time in Venice Italy. 2019 holiday
16 jan 2019
~oh my, how beautiful is this...
*stares around in awe*
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
{rt lord byron
you and I
the stars and the universe
were all one
before time began
and we shall be again
after it ends}
{ rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1085436391159459840?s=20

ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
{rt lord byron
you and I
the stars and the universe
were all one
before time began
and we shall be again
after it ends}
{ rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1085436391159459840?s=20
17 jan 2019
@0riginalGillies "...So let’s feed the fire slowly; bank the embers and allow the slow burn to transport us beyond time. It was just a kiss between souls..." {Her Magic-SB ;) }
~blessed dreams, mí corazón.
@0riginalGillies ~such lovely things to be seen here, mi corazón.
ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife @SkyBoivin
~ I love you endlessly and beyond. Fire and life to lighten the darkness, #myQueenFaye
℣ˑ━ ᴵˢˡᵃᶰᵈᴼᶠᴿᵉᵃˡᵐˢ #AppreciateADragonDay [ImageᵛᶤᵃTedChin]

{photo edit by @0riginalGillies}
~te amo, mí corazón -sky

ೇ @SkyBoivin
/ #GoldAndBlue - Venice
~ good night, my love.
'Everyday's a honeymoon. Cuz darling, I love you to the moon.'
~ blessed dreams, mí corazón.
a la Luna y de regreso, siempre y para siempre
19 jan 2019
~your morning coffee, mi corazón
"I would fly you to the moon and back
If you'll be, if you'll be my baby
I've got a ticket for a world where we belong
So would you be my baby?" -s.g.
~there's a whole world ahead of us. and so much to explore by your side. blessed dreams, mí corazón
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
{rt lord byron
her words say
she knows me
however dark the night
I am never alone}
20 jan 2019
"The day we met,
Frozen I held my breath
Right from the start
I knew that I'd found a home for my heart"-c.p.
~a beautiful smile in your smile,
makes me smile every time.
I can't resist that smile, those lips,
your kiss. te amo, mí corazón -S
"Say you love me every waking moment,
Turn my head with talk of summertime.
Say you need me with you now and always;
Promise me that all you say is true,
That's all I ask of you." P.O.
~ let us dance the evening away until the dawn appears once again...
They are lovers of time,
Because time means nothing to a vampire and a faye
Lost only to themselves in the evenings
And in the daylight hours
As their love grows more each day for each other."-Sb
~*taking his hands as they walk through~
20 jan 2019
*pokes her head out of Sky’s suitcase and looks around, eyes wide* oooooh, that’s pretty! *she wiggles out of the suitcase and dashes around to look at everything* thanks for the ride by the way!
*smiles smugly knowing she is off to explore and says in a sing song voice*
take the girls, be safe, have fun, mi
hermosa loba
*then waves as she walks back to continue on her daily list before her corazón and her head out themselves*
*she brightens* ok! *goes to look for the girls, @SamiMikaelson1 @CallumSolveig1 She’s excited, they could see all the sights and get something to eat*
Hell'oo auntie *toddles over to Ember and gives a flappy wave*
*giggles and scoops her up, smiling* hello sweetie. Do you want to go out and see some fun things with me?
*Squeals* Yes! Yes! *overcome with excitement and leans her head on Ember's shoulder*
*she grins* alright! Where to first little one? Food or sights?
Food! *She cries, with a greedy grin plastered to her face, and licks her lips*
*she giggles and starts walking, still carrying Sami* alright, what do you want to eat? And we can get some gelato later!
~mí corazón, estos restaurantes parecen divinos. ¿Intentaremos esto, esta noche? *Mientras buscaba en su teléfono un lugar para comer mientras estaban en Venecia.*
{ ~ my heart, these restaurants seem divine. Shall we try this tonight? * While searching her phone for a place to eat while in Venice. *}
Tal como lo decidas, mi encanto. Recuerda que el eclipse total de luna ocurrirá en breve, y la vista desde el balcón del hotel es maravillosa... *besó con delicadeza el dorso de su mano*
{As you decide, my charm. Remember that the total eclipse of the moon will happen shortly, and the view from the hotel balcony is wonderful ... * delicately kissed the back of his hand *}

~entonces apurémonos, mí corazón. No nos querremos perder una vista así.
{~ then let's hurry, my heart. We don't want to miss a view like that.}

jan 20/ 21 2019
#TotalLunarEclipse - Blood Moon
「http://kerbalspaceacademy.com/live 」
21 jan 2019
~morning breakfast is served, mi corazón. and a splendid view to go along with it.
Christmas cactus finally making its yearly blooms♡
@0riginalGillies ~*smirks*

ೇ @SkyBoivin
𝒮eaOf𝒮heets. DarkAsDreamy, DangerousAsDelicious & DamagingAsDelightful; blood holding some Dark𝒮ecret & all is different from how it usually is: bringing out another 𝒮ide of everything, the darkne𝒮𝒮 & my𝒮teriousne𝒮𝒮 of it all. Loving to get lost at 𝒮ea...
{ @0000_official · Jan 21}
~ such a beautiful sight to share with you...
ೇ @SkyBoivin
/ #GoldAndBlue - Venice
~ good night, my love.
'Loving to get lost at 𝒮ea...'
~ blessed dreams, mi corazón.
and there are things in us that we can find again only by going back there. Е̃ˑ
{ https://twitter.com/St_Michel_Obs/status/1087246927169835008?s=20 }
~ *whispers* maybe we will just have to return soon, then, mí corazón? *she gives a soft smile*
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
{rt lord byron
do not be disturbed
by my silence
I am listening
to your heart}
~ *smiles and whispers* then I shall drift to sleep knowing that is what you are doing, as I guard your heart, mí corazón. blessed dreams, mí amado esposo.

