Jan/ Feb/ April/ May/ June/ July/ Aug /Sept/ Oct
Solos of 2019~

3 jan 2019
sky~ I know where my loyalists lie, they are my #spnSisters #GSrpg hold true+steadfast/my sister/close fam/mí corazón they don't listen to stories they're the ones ready to throw the first punch when I'm too drained to continue on they pick me back up they lift me up
they carry me when I can't they never left they remain to show me I worth it so thank you to the backstabbers and 2 faced liars out there that want to make drama for the sake of drama it's been a real eye opener and a lovely little time but you time has run dry
and miss mother karma awaits you at the other side of the door may the odds be Eva in your favor
playlist mood/ worthless and despairing
anyone else I can't think of rn...
Elijah~ ~ in the end and beyond all distortions, the truth remains consistent. ℣ˑ
sky~ Siempre y Para Siempre
7 jan 2019
de acordo com seu signo, qual música da camila é a sua?
de acordo com seu signo, qual música da camila é a sua?
áries — nbts
touro — into it
gêmeos — consequênces
câncer — havana
leão — in the dark
virgem — sgg
libra — slc
escorpião — citc
sagitário — omg
capricórnio — sangria wine
aquário — crown
29 jan 2019
Solo~ *she throws on her ear buds and heads to their chambers and her craft room. She cleans out her candle holders of the last spell and places new colors into each one. Starting from black and ending at white, going through the entire rainbow in order in between.
She hums softly along to her tunes in her ears. She then pulls out the burning oils and adds it to her oil burner in the back middle of her altar. After placing the cone in its home, she picks up the box of matches; slowly striking the match to the box and smiling to herself as the flame quickly begins to eat the wood between her fingertips. She quickly sets to light each candle before the flames almost eat her fingers, one by one. She quickly blows the flame on the match out before it can hurt her. Then, she strikes the next one to continue down the line. Once they are all lite. She places the box away. She stands in front of the candles and breathes slowly and deeply. Focused and in her place, she sets her circle, calling the elements, the four corners and the gods/ deities, in turn. She then drives her attention for her request. She snatches up her tiny glass ball and rolls it quickly in her hands. Up and down between her palms. Quickly and driven, focused on her spell. The music dulling to being a flow in her soul as she rolls the ball more and more. She whispers her needs, desires of the moment. Knowing they will see what they deem as they wish she needs and just how they feel she needs it. She pauses in her rolling and places the ball back in its rightful home. Grabbing up her heart shaped silver plated chime. She shakes it a few times, making a bell like jingle come from it. She smiles at the pleasant sound that comes from it. The music of the bells was always dear in her heart. She sets it back down gently and places her hands up over the flames feeling the energy now coming from them. She asks again her wishes and desires. Picking up again her glass ball to roll again between her palms, she focuses on the flames now having burnt halfway through each of the colored votive candles. She sets the ball back down and picks up her tiny crotchet hook she leaves there for reasons. She drops in a sprig of moss and some white ash leaves and other various flowers into the large red candle. She scoops up small pieces with the hook and sets the items on fire from the flame of the candle. The moss or the flowers, in turn, catch flame in a bright flame and also sends sparks of blue ~out from it as it burns quickly. She becomes almost mesmerized by these for a small moment, frozen in time. Allowing the candles to finish their burning, she closes out her circle, thanking those she called upon and walks away from the altar.* ~end Solo
29 Jan 2019~ another solo by piano
~*she sits at the piano and starts to play softly humming along as she plays.* "She can't remember a time when she felt needed If love was red then she was color-blind All her friends, they've been tried for treason And crimes that were never defined"
'The day you looked my way, it took me back You said something like “you’re beautiful"And stopped me in my tracks Tell me softly That you want me Tell me I’m your girl' *she smiles as she closes her eyes still playing the piano. the keys almost like nothing along her fingertips she sings softly along as she plays "There's just no rhyme or reason Only the sense of completion And in your eyes, I see The missing pieces I'm searching for I think I've found my way home
I know that it might sound More than a little crazy But I believe"
~*she suddenly switches and sings* "That's why she shies away from human affection, but Somewhere in a private place She packs her bags for outer space And now she's waiting for the right kind of pilot to come... Is like a journey I just don't have a map for ~So baby gonna take a dive and push the shift to overdrive Send a signal that she's hanging all her hopes on the stars" * she changes keys smoothly again...*
pain You're the only thing I wanna touch Never knew that it could mean so much, so much"
"Baby, I'm dancing in the dark with you between my arms Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath But you heard it, darling, you look perfect tonight"
~"As the moon kindles the night As the wind kindles the fire As the rain fills every ocean And the Sun the Earth So your heart will kindle my heart Take my heart Take my heart Kindle it with your heart And my heart cannot be Kindled without you Your heart will kindle my heart"
~"You’re my downfall, you’re my muse My worst distraction, my rhythm and blues I can’t stop singing, it’s ringing, in my head for you" *she continues as the music flows through her...*
*she sets her bundles down in the far back room and looks around thinking on what to store them safely in. she sees a chest on a high shelf and drags over the chair to grab it down. she fumbles slightly but manages to get it down in her clumsy like way.
setting it carefully on the table, she places her hand on it. nothing. she nods content to herself and opens it.* empty, perfect. *she says in a hushed tone. she grabs her bundles and shoves them in the chest. she slams it shut and spells it to be sealed .*
*she looks again around the room.* where to store this one...*she says out loud to herself. she sees the perfect spot and grabs the chest up, and flies it to the far side of the room. she shoves it in the small crevice underneath the bookshelf there. she sits back on her knees and wipes her hands* there. safe and secured. no one will ever be harmed by such matter again. or at the very least, as long as she kept it safely hidden here...she heads back out of the room, silently closing the door behind her and sealing it shut tight as she does. nothing out, no one in, but her and what she brings. she smoothes out her skirt from the dirt and turns towards the main room. she walks over to the fireplace and waves it lite, before settling to work at her bench. *
*she grabs up empty jars to be filled. and sets them along to one side. she then, grabs the herbs to start grinding and crushing them as they see. she crushes one into a fine powder and then pours it into a jar, sealing it tight and placing it with the others. and continues on doing the rest of her fall harvest she never got to seal up for the winter. she hums softly to herself as she gets more into her work, swaying a little as she goes. lost in her work. after she finishes her task, she looks around and grabs up the broom to start cleaning up a prior mess left behind. she slowly twirls around as she sweeps, making circles in the dirt left on the floor of the cave. she glances quickly after some minutes and realizes she made swirls once again. she shakes her head and scolds herself* why do i keep doing this? *she sweeps correctly, making sure to pay better attention. she sets the broom aside after and sets to prepare for imbolic. she sets up her candles and stones on her small altar in the corner and lights the candles. then she sets to make her doll in honor of Brighid, the goddess of the hearth. imbolic being a festival of lights, and the sky crisp and clear. the stars shine brighter on these nights. Orion in the sky with his arrow in the ready for the huntsman in the sky, shines bright and bold. she lights the seven candles, calling back the light once the sun has set. these represent the seasons, and the coming to the end of winter soon. as this is the halfway point of winter. they also represent the purifying warmth of the hearth fires.*
*one for the balance of energies in their life, our world and the next. one for the wisdom and inspiration. light that comes into our lives when we experience love. this is a night of rebirth, renewal, purification and cleansing. she hopes this will help in changing for a better new year. she casts her circle and begins the small ritual alone. she picks up the bowl of sand and pours it into the ceremony bowl. next, she places the seven candles with in the bowl. she lights the first candle and says.* Although it is now dark, I come seeking light. In the chill of winter, I come seeking life. *she lights the second one* I call upon fire, that melts the snow and warms the hearth.I call upon fire, that brings the light and makes new life.I call upon fire to purify me with your flames. * she lights the third candle* This light is a boundary, between positive and negative. That which is outside, shall stay without.
That which is inside, shall stay within. *she lights the forth candle* I call upon fire, that melts the snow and warms the hearth. I call upon fire, that brings the light and makes new life. I call upon fire to purify me with your flames. *she lights the fifth candle* Like fire, light and love will always grow. Like fire, wisdom and inspiration will always grow. *she lights the sixth candle * I call upon fire, that melts the snow and warms the hearth.I call upon fire, that brings the light and makes new life. I call upon fire to purify me with your flames.
*she light s the final candle* Fire of the hearth, blaze of the sun, cover me in your shining light. I am awash in your glow, and tonight I am made pure.
*she sits on the floor, cross legged and meditates in front of them. she tries to think on healing, inspiration, and purification. she opens her eyes and stands back up. she closes out her circle and blows out the candles. she brushes off her dress and heads out back home*
9 feb 2019{from the queens cave archives]
*she lands at the mouth of the cave and heads for the way back room. she opens the door and walks straight back to the end where another door lays. she slips the key into the lock and opens it. she silently enters the room. she turns and closes it behind her and locks herself inside. she slips the key around her neck to keep it from getting lost. she walks down the long tunnel that is now in front of her. she eyes flash to a deep bright red as she walks down. trying to keep her breathing steady as she goes. she makes it to the end of the tunnel to the center of the mountain the cave rests in. she pauses and looks down the deep pit below her. she gathers up every ounce of energy inside of her and allows it to build up. she keeps at this for some time, until she feels like she is about to explode. as she already did just moments before after dealing with new findings earlier in the day.
her eyes switch to black beyond the nothing and she screams out as she throws her arms outward. her palms facing away from where she stood, sending all of the energy inside of her out and away. nothing in its path would be safe. she throws the energy for what feels like forever. her eyes never ceasing that deep emptiness well of blackness. the wall of the pit before her crumbles apart as her energy hits it with such a force like an earthquake or a tsunami came barreling though. finally, she expels all of the energy out of her. and she collapses to her knees on the ground below her. she hangs her head down by her arms that hold her upright slightly. and closes her eyes.
she opens her eyes again and lifts her head up. eyes back to normal, she slowly stands up. she wipes off her skirt and heads back up through the tunnel. she slips the key off from her neck and slowly unlocks the door. silently, she slips through, locking it behind her once again. she heads back to the main room of her cave and lays back on the sofa, waving the fireplace on to relax after her release of energy*
16 feb 2019[from the queens cave archives]
*she lays down on the sofa, rubbing her still sore spot on her neck, right below and behind her left ear. Thinking back on the extreme stabbing pain that occurred. How many lifetimes ago was that moment of time? Or was it something in fact attacking her, once again. Getting at her when she was least expecting it to be so? She lays on her side, hugging the pillow beneath her head and staring aimlessly into the fire crackling before her. She breathes in slow rhythms as she allows her thoughts to get lost along the crackling sound of the fire. The smell and the sound all so soothing to her. Almost a lull for her. She could stare at the flames forever, it would seem some days... *
*she slowly presses her fingers along the area, feeling slightly the bruised feeling that would remain from any normal injury. Only, this time, nothing physical was really there. It felt so real though...
She breathes deeply and let's out a tired sigh. She needs to write on this, but she can only get so far before memories begin to lack. She scolds herself silently every time for not always being able to remember her past lives in such details like her sister could. If only she could be more focused. More driven in such matters...
Maybe then, she could recall all of it together. Instead of the cursed buts and pieces she is forever lacking.*
17 feb 2019[from the queens cave archives]
*she lays under the weeping cherry tree and closes her eyes. The gentle breeze that was always here playing with the long strands of her hair that has escaped her messy bun. She was in a rush, and had just tossed her hair up, not really caring to what it actually looked like at the time. She breathes deeply the aroma of the blossoms that surround her in the breeze. *
17 Feb 2019~
*she head down through the ballroom doors and out through the garden. She darts across the gardens in its silence. Not a single creature seemed to stir at this hour.* odd... *she thinks aloud to herself. She reaches the far side Of the gardens and ducks through the secret door, unknown to others around here. She walks along the path quickly to make it down the paths unseen. She is off to seek some answers in some old books, but that requires a special location. *she heads down to the worn bridge where she is greeted by her beloved 'dogs' her blessed raven's who have always been there. No matter what. They clearly choose her and her sister over the troll queen and the raven queen. It wasn't their fault they got over turned

In their time and rightful place to rule. They got reborn.she gives a shrug at the thought and whispers close to the ravens that greet her* Let's get going boys. I have work to be done, and quickly now.* They give a loud caw and fly up above her head, circling a brief Moment and then taking off down the bridge before her. The bridge was old and worn. Some boards clearly were ready to give way under one's foot if they stepped just right. She made her way quickly and carefully along to the other side, breathing out a sigh of relief Once she crossed the other side. She looks down the path and pauses. As two of the ravens land on her and nuzzle her momentarily. * I know loves *she whispers gently* But this must be done. We have to find a way to be rid of them all. once and for all. We must not Continue like we have this past few months. It is taking a toll on the island. On all of the realms. Things must be fixed. And soon. *she lifts her arms up so they may continue to fly ahead of her. She walks slowly along~*

~she passes along the old fountain where some of the ravens perk and caw at her along her way.* I know...*she sings as she passes them

*she makes it up the hillside after passing through the path, reaching the top of a small cliff. She pauses to look out over the horizon before her. The ocean waves lapping against the cliff side as she stands there. This is not nearly as high as the other side by her cave

But it is still secluded here for the most part. Being it's spelled and warded as best as it can be here. She turns silently, eyeing the ravens all perched on the forest edge silently waiting for her to return. She gives a nod to them and enters the old stone tomb that Sits there before her.The door creaks loudly as she opens it. She makes a face as it does. The screeching in her ears annoying and resonating. She enters the tomb, ducking her head through cobwebs from lack of entry to such an abandoned and forgotten place. She remembers this place all too well now...she gives a heavy sigh and walks to the center of the room, thinking on how he had to enter the hidden chambers of its secret walls. *she looks around and approaches the wild vines now taking over along the inside far wall of the tombs. She slides part of it over, seeing a door now hidden behind them. She removes the vines from the would be wall to reveal more of the door. She stands there looking at it

She gives a smirk knowing she has the Skelton key for such a door in her pocket.* Well now, I guess I can put you to work after all. *she gives a smirk as she pulls the key from her pocket. She slides the key into the lock and turns it. The door creaks even louder than the last Door did. She makes another face as it does before pushing the door fully open and slipping inside. She gives a sigh once its opened and makes her way down the hallway before her. Then down the stairwell going deep beneath the tombs. She is careful to not catch her skirt Aflame as she passes the candles at her feet along the path. Finally reaching below, she looks around at some of the trunks and shelves of long ago and forgotten relics and books. Grimoires of old, long past witches and creatures before her. She carefully runs her fingertips along the wall as she walks around the room. She eyes up and down, feeling the sensation along the tips of her fingers to sense her way through the room of books and trunks. She pauses here and there at random to be certain she is not Needing this particular spot yet. Remains here and there of signs that workings were done down in this hidden place. This almost sanctuary place for them all to be in.

*she stops when she feels a tingle at her finger tips. She gives a small smirk and pulls the old, leather bound book out of the shelf upon her fingers. She brings it to her chest a brief moment and holds it close as she turns to make her way to the bench in the Middle of the room. She sits down and opens the book. She flips slowly through the book. Carefully looking each page over. She tilts her head over one page. She gives another smirk to herself. She grabs her bag up and pulls out a small box. She opens it slowly

Inside the box glows blue from an energy ball she had removed some time ago from jaylissa and her adopted sister she had taken in as her niece before they deserted the castle without a trace one day. But, alas that was now irrelevant. There was much more pressing matters Now at hand. She lifts the ball carefully out of the small box. Her eyes reflect the blue iridescent glow from it. She becomes almost mesmerized by it, rolling it around along her fingers and along her arms. Back and forth, she plays with it along smiling pleased With the sensation that came from it. It was almost peaceful. Odd as it seemed where as who she initially removed this from caused nothing but negative and chaos in them. Maybe for faye, it had a alternate effect as it did on humans. She plays a while with it She whispers from the words on the page before her. The energy ball lifts up from her fingers as she does. Slowly it changes from the round shape and into a wispy formation. She allows it to linger like that, watching it in awe as she does before she continues the rest of
The words. She reads the remaining of the incantation and watches it dissipate before her eyes. She feels the energy for a brief moment before she senses it release to the four corners of the world. She sighs softly as she waits to be certain that it was truly gone for good. She closes the book up and slips it into her bag. She heads to another door, slipping the same Skeleton key into the lock. She slips through the door and heads up through a different passageway. She slowly makes her way down the hall quickly remembering what this walkway was She makes sure she is focused as she makes her way through. She skirt of her dress beginning to grow hot briefly. She nods thinking to herself 'I've been through hell and back many times by now. Flames are nothing.' She continues her walk through the hallway.
She reaches the end of the hallway and comes to the clearing. She emerges from the passage and steps out along the beach. She pushes her hair back as she feels the sand between her toes. She makes her way towards the water as the spelled flames climb up her dress
She walks straight into the waters, allowing the waves to lap at her. She water slowly putting out the flames on her. She smiles at herself again as she sinks deeper into the waves to ensure all is out. She floats a moment and then comes back to the shore line. She picks her
Bag back up and walks along the shore, heading back to the castle slowly. Hopefully the book she found will pose useful with a way to help stop the other two queens from going after them.**she comes back up the hill to the beginning of the forest where she left her ravens. The second the saw her, they instantly cawed and flew up from. The trees they rested in wait for her safe return. She gives a devilish grin at them.* I told you all would be well. Did you Doubt your beloved queenFaye? *the head raven caws as he swoops down to her out stretched arm. She sits on the near by boulder to rest a few and chat with her beloved little dog. Her most loyal of her subjects.* My dear friend *she whispers to him as he nuzzles her* I know, my dearest friend. All shall be right as rain again before you know it. I won't let her have you. You and your flock will be safe with me. *he rests on her lap as though he was a cat. Curling up and looking up at her. She smiles back down at him and scratches his head. After some time of this precious moment, she whispers as she makes her way up off of the boulder* Come along boys... we have work to be done. *she walks back along the forest path the the old worn bridge and back to the castle, listening to the music of her precious Dogs caw as they fly around her along their way...* ~end solo~

