demons yell back at her.
"Oh, come on now, it's more fun on the outside." She snatches them up and throws them into the necklace. Breathing deep, "oh, always that one last one." She searches deeper. "I had you all together, where did you get to, now." Suddenly flashes of everything Gabe went through race through her mind. She screams out in pain, dropping to her knees. "Oh you think you're so smart, huh?" She snatches him and squeezes him tight with her mind.
The demon makes choking noises.
She throws him in the necklace, and throws the necklace into the fire, chanting and singing loudly. Watching the flames burn, she hears their screams from the flames. Breathing heavily, she waits and listens. Finally, their screams are silenced. She grabs the necklace unharmed by the flames and throws it back in the box. "There, now you can't hurt him anymore," placing the box back in its safe place. She stumbles and grabs bench. "That was worse than I remembered." She closes her eyes and centers herself. "I need to get back to help the others." She pushes herself from table and forces self to fly back.
the next night
She returns and goes back to making things as the other night before she was interrupted to head back to the bunker. Grinding the remainder of the egg shells where she left off. She grinds it to a fine powder, pours it back into the jar, and places it on the shelf of finished jars. She pauses and looks over at the simple box where the necklace was kept and pauses. Shaking her head, "They can't hurt anyone anymore. They're all gone. You saw them fry in the fire yourself." She closes eyes. "Balth, we need you here." She prays and stands silent for what seems like forever. Finally, she puts her hand out to reach another jar and can't continue. The memories of what she saw, still on the front of her head, she takes a deep breath, "you got this shit. You've dealt with worse." She pauses and scolds herself. "Who am I foolin'?" She sits on floor and holds head in hands, fighting the memories from the night before racing through her head.
Sometime later Balthazar appears in the cave, "Sky?"
Not believing her ears, she looks up, whispering "Balth?"
Balthazar pauses, "you ok?"
Relief at the sight of Balthazar alive and standing in front of her, she reaches for him, "I saw." she pauses as tears begin to flow. Then whispers, "Everything they did to Gabe."
He sits down next to her, pulling her close "Yeah?"
Finally, she lets tears flow. She whispers, "It was horrible. No wonder he was so broken."
Balthazar nods, "I know."
Sky continues distantly, "It's so hard to push it from my mind. It wouldn't have been so bad, if," she pauses and sighs, "if that last one wasn't so stubborn."
Balthazar begins to run a soothing hand through her hair.
Sky rests against a moment then looks up at Balthazar puzzled, "you're?"
Balthazar looks at her, "what?"
Smiling, she finishes her question, "are you feeling better?"
Balthazar thinks a moment before responding, "Yeah. Way better." He grins. "Thank you. I will need to recharge every day, though... but no matter."
"Good." Sky smiles at him and snuggles against again, "Baby steps. I'll be OK in time. It will just take a while for these memories I pulled to go away. It's just overwhelming right now." She begins to stare off into the fire.
Balthazar continues, "I will still need to get my own grace back, but this will at least keep me alive." He smiles at her and then suggests, "I can take some of them from you, so that it's easier."
Sky starts to relax as she watches the flames dance around in the fireplace, "Only if it doesn't hurt you."
Balthazar smiles to reassure her, "Of course it won't. I can just absorb them."
She frowns and shakes her head, "No. That's what I did. You don't want to see these." She sits up straighter, concerned.
"I am a celestial being, billions of years old. They will just sink to the bottom." Balthazar smirks.
"Trust me; you don't want to see these." Sky's eyes begin to well up, "The things they did Balth." she trails off shaking her head as the tears trickle down her cheek.
Balthazar comforts her, "I can't let you suffer, Sky. I will survive, promise. It's gonna be ok."
She pauses, "I don't want you to hurt from them." she closes her eyes and then lets out a sigh, "Fine," she finally whispers.
Satisfied, Balthazar touches her forehead, absorbing all the bad memories. His eyes glow blue. Once done, he sits in silent shock for a moment. Finally, he whispers, "Shit," as he takes all the memories in and just sits there, staring at the ground. Finally he looks up, "how did you not go insane? It's ok."
Sky falls to her knees, "No!" she holds him. "I. I can redo this and maybe I can make it so I don't retain it again. The original demon is gone," she quickly suggests without thinking. She whispers, "I prayed for you to come. Plus, I had to help you, In between."
Balthazar hugs her, "Thank you."
Sky returns his hug and laughs a little, "Those bastards ruined my Beltane fire watching.
Balthazar grins at her, "Well at least they didn't get you."
She smiles at him, "I may have torched some of them instead. And may have let Gabe take one as a new toy..." she bites her lip. "Which, I get to have play time soon with. I have questions for him."
He grins, "Well of course. Surprised, oh never mind." He gives a crooked grin.
She gives a wicked smile in return, "Well, we need to know who's started this. I'm not safe until the top person is dealt with. But first, I must talk to the new toy."
Balthazar gives a nod, "and I will turn the whole universe upside down if that means finding them. Well of course, do what you need to." He smiles.
Sky nods and then rests her eyes, falling asleep.
Why are you so much of a problem? *holds it in hands and watches the reflection of the flames against the silver*
*grabs a cloth and begins to polish it* I guess I can't let you tarnish before your big day can i?
*polishes for a min. But still figitity. Puts it away and goes for a walk to the tree*
*sits under the cherry blossom tree and just watches the blossoms fly around her.
*smiles* just watching the blossoms dance*
*sighs* I really need to get that back room cleaned..
*grabs up broom and heads to back hidden room*
I really got nothing done in here last night....
*sees all the swirls made by the broom last night. Shakes head*
Man I was a nervous wreck. *laughs at self and begins to actually clean the remains of her heartbreak the other day*
*puts on her headphones as she does and starts twirling around with the song. *
*sweeps piles into the middle of the room. Hip swings jars on edge of the tables. *
*so they rest more on the tables.*
*slowly the room comes back into order. Wipes face with back of hand*
I think that will don't for now.
*goes to main room work bench and begins working on a new potion. Brings the small chest with the vials from king Draco's supply room*
*places it on the table gently and gathers up her cauldron and other things she uses*
*hums softly as she methodically adds her normal spell workings together. *
*the jar of white ash leaves, crushed up goes first, then the white egg shells of a fine powder. *
*looks around the area, finds her other jars of dried and crushed rose petals, cosmos petals and other petals from her gardens*
*grabs a few sticks of the hoscas plant for water element. *
Now where is my moss....
Ah * grabs it off the top shelf where she left it last to dry out. Breaks off a piece and crumbles it in.*
*opens the small chest and carefully looks at the vials inside. She picks one out and feels healing vibes off of it. *
This should work ...
*places it beside the cauldron*
*makes a fire ball in her hand of blue light and places it inside the cauldron. *
*she watches as it all mixes and burns and fuses together, chanting ancient words as it does.
*slowly it burns low, and she breaths the air on to it. Adding air element to the spell. Slowly she picks up the vial, and adds a small amount to the newly made spell*
*she's mixes it a little and adds it to a few vials. Replacing the original one back in its chest and hiding the newly made ones in a new one just in case.*
*holding up one of them.* I hope this works later. We shall see if this does remove any poison for the blood as it is said to*
{convo with balthazar half gone when he deactivated. }
[referring to beltane and poiisoned blade attacked with]
Well, when I defeated draco, jak and I went to his magic supply room.
He had all the druid and dragon magic there.
That blade you were poisoned with,
Well, he had the cure for it.
So I've been here working on it all day until.... well, things happened.
So here is a small amount to try and see if it actually cures the poison from your blood completely. If it works, I have more I can replicate for furture, because I'm sure you'll need it *smirks at you*
*lays under cherry blossom and watches the flowers blow in the gentle breeze*
*takes a deep breath in. Letting the perfume of the flowers envelope her*
*closes eyes and makes the blossoms dance more around her*
*smiles faintly as the blossoms dance, opens eyes and makes them open more with a wave if her hand, making them float on the breeze around her.*
*sits up and smiles as they float softly around her.*
Maybe it can end as a good day after all....
*sighs and looks out to the water *
Helped one....
But ....
*sighs and lays back down*
*closes eyes and whispers letting the wind carry her words* my love, what's bugging you today. ....
*lays there and waits for any sign.*
*realizes nothing is going to come, stands up. The opened flowers fall to the ground. She flies off to her cave*
*at the cave, looks around. Notices she's alone. Lights a fire as night is approaching.
And lays down in front of it*
[jaylynn and nilsa went to cave looking for something while queen away]
n~*slips up to the cave entrance with drawn sword* Your majesty?
j~*looks around carefully* the workroom...
n~*conjures a mage globe for light* doesn't she usually keep candles lit back here?
j~They are lit by her hope... Her emotions give this place light...
n~That's not good then. * Looks around*
j~The whole kingdom will die... *frowns*
n~Is it usually this much of a mess? I've only been here a couple of times.
j~When she's pissed she throws things... Where is that book..
n~*sends globe to the ceiling and makes it bigger* Which one are we looking for?
j~Dragon... *thinks*Unknown family history...
n~*begins picking up books, checking titles before stacking them carefully**mutters* Nothing.
j~*presses against wall opening compartment* awww... Whose a clever girl....
n~*looks over* Very clever.Is that it?
j~*tucks it in bag* the book *looks again* *smirks* oh hell yess Oh shit...
n~What is it, Jay?
j~*pulls out vials* BIG BOOMS
n~*eyes light up* Toys!
j~Hell yas... *careful stores them
n~*calls the mage globe closer* Anything else?
j~I don't...thinks so...
n~I don't...thinks so...
j~I agree....