23 jan 2019

~ @0riginalGillies
an apple pie, italy. ;)
24 jan 2019
ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife
~ I love you endlessly and beyond, #myQueenFaye ℣ˑ
/ #GoldAndBlue - Venice
'A secret gondola song, quivering with iridescent happiness' —FN.
~ te amo, mí corazón siempre y para siempre.
"To the moon and back" -s.g.
"Fading in,Fading outOn the edge of paradiseEvery inch of your skin is a holy gray I've got to findOnly you can set my heart on fire,On fireYeah,I'll let you set the pace'CauseI'm not thinking straightMy head spinning around I can't see clear no more"-EG
~te amo
"You're the light, you're the night
You're the color of my blood
You're the cure, you're the pain
You're the only thing I wanna touch
Never knew that it could mean so much, so much"-EG
~ every day is more magical than the next with you, mi corazón
27 jan 2019
"from the first moment that we touched, your arms felt like home." -JG.
~mí corazón, tu eres mi hogar. te amo mas y mas cada dia. te amo.
~ lazy Sunday snuggle day♡
relaxing views all day is always best by your side, mi corazón.
~day of shopping and then afternoon under the stars while swimming. such beauty in the world.
"it's that heart of gold, and stardust soul that make you beautiful."-r.m.b.
ೇ 〔insomnia in Venice - missing IoR〕 https://twitter.com/ItsFoodPorn/status/1089445664822624256
~*giggles* I must be rubbing off on you, my darling.
~ blessed dreams, mi corazón

28 jan 2019
ೇ @SkyBoivin
/ #GoldAndBlue - Venice
~ 'In winter you wake up in this city, especially on 𝒮undays, to the chiming of its innumerable bells, as though behind your gauze curtains a gigantic china teaset were vibrating on a 𝒮ilver tray in the pearl-gray 𝒮ky' ―JB

~I simply love the sound of the bells when they sing their songs...
{rt lord byron
the night
became the morning
the magic remained
in the cold light of day}
29 jan 2019
ೇ @SkyBoivin
{rt lord byron
she's the kind of beautiful
you don't mention
using mere words
would be sacrilege}
ೇ @SkyBoivin
/ #GoldAndBlue - Venice
~ good night, my love.
{gif by @0riginalGillies}
ೇ 'Look / What happen𝒮 / With a love like that, / It light𝒮 the whole 𝒮ky.' ― Hafizೇ 〔insomnia in Venice - missing IoR〕 https://twitter.com/ItsFoodPorn/status/1089445664822624256
~*giggles* I must be rubbing off on you, my darling.
~ blessed dreams, mi corazón
28 jan 2019
ೇ @SkyBoivin
/ #GoldAndBlue - Venice
~ 'In winter you wake up in this city, especially on 𝒮undays, to the chiming of its innumerable bells, as though behind your gauze curtains a gigantic china teaset were vibrating on a 𝒮ilver tray in the pearl-gray 𝒮ky' ―JB
~I simply love the sound of the bells when they sing their songs...
{rt lord byron
the night
became the morning
the magic remained
in the cold light of day}
29 jan 2019
ೇ @SkyBoivin
{rt lord byron
she's the kind of beautiful
you don't mention
using mere words
would be sacrilege}
ೇ @SkyBoivin
/ #GoldAndBlue - Venice
~ good night, my love.

~ happy.
{rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1090144891047415809?s=20
~blessed dreams, mí amor.

{rt sky ~@0riginalGillies oh my they made a quote from you on facebook. *giggles*
30 jan 2019
~beautiful sites, in a beautiful world, shared with the most wonderful of souls. I'm so glad to be by your side in this adventure of ours.

Los amantes del tiempo
Siempre y para siempre.

playing with filters ;)

31 jan 2019

~January Memories~
Darling you move me
Like the moon moves the ocean
Like wind making waves
In all her beauty,
the moon, holds not a candle to you.
we have begun our journey
of always and forever.
We don’t need a map
for we will just make our own
to the world where we belong;
our ticket awaits, my pilot.
Together, forever.
30 jan 2019
~beautiful sites, in a beautiful world, shared with the most wonderful of souls. I'm so glad to be by your side in this adventure of ours.
Los amantes del tiempo
Siempre y para siempre.
playing with filters ;)
31 jan 2019
~January Memories~
Darling you move me
Like the moon moves the ocean
Like wind making waves
In all her beauty,
the moon, holds not a candle to you.
we have begun our journey
of always and forever.
We don’t need a map
for we will just make our own
to the world where we belong;
our ticket awaits, my pilot.
Together, forever.
we warm each other’s hearts.
You are my moon, as I am your sun;
Shining each day and night.
I am your charm, as you are my heart;
We cherish each moment
And worship every single dawn.
For today begins our forever and always.
∫ CarЕ̃ssingPianoKЕ̃ys...「https://chirb.it/wwnPK0」
{rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1090678727024037889?s=20
https://youtu.be/PZpbMVVoDDI }
♡ *smiles*
ೇ good night, my love.
#Off ━℣ˑ
{rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1090862651771621376?s=20
@0riginalGillies ~blessed dreams, mí corazón
ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife, @SkyBoivin
~ I love you endlessly and beyond, myQueenFaye

