Beach solo 3 jan 2020 wee hours-
After a few minutes of this, she slowly brings her body back up and continues her way along the beach, pausing at the pillows and blankets area. She looks out over the waters, debating on what she wants to do next. Should she light the fires and relax here?
She sighs heavily as her mind cannot think on one thing and waves her hand, spelling the firepit to ignite aflame. The fire quickly roars to life. Leaping high with a loud crackling then softening just as quickly. The warmth soothing and inviting. She stares still over the waters, not really paying any attention of the fire she commanded.
She breaths deeply and slips her dress off from her body, tossing it into the pile of pillows beside her. Then, she slowly makes her way back to the shore. The waves crashing against the sand in the moonlight as it reflected off the waters. She steps slowly in them, sinking deeper in to the waters until she had to wade and float along the waves. She tilts her head back, closing her eyes as she allowed the waves to move her along gently. She breathes slowly as she bops along the water for sometime then pauses her floating to refocus herself. She lifts her arms high above her head to slowly bring then hovering level with the waters, feeling the energies smudge and pulse beneath her fingertips. Smiling to how it feels, she opens her eyes and lifts her arms slowly now, whispering to call upon a spell and the waters dance before her. Slowly coming up and she makes them circle and swirl above her head, making them pause and turn to misty clouds. A soft rain falls on her and she giggles as she tilts her head to have her face greet it. Then she resumes her floating along the waters as she smirks on her spell, thinking 'maybe next time in daylight for a rainbow...' then on how she wished her beloved's here to play with the waters as well...*
17 jan 2020

Beauty in nature
Energy flowing all around in its pureness
One just needs to stop and listen with ones soul
To hear such whispers
Of the past
19 jan 2020
*She heads off to the caves to check that things were still safe, secure and very much in the order that she had left them last in. It has been some time since she was last at her cave hidden in the mountains that overlooked out to her ancient weeping cherry tree. The tree which loomed over the cliffs to the pirates cove far down below. She lands in the mouth of the cave and listens carefully before she tiptoes in through the entry. Not a sound other than the soft breeze through the trees for once. All the shadow demons gone finally from this area from some time ago. She breathed a heavy sigh of relief and scurried in quickly, folding her wings back so she may go about her work.
She runs her hands quickly along her folded arms and whispers* very chilly this morning... *she heads first to the fireplace in the inner room and breathes softly her spell to make the fire light. Before long, the crackle and warmth of the fire heats the cave up nicely. She sets her clock over the sofa before the fire as she sets the kettle for water to fix some tea as she tends to her workbench.
Humming along as she goes about her ways, peeking in jars here and wooden chests there. She pulls her cauldron close and begins to toss some of her things together inside, humming softly still as she goes. She pauses and thinks on what else might be needed and lifts her finger in the air in an "ah-ha" moment. She pulls her stool over and climbs up to reach for the furthest jar on the highest shelf, making the stoll tetter and sway as she does.* almost got. It... *she struggles as she reaches and catches herself as she almost falls over, still grabbing her prize in the process and smirking to herself as she let's out a quick "phew" as she does.
She jumps down from her still and sets back to work. Setting the old glass jar down once she opened it and grabbed our the item in question. She closes her eyes briefly before tossing it into the cauldron. A few soft whispered words and then she breathes over to set the contents ablaze.
She whispers more over the fire in her old Avalon faye tongue, turning the flames to shades of bright blue and teals as it jumps and dances to her commanded words. Finally, she spells over the water left in a bowl beside the now boiling kettle and makes a mist to shower over the cauldron to put the flames out.
She gathers up the contents once the spell gas cooled and pours it into glass vials for travel.
Once she sets them into her travel bag, she pours some of the boiling water into a small mug and enjoys herself a quick cup of tea before she finishes the rest of her task at hand.
She sets her mug down beside the sofa upon finishing her tea and grabs up her bag before heading back to the mouth of the cave. She stands at the mouth looking out over the land.
The breeze softly playing with her hair as she watched the weeping cherry tree branches Amway along in time. She flies across the way toward the tree, keeping an eye out for any sign of any shadow demons and such.
Landing under the shade of the weeping cherry, she sets the bag down a moment and smiles as she lays back upon the soft grass surrounding it.
She closes her eyes as she listens to the soft sound of the breeze traveling through the branches. She breathes in deep the sweet aroma of the blossoms and then opens her eyes to watch the blossoms dance about to the wind.