5 25.2018
{note: Queen faye was asked to perform a marriage between jedi and gabriel after they had already secretly snuck off to her private waterfalls most held sacred and performed their own soul binding ceremony without anyone privy to information. did so behind miss embers back after gabriel horribly broke ship with the poor girl. }
*flutters down to the tree overlooking the cove. Stands there and allows the wind to blow through her hair. finally she let's out a heavy and sad sigh*
Mother goddess. I ask of thee to send me guidance. *she speaks out to the wind. Allowing it to carry along her words *
I have a feeling I will be asked to perform a marriage I am not allowed to do. *looks up at the sky as the cherry blossoms float around her*
It is written, that no marriage may be performed by a priestess of Avalon, or any daughter of Avalon for that matter, once a soul binding ritual has taken place.
*sits sadly on the ground* how do I tell them without breaking their hearts?
*waits a moment. and then flutters away*
*stands under tree and watches the sun rise. The gentle breeze playing with her hair as she does so*
Enters her cave after so many long weeks of not being here. And looks around to be sure her barriers are still in tact*All in the right, she enters the inner room. And sees some small disarray.* must have been when I was captured. *looks into the further back room and sees the mess she had left there. She sets to work finish cleaning this up.*
*lays down in front of the fire staring off into it. Watching the flames dance around, telling their story. Slowly she drifts off, watching their story for unfold as she Drifts off.*
*flies in, lands at mouth of cave. Doesn't even bother to look around as her normal precaution, for the blood thirst is beginning to take over and drive her mind insane With the need for it. She darts inside the main room and stands there, skimming the room.* it's not in here at all.... I KNOW I kept a few extras just in case I needed to give one to someone.. just like I did. *she mutters under her breath to herself. she opens the door to the more secluded room. One no one else is ever allowed in, as it contains the more dangerous items in some of her spells. Things to be kept under lock and key. Just like she wished this blood thirst was for once and for all. But, alas, one can't change blood line and history. The werewolf had been a part of her family eons ago. And it was a memory of a past life buried so deep she can't even touch it because of the spell put upon her in all the lives to follow her. She just knows of it and that it's there. she starts rummaging through the chests in the way back deep dark corner of the room. For this is dark magic that makes it work so well. Blackest magic never before possessed by any human. Let alone only few faye have been able to ever make it back from this path.
finally, she sees the ornate trunk of old viking markings. She pauses and holds her breath. She almost forgets to breath again. She grabs the trunk and brings it to the table in the room. She takes the lock and holds it in her hands, chanting words of the ancient ones. Her eyes glow red as she does for its black magic she must do now when dealing with this.
It opens after some time. She flips it open. And the there are 5 skulls remaining in the trunk. She gently grabs one out.and closes the trunk and places back where she found it. Runs over and grabs the skull with both her hands, heads back to her main room. she places it in the middle of her workbench and puts both hands on it. Feeling the dark magic flow through it along her fingers. She opens her eyes after some time of meditation with it in this stance, and removes her hands. She pulls out her map of the island and frowns. That a few hours journey and not very safe at that. Looking at the daylight, she'll have to leave now to get there. And back before any of them knew she was gone. She places the skull in her bag and flies quickly, map in her other hand*
*flutters into mouth of cave and heads to her room, grabs a glass jar and slides the pretty curse ball into it. Seals it up and locks it away she Leaves the cave and heads back to them all. She returns to the cave and still playing with the ball. The energy form both still surging through her like a lifeline of endless possibilities...she grabs a new glass jar and starts to place it in the jar. She pauses a moment however. And places it on a bowl. And sits to watch how it glows and lights up the room....*
*she smirks, watching it glow and reflect endlessly in her eyes*
Oh the fun to be had with you......*smirks again. She then takes the other jar and combines them both* slowly so not to cause too much completion at one time. She then focuses on redirection of the spells used on both walls. Her hands glide slowly over the now one ball.....*
*she stands straight and tall calling the power of the morrigan like never before. She moves and glides her hands gracefully over the ball of energies, now conjoined as one body. She opens her eyes. The are still the deep blood crimson red as before. But now with a flame behind it.....*
[hollow issue with elijah- sent nilsa and jaylynn to cave to things she can help with]
n~*appears outside the cave* Sky, what's wrong?*heads into the cave* I've got the crystals you asked for.
s~< elijah... i.... I don't know.. but my gut..>
j~*appears with arms full of supplies* I'm here
s~< he passed out and collapsed. ... I need the protection items.... and my trunk with other .....things. in case....> < back room..... trunk in middle of table, bring that to me. Castle, but don't enter my chambers ....>
j~Give me what you have?
n~*begins grabbing crystals* Do you know which trunk?
*hands off the bag of crystals
j~Ummm... That one *nods at it* taking the crystalsí
n~*gets the trunk* What could hurt Elijah?
j~Only one thing I could think of...*eyes filled with worry*
n~Which castle we headed for?
j~I'm... Not sure
s~< any ... just hurry. ...>
j~Let's go
j~*snaps herself away*

*she enters the mouth of the cave and quietly enters the inner room, starting to work on the number of tasks she has been holding off on. ...
She assess her area and gathers what she is going to need close to her work area to start doing so.*
*decides still tired and that is not best to be in when spell working, lays on sofa in front of fire and tries for a nap....*
*paces in front of her work bench aimlessly not knowing g where to begin working .... not really know what to work on honestly. ...*
*she grabs a random bowl of herbs and throws them into the mortar. She starts grinding it down into fine pieces*
*once grounded into small enough particles, she grabs a jar and pours the contents in to it. Then she carefully wipes the mortar down and starts on another one to grind down*
*coming to the end of this batch, she finds the right jar to add it to, and then cleans it once again before grabbing the next thing**having fallen asleep on her stool at the work bench*
[j~*sneaks in and carefully lays Sky on the couch before going to explore the catacombs she found connected to the main cave*]
*she sets to take inventory of what she has, with the harvest approaching and what she must gather
*she pulls over a stool and leans over to the far corner of the top shelf to be sure she doesn't miss anything. Glancing over everything.*
Crush egg shells, crushed rose petals, lavender. .... sea shells, still to be crushed....
*small sigh* I am running low....
*she eases herself down from the stool and sits at the sofa to jot down her list.*
*she sets the journal down and sits back to watch the fire.*
*she sets her bag down and checks her barriers/ satisfied all is safe and secured, she heads over to her work bench and looks around the area. She frowns when she realizes the trunk she needs is up high. She grabs her stool and slides it as close as she can get it. she climbs up on the stool and leans over the work bench. She has trouble reaching at first and then stretches more to try and reach it. The stool goes on two legs as she reaches, grabs the trunk and then she shifts her weight to make the stool back on all 4. She swings the trunk quickly on the bench, holding on the top of the trunk as she settles the stool.*
*she closes her eyes a brief moment and then climbs down. She holds her belly a moment and sots on the stool. After a few minutes, she turns back to the bench and flips open the trunk. inside she grabs a necklace among many that reside in this trunk. These are all designed to keep one from jumping into realms unnecessarily. This should help Bella from going back into that realm of her father's again. Or any other ones for that matter. she lights the white candle in the middle of the bench and holds the charm end on the flame. Whispering words of the old tongue as she does. after the spell work,she places it down and watched the flame more. She cross her arms and sets her head down on her arms. She brings her fingers up and places with the flame of the candle, watching it dance around and cast it's shadows around the room*
*she sets her bag down and lays on the sofa by the fireplace. Waves her hand to light the fire and curls up. *
My words are just not helping anyone at all this week..... I shall just hide out here until the waxing moon is over.... it's only a few more days. They'll all be better off this way. *she curls up and goes back to sleep*
10/12/ 2018
*she stands looking over the silent cove below. The vast ocean and waves crashing as they always do along the rocks below. Restless at this hour, and unable to sleep. thoughts as always in multitude running through her head. This and that. Sometimes making her Topsy turvy like Alice in Wonderland as she fell down the rabbit hole. she stands and listens and watches. Just as always. The month putting a strain on her abilities. And the shadow people following her around once again. Like they always do this time of year. They lurk. They cast images near her. Out of the corner of her eye. Slowly driving her nuts. She always shakes her head to double look and be sure if it's really someone walking along or just a. Tree looking like someone is there.*

*she sets her bag down and grabs her mortar and pestel set, and grabs empty jars. She brings them to the sofa and table by the fire because of the chilly day outside. she sets everything up and starts to prep all her dried flowers for future spell works*
{finding on news on health on someone in group}7.10.2018
*she flies down to under the weeping cherry tree. It's blossoms blowing gently in the morning breeze. It's blossoms soft and fragrant at this hour. She stands underneath it and just looks out past the cove below and the sea out past. Nothing buy mini islands and sea stretched before her here. She rakes a deep breath in and holds it for what seems like forever. As long as she could, until it hurt like she hurt within. Finally, she let out a long loud scream*
*it echos and rattles all around her with such force, the sides of the cliff shake and parts break off the face of it, falling down to the cave below. She exhales slowly. But still feels the pain. The pain of always being the bearer of such news. Of always being the one to be gone to the one that others seem to forget, she needs time to herself as well......