~ te amo, siempre y para siempre.
to the moon and back♡ -sky
1 feb 2019

~ @0riginalGillies the luck dragon approves!! *smirks and giggles
~ lucky us, my queen.
~very very lucky us, mi rey.
~ *smiles from their balcony*
~ I found a lovely lunch for us, mi corazón
@0riginalGillies ~ can we keep him?
@0riginalGillies~*she plays the piano and softly sings*
{karline~ Kindle My Heart}
3 feb 2019
blessed dreams, mí corazón
4 feb 2019
ೇ @SkyBoivin
'She became the music. The story of love, the notes written in kisses and caresses on her skin. Her music ran through him, more joyous than anything he could remember. TheUnbearableDeliciousHunger that was TheSweetestPain' ―TH.
~ to worship every single dawn. ℣
~ blessed dreams, mi corazón.
May we continue our songs together.
5 feb 2019
~today's walk
{video of waterfall https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1093010515729793024?s=20 }
∫ CarЕ̃ssingPianoKЕ̃ys
~ And still my heart has wings,
How strange / How sweet
Two lovers on the street / Who walk like dreamers
Le𝒮 𝒮oirée𝒮 Nomade𝒮 - Mano𝒮que
「https://chirb.it/1vwDd9」Е̃ˑ #Off

∫ CarЕ̃ssingPianoKЕ̃ys
~ I don't want to set the world on fire, honey / I love you too much
I've lost all ambition for worldly acclaim / I just want to be the one you love
ೇ Le𝒮 𝒮oirée𝒮 Nomade𝒮 - Mano𝒮que

∫ CarЕ̃ssingPianoKЕ̃ys - WhereYouLeftYourHeart
~ Modern conundrum, my friend. You work just to take care of your family, then you don't have any time to spend with them.
Le𝒮 𝒮oirée𝒮 Nomade𝒮 - Mano𝒮que
「https://soundcloud.com/margency/mtk 」Е̃ˑ In Amnesia-land.

~ *smiling as she listens to him play, she rests her head on his shoulder, whispering back*
and still my heart has wings...

7 feb 2019
ೇ Prelude
#VelvetyNight ~ 𝓢howers of light, paint the 𝓢ky* Е̃.
━ #Off
{rt https://twitter.com/CNLastro/status/1093348876956819457?s=20
~ oh that is a nice way to be reminded... *smiles*
@0riginalGillies ~ Juliet's balcony, and letters to Juliet... along with locks of love on Juliet's wall. how charmingly romantic. *smiles*
ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife @SkyBoivin
~ I love you endlessly and beyond. Faye-ry whispers inspiring the blushing rose.

8 feb 2019
~ 'si ce n'était pas amusant, ce serait risible.'
@0riginalGillies ~blessed dreams, mí corazón. te amo, siempre y para siempre
9 feb 2019

10 feb 2019
@0riginalGillies~beautiful lazy sunday...

will you be my valentine @0riginalGillies *giggles and smirks *
{rt Michgator Type “Will you be my Valentine and @ the first person on your list. }
it will always be yes, my queen. The happiest. ❤﹟ᶜʷᵐᵇ
~ *smiles* mí rey, you always make me the happiest ♡
11 feb 2019
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
{rt lord byron
she is my unread book
my unfinished poem
a call so strong
it demands to be complete}
~blessed dreams, mi corazón
12 feb 2019
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
{rt lord byron
I've believed
in the supernatural
since that night
she took me beyond reality}
14 feb 2019
A happy birthday to my cat smokey today.
// Sensi.
~happy valentine's day, mi corazón
I love you, my faery’s song
⎝'love is more thicker than forget -- more thinner than recall
~ le𝒮𝒮 never than alive ~
it is most 𝒮ane&𝒮unly
& more it cannot die
than all the 𝒮ky which only
is higher than the 𝒮ky' ━EEC
𝓢𝓪𝓶𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓱𝓪 ℳ. ∬ 𝓢𝓸𝓵𝓿𝓮𝓲𝓰 ℳ.
~ my best memory to recall -- the gift of your presence, an eternity’s 𝒮unrise.
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
{rt lord byron
the secret is
you are my music
my heart doesn't beat
without you}
ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife @SkyBoivin
~ I love you endlessly and beyond. Till the moon meets the sea, myQueenFaye.
~Te amo, siempre y para siempre. -sky
15 feb 2019
~ forever hold this heart that I give to you
#howIAdoreYou ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
~I shall always keep it safe and well guarded, mi amor
~the Venetian carnival *smiling as they walk through the streets of venice looking at all the colorful costumes...*~such beautiful masks to try on...~and all the fun events to see...
The Carnevale, is celebrated in Italy and many places around the world during the 40 days before Easter, and a final party before Ash Wednesday and Lent. This is one of Italy's biggest winter festivals and events often last for two to three weeks before Easter... *she reads From a pamphet*
Masks have always been an important feature of the Venetian carnival. Traditionally people were allowed to wear them between the festival of Santo Stefano and the end of the carnival season at midnight of Shrove Tuesday. *she gives a nod* very interesting History. *smiles as she puts the pamphlet away and tries on some masks...~ *her eyes light up with excitement and picks up a mask, bringing it to her face.* darling? What you you think?
Evening sunset
17 feb 2019
~"Dancin' where the stars go blue Dancin' where the evening fell...Laughing with your broken eyesLaughing with your lover's tongue In a lullaby...
Where do you go when you're lonely
I'll follow you
When the stars go blue
~each dawn each dusk and all the moments in between
~haces mis días y noches completos mucho más feliz.
te quiero hasta la luna y más allá, mí corazón. Siempre y para siempre.
siempre en mi corazón
-tu encantó, S.♡
@0riginalGillies ~"How many times do I have to tell you...The world is beating you down, I’m around through every move...
Cause all of me Loves all of you"
~blessed dreams, mí corazón.
Te amo, siempre y para siempre.
a la Luna y de regreso - tu encanto S
/ #GoldAndBlue - Venice
~ good night, my love. ♯𝒮nowMoon
~such beauty to be shared with you. Blessed dreams, mí corazón, mí amor.
~ well, I was thinking jean shorts and flip flops.
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
{rt lord byron
I met her on day 1
of the rest of forever}
ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife, @SkyBoivin
~ I love you endlessly and beyond. ♯𝒮nowMoon