After some time of playing with the cherry blossoms, she rolls herself over and back to her knees, grabbing up her bag and slinging it over her shoulder once again. she pulls herself up to her feet and walks down to the edge of the cliffs where the veil passage lays. the wind whips at her hair as she stands over the cliffs edge, overlooking the cove below her. the waves from here silently crashing against its shores as the ships from the pirates fleet pass by just along the outer reaches of the entrance. Here, she stood unnoticed by all. unseen by them all. from here, she was as small as an ant; hundreds of yards away from their passing eyes.
the mist cool and thick around her as it was when she last visited. so many months ago, or was it a year or so by now? time has past by so quickly she has plum forgotten just how long it was by now. she brings herself back to her feet once again, brushing off her skirts as she does and begins her way along the path hidden in the entrance of the woods.
this land was older than the times when viking gods ruled and men obeyed in fear of the old ways. A time when men feared the old ways and lived by them all at once. She went further down to where the stream became a pool of water. She stepped further in until she was always deep of the icy cold water. Holding her breath so as not to show just how cold she was.
upon reaching the edge of the pool finally, she carefully climbed up from the chilly waters and continued on her way. She stepped up and through the Grove of weeping candles. She made sure to stand in the middle of them and to not listen to their cries of pain and sorrow. Finally, she made it through and came up to the castle she remembered all too well.
The druids lived here. She had to be extra careful since she was unsure on if they have forgiven her from her episode back two Beltanes ago...
she held her breath as she flew on silent wings over their bridge and past their gardens to where she needed to continue. she pauses at a faint voice behind her.
{where are we off to this morning, Moon Child? *they question soft spoken to her*}
{not a fret, Moon Child. your travels shall be safe through our domain. as always, my queen*this time the old druid bowed to her with a small smirk to let her know all has been forgiven by now for her actions of the past*}
she passes through where the sisters three resided and silently fluttered past. she dared not waste further time with them and their rhymed words of lore. she could always pay them a visit another time. Finally, she comes to the grove where her old teacher could be found. she stands in the middle, silently waiting for his appearance.
{my little faye queen, blessed day tis is for you to join me *he steps behind her from the shadows and bows low upon stepping before her*}
*she gives a soft smile and bows slightly in greeting* blessed day, my friend. i come with your request, as promised *she whispers as she slips her vials from her bag*
{most excellent. i thank you *he places his palm out to collect the vials from her* this will be most useful in what needs to be done...}
*she slips them into her teachers hand and pauses, knowing she should not ask, yet does so anyways. it was her kingdom after all* what are these for, may i ask? *she gives a curious but regal look over him*
*she gives a smirked nod* i see... well, then you do as you must do, my teacher... *she bows low in return* i shall leave you to your work...*she makes to turn and head back home*
*she lets out a small giggle and waves* then, you choose wisely as you always have, my friend. i shall hope to see this new student at the next gathering? blessed days. *she turns to be back home...
{you forget your little shortcut, my queen? *he whispers and reaches out his hand to her.*}
*she smirks and nods* appears that i have... *she takes his hand and then wakes once again beneath the weeping cherry tree. the blossoms dancing like they had when she left. as though no time had past. she sits up and enjoys a little longer the soft breeze before she flies off back home to their cottage in Manosque*
26 jan 2020
~*Restless mind... waken from slumber, no longer to rest... she heads over to sit in their window seat to look out at the night sky...*
29 jan 2020
She slowly makes her way through the grand ballroom, heading for the large double doors that stand from ceiling to floor. She makes to turn around briefly, making sure she is not followed, before stepping through the door. She passes by their beloved willow, standing tall and silent in the middle of the gardens as she slowly strolls by and down the path not nearly as worn as the others before. She passes through the variety of roses, their eloquent thorns soft to the touch just for her as she whispers her sweet breath upon them. The honeysuckle smelling sweeter just because she happened to pass by them. Almost as though they seeked praises from their beloved little faye now their queen.
She breaths deeply in before letting out a heavy sigh, looking around the grounds. On this day, she is seeking sanctuary from her dreams. Her thoughts in the back of her mind pondering over on this Hollow creature that she feels troubles her beloved so. She sits upon the swing for two, and leans against the side to allow her legs up upon the seat. The wind takes control to gently sway the swing as she sits to contemplate on her mind. She shall not be spilling emotions this day; there was no time for such things. She will roll her mind on what she had dreamt. She went through the dream scape and was gifted clues, but how do they relate? She close her eyes as she indulges in the movements almost lulling her back to sleep. "Such a sweet feeling this place brings to one..." she whispers aloud to no one.
After her dream the other night, she could not get the item from her mind. It had been seered deep within so she could never forget. She saw it every time she closed her eyes. Yet, as well it had some how appeared in her altar chest the following morning. That teacher of hers certainly worked in mysterious ways... maybe that was how she learnt to be so in some ways? She smirked at the thought on how he always seemed to know what she needed when she needed it. Almost as though he was an extension of her own subconscious. Was he even real? She wondered when she was younger.