That she shuts down internally with things like this happen. She shuts down. Another breath in holding it just as long. And another scream*
*she falls to her knees as this time the ground beneath me shakes and rumbles under her from the force of her scream*
*more of the face of the cliff slides down to the cove below as well. Tears finally let loose from her face as she sirs on her knees....
*she shakes her head.and in her tears her lower lip quivering* why? Why does he have to go? Why take such talent away so soon? It not fair...
*screams out to the universe* IT'S NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!
*an energy blast of red flies out in a circle from her going in all directions. *she whispers* it not fair .....* she trails off.
*she has always don't the hard work. The bearer of bad news. The one to get the information first hand. And expected to hold it all together in front of the world
*no matter what. Crying in silence. Alone. Always. She can't let the world outside see any of it. They won't understand. They never understand. glancing at dms at this hour....shakes her head no. Not at this hour. She can't deal with that selfish as it seemed. She just can't handle her and her own friend issue right now ....
Last night she just wanted music and healing.... not for adri to add to her story. And for adri to keep going and ignore what was said in dm.... not a peep even at this hour from her on it
*she sits and cries for a while longer. No more energy to be expelled at this time. *
[Mariah Carey hero]
*stands on ground and screams as it to resonate and shatter the entire area. A lightening boldly from the heavens circles down in reply and splits the weeping cherry tree in half, right down the middle of the massive trunk causing branches to catch on fire.*
This... this is why!!!!!!!
*she bellows and her voice shakes the ground*
This is why I stopped ever helping others way/ back/ when!!!!! They all assume that I am a mind reader.... that I can understand their cryptology. That I can just know what they want to be saying with out saying it. I can't keep pulling their teeth to pry out the god damn information out of them!!!!
They all expect me to know. They want me to help. And yet when I give them the answers... they get scared. And they blame me for everything fucking wrong!!!!
*falls to her knees red flames emerging from her. she throws her hands out, not caring where the energy goes any more. Or who might be in her line of fire anymore. Part of the tree catches on fire and ignites quickly. She doesn't even care to take notice.* I can't help those who won't tell me what's going on. Assume I just know with out them telling me. Or just say "ok" when I come out and say I am confused and I don't know what you're talking about. They need to stick with one fucking person if they're telling someone their woes. And nor go around assuming another is going to know what is going on. And when I don't get straight answers and all one does is beat around the bush, I'm going to ask another what the fuck that first person is speaking code like to me in.
I'm so done with these people that do this. It's not the character... it's the writer.
Are these people so badly damaged. That they get an answer they don't like, and now they need to make others so miserable too.....they're doing exactly what's being done to them... I'm not doing it any more. I'm all done. I won't help anyone else ever again. And the world can end in the end of days. I'm not answering the call to help. I don't care if it's my destiny to do so. I won't go. They don't deserve me.....
*she fades away and disappears*
*curls up in a ball on the sofa. Not noticing the fire isn't even going in the chilly cave crying.*
*lays under the weeping cheery tree crying in her frustration. How dare he say just things. He never supported her writings. Ever. He clearly from today, resents her works. Saying again that she is nothing. That she should just. Give up. That she hasn't made any money from it in these four years. That she not any good and she should quit.
For her, it's not about the money. It's the need to write. It's the desire to do so.
She been learning to build her network. Things take time. She has always supported everything he has ever done. But the one thing she wants most... and he only shoves her down. Every time. Ridicules her every chance she gets. Just like the rest of his family... they all knock each other down... each one of them. They cut each other off. And out of each other's lives. They would rather walk all over those they are supposed to love, Help and nurture And tear them down to nothing. Make them feel so worthless inside. To destroy any sense of joy inside of her. Do they see what they are doing? Does he even care???
No, of course not. He only cares that no money is coming in from it. That's all he wants. She closes her eyes and cried herself to sleep. All alone....
*creeps in and lays a blanket over her Queen, leaving a cup of hot chocolate for when she awakens. Wipes her face gently and then slips back out quietly so as not to wake her*
6 dec 2018
*she walks slowly through the ballroom, and then the throne room, supervising the yule decorations going up. Smiling to herself.*
By the windows in the ballroom, with extra pillows and blankets added to the storage benches for the winter*
*A tree in the center of the room. And some kissing balls through out the room.*
*nodding at the progress, she heads to her chambers to ensure other things are in order.*
13 dec 2018
*she talks a walk in the summerlands as the sun begins to set. slowly soaking in the warmth from the setting sun.*
*running her hands along the golden fields as she walks. her fingertips tickled by the feel of the wheat stalks scattered throughout the fields.*
*she spreads open her arms and feels the spirit of the area flow through her veins. breathing slowly the perfume of the fields around her. remembering the summer months. the warmth and glow flowing through her once again*
*the golden rays resisting to set just a tiny bit longer. she closes her eyes and welcomes the warmth to envelope her. feeling the suns rays kiss her as she twirls in the middle of the field. she let's out a small laugh as she begins to dance around*
*she lifts her hand up to greet the sun and then smiles softly as she scoops up some of the wheat. she cups it to her mouth, whispering a few galeic words into it. she throws it up into the sky, smiling as the flutterbys fill the sky above her head*
*she pauses, enjoying the quiet, pleasing moment.
then she turns and heads towards the water flowing nearby. she sits along the edge. listening to its babble.*
*she lies back in the golden rays. drifting into a day dream. dreams of what her twins will grow to be. what their lives will become. dreams with her beloved husband. dreams of their growing family. and the growing love, blossoming more as each day goes on.
dreams of how the bunker will be safe haven to all. place for learning and growth. and especially wisdom beyond the ages as it grows. she smiles softly on these thoughts and dreams. she prays to her goddesses and hopes for all to come to be blessed. *
solos of 2019 here~
Two faced. Scarred in their own times
From their own pain and denials.
Their own suffrage will then follow
Their attacks will become their own demise
They will reap what was sown by themselves
For the false hearts will be no more...
*she slowly goes to her by the fireplace. Listening closely at her castings.* not castings, visions. She came to you *she whispers to her*
But why you, when she has always come to me? Have I wronged her?
she came to me because you were due to come to me...*she turns quickly and runs across the house digging around furiously for something...tossing things here and there. Knocking things over.* I had it here. You gave it to me to keep safe... but. But. She said you must...
*puzzled* I must what? What is so important?
*she flips a stacking over and suddenly hugs a book wrapped in a shawl* this... you must take this back. *pauses and looks her dead in the eyes* she said you need this right now, before they try to make war on you...
*whispers* who is going to make war on me? *she walks up to her and places her hand gently on hers*
*sad and scared eyes looking back at her* your closest loyals...a stack of books across the room falls over, breaking the silence that sudden came over them*
*she slides her hands down so she may accept her book back...she takes the old grimoire, and holds it close. Feeling all the power of ancient days seeping through its covers.*
Thank you *bows* I promise there will be a day, when this will be returned here.
*she wraps the book better and slides it into her satchel*
*she bids her old friend good bye for now. And slips her a small purse of coin for anything she may need.*Thank you again for your trouble in these. Blessings * she heads out the door and back the way she came from. Back home...she sneaks back through the secret entrance of the gardens. Unseen and apparently Unnoticed this entire time. Holding her sachet, close against her body. She runs quickly up to her chambers to hide the grimoire and keep it safe...*
~September 2018~
5 sept 2018

Things will change in her mind...*~*she dives through the water. Pushing her way through the waves. Wanting to go as far from the shore as she possibly could....far enough out she pauses to float in the crisp waters. Letting the energy flow through her. Trying to escape her Alice mind running through getting her madder than her hatter ways.... trying to stop them from running away like the Cheshire would simply love them to do...*she looks upwards and asks for release
Asks for comfort
In her thoughts a wave comes crashing through, sweeping her up and forcing her back to the shore.

Where did her rey go to...
When shall he return. ...
The last message has left her lost
It wasn't like him to not at least say something ...

*she swims close enough the let the waves send her in close to the shore, giving her now tired body a break from swimming. All she has to do now is guide herself along the waves as they push her forward.. finally, she makes it to the shoreline. Exhausted, she passes out along the sand. Allowing the waves to lightly lap around her as she rests on the secluded beach...*

22 sept 2018
Your mutuals are stuck in a horror movie using your @ list
Your mutuals are stuck in a horror movie using your @ list
First death: @JakjakMarie1
Murderer: @LuciferSPN13
Murderer #2: @NotGabrielatall
Last survivor: @ 01AlphaOmega
29 sept 2018
6 oct 2018
Tormenting myself watching final episode of the originals again .. the feels....