~ te amo, mi esposo. Siempre y para siempre To the moon and beyond. #snowmoon
@0riginalGillies ~blessed dreams
25 feb 2019
~ one true friend, mí corazón, mí amor, mí rey. Has always been so supportive and I hope I can continue be so in return♡
Hope for blessed days ahead.
~ Obsessing about the past only brings misery and torment, mi encanto. And all we ever have is now, the beauty of every moment unfolding before us.
∫ Blessed days ahead.
26 feb 2019
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
{rt lord byron
please never forget
you wrote words
that so moved me
I will never forget}
27 feb 2019
~ what do you think of these, mi corazon?
An alluring and fascinating design, mi encanto. And just in time as this timeless city thrives. #GoldAndBlue - Venice
Morning rainbow inside 💜❤🌹
28 feb 2019
~Sí, mí corazón, just in time. *kisses his cheek softly* such splendors to be seen here.
ೇ (belated) #WCW to my beloved wife,
~ I love you endlessly and beyond, myQueenFaye.
℣ˑ'She is and always will be a phoenix'
Yet, do thy worst, old Time: despite thy wrong,
My love shall in my verse ever live young —𝒮onnet XIX
#GoldAndBlue [Imagesᵛᶤᵃbutterfly_𝒮]
"and the ravages of time will not touch him."
~te amo siempre y para siempre, mi rey. a la Luna y de regreso y las galaxias más allá.
{other edit

ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
{rt lord Byron
I care
irrevocably and forever
will ever change that}
Snowflakes up close
1 mar 2019
~that first moment, 10 months ago this Sunday, when we first met.
I'll never forget how excited I was and how I felt like a schoolgirl when you replied back. And now here he are. 10 wonderful months later
Te amo a la Luna y de regreso
2 mar 2019
~blessed dreams mí corazón.
Te amo a la Luna y de regreso
y las galaxias más allá
3 march 2019
~ You're my beautiful dream and enchanting premonition, mi encanto, always and forever. 𝓢howers of light, painting the 𝓢ky.
{rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1102201610250436609?s=20
~feliz diez meses de aniversario, mí corazón. Has hecho esta aventura tan divertida. No puedo imaginar estos últimos meses sin ti. Te amo, siempre y para siempre
"SheFoundTheColorsToPaintHim whereTheWorldHadLeftHimGray."Atticus ❤🎶
ೇ #midnight𝓢unn
~ I can't imagine loving anyone the way I love you.
~las flores son hermosas, mí rey, mí luna, mí corazón ♡
~Aquí hay muchos meses más de aventura, musica y poesia.
a la Luna y de regreso y las galaxias más allá.
Las estrellas brillan más por ti.
Stealing. Do your thing
~ Poetry, dragons and music. A charming spell.
~ *smiles* a very charming spell, indeed, mi corazon
~ Laissez les bons temps rouler #NOLA
~¿hay uno para mi, mí corazón?
Por supuesto, mi encanto. Después de una tarde y noche idílicas, cena ligera y brindar con un perfecto Pere Bourdy Château-Chalon, de una excelente cosecha, para culminar la velada a contratiempo en un balcón que no carece del encanto de la sencillez. Por el futuro, #myQueenFaye
~Por el futuro *ella sonrie suavemente y apoya su cabeza en su hombro.* una manera perfecta de terminar la noche, al lado de mi corazon
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
{rt lord byron
I know her so well
I am irrevocably compelled
to know her better}
blessed dreams, mí corazón.
5 mar 2019
~ happy #MardiGras2019 The last day of the Carnival season 💜💚💛NOLA
{rt https://twitter.com/0riginalGillies/status/1082154980008775681?s=20 }
@0riginalGillies blessed dreams ,mí corazón.
7 mar 2019
earlier today
{photo skyboivin~ clinton dam, clinton, ma}
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
{rt lord byron
it's not where you go
it's what you see}
~ blessed dreams, mí corazón ♡
ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife, @SkyBoivin
~ I love you endlessly and beyond. ♯𝒮nowMoon
∫ CarЕ̃ssingPianoKЕ̃ys「http://chirb.it/7GayAa」