Maybe Japan will hold answers that she seeked. Maybe the teacher knew they will find answers upon their trip to come. The goblet coming none too soon. Maybe they can find a way together, her beloved Elijah and herself, to finally put this blasted creature to sleep once and for all.
She breathed in deep once again, the sweet aromas of the roses, honeysuckle and more carrying over by the gently breeze as it continues to push its faye lovingly upon the swing for too; lost in her thoughts, drifting off to slumber.
~Imbolic (2.1.2020)~
2 feb 2020
Private beach meditation
*she sits down before the waves, up on the sand and closes her eyes for a short while. She breaths steady and focuses in a meditation before she gets up and slips into the waters...
*she smirks and slips her clothes off before she wades in the water deeper. The waves play against her legs as she heads deeper in the water. Once deep enough, she swims out a bit, playing her head into the water as she dips back and floats a little on her back. *

She brings her arms up slowly from her sides high above her head. Pausing and clasping her palms together, she closes her eyes and breaths deep. As she takes one more breath in, she circles her arms back down and expels the breath. Energy leaving her to all around.*
~*giggles as she enjoys time in the gardens...*
5 February 2020
~their beach house, the wee hours of the morning ~
*unable to sleep completely nestled in her beloved's arms in their home in Manosque, her mind wanders and projects herself unrealized to her in her half sleep state to their now private beach at what used to be the safe house, now to be called their beach home. Part of her restless sleep of late being now as part of her awakening that is occurring, and astral projection most likely her next gift advancement; she walks slowly along the sandy beach and then sits upon the shoreline. She doesn't bother the grab a blanket to sit on, nor to wrap herself in with the cool breeze coming up from the waters. Her mind thinking on anything coming up to the surface, but mad at herself for having fallen asleep and missing time with her Rey. One cannot control when the sleep God Morpheus wishes to play his game and snatch one up for slumber. But it still made her frown over it. She leans back on her hands a moment to allow the wind to play with her hair as she shook out her long blonde tresses some in the process. She sighed heavily over her thoughts. She then rocks her body back and wraps her arms around her knees to hug herself, resting her chin in her knees as she does, staring out upon the waves as they crash along the shores...*
*after some minutes, she "trouble bubble" and returns back to her body, her mind still not really tired but she needs to try before the sun rises once again. She leaves behind an imprint of only her feet and sitting in the middle of the sand, for anyone to scratch their heads over just how she had gotten there with leaving a trail from the paths down...*
*she opens her eyes briefly, staring at the walls in their bedroom before she realizes that she was back in their bedroom, and hugs her beloved tightly in her arms once she realizes she had her arms wrapped around him and no longer around her legs. She closes her eyes and releases a small sigh over herself. She nestles her head most snugly into her beloved esposo's neck, now burying her nose into the nook of his neck, breathing his scent in to prove her was real and she had not astral projected any where else. 'Home'she thinks in her mind silently and tries once again to drift back to sleep before the sun rose on them*
7 feb 2020
~*Restlessness insomnia taking hold of her. She slips away to their beach unnoticed to be in her thoughts...*
At their private Beach~

Who really knows. She buries her face now into her knees suddenly feeling more alone than ever before.
She doesnt even know if she even wants to release energies by going out into the waters this night or not. Her indecision getting the best of her now than ever before. Insomnia driving her thoughts even louder in her mind...
Alone is all she will ever be
Here in her mind
Alice lost once again in her topsy turvy land
Out of her control
Wishing to reach out
But always afraid to show such a thing
Her heart aches because she does not know and that makes her mind think thoughts
No one is ever around any more
She gets up, strips from her clothing and walks down to the waters...
The sound of the crashing waves echo more in her head as she approaches them now. She ignores the sharp sudden briskness of cold when she takes those first steps in the water, and continues on her way. Her mind made up by now. She wades out to her waist and stands trying to push against the waves as they push on her as well. She closes her eyes as she stands in the water as such. Trying to allow them to heal her if they can. If it was allowed...
She sighs heavily with her eyes still closed, fighting against the motion of the waves. She lifts her arms over the water, palms facing down as she draws upon energies asking for healing.
She keeps them like this for what feels like forever, unsure if it was actually helping. Then she lifts her arms up above her head, breathing deep and slow. She counts slowly and then quickly and sharply, throws her arms outwards; releasing energies from her body before she dared open her eyes again. She set her hands gently upon the top of the waves as they lapped at her once she was done. They played at her fingers like cold licks from a tongue. Finally, she heads back to the shore and lays upon the sand, to stare up at the dark, night sky. The stars making their shapes above her long ago in the earlier part of the night.

She plays her arms slowly around her drawing unknown shapes in the sand while she remained this way...
Morning meditations...
13 February 2020
Afternoon meditations...