15 oct 2018~
*the bunker seeming to be crumbling apart, no matter what she says or does. anything she tries to do always seems to fail them. to make it fall apart more. she lands back at her weeping cherry tree. across from her cave. looking out over the ocean, the cove far below....
she sighs heavily as she just can't seem to get anything right lately. it all fails. it all crumbles.
their angel left them alone to fend for themselves months ago. not a trace to be seen or heard from since. they were left to deal with it all on their own. then their youngest youngling... had to disappear for very valid reason. however, not an update since. were either of them alright? were things going well? would they ever return again?
and now, Serena needing time away, isabella needing time away.
and now her queens guard off on a mission of her own. left completely until a day she may , hopefully return safely to them. to the family. broken and seeming to be falling apart more as each day passes. what could she do? and now....
possibly her dear beloved wolf. ... to disappear. ... only that will simply crush her to see all those conversations disappear if that was to happen. she would simply crumble from it. she couldn't bear to have another disappear on her like that......
she closes her eyes and steps over the edge, thinking of one place and one place only right now.
the one place Alice can be madder than the hatter....wonderland....
QueenFayeSolo from 10November2018~ {PreTwins} #FF
Not all girls are made of sugar and spice and all things nice. Some are made of witchcraft and wolf and a little bit of vice.
Nikita Gill
There are human beings in this world who are soft enough to feel every terrible thing that happens so deeply. And are still brave enough to remain constant and suffer for those who need them the most. Even the stars blink in awe of the gleam of their souls.
Nikita Gill
"she was the kind of girl
who was a chaos of contradictions
from one second to the next,
for her mind was never free."
Nikita Gill, Your Soul is a River
December 2018~
solo~ 6 dec 2018
*she quietly walks out into the gardens on this quiet night, enjoying the solitude of the hour. She heads to the edge of the garden where the secret entrance is and ducks out, unseen by anyone. She looks around, smiling at the peaceful night..
~*she heads to the large field near the stables. Enjoying the feel of the tall flowers and grass as she slowly walks her way to the woods at the far end of the field. She pauses a moment, to pick a couple of the flowers of purple clovers growing wild here...
~ she sets them in her hair and continues to walk to the woods. Looking around in defense, just in case anything or anyone was there who should not have been. All was still quiet...
~ *once at the edge of the woods, she follows the path into her sacred grove. Her 'dogs' now taking their true form and staying with her. Some remained behind to keep her hearts safe at the castle. She smiles soberly at them as one perches on her hand...
My pretties.
New beginnings
Surely this shall lead to peace
With them here in our hearts
You will help keep them safe
As you have always done with me
I know this holds true.
They are of me as much as they are of him.
Together they shall...
be peace and new beginnings.
But they shall do so in their own ways.
Alone in each individual and together in their sister bond.
*she strokes the wings gently of the one on her hand and it nuzzles her briefly before removing two feathers, passing them to her.
She nods and ...smiles*
Gracias. I shall keep them safe til a time they may need them.
*she sends him off to the sky and heads back to the castle, back to her chambers to rest the remaining evening*
~ end solo for now~
solo~ 7 dec 2018
*she flies through the door, races down the stairs and he lines straight for the library. She searches quickly through the shelves mumbling under her breath* I know it has got to be here somewhere... *she sees it finally. An ancient, worn book.She snatches it up quickly and stuffs it unto her carry on bag before pausing to listen to the bunker.*
They must all still be asleep...* she runs down the hall to her room to grab some other needed items. In her room, she throws open her chest and stares at her assorted weapons. She grabs her dagger, and slides it along her leg. Then grabs her potions, stuffing them into her carry on next to the book. Lastly grabbing her sword and bow and arrow set before slamming it closed and racing out of the room
she pauses at the main room and scribbles a note quickly so she may sneak out before anyone else notices she's in gear for a hunt.
' got a lead on the pirates. Rumor king Roberts did not have all his fleet there that long ago night. one ship with his second in command was away. Checking it out
*she heads out the door and back to the cove to follow her lead...arriving at the cove, she sits by the fire pit and pulls out the book, scanning through the pages. And pausing from time to time, watching the cove. she seems to be alone for time being. No one back at the bunker must have seen the note she left. She continues reading the old grimoire she had kept hidden all these years. She whispers to herself* it's a good thing this hasn't fallen into the wrong hands... *She stops on a page and looks at it thinking. She looks near her and grabs a long piece of driftwood washed up on shore. she begins copying the symbols from the page upon the sand. Without taking her eyes of the page; her nose buried into the book by now as she scribbles into the sand in short, quick swirls. Mimicking the exact ways they were drawn on the pages. she stops and looks down at her feet seeing the circle of symbols in front of her. setting the stick down, she looks out to the water and the cove. she lifts the book to scan the words. she sets it down and begins to recite the old Gaelic words out loud. the symbols in the sand glow a soft blue as she chants. they continue to glow as she chants in Gaelic. she holds her hands out over the symbols and ends the chant. the blue glow slowly comes up from the symbols and to her hands. once it is all at her hands, she closes her eyes and focuses; sending it out to the entry of the cove. she stands and waits. watching for anything to happen. unknowing exactly what to expect from this. after some minutes, she sits back by the fire, placing the book back in her carry on bag. she sits and meditates as she waits for the spell work to take its affect...~
~end solo~
22 dec 2018
~the removal of demons from Gabriel~
Sky lands and goes to the back of the cave, goes to her bench. “Now, where is it...?” She looks slowly around. “Ah! There you are.” She grabs a simple box and brings it to the fire. Sitting at the fire, she opens box, removing a necklace. She places the necklace around her neck and closes her eyes. She begins to softly sing a song the Merlin taught her when she last did this. The fire grows bright as she sings, making the necklace grow hot but doesn't burn her. She reaches with her mind to get the demons she took from Gabe. “There you are...come on out and play?”
“Never!” The demons yell back at her.
“Oh, come on now, it’s more fun on the outside...” She snatches them up and throws them into the necklace. Breathing deep, “oh, always that one last one...”She searches deeper. “I had you all together, where did you get to, now...” Suddenly flashes of everything Gabe went through race through her mind. She screams out in pain. “Oh you think you're so smart huh?” She snatches him and squeezes him tight with her mind.
The demon makes chocking noises. She throws him in the necklace, and throws the necklace into the fire, chanting and singing loudly. Watching the flames burn, she hears their screams from the flames. Breathing heavily, she waits and listens. Finally, their screams are silenced. She grabs the necklace unharmed by the flames and throws it back in the box. “There, now you can’t hurt him anymore,” placing the box back in its safe place. She stumbles and grabs bench. “That was worse than I remembered.” She closes eyes and centers herself. “I need to get back to help the others...” She pushes herself from table and forces self to fly back.
~the next night~
She returns and goes back to making things as the other night. Grinding the remainder of the egg shells where she left off. She grinds it to a fine powder, pours back into jar, and places it on the shelf of finished jars. She pauses and looks over at the simple box where the necklace was kept and pauses. Shaking her head, “They can't hurt anyone anymore. They're all gone. You saw them fry in the fire yourself.” She closes eyes. “Balth, I need you here...” She prays and stands silent for what seems like forever. Finally, she puts her hand out to reach another jar and can't continue. The memories of what she saw, still on the front of her head, she takes a deep breath, “you got this. You've dealt with worse.” She pauses and scolds herself. “Who am I foolin’? He will never return.” She sits on floor and holds head in hands.
Sometime later Balthazar appears in the cave, “Sky?”
Not believing her ears, she looks up, whispering “Balth?”
Balthazar pauses, “you ok?”
Relief at the sight of Balthazar alive and standing in front of her, she reaches for him, “I saw...” she pauses as tears begin to flow. Then whispers, “Everything they did to Gabe...”
He sits down next to her, pulling her close “Yeah?”
Finally, she lets tears flow. She whispers, “It was horrible. No wonder he was so broken.”
Balthazar nods, “I know.”
Sky continues distantly, “It's so hard to push it from my mind. It wouldn't have been so bad, if,” she pauses and sighs, “if that last one wasn't so stubborn.”
Balthazar begins to run a soothing hand through her hair.
Sky rests against a moment then looks up at Balthazar puzzled, “you’re?”
Balthazar looks at her, “what?”
Smiling, she finishes her question, “are you feeling better?”
Balthazar thinks a moment before responding, “Yeah. Way better.” He grins. “Thank you. I will need to recharge every day, though… but no matter.”
“Good.” Sky smiles at him and snuggles against again, “Baby steps. I'll be OK in time. It will just take a while for these memories I pulled to go away. It's just overwhelming right now.” She begins to stare off into the fire.
Balthazar continues, “I will still need to get my own grace back, but this will at least keep me alive.” He smiles at her and then suggests, “I can take some of them from you, so that it’s easier.”