{photo edit by @0riginalGillies}
{last photo taken by @Skyboivin}
~te amo, mí corazón.
a la Luna y de regreso y las galaxias más allá -sky

8 mar 2019
♫ ♪♫ You're-Original,-cannot-be-replaced Maybe-a reason-why-all-the-Doors-are-closed So-you-can-open-one-that-leads-you-to-the-perfect-road ♪ ♫♫ #Fireworks
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
{rt lord byron
she is the light
in my darkness
the reason
the dawn always comes}
"Tie your heart at night to mine, love, and both will defeat the darkness (…) So that our dream might reply to the sky’s questioning stars with one key, one door closed to shadow.”
~ I shall guard your heart as we slumber, mí corazónTeAmo siempre yParaSiempre
blessed dreams, mi corazón
9 mar 2019
~blessed dreams, mi corazon.
Te amo siempre y para siempre
a la Luna y de regreso y las galaxias más allá
10 mar 2019
~Deliciosas delicias para el refrigerio de la noche junto con un poco de chocolate caliente en una noche fría de invierno. Nada mejor que pueda pensar hacer contigo, mí corazón.
~blessed dreams, mí corazón. Te amo siempre y para siempre
{rt lord byron
feeling her pulse
through my teeth}
Siempre, mí corazón... *whispers*
'Has cambiado todo en segundos
Me has dado un nuevo rumbo
Y aquí soy feliz
...Ahora se que no es casualidad
Estaba escrito en el destino este amor.." - d.p.
ĐǤ「#AlexandraNewSingle #DondeEstabasTuAlex
ೇ Dedicada a 𝒮ky, @SkyBoivin : 'Me has dado un cielo azul'. ℣ˑ
{video~ Danna Paola - ¿Dónde Estabas Tú?
{rt lord byron
she's early mornings
I'm late nights
when the timing's just right
we meet in the middle}
~And sometimes when we can sneak under the sleep God's reign.
Blessed dreams, mi corazon.
12 mar 2019
'Has cambiado todo en segundos
Me has dado un nuevo rumbo
Y aquí soy feliz
Ahora se que no es casualidad
Estaba escrito en el destino este amor.." - d.p.
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
{rt w.b.yeats https://twitter.com/DailyYeats/status/1105368261670117376?s=20
“I bring you with reverent hands
The books of my numberless dreams.”}
Me has dado un nuevo rumbo
Y aquí soy feliz
Ahora se que no es casualidad
Estaba escrito en el destino este amor.." - d.p.
{rt w.b.yeats https://twitter.com/DailyYeats/status/1105368261670117376?s=20
“I bring you with reverent hands
The books of my numberless dreams.”}
13 mar 2019
~blessed dreams mí corazón, te amo
ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife
~ I love you endlessly and beyond. The love of my light (life) #myQueenFaye
~te amo, mi corazon. Las estrellas en mis ojos brillan más por ti. Siempre y para siempre. ♡
15 mar 2019
My favorite person on Twitter is @0riginalGillies ;)
{ rt type “my favorite person on twitter is” and @ the 2nd person}
~blessed dreams, mi corazón. Te amo.
ೇ @SkyBoivin
~ Saturday breakfast in bed. #lazymorning
~a very relaxing and lazy morning, indeed, mí corazón...
~swamp walk /spring thaws
17 mar 2019
~morning walk
'Roses of passionate dream. (...) I bring you with reverent hands / The books of my numberless dreams; White woman with numberless dreams / I bring you my passionate rhyme.' W. B. Yeats, Irish poet. ☘

Eres mí Dios
Eres mí casa
Las estrellas brillan más por ti.
18 mar 2019
ೇ @SkyBoivin
'The way back home is always long
But if you're close to me I'm holding on
'Cause there's nothing like your smile made of 𝒮un...'
𝒮undayNights #Off
~te amo mí corazón, blessed dreams.
19 mar 2019
Speak of frost this morning :)
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
{rt lord byron
the world changes
she is my constant star}
~*whispers * I shall always be such, mí corazón.

20 mar 2019
〚 ℳ∫♕𝒮kijahೇ
~ & I built my ritual𝓢 in farewell𝓢.
Е̃nding𝓢 I still cling to.
𝓢etting fire to my chain𝓢 and flame𝓢 on written word𝓢...
The time of moon is quite glorious ― CЕ̃ˑ
~ Minds like ours are can’t be tamed
& the price for freedom is the price we pay. ℣ˑ

~Las estrellas brillan más por ti.
Te amo, mi corazón, siempre y para siempre. a la Luna y de regreso, y las galaxias más allá
*smiles* flying right above me
@LastTrueVampire {video of birds flying}
ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife, @SkyBoivin
ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ~ SpringEquinox