14 February 2020
~restless slumbers needing to be tired out~
She heads out silently to walk slowly along the shores in her now restless sleep. She cannot help when she becomes restless, mind wandering when left alone to her thoughts. She tries to listen to the sound of the waves crashing along the sand to try and block out her thoughts for the time being. Sometimes the sound might be louder and make it harder to think, thus causing her to grow tired once again.
She stops by the area with the pillows, blankets and small fort type area for resting under and slips slowly from her clothes. Maybe a short swim will help her while she tried to get back to sleep.
She quietly spells the fire aflame before she makes her way down towards the shoreline and the waters before her. This way her naked body will not freeze at such a strange hour, having just past witching hours by now.
The beach, their private strip of land now, was silent other than the sounds of the waters crashing against the sand.
She gives a content little sigh as the fire grew hot then made her way down, leaving her clothes piled behind her upon the pillows.
She stood at the edge, allowing the water to lap at her toes before she stepped further in the deeper waters. Crisp and cold as it hit her bare skin, she shivers at first but forces herself to continue further still. She knew her body would adjust before too long, even if it was for a short while. Just long enough to hopefully tire herself out to go back to sleep soon.
Once she was deep enough in, the waves pushing against her as she waded deeper still, she swam a little bit out more then paused. Standing up now, just deep enough here to still stand, her body mostly covered by now with the water.
She breathed slowly and deeply in as she closed her eyes to focus her attention to her task at hand. The cool moisture air entering her nostrils slow as she breathed deeply in helped her to relax and the tension in her muscles ease some from the shock of the crisp waters just moments before. She slowly brought her arms out from her sides to raise them high above her head. Keeping her eyes closed, she clasps her palms tightly together and stays in place even with the waves trying to rock and sway her about in their playful way. She stays focused and continues to breath slow and steady. Never breaking her stride as she does.
Before long, she feels the waters energy well up through her veins. She opens her eyes, staring out in front of her; and with one swift motion and breath, she throws her arms out away from her sides, palms facing away as well. Energy expels from her and out to the cosmos. Releasing to the earth to be recycled into new energies elsewhere. Still staring before her, she stands like this, focused on her breathing. Slowly a smirk creeps in the corner of her lips as she sees the faint sight of a mist beginning to now roll in. She takes in a deep breath, feeling the moisture in the air now from said mist and makes her way back to the shore. Swimming quickly and then wading against the waves crashing now against the back of her legs as she stumbles over them to the sand. She smirks more at how funny it seemed to her as she went.
Thankful she thought to light the firepit before she headed in for her little swim, she shivered a little before the flames, reaching down for a towel draped over a nearby lounge chair and drying herself off quickly so she might at least slip on her shirt over her nakedness.
She puts her hands out to the fire, palms out to invite the warmth smiles to the welcomed feeling in contrast to the chilled waters just moments before.
She giggles over a thought of indulging in some s'mores before heading back home but decides otherwise at such a late or early hour, depending upon how one saw it by now.
Once she was satisfied in the warmth, she scooped up the rest of her clothes to patter silently back up the beach to head back to their home in Manosque. More than ready to hopefully fall into the arms of her beloved home, hoping he had returned home safely by now. She wanted nothing more than to rest peacefully against her beloved Elijah's chest, guarding his heart while she wrapped her arms around him in their slumbers.
She ducks through the old grove portal and disappears from the wee early morning hours, nothing but the mist she called up remaining as a reminder of her time there...
14 feb 2020

She wanted a small special quiet evening for her beloved Elijah and herself.*
Make sure they are sending things over within the hour.
*she tells the raven before nodding for him to be off. With a bird like bow and a loud caw, he flew out the open window after hopping to the sill.

She strolls happily humming along to herself as she makes her way down the path of packed dirt and cobblestone road to the village, enjoying the unusually warm day. It felt more like spring than winter, making her even more happy in her task...*

She knew her beloved loved her chicken parmesan, but she also planned for a filet mignon as well in case he also wished for that as well.
She carries an armful of spices and sets them beside the bowls to start adding and mixing away. She dances a little in her steps as she hums along in her work and then places carefully the chicken and beef on their respective cooking sheets.
She peeks over to grab the finest parmesan cheese and other cheeses, mixing them all in a bowl to add to the chicken. She flips the oven on to preheat as she wipes her hands off and gathers the stock pot to place under the water and fill it for the penne pasta she wished to pair with the chicken parmesan.
Once the oven was ready, she slips the trays into the racks and sets the stock pot on top the stove, flipping the heat on and then pouring the olive oil in the water with the penne pasta to cook. The olive oil will leave the pasta with a buttery taste to it after it cooked.