Sky starts to relax as she watches the flames dance around in the fireplace, “Only if it doesn't hurt you.”
Balthazar smiles to reassure her, “Of course it won’t. I can just absorb them.”
She frowns and shakes her head, “No...That’s what I did. You don't want to see these.” She sits up straighter, concerned.
“I am a celestial being, billions of years old. They will just sink to the bottom.” Balthazar smirks.
“Trust me; you don't want to see these.” Sky’s eyes begin to well up, “The things they did Balth...” she trails off shaking her head as the tears trickle down her cheek.
Balthazar comforts her, “I can’t let you suffer, Sky. I will survive, promise. It’s gonna be ok.”
She pauses, “I don't want you to hurt from them.” she closes her eyes and then lets out a sigh, “Fine,” she finally whispers.
Satisfied, Balthazar touches her forehead, absorbing all the bad memories. His eyes glow blue. Once done, he sits in silent shock for a moment. Finally, he whispers, “Shit…”as he takes all the memories in and just sits there, staring at the ground. Finally he looks up, “how did you not go insane? It’s ok.”
Sky falls to her knees, “No!” she holds him. “I...I can redo this and maybe I can make it so I don't retain it again. The original demon is gone…” she quickly suggests without thinking. She whispers, “I prayed for you to come. Plus, I had to help you, In between.”
Balthazar hugs her, “Thank you.”
Sky returns his hug and laughs a little, “Those bastards ruined my Beltane fire watching.
Balthazar grins at her, “Well at least they didn’t get you.”
She smiles and kisses him, “I may have torched some of them instead... And.... may have let Gabe take one as a new toy...” she bites her lip. “Which.... I get to have play time soon with. I have questions for him.”
He grins, “Well of course. Surprised… oh never mind.” He gives a crooked grin.
She gives a wicked smile in return, “Well, we need to know who's started this. I'm not safe until the top person is dealt with. But first, I must talk to the new toy.”
Balthazar gives a nod, “and I will turn the whole universe upside down if that means finding them. Well of course, do what you need to.” He smiles.
Sky nods and then rests her eyes, falling asleep.
~Hunt Room ~ 27 Dec 2018~

~Hunt room~
*she steps through the woods behind the bunker careful to be silent as she steps past her wards she set up many moons ago. She looks around carefully, keeping her eyes and ears at the ready in case of anything that may come after her. It’s been some time since she's really actually gone out like this. But it was long overdue. She had to test out the wards and make sure all was good. She takes a slow deep breath before she continues further into the woods. She follows the faded path leading away from the bunker. Silently thinking in her head the many million things she always does. Spells to be made, ingredients to be gathered, what she was running low on, just to start. To things like how to help poor Gabe from his nightmares of memories and to Renee, and the goddess like abilities seeming to surfacing. And helping her regain her memories. And her wolf, helping her to regain trust in love once again. After being tossed aside to be replaced within seconds of being so. She feels in her heart dean can melt that barrier of hers. If only he can allow himself to do the same. They are two sides of the same coin, it seems. And she hopes someday they will. Helping the Morrigan, see past her fear of losing her childhood love, possibly. She feels this just might be the reasons as to why she over shadows all around her. Mother Morrigan, might be old as time. But she still shows human emotions, and so she must have some form of a soul within her somewhere. She, like anyone here has a lesson of life to be learnt. And hopefully her and Katie will return to realize that they cannot control life. It I'd not meant to be controlled. It is meant to be a little chaotic. That is what makes it called life. It’s how we learn. How we are molded into who we become. She hears a snap off to the side and freezes. She closes her eyes and lets out a long breath of relief * just a rabbit *she whispers to herself. Next comes a blow from behind.* son of a- *she starts as she lands on the ground. She rolls over quickly and grabs her dagger from her thigh all in one swift motion. There’s nothing there. Puzzled and now on alert, she quickly jumps to her feet and stands ready, slowly circling around.* I know you're out there! Show yourself. I'm not afraid. *she darts her eyes and she keeps her ears keen to any sudden sound. A jab at the knees that sends her to the ground again and a faint laughter running away. She glares in the direction of the sound. Her eyes flash a faint red as her anger builds.* she slowly stands up, grabbing her dagger as she does. She stares in the direction of the sound and whispers* do you want to test the queen of your kind? Then so be it. I dare you to come attack me again, you little fucktards. *she slowly turns in the direction they ran off to and listens. She closes her eyes and links to the ground. She slowly scans and then steps towards an old sugar maple. Placing her hand on it, keeping her eyes closed. The tree whispers to her. They link to the rest of the woods. She watches through the dryads of the forest. Her eyes snap open suddenly, a flash of deep red and she darts through the woods, her wings flipping silently with her. She flies through the woods at full speed now, dodging trees and bushes. Until she sees the faint image if the sprite that's was attacking her.* you little shit. *she mutters under her breath as she puts her arms out and tackles them to the ground. Holding them tight as they tumble on the ground together. *
{ahhhh!!! let me go! *the sprite screams out and squirms*}
Why are you here? *she spins them around to look them in the eyes, her eyes flashing red once again*
{*the sprite glares back at her. refusing to speak.}
*she asks again* who. Sent. You?
{*the sprite snaps their fingers and disappears from her fingertips, leaving her alone in the woods*}
Dammit! *she mutters, her eyes flash red again and she sends a blast of energy out to the middle of the woods. The blast hits a tree and sets it on fire. She looks over and mutters* crap. *she quickly gets up and heads to the stream nearby and calls on her circle. She brings the water up. It slowly swirls up and around as she calls on it. Once it forms above the tree, and blasts it, sending the water as a mist over the fire, putting it out. She straightens out her skirt and hair and then heads back home.*
the queen fayes cave archives~ selected

may 1 2018
{note beginnings of newbie to rp~ pardon sloppiness/ updated best could to organize}
Sky~ {to the others with her} Yes. Cave is on the highest perch of the mountain. Across from the cliff overlooking the drop to the cove. Looks at the cherry blossom tree now in bloom by me.
later that day~
She lands under tree across from cave. Sits under it. Places book in lap. Looks around. "good. All is nice and quiet." She opens book to read. Leans against the large trunk of the tree. Running her fingers along edges of the pages as she reads carefully and then starts to day dream as she fiddles with the pages and a piece of old parchment falls out.
"What's this?" She opens the piece of parchment and sees Older Egyptian text. "odd..." as she tilts her head, "I better go grab a translation for this one."
She then quickly takes off for bunker for another book to research her discovery.
She lands at the cherry blossom tree and screams loud and long.
She closes eyes and pauses for the silence to come after the sound of her scream echos below. she breathes long and deep. Ever so slowly. finally, she whispers, "why can't they just leave me alone. Migraine now turning to stay out of my bubble get away. Being spoken to as though I'm some stupid idiot. Being told I'm stupid. Then span up my as all of a sudden no means let me still be up the ass. Poke poke poke." She screams again.
Mean while, the Lady knight sneaks to cave to leaves treats and the favorite drink for the queen faye. The faye calms down some after the release of the energy and goes over to the cave. Seeing the gift left for her, she smiles and sits to watch sunset while munching on chocolate. She whispers, "thanks my right hand..."she smiles at the thoughtfulness of just knowing.
[Later on that night]
She sits at the edge of the cave writing. Or more day dreaming and watching the stars come out...
She Stands silent in the circle under the tree, Connected to angel radio still as a she absorbed the spell flame. She Tries once again with the spell made angel grace to speak to him
{Balthazar. Please it's alright to show yourself. I can connect to this, I can see you fine as well.} she waits...
Goes to cave with the new sachet.
[*Lady knight sleeping in shadows* what you got ?]
sky ~Walks to the back of cave for her supplies *smirks* stalking me again dearest?
[You need a sitter...]
Fingers the jars and scans their contents *smirks* no I dont. I have a sidekick.
[Lady knight smirks* they should be fired then .... fate always in trouble...]
*Grabs an assortment of jars. Arms full, goes to table.* Not any more than balth is in the woman's body right now. He's having too much fun in that right now.
*changing topic*
*opens each jar and adds various amounts of each in the mortar*
[I have a headache... do nothing without me... *smirks*]
*pauses places fingers on temples. New angel energy to find headache*dulls it just enough**turns back to mortar and pestel*
[Closes eyes to rest]
*begins to grind everything together. * Bed in the corner dearest
[Sleeps in corner]
Once done...
*grinds items together in mortar. Pours in small cauldron. *Still need couple more things.
*goes to mouth of cave. breeze lightly blows hair in her face as looks out along the island. she sighs* I have to get the staff now. But going in there.... *shakes head*I better go now before the others wake up....* she heads to the faye castle. Walks softly through the front gates. everything seems too quiet.
Passes by a statue of the first queen* Somethings not right.*she is attacked from behind*
Son of a -
*the attacker cuts her arm. she sends a blast at them. They turn to dust. she looks around. Hides behind statue in shadow. she hears other faye talking to a shadow demon*
{Yes, she will be captured. We will get her not a worry}
{{ you have better}}
{ she will never make it to be crowned}
{{ good. }}
*her eyes flash red, they leave. She looks around, flies off back to others*I'm not getting in that way.