*sobs into the pillow*
*she gets up and heads to the back room of the cave, staring off and not thinking...
She heads to the far wall in the back room, unlocks the door and throws the key aside aimlessly. On the floor, knowing this solid wood door will lock magically behind her. She walks through and jumps slightly as the door slams shut behind her. No return now. Not on her own, anyways. She goes down the short hall and lays on the bed in the tiny room at the end and stares at the wall, slowly faring to a dim glimmer of her shell. Crushed and heartbroken. Unwanted. Un needed. A wretched cursed creature not belonging anywhere.....*
*she weakens slightly, shivers from the frigid cold of the cave. She places her hand on the cave wall before her, laying on the stone slab of a makeshift bedding. She breathes silently and closes her eyes, hands still on the wall for assurance of something solid and real besides her.
Slowly fading, like a dying star from the sharp tongue and not wanting to talk.... she is cursed... she drifts to sleep as her body pops up goose bumps along her arms and legs. *
s she drifts back to sleep, she unknowingly slips into a meditative trance. What feels dreamlike, she begins to feel in her heart that they may be more of memories than dreams.
She shifts in her sleep, going through past lives. Seeing her sister at the fountain, back at Croglin Grange. Jumping to another day well before then. she is walking in the arm of a well dress man, handsome. She is smiling as she looks at his smile. Charming, he seems to be. She is filled with a love for this person. She places her hand along the side of his face. She looks into his eyes as she plays with his hair, longer length hair in this time period. She loves how it's long enough for her to play with. He slips his hand onto hers and kisses her hand gingerly.
Her eyes shine bright like stars at him. As she looks in his eyes, her Alice mind focuses on his eyes, they feel so familiar...
She turns in her sleep, confused in her dreams. Why are these eyes so familiar? Have she seen these eyes before? Other than that past life?
Her memories continue, she kisses the corner of his mouth and then he wraps his arms gently around her waist. He keeps her close and she smiles brightly with her eyes up at him. She enjoys his caresses along her waist. She slides her hands to behind his head as he leans in to gently kiss her lips. Kisses that melt the world around them each and every time they meet. She smiles as their kiss ends.
She doesn't care that they could be attacked by the werewolves or the vampires at any time. Yet, any time she is with him, none of their attacks ever seemed to occur. She never really thought about that until this moment. Could he have kept them away while he was there? Did he knowingly, or unknowingly keep his witch safe from the threats?
Now was not a time to dwell on such questions. She just wanted to remember the love. How nice it felt to feel his love. All the loves of her past lives...
She was just happy, there in his arms. She felt as though nothing would ever change this... she could almost feel those strong arms holding once again. Her eyes brim with tears as she sleeps.
Then she remembers the time she had to leave suddenly from their home, carrying her sister in her arms. And from who felt like her love. She remembers nothing more after that lifetime, other than the death and sorrow and pain that came with that ending. The loss was too much to bear.
Jumping to an earlier time, she sits at the hilltop of Avalon. She sits over the looking pool, staring on to visions coming to her. She places her fingers gently over the water, playing on a face staring back at her. She feels her heart for them. Again, how strange the eyes feel so familiar to her again, the man staring back at her. She is suddenly called away to her studies with Merlin. Would she ever see her love again, will she be able to leave Avalon in a time when he might remember her as well? Time always moved differently in Avalon.
As well as with the faye folk. They seemed to age different too. She glimpsed a time she stumbled along in the swamps. Somehow, getting lost along the paths one day when a young lass. She remembered on falling asleep and then walking among the faye folk. They spoke to her. Told her of who she was. On how she was one of them. And she was destined for good things.
She stirs as she sees this memories flooding at her. They showed her lives past and lives to be. She had forgotten all of that until this time.
She drifts a little deeper in this, and snapped out to a time she wakens alone in the path of the swamps, opening her eyes to those very eyes from the looking pool. He stood over her, concern on his face whispering to her, "sweetheart, are you alright?"
She sees how she lifted her arms to him to comfort him. They sat there, in the middle of the swamp. Just them, all if the faye folk long disappeared at that point. And she spoke softly to him of her time with them. He seemed to believe her, as he sat there, holding her close in his arms and playing with her long tresses surrounding her face. It felt like hours they sat there just like that. The world around them not existing any longer.
Her memories come again to the puritans. She walks along with James. She remembers she went by as Sarah then. She loved him so much. And he loved her in return. He brought back a mirror necklace for her. In the end, saving her life from her own cousin trying to end her life to have him for herself.
She sees times of them walking along in her family gardens. Where her sisters and her were known for to help heal others with.
Walking arm in arm, days when he wasn't at sea with Emy's husband. Enjoying the sweet solitude of the gardens. James, slipping a flower behind her ear, and she smiling back at him. Her eyes filled with love for him. She rested her head along his shoulder as they walked through in their own little world.
The bench they would sit at under the large, old tree. Hours in the summer shade, holding each other silently. Just enjoying their time while he was home.
Then the moment they had to leave her surviving sister behind and watching from the hilltop before taking off in secret before they came for her next in their witch hunt.
She struggles in her now restlessness. All these eyes. They were all, the same? Yes. The familiarity in them. They were all the same eyes she kept looking at all these lifetimes. They were meant to find each other.
She snaps awake and sees the cave wall before her eyes. Her hand still on the wall where she left them as she drifted off hours before.
"Real. This here is real," she whispers to herself.
She breathes deeply and taps the wall with her fingertips as she repeats, "real" over and over again. She does this to lull herself back to sleep. No one was missing her. No one noticed she was missing. Didn't matter any more. She made herself go back to sleep. Hoping this time for actual sleep, not more visions or whatever they just were.
"Rea..." she faintly continues as the trance sweeps her up yet again. Acting more of a cruel joke by the goddess or whoever it was by now. She sees the eyes once again. She smiles faintly as she starts to reach out to the face they belonged to. Then struggles in a frozen paralytic waking dream when it shifts drastically to terror.
Merlin and Morgana standing before her. Telling her she is to be the maiden at the beltane rites. Events leading up to having to go through so much pain. Love loss in that lifetime. Her beloved eyes then who shared in her time from the faye folk in the swamp. Never to be found again. She stands alone in the boat controlled by the swamp people as she centers herself to be allowed into Avalon after years away. Lifting her arms up to separate the mist before them. He beloved of that time lost now forever sealed by that one moment.
The cursed morgaine le faye. That was who she was then. A tear trickles along her cheek.
Suddenly, she is swept to the tudors. Back at Croglin Grange. Standing at the fountain, watching a stabbing and a drowning occur before her eyes. Her sister being drowned and then their friend coming from out of no where to stab the raven woman who was doing such a thing. She stood and watched as he stabbed her 9 times.
Then she grabbed her sister and dragged her behind her into the woods. Away from their life long home. Away from the werewolves and the vampires that all wanted them for being witches. Away from the humans that wanting the crown and the land for themselves.
She pauses at the edge of the woods before disappearing completely from sight forever. Will she ever see him again? His caring, loving eyes looking back at her? She shakes her head and disappears forever.
Her eyes trickle more tears down her cheeks as she struggles to wake up. She doesn't want to relive all these moments. She knew what was next...
"No...please... " a whispered plea escapes her lips. She tries to astral project herself out of this sleep. But nothing happens. It was like something higher had a grip upon her now. She was at their mercy. To suffer for everything.
She was Sarah once again. Watching as Cloe was tied to the stake. Seeing Tabitha, their cousin, smiling happily to herself and Orthus watching over the burning of their sister. She braces herself as Cloes screams come as the fire licks at her feet.
Then finding their dear wolf friend murdered by their home after they buried their sister. The fights after of what to be done next to keep innocents safe and stop Orthus from getting their book and their powers.
She stood at the hills side watching her sister Emy burn next. How she leans in the Aaron, and the look on his face as she steps to the stake. She watches them bring the burning torches to the pier. How it picks up quickly to eat at her beloved sister. She yells out, "No!" As tears flood her cheeks. She is still bound down through all of this.
What comes next is how it is not only her sister... she doesn't want to watch this all over again. She watches first as a small sport ascends from her sisters body and then her own sister after. She watches a little longer before James pulls her away to take her off someplace safe.
"No..." she pleads more.
She tries again to get put by astral projection and still can't. Instead, the efforts make jars of potions and spells to explode in her back room where the door was located. Her energy being expelled rendered useless for her instead for now.
What has this grip on her? It had to be someone higher. The raven queen couldn't possibly get through her barrier. She increased everything after that night they had the gremlin. Why were they making her go through all of this?
She struggles again to release herself. Again still sending energy out to the other room, smashing more bottles and chests everywhere.
"Let's me go..." she cries out. 'This was a bad idea to come in here. But she doesn't even remember coming in here at all. Who led her in here. Why wont they let her go?' She thinks to herself.
"Help..." she whispers with the last of her strength, hoping it makes it to someone who could help. Wishing to be free of this apparent spell cast on her.
{e leaves room}
26 feb 2019[from the queens cave archives]
She walks down the beach to the fort left by the others. She throws herself upon the pillows. she hugs the pillow crying silently. She didn't think about what it was. She is sorry for hurting him or making him mad. She doesn't want to lose him... "every one always leaves me..." she whispers. "I'm so cursed... cursed..."
She whispers even though he probably wont hear it. "I'm sorry I made you mad." as she hugs the pillow tighter. Wishing for only him. Hitting herself in the head for not realizing anything at the time. How stupid for either not realizing or just not thinking. Shes just a stupid rag doll...just a rag ...doll...
She wakes from a brief sleep and walks down the beach. She heads to a tree portal and pops through
Yo her cave. She climbs up the side of the cave wall to the entryway.
She enters the cave.
She lays on the sofa staring into the non lite fire place confused
And begins to sob into the pillow.
she gets up after some time and heads to the back room of the cave, staring off and not thinking...
She heads to the far wall in the back room, unlocks the door and throws the key aside aimlessly. On the floor, knowing this solid wood door will lock magically behind her. She walks through and jumps slightly as the door slams shut behind her. No return now. Not on her own, anyways. She goes down the short hall and lays on the bed in the tiny room at the end and stares at the wall, slowly fading to a dim glimmer of her shell. Crushed and heartbroken. Unwanted. Unneeded. A wretched cursed creature not belonging anywhere...
she wakens slightly in the late morning and shivers from the frigid cold of the cave. She places her hand on the cave wall before her, laying on the stone slab of a makeshift bedding. She breathes silently and closes her eyes, hands still on the wall for assurance of something solid and real besides her.
Slowly fading, like a dying star from the sharp tongue and not wanting to talk...she is cursed... she drifts to sleep as her body pops up goose bumps along her arms and legs.
Dreams or memories?
As she drifts back to sleep, she unknowingly slips into a meditative trance. What feels dreamlike, she begins to feel in her heart that they may be more of memories than dreams.
She shifts in her sleep, going through past lives. Seeing her sister at the fountain, back at Croglin Grange. Jumping to another day well before then. she is walking in the arm of a well dress man, handsome. She is smiling as she looks at his smile. Charming, he seems to be. She is filled with a love for this person. She places her hand along the side of his face. She looks into his eyes as she plays with his hair, longer length hair in this time period. She loves how it's long enough for her to play with. He slips his hand onto hers and kisses her hand gingerly.
Her eyes shine bright like stars at him. As
she looks in his eyes, her Alice mind focuses on his eyes, they feel so familiar...
She turns in her sleep, confused in her dreams. Why are these eyes so familiar? Have she seen these eyes before? Other than that past life?
Her memories continue, she kisses the corner of his mouth and then he wraps his arms gently around her waist. He keeps her close and she smiles brightly with her eyes up at him. She enjoys his caresses along her waist. She slides her hands to behind his head as he leans in to gently kiss her lips. Kisses that melt the world around them each and every time they meet. She smiles as their kiss ends.
She doesnt care that they could be attacked by the werewolves or the vampires at any time. Yet, any time she is with him, none of their attacks ever seemed to occur. She never really thought about that until this moment. Could he have kept them away while he was there? Did he knowingly, or unknowingly keep his witch safe from the threats?
Now was not a time to dwell on such questions. She just wanted to remember the love. How nice it felt to feel his love. All the loves of her past lives...
She was just happy, there in his arms. She felt as though nothing would ever change this... she could almost feel those strong arms holding once again. Her eyes brim with tears as she sleeps.
Then she remembers the time she had to leave suddenly from their home, carrying her sister in her arms. And from who felt like her love. She remembers nothing more after that lifetime, other than the death and sorrow and pain that came with that ending. The loss was too much to bear.
Jumping to an earlier time, she sits at the hilltop of Avalon. She sits over the looking pool, staring on to visions coming to her. She places her fingers gently over the water, playing on a face staring back at her. She feels her heart for them. Again, how strange the eyes feel so familiar to her again, the man staring back at her. She is suddenly called away to her studies with Merlin. Would she ever see her love again, will she be able to leave Avalon in a time when he might remember her as well? Time always moved differently in Avalon.
As well as with the faye folk. They seemed to age different too. She glimpsed a time she stumbled along in the swamps. Somehow, getting lost along the paths one day when a young lass. She remembered on falling asleep and then walking among the faye folk. They spoke to her. Told her of who she was. On how she was one of them. And she was destined for good things.
She stirs as she sees this memories flooding at her. They showed her lives past and lives to be. She had forgotten all of that until this time.
She drifts a little deeper in this, and snapped out to a time she wakens alone in the path of the swamps, opening her eyes to those very eyes from the looking pool. He stood over her, concern on his face whispering to her, "sweetheart, are you alright?"
She sees how she lifted her arms to him to comfort him. They sat there, in the middle of the swamp. Just them, all if the faye folk long disappeared at that point. And she spoke softly to him of her time with them. He seemed to believe her, as he sat there, holding her close in his arms and playing with her long tresses surrounding her face. It felt like hours they sat there just like that. The world around them not existing any longer.
Her memories come again to the puritans. She walks along with James. She remembers she went by as Sarah then. She loved him so much. And he loved her in return. He brought back a mirror necklace for her. In the end, saving her life from her own cousin trying to end her life to have him for herself.
She sees times of them walking along in her family gardens. Where her sisters and her were known for to help heal others with.
Walking arm in arm, days when he wasn't at sea with Emy's husband. Enjoying the sweet solitude of the gardens. James, slipping a flower behind her ear, and she smiling back at him. Her eyes filled with love for him. She rested her head along his shoulder as they walked through in their own little world.
The bench they would sit at under the large, old tree. Hours in the summer shade, holding each other silently. Just enjoying their time while he was home.
Then the moment they had to leave her surviving sister behind and watching from the hilltop before taking off in secret before they came for her next in their witch hunt.
She struggles in her now restlessness. All these eyes. They were all, the same? Yes. The familiarity in them. They were all the same eyes she kept looking at all these lifetimes. They were meant to find each other.
She heads out to the main room to sit at the sofa and curl up where it was warm again.
Finding her way again
She waves on the fireplace and grabs an over sized blanket before she curls up at the sofa. She grabs the teapot and sets it near the fire to warm up some tea for herself as well.
She curls up in the blanket and watches the fire crackle as she warms back up from being in the cold back corners of the cave. How long was she there for? She didn't even know what day it was anymore.
'How did she end up in that room?' She wondered. She watched the fire slowly build up into a quiet roar as she mulled over this. 'Who could have had enough power to do this? To get to her through all of her barriers?'
The teapot gives its sharp whistle, snapping her away from her thoughts for the time being. She climbs up from the sofa to grab it away from the fire. She pours the water into a mug she had nearby. Bringing the mug back to the sofa with her, she switches her thoughts to others. 'Has anyone been looking for her?' She wondered.
She checks her phone sitting on the table. Nothing. Not a single message. She gives a frown and debates messaging anyone to let them know she was okay. Ember, would have thought she was away in Venice still with Elijah.
She puts the phone down and sips the tea slowly as she gathers her thoughts now in debate. 'Do I even bother telling anyone what happened? Would they even care?'
She gives a shrug and finishes the tea. She curls up and goes to sleep there on the sofa, not messaging anyone at this point of time.
"I'll just sleep here and head home in the morning..." she says tiredly as she drifts off to sleep.
~end for now..
I think I will just stay over here and keep to my little world in my mind...
20 mar 2019
Cosmos against me... I'm so utterly screwed
https://time.com/5554247/super-worm-moon-2019/ }
*slipping in she sighs softly, grabbing another blanket to cover the sleeping Faye Queen, before setting a cup of hot chocolate and some breakfast on the table for her to have when she wakes*
When satisfied, she heads off swiftly to the main room behind the mouth of the cave. She waves the fireplace on as the sun will be low soon and the chilly air will settle quickly in this crevice of a room. She then turns to her work bench and starts to gather items in her mortar and pestle and begins to hum quietly to herself as she crushes various items. First she does the white egg shells, later moving on to rose petals and then other flower petals she has been drying over these past months.
After each item, she carefully pours them out into a Mason jar and finds a happy place on the shelves for later usage. She wants to be certain she has enough supplies for any and all last minute spells that may be in need of making. She keeps herself busy like this for a few hours. Until her hands grow raw and sore from all the crushing she has been doing.*
4 apr 2019[from the queens cave archives]
*she paces before the fire. Unable to rest. Unable to think straight. She heads over to the weeping cherry tree and stands underneath it. She calls up and yells loudly.*
Give me a sign that he is ok. Just a fucking sign. Anything at all. He promised he would not disappear like this and yet nothing. Since Tuesday morning.
*she prays that everything is ok. Wishing for some sort of a sign. Anything at this pint.*
~solo 7 april 2019~
forever free from anything.their wingspans always amaze her as she sits here, watching them whenever she comes.

BELTANE preparations continued... and revised
*A few days before, she heads out to the island of realms, to look over the ritual site for Beltane as it fast approaches. She makes use of the old tree groves and their portals so as not to be seen. Strolling along the grounds looking over what will soon become the site of the blessed evening of Beltane, she thinks back on the year before. Beltane was simply days away at this point. She pauses at the main place where the ceremony will take place and lifts the hood of her worn woolen cloak down from her head.
Silently, she looks out along the grounds on lush, green, rolling hills before her from the throne she will be seated at. The ceremonial area, now piled high in ready for the bonfire to be lit.
Memories of last year begin to flood back into her mind. How it was all planned out to destroy her. The massacre and the blood shed that happened that night, now washed away by the year of rains and growth here. They wanted her gone, destroyed; and yet, here she still stood. Where were they now? Those who betrayed her? Gone, banished. Or even dead, depending upon what the situation was that prevailed at the time. Those banished were considered dead to her on a different level.
She had allowed those who remained to rebuild the Maiden House she had burnt down in her rage and anger that night. It was not their fault the mother priestess had sided against her; they were all innocent of all of that. Same with the druids. She and Gabriel had taken care of those three blinded fools who thought it best to go against the queen. A small smirk crossed her lips as she thought of her and the archangel having their time with them. She briefly wondered what ever became of the one blind little mouse she gifted to Gabriel as a "pet" to be taken home and tortured that night. Shaking the thought from her head, she let out a small chuckle as she turned from the seat she will take for the beginning of the upcoming night.
She walks slowly over to the house that will be used for the maiden and the stag king they promised her will be perfect for ceremony. The thought on how they wanted her in there. Who did they choose would have been with her then? Would they have been the chosen one to have tried to maybe dagger her and end her life that very night? Her inner core grew hot in anger at such thoughts of what they may have had plotted for that very night. The thought of all the betrayal that was planned on right at the beginning; right from her birth, made her blood boil over with the sheer thought. She was thankful she never wanted to be their pawn in such a matter, at least in this lifetime. Maybe that aspect in this lifetime, saved her from such a fate; at least for now. That past lifetime, she was more naive on such things. Doing as she was told by her aunt. But now, she was on her own in such matters. Now, she felt the power of the great goddess, The Morrigan, coursing through her very soul. She would not allow herself to be used in such a manner. She will choose her own worthy "stag king" on such nights, and any other night for her lifetime. She will never allow them that satisfaction ever again. Was it not enough that she was already considered an abomination among them all? She wasn't even considered their rightful queen because of her rebirth and recycling of her soul numerous times over the centuries. In their eyes, she was considered nothing. A past queen that didn't belong there any longer. She couldn't help what the fates and Gods decided. She just had to keep doing what she had to do, what ever that was. She gives a small sigh as she continues along her way, trying to push the thoughts aside.
She narrowed her eyes as she turned abruptly to look past the trees. She walks over past the trees and looks around. Bending down, she finds a small dagger of elven looking design.*
My dearest Wings...*she whispers as she plays her hand lovingly along the edges of the sharp blade. She sighs heavily at the memory of such an imaginative soul. She was simply a child when Sky first arrived that day in their bunker. Invited by the child's uncle, Balthazar. It was more of an honor to have been allowed to not only watch her grow and blossom to what she had finally become in the end; before her disappearance to go off to fight some other new unknown battle. It was a joy to have helped guide her when she needed it.
She looks at the ground beneath her feet and sees the remnants of the hooveprints of Wings' horse. the black shadowy skeleton creature that had flames from its nostrils was something to be feared as well as proud of. And she looked magnificent riding upon him. She gives a smirk and shakes her head at all her silly memories coming up within her head. Slipping the dagger into her holster next to her own, she stands back up.
Content that all seems to be coming along smoothly, she heads back to Manosque until the evening she is needed to return here for.*
~The morning before Beltane~
*she heads out in the early morning hours to the gardens just outside of their small and cozy cottage in Manosque. Not wanting to wake anyone, she silently slips out with her tiny basket and scurries off quickly to the large weeping willow tree growing on the outer edge of the garden. She sets the basket upon the ground, smiling to herself as the sun is slowly rising up along the horizon at this hour.*
I have a feeling this will be a much better day than last year.
*she whispers to herself as she slowly pulls out different colored ribbons from the basket to tie onto the branches of the tree. The breeze gently blows at her hair, almost like it was kissing its faye queen at such an early hour. She closes her eyes to the gentle breeze briefly to enjoy its feeling along her skin. Finally, she starts adding the ribbon to the tree branches.*
White, to bring peace and harmony to all near us. Green, for good fortune. Yellow, for joy, and purple for spiritual growth.
*she whispers as she begins to add the ribbons on, one by one.*
Blue, for wisdom and healing to those who shall be in need. And orange for success.
*she finishes adding the ribbons and then goes about adding decorative hoops with more ribbons and flowers she had been working on over the past few weeks. She looks back at her work, and then she smiles happily to herself before she turns and heads quickly back inside to make preparations for the rest of the day. There was still much to be done. And she still had together her things to be at the ritual site for her appearance there for the next evening.
When she has reached the island, and the ritual site, a young woman was waiting for her to go over the preparations.*
All is going just as you have wished for, my queen. *the young daughter of Avalon bowed low to her when she gave her report as Sky made her way along the grounds for her last minute check on things*
And the maiden and stag king? They are all underway in their preparations, too? *Sky gives a stern look over the young lass. She can not help but wonder if any off those who remained were still a part of the ones who had rebelled last year. She will always tread lightly around them all now. She may still be a daughter of Avalon. And a priestess at that, but when still would never truly trust any of them ever again. She decided that she would keep them all at arms length from here on out. She eyes the girl as she bowed again and promised all was going as needed to be.*
Very well, be off then, *she waved her off quickly she that she may be left alone in her own thoughts. She walks along the grounds a little longer before she turns down into the old groves and into a portal back to her home for the time being. Things were simply getting too stuffy for her being back at the island with all of the formalities for now. She wished for the solitude she would find with her beloved husband and their twin daughters.
Once she was back at their cozy little cottage, she checks in on the girls, and smiles as she lets them out into the gardens to frolic among the bunnies and other small, harmless creatures. Being of Faye, they had an easy connection to speaking with such creatures very early and it showed. Confident the girls would be safe where they were, she sets to the willow to get on task. She calls forth for her ravens, her dogs, as she keeps the twins in eye shot.*
Come along, dogs. What reports have thee to show me?
*she sits silently as they flock quickly into the low branches of the tree, one by one. she gives them a silent nod and one swoops down before her. They stare in each others eyes as it shows her what it has seen.
She sees quickly the maiden house, perched high up on its hill, newly rebuilt. The new recruits bustling along to learn their new tasks and practices. She sees a flash into the new mother priestess's chambers. Nothing out of the ordinary. All seemed as it should be. She gives a nod to the raven*
You may go back to your post now, dog. You have served me well, thus far
*with a caw, he flies off and the next one swoops down in his place. He shows her the druid hovel within the cliffs. The newest of the triad of eldest druids taking in council of the new recruits and teaching them of their ways. No signs of rebellion or an attack being plotted here either. She nods to him*
Back to your post, dear dog.
*the next two show her of the preparations of the maiden and the stag boy to be turned into king for the evening. All seems as it should be. No secret daggers or potions of poison being hidden with them. She eases slightly and then looks over to the twins. One of the ravens rather than going to their post right away, stayed to watch over them as she took her council over her dogs for her information. She smiles smugly at just how well trained they had become for her. The Morrigan really was within her blood now. This was more proof of it coming to light.
Once all was taken in she stands tall and allows the ravens their leave.*
Off to your posts until I need you once again.
*they caw their goodbyes to her and take flight quickly into the air. One stayed behind to roost in the willow. She tilts her head at it. With the thought between them, she decides it can stay.*
Very well, dog. Stand guard here, if you feel you must. I will not deny added protection.
*it gives a quick caw and straightens itself more on its branch. She gives a small laugh and heads to play with the twins in the gardens. Smiling at the sound of their happy little giggles whenever the bunnies tickle their little noses with their whiskers. They spend the rest of the afternoon in the soft sunlight and shade from the nearby trees, playing in the gardens. *
~the day of Beltane~
She heads off to the castle so that she can change quickly for the evening. As she heads through the halls, the castle all bustling in anticipation for the evening. The food all prepared for the evening and the flowers bursting out of almost everywhere. She smiles at how happy everyone seems to be finally.
She stands finally in the middle of her chambers, now belonging to her and her beloved husband. She ponders momentarily on just how things had fallen into place and how things have become. Smirking to herself, she quickly heads to the closet and grabs out the dress for the night. She picks out a small and simple crown as well. Simple leaves and flowers decorating it. She places it on her head before she heads back to the ritual site to wait*
~the evening of Beltane~
*she walks over to the throne area, preparing in her mind yet again what she would say. She stops at the throne and turns to look out among the crowd that has gathered here for the evening celebration. All seems to perfect tonight. She can only hope things will end up better than last year. Her only hope was no more blood shed on this sacred spot. At least not this evening of all evenings.
She lifts her hands up into the air to call attention. All go silent before her. Slowly, she starts.*
Blessed evening. Tonight we celebrate a new beginning. New life, new starts. So let us begin:
'Friends that in the circle stand,
Heart to heart and hand to hand,
Bringing Beltane to the land,
Let the sleeper awake!
Let the flames of Beltane burn,
May the Old Ones now return,
May we of their magick learn,
Let the sleeper awake!
Let the streams and fields be pure,
Earth and sky be clean once more,
Love and laughter long endure,
Let the sleeper awake!
Forests spreading, peace returning,
Where the pagan fires are burning,
Now the inner light discerning,
Let the sleeper awake!
May the Lady's touch again,
Rest upon the barren plain,
With the sunshine and the rain,
Let the sleeper awake!
Beltane magick here we sing,
Chant the rune and dance the ring,
Joy and blessing shall it bring.
Let the sleeper awake!'
*she gives a nod and the priestesses begin to walk through slowly, the maiden within the middle of them as they sing and dance around her, hurrying her along to the small house that awaited her. She usher her in quickly. Then the roar of the drums from the druids as the stag king emerges from the woods this time. They guide him to the same small house and then the crowd cheers as all has been down as the ritual calls for. She gives a small sigh of relief this part has gone well. She gives another nod as the head druids look up expectantly at her. They quickly set to action, lifted the torches nearby and set them to the wood pile in anticipation for the bon fire. The crowd roars with high spirits as the flames leap up quickly to engulf the wood.
She watches as they all cheer, drink and dance around the flames in their celebration for the new coming year. She begins to stare off into the fires embers herself, contemplating over things.
Slowly, the crowd begins to pair off and go on into their own private little gatherings. Some taking to be with certain special ones for a special night such as tonight. She looks over and makes sure she will no longer be needed.
The head priestess gives her a small smile and a knowing nod, whispering*
Go be with your king, my queen. I shall watch over the fires for you.
*she gives her a small bow and then looks over the fires and the crowd for her. Sky gives her a thankful smile back and lifts up her skirts of the gown she had to wear for the ritual and sets off quickly down to the old groves to head back to their cottage in Manosque, and back to her beloved husband on a blessed and sacred evening such as this.*
~at their cozy cottage in Maonsque~
*as the dusk approaches, she sets the book aside for now and heads to the gardens and the ready fire pit. She lights the fire pit and wraps up into the blanket to enjoy her small, private beltane fire.
She picks at the basket of flowers she left earlier near the seat she sat at and slowly begins to keep her hands busy by making a crown out of flowers. She slowly weaves and wraps the flower stems with the ribbon left from when she tied them to the tree. She finishes the crown of flowers and sets it back into the basket. She lays along the seat to watch the fire in silence, listening to the soft crackle of the embers. She hopes her beloved husband returns home soon to share the quiet evening.
Once her beloved husband returns home, they enjoy a quiet evening together, keeping close and whispering throughout the night until the fire dies down and they drift off to sleep in each other's arms. Nothing could have been more perfect in her mind.
In the morning, she sets out to tend to the remains of the small fire. She pulls the ashes aside to set to work on a special task for that after she was done cleaning up the fire area. She sets to work, humming to herself as she works.
Once she is satisfied with the fire area being tended to, she picks up the ashes and looks over the grounds. The ashes of a Beltane fire is said to be able to be used for protection around ones property, and that was what she intended to try today. She sets to work, spelling her own words to be added as she sets out to lay the ashes on the outskirts of the outer gardens. She pays special attention to make sure she doesn't miss any spot along the way. Some time later, she wipes the back of her hand along her forehead to wipe away the tiny beats of sweat that started to appear on her forehead. She brushes her long blonde tresses from her face and gives a satisfied sigh to her work. Pleased with the hopefulness that this should set her mind at ease, she heads back inside their cozy little cottage, wiping the soot from her hands along her skirts as she walks.*