~blessed ostra, mi corazon -sky

22 mar 2019
〚@SkyBoivin ೇ
24 mar 2019
~ Rebekah asked me if there was somewhere I could go to be happy. Begin again. 𝑀𝒶𝓃𝑜𝓈𝓆𝓊𝑒. It is a beautiful village in the south of France. In the countryside.
𝑅𝑒̂𝓋𝑒 𝒹'𝓊𝓃 𝒜𝓃𝑔𝑒 ೇ @SkyBoivin
An eternity’s 𝒮unrise⚭ @SamiMikaelson1∬@CallumSolveig1
26 mar 2019
〚@SkyBoivin ೇ
{suspended account- pic lost}
~ tu eres mi canción, mi música.
Las estrellas brillan más por ti.
haces mis días y noches completos.
Te amo, siempre y para siempre,
A la luna y de regreso y las galaxias más allá. 💜🌹🦇🐞
ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife, @SkyBoivin
ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ~ wisteria, faerie season
~ vista impresionante, mí esposo. Me encanta esto. *she smiles bright* wisteria is one of my favorites. -sky
29 mar 2019
@VampireMotif_HT ~ how cute for the garden would this be, mí corazón?
@VampireMotif_HT ~ how cute for the garden would this be, mí corazón?
༄━ 'Life, what is it but a dream?'
• Elijah Liddell
• 40 años aparentes (✞s.XI)
• Vampiro [manjasang]
• Coleccionista de arte e historiador
• FC: Daniel Gillies
·║ 「https://twishort.com/u2vnc」
30 mar 2019
'EverybodyHas a littleBitOfThe sunAndMoonInThem/universe withinOurselvesThatMimicsThe universeOutside/No oneExistsWithoutPolarities'-sk
~TúEresMiUniverso yMi galaxia.TuEresMiCentroDe polaridad.MiLuna,miCorazón,mi alma.Te amo,siempre
{rt https://twitter.com/0riginalGillies/status/1043395125731385345?s=20 }
31 mar 2019
~'you have me. Until every last star in the galaxy dies. You have me.'- A.K.
2 apr 2019
@VampireMotif_HT ೇ
3 apr 2019
~who Could Imagine
one night by a piano
Would lead to this?
11 magical months we have shared together
Moonlight nights, fireflies & picnics, lazy sundays &
All day snuggles.
#skijah ೇ
'I've Got A Ticket To A World Where We Belong' -sg
{rt https://twitter.com/0riginalGillies/status/991891685889146880?s=20 }
4 april 2019
ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife, @SkyBoivin
ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ~ ces belles dames des champs, ces belles fleurs
~Yo amo los tulipanes.
son hermosas flores, mí corazón. -sky
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
{rt lord byron
it's that time
when I hear your voice
in the wind and rain
and your smile
brings the sun}
18 april 2019
ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife, @SkyBoivin
ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ~ a faery’s song.

~te amo, mí corazón, siempre y para siempre.

14 apr 2019
@VampireMotif_HT ೇ
22 apr 2019
'Then I met you, & slowly but all at once my whole world began to change' -r.m.b
~ magic was the first night we met. Music and poetry flowing like water along a babbling brook. Our love blossomed beyond our imagination and grows more each day♡
24 april 2019
#WorldBookDay & Shakespeare'sBirthday
'Inspire us with the spleen of fiery dragons.
Upon them! Victory sits on our helms.' Richard III: Act V, scene 3.
'Books are uniquely portable magic' -SK
~ happy StGeorgesDay, @SkyBoivin: author&queenFaye ೇ
∫ bluebell & azure bloom #wcw

3 may 2019
~who would have ever thought that a quiet evening of
CarЕ̃ssingPianoKЕ̃ys would ever lead us to now?
#HappyOneYear my darling
Our adventures are only beginning :) ೇ
{rt https://twitter.com/0riginalGillies/status/991891685889146880?s=20 }

9 may 2019
ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife, @SkyBoivin
ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ~ les vastes champs de coquelicots.
♡ -sky
Turkey vultures @0riginalGillies
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
{rt lord byron
she reads the secrets
between my lines
knows me better
than I know myself}
{rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1127781316748087296?s=20

~blessed dreams, mí corazón. Te amo siempre y para siempre.
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
{rt lord byron
there is a power
in her blood
not to be denied
waiting for the one
willing to be changed}
{rt sky

ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
{rt lord byron
I have the same dream
every night
maybe because I treasure her
every day}
16 may 2019
ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife, @SkyBoivin
ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ~ sur les champs de blé.
Once in a golden hour / a fire starts to burn on the horizon #sunsetlovers

ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
{rt my passion, my desires
“She buried her face into my neck,
slid her arms under my jacket, and
disappeared for a while.”}
21 may 2019
~no hay corazón en este mundo, que puede amarte más que el mio
ೇ ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
~ Do you have any idea how rare love is? You can’t find it even in eternity of time. But If you meet it, your world will never be the same.
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
22 may 2019
ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife, @SkyBoivin
~ c'est le temps de l'amour, des jolis jours ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
~chaque jour est de beaux jours avec toi, mon coeur.~sky

24 may 2019
🎶come with me to tír na nóg/
From the shores through the ancient mist/You bear the mark of my elven kiss/I will take you home/ToEternalBliss/We build our life of a sacred ground/Come my love, our world's may part/We'll be safe and sound
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
~ NewOrleans 𝒯𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒟𝒾𝓈𝒶𝓅𝓅𝑒𝒶𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝐿𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉
~ OldOrleans ˑ Foggy nights /& memories/ 'Highlights of yesterday'
~blessed dreams, mí corazón.
26 may 2019
~ all night /until the indefinite unshapen dawn/
upon mine heart I felt her warm heart beat /like angel—winged./
Night-long within mine arms in love and sleep she lay (Е̃ˑD)
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
~comforted arms of home/ my home/ my herthfire/ his heart beats against mine/ Each and every night/ until the morning comes/ and beyond the sunrise
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
{I'll leave you
when breath leaves me
I'll leave you
When words fail my lips}
I'll leave you
when breath leaves me
the sun goes dark
and the universe ends
And even then
I shall still be by your side
Holding fast
To a love so strong
I'll leave you
When my eyes close forever
the stars fail to shine
And the world stops turning
I'll leave you
When words fail my lips
Melodies cease to be
And morpheus has won finally
Until such time
I'll hold you close to my heart
Guard your dreams
And keep you safe
Now and always
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
~*whispers* maybe it is a number of special little things combined, mí corazón. We flow like a melody of a song upon the wind, with our own little harmony to contrast along with it.
Blessed dreams and slumber, mí rey, te amo.
30 may 2019
ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife, @SkyBoivin
~ Now&Always
~te amo ahora y siempre, mí querido esposo.- sky