*she lands at cave, enters the back room of supplies. she starts throwing things together in mortar. Starts crushing it and then looks around* damn. I have to go back and grab something ain't i? *she frowns and comes back with the missing items. Sets down on table. Begins to work again on it. Puts it together from memory adds back to sachet for later* that should do it. *proceeds to start on a new spell* Maybe I can ease the pain... *Finishes putting new spell together. Puts in a sachet. Flies off to the tree. Lands under tree and walks into the circle of quartz. starts casting her circle.
I call upon the north, south, east and west.
I call upon the earth, fire, air, water and spirit.
I call upon any god, goddess, deity that helps me
Please guide me
Help me to get through to him.
*she lifts arms up as a circle. Up above head. clasps hands together as though in prayer, brings down to center in front of her chest, takes a breath in to ensure she is grounded and centered. Opens eyes*
Please send me guidance to help ease his pain.
Please show me the way to help him through his pain
Please show him I am here
*takes sachet and places it on ground by her feet. makes a small fire spark on the sachet so it begins to burn. Sits and watches until it burns completely Once done, stands back up.
Reverses her circle lifts hands up from her chest center and up and outward to her sides again*
I release you and thank you north, south, east and west.
I release you and thank you earth, fire, air, water and spirit.
I release you and thank you god, goddess, deity that helps me
I thank you and release you to do as you see fit.
*stands still in the circle a while longer, tears begin to well up as she stands there waiting for anything. The wind begins to pick up in her own hurt and sorrow, rain begins to fall on her. stands still looking straight out intone great beyond of the out stretched sea before her, not really seeing it at all. falls to knees. Waiting for anything to happen. Rain pouring in a drizzle around her. Wind blowing her hair in her face. reaches in her pocket and throws her runes upon the ground. Not daring to read them. Not caring anymore.looks up to the sky as the rain washes over her, washing the tears away from her eyes*
{continued elsewhere conversation with Balthazar}
*sits under tree before starting the days work. Mist and sunlight rising simply more beautiful than before, if at all possible. Sprites and nymphs dancing off in the woods for the day. Smiles and lays back on the grass enjoying the rising sun*
It's going to be a good day I think.
*stands up for a moment and adds ribbon to one of the branches.*
She adds colors purple, yellow and blue with notes asking for blessings to those she wants attached to them.
And then adds a white and orange entwined together for all of them
*goes to back of cave, grabs chest with protection signs. And grabs one of the sachets out. Takes a smaller sachet, and transfers a little into the smaller one. Replaces the larger one back into chest. * just in case you are needed.
playing w demons` ch 17 queen faye book 1
Sky lands at the mouth of her cave and goes to the back. Going to her bench, "Now, where is it?" She looks slowly around. "Ah! There you are." She grabs a simple box and brings it to the fire. Sitting at the fire, she opens box, removing a necklace. She places the necklace around her neck and closes her eyes. She begins to softly sing a song the merlin taught her when she last did this. The fire grows bright as she sings, making the necklace grow hot but doesn't burn her. She reaches with her mind to get the demons she took from Gabe. "There you are, come on out and play?"
"Never!" The demons yell back at her.
"Oh, come on now, it's more fun on the outside." She snatches them up and throws them into the necklace. Breathing deep, "oh, always that one last one." She searches deeper. "I had you all together, where did you get to, now." Suddenly flashes of everything Gabe went through race through her mind. She screams out in pain, dropping to her knees. "Oh you think you're so smart, huh?" She snatches him and squeezes him tight with her mind.
The demon makes choking noises.
She throws him in the necklace, and throws the necklace into the fire, chanting and singing loudly. Watching the flames burn, she hears their screams from the flames. Breathing heavily, she waits and listens. Finally, their screams are silenced. She grabs the necklace unharmed by the flames and throws it back in the box. "There, now you can't hurt him anymore," placing the box back in its safe place. She stumbles and grabs bench. "That was worse than I remembered." She closes her eyes and centers herself. "I need to get back to help the others." She pushes herself from table and forces self to fly back.
the next night
She returns and goes back to making things as the other night before she was interrupted to head back to the bunker. Grinding the remainder of the egg shells where she left off. She grinds it to a fine powder, pours it back into the jar, and places it on the shelf of finished jars. She pauses and looks over at the simple box where the necklace was kept and pauses. Shaking her head, "They can't hurt anyone anymore. They're all gone. You saw them fry in the fire yourself." She closes eyes. "Balth, we need you here." She prays and stands silent for what seems like forever. Finally, she puts her hand out to reach another jar and can't continue. The memories of what she saw, still on the front of her head, she takes a deep breath, "you got this shit. You've dealt with worse." She pauses and scolds herself. "Who am I foolin'?" She sits on floor and holds head in hands, fighting the memories from the night before racing through her head.
Sometime later Balthazar appears in the cave, "Sky?"
Not believing her ears, she looks up, whispering "Balth?"
Balthazar pauses, "you ok?"
Relief at the sight of Balthazar alive and standing in front of her, she reaches for him, "I saw." she pauses as tears begin to flow. Then whispers, "Everything they did to Gabe."
He sits down next to her, pulling her close "Yeah?"
Finally, she lets tears flow. She whispers, "It was horrible. No wonder he was so broken."
Balthazar nods, "I know."
Sky continues distantly, "It's so hard to push it from my mind. It wouldn't have been so bad, if," she pauses and sighs, "if that last one wasn't so stubborn."
Balthazar begins to run a soothing hand through her hair.
Sky rests against a moment then looks up at Balthazar puzzled, "you're?"
Balthazar looks at her, "what?"
Smiling, she finishes her question, "are you feeling better?"
Balthazar thinks a moment before responding, "Yeah. Way better." He grins. "Thank you. I will need to recharge every day, though... but no matter."
"Good." Sky smiles at him and snuggles against again, "Baby steps. I'll be OK in time. It will just take a while for these memories I pulled to go away. It's just overwhelming right now." She begins to stare off into the fire.
Balthazar continues, "I will still need to get my own grace back, but this will at least keep me alive." He smiles at her and then suggests, "I can take some of them from you, so that it's easier."
Sky starts to relax as she watches the flames dance around in the fireplace, "Only if it doesn't hurt you."
Balthazar smiles to reassure her, "Of course it won't. I can just absorb them."
She frowns and shakes her head, "No. That's what I did. You don't want to see these." She sits up straighter, concerned.
"I am a celestial being, billions of years old. They will just sink to the bottom." Balthazar smirks.
"Trust me; you don't want to see these." Sky's eyes begin to well up, "The things they did Balth." she trails off shaking her head as the tears trickle down her cheek.
Balthazar comforts her, "I can't let you suffer, Sky. I will survive, promise. It's gonna be ok."
She pauses, "I don't want you to hurt from them." she closes her eyes and then lets out a sigh, "Fine," she finally whispers.
Satisfied, Balthazar touches her forehead, absorbing all the bad memories. His eyes glow blue. Once done, he sits in silent shock for a moment. Finally, he whispers, "Shit," as he takes all the memories in and just sits there, staring at the ground. Finally he looks up, "how did you not go insane? It's ok."
Sky falls to her knees, "No!" she holds him. "I. I can redo this and maybe I can make it so I don't retain it again. The original demon is gone," she quickly suggests without thinking. She whispers, "I prayed for you to come. Plus, I had to help you, In between."
Balthazar hugs her, "Thank you."
Sky returns his hug and laughs a little, "Those bastards ruined my Beltane fire watching.
Balthazar grins at her, "Well at least they didn't get you."
She smiles at him, "I may have torched some of them instead. And may have let Gabe take one as a new toy..." she bites her lip. "Which, I get to have play time soon with. I have questions for him."
He grins, "Well of course. Surprised, oh never mind." He gives a crooked grin.
She gives a wicked smile in return, "Well, we need to know who's started this. I'm not safe until the top person is dealt with. But first, I must talk to the new toy."
Balthazar gives a nod, "and I will turn the whole universe upside down if that means finding them. Well of course, do what you need to." He smiles.
Sky nods and then rests her eyes, falling asleep.
Why are you so much of a problem? *holds it in hands and watches the reflection of the flames against the silver*
*grabs a cloth and begins to polish it* I guess I can't let you tarnish before your big day can i?
*polishes for a min. But still figitity. Puts it away and goes for a walk to the tree*
*sits under the cherry blossom tree and just watches the blossoms fly around her.
*smiles* just watching the blossoms dance*
*sighs* I really need to get that back room cleaned..
*grabs up broom and heads to back hidden room*
I really got nothing done in here last night....
*sees all the swirls made by the broom last night. Shakes head*
Man I was a nervous wreck. *laughs at self and begins to actually clean the remains of her heartbreak the other day*
*puts on her headphones as she does and starts twirling around with the song. *
*sweeps piles into the middle of the room. Hip swings jars on edge of the tables. *
*so they rest more on the tables.*
*slowly the room comes back into order. Wipes face with back of hand*
I think that will don't for now.