*she wakes up and sits at the window, enjoying the quiet solitude of the early morning hours before anyone else wakens. Such a beautiful sunny morning, she decides to head out to the gardens to see if she can gather up anything before the rest of the house wakes up
grabbing her basket, she heads out to begin her stroll through their vast gardens on the property of their cozy little cottage. The sun just starting to rise and warm the grass beneath her feet. She can feel the cool, dampness of the morning dew that has settled in from the
evening. Another welcomed sign of spring and warmer weather coming their way. The sunlight in this early hour, giving her hair a golden glow to it as she continues strolling slowly along, getting lost in her own thoughts as she goes. She smiles softly and
knowingly to herself as she thinks on different things. Happier thoughts cross her mind as of lately, rather than the other thoughts from some months back. She finds her way to the far edges of the property as she continues in her thoughts. She pauses here and inspects all she has done in protection barriers and then sits along the small hillside, looking out over the small stream that runs babbling softly along the edge here. The sound of the water pushing all thoughts away from her mind for a short time, allowing her to just sit and be there. To be a part of the surroundings. Nothing more. She falls gently back on the grass and closes her eyes, a smile crossing her lips. She felt more relaxed now than ever before.
And that was the overall goal of this small escape that her beloved esposo had taken them all here for, after all. Taking her, and their beloved twin daughters to get away from the castle life for a while. It was a freedom even when growing up around the castle, not knowing her true path at the time did not even grant her. It was a welcomed change in life.
after some moments enjoying the sunlights' warmth on her, she sits back up. She thinks to herself that she better get moving along, before she falls asleep in this warm sun like she was one of the cats sunning themselves upon the windowsill at home. She picks up her basket and makes her way back along the side gardens, inspecting things as she goes along. Some of her ravens swoop down on a nearby tree branch to caw at her their morning reports from their designated locations of watch. She pauses to listen to them each in turn and then nods for them to take their leave as they finish. All seemed quiet and secured for the time being. But she only wondered how long something like this would last for.she was keeping hope that it would be some time before the Troll Queen and the Raven Queen started their plan once again. besides, this time they would hopefully be ready, since they knew who was heading it all up from the very beginnings anyways. All they could do at this point was prepare for the war that was waged against them. Be ready for the next attacks and also research and find out just what the hell was in the overall plan and scheme of things. Why they kept coming hack. And just who thought is would be a fun little game to keep doing so to her and her sister. Enough was enough at this point. They deserved a break from all this chaotic bull crap. there was no need to continue stringing them along in this game of theirs. Why didn't they step up and expose themselves to them already? Tell them their "master plan" by now? They were both getting tired of this game that they were clearly nothing more than just a pawn each on a giant, life-sized chess board. Being moved slowly and contemplated over what to be done to them next. In this life, and in each life that predeceased this one. And possibly any other life that followed suit. She could only hope they could finally put an end to this charade, once and for all. That maybe they could defeat whatever it was that they had to do. Or who ever kept doing this to them, and then they could live out their lives. Happy. And done with it all. She strolled over to the flower beds and knelt down to gather some items
QueenFayeSolo~ Private Beach
*She walks along the shore slowly as the waves lap on her bare feet. She looks around at the peaceful and deserted beach. Smiling to herself, she looks over at the blanket fort still remaining from when everyone used to gather on the beach for their evening fires and gatherings; back when the archangel Gabriel was still around and running the safe house. Now, all was quiet and deserted. The once called Safe House now sat dormant and empty. Only the memories of their times and adventures echoed in its lonely halls. She walks along the beach and stops by the fort of blankets and pillows. Walking over to the fort, plush pillows still lying in wait here, she smirks to herself. It was pretty warm here still, and she did have the beach all to herself it seemed…

She lets out a small giggle and before she could chicken out, she strips down to nothing and heads to the water for a long overdue swim. She smiles faintly to herself as the coolness of the mist begins to surround her. The mist was always such a comfort to her soul. She steps quickly into the water, surprisingly still warm, and looks out along the waves as they lap at her toes. Wading deeper to her waist, she lifts her arms above her head, then closes her eyes as she centers herself and finds the calm in the water. She breathes out slowly and whispers her callings upon the elements and the gods and deities and then bringing her arms out along her sides. She lifts her head upwards, as the water gently moves her back and forth slightly. Breathing steadily, she brings her hands inward to her center. She focuses on gathering up any and all negative energy within her and channels it up and out. With a sudden, sharp thrust of her arms out and away from her, she allows any of that negative energy away from herself; leaving her hands opened and stretched out away from her. She pauses in this stance for a moment. Slowly opening her eyes, she feels calmer. She smiles and nods to herself, satisfied. Then, lifts her arms back over her head to close out and thank her circle. She then brings her arms slowly back down, allowing her hands to gently play along the top of the water, to allow the energy from the water to flow through her. After some time, she floats along her back, tilting her head back and closing her eyes to relax in the calming waves as they sway her slowly. She sighs as she relaxes to the gently rocking of the waves. Wishing her beloved could be here joining her, but knows he is probably still doing his work, she tries to imagine what they would be doing if he was there. A faint little smirk crosses her lips as she continues to float along the gentle waters. She allows the waves to gently bring her closer to the shore as she relaxes on the gentle rocking that they do to her. The water always had a healing of calming effect on her. Feeling calm and at peace even more than just floating. She knew she probably should swim back to the shore soon, but her body wanted just a little longer as she daydreams in her thoughts…*

~*She set out for the gardens to gather a few items for the evening. The sun setting its soft rays of light as a golden hue along the grounds. She picks up her basket that she left on the bench the evening of Beltane and heads out along the grounds.*
Such a lovely evening out *she whispers to herself as she begins to stroll along her way. She slowly makes her way to the far end of the gardens to look over some herbs she planted earlier in the season. Once there, she stoops down and begins playing her hands slowly through the herbs.
~she pauses when a caw is heard on the branch of the willow tree behind her. Setting her work aside, she stands up to turn to her 'dog'. *
And what news do we find is so urgent at such an hour? It is not check in time for rounds...
*she head down through the ballroom doors and out through the garden. She darts across the gardens in its silence. Not a single creature seemed to stir at this hour.* odd... *she thinks aloud to herself. She reaches the far side Of the gardens and ducks through the secret door, unknown to others around here. She walks along the path quickly to make it down the paths unseen. She is off to seek some answers in some old books, but that requires a special location. *she heads down to the worn bridge where she is greeted by her beloved 'dogs' her blessed raven's who have always been there. No matter what. They clearly choose her and her sister over the troll queen and the raven queen. It wasn't their fault they got over turned

~she passes along the old fountain where some of the ravens perk and caw at her along her way.* I know...*she sings as she passes them