The pasta finished cooking, she grabs the pot holder in one hand and a hand towel in the other to carry the stock pot over to the sink, carefully pouring the boiling water and penne into the strainer. She tosses the penne in the strainer and then flips it into a bowl. Setting it aside, she pours sauce and seasonings into a sauce pan to heat up and mix together; adding to the pasta and then setting it all into the warmer of their oven to keep warm until ready to be savored.
Breathing deep, she smiles at the aromas of the meat ready. She pulls the oven door open and pulls each sheet out. She sets them each on separate platters; doing the same with the pasta. She wipes her hands with the hand towel and smiles content in her work. She smirks as she smooths out the skirt of her dress, untying the apron shortly after. She quickly heads off to their bathroom to take a relaxing bath before she decides on an outfit for the evening and finish cleaning for the night.*
29 feb 2020
~*thinks on what she shall do this beautiful, sunny leap day... play in the gardens? Make some treats for later to enjoy by moonlight and stars with her beloved esposo?... the possibilities are endless on this extra day of the year...*
4 march 2020
wishfulWednesday morning...
*she heads off to check out some remote parts of magical ᴺᴼᴸᴬ to get some morning meditations in...*
5 march 2020
*afternoon napping makes her insomnia for most of the night...*
7 march 2020
~*she heads out to explore the city and see if things have quieted down enough to maybe sneak into some shoppes for some ingredients on certain things she will need for later...*
11 March 2020
~their private beach house~
She made her way down to the waters and paused to allow the waves to play at her toes, teasing her with crispness as they rolled up and receded back again. She looked out along the quiet roar of the crashing waves. Drowning out all other sounds in her mind...
*she makes a short stretch before embracing wading into the chilly waters, pushing through to get past that initial cold that hit her. She went deep enough until she could dive in and begin to swim out her usual distance ...
*she paused finally when she was far enough out and stood somewhat in her way, floating easily and gracefully along the waters as they pushed and pulled playfully at her naked body. She lifted her arms up above her head, closing her eyes to begin. She breathed in deep and slow as her arms reached up towards the sky. Pausing here a moment, before she allowed her arms to drop back down along her sides, breathing out slow and deep as she did. She did this a few number more times. Not asking for anything, just being there....

18 march 2020

She closed her eyes as she breathed slow and deep; the smells teasing at her senses in a delightful way. She wished her beloved esposo could have been here this moment to enjoy it was well.
Finally, she pulled herself up, breaking herself away from such wonderful delights.
The Labyrinth was still in need of exploration...

Paved in brick before her, she played within the invisible walls, giggling in her indulgence. The classical seven circuit pattern was ancient in design even though here, it was newly placed some years ago. Then, she made her way to the larger one, a replica to the french chartres cathedral. She enjoyed the afternoon playing in these little paved Labyrinths. She thought on what to do upon her return as she made her way back to their estate...* ~
23 march 2020
Mischief monday evening...
*thinks* what shall she do today?
26 march 2020
Time for swamps for a little while...
29 march 2020
30 march 2020
*MischiefMonday thoughts... feeling silly this evening*
4 april 2020
~*she heads off to their garden for some morning meditations and stretches...*
~aww, little baby bunny...
6 april 2020
Nothing like a little mischief Monday to start the week off... *smirks playfully and giggles on what can be done this blessedly beautiful sunny day*
Mischief Monday...
*she blows glitter into the air and then smirks as she flutters off to decide on her next mischief...*
She paused as she entered the room to soak in all of its beauty before her. Elegance and splendor all tied together with such nature beauty of her beloved moon. She sighed softly as their piano caught her attention first. One symbol of their first meetings. Treasured moments of time, forever saved in her memories.
She strolled slowly across their double living room to their piano, the moonlight catching her long blonde tresses softly as she went. She smiled playfully to herself as she placed her index finger gently on the cool ivory keys to run it ever so slowly along them, bringing forth subtle soft tones to ring from it.
She tilted her head slightly as she closed her eyes to indulge in the chords as they resonated throughout the room; pausing at the end of the keyboard. In her mind, she imagined dancing about the room as it transformed into the gardens in summertime. Fireflies dancing about their gardens and around them. Soon summer warmth will be upon them. Soon, their beloved fireflies will arrive to their home. Their girls were older now. She imagined their bell like giggles as they might watch them chase in the twilight hours after such light bugs...
She opened her eyes once again to the chiming of an old grandfather clock chiming the hour. She stared out the window at the moon rising up in the night sky. She sits at the piano bench and rests her elbows, leaning her chin into her hands as she continues to day dream under the sweet moonlight of the pink moon to yet to be...*
12 april 2020
Fb~ some time ago~
She breathed deep as she scanned the sands laid out before her. She walked slowly now into this new land. She closed her eyes and lifted her head up to the skies. The ravens followed her as she walked along. She breathed in deeply and paused, outstretching her arms wide. The ravens silently flew around her high above.