*goes to main room work bench and begins working on a new potion. Brings the small chest with the vials from king Draco's supply room*
*places it on the table gently and gathers up her cauldron and other things she uses*
*hums softly as she methodically adds her normal spell workings together. *
*the jar of white ash leaves, crushed up goes first, then the white egg shells of a fine powder. *
*looks around the area, finds her other jars of dried and crushed rose petals, cosmos petals and other petals from her gardens*
*grabs a few sticks of the hoscas plant for water element. *
Now where is my moss....
Ah * grabs it off the top shelf where she left it last to dry out. Breaks off a piece and crumbles it in.*
*opens the small chest and carefully looks at the vials inside. She picks one out and feels healing vibes off of it. *
This should work ...
*places it beside the cauldron*
*makes a fire ball in her hand of blue light and places it inside the cauldron. *
*she watches as it all mixes and burns and fuses together, chanting ancient words as it does.
*slowly it burns low, and she breaths the air on to it. Adding air element to the spell. Slowly she picks up the vial, and adds a small amount to the newly made spell*
*she's mixes it a little and adds it to a few vials. Replacing the original one back in its chest and hiding the newly made ones in a new one just in case.*
*holding up one of them.* I hope this works later. We shall see if this does remove any poison for the blood as it is said to*
{convo with balthazar half gone when he deactivated. }
[referring to beltane and poiisoned blade attacked with]
Well, when I defeated draco, jak and I went to his magic supply room.
He had all the druid and dragon magic there.
That blade you were poisoned with,
Well, he had the cure for it.
So I've been here working on it all day until.... well, things happened.
So here is a small amount to try and see if it actually cures the poison from your blood completely. If it works, I have more I can replicate for furture, because I'm sure you'll need it *smirks at you*
*lays under cherry blossom and watches the flowers blow in the gentle breeze*
*takes a deep breath in. Letting the perfume of the flowers envelope her*
*closes eyes and makes the blossoms dance more around her*
*smiles faintly as the blossoms dance, opens eyes and makes them open more with a wave if her hand, making them float on the breeze around her.*
*sits up and smiles as they float softly around her.*
Maybe it can end as a good day after all....
*sighs and looks out to the water *
Helped one....
But ....
*sighs and lays back down*
*closes eyes and whispers letting the wind carry her words* my love, what's bugging you today. ....
*lays there and waits for any sign.*
*realizes nothing is going to come, stands up. The opened flowers fall to the ground. She flies off to her cave*
*at the cave, looks around. Notices she's alone. Lights a fire as night is approaching.
And lays down in front of it*
[jaylynn and nilsa went to cave looking for something while queen away]
n~*slips up to the cave entrance with drawn sword* Your majesty?
j~*looks around carefully* the workroom...
n~*conjures a mage globe for light* doesn't she usually keep candles lit back here?
j~They are lit by her hope... Her emotions give this place light...
n~That's not good then. * Looks around*
j~The whole kingdom will die... *frowns*
n~Is it usually this much of a mess? I've only been here a couple of times.
j~When she's pissed she throws things... Where is that book..
n~*sends globe to the ceiling and makes it bigger* Which one are we looking for?
j~Dragon... *thinks*Unknown family history...
n~*begins picking up books, checking titles before stacking them carefully**mutters* Nothing.
j~*presses against wall opening compartment* awww... Whose a clever girl....
n~*looks over* Very clever.Is that it?
j~*tucks it in bag* the book *looks again* *smirks* oh hell yess Oh shit...
n~What is it, Jay?
j~*pulls out vials* BIG BOOMS
n~*eyes light up* Toys!
j~Hell yas... *careful stores them
n~*calls the mage globe closer* Anything else?
j~I don't...thinks so...
n~I don't...thinks so...
j~I agree....
5 25.2018
{note: Queen faye was asked to perform a marriage between jedi and gabriel after they had already secretly snuck off to her private waterfalls most held sacred and performed their own soul binding ceremony without anyone privy to information. did so behind miss embers back after gabriel horribly broke ship with the poor girl. }
*flutters down to the tree overlooking the cove. Stands there and allows the wind to blow through her hair. finally she let's out a heavy and sad sigh*
Mother goddess. I ask of thee to send me guidance. *she speaks out to the wind. Allowing it to carry along her words *
I have a feeling I will be asked to perform a marriage I am not allowed to do. *looks up at the sky as the cherry blossoms float around her*
It is written, that no marriage may be performed by a priestess of Avalon, or any daughter of Avalon for that matter, once a soul binding ritual has taken place.
*sits sadly on the ground* how do I tell them without breaking their hearts?
*waits a moment. and then flutters away*
*stands under tree and watches the sun rise. The gentle breeze playing with her hair as she does so*
Enters her cave after so many long weeks of not being here. And looks around to be sure her barriers are still in tact*All in the right, she enters the inner room. And sees some small disarray.* must have been when I was captured. *looks into the further back room and sees the mess she had left there. She sets to work finish cleaning this up.*
*lays down in front of the fire staring off into it. Watching the flames dance around, telling their story. Slowly she drifts off, watching their story for unfold as she Drifts off.*
*flies in, lands at mouth of cave. Doesn't even bother to look around as her normal precaution, for the blood thirst is beginning to take over and drive her mind insane With the need for it. She darts inside the main room and stands there, skimming the room.* it's not in here at all.... I KNOW I kept a few extras just in case I needed to give one to someone.. just like I did. *she mutters under her breath to herself. she opens the door to the more secluded room. One no one else is ever allowed in, as it contains the more dangerous items in some of her spells. Things to be kept under lock and key. Just like she wished this blood thirst was for once and for all. But, alas, one can't change blood line and history. The werewolf had been a part of her family eons ago. And it was a memory of a past life buried so deep she can't even touch it because of the spell put upon her in all the lives to follow her. She just knows of it and that it's there. she starts rummaging through the chests in the way back deep dark corner of the room. For this is dark magic that makes it work so well. Blackest magic never before possessed by any human. Let alone only few faye have been able to ever make it back from this path.
finally, she sees the ornate trunk of old viking markings. She pauses and holds her breath. She almost forgets to breath again. She grabs the trunk and brings it to the table in the room. She takes the lock and holds it in her hands, chanting words of the ancient ones. Her eyes glow red as she does for its black magic she must do now when dealing with this.
It opens after some time. She flips it open. And the there are 5 skulls remaining in the trunk. She gently grabs one out.and closes the trunk and places back where she found it. Runs over and grabs the skull with both her hands, heads back to her main room. she places it in the middle of her workbench and puts both hands on it. Feeling the dark magic flow through it along her fingers. She opens her eyes after some time of meditation with it in this stance, and removes her hands. She pulls out her map of the island and frowns. That a few hours journey and not very safe at that. Looking at the daylight, she'll have to leave now to get there. And back before any of them knew she was gone. She places the skull in her bag and flies quickly, map in her other hand*
*flutters into mouth of cave and heads to her room, grabs a glass jar and slides the pretty curse ball into it. Seals it up and locks it away she Leaves the cave and heads back to them all. She returns to the cave and still playing with the ball. The energy form both still surging through her like a lifeline of endless possibilities...she grabs a new glass jar and starts to place it in the jar. She pauses a moment however. And places it on a bowl. And sits to watch how it glows and lights up the room....*
*she smirks, watching it glow and reflect endlessly in her eyes*
Oh the fun to be had with you......*smirks again. She then takes the other jar and combines them both* slowly so not to cause too much completion at one time. She then focuses on redirection of the spells used on both walls. Her hands glide slowly over the now one ball.....*
*she stands straight and tall calling the power of the morrigan like never before. She moves and glides her hands gracefully over the ball of energies, now conjoined as one body. She opens her eyes. The are still the deep blood crimson red as before. But now with a flame behind it.....*
[hollow issue with elijah- sent nilsa and jaylynn to cave to things she can help with]
n~*appears outside the cave* Sky, what's wrong?*heads into the cave* I've got the crystals you asked for.
s~< elijah... i.... I don't know.. but my gut..>
j~*appears with arms full of supplies* I'm here
s~< he passed out and collapsed. ... I need the protection items.... and my trunk with other .....things. in case....> < back room..... trunk in middle of table, bring that to me. Castle, but don't enter my chambers ....>
j~Give me what you have?
n~*begins grabbing crystals* Do you know which trunk?
*hands off the bag of crystals
j~Ummm... That one *nods at it* taking the crystalsí
n~*gets the trunk* What could hurt Elijah?
j~Only one thing I could think of...*eyes filled with worry*
n~Which castle we headed for?
j~I'm... Not sure
s~< any ... just hurry. ...>
j~Let's go
j~*snaps herself away*

*she enters the mouth of the cave and quietly enters the inner room, starting to work on the number of tasks she has been holding off on. ...