18 feb 2019 [from the queens cave archives]
*she lays on the sofa staring into the fire as it crackles and roars before her. Unable to sleep.thoughts as her oh so alice ways ramble on in her head. Over and over. Relentless. she lays staring at the ceiling whispering silently to herself. She knows she shouldn't worry so much. But she can't help it. He promised before to not just disappear as such. To at least let her know if he'd be gone a bit. She would still worry. But may be not as much. She closes her eyes to fight her feelings.*
24 feb 2019[from the queens cave archives]
*lays on the sofa staring into the non lite fire place confused**sobs into the pillow*
*she gets up and heads to the back room of the cave, staring off and not thinking...
She heads to the far wall in the back room, unlocks the door and throws the key aside aimlessly. On the floor, knowing this solid wood door will lock magically behind her. She walks through and jumps slightly as the door slams shut behind her. No return now. Not on her own, anyways. She goes down the short hall and lays on the bed in the tiny room at the end and stares at the wall, slowly faring to a dim glimmer of her shell. Crushed and heartbroken. Unwanted. Un needed. A wretched cursed creature not belonging anywhere.....*
*she weakens slightly, shivers from the frigid cold of the cave. She places her hand on the cave wall before her, laying on the stone slab of a makeshift bedding. She breathes silently and closes her eyes, hands still on the wall for assurance of something solid and real besides her.
Slowly fading, like a dying star from the sharp tongue and not wanting to talk.... she is cursed... she drifts to sleep as her body pops up goose bumps along her arms and legs. *
s she drifts back to sleep, she unknowingly slips into a meditative trance. What feels dreamlike, she begins to feel in her heart that they may be more of memories than dreams.
She shifts in her sleep, going through past lives. Seeing her sister at the fountain, back at Croglin Grange. Jumping to another day well before then. she is walking in the arm of a well dress man, handsome. She is smiling as she looks at his smile. Charming, he seems to be. She is filled with a love for this person. She places her hand along the side of his face. She looks into his eyes as she plays with his hair, longer length hair in this time period. She loves how it's long enough for her to play with. He slips his hand onto hers and kisses her hand gingerly.
Her eyes shine bright like stars at him. As she looks in his eyes, her Alice mind focuses on his eyes, they feel so familiar...
She turns in her sleep, confused in her dreams. Why are these eyes so familiar? Have she seen these eyes before? Other than that past life?
Her memories continue, she kisses the corner of his mouth and then he wraps his arms gently around her waist. He keeps her close and she smiles brightly with her eyes up at him. She enjoys his caresses along her waist. She slides her hands to behind his head as he leans in to gently kiss her lips. Kisses that melt the world around them each and every time they meet. She smiles as their kiss ends.
She doesn't care that they could be attacked by the werewolves or the vampires at any time. Yet, any time she is with him, none of their attacks ever seemed to occur. She never really thought about that until this moment. Could he have kept them away while he was there? Did he knowingly, or unknowingly keep his witch safe from the threats?
Now was not a time to dwell on such questions. She just wanted to remember the love. How nice it felt to feel his love. All the loves of her past lives...
She was just happy, there in his arms. She felt as though nothing would ever change this... she could almost feel those strong arms holding once again. Her eyes brim with tears as she sleeps.
Then she remembers the time she had to leave suddenly from their home, carrying her sister in her arms. And from who felt like her love. She remembers nothing more after that lifetime, other than the death and sorrow and pain that came with that ending. The loss was too much to bear.
Jumping to an earlier time, she sits at the hilltop of Avalon. She sits over the looking pool, staring on to visions coming to her. She places her fingers gently over the water, playing on a face staring back at her. She feels her heart for them. Again, how strange the eyes feel so familiar to her again, the man staring back at her. She is suddenly called away to her studies with Merlin. Would she ever see her love again, will she be able to leave Avalon in a time when he might remember her as well? Time always moved differently in Avalon.
As well as with the faye folk. They seemed to age different too. She glimpsed a time she stumbled along in the swamps. Somehow, getting lost along the paths one day when a young lass. She remembered on falling asleep and then walking among the faye folk. They spoke to her. Told her of who she was. On how she was one of them. And she was destined for good things.
She stirs as she sees this memories flooding at her. They showed her lives past and lives to be. She had forgotten all of that until this time.
She drifts a little deeper in this, and snapped out to a time she wakens alone in the path of the swamps, opening her eyes to those very eyes from the looking pool. He stood over her, concern on his face whispering to her, "sweetheart, are you alright?"
She sees how she lifted her arms to him to comfort him. They sat there, in the middle of the swamp. Just them, all if the faye folk long disappeared at that point. And she spoke softly to him of her time with them. He seemed to believe her, as he sat there, holding her close in his arms and playing with her long tresses surrounding her face. It felt like hours they sat there just like that. The world around them not existing any longer.
Her memories come again to the puritans. She walks along with James. She remembers she went by as Sarah then. She loved him so much. And he loved her in return. He brought back a mirror necklace for her. In the end, saving her life from her own cousin trying to end her life to have him for herself.
She sees times of them walking along in her family gardens. Where her sisters and her were known for to help heal others with.
Walking arm in arm, days when he wasn't at sea with Emy's husband. Enjoying the sweet solitude of the gardens. James, slipping a flower behind her ear, and she smiling back at him. Her eyes filled with love for him. She rested her head along his shoulder as they walked through in their own little world.
The bench they would sit at under the large, old tree. Hours in the summer shade, holding each other silently. Just enjoying their time while he was home.
Then the moment they had to leave her surviving sister behind and watching from the hilltop before taking off in secret before they came for her next in their witch hunt.
She struggles in her now restlessness. All these eyes. They were all, the same? Yes. The familiarity in them. They were all the same eyes she kept looking at all these lifetimes. They were meant to find each other.
She snaps awake and sees the cave wall before her eyes. Her hand still on the wall where she left them as she drifted off hours before.
"Real. This here is real," she whispers to herself.
She breathes deeply and taps the wall with her fingertips as she repeats, "real" over and over again. She does this to lull herself back to sleep. No one was missing her. No one noticed she was missing. Didn't matter any more. She made herself go back to sleep. Hoping this time for actual sleep, not more visions or whatever they just were.
"Rea..." she faintly continues as the trance sweeps her up yet again. Acting more of a cruel joke by the goddess or whoever it was by now. She sees the eyes once again. She smiles faintly as she starts to reach out to the face they belonged to. Then struggles in a frozen paralytic waking dream when it shifts drastically to terror.
Merlin and Morgana standing before her. Telling her she is to be the maiden at the beltane rites. Events leading up to having to go through so much pain. Love loss in that lifetime. Her beloved eyes then who shared in her time from the faye folk in the swamp. Never to be found again. She stands alone in the boat controlled by the swamp people as she centers herself to be allowed into Avalon after years away. Lifting her arms up to separate the mist before them. He beloved of that time lost now forever sealed by that one moment.
The cursed morgaine le faye. That was who she was then. A tear trickles along her cheek.
Suddenly, she is swept to the tudors. Back at Croglin Grange. Standing at the fountain, watching a stabbing and a drowning occur before her eyes. Her sister being drowned and then their friend coming from out of no where to stab the raven woman who was doing such a thing. She stood and watched as he stabbed her 9 times.
Then she grabbed her sister and dragged her behind her into the woods. Away from their life long home. Away from the werewolves and the vampires that all wanted them for being witches. Away from the humans that wanting the crown and the land for themselves.
She pauses at the edge of the woods before disappearing completely from sight forever. Will she ever see him again? His caring, loving eyes looking back at her? She shakes her head and disappears forever.
Her eyes trickle more tears down her cheeks as she struggles to wake up. She doesn't want to relive all these moments. She knew what was next...
"No...please... " a whispered plea escapes her lips. She tries to astral project herself out of this sleep. But nothing happens. It was like something higher had a grip upon her now. She was at their mercy. To suffer for everything.
She was Sarah once again. Watching as Cloe was tied to the stake. Seeing Tabitha, their cousin, smiling happily to herself and Orthus watching over the burning of their sister. She braces herself as Cloes screams come as the fire licks at her feet.
Then finding their dear wolf friend murdered by their home after they buried their sister. The fights after of what to be done next to keep innocents safe and stop Orthus from getting their book and their powers.
She stood at the hills side watching her sister Emy burn next. How she leans in the Aaron, and the look on his face as she steps to the stake. She watches them bring the burning torches to the pier. How it picks up quickly to eat at her beloved sister. She yells out, "No!" As tears flood her cheeks. She is still bound down through all of this.
What comes next is how it is not only her sister... she doesn't want to watch this all over again. She watches first as a small sport ascends from her sisters body and then her own sister after. She watches a little longer before James pulls her away to take her off someplace safe.
"No..." she pleads more.
She tries again to get put by astral projection and still can't. Instead, the efforts make jars of potions and spells to explode in her back room where the door was located. Her energy being expelled rendered useless for her instead for now.
What has this grip on her? It had to be someone higher. The raven queen couldn't possibly get through her barrier. She increased everything after that night they had the gremlin. Why were they making her go through all of this?
She struggles again to release herself. Again still sending energy out to the other room, smashing more bottles and chests everywhere.
"Let's me go..." she cries out. 'This was a bad idea to come in here. But she doesn't even remember coming in here at all. Who led her in here. Why wont they let her go?' She thinks to herself.
"Help..." she whispers with the last of her strength, hoping it makes it to someone who could help. Wishing to be free of this apparent spell cast on her.
{e leaves room}
26 feb 2019[from the queens cave archives]
She walks down the beach to the fort left by the others. She throws herself upon the pillows. she hugs the pillow crying silently. She didn't think about what it was. She is sorry for hurting him or making him mad. She doesn't want to lose him... "every one always leaves me..." she whispers. "I'm so cursed... cursed..."
She whispers even though he probably wont hear it. "I'm sorry I made you mad." as she hugs the pillow tighter. Wishing for only him. Hitting herself in the head for not realizing anything at the time. How stupid for either not realizing or just not thinking. Shes just a stupid rag doll...just a rag ...doll...
She wakes from a brief sleep and walks down the beach. She heads to a tree portal and pops through
Yo her cave. She climbs up the side of the cave wall to the entryway.
She enters the cave.
She lays on the sofa staring into the non lite fire place confused
And begins to sob into the pillow.
she gets up after some time and heads to the back room of the cave, staring off and not thinking...
She heads to the far wall in the back room, unlocks the door and throws the key aside aimlessly. On the floor, knowing this solid wood door will lock magically behind her. She walks through and jumps slightly as the door slams shut behind her. No return now. Not on her own, anyways. She goes down the short hall and lays on the bed in the tiny room at the end and stares at the wall, slowly fading to a dim glimmer of her shell. Crushed and heartbroken. Unwanted. Unneeded. A wretched cursed creature not belonging anywhere...
she wakens slightly in the late morning and shivers from the frigid cold of the cave. She places her hand on the cave wall before her, laying on the stone slab of a makeshift bedding. She breathes silently and closes her eyes, hands still on the wall for assurance of something solid and real besides her.
Slowly fading, like a dying star from the sharp tongue and not wanting to talk...she is cursed... she drifts to sleep as her body pops up goose bumps along her arms and legs.
Dreams or memories?
As she drifts back to sleep, she unknowingly slips into a meditative trance. What feels dreamlike, she begins to feel in her heart that they may be more of memories than dreams.
She shifts in her sleep, going through past lives. Seeing her sister at the fountain, back at Croglin Grange. Jumping to another day well before then. she is walking in the arm of a well dress man, handsome. She is smiling as she looks at his smile. Charming, he seems to be. She is filled with a love for this person. She places her hand along the side of his face. She looks into his eyes as she plays with his hair, longer length hair in this time period. She loves how it's long enough for her to play with. He slips his hand onto hers and kisses her hand gingerly.
Her eyes shine bright like stars at him. As
she looks in his eyes, her Alice mind focuses on his eyes, they feel so familiar...
She turns in her sleep, confused in her dreams. Why are these eyes so familiar? Have she seen these eyes before? Other than that past life?
Her memories continue, she kisses the corner of his mouth and then he wraps his arms gently around her waist. He keeps her close and she smiles brightly with her eyes up at him. She enjoys his caresses along her waist. She slides her hands to behind his head as he leans in to gently kiss her lips. Kisses that melt the world around them each and every time they meet. She smiles as their kiss ends.
She doesnt care that they could be attacked by the werewolves or the vampires at any time. Yet, any time she is with him, none of their attacks ever seemed to occur. She never really thought about that until this moment. Could he have kept them away while he was there? Did he knowingly, or unknowingly keep his witch safe from the threats?
Now was not a time to dwell on such questions. She just wanted to remember the love. How nice it felt to feel his love. All the loves of her past lives...
She was just happy, there in his arms. She felt as though nothing would ever change this... she could almost feel those strong arms holding once again. Her eyes brim with tears as she sleeps.
Then she remembers the time she had to leave suddenly from their home, carrying her sister in her arms. And from who felt like her love. She remembers nothing more after that lifetime, other than the death and sorrow and pain that came with that ending. The loss was too much to bear.
Jumping to an earlier time, she sits at the hilltop of Avalon. She sits over the looking pool, staring on to visions coming to her. She places her fingers gently over the water, playing on a face staring back at her. She feels her heart for them. Again, how strange the eyes feel so familiar to her again, the man staring back at her. She is suddenly called away to her studies with Merlin. Would she ever see her love again, will she be able to leave Avalon in a time when he might remember her as well? Time always moved differently in Avalon.
As well as with the faye folk. They seemed to age different too. She glimpsed a time she stumbled along in the swamps. Somehow, getting lost along the paths one day when a young lass. She remembered on falling asleep and then walking among the faye folk. They spoke to her. Told her of who she was. On how she was one of them. And she was destined for good things.
She stirs as she sees this memories flooding at her. They showed her lives past and lives to be. She had forgotten all of that until this time.
She drifts a little deeper in this, and snapped out to a time she wakens alone in the path of the swamps, opening her eyes to those very eyes from the looking pool. He stood over her, concern on his face whispering to her, "sweetheart, are you alright?"
She sees how she lifted her arms to him to comfort him. They sat there, in the middle of the swamp. Just them, all if the faye folk long disappeared at that point. And she spoke softly to him of her time with them. He seemed to believe her, as he sat there, holding her close in his arms and playing with her long tresses surrounding her face. It felt like hours they sat there just like that. The world around them not existing any longer.
Her memories come again to the puritans. She walks along with James. She remembers she went by as Sarah then. She loved him so much. And he loved her in return. He brought back a mirror necklace for her. In the end, saving her life from her own cousin trying to end her life to have him for herself.
She sees times of them walking along in her family gardens. Where her sisters and her were known for to help heal others with.
Walking arm in arm, days when he wasn't at sea with Emy's husband. Enjoying the sweet solitude of the gardens. James, slipping a flower behind her ear, and she smiling back at him. Her eyes filled with love for him. She rested her head along his shoulder as they walked through in their own little world.
The bench they would sit at under the large, old tree. Hours in the summer shade, holding each other silently. Just enjoying their time while he was home.
Then the moment they had to leave her surviving sister behind and watching from the hilltop before taking off in secret before they came for her next in their witch hunt.
She struggles in her now restlessness. All these eyes. They were all, the same? Yes. The familiarity in them. They were all the same eyes she kept looking at all these lifetimes. They were meant to find each other.
1 mar 2019[from the queens cave archives]
ContinueShe heads out to the main room to sit at the sofa and curl up where it was warm again.
Finding her way again
She waves on the fireplace and grabs an over sized blanket before she curls up at the sofa. She grabs the teapot and sets it near the fire to warm up some tea for herself as well.
She curls up in the blanket and watches the fire crackle as she warms back up from being in the cold back corners of the cave. How long was she there for? She didn't even know what day it was anymore.
'How did she end up in that room?' She wondered. She watched the fire slowly build up into a quiet roar as she mulled over this. 'Who could have had enough power to do this? To get to her through all of her barriers?'
The teapot gives its sharp whistle, snapping her away from her thoughts for the time being. She climbs up from the sofa to grab it away from the fire. She pours the water into a mug she had nearby. Bringing the mug back to the sofa with her, she switches her thoughts to others. 'Has anyone been looking for her?' She wondered.
She checks her phone sitting on the table. Nothing. Not a single message. She gives a frown and debates messaging anyone to let them know she was okay. Ember, would have thought she was away in Venice still with Elijah.
She puts the phone down and sips the tea slowly as she gathers her thoughts now in debate. 'Do I even bother telling anyone what happened? Would they even care?'
She gives a shrug and finishes the tea. She curls up and goes to sleep there on the sofa, not messaging anyone at this point of time.
"I'll just sleep here and head home in the morning..." she says tiredly as she drifts off to sleep.
~end for now..
16 mar 2019
I think I will just stay over here and keep to my little world in my mind...
20 mar 2019
Cosmos against me... I'm so utterly screwed
https://time.com/5554247/super-worm-moon-2019/ }
|| 'For those who couldn’t get enough of February’s “super snow moon” or January’s “super blood wolf moon” eclipse, or for those who are exhausted by all the recent supermoons: the “super worm moon” will be the last supermoon of the year.' #thirdsupermoon0f2019 ~
20 mar 2019[from the queens cave archives]
*curls up on sofa under blankets and sobs self to sleep*ember
*slipping in she sighs softly, grabbing another blanket to cover the sleeping Faye Queen, before setting a cup of hot chocolate and some breakfast on the table for her to have when she wakes*
3 apr 2019[from the queens cave archives]
*she busies herself with tending to things in the cave. Her beloved esposo has yet to return home and she needs to occupy her mind so as not to drive herself mental in worry. She lands at the entrance of the cave, and checks to be sure all is safe and clear.When satisfied, she heads off swiftly to the main room behind the mouth of the cave. She waves the fireplace on as the sun will be low soon and the chilly air will settle quickly in this crevice of a room. She then turns to her work bench and starts to gather items in her mortar and pestle and begins to hum quietly to herself as she crushes various items. First she does the white egg shells, later moving on to rose petals and then other flower petals she has been drying over these past months.
After each item, she carefully pours them out into a Mason jar and finds a happy place on the shelves for later usage. She wants to be certain she has enough supplies for any and all last minute spells that may be in need of making. She keeps herself busy like this for a few hours. Until her hands grow raw and sore from all the crushing she has been doing.*
4 apr 2019[from the queens cave archives]
*she paces before the fire. Unable to rest. Unable to think straight. She heads over to the weeping cherry tree and stands underneath it. She calls up and yells loudly.*
Give me a sign that he is ok. Just a fucking sign. Anything at all. He promised he would not disappear like this and yet nothing. Since Tuesday morning.
*she prays that everything is ok. Wishing for some sort of a sign. Anything at this pint.*
~solo 7 april 2019~
*she braids her hair slowly and then picks up a basket to head out to their gardens behind their cottage. She wanted to surprise her beloved with some fresh flowers in their home before he finished his work for the day. She makes sure she has everything ~and then heads out the door to the gardens. The quiet of this time of the day is calming and peaceful. She plays slightly with her braid as she strolls along thinking about everything and nothing all at the same time in her Alice fashion. she pauses at the beginning of their gardens and looks over for the perfect flowers to place lovingly into her basket. Their sweet aromas bringing a small smile to her face.* mí corazón will enjoy these *she whispers to herself as she begins to hum one of their favorite songs that begins to pop up in her head suddenly. She tends to hum like this when she is happy. And making her beloved esposo happy, always made her happy. She was glad he had suggested back around the holidays to take off with their tiny empresses for an extended holiday ~of their own, which was actually, finally their honeymoon since they didn't get a chance back when they had their wedding. He had made sure it has been nothing but relaxing this entire time and she wanted to do some little things around their cottage to say thank you in her own fashion. She strolls through the garden more, humming away. Whispering softly now the words to the song that was in her head. She pauses and smells some of the flowers she has collected so far. She notices some of the other flowers are slowly coming to life ~she goes over to the branches of the tree in the middle of their garden and whispers * Thank you for our spring blessings of these beautiful gifts to be taken inside. I can bring some sunshine within again. *she slides her fingers gently along the bark of the tree ~as she does. Slowly walking away from it as she does. She smiles back behind her before she turns back to scoop up her basket, now full of flowers. She heads back humming and swinging the basket slightly on her way. She reaches the door and peeks behind her before she disappeared within their cottage for the evening. *

~~ 11 april 2019~~

~Easter walk
21 april 2019~
*she picks up her basket and heads out the door of their cottage to the gardens. She thought as it was Easter, she would have a fun treat for Sami and Solveig with a small egg hunt for the day. She had small baskets inside ready for them she starts off with a small sign for the girls to start at and then looks around the garden to plan out where to place the eggs for them to find.*I can start over here...
*she heads over to the side garden and places a few along the flowers she placed them throughout the gardens, along the trees and such, until she ran out of eggs to be placed.
She pauses at the door of their cottage and looks upon the gardens, smiling.*They will have a blast with this. *she gives a small giggle as she looks over st the bunnies the girls have made fast friends with and then quickly places her finger to her lips*
Don't you be giving away where I hid them all now. They have to find them on their own. That's the fun.
*she gives a wink and then turns into the door*
May 1, 2019~
Beltane and Pre and following after May2019~
BELTANE preparations continued... and revised
*A few days before, she heads out to the island of realms, to look over the ritual site for Beltane as it fast approaches. She makes use of the old tree groves and their portals so as not to be seen. Strolling along the grounds looking over what will soon become the site of the blessed evening of Beltane, she thinks back on the year before. Beltane was simply days away at this point. She pauses at the main place where the ceremony will take place and lifts the hood of her worn woolen cloak down from her head.
Silently, she looks out along the grounds on lush, green, rolling hills before her from the throne she will be seated at. The ceremonial area, now piled high in ready for the bonfire to be lit.
Memories of last year begin to flood back into her mind. How it was all planned out to destroy her. The massacre and the blood shed that happened that night, now washed away by the year of rains and growth here. They wanted her gone, destroyed; and yet, here she still stood. Where were they now? Those who betrayed her? Gone, banished. Or even dead, depending upon what the situation was that prevailed at the time. Those banished were considered dead to her on a different level.
She had allowed those who remained to rebuild the Maiden House she had burnt down in her rage and anger that night. It was not their fault the mother priestess had sided against her; they were all innocent of all of that. Same with the druids. She and Gabriel had taken care of those three blinded fools who thought it best to go against the queen. A small smirk crossed her lips as she thought of her and the archangel having their time with them. She briefly wondered what ever became of the one blind little mouse she gifted to Gabriel as a "pet" to be taken home and tortured that night. Shaking the thought from her head, she let out a small chuckle as she turned from the seat she will take for the beginning of the upcoming night.
She walks slowly over to the house that will be used for the maiden and the stag king they promised her will be perfect for ceremony. The thought on how they wanted her in there. Who did they choose would have been with her then? Would they have been the chosen one to have tried to maybe dagger her and end her life that very night? Her inner core grew hot in anger at such thoughts of what they may have had plotted for that very night. The thought of all the betrayal that was planned on right at the beginning; right from her birth, made her blood boil over with the sheer thought. She was thankful she never wanted to be their pawn in such a matter, at least in this lifetime. Maybe that aspect in this lifetime, saved her from such a fate; at least for now. That past lifetime, she was more naive on such things. Doing as she was told by her aunt. But now, she was on her own in such matters. Now, she felt the power of the great goddess, The Morrigan, coursing through her very soul. She would not allow herself to be used in such a manner. She will choose her own worthy "stag king" on such nights, and any other night for her lifetime. She will never allow them that satisfaction ever again. Was it not enough that she was already considered an abomination among them all? She wasn't even considered their rightful queen because of her rebirth and recycling of her soul numerous times over the centuries. In their eyes, she was considered nothing. A past queen that didn't belong there any longer. She couldn't help what the fates and Gods decided. She just had to keep doing what she had to do, what ever that was. She gives a small sigh as she continues along her way, trying to push the thoughts aside.
She narrowed her eyes as she turned abruptly to look past the trees. She walks over past the trees and looks around. Bending down, she finds a small dagger of elven looking design.*
My dearest Wings...*she whispers as she plays her hand lovingly along the edges of the sharp blade. She sighs heavily at the memory of such an imaginative soul. She was simply a child when Sky first arrived that day in their bunker. Invited by the child's uncle, Balthazar. It was more of an honor to have been allowed to not only watch her grow and blossom to what she had finally become in the end; before her disappearance to go off to fight some other new unknown battle. It was a joy to have helped guide her when she needed it.
She looks at the ground beneath her feet and sees the remnants of the hooveprints of Wings' horse. the black shadowy skeleton creature that had flames from its nostrils was something to be feared as well as proud of. And she looked magnificent riding upon him. She gives a smirk and shakes her head at all her silly memories coming up within her head. Slipping the dagger into her holster next to her own, she stands back up.
Content that all seems to be coming along smoothly, she heads back to Manosque until the evening she is needed to return here for.*
~The morning before Beltane~
*she heads out in the early morning hours to the gardens just outside of their small and cozy cottage in Manosque. Not wanting to wake anyone, she silently slips out with her tiny basket and scurries off quickly to the large weeping willow tree growing on the outer edge of the garden. She sets the basket upon the ground, smiling to herself as the sun is slowly rising up along the horizon at this hour.*
I have a feeling this will be a much better day than last year.
*she whispers to herself as she slowly pulls out different colored ribbons from the basket to tie onto the branches of the tree. The breeze gently blows at her hair, almost like it was kissing its faye queen at such an early hour. She closes her eyes to the gentle breeze briefly to enjoy its feeling along her skin. Finally, she starts adding the ribbon to the tree branches.*
White, to bring peace and harmony to all near us. Green, for good fortune. Yellow, for joy, and purple for spiritual growth.
*she whispers as she begins to add the ribbons on, one by one.*
Blue, for wisdom and healing to those who shall be in need. And orange for success.
*she finishes adding the ribbons and then goes about adding decorative hoops with more ribbons and flowers she had been working on over the past few weeks. She looks back at her work, and then she smiles happily to herself before she turns and heads quickly back inside to make preparations for the rest of the day. There was still much to be done. And she still had together her things to be at the ritual site for her appearance there for the next evening.
When she has reached the island, and the ritual site, a young woman was waiting for her to go over the preparations.*
All is going just as you have wished for, my queen. *the young daughter of Avalon bowed low to her when she gave her report as Sky made her way along the grounds for her last minute check on things*
And the maiden and stag king? They are all underway in their preparations, too? *Sky gives a stern look over the young lass. She can not help but wonder if any off those who remained were still a part of the ones who had rebelled last year. She will always tread lightly around them all now. She may still be a daughter of Avalon. And a priestess at that, but when still would never truly trust any of them ever again. She decided that she would keep them all at arms length from here on out. She eyes the girl as she bowed again and promised all was going as needed to be.*
Very well, be off then, *she waved her off quickly she that she may be left alone in her own thoughts. She walks along the grounds a little longer before she turns down into the old groves and into a portal back to her home for the time being. Things were simply getting too stuffy for her being back at the island with all of the formalities for now. She wished for the solitude she would find with her beloved husband and their twin daughters.
Once she was back at their cozy little cottage, she checks in on the girls, and smiles as she lets them out into the gardens to frolic among the bunnies and other small, harmless creatures. Being of Faye, they had an easy connection to speaking with such creatures very early and it showed. Confident the girls would be safe where they were, she sets to the willow to get on task. She calls forth for her ravens, her dogs, as she keeps the twins in eye shot.*
Come along, dogs. What reports have thee to show me?
*she sits silently as they flock quickly into the low branches of the tree, one by one. she gives them a silent nod and one swoops down before her. They stare in each others eyes as it shows her what it has seen.
She sees quickly the maiden house, perched high up on its hill, newly rebuilt. The new recruits bustling along to learn their new tasks and practices. She sees a flash into the new mother priestess's chambers. Nothing out of the ordinary. All seemed as it should be. She gives a nod to the raven*
You may go back to your post now, dog. You have served me well, thus far
*with a caw, he flies off and the next one swoops down in his place. He shows her the druid hovel within the cliffs. The newest of the triad of eldest druids taking in council of the new recruits and teaching them of their ways. No signs of rebellion or an attack being plotted here either. She nods to him*
Back to your post, dear dog.
*the next two show her of the preparations of the maiden and the stag boy to be turned into king for the evening. All seems as it should be. No secret daggers or potions of poison being hidden with them. She eases slightly and then looks over to the twins. One of the ravens rather than going to their post right away, stayed to watch over them as she took her council over her dogs for her information. She smiles smugly at just how well trained they had become for her. The Morrigan really was within her blood now. This was more proof of it coming to light.
Once all was taken in she stands tall and allows the ravens their leave.*
Off to your posts until I need you once again.
*they caw their goodbyes to her and take flight quickly into the air. One stayed behind to roost in the willow. She tilts her head at it. With the thought between them, she decides it can stay.*
Very well, dog. Stand guard here, if you feel you must. I will not deny added protection.
*it gives a quick caw and straightens itself more on its branch. She gives a small laugh and heads to play with the twins in the gardens. Smiling at the sound of their happy little giggles whenever the bunnies tickle their little noses with their whiskers. They spend the rest of the afternoon in the soft sunlight and shade from the nearby trees, playing in the gardens. *
~the day of Beltane~
She heads off to the castle so that she can change quickly for the evening. As she heads through the halls, the castle all bustling in anticipation for the evening. The food all prepared for the evening and the flowers bursting out of almost everywhere. She smiles at how happy everyone seems to be finally.
She stands finally in the middle of her chambers, now belonging to her and her beloved husband. She ponders momentarily on just how things had fallen into place and how things have become. Smirking to herself, she quickly heads to the closet and grabs out the dress for the night. She picks out a small and simple crown as well. Simple leaves and flowers decorating it. She places it on her head before she heads back to the ritual site to wait*
~the evening of Beltane~
*she walks over to the throne area, preparing in her mind yet again what she would say. She stops at the throne and turns to look out among the crowd that has gathered here for the evening celebration. All seems to perfect tonight. She can only hope things will end up better than last year. Her only hope was no more blood shed on this sacred spot. At least not this evening of all evenings.
She lifts her hands up into the air to call attention. All go silent before her. Slowly, she starts.*
Blessed evening. Tonight we celebrate a new beginning. New life, new starts. So let us begin:
'Friends that in the circle stand,
Heart to heart and hand to hand,
Bringing Beltane to the land,
Let the sleeper awake!
Let the flames of Beltane burn,
May the Old Ones now return,
May we of their magick learn,
Let the sleeper awake!
Let the streams and fields be pure,
Earth and sky be clean once more,
Love and laughter long endure,
Let the sleeper awake!
Forests spreading, peace returning,
Where the pagan fires are burning,
Now the inner light discerning,
Let the sleeper awake!
May the Lady's touch again,
Rest upon the barren plain,
With the sunshine and the rain,
Let the sleeper awake!
Beltane magick here we sing,
Chant the rune and dance the ring,
Joy and blessing shall it bring.
Let the sleeper awake!'
*she gives a nod and the priestesses begin to walk through slowly, the maiden within the middle of them as they sing and dance around her, hurrying her along to the small house that awaited her. She usher her in quickly. Then the roar of the drums from the druids as the stag king emerges from the woods this time. They guide him to the same small house and then the crowd cheers as all has been down as the ritual calls for. She gives a small sigh of relief this part has gone well. She gives another nod as the head druids look up expectantly at her. They quickly set to action, lifted the torches nearby and set them to the wood pile in anticipation for the bon fire. The crowd roars with high spirits as the flames leap up quickly to engulf the wood.
She watches as they all cheer, drink and dance around the flames in their celebration for the new coming year. She begins to stare off into the fires embers herself, contemplating over things.
Slowly, the crowd begins to pair off and go on into their own private little gatherings. Some taking to be with certain special ones for a special night such as tonight. She looks over and makes sure she will no longer be needed.
The head priestess gives her a small smile and a knowing nod, whispering*
Go be with your king, my queen. I shall watch over the fires for you.
*she gives her a small bow and then looks over the fires and the crowd for her. Sky gives her a thankful smile back and lifts up her skirts of the gown she had to wear for the ritual and sets off quickly down to the old groves to head back to their cottage in Manosque, and back to her beloved husband on a blessed and sacred evening such as this.*
~at their cozy cottage in Maonsque~
*as the dusk approaches, she sets the book aside for now and heads to the gardens and the ready fire pit. She lights the fire pit and wraps up into the blanket to enjoy her small, private beltane fire.
She picks at the basket of flowers she left earlier near the seat she sat at and slowly begins to keep her hands busy by making a crown out of flowers. She slowly weaves and wraps the flower stems with the ribbon left from when she tied them to the tree. She finishes the crown of flowers and sets it back into the basket. She lays along the seat to watch the fire in silence, listening to the soft crackle of the embers. She hopes her beloved husband returns home soon to share the quiet evening.
Once her beloved husband returns home, they enjoy a quiet evening together, keeping close and whispering throughout the night until the fire dies down and they drift off to sleep in each other's arms. Nothing could have been more perfect in her mind.
In the morning, she sets out to tend to the remains of the small fire. She pulls the ashes aside to set to work on a special task for that after she was done cleaning up the fire area. She sets to work, humming to herself as she works.
Once she is satisfied with the fire area being tended to, she picks up the ashes and looks over the grounds. The ashes of a Beltane fire is said to be able to be used for protection around ones property, and that was what she intended to try today. She sets to work, spelling her own words to be added as she sets out to lay the ashes on the outskirts of the outer gardens. She pays special attention to make sure she doesn't miss any spot along the way. Some time later, she wipes the back of her hand along her forehead to wipe away the tiny beats of sweat that started to appear on her forehead. She brushes her long blonde tresses from her face and gives a satisfied sigh to her work. Pleased with the hopefulness that this should set her mind at ease, she heads back inside their cozy little cottage, wiping the soot from her hands along her skirts as she walks.*