1 june 2019
"You are my today and all of my tomorrows."- unknown
ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ೇ @0riginalGillies
~to a relaxing evening from a long week, just moonlight garden stroll, beautiful music and snuggles galore until the sun rises once again. Te amo, ahora y siempre.

2 june 2019
ೇ @SkyBoivin
~ 'And then, one fairy night, May became June.' ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ (FSF)

4 june 2019
Baked herb and garlic goat cheese dip *winks*
ೇ Now&andAlways
{ rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1135513472039567360?s=20
Blowing bubbles
Making wishes upon flowers
Dancing along the breeze.
The iridescence
Of bubbles as they float along
As they giggle to chase after.
Rosey little cheeks
That giggle like a song.
As they run through
the gardens to play.
We sit back and listen,
Savoring the sweet music
If their tiny medolic voices
That fill our cottage
And our hearts.
~blessed dreams, mi corazón.
*kisses him softly* til the morning.
5 june 2019
Female cardinal
In the garden :)
~ let us have a quiet and relaxing evening, mi Rey
{other edits

~ blessed evening, mi corazón.
una noche de simple relax
deseos simples
Te amo ahora y siempre, más allá de la luna y las estrellas.
6 june 2019
~ blessed morning, mí corazón.
Hearty breakfast for the start of the day. ೇ
~quiet evening garden stroll
To sit beside the fire and watch as the stars glow bright.
The Cheshire grins in the sky tonight ♡
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
{rt lord byron
if I become lost
in those eyes
never find me
I'm finally home}
*smiles ,softly whispering*Forever home here shall you be, mí corazón.
ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife, @SkyBoivin
~ ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ

7 june 2019
~*she plans a nice relaxing Friday (fri-yay) evening at home in their cozy little cottage of ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ for her beloved esposo @0riginalGillies after a long week*
{other edits

~*she sits in the quiet garden to read while her beloved @0riginalGillies finishes working...*
@0riginalGillies *smiles and leaves a treat for later...*
@0riginalGillies ~ blessed morning, mí corazón
8 june 2019
∫ ILovЕ̃ThЕ̃QuiЕ̃tOfThЕ̃Night
~ when our thoughts and feelings collide,
where your sweetness overrides my senses.
ᦾ Tie me to a PurerMovement,
to the grip OnLife
/until the indefinite unshapen dawn.
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ

{rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1137233660535627776?s=20 }
~ bienvenido a casa, mi amor.
@0riginalGillies Let me make it a relaxing evening for you and keep you close until the dawn begins her rise once again
~*holds him close* I shall override anything you need
Let it be sweeter than any honey to have crossed your lips
Until the dawn...
10 june 2019
@0riginalGillies ~finally home. After a long and tiring drive, looking forward to a quiet and relaxing evening of #lazysunday snuggles with mí corazón. ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ೇ

~ to worship every single dawn.
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ

~ahora y siempre...

11 june 2019
│CarЕ̃ssingPianoKЕ̃ys ∫ ILovЕ̃ThЕ̃QuiЕ̃tOfThЕ̃Night│
'I will play the most beautiful music with you. Writing to become immortal.'
~ to worship every single dawn.
ThereInTheDisappearingLight (Fb 2:28/12July18) & Des ronds dans l'eau
「https://twitter.com/0riginalGillies/status/1017309705012744192… 」
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣
~ our music to be shared each and every night. Such beauty it is within your arms.

13 june 2019
ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife, @SkyBoivin
ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ~ I love you endlessly and beyond, myQueenFaye

~Te amo ahora y siempre, más allá de la luna y las estrellas,
Mi amando esposo.

15 june 2019
{rt lord byron
I pretended to be human
until she showed me how}
︴'EvenInADeepestBlue & TheBlackIsBlack' #ᴀᴋғ
~ I fight for you, to rise by you, this life with you, it's hard to lose.
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
Darling, by your side, we cannot lose,
We have the world at our fingertips. And I'm by your side every step of the way, fighting with you.
17 june 2019
~ to worship every single dawn. ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
{rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1140354747779731459?s=20 }
~ lazy sunday to follow up our lazy Saturday morning. A quiet rainy day.
Ahora y siempre. ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ}

Ahora y siempre , mí corazón.

19 june 2019
~blessed #lazysunday mí corazón. breakfast in bed as the birds sing for us and the crisp breeze slowly filters in through our balcony, keeping close in each others arms.