She assess her area and gathers what she is going to need close to her work area to start doing so.*
*decides still tired and that is not best to be in when spell working, lays on sofa in front of fire and tries for a nap....*
*paces in front of her work bench aimlessly not knowing g where to begin working .... not really know what to work on honestly. ...*
*she grabs a random bowl of herbs and throws them into the mortar. She starts grinding it down into fine pieces*
*once grounded into small enough particles, she grabs a jar and pours the contents in to it. Then she carefully wipes the mortar down and starts on another one to grind down*
*coming to the end of this batch, she finds the right jar to add it to, and then cleans it once again before grabbing the next thing**having fallen asleep on her stool at the work bench*
[j~*sneaks in and carefully lays Sky on the couch before going to explore the catacombs she found connected to the main cave*]
*she sets to take inventory of what she has, with the harvest approaching and what she must gather
*she pulls over a stool and leans over to the far corner of the top shelf to be sure she doesn't miss anything. Glancing over everything.*
Crush egg shells, crushed rose petals, lavender. .... sea shells, still to be crushed....
*small sigh* I am running low....
*she eases herself down from the stool and sits at the sofa to jot down her list.*
*she sets the journal down and sits back to watch the fire.*
*she sets her bag down and checks her barriers/ satisfied all is safe and secured, she heads over to her work bench and looks around the area. She frowns when she realizes the trunk she needs is up high. She grabs her stool and slides it as close as she can get it. she climbs up on the stool and leans over the work bench. She has trouble reaching at first and then stretches more to try and reach it. The stool goes on two legs as she reaches, grabs the trunk and then she shifts her weight to make the stool back on all 4. She swings the trunk quickly on the bench, holding on the top of the trunk as she settles the stool.*
*she closes her eyes a brief moment and then climbs down. She holds her belly a moment and sots on the stool. After a few minutes, she turns back to the bench and flips open the trunk. inside she grabs a necklace among many that reside in this trunk. These are all designed to keep one from jumping into realms unnecessarily. This should help Bella from going back into that realm of her father's again. Or any other ones for that matter. she lights the white candle in the middle of the bench and holds the charm end on the flame. Whispering words of the old tongue as she does. after the spell work,she places it down and watched the flame more. She cross her arms and sets her head down on her arms. She brings her fingers up and places with the flame of the candle, watching it dance around and cast it's shadows around the room*
*she sets her bag down and lays on the sofa by the fireplace. Waves her hand to light the fire and curls up. *
My words are just not helping anyone at all this week..... I shall just hide out here until the waxing moon is over.... it's only a few more days. They'll all be better off this way. *she curls up and goes back to sleep*
10/12/ 2018


*she sets her bag down and grabs her mortar and pestel set, and grabs empty jars. She brings them to the sofa and table by the fire because of the chilly day outside. she sets everything up and starts to prep all her dried flowers for future spell works*
{finding on news on health on someone in group}7.10.2018
*she flies down to under the weeping cherry tree. It's blossoms blowing gently in the morning breeze. It's blossoms soft and fragrant at this hour. She stands underneath it and just looks out past the cove below and the sea out past. Nothing buy mini islands and sea stretched before her here. She rakes a deep breath in and holds it for what seems like forever. As long as she could, until it hurt like she hurt within. Finally, she let out a long loud scream*
*it echos and rattles all around her with such force, the sides of the cliff shake and parts break off the face of it, falling down to the cave below. She exhales slowly. But still feels the pain. The pain of always being the bearer of such news. Of always being the one to be gone to the one that others seem to forget, she needs time to herself as well......
That she shuts down internally with things like this happen. She shuts down. Another breath in holding it just as long. And another scream*
*she falls to her knees as this time the ground beneath me shakes and rumbles under her from the force of her scream*
*more of the face of the cliff slides down to the cove below as well. Tears finally let loose from her face as she sirs on her knees....
*she shakes her head.and in her tears her lower lip quivering* why? Why does he have to go? Why take such talent away so soon? It not fair...
*screams out to the universe* IT'S NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!
*an energy blast of red flies out in a circle from her going in all directions. *she whispers* it not fair .....* she trails off.
*she has always don't the hard work. The bearer of bad news. The one to get the information first hand. And expected to hold it all together in front of the world
*no matter what. Crying in silence. Alone. Always. She can't let the world outside see any of it. They won't understand. They never understand. glancing at dms at this hour....shakes her head no. Not at this hour. She can't deal with that selfish as it seemed. She just can't handle her and her own friend issue right now ....
Last night she just wanted music and healing.... not for adri to add to her story. And for adri to keep going and ignore what was said in dm.... not a peep even at this hour from her on it
*she sits and cries for a while longer. No more energy to be expelled at this time. *
[Mariah Carey hero]
{upon toxic things/ people}10/31/2018
*stands on ground and screams as it to resonate and shatter the entire area. A lightening boldly from the heavens circles down in reply and splits the weeping cherry tree in half, right down the middle of the massive trunk causing branches to catch on fire.*
This... this is why!!!!!!!
*she bellows and her voice shakes the ground*
This is why I stopped ever helping others way/ back/ when!!!!! They all assume that I am a mind reader.... that I can understand their cryptology. That I can just know what they want to be saying with out saying it. I can't keep pulling their teeth to pry out the god damn information out of them!!!!
They all expect me to know. They want me to help. And yet when I give them the answers... they get scared. And they blame me for everything fucking wrong!!!!
*falls to her knees red flames emerging from her. she throws her hands out, not caring where the energy goes any more. Or who might be in her line of fire anymore. Part of the tree catches on fire and ignites quickly. She doesn't even care to take notice.* I can't help those who won't tell me what's going on. Assume I just know with out them telling me. Or just say "ok" when I come out and say I am confused and I don't know what you're talking about. They need to stick with one fucking person if they're telling someone their woes. And nor go around assuming another is going to know what is going on. And when I don't get straight answers and all one does is beat around the bush, I'm going to ask another what the fuck that first person is speaking code like to me in.
I'm so done with these people that do this. It's not the character... it's the writer.
Are these people so badly damaged. That they get an answer they don't like, and now they need to make others so miserable too.....they're doing exactly what's being done to them... I'm not doing it any more. I'm all done. I won't help anyone else ever again. And the world can end in the end of days. I'm not answering the call to help. I don't care if it's my destiny to do so. I won't go. They don't deserve me.....
*she fades away and disappears*
*curls up in a ball on the sofa. Not noticing the fire isn't even going in the chilly cave crying.*
*lays under the weeping cheery tree crying in her frustration. How dare he say just things. He never supported her writings. Ever. He clearly from today, resents her works. Saying again that she is nothing. That she should just. Give up. That she hasn't made any money from it in these four years. That she not any good and she should quit.
For her, it's not about the money. It's the need to write. It's the desire to do so.
She been learning to build her network. Things take time. She has always supported everything he has ever done. But the one thing she wants most... and he only shoves her down. Every time. Ridicules her every chance she gets. Just like the rest of his family... they all knock each other down... each one of them. They cut each other off. And out of each other's lives. They would rather walk all over those they are supposed to love, Help and nurture And tear them down to nothing. Make them feel so worthless inside. To destroy any sense of joy inside of her. Do they see what they are doing? Does he even care???
No, of course not. He only cares that no money is coming in from it. That's all he wants. She closes her eyes and cried herself to sleep. All alone....
*creeps in and lays a blanket over her Queen, leaving a cup of hot chocolate for when she awakens. Wipes her face gently and then slips back out quietly so as not to wake her*
6 dec 2018
*she walks slowly through the ballroom, and then the throne room, supervising the yule decorations going up. Smiling to herself.*
By the windows in the ballroom, with extra pillows and blankets added to the storage benches for the winter*
*A tree in the center of the room. And some kissing balls through out the room.*
*nodding at the progress, she heads to her chambers to ensure other things are in order.*
13 dec 2018
*she talks a walk in the summerlands as the sun begins to set. slowly soaking in the warmth from the setting sun.*
*running her hands along the golden fields as she walks. her fingertips tickled by the feel of the wheat stalks scattered throughout the fields.*
*she spreads open her arms and feels the spirit of the area flow through her veins. breathing slowly the perfume of the fields around her. remembering the summer months. the warmth and glow flowing through her once again*
*the golden rays resisting to set just a tiny bit longer. she closes her eyes and welcomes the warmth to envelope her. feeling the suns rays kiss her as she twirls in the middle of the field. she let's out a small laugh as she begins to dance around*
*she lifts her hand up to greet the sun and then smiles softly as she scoops up some of the wheat. she cups it to her mouth, whispering a few galeic words into it. she throws it up into the sky, smiling as the flutterbys fill the sky above her head*
*she pauses, enjoying the quiet, pleasing moment.
then she turns and heads towards the water flowing nearby. she sits along the edge. listening to its babble.*
*she lies back in the golden rays. drifting into a day dream. dreams of what her twins will grow to be. what their lives will become. dreams with her beloved husband. dreams of their growing family. and the growing love, blossoming more as each day goes on.
dreams of how the bunker will be safe haven to all. place for learning and growth. and especially wisdom beyond the ages as it grows. she smiles softly on these thoughts and dreams. she prays to her goddesses and hopes for all to come to be blessed. *
solos of 2019 here~