~ 9 May 2019 ~
*she wakes up and sits at the window, enjoying the quiet solitude of the early morning hours before anyone else wakens. Such a beautiful sunny morning, she decides to head out to the gardens to see if she can gather up anything before the rest of the house wakes up
grabbing her basket, she heads out to begin her stroll through their vast gardens on the property of their cozy little cottage. The sun just starting to rise and warm the grass beneath her feet. She can feel the cool, dampness of the morning dew that has settled in from the
evening. Another welcomed sign of spring and warmer weather coming their way. The sunlight in this early hour, giving her hair a golden glow to it as she continues strolling slowly along, getting lost in her own thoughts as she goes. She smiles softly and
knowingly to herself as she thinks on different things. Happier thoughts cross her mind as of lately, rather than the other thoughts from some months back. She finds her way to the far edges of the property as she continues in her thoughts. She pauses here and inspects all she has done in protection barriers and then sits along the small hillside, looking out over the small stream that runs babbling softly along the edge here. The sound of the water pushing all thoughts away from her mind for a short time, allowing her to just sit and be there. To be a part of the surroundings. Nothing more. She falls gently back on the grass and closes her eyes, a smile crossing her lips. She felt more relaxed now than ever before.
And that was the overall goal of this small escape that her beloved esposo had taken them all here for, after all. Taking her, and their beloved twin daughters to get away from the castle life for a while. It was a freedom even when growing up around the castle, not knowing her true path at the time did not even grant her. It was a welcomed change in life.
after some moments enjoying the sunlights' warmth on her, she sits back up. She thinks to herself that she better get moving along, before she falls asleep in this warm sun like she was one of the cats sunning themselves upon the windowsill at home. She picks up her basket and makes her way back along the side gardens, inspecting things as she goes along. Some of her ravens swoop down on a nearby tree branch to caw at her their morning reports from their designated locations of watch. She pauses to listen to them each in turn and then nods for them to take their leave as they finish. All seemed quiet and secured for the time being. But she only wondered how long something like this would last for.she was keeping hope that it would be some time before the Troll Queen and the Raven Queen started their plan once again. besides, this time they would hopefully be ready, since they knew who was heading it all up from the very beginnings anyways. All they could do at this point was prepare for the war that was waged against them. Be ready for the next attacks and also research and find out just what the hell was in the overall plan and scheme of things. Why they kept coming hack. And just who thought is would be a fun little game to keep doing so to her and her sister. Enough was enough at this point. They deserved a break from all this chaotic bull crap. there was no need to continue stringing them along in this game of theirs. Why didn't they step up and expose themselves to them already? Tell them their "master plan" by now? They were both getting tired of this game that they were clearly nothing more than just a pawn each on a giant, life-sized chess board. Being moved slowly and contemplated over what to be done to them next. In this life, and in each life that predeceased this one. And possibly any other life that followed suit. She could only hope they could finally put an end to this charade, once and for all. That maybe they could defeat whatever it was that they had to do. Or who ever kept doing this to them, and then they could live out their lives. Happy. And done with it all. She strolled over to the flower beds and knelt down to gather some items
solo~ 10 may 2019~
private beach solo~

solo~ 13 may 2019
~she pauses when a caw is heard on the branch of the willow tree behind her. Setting her work aside, she stands up to turn to her 'dog'. *
*she speaks softly to the jet black blue raven
~he gives another urgent sounding series of caws as he swoops down to her hand. He gives a quick nuzzle to her and then flies up to the sky, signaling for her to follow*
Alright, alright. But this must be swift. I have a lot to be done this specific evening...*she gives a face and forgetting her basket, lifts the corner of her skirts to follow him. He flies quickly, cawing as he goes along. Swirling above to make sure she was still following.*
I'm coming...
~he gives another urgent sounding series of caws as he swoops down to her hand. He gives a quick nuzzle to her and then flies up to the sky, signaling for her to follow*
Alright, alright. But this must be swift. I have a lot to be done this specific evening...*she gives a face and forgetting her basket, lifts the corner of her skirts to follow him. He flies quickly, cawing as he goes along. Swirling above to make sure she was still following.*
I'm coming...
now just where have we taken us, dog?
*she tilts her head, slightly puzzled at what lays inside of this ancient place. She places her hand along the stone doors and they give slowly under her touch. Startled slightly that they would do that. She shakes her head and steps inside. All is pitch black as she enters the building. It's cool and damp within these walls as she drags her fingers slowly along the stone walls, covered in wet moss.*
Odd there are no candles or torches for here...*she began to whisper*
And yet there seems to be a glow of sorts coming from somewhere...
*she continued the slowly walk down the halls. She comes to the end and sees a small room surprisingly glowing from an unforeseen light source.*
Odd indeed... *she heads further into the room and seems an altar with an ancient book, bound in old, tattered leather. Worn with age. Beyond the ages as far as she could tell. She gently slides her fingers along the binding and the spine, feeling its energy coursing through it and from it.*
*she whispers as she becomes awed by it.*
Such great power must lay within you...
*she whispers, not realizing how her eyes flashed a soft red as she played her fingers along the bindings. She takes a deep, slow breath in and then slides her finger under the covering to flip the book open. As she goes to do so, there is a sound from outside. A frantic caw from her raven who stayed near to stand guard for her while she was inside. She turns quickly towards the door.*
What is going on out there?
*she starts to inquire but she doesn't head to the door before her gut tells her to snag up the
book and hides it within the folds of her skirts.*
Whatever is out there, can't get a hold of this book. No matter what.*she gives a soft whisper as she does, then heads down the hallway quickly to see what was going on. She pauses at the doorway to look and listen what
was going on. The raven swoops quickly past her head as an arrow follows behind it. Her eyes grow big in horror that someone dared to harm a sacred raven belonging to The Morrigan.
She steps out into view, exposing herself from the safety of the building. Her eyes now glowing+
~red as her anger grows within.*
How. Dare. You...
*she begins, her power building within her as she now begins to spell in the old tongues of the ancients before her. She forms an energy ball between her hands as she walks, focused on the attacker.*
You shall not harm. My. ravens...
*she locks in on the direction that the arrow came from. She locks on a pair of eyes staring back at her, clearly shocked they had been discovered so quickly.
They pause in a decision to fire another arrow or to flee. She brings the energy ball up and makes to +
throw it in their direction. As she goes to send it hurtling st them, they take off quickly, their wings fluttering faintly as they flee.*
*she mutters as the energy ball blasts against the tree now targetless before her. The flames and smoke billowing now from it. she gives a frustrated sigh and spells up for the water near to swirl up and spray a small shower over the fire she caused, putting it out quickly before it set the entire woods ablaze.* I shall have to deal with them later.
*she turns her attention quickly to her raven. She listens carefully for them. Searching and scanning where she thought they might have landed. She kneels down when she finds him and lifts him gently into her lap.*
You poor thing.
*she looks
them over carefully.*
Just a graze.
*she smiles at him as she looks him over just to be sure. She brings him to the water to gently clean out his wound and pulls out a small vial to pour over the wound to heal him.*
There you go, my friend.
*she whispers and sets him back to the ground. He gives a nuzzle to her hand and caws before he flies back up to the air. She smiles as she watches him, please and satisfied that he was not wounded more. She gets up and makes sure the book was still in the fold of her skirts before she headed back home to the cottage. The raven lands on her shoulder now to rest. She gives him a small scratch as she walks slowly along the banks of the water.*
You did well, my dog.
*she coos softly to him as he nuzzles her, cooing himself to her scratches. They walk back like this the entire time until they return back to the safety of the grounds, crossing the protection barrier easily. He flies up to the willow tree and lays in the nest in the top most branches of the tree.*
You rest now. I shall check on you later.
*she forgets her basket in the gardens and heads to the fire place outside the cottage to sit and look over the book in quiet solitude and safety of the grounds.
QueenFaye~ rain storm 5.20.2019
*she grabs her current reading and heads out to their balcony to read. She lays out on the lounge chair to relax as she reads. As she gets into her reading, the air changes slightly and slowly. She takes a deep breath in and smiles as she closes her eyes to savor the smell coming through her nose.

The smell of moisture was on the air. She keeps her eyes closed as she breathes slow and deep. Rain is on the air and coming slowly. She slowly opens her eyes and looks up at the sky above her. The far distance, the clouds were growing a dark shade of grey.
She gives a small knowing smirk as she continues to read her story. The raven in the near tree gives a caw and flies up into the sky, circling around. She says to the raven, matter of factly, “now you know that the storm is a bit a ways. ” she says softly.
You know I’m right.

She turns her attention back to the incoming storm. She closes her eyes as she rests her hands upon the railing, breathing in the scent of the moisture in the air as it gets more prominent.
Slowly, the rain droplets begin to fall. She tilts her chin slightly up towards the water droplets. She stands in the light rain, savoring the sensation of the rain falling upon her skin…
22 may 2019
Solo begin~
Slowly, the rain droplets begin to fall. She tilts her chin slightly up towards the water droplets. She stands in the light rain, savoring the sensation of the rain falling upon her skin…
22 may 2019
Solo begin~
~end solo ;)
Sky sets out to the swamps for one of her usual strolls through. She has been doing more of these as the warmer and nicer weather has finally arrived.
She slowly makes her way through the swamps, taking in the cool, crispness of the air as she walks along. The cool shade a welcomed reprieve from the humidity earlier in the week.

The morning doves and wrens jump out from their hiding spaces as she approaches them. She smirks thinking how they always do that. "I mean you no harm" she coos softly to them, knowing they really could care less what she intends or not.
As she continues on her way, she begins to hum softly Tír na nÓg, smiling to herself as she strolls along. The forest and swamps have become alive once again. Slowly awaking from its seemingly forever winter slumber. Life leapt forth from every direction, surrounding her with new found energy.
She seemed to bounce along in her steps as she continued in her walk, softly singing out the words now as she went along. Passing clusters of tiny blue-tipped creme forget me nots and tall, thin butter cups of vibrant butter yellow.
A few trees had long, thick branches over hanging the path she set forth on. Smirking, she playfully reaches up her arms to these as she passes by. Gripping gently on to the said branch and swinging her way across nothing but a worn dirt packed path. She let go and land only a couple feet, giggling on her way.

The birds chirped their songs as though she wasn't even there. She sprang back up from her step as she landed softly on the path, twirling around in a happy little dance down the path. She sang softly along to the song in her heart and ducked under low branches along her way, laying across her path.
Once she reached the top of the summit, the crisp fresh flower scent travelling upon the breeze to greet her as she paused. She stood still for a brief moment, closing her eyes and savoring the feel of the gentle but forceful wind on her face. Smiling, she makes a large twirl around the open meadow, singing and turning it into a playfully, welcoming dance. A spring to her step as she seemed to float along the lush, soft grass beneath her bare feet.
She swings herself around the trunk of the hazel tree, which was just in full bloom not days before. Its creme blossoms now littering the ground beneath it. She smiles as she thinks that the blossoms were laid out in wait for their Queen of Faye to walk upon their own lovely blooms. As if to honor only her. Her added song to the vibrant energy of the forest, makes it all come more to life with each note that escaped her lips. She bounced lightly in her steps as she jumped along the trails, giggling here and there between her chords.
The tall dandelions and even taller ferns swayed in the breeze as she danced around the meadow, spreading her arms out wide open as she twirls in her steps.A few trees had long, thick branches over hanging the path she set forth on. Smirking, she playfully reaches up her arms to these as she passes by. Gripping gently on to the said branch and swinging her way across nothing but a worn dirt packed path. She let go and land only a couple feet, giggling on her way.The birds chirped their songs as though she wasn't even there. She sprang back up from her step as she landed softly on the path, twirling around in a happy little dance down the path. She sang softly along to the song in her heart and ducked under low branches along her way, laying across her path. Once she reached the top of the summit, the crisp fresh flower scent travelling upon the breeze to greet her as she paused. She stood still for a brief moment, closing her eyes and savoring the feel of the gentle but forceful wind on her face. Smiling, she makes a large twirl around the open meadow, singing and turning it into a playfully, welcoming dance. A spring to her step as she seemed to float along the lush, soft grass beneath her bare feet.
She swings herself around the trunk of the hazel tree, which was just in full bloom not days before. Its creme blossoms now littering the ground beneath it. She smiles as she thinks that the blossoms were laid out in wait for their Queen of Faye to walk upon their own lovely blooms. As if to honor only her. Her added song to the vibrant energy of the forest, makes it all come more to life with each note that escaped her lips. She bounced lightly in her steps as she jumped along the trails, giggling here and there between her chords.
The tall dandelions and even taller ferns swayed in the breeze as she danced around the meadow, spreading her arms out wide open as she twirls in her steps.
~end solo~
She slowly makes her way through the swamps, taking in the cool, crispness of the air as she walks along. The cool shade a welcomed reprieve from the humidity earlier in the week.
The morning doves and wrens jump out from their hiding spaces as she approaches them. She smirks thinking how they always do that. "I mean you no harm" she coos softly to them, knowing they really could care less what she intends or not.
She seemed to bounce along in her steps as she continued in her walk, softly singing out the words now as she went along. Passing clusters of tiny blue-tipped creme forget me nots and tall, thin butter cups of vibrant butter yellow.
A few trees had long, thick branches over hanging the path she set forth on. Smirking, she playfully reaches up her arms to these as she passes by. Gripping gently on to the said branch and swinging her way across nothing but a worn dirt packed path. She let go and land only a couple feet, giggling on her way.
The birds chirped their songs as though she wasn't even there. She sprang back up from her step as she landed softly on the path, twirling around in a happy little dance down the path. She sang softly along to the song in her heart and ducked under low branches along her way, laying across her path.
She swings herself around the trunk of the hazel tree, which was just in full bloom not days before. Its creme blossoms now littering the ground beneath it. She smiles as she thinks that the blossoms were laid out in wait for their Queen of Faye to walk upon their own lovely blooms. As if to honor only her. Her added song to the vibrant energy of the forest, makes it all come more to life with each note that escaped her lips. She bounced lightly in her steps as she jumped along the trails, giggling here and there between her chords.
The tall dandelions and even taller ferns swayed in the breeze as she danced around the meadow, spreading her arms out wide open as she twirls in her steps.A few trees had long, thick branches over hanging the path she set forth on. Smirking, she playfully reaches up her arms to these as she passes by. Gripping gently on to the said branch and swinging her way across nothing but a worn dirt packed path. She let go and land only a couple feet, giggling on her way.The birds chirped their songs as though she wasn't even there. She sprang back up from her step as she landed softly on the path, twirling around in a happy little dance down the path. She sang softly along to the song in her heart and ducked under low branches along her way, laying across her path. Once she reached the top of the summit, the crisp fresh flower scent travelling upon the breeze to greet her as she paused. She stood still for a brief moment, closing her eyes and savoring the feel of the gentle but forceful wind on her face. Smiling, she makes a large twirl around the open meadow, singing and turning it into a playfully, welcoming dance. A spring to her step as she seemed to float along the lush, soft grass beneath her bare feet.
She swings herself around the trunk of the hazel tree, which was just in full bloom not days before. Its creme blossoms now littering the ground beneath it. She smiles as she thinks that the blossoms were laid out in wait for their Queen of Faye to walk upon their own lovely blooms. As if to honor only her. Her added song to the vibrant energy of the forest, makes it all come more to life with each note that escaped her lips. She bounced lightly in her steps as she jumped along the trails, giggling here and there between her chords.
The tall dandelions and even taller ferns swayed in the breeze as she danced around the meadow, spreading her arms out wide open as she twirls in her steps.
~end solo~
25 may 2019[from the queens cave archives]
As she walks back through the woods, everything around her disappears. She is still in her dark place even though she went to her swamp. It helped only a tiny bit, but there is clearly so much more to go. It's been a long week of hearing this one person over and over again. It need not be bothered to even mention who this person is, as they are part of a different realm entirely. So naming names will not do any good. Regardless, it still hurts and it still stays with her. No matter where she goes.
The forest path becomes solid dark dirt, packed down and worn. The trees that surrounded her seconds before, dissolve into blackness. Had she slipped into a portal on the island without realizing it again? She had stumbled on many a portals like that in her youth. But, she had grown to be alert and more careful.
Her she wolf is no longer walking alongside her. She disappeared for the time being, feeling she was alright for the moment. But, apparently that was not necessarily the case. The blackness slowly took the form of a solid wall before her. Then, it slowly engulfed her. Wrapping all around her and enclosing her inside a tall, circular wall. She stares in front of her and then slowly turns around, seeing the wall that has formed before her. She breathes a deep, frustrated sigh. "Not this again," she frowns and leans her head against the wall. This is her pit of despair, her pool of confusion; of dread and pain.
This is a taunted, tormented way into her mind. She never felt she could ever escape this place when she crawled back into here. The pit of tall walls will change into a door of light, only to tease her. For when she makes to head towards it, it will switch right back to those very same walls once again. She punches the wall with her first. She screams as loud as she dared to do so. She was no longer in the mood for such foul games.
Her screams resonate and echo back from the walls. Nothing changes however. She screams again as she punches the wall once more. "Why! Why can't they not be this way?" She screams again and then she throws her fist against her chest. Without thinking, she slips her hand into the flesh on her chest, wrapping her fingers around her heart and yanking it out swiftly. Without even blinking, she flings her heart against the wall, letting out a blood curtailing scream with it. She smashes her heart against the wall, to only see it fall limp and unharmed at her feet.
"I don't want to feel any more! Make it all go away! Make this feeling be gone from me!" She tips at her dress skirt as she screams, unable to think of what to do with herself. She throws her hands into her hair, pulling at it from the scalp of her head as she falls to her knees. She doesn't notice the blood being streaked through her blonde hair from when she had just ripped out her heart. The tears flowing like wine from a freshly opened barrel.
She rests her head in her hands as she sits on her knees the pit becoming darker all around her.
She wishes for arms to just hold her and say everything will be alright. That it is all ok. But, she is trapped in her own pit of depair for now. And no one can come inside where she is, she has crawled too far back within herself to be reached for now.
This is where Alice goes mad. Where even the poor old hatter will not dare to enter for he is even afraid to follow her down this private rabbit hole of hers. No one ever dares to enter this hole she built. This became her own place, to trap her within, always. With no real, true way out. She will always end up back here. There is no escaping it.
Finally, the tears stop streaming down her face and she calms for the moment. She looks up and sees her heart laying lifeless on the ground. She sighs and picks it up, shoving it back inside her chest as though nothing ever happened.
She takes in a deep breath and the walls fade back into the forest of trees once again. She tilts her head slightly in wonder. She shakes her head just as quickly, pushing away any thoughts from her mind and continues on her way, smoothing out her skirts as she goes. She is half surprised that she is allowed to leave so easily this time, but she will not stop to question sucha. Thing for now. For now, she only wishes to be home.
26 may 2019[from the queens cave archives]
*she paces and mutters under her breath, fire building up deep with in her. Boiling over to near high red.* I hope the fire you build consumes your ass. And that no one is around to put you out. You can rot for all I care.
*she curses under her breath, eyes flashing red in her anger.*
open solo 17 June 2019~