8 june 2019
~ Las luces de la noche se fundieron en el marco que su cabello creaba para su rostro: luminoso en el tono misterioso de sus iris, de un color indescifrable como lo que mis razonamientos me dictaban sobre ella. Y tan delicado, como cascada de satén en sus hombros.
{ rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1137528955408453633?s=19
~ Las luces de la noche se fundieron en el marco que su cabello creaba para su rostro: luminoso en el tono misterioso de sus iris, de un color indescifrable como lo que mis razonamientos me dictaban sobre ella. Y tan delicado, como cascada de satén en sus hombros.
{ rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1137528955408453633?s=19
[8 june 2019]
~finally at home in the arms of of your life song, reina de corazón. Tú mí corazón de mí alma. Te amo ahora y siempre, más allá de la luna y las estrellas. tú encanto ♡
~ *holding him close as the evening slowly creeps in. Smiling within his arms. Her eyes reflecting the stars only for him. She places butterfly kisses upon his lips*

~happy Saturday blessings, my darling ;)
{Monarch butterfly video
{Butterfly monarch video}
∫ ILovЕ̃ThЕ̃QuiЕ̃tOfThЕ̃Night
~ when our thoughts and feelings collide,
where your sweetness overrides my senses.
ᦾ Tie me to a PurerMovement,
to the grip OnLife
/until the indefinite unshapen dawn./
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
{Rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1137233660535627776?s=19 ~ bienvenido a casa, mi amor. @0riginalGillies Let me make it a relaxing evening for you and keep you close until the dawn begins her rise once again
{Butterfly monarch video}
~*holds him close* I shall override anything you need
Let it be sweeter than any honey to have crossed your lips
Until the dawn...
20 june 2019
~ ೇ
{ #ᵀʰᵉᴴᵒˡˡᵒʷ𝒮𝐿𝐿
https://twitter.com/L0RD_BYRON/status/1150274490099568640 }
{I've been inside her mind
you could get lost there
for a thousand years
and barely scratch the surface}
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
20 june 2019
ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife, @SkyBoivin
ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ~ ce matin au jardin #fleurrouge
~♡ te amo, mí esposo, mí corazón.
belles fleurs comme toujours tu me gâtes donc
edits by @skyboivin

21 july 2019
tumblr posting queen faye
Scrapbook memories
Venice~ Blue and Gold
Our time spent firstly in the beautiful city that is of venice. All the beautiful buildings and sights to behold. As well as the boat rides that were romantic and relaxing. So much to do. And to keep our little empresses busy. Our view in our private cottage was splendid

While our time there was a little longer than we had originally planned, it was all still so breathtaking and splendid.

We wanted to stay specifically for the Venetian festival. All the beautiful masks and costume were simply elegant! And the mask mí beloved esposo found me was breathtaking all the more. *giggles as she writes the last part down in their scrapbook to surprise her corazón for their wedding anniversary as the first one is paper. So she thought a scrapbook would be a lovely little idea. * and I cannot wait to try this one later for him ;) ♡

I wonder what our next adventure will be? ~ S
~finally at home in the arms of of your life song, reina de corazón. Tú mí corazón de mí alma. Te amo ahora y siempre, más allá de la luna y las estrellas. tú encanto ♡

~ *Saturday afternoon, laying in the garden, daydreaming about that smile...of her beloved esposo @0riginalGillies *
{other edits

~happy Saturday blessings, my darling ;)
∫ ILovЕ̃ThЕ̃QuiЕ̃tOfThЕ̃Night
~ when our thoughts and feelings collide,
where your sweetness overrides my senses.
ᦾ Tie me to a PurerMovement,
to the grip OnLife
/until the indefinite unshapen dawn./
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
{Rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1137233660535627776?s=19 ~ bienvenido a casa, mi amor. @0riginalGillies Let me make it a relaxing evening for you and keep you close until the dawn begins her rise once again
{Butterfly monarch video}
Let it be sweeter than any honey to have crossed your lips
Until the dawn...
20 june 2019
{ #ᵀʰᵉᴴᵒˡˡᵒʷ𝒮𝐿𝐿
https://twitter.com/L0RD_BYRON/status/1150274490099568640 }
{I've been inside her mind
you could get lost there
for a thousand years
and barely scratch the surface}

ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife, @SkyBoivin
ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ~ ce matin au jardin #fleurrouge
belles fleurs comme toujours tu me gâtes donc
edits by @skyboivin

21 july 2019
tumblr posting queen faye
Scrapbook memories
Venice~ Blue and Gold
Our time spent firstly in the beautiful city that is of venice. All the beautiful buildings and sights to behold. As well as the boat rides that were romantic and relaxing. So much to do. And to keep our little empresses busy. Our view in our private cottage was splendid

While our time there was a little longer than we had originally planned, it was all still so breathtaking and splendid.

We wanted to stay specifically for the Venetian festival. All the beautiful masks and costume were simply elegant! And the mask mí beloved esposo found me was breathtaking all the more. *giggles as she writes the last part down in their scrapbook to surprise her corazón for their wedding anniversary as the first one is paper. So she thought a scrapbook would be a lovely little idea. * and I cannot wait to try this one later for him ;) ♡

I wonder what our next adventure will be? ~ S
17 November 2019
ೇ #GoldAndBlue - Venice
{Rt https://twitter.com/teatrolafenice/status/1196100407375872008?s=19
ೇ #GoldAndBlue - Venice
{Rt https://twitter.com/teatrolafenice/status/1196100407375872008?s=19
follow the story here
{0Manosque pt 2}