She pull everything from around her as she closed her eyes, focusing on one thing. The energies from within her built up slowly at first and then swiftly flowed throughout her. She allowed her head to straighten, looking ahead, as she opened her eyes. She pulled her arms in to her chest before she threw back out in opposite directions, a blast of energies flying out from her. She held her breath as she did this, frozen in time. Slowly, she began to breath once again. Being in the desert lands, there was nothing to be destroyed. Not a sign showed of her ever being here and having done anything. She smirked mischievously in a moment of pride of her attempts. One raven cawed softly, breaking into her thoughts. She looked up at them and shook her head, turning around to head back to her home with her beloved. She felt lighter sending out such built up energies from her body as she moved back along the path. She returned through the portals and back towards their home.
20 April 2020
*Mischief Monday.... what ever shall she do today?....*
21 april 2020
*with the cloud covering growing slowly darker as the morning moved to afternoon, she set the twins down in the corner to play and laugh about in their quiet chattering babbles to each other as she gathered up her paints and paint brushes to her work bench in the studio room upstairs. The windows opened that were really doors in this room, leading to the stairwell to their gardens and patio areas below allowed the faint but unmistakable smell of rain upon the air. She gave a playfully mischievous smirk as she closed her eyes to indulge herself in this smell momentarily. They had predicted thunderstorms later on in the day, this was her confirmation of such. The air held the excitable energies that came with the greatest of storms and her body welcomed the feeling. She turned quickly on her heels to scurry across the studio. She returned to the work bench with the same swiftness, a stack of canvases in her arms. She sets them down and then selects some colors of paints. A light brown and a white. She cracks open the brown and pours a huge glob into the small bowl she uses when she paints and then adds just as much white to it. She grabs up her largest brush and sets it into the two globbed colors, mixing them around diligently. Once she was happy in her color combination, she slabs the paint to one of the canvases, the rain now beginning to pour out from the skies heavily. Large water droplets landing loudly against the landing outside and making music upon the glass of the windows. The twins paid no mind to the storm as they were list to their own private world in the corner. the flash of lightening followed shortly after by the roll rumble of thunder... the force of it so strong it at times rattled their estate right down to it's very foundation. she just about giggled at this. She did so love a good thunderstorm...
She hummed softly as she continued about in her base layers on all of the canvases...*
*the rain storm continued on as she worked on her paintings, until she was finally done for the now and dances lightly away to the corner where Sami and Solveig both played happily. She giggled as she watched them take turns making some of the paper butterflies and origami cranes she had been practicing on float around each other. Tiny little faye magic spell they tinkered with so early already. She shall have to keep an eye on them in case she needed to make a charm of sort to keep their gifts low enough to be handled until older. She scooped one up into the air and then the other, smiling their happy little squeals. She placed each on a hip and twirled about the room with them, making her way to the door to sway their way to the kitchen for snacks. The girls giggled as they went. She floated down the staircase and placed the girls in their chairs. She placed some sweets of butterfly shaped iced sugar cookies with chocolate milk. She sat between their twins and shared in the sweet little treat.
After some time, the twins nanny returned from her trip back to the castle to get a few things needed; along with correspondence to duties about the castle.*
All went well? *she asked as nanny helped wash their twins hands and faces and helped them down from their chairs*
{Yes majesty. *she placed returning letters for all that went on and has been done these days*}
Nanny took the girls as she cleaned up the kitchen, placing kisses upon the top on Sami and Solvieg's head so they could lay down for their naps* I shall see to these shortly, thank you. *nanny curtsyed and left with the girls back upstairs and to their room. She slipped the letters in the dress pockets to look over later on. Usual boring updates of all in order and running smoothly, she was more than certain they would be. Anything more, she would have known well before this.
She finished the clean up and then headed off to their gardens to check on everything from the storm. She played her hands along the still wet leaves and branches as she strolled along. All was quiet and sound out here. She smiled to herself, lost in thought. She closed her eyes and breathed it all in. Stillness.
She smiled and went back inside*
22 April 2020
She read it twice to be certain. Narrowing her eyes and murmured her disapproval, "they just will not stop, will they?" She gave a heavy sigh and folded the letters back up, placing them in her pocket and turning to go inside. She set the letters in a box she kept her correspondence from the castle except for the last one. She carefully set that upon the middle of her beloved's new desk in his office, sitting in the antique chair behind it. She pulls a piece of parchment to her and lifts the pen, beginning to delicately write a swift letter.
'I shall see to things and take care of it all. Not fret anything
-your queen, sky'
She rolls it up and gives it to the raven waiting on her shoulder. He hops to the window and takes off to the castle with her message.