27 June 2019

After a time, she heads back towards their cottage, slowly passing through the gardens and fields that lead her here.
She pauses as the sun sets upon the land. Watching the large fire ball sink slowly before

like this. She was so silly st times. But, it was her ways. She could never change this. Even if she tried. As she got closer to the main gardens, she set her flowers down and laid back in the flowers that were here instead.
Back to just laying and staring as she waited and hoped for her beloved to finally make it back home to them, safe and sound. She closed her eyes to imagine his arms wrapped around her. Slowly, imagining the comfort she always got from this such feeling. She starts to drift off in the gardens. The sun setting slowly and her restless mind allowing her a brief moment of peace to do so.~
sunset and piano memories 7.12.2019
She stands at the windowsill, looking out on their grounds around their cozy little cottage, taking in the changing colors of the setting sun. Soon she will be setting their twins to slumber, but for now, she stands to enjoy the setting sun. The garden beds changing to a golden glow mixed with the other vibrant colors of purples, reds, blues, and more. It all seemed to magically change into an entirely new world before her very eyes. She smiled contentedly as she watched it slowly change before her. She rests her head against the side of the window frame wishing her beloved husband was home to share in this very moment with her. A small smile crosses her lips as she thought about him being there with her.
Even if he might not make it for this one, there would be plenty more sunsets to be shared together and they had forever to share them all. She thought on also that maybe he was pausing at this very moment too, to enjoy this beautiful scene from wherever it was his business took him these past few days. She watches a little longer before she turns to go head off and tend to their girls. Picking up their remaining toys after tending to their baths. Bubbles still floating around the bathroom after she drains their tub. She carries them both in their blankets and sits in the rocker to sing them to sleep before she lays them softly in their beds. She hums quietly as she closes the door to their room just enough, looking down at Rune and whispering to the now not so kitten black cat* your turn to keep watch then, sir? *she gives a smirk at his "me-ow" and winks before her skirts swish behind her, heading down the hall. She slides her hand along the wood frame to the music room.
Peeking in and seeing the piano sitting all alone, she tilts her head in thought. “it has been a while...” she said to herself, speaking softly. She smiles and heads in the room. She lifts the violin up to her chin once she reaches it and rests it in place as though it hasn't been months since she has last picked it up. Yes, it had been a while since they sat and played together. But, they had two beautiful little cherubs to steal their time. And that little miracle was more than worth a little time away from this. She closed her eyes as she pulled the bow along the strings, allowing the feeling to wash over her. She moved with the sound as it flowed through her and from her. Falling into place from the strings of the violin.
She danced slowly around the room as though she was on air. Her wings giving a slight flutter here and there as she would give a small twirl in the song. She giggled a little as she danced around the room. Before she finally ended the song and set the violin back on its holder. She ran her finger lovingly over the rich wood it was made from before her eyes lifted to gaze upon their piano in the room. She pattered softly over to its bench and sat down before it. Gently placing her fingers along the ivories. Lost in her thought of how they first met, she smiles to herself. She glides her fingers slowly along the keys, not pressing on any of them at first.
july 21 2019
With her uneasy and restless ways this past week, she has also been feeling more alone. Sure, she has their daughters to keep her busy. The little seven month olds running around on their tiny legs and making giggles echo along their cottage and grounds. So she had more than ~enough to be keeping her busy, fear not. But, it was the sheer fact that her beloved had also been away all week.
Surely, he made it home in the wee hours a couple of evenings, as she lay slumbering in their bed. But, he had been silent in his returns. She sensed something was different with him lately. But he was closing himself off from her once again. She wished to help him, she desired to be doing so. It pained her to see her heart in such a disarray of his own mind.
Was it the Hollow? She wondered to herself this particular morning. She stood out on their balcony, looking down along the grounds of their property here in Manosque. She didn't not for sure, but if he would only talk with her on it, maybe she could help him. And maybe he would be able to sleep easier once again.
The breeze gently kissed her long blonde tresses as she stood silently thinking. She closed her eyes to its touch, imagining his hands there instead. How she longed for his gentle caress through her tresses. Longed to fee his lips once again. She whispered without thinking, "How much longer will you be away for, my dearest heart? Your girls miss you so..." only the breeze relied, kissing her tresses once again. Its coolness a temporary relief to the summer heat of the day as the sun blared down with intense humidity upon the land for yet another day.
She merely wrapped her arms around herself, and then tilting her head downward slightly to hold back any tears from her longings. Now was not a time to dwell on such matters. She squeezed her arms in her palms a brief moment before wiping her eyes with the back of her hand and quickly turning around to head inside their bedroom and begin the day.
She quickly heads off to change into a light and flowy summer dress and then heads off to ready Samantha and Solveig for the day. After slipping them into simple dresses, and getting their hair brushed and fed breakfast, she sets them off to play in the quiet of their living room. She busies herself in a project she thought of doing just the other day.
With their anniversary coming up quickly, she thought of making a small scrapbook to gift her beloved Elijah for such an occasion. After all, the first anniversary was paper. She smiles to herself as she hums happily when she sets to work with papers, and photographs now scattered along their dining table.
She cuts and glues in various arrangements into a small square book she lovingly added tiny wooden hearts to and penned in their initials on each one. She pauses after a few to watch their twins playing happily across the cottage in the open room.She rests her chin into her glue covered hands and sighs softy as she watches them, wondering once again when he would return as he was missing these little moments with them. She then thinks to pick up the camera near her and begins to get a few photos snapped to include in their scrapbook so that he doesn't miss out after all. She spends the afternoon doing this instead and forgetting the cutter she had on the table.
after shes done making her selections, she heads back to their cottage centers on the property. Nestled, and protected. She spends the rest of the late afternoon setting up beautiful arrangements to brighten their little home

Love letters and memories~ solo 15 August 2019
After spending the morning tending to her task upstairs from the past couple of weeks; she was almost done with what will become Samantha and Solveig's rooms and was very pleased with how they were coming out, she heading to her crafting room. She set her garden basket upon the large, worn wooden table in the center of the room before turning towards the bench on the side of the room.
She runs her fingers lightly along the small boxes laying silently there and thinks of what was in one special one in particular. She lovingly picks this one up, smiling to herself.
She leaves the room and heads upstairs to the large room she chose to become theirs. Keeping the box held close to her chest, she spins around slowly to look around the room. She pauses in her twirl and heads over to sit before the large window at the far end of the room

Once seated on the floor by the window, she carefully opens the box, sliding her fingers slowly along the old carvings. She lifts the top piece of folded paper up from the box and opens it. She leans back against the wall of the window and begins to read over the letter. She sighs soft to herself and then holds it against her chest, closing her eyes to remember the moment her beloved had left such a letter to her.
All these beautiful words he wrote just for her, and she saved each beautiful letter to cherish always. Maybe we was being extra nostalgic lately. But, she didnt seem to mind while she was in this moment. It was fun to relive such beautiful memories in her mind.
Notes before the holidays with small gifts. She giggles softly at this little memory, then bites the corner of her lip in her smile.
Then another letter, one of his first ones her beloved Elijah gave her, left lovingly with a single red rose as she slept.
She carefully picks up and plays with this very rose from the box, holding it up to her nose as she reads the letter that came with it. She closes her eyes as she breathes in what remained of the preserved flower, smiling in her thoughts.
She leans back again, setting the rose delicately upon her lap along with the letter and closes her eyes, whispering, "I love you, my dearest heart." As she smiled and rested her eyes in a nap, day dreaming on his words of love to her.
After a busy day about in the castle, she made a stop by the village shoppes and picked up some frozen treats for herself and her beloved husband. Upon entering their cozy cottage, she quietly sets his drink on the side table in his study so as not to disturb his business workings from his clearly very busy day.
She scurries off in her faye like way and heads to their bedroom to quickly change from the day. Afterwards, picking up her brushes, she hurries off up the stairs to busily get more of these surprise room completed.
Since the girls rooms were all set in their paintings, she did happen to have some one come in and work on their windows off in their nooks. She was thinking they will become a quiet corner for them to each sit and enjoy the view while digging their noses into the story books they already seem to be so fond of by now. She did however, in her travels, stumble along some antique dressers she planned to decorate for each of them. She sits on the floor in front of one such dresser, already placed in each of their rooms and carefully sets to work.
She runs her tongue slowly along her lower lip as she dips the paint brush into the well of paint. Then thinking on just how she was going to add her design thought. She spends hours on each one until she was satisfied with them both.
She leans back on her palms and smiles at how well they turned out. Happy with the end result.
Then she hurries off to the room she wants to turn into a library.
"I can't risk them falling in the wrong hands. Especially if those threats were real."
She had paid a quick visit recently to her friend after the message from the raven came some days prior. She thought back on that visit. She said she couldn't take anything that day. But, she told her she would send for them by trusted servants from the castle to bring them here to her.
"They should be arriving any day now." She quickly finished her work and then went back downstairs wondering just when these books will be arriving.
she lights candles as the room grows dark with incoming storms. The energy growing as it approaches. She then sits near the window to lay back and enjoy the storm

She heads out through the gardens of their cottage. She sneaks out to beyond the immediate grounds and down the path her raven had taken her some months ago. She follows the water, slipping her shoes off and wading happily in the cooling waters from this time of year. The air becomes crisp around now. The breeze becomes slowly more blustery as the moon turns its eerie yellow of the harvest time. She lifts her head up to see the slowly sinking sun and the yellowing moon. A moon that becomes slightly creepy to some as a fog will wrap lovingly around it later in the wee hours of the following morning hours.
The breeze gently kissed her long blonde tresses as she stood silently thinking. She closed her eyes to its touch, imagining his hands there instead. How she longed for his gentle caress through her tresses. Longed to fee his lips once again. She whispered without thinking, "How much longer will you be away for, my dearest heart? Your girls miss you so..." only the breeze relied, kissing her tresses once again. Its coolness a temporary relief to the summer heat of the day as the sun blared down with intense humidity upon the land for yet another day.
She quickly heads off to change into a light and flowy summer dress and then heads off to ready Samantha and Solveig for the day. After slipping them into simple dresses, and getting their hair brushed and fed breakfast, she sets them off to play in the quiet of their living room. She busies herself in a project she thought of doing just the other day.
With their anniversary coming up quickly, she thought of making a small scrapbook to gift her beloved Elijah for such an occasion. After all, the first anniversary was paper. She smiles to herself as she hums happily when she sets to work with papers, and photographs now scattered along their dining table.
13 august 2019
after shes done making her selections, she heads back to their cottage centers on the property. Nestled, and protected. She spends the rest of the late afternoon setting up beautiful arrangements to brighten their little home
Love letters and memories~ solo 15 August 2019

She runs her fingers lightly along the small boxes laying silently there and thinks of what was in one special one in particular. She lovingly picks this one up, smiling to herself.
She leaves the room and heads upstairs to the large room she chose to become theirs. Keeping the box held close to her chest, she spins around slowly to look around the room. She pauses in her twirl and heads over to sit before the large window at the far end of the room

Once seated on the floor by the window, she carefully opens the box, sliding her fingers slowly along the old carvings. She lifts the top piece of folded paper up from the box and opens it. She leans back against the wall of the window and begins to read over the letter. She sighs soft to herself and then holds it against her chest, closing her eyes to remember the moment her beloved had left such a letter to her.
Notes before the holidays with small gifts. She giggles softly at this little memory, then bites the corner of her lip in her smile.
Then another letter, one of his first ones her beloved Elijah gave her, left lovingly with a single red rose as she slept.
She carefully picks up and plays with this very rose from the box, holding it up to her nose as she reads the letter that came with it. She closes her eyes as she breathes in what remained of the preserved flower, smiling in her thoughts.
She leans back again, setting the rose delicately upon her lap along with the letter and closes her eyes, whispering, "I love you, my dearest heart." As she smiled and rested her eyes in a nap, day dreaming on his words of love to her.
~keeping busy~ 21aug2019
After a busy day about in the castle, she made a stop by the village shoppes and picked up some frozen treats for herself and her beloved husband. Upon entering their cozy cottage, she quietly sets his drink on the side table in his study so as not to disturb his business workings from his clearly very busy day.
Since the girls rooms were all set in their paintings, she did happen to have some one come in and work on their windows off in their nooks. She was thinking they will become a quiet corner for them to each sit and enjoy the view while digging their noses into the story books they already seem to be so fond of by now. She did however, in her travels, stumble along some antique dressers she planned to decorate for each of them. She sits on the floor in front of one such dresser, already placed in each of their rooms and carefully sets to work.
She leans back on her palms and smiles at how well they turned out. Happy with the end result.
Then she hurries off to the room she wants to turn into a library.
She yanks open the solid oak door and stands there a moment, waving her hands in front of her face so that she could get the musty smell and dust out of her face. She coughs a little at this and then gives a heavy breath before stepping into the room, setting to work. The room wasn't nearly as bad in condition compared to the other rooms. This one seemed a little more protected from the elements that attacked this upper floor. Minor paint and a lot of elbow grease in cleaning would get this room quickly ready. She set out hurriedly to do just that. She finished polishing the bookcases, revealing ornate designs carved deep in the wood. She spends some hours carefully adding a protective sealant to the beautiful wood.
She smiles afterwards, "with this land protected, I should have no worries keeping those books under lock and key here." She says to herself, thinking that she must hurry back to her friend that has been holding certain books safe for her all these years."I can't risk them falling in the wrong hands. Especially if those threats were real."
She had paid a quick visit recently to her friend after the message from the raven came some days prior. She thought back on that visit. She said she couldn't take anything that day. But, she told her she would send for them by trusted servants from the castle to bring them here to her.
"They should be arriving any day now." She quickly finished her work and then went back downstairs wondering just when these books will be arriving.
solo thought 4 sept 2019
she lights candles as the room grows dark with incoming storms. The energy growing as it approaches. She then sits near the window to lay back and enjoy the storm

12 sept 2019
She heads out through the gardens of their cottage. She sneaks out to beyond the immediate grounds and down the path her raven had taken her some months ago. She follows the water, slipping her shoes off and wading happily in the cooling waters from this time of year. The air becomes crisp around now. The breeze becomes slowly more blustery as the moon turns its eerie yellow of the harvest time. She lifts her head up to see the slowly sinking sun and the yellowing moon. A moon that becomes slightly creepy to some as a fog will wrap lovingly around it later in the wee hours of the following morning hours.
She walks along like this for some time, passing along in her restless thoughts for now until she finally reaches her destination.
The old building left all alone to fend for itself against the elements.
She strolls slowly over to it, pausing to slip her shoes back upon her feet. The energy coming from this place still as strong as that first time she came upon this place. She looks around to ensure nothing was around to attack her. She was hoping to use this building for a few months. She pushes the large doors slowly, their creaking echoing along the waters of the still lake next to it.
The cool darkness and moss welcoming her as she steps inside.
She plays her fingers slowly along the soft moss, smiling to its touch.
"What wonders do we hold today?" She whispers to the moss covered wall as she continues to play her fingers along its softness. She heads down the hallway and down the dark stairs. The faint light casting a soft light along her way.
She reaches the room hidden at the end of the hallway and peeks carefully around. The sense of nothing here but herself, she eases slightly and steps into the room, this time feeling the magic surround her as she steps inside. "How did I not notice this before?" Apparently it was cast in a protective spell to keep certain creatures out. She feels around the walls slowly and then checks the doorways in her new discovery. Pleased in her findings she turns back to the room itself.
She walks slowly around the room, running her hands along the worn spines of leather and parchment from ages past. She finds a small chest with iron lockings, and pulls it out to look within. She checks for any spells already existing and finds nothing there. "Perfect," she whispers. She pull her bag over and takes a few older books out. She sets them inside the chest and locks it up once again. She spells it closed and hides it under the table nearby. "You should be safe here. And no one else needs to know where you are now."
She sits and wonders on her beloved's unease of sleep lately and hoped she would be able to help ease it better than she has been. She contemplates on if he might open to her soon about what his dreams were that seem to be bothering him lately.
She lays back after staring out over the waters for some time, lost in her thoughts.
29 sept 2019
She races through the halls of the castle, using the passages that were hidden by all being it was crowded with creatures of all kinds these past weeks. She finally makes it to the main ballroom and darts across quickly with a slight flutter of her faye wings to the garden doors. Pausing briefly, she checks on if anyone was near before throwing the giant doors open and slipping outside.
The gardens have already been decorated by now for their upcoming wedding celebrations and she was able to dart hidden between them all. Her main focus was to sneak out to the outer edges and not be stopped by anyone. Not that anyone would dare to do so, she was the queen, after all.
She makes it to the outer part of the gardens and ducks behind the bushes where the stairway and door were safely hidden. She scurries down the stairs and darts out the door, flipping up the hood of her cloak as she swept it up over her shoulders to not draw attention where she was headed to. The ravens flapping silently above her as she now makes her way down the path.
She turns quickly down the path to the dark woods, where all is black as night. She carefully makes her way down the path, avoiding low laying branches along her way. “what do you want?” she smirks at one raven as he perches a distance from her and caws. “I’ll be fine. Just a stroll.” She gives a wink as he caws once more and takes flight ahead of her once again.
After some time, she reaches the clearing and the edge of a cliff. She comes right up to the edge of the cliff and stares out over the land before her. With a heavy sigh, she closes her eyes and walks to the very edge, thinking such thoughts of where she needed to get to before she leaped from the cliff top.
Soaring down, she remains focused, one wrong thought, at it won’t be the veil she is looking for. The mist suddenly surrounds her as if it was a blanket as she continues to drop. Finally, she lands on plush moss among the thick, heavy mist.
She pushes herself up from the moss, sitting back on her knees first and looking around here before fully standing up. She walks along as she brushes the skirt of her hunting outfit, pushing the mist away from her with a wave of two of her fingers.
She heads down a narrow and barely worn path leading through more woods, a couple of her ravens having tagged along following close behind her. These woods are not nearly as dark as the last ones leading her to this place, but they still will not leave her alone after all that has been happening. She trudges her way through the woods until she reaches the summerlands. The bright colors and warm air greeting her as she emerges from the tree cover. She heads quickly down the path as this is not her destination for today. Maybe next time she will pay a visit to this tranquil part of the realm, but today was needed for something else.
She passes through quickly and comes to the edge of the area she was at not some eons before. The safest place for her to release her energies. She could feel some tensions building up greatly and it needed a place to go. She steps beyond the borders of the Summerlands into the vast clearing of mountains and valleys known as the badlands. The new forest having grown overnight from when she last released here. The only reason they named it as such was to keep everyone safely away from here so that she could come as she pleased to do what needed to be done from time to time.
She breathed in deep, holding it in for almost forever before she finally released it out, long and slow. She stands tall before the edge of the cliff now before her and brings her hands against her sides, clutching her fists tightly. With steady breath, she focuses on within her. All the energies slowly building up within her as it steadily grows. Her hair being blown by the wind now whipping around her. Or was it? Could it have been from the heated energy inside her? Causing her long blonde tresses to billow about her shoulders like Medusa’s snakes?
She took one last long deep breath and quickly shot out her arms, hands snapping opened out before her to the land. All the energies from inside her now contained to be sent out to the cosmos, or in this case, to wreak havoc on it. Trees burst into flames as the energy hit it, engulfing bright and fast. She brings her arms down a moment as the last of the energy is expunged from her.
Rolling her neck to allow it to crack, she stares at the sight before her. Mesmerized by the flames of the fire, she slowly brings an arm up. Smiling mischievously, she makes a flick to her wrist and brings the flame up higher into the air. A smug smirk upon her lips as she becomes satisfied by such a powerful feeling, she pauses in her play to allow it to die slightly before flicking it again. The fire now dancing to her very command. Her eyes glow a slight flash of red as she giggles over this playing she does.
She spends the rest of the afternoon doing this over and over until she has exhausted all the energies from herself. Finally, she now spells in old faye over the river off to the far left reaches of this land, causing the water to rise up and form into a giant cloud. She guides it over to where her precious little fire was and spells once again, now making it rain to put out such dangerous flames.
Sitting back as the fire smokes from being put out, she sways on her hands as she leans back. One raven now chancing to fly down to her. “I’m good, now.” She smiles as she scratches under his beak making him purr almost. “come, we can head back home now. I know that is what you have grown anxious for.” She hops up to her feet and strolls slowly along back the way they came…
Solos October 2019
8 oct 2019
Her mood displaced all morning, she finally gets a chance to race off to her precious swamps to try and settle her soul. She scribbles a messy note once she arrives back to their cozy little cottage, 'went to swamps, be back when done- s' and races back out the door. She speeds off quickly past their gardens, ignoring her ravens cawing at her as she went. She moves quickly along the path past the tall grasses now turning to gold from the chilly nights these few evenings. She absently runs her hand along their soft bristled tops as she moves along, still in her fast pace.
Finally, she sees the beginnings of the swamp. Her solitude at some points of time. She takes a slow, deep breath and enters the woods that would take her to where she needed to be. The boardwalk solid beneath her feet as she continues down the path.
She pauses halfway along the path, closing her eyes to breath for a few moments before heading back along the path. She flies up the switchback trail that would take her up to the top side meadows overlooking the lands below.
The wind whipped through her hair a with fierceness found this time of the year. She stood in the center of the field, her outstretched arms welcoming this.
Tilting her head back as her long blonde tresses fly around her, their curls bouncing about her shoulders as the wind played at it so. She begins to ask for
blessings and prayers to be answered on this day.Slowly, she sets her arms back by her side and turns to head back along this path. Her sight set for the hidden waterfalls just beyond the other half of the trail. Along the way, she stops to collect some seeds from various plants and flowers on the side of the path.
She ducks to avoid low laying branches in the tree tunnel, the winding path quiet and serene at this hour.
She pauses to pick up some bright leaves, fallen from their branches and sticks them in her bag. Finally, the trail for the falls was just around the bend. She makes her way down this not so beaten path and finally finds the entrance, turning sharply to scoot down the path.
Her waterfalls have dried up by this time of the year. The faint smell wafting up her nose of mildew and swamp,