She leans back in the chair and closes her eyes, taking in the faint scent of her beloved Elijah as she does. A small smile escapes her lips before she opens her eyes again and leans forward to leave now a letter for him, explaining her venture out in case she was not back before his return. Though, she did hope she will be back before she is even noticed on being missing.
'My darling, had to see to a castle matter. I shall return swiftly.
-♡ tu encanto ♡' she leaves the letter from the castle with it and then hurries out the door.
The ravens in the garden waiting for her follow close behind as she moved swiftly down through their gardens. She had made a hidden portal here so that she could tend to such matters as needed. She entered the portal as the ravens followed her.
Coming out from the other side, the ravens flew past her quickly, cawing in her ears and making wind past her hair in the thin portal. She gives a small laugh at them, mockingly scolding them as she steps out to the beach, the wind whipping through her hair as she looks about. The ravens swoop up quickly to the skies, using the current of the wind gusts to raise them up higher than they could normally go. She stands at the edge of the beach, allowing the waves to crash upon her feet as she watched them dance happily on the wind.
The wind whipped her long blonde tresses around in her face, not seeming to notice at all. Nor did she seem to really care about it for now. She stared across the waters. The Wastelands loomed over the waters through the vast mist that surrounded the island like they did the last time she came here. The wind gusts here did not matter on moving such a thick mist like in anywhere else. This was why it was called the Wastelands, because things seemed to just clinge to this place.
She stood there watching over the land and the waves, giving her dogs a chance to play while she thought. She rubbed at her arms, shivering slightly from the sharp wind before walking down to the boat, stepping into the chilly water as she dragged the boat behind her.
"I better get this done..." she mumbled to herself. She pulled the boat out far enough before climbing in and steadying it before she grabbed up the oars. The ravens quickly flew past her, landing in the trees on the opposite shore. The head bird, perching on the boat to keep her company. She rowed swiftly across the choppy waters as the wind pushed at her.
After what felt like forever, she finally reached the other side. She climbed swiftly out of the boat and dragged it up on the shore, being certain to hide it well like she had the last time. She smoothed out her skirts and looked up at the island now before her. The ravens cawed at her from their branches. She shoots them a look to silence them before she motions them to follow her once again.
Remembering about the groves she discovered on one of her other trips here that would take her to the very heart of the castle, she heads to them just past the beach. She looks over at the ravens before she ducks through, hoping they are not noticed flying out on the other side.
She pauses at the end of the portal and stands in the shadows, listening around her. She held her breath for almost forever, just listening to beyond the tree portal. All seemed silent at this hour.
She nods to one raven to head through, to be certain there was not a trap in place here now.
"So far this portal is still outlr little secret," she whispered and scratched under the chin of the raven now sitting upon her shoulder. The first raven quickly came back, nuzzling into her hand to silently say all was clear. She gives a silent nod and ducks out from her hiding spot.
The ravens hid in the trees, as it was dark here in the Wastelands. She stealthily made her way past the tents and into the castle. She found the library and listened before she entered. Silence. She kept to the walls, hidden in the shadows as fayes tend to do some times. Never seen. Never heard until she wished. Candles casted eerily shadows along the walls and floors. A whisper came near a table in the corner and she paused.
The troll queen was copying down something. She hid in the shadows. Suddenly, the troll queen slammed the book shut as she looked around paranoid. She breathed out to calm herself and then scolded herself. She stood up from the table and left the library, leaving everything where she worked.
Sky waited until she was long gone before she emerged from the shadows. "What are you up to, I wonder..." she ran her fingers tenderly along the book and opened it to look it over. She tilted her head and then noticed what she had been copying from. "That wretched troll..." she gasped. She snatched up the ancient grimoire that had been stolen from her and turned to take off. She paused at the door, "wait..." she whispered to herself. She hurried back to the table, ripped at the pages the troll queen had been scribbling down and tossed them into the fireplace. The fire eating it up hungrily. She watched as her eyes smiled at the sight. Lifting her head up slightly in approval, she hugged the grimoire against her chest and made her escape back home. She stayed in the shadows as before. The dusk here making it so easy for her to do so. She whistled to the dogs and flew herself through the portal, coming back to the beach and swiftly grabbing the boat, tossing the grimoire in it and pushing off quickly. It will only be hours before they discover it was gone, along with the pages she conveniently made sure to burn. She giggled to herself at the thought of their discovery while she paddled back to the opposite shore. The ravens darting and coasting upon the winds. "All shall be right once again. I may have to make a few more trips to make sure they do not have any more..." she talked to one raven as she pulled the boat to its hiding place and went back home through the portal she made.
She smiled as she was greeted to their gardens back in the NOLA estate and strolled slowly now back to her beloved's office, slipping the note off from his desk when she saw he had not returned before she had. She tucked everything away into the box of hers and placed the grimoire on the desk, resting in the chair as she stared at it. "What ever did they want from you?"