She ducks to avoid low laying branches in the tree tunnel, the winding path quiet and serene at this hour.
She pauses to pick up some bright leaves, fallen from their branches and sticks them in her bag. Finally, the trail for the falls was just around the bend. She makes her way down this not so beaten path and finally finds the entrance, turning sharply to scoot down the path.
Her waterfalls have dried up by this time of the year. The faint smell wafting up her nose of mildew and swamp,
bringing her back to a homely feel. She jumps easily on the large stones now that there was no more water in her way.
She silently places her hands upon the soft moss on the dry falls. The wall covered in this beautiful, soft moss. Closing her eyes, she whispers to call up her circle. The energy flowing up through her as she does. She begins to ask her blessings and wishes as the energies flow forth from the moss in to her. She allows it to pass by easily. She did not wish to harness any power from it today.
Just after she closes her circle, she stays here a while longer. Her hands remaining firmly on the moss covered rocks as tears spill from her finally. Her mind filled of mixed emotions on this day. She must not tell a soul on her wished blessing of this day. So much packed into this one request, worded just right to avoid any set backs from occurring.
Finally, she pushes herself back from the rock wall of the empty falls and jumps back to the shore. She sits on the stump seat before she headed back down the trail from whence she came.
She flies back down the trails and back home, to lay back and relax the rest of the day away, lost still in her restless mind.
11 oct 2019
with her beloved away on his business, Sky sets out with their twin girls to the castle for the day. After spending the morning making sure things at the castle of Faye was all in order, especially after the house of her dear friend being burnt to the ground over a book, she wanted to ensure everything was secured here and back at their cottage. They were going to be leaving for Japan soon and she needed to be certain nothing would go wrong while they were away.
she walks along the hallway to the gardens with one of her trusted advisers beside ~her to further discuss things. the rest of the castle having gone quiet at this hour for other duties and meals.
"I assure you, my grace, all shall be the safest it has ever been while you and your king are away. i will not allow anything to dampen your second honeymoon. i will see to it myself," Mairin speaks softly as they walk.
Looking straight ahead of them as they walk, "I do hope you can keep this promise you are making to me, Mairin. we can't afford anything new to happen. i have been lucky to have gathered all that was in the sage's home when it was burnt down. who is to say that they will not find our cottage and get access there?" she pauses at an entrance to the gardens here in the hallway and looks at her.
Mairin bows lows, "You have my word, my queen. it is a vow, not a promise." She looks in her eyes with ~fire behind them. she knew how important this was for her queen. Sky had spent her entire life trying to disprove a prophecy foretold on her before she was born, she knew just how important this task was in that as well. she would stop at nothing to help her queen disprove such a horrid lie.
Sky nods and sighs a small relief before turning to swing the doors open and step out into the gardens on this overcast day. Mairin joins her as they step into the gardens, still full of lush flowers even in the cooler evenings of late. they stroll along in silence as they pass the twins, Samantha and Solveig playing with bunnies and watched over by a young maiden learning to be a lady-in-waiting. They bow slightly at her as they pass, pausing as they girls each race over on their chubby legs to hug their mother before rushing back to their pets. Sky returns their hugs, holding them each close and tight against her, kissing them each before letting them go back to their play.
"Watch them close while i tend to something?" Sky whispers as they reach the oldest tree in the center of the gardens "Of course, my queen. where are you going?" Mairin looks at her curious.
Sky looks over the gardens, back over where the girls played. she paused before she replies, "The Wastelands."
"Your grace! but, why? there is nothing there." Mairin starts.
"there you are wrong. i have discovered that the Raven and Troll Queens have gone there to hide. so i am off to investigate some more. they attacked looking for the book. i know it was them. i must do something before they attack my babies." Sky turns now to head down to the secret entrance of the gardens. "I should not be long."
Mairin sighs, "yes, my queen." She bows low, knowing there is no way for her to change a mind once set, at least she was never able to do so with this one. she whispers as she watches Sky take off, "be safe, my queen." she turns to then watch over the girls as promised.
Sky reaches the far end of the gardens and ducks behind the vines and bushes growing close along the wall, moving them slightly to find the staircase leading down to the outer walls of the castle. she slips down the path along the outer wall and slips her hood up over her head, the ravens now cawing over her as they join her. she tilts her head up at them, smiling her mischievous grin. "come along boys, there's work to be done." she ducks into an old grove tree portal as they swoop down to follow her closely. they come out on the windy beach of the opposite shores from the Wastelands Islands. the mist still clung thick around it across the choppy waters. she walks carefully along the sands to the boat she hid the last time she ventured here as the ravens dart around on the winds. they soar up high before plummeting in a nosedive to quickly turn back up suddenly as quick. she laughs at them shaking her head, "are we having fun, boys?" she calls up to them, not caring at the time if anyone saw her here by now. she had some new tricks to test out and here was where she was going to do so.
she pulls the branches off from the boat and tugs the boat towards the water. stepping into the now frigid water, she breathes in sharply at the sudden shock of icy cold water hitting her skin. she quickly pulls the boat out upon the water and jumps in. she shivers slightly as she grabs up the paddles to row herself across. the choppy waters make the boat rock as the wind whips her long blonde tresses about her face. the head raven lands on the boat to keep her company while the others swoop and dive about the current of air to the other shore. after some time, she finally reaches them and the shore. dreading jumping back into the frigid waters, she closes her eyes to brace the impact as she jumps in to pull the boat up on the sandy beach, the wind stronger over on this side. the waves crash at her legs as she struggles against them to drag the boat up high enough. she nods to the ravens that have perched on a low-lying branch once the boat is covered, "you two stay with this." she points to two of them. turning towards the groves down the beach, "come along," she sings to the others as she hurries along. they duck through this old grove she had discovered took her right to the castle directly the last time. the ravens dart through quickly to hide before she herself makes it through, making sure all was clear for their mistress.
she pauses at the entrance of the portal, whispering a few words before she seemed to vanish before her ravens eyes. they caw once in surprise to her and then fall silent just as fast. she can now move freely through the castle for a while in this form. she hoped this spell can last as long as she was here so she can find out as much as she could, and maybe leave them a tiny surprise for their little stunt from before. she smirks at her thought and lets out a tiny devilish laugh as she sways along the grass right in front of all the troops.
"right under their very noses and they don't even have a clue..." she whispers once she reaches the door to the side hallway. "oh, i shall have fun with this little spell i found." she giggles and then turns to make her way down the hall towards the throne room where she had last heard the two woman arguing over what had been done the last time. she hears their voices as she approaches closer, this time not needing to hide herself. she strolls right into the room, unnoticed by them. they seemed to be arguing yet again. 'Do they ever not fight?' she wondered.
"I said that I took care of your mess," the Raven Queen huffed at her sister as she turned to make her way out of the room before her sister grabbed at her arm.
"What did you have to clean up this time? i have done nothing new!" The Troll Queen snorted back.
Raven Queen turned on her heel, slapping Troll Queen's hand away as she did, "I went searching for my grimoire you allowed to be stolen! that is what i did!" she rips herself from her sister and storms from the room, the doors slamming behind her.
the Troll Queen stands in awe as she realized the book, their family spell book, was missing. "But, how? i thought i locked that up safely?" she thought about how she had spelled the building herself by the waters, adding other extra things to protect it. "that little sneak of a Faye... nothing is ever truly hidden from them, is it?" she mumbles to herself as she shakes her head with a heavy sigh. with a frown, she heads to her chambers.
Sky listens as she watches them, 'that grimoire i found, was theirs?' she smirks with a glint in her eye as she thinks just how sweet karma was in this play. 'well then I definitely must keep that safe...' she twirls around to head on back down the hallway, now to look for their kitchen to sneak a bite or two, and maybe slip a little extra something to their dinner plans. she stands off to the side as she enters the kitchen, watching the cook bustle around the room. waiting a few minutes, she then sneaks up to a large cauldron of soup and adds a tiny vial as she whispers some words over it. another little spell from their own grimoire. with a smirk, she heads on out the door, slipping the vial back in her pocket. she giggles as she walks down the hallway.
she heads out a side door and looks around the grounds, nodding as she spots the building on the far side of the grounds. she flutters her wings happily in her little mischief making afternoon and makes her way to the building. she peeks through the door and smirks as she confirms this was in fact their storage of their weapons.
she giggles, "oh how sweet this is going to be..." she sets a few sachets in the corners of the building and then stands in the doorway. she holds her hands palms up and softly spells to call forth a flame. the tiny ball of the energy flame rolling around in her hands. she takes one hand and waves it around over the flame rolling around in her other hand. with a twirl of her index finger, she separates a tiny amount from the ball, allowing it to float up a little higher in the air before her eyes.
with a snap of her wrist, she guides it across the building, making it land upon a sachet, causing it to ignite in flames. she repeats these three more times, before she sends the remainder of the ball into the middle of the room before she quickly closes the door to allow it to burn alone.
she hums to herself as she heads on across the grounds and back to the old grove. she ducks through the portal and returns to the beach, her ravens flying past her as she exits the tree. she giggles as they rush past her, moving her tresses out of her eyes as she was now safe to spell again and become visible once more.
she heads happily humming along to the hidden boat and uncovers it to drag it into the waters. she hops in the boat and paddles back to the other shore, not paying attention to the choppy waves rocking the boat. the head raven landing back in the boat to join her once again, this time cawing at her. "oh, what? I made it out unharmed this time. and they will never know it was me. you hush." she paddles along and then jumps out once they finally make it to the opposite shore. she drags the boat along to its hiding spot and covers it once again.
she looks up in the sky, as her ravens play along the air currents from the whipping wind and smiles at them. she walks slowly along the beach, allowing them a little time to play before she ducks back through the grove to home. they follow her reluctantly and swoop past her, making her laugh once again.
she slips back through the secret entrance to the gardens and checks in with Mairin and her girls. she nods and smiles as she sees the girls still playing in the garden with the bunnies as she left them.
Mairin approaches, bowing, "all went well, I see?"
"yes," Sky smiles watching the girls playing and steps towards them to sit with them and hold them close before it was time for them to return to Manosque for the night.
29 oct 2019
*she walks along the beach, the waves softly crashing along the shore. Standing with her toes in, the waves lapping at her ankles and the wind whipping at her hair, she quickly goes into the crisp water of the season and swims out fast. Being too chilly, she swims back just as fast. Not really a day to play in the waters longer like she usually did. She wades back to the shore and sits upon her knees on the wet sand, looking out over the water. The wind blows at her hair as she sits, becoming lost in her thoughts of the day...*

16 November 2019

She grabs up her bag of essence sticks and picks out 2 large ones and 3 smaller ones; for her spell she was about to now cast. She lights them and places the two large ones into the holders. Their smoke floating fast in tight knit swirls and then turning into lazy loops. Circling and entwining about themselves as they floated upwards, filling the room. She grabs the three little ones and begins as they leap from the fire that ate at them quickly. They were old and burnt fast between her fingertips. She did her request and spell quickly and then turned it into a prayer of sorts before the tiny three finally went out. She allowed the others to continue to burn as she closed her blessings and thank yous and went about her day.
That night, she returned to check on it all, as she had done periodically throughout the day. This time, the pillar needing a hole in its side to allow draining so it stayed lit.

She plays around with the messy pillar, her fingertips burning slightly from the heat of the melted wax. She feels a sense of calm as she plays now with the melted wax and the candle flame. Not the same peace she gets when she is around her beloved esposo, but a different kind of peace.
She finally stops playing with it and then heads off to another room. To sit and relax a moment before she gets up slowly to sit in their piano room. Sliding into the seat before his piano and sliding her hands to rest upon the chilly ivories
~private beach/ safe house ~
*she walks along slowly lost in thought. Insomnia getting the better of her tonight...
She strolls along the edge of the water, allowing the waves to lap at her toes as she goes along...
After some minutes, she finally reaches the fort area with the pile of blankets and pillows scattered about in large piles. The fire pit long burnt out and cool to the touch. She sits before it and spells it to ignight as there were no tools to do so otherwise...
She gently blows on the tiny flame to help it to build up into a roaring fire. She leans back and hugs her knees to rest her chin upon them and stare into the slow to build roaring fire...*
*she closes her eyes and sighs heavily as she takes in the warmth from the fire, the heat a welcomed feeling upon her skin for now...
She sits here for a time. Before reaching for a blanket and finding a large shawl. She wraps herself up in that instead...*
*she gets up finally and with the shawl now snugly around her body, she walks down to the waters edge. She stands at the edge and stares out past the crashing waves. Their sound drowning out all else around her...
She listens to the sound and waits here.
After some time indulging in a sort of grounding with just stand *finally, she heads back down the beach and hops back towards home. The arms of her beloved... *
26 November 2019
A walk in the swamps
~*leaves note*- running off to swamps...
*she walks quickly along the leave littered, worn path in the swamps. Past the various boardwalks to avoid the muddiness of the swamps. Pausing at the favorite tree spots ; placing her palm flat on it and asking for healing.
For answers.
For solace.
She pauses at the small and noisy babbling brook. Her hands absorbing and feeling the energies reaching up to her as the water raced by in it's own pace.
She climbs up the switchback trail to Sophie's way.
Quiet the day seems here at this hour.
Treading along carefully to not trip over some random root sticking up through the fallen leaves. Finally, she reaches the clearing at the summit peak. Clear day before her as the morning started off with thick as soup fog. The mist smelling of water refreshing her early and the clearing looking beautiful as always.She reaches the center of the field, standing upon the brick laid out in the center of more bricks laid out in a circle.
A ritual place for sure
Laid out by others unknown.
She pauses here facing the soon setting sun before sitting at the bench for quiet meditation. Then, she continues on her way. The tree tunnel almost barren with the fall, she passes through to reach the hidden path leading to the hidden waterfalls; once again roaring with life.
Not a soul or creature here, she sits alone with the falls...
time passes and she slowly gets up to make her return back home. She turns back from wence she came. Keeping her eyes to the ground the leaves littering thicker here as she hears a muffled sound and almost falls to her knees. She screams out, sending a blast of energy +~out to who ever or what ever it was that made her fall. Probably a gremlin or something she thought to herself. She continued along her walk as though nothing had happened.Back through the tree tunnel...the path here packed with dirt and soft mosses. Limited leaves fallen along here. She happened to glance up and caught a glance. And then smiled.*
Why hello then, my dear friend. You are simply beautiful and I thank you for being here with me today.
*she made prayer like with her hands and bowed slightly to the sleepy owl sitting up upon the high branch. She slowly sits on her knees in the middle of the trail as they look at each other silently for some good length of time. His sleepy eyes blinking slowly every so often as he looks down upon her....*

6 dec 2019
*she quietly heads over to the piano room and runs her fingers slowly along the neck of their violin sitting lonely on its stand in the far corner. the feel of it being freshly dusted touching her senses as her fingers glide along the rich finish of ancient wood.*
you have been sitting all alone for far too long, my friend...
*she whispers to it as she gently caresses the neck of it, wrapping her slender fingers around to lift it up and placing it under her chin. closing her eyes as she rests her chin in its nook and sighing softly remembering months ago briefly. she slips the bow into the palm of her other hand and makes the strings meet along the main part of the violin. ever so slowly she glides them against each other, bringing sound forth form its chords. she breaths deeply in and as she slowly exhales, she begins to sway her body as she pulls the bow back towards her body. back and forth, her arm glides the bow along her body moving in the rhythm as her other hand makes her fingers wiggle along the chords, changing the notes as she steps forward from where she stood. she danced along the room as she began to play what she felt. the music flowing through her and from her as she danced on her toes, twirling around in small circles and making short hops here and there in her Faye fashion. her wings every so often giving a brief flutter to them in repose to her free mood. she thought on times sitting upon the rocks at the secluded pirate cove. the waves crashing about her as she would play there at times. she pressed harder in the chords as she let such a memory pass through her. then turning softer as she thought on walking the shoreline at the beach safe house now belonging to just her and her beloved Elijah since the others all left to go on their own ways. a blessing, really that was in the end. she hums now as she plays on to the now. oh free she felt in the life they shared together. free to be herself. she smirks as she hops up onto the piano bench, making a quick little twirl and then with a flutter of her wings, hopping up to the piano keys. she scurried lightly along their ivories, bringing soft notes to contrast her melodies of the violin as she played. she let out a giggle as she floated down to the floor once again. she continues to dance and twirl about the room a little while longer. finally, she scoots up to the top of their piano and pauses in her playing, laying back along the top and allowing her long blonde tresses to fall behind her and down upon the ivories below her; resting their violin against her chest as she closes her eyes, smiling to herself...*
you have been sitting all alone for far too long, my friend...
*she whispers to it as she gently caresses the neck of it, wrapping her slender fingers around to lift it up and placing it under her chin. closing her eyes as she rests her chin in its nook and sighing softly remembering months ago briefly. she slips the bow into the palm of her other hand and makes the strings meet along the main part of the violin. ever so slowly she glides them against each other, bringing sound forth form its chords. she breaths deeply in and as she slowly exhales, she begins to sway her body as she pulls the bow back towards her body. back and forth, her arm glides the bow along her body moving in the rhythm as her other hand makes her fingers wiggle along the chords, changing the notes as she steps forward from where she stood. she danced along the room as she began to play what she felt. the music flowing through her and from her as she danced on her toes, twirling around in small circles and making short hops here and there in her Faye fashion. her wings every so often giving a brief flutter to them in repose to her free mood. she thought on times sitting upon the rocks at the secluded pirate cove. the waves crashing about her as she would play there at times. she pressed harder in the chords as she let such a memory pass through her. then turning softer as she thought on walking the shoreline at the beach safe house now belonging to just her and her beloved Elijah since the others all left to go on their own ways. a blessing, really that was in the end. she hums now as she plays on to the now. oh free she felt in the life they shared together. free to be herself. she smirks as she hops up onto the piano bench, making a quick little twirl and then with a flutter of her wings, hopping up to the piano keys. she scurried lightly along their ivories, bringing soft notes to contrast her melodies of the violin as she played. she let out a giggle as she floated down to the floor once again. she continues to dance and twirl about the room a little while longer. finally, she scoots up to the top of their piano and pauses in her playing, laying back along the top and allowing her long blonde tresses to fall behind her and down upon the ivories below her; resting their violin against her chest as she closes her eyes, smiling to herself...*
11 December 2019
{ https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1022636787422973953?s=19 }
~*she strolls slowly around their chambers here at the castle of Faye this almost full moon night. The cold moon. Appropriate considering just how cold it really was this particular evening. She wraps herself in a heavy blanket with her half dressed body underneath it, having recently tried taking a warm bath to relax her nerves. She can feel the pull of the blood lust that affects her this time of the month from time to time. This night of all nights, feeling a little stronger than other nights.
She thinks back in her memories as she pulls the soft fleece tighter around her body. Memories from a past summer month... or was it around this time last year? She tilts her head a brief moment in her question to herself. Doesn't really matter when it happened. she had gifted her goblet to miss Rebekah when she stayed with them back at the bunker. The first time she stayed with them. To help her with her own blood lust. But found that she really needed it herself as well. She traveled off through the realms to her old friend, her teacher of a past time long ago.
Ages ago, it seemed now. She leans her head back slightly to look upon the ever slowly rising moon. Bright and glowing. She had a lessened need lately of a use of her goblet durning the time of the full moon since her beloved had been near. She could not explain why that was. Maybe it was some sort of a spell that she was under with it. She gave a small shake of her head as she turned away from the window. She walks over to her corner with her altar and opens the door to the bottom half. Sitting there where he left it, all alone for these past months, her little goblet for the blood lust. She picks it up in her hands, cupping it like an offering. She bows her head to it in prayer and brings it slowly to her lips, closing her eyes as she does. The cool feel of the metal against her lips surprisingly did not bring a chill to her as she had half expected it to. She takes a tiny sip from it and then pauses it there.
After some time, she brings it slowly from her lips and sets it back in its home. She slowly licks her bottom lip with her tongue before she closes the door to turn back to their livingroom to sit in the window seat once again, wrapping snugly in the blanket to wait on her beloved to return home to her...*
she sits at their sofa in more comfy clothing for the night and pulls out her cross- stitch ornaments to make. The first pattern she ever learnt from she still has in her supplies and found parts to make her own little style to them.
after some time, she sets her work aside to head over to their bathroom and sneak in a refreshing bath. She sets the faucet on hot and then turns to ready some towels for when she steps out. She slowly allows her slender body to sink in, allowing the hot steamy water to envelop around her. She leans her head back as she closes her eyes to breath the steam vapors in deeply as she uses her foot to shut off the faucet.
after her relaxing bath, she pulls the chain from the tub to allow the water to drain out and then pulls herself out of the tub. She grabs the towel and wraps it around her slender body.
She stands there and carefully dries herself off before she slips her silk floral bathrobe her beloved Elijah had given her last year. The fabric cool against her skin as she placed it on. She went across their chambers and heads to their kitchen to check on things. The meal she prepared the other night still spelled to remain warm and fresh in the warmer of their oven, she makes a mug of peppermint hot chocolate as her tummy was upset earlier in the day. With her mug in hand, she heads over to their dining table and smiles as all was still beautifully set as well. Satisfied, she curls up on their sofa to enjoy the hot chocolate, gazing out the opened curtain to watch the cold full moon slowly rising in the night sky. Big, bright and extra chilly it rose, high in the sky...
sometime later~
as she drifts to sleep in their bed back in their chambers, she begins to drift to dreaming of warmer times and walking along their now private beach at the beach house. She sees herself walking along as the waves lap lazily at her toes. The sand soft and warm from the sun beaming down upon it all day. The moon by now high in the night sky. A memory of stopping by the fort of pillows and stripping down before walking down to the waters edge once again. Smirking as she did so, the thought of a queen being rebellious and sneaking a dip naked always made her giggle. She smiled in her now half slumber. She stepped slowly into the waters, cool against her body as she sunk slowly in deeper, swimming out a little ways and then doing her ritual of cleansing and releasing of energies into the world. How the waves played against her body... she always wished her beloved esposo would have made it out to join her one of those many times... she kept dreaming ...
she hears the voice of her beloved asking her why his queen is sad.
"Just feeling lonely I guess, mi Rey. Restless mind wanders." she whispers back.
he whispers more to her as she holds out her hand in the dreamscape to him, "how may your charm help you?"
he sounds worried as she is always helping others, he is more concerned of her right now. they hold each other in their whispers as he tells her he is home with her.
"just being here with you, is all i shall ever need, my love. I've missed you so..." she only wishes to waken by his side as she whispers more in her sleep.
as he promises, she is wakened in his arms with sweetkisses he does so well, spending the rest of the evening forgetting dreams of walking the beach as they snuggle and slumber so.
Ages ago, it seemed now. She leans her head back slightly to look upon the ever slowly rising moon. Bright and glowing. She had a lessened need lately of a use of her goblet durning the time of the full moon since her beloved had been near. She could not explain why that was. Maybe it was some sort of a spell that she was under with it. She gave a small shake of her head as she turned away from the window. She walks over to her corner with her altar and opens the door to the bottom half. Sitting there where he left it, all alone for these past months, her little goblet for the blood lust. She picks it up in her hands, cupping it like an offering. She bows her head to it in prayer and brings it slowly to her lips, closing her eyes as she does. The cool feel of the metal against her lips surprisingly did not bring a chill to her as she had half expected it to. She takes a tiny sip from it and then pauses it there.
After some time, she brings it slowly from her lips and sets it back in its home. She slowly licks her bottom lip with her tongue before she closes the door to turn back to their livingroom to sit in the window seat once again, wrapping snugly in the blanket to wait on her beloved to return home to her...*
11 dec 2019
she sits at their sofa in more comfy clothing for the night and pulls out her cross- stitch ornaments to make. The first pattern she ever learnt from she still has in her supplies and found parts to make her own little style to them.
after some time, she sets her work aside to head over to their bathroom and sneak in a refreshing bath. She sets the faucet on hot and then turns to ready some towels for when she steps out. She slowly allows her slender body to sink in, allowing the hot steamy water to envelop around her. She leans her head back as she closes her eyes to breath the steam vapors in deeply as she uses her foot to shut off the faucet.
after her relaxing bath, she pulls the chain from the tub to allow the water to drain out and then pulls herself out of the tub. She grabs the towel and wraps it around her slender body.
She stands there and carefully dries herself off before she slips her silk floral bathrobe her beloved Elijah had given her last year. The fabric cool against her skin as she placed it on. She went across their chambers and heads to their kitchen to check on things. The meal she prepared the other night still spelled to remain warm and fresh in the warmer of their oven, she makes a mug of peppermint hot chocolate as her tummy was upset earlier in the day. With her mug in hand, she heads over to their dining table and smiles as all was still beautifully set as well. Satisfied, she curls up on their sofa to enjoy the hot chocolate, gazing out the opened curtain to watch the cold full moon slowly rising in the night sky. Big, bright and extra chilly it rose, high in the sky...
sometime later~
as she drifts to sleep in their bed back in their chambers, she begins to drift to dreaming of warmer times and walking along their now private beach at the beach house. She sees herself walking along as the waves lap lazily at her toes. The sand soft and warm from the sun beaming down upon it all day. The moon by now high in the night sky. A memory of stopping by the fort of pillows and stripping down before walking down to the waters edge once again. Smirking as she did so, the thought of a queen being rebellious and sneaking a dip naked always made her giggle. She smiled in her now half slumber. She stepped slowly into the waters, cool against her body as she sunk slowly in deeper, swimming out a little ways and then doing her ritual of cleansing and releasing of energies into the world. How the waves played against her body... she always wished her beloved esposo would have made it out to join her one of those many times... she kept dreaming ...
she hears the voice of her beloved asking her why his queen is sad.
"Just feeling lonely I guess, mi Rey. Restless mind wanders." she whispers back.
he whispers more to her as she holds out her hand in the dreamscape to him, "how may your charm help you?"
he sounds worried as she is always helping others, he is more concerned of her right now. they hold each other in their whispers as he tells her he is home with her.
"just being here with you, is all i shall ever need, my love. I've missed you so..." she only wishes to waken by his side as she whispers more in her sleep.
as he promises, she is wakened in his arms with sweetkisses he does so well, spending the rest of the evening forgetting dreams of walking the beach as they snuggle and slumber so.
[from the queen's cave archives]
1.1.2019[wee hours of the morning- close the after the chime if the new year]
*lays down on the sofa not bothering with the fire and tries to sleep. stares at ceiling crying.*
take this gift from me please? I don't want this gift anymore. I am cursed. not blessed by this trudelle intuitive. I hate it. is brings me nothing but pain. I help. I wear my heart on my sleeve. I'm too trusting because I'm too caring. because I have to help everyone with this blasted curse. *sobs* I hate my powers! !! I don't want this! if helping and healing makes them all leave me...
*cries into pillow* I'm tired of being alone. they all leave me in the end. everyone of them all leave me...
I am a failure
I'm unwanted
I'm not needed
please take my gifts away...
you're morgaine. begs you . please
I am unworthy of this gift.
why do I have to be cursed with this gift?
*she leylts out a scream and falls to her knees, holds her head in her hands crying* I didn't ask for this gift. why am I so cursed?
*she lays other on the floor and sleeps among all the broken jars and spilt herbs and spells around her. drained*
[e~*he takes her in his arms and VS to the castle*]
[later that day]
*picks up the broom and silently cleans the mess she made... her head still in a fog. physically there sweeping. but her thoughts blank. empty. randomly stops to pick up jars to be saved and set them on the work bench. she sits on the floor to gather any herbs to be spared. she gathers what is salvageable in her arms and slowly stands up to bring them to the work bench, setting them down once there. she leans on the table a moment. and stares at the area, unthinking.
she pushes off of the table, grabs the broom once again, and begins sweeping the remaining mess she made. she sweeps it to the fire place and then sets the broom down. she waves her hand and makes the fireplace ignite. she sits at the sofa, pulling a blanket over her as she sits there, waiting for it all to burn. staring at the flames as they leap and dance, turning different colors as they all burn in the fire. she scribbles wishes on scraps of paper and tosses them into the burning flames. staring in to it as she does, lost in the mezmerizing flames. almost calming... she waits for the flames to die out*
1.1.2019[wee hours of the morning- close the after the chime if the new year]
*lays down on the sofa not bothering with the fire and tries to sleep. stares at ceiling crying.*
take this gift from me please? I don't want this gift anymore. I am cursed. not blessed by this trudelle intuitive. I hate it. is brings me nothing but pain. I help. I wear my heart on my sleeve. I'm too trusting because I'm too caring. because I have to help everyone with this blasted curse. *sobs* I hate my powers! !! I don't want this! if helping and healing makes them all leave me...
*cries into pillow* I'm tired of being alone. they all leave me in the end. everyone of them all leave me...
I am a failure
I'm unwanted
I'm not needed
please take my gifts away...
you're morgaine. begs you . please
I am unworthy of this gift.
why do I have to be cursed with this gift?
*whispers* I'm not worth this .
*she gets up and goes to her work bench. she drags her arm along the table top, making everything smash to the floor. she grabs and flings things away. yelling at the gods, deities. and who ever is hovering over her* I don't want this!!! I won't do this curse any more!!!!!*she leylts out a scream and falls to her knees, holds her head in her hands crying* I didn't ask for this gift. why am I so cursed?
*she lays other on the floor and sleeps among all the broken jars and spilt herbs and spells around her. drained*
[e~*he takes her in his arms and VS to the castle*]
[later that day]
*picks up the broom and silently cleans the mess she made... her head still in a fog. physically there sweeping. but her thoughts blank. empty. randomly stops to pick up jars to be saved and set them on the work bench. she sits on the floor to gather any herbs to be spared. she gathers what is salvageable in her arms and slowly stands up to bring them to the work bench, setting them down once there. she leans on the table a moment. and stares at the area, unthinking.
she pushes off of the table, grabs the broom once again, and begins sweeping the remaining mess she made. she sweeps it to the fire place and then sets the broom down. she waves her hand and makes the fireplace ignite. she sits at the sofa, pulling a blanket over her as she sits there, waiting for it all to burn. staring at the flames as they leap and dance, turning different colors as they all burn in the fire. she scribbles wishes on scraps of paper and tosses them into the burning flames. staring in to it as she does, lost in the mezmerizing flames. almost calming... she waits for the flames to die out*
25 july 2019~ thread with miss silver~~
Starter for @SkyBoivin
*Silver went to visit Sky, hoping to get some answers about herself and maybe her past.
Sky had told her there was a library, and that was where, maybe, Silver could find the answers she was looking for. There had to be a book or something that could lead her closer to her goal. She was glad Sky had agreed to help her.
Although Silver was still a little nervous around everyone in the bunker, she was excited as she waited for Sky. When Silver finally spotted her, her golden eyes lit up and she made her way over.* “Thank you for agreeing to help me with this, I just really want to know more about myself and my past.”
~*she smiled brightly as she greeted Silver to the castle of Faye and to the Island of realms, too.*
Hello, my dear. The pleasure is all mine. I am just glad I might be able to help you in some way. Did you have any issues using the old groves as I instructed? Sometimes ~the first time solo can be a little tricky. *she gives a small smirk and a wink before motioning her to walk with her*
The castle is large, but there are plenty on staff to lend a hand if you get lost. Are you hungry? We can stop off at the kitchen before heading up to the ~library and also to show you your chambers where you can rest as long as you wish to stay?
*Silver smiled in truth she had had a bit of a hard time with it but she was hoping to improve with time.* “Actually, it was a little difficult seeing as it was my first time trying that.” *She played with the necklace she wore as she followed Sky through the castle, from living in the forest it was a big difference. Her place was just big enough for herself and one other, it was usually shared with forest animals. Amethyst her special friend was usually beside her wherever she went, today was no different.* “I am alright but I think my friend might be hungry.” *The necklace Silver had had been hers from another time, and it had been left with her again by her family.* “There’s still so much I need to learn. The human who cared for me could only tell me so much about myself.” *She was grateful Sky would be allowing her to stay while she learned more of her past. The people she’d met since she’d moved to the bunker were all so kind to her.* https://t.co/kIbotZyFpR
*smiling again and giving a small half curtsey. She lead the way up the stairs.*
We will stop at the kitchens I will have them bring some treats up to the library for you.*
As she lead her down the stone hallway lined with various tapestries and statues mixed with plants+~ they passed windows overlooking the gardens and past the throne room. Ince they reached the kitchens, she addressed the head cook*
Afternoon, my dear. We have miss Silver staying with us for a while. So if you could be so kind to tend to her needs. *she spoke softly as she +~instructed.*
{*The cook bowed low and replied* yes, most certainly, my queen. *then addressing Silver*
What do you fancy, Miss? I can make just about anything around here.*she gave a friendly and motherly smile*}
*Silver nodded, she looked out seeing the garden. It was beautiful, Silver loved any place surrounded by nature so did her animal friends. Amethyst yipped at her once and Silver nodded, her companion had always been a source of comfort to her.* Alright I’m sure Amethyst would like that as well.” *Silver was almost overwhelmed by all of this, back at home she’d catch food out in the forest or gathering whatever she needed from her garden.* “I’m honestly not very picky, it’s always been whatever I could grow. And if I could find blueberries or blackberries those have always been a favorite of mine. The only thing is for Amethyst she loves rabbits and birds. But she’ll eat any meat.” *Amethyst yipped her agreement. Silver was surprised how easily her friend took to this change in environment, of course the little fox had always been like that. Silver’s closest friend. Maybe here Amethyst could meet some new friends as well, there had to be other creatures she might get along with.*
~ {*the cook nodded.* I can fix some pancakes in the morning, but how about a delightful salad trimmed with berries and nuts? *she bends down to the fox * and i am certain there's a fresh rabbit somewhere for ya? *she winks as she scratches the fox under its chin.*}
*Silver smiled that was perfect for her and Amethyst. She was very glad she’d come here hopefully she would find out everything she needed to know.* “That would be wonderful thank you.” *Silver was eager to get to the library to find answers. She turned to Sky.* “I do hope I’ll be able to find out more about my past lives and my family, all I have is that necklace and of course Amethyst she’s been with me for a long time. How will we start?” *She wanted to figure out all of this so much and she really hoped Sky could help her.*
*smiling back*
Well, first things first. Food and settling in. But if you wish to start straight away, I can bring you up to the libraries. There is a section on faye lores. *she gives a slight shrug* maybe there will be something in one of them to get you pointed in the right direction. And then there is of course the family achieves. I can make sure they are all on the tables to look through.
{to be continued as player MIA}
Starter for @SkyBoivin
*Silver went to visit Sky, hoping to get some answers about herself and maybe her past.
Sky had told her there was a library, and that was where, maybe, Silver could find the answers she was looking for. There had to be a book or something that could lead her closer to her goal. She was glad Sky had agreed to help her.
Although Silver was still a little nervous around everyone in the bunker, she was excited as she waited for Sky. When Silver finally spotted her, her golden eyes lit up and she made her way over.* “Thank you for agreeing to help me with this, I just really want to know more about myself and my past.”
~*she smiled brightly as she greeted Silver to the castle of Faye and to the Island of realms, too.*
Hello, my dear. The pleasure is all mine. I am just glad I might be able to help you in some way. Did you have any issues using the old groves as I instructed? Sometimes ~the first time solo can be a little tricky. *she gives a small smirk and a wink before motioning her to walk with her*
The castle is large, but there are plenty on staff to lend a hand if you get lost. Are you hungry? We can stop off at the kitchen before heading up to the ~library and also to show you your chambers where you can rest as long as you wish to stay?
*Silver smiled in truth she had had a bit of a hard time with it but she was hoping to improve with time.* “Actually, it was a little difficult seeing as it was my first time trying that.” *She played with the necklace she wore as she followed Sky through the castle, from living in the forest it was a big difference. Her place was just big enough for herself and one other, it was usually shared with forest animals. Amethyst her special friend was usually beside her wherever she went, today was no different.* “I am alright but I think my friend might be hungry.” *The necklace Silver had had been hers from another time, and it had been left with her again by her family.* “There’s still so much I need to learn. The human who cared for me could only tell me so much about myself.” *She was grateful Sky would be allowing her to stay while she learned more of her past. The people she’d met since she’d moved to the bunker were all so kind to her.* https://t.co/kIbotZyFpR
*smiling again and giving a small half curtsey. She lead the way up the stairs.*
We will stop at the kitchens I will have them bring some treats up to the library for you.*
As she lead her down the stone hallway lined with various tapestries and statues mixed with plants+~ they passed windows overlooking the gardens and past the throne room. Ince they reached the kitchens, she addressed the head cook*
Afternoon, my dear. We have miss Silver staying with us for a while. So if you could be so kind to tend to her needs. *she spoke softly as she +~instructed.*
{*The cook bowed low and replied* yes, most certainly, my queen. *then addressing Silver*
What do you fancy, Miss? I can make just about anything around here.*she gave a friendly and motherly smile*}
*Silver nodded, she looked out seeing the garden. It was beautiful, Silver loved any place surrounded by nature so did her animal friends. Amethyst yipped at her once and Silver nodded, her companion had always been a source of comfort to her.* Alright I’m sure Amethyst would like that as well.” *Silver was almost overwhelmed by all of this, back at home she’d catch food out in the forest or gathering whatever she needed from her garden.* “I’m honestly not very picky, it’s always been whatever I could grow. And if I could find blueberries or blackberries those have always been a favorite of mine. The only thing is for Amethyst she loves rabbits and birds. But she’ll eat any meat.” *Amethyst yipped her agreement. Silver was surprised how easily her friend took to this change in environment, of course the little fox had always been like that. Silver’s closest friend. Maybe here Amethyst could meet some new friends as well, there had to be other creatures she might get along with.*
~ {*the cook nodded.* I can fix some pancakes in the morning, but how about a delightful salad trimmed with berries and nuts? *she bends down to the fox * and i am certain there's a fresh rabbit somewhere for ya? *she winks as she scratches the fox under its chin.*}
*Silver smiled that was perfect for her and Amethyst. She was very glad she’d come here hopefully she would find out everything she needed to know.* “That would be wonderful thank you.” *Silver was eager to get to the library to find answers. She turned to Sky.* “I do hope I’ll be able to find out more about my past lives and my family, all I have is that necklace and of course Amethyst she’s been with me for a long time. How will we start?” *She wanted to figure out all of this so much and she really hoped Sky could help her.*
*smiling back*
Well, first things first. Food and settling in. But if you wish to start straight away, I can bring you up to the libraries. There is a section on faye lores. *she gives a slight shrug* maybe there will be something in one of them to get you pointed in the right direction. And then there is of course the family achieves. I can make sure they are all on the tables to look through.
{to be continued as player MIA}
song thread
4 july 2019
You are exactly what I'm looking for You are the key that opens up the door I'll take anything from you I'd long to love you You are exactly what I've waiting for Waiting has only made me love you more Tell me what you're gonna do I'm crazy into you
White picket fence, the typical picture
threads with @purposepuppy
Goodnight from Marley!
Cue the canine snuggling into whoever is reading this. ♡
*covers with a special blanket* blessed dreams dear pupper.
Cue Marley nuzzling his head into the special blanket. It’s very comfortable. ♡
♡ sweet snuggly dreams ,dear pupper
Attacks whoever is reading this with puppy kisses. ♡
~*giggles and gives return snuggles back* https://t.co/EwSnBpSXSH
Snuggles are the best!
*smiles* plenty of snuggles for an awesome pupper! *snuggles more and gives scratches behind his ears*
Snuggles for the puppy? Yay! Cue Marley licking her hands softly.
Always snuggles for the pupper. *she continues to give soft scratches behind his ear as he softly licks her hands*
19 feb 2019
~always being there, and having my back. Also inspiring me ❤💜💙you are all diamonds to me💎
@0riginalGillies @MsNiki3 @DemonWith_ASoul @ChuckSurley @skyessong
@raiahome @Captain_Sassy77
And others(not enough room4all)
Michgator ( r.i.p. 23 march 2021💔
She sadly passed away suddenly on the spnfamily. She lived the storyline of skijah. May she always smile upon us from above reading over our shoulders in the afterlife to her hearts content♡)
And you are Fairy Dust and Moonbeams, Your Majesty.🥰 https://t.co/D6n9D0WDcT
Love you lots sweetie https://t.co/5luxLXdqNQ
Continue to the solos of the year 2020~
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