She played her fingers slowly along its covers and then sighed heavily. "Alas, a question for another day," she stood from her beloved's desk, lifting the grimoire as she went and brought it over to their library, looking for a place to hide it for now...

23 April 2020
~mischief merry makes...
26 april 2020
For #NationalPretzelDay
She leaves cinnamon bun flavored pretzels and coffee/ teas/ hot chocolates for everyone...
27 April 2020
MischievousMonday ...
28 April 2020
Might be a good time to curl up with a book for a spell...
... mischief merry makes...
29 april 2020
~this works for
#DenimDay right?
~ pre Beltane~

She comes through the ancient groves and stands looking over the land, rich and vast before her. All was silent in the wee hours of the morning. She strolled slowly down the hills to the ritual area, seeing all was underway. She smiles as she look over things, running her fingers on the ribbons hung from the branches here by others before her.
She stood finally at the throne waiting for the ritual of tomorrow.
{My queen... *a whispered voice behind her startled*}
*she turned slowly, a pleasant smile upon her face.* all looks well. You have done a splendid job *was her reply*
{*they bowed low* thank you, my queen. All is in order per your request. The head priestess will over see the ritual tomorrow for you this year. *she smiles back as she stands beside her, sharing in the gaze over the land*}
Such beauty that has grown these past years here. *she looked at where bloodshed once was only a couple of years before. Those traitors were long gone at this point. She had made certain to a new order in the maiden house.*

*Sky smirked back with a slight chuckle.* blessed be. Thank you. A small celebration at home sounds perfect medicine about now. *she gave a heavy sigh* a tiny break with these lessened duties. It is nice to be able to have a few trusted souls to handle things like this from time to time. *she turns to the priestess and bows* I thank you.
{*a returned bow* it is an honor to serve the queen. *she turns and leaves to see to other things, leaving Sky to her thoughts*}
*she stands looking over the land a while longer, admiring the beauty of the sunlight casting down on the trees and the waiting bonfire.
Finally, she turns to head back home, basket in hand*
Beltane may 1st
Blessed Beltane
1 may 2020
The halfway point of spring and summer
May the fires burn bright as we relight hearth fires from the bonfire
As we leave offering to the Faye folk
|one of Nature's oldest of Love stories|
meaning bright fire, Beltane brings such a tradition of representing
{marriage}handfasting of the God and the Goddess
|Their eternal embrace|
This is when the two Lovers are finally reunited
after winter months long
multi-colored maypoles
|symbolize female energies wrapping themselves around the male form|
color symbolizing their love in the world
|divine balance in the union of masculine&feminine|
~*she sits before the firepit in their gardens once their twins have been placed down for bed. she picks up the tools so that she may begin the ancient tradition of lighting such a fire on this night. before long, as she strikes the sticks together with the stone, the sparks begin to ignite the kindle before her. she leans in close to breath in the slightest of ways\making the fire build and grow. Soon, the fire begins to crackle and roar\ building up heat and warming her quickly. she stands back, smiling as she watches the flames begin to dance within her eyes.
She turns and quickly sets off to bring out to their table near the fire some food and drink. she pours in some glasses her beloved's favorite drink to be waiting for him as she sets gifts before the tiny altar off in the flower beds. she stands before the firs once more and giggles softly as she begins to lift up her skirts to twirl and dance barefooted around the fire\ a song in her heart\ the skirts billowing like those of Gypsys and ancestors old.
Beltane's fires would burn until dawn. On the window sill she left a plate with honey and seeds. A crown of flowers and crystals. If she was lucky, the fairies would bring the gifts to their queen, @SkyBoivin. She smiled and wished with her heart a happy Beltane for all of them.
*giggles* it's mer-may!
4 may 2020
~a little mischiefmonday stroll along the beach early in the morning...
What else might she do later?...
~playing in the field of the garden...
So soft, it is almost like petting a cat. *giggles*
{video by sky}
~sitting back, enjoying the breeze through the weeping cherry...
Smiles as she walks under, playing with the branches.
{video by sky}
~off to mischief make this friskyfriday...
“Have fun!”
*giggles with a mischievous smirk* I always do!
“You’re such a troublemaker!” She laughed right along with her.
I dont know what you speak of, dear Jo. I'm an angel... *smirks even more with the most innocent of faces*
“An Angel, huh? And all this time I thought you were a fae.”
Well, that too...
*giggles* but Elijah tells me I'm an angel all the time *smirks*
“Well, if Elijah says it, then it must be true.” She shot her a wink and smirked back at her.
*giggles to Jo's wink* most definitely. *she giggles again as she jumps from the garden wall she was walking along, fluttering her wings slightly on her way down*
So, what mischief are you up to today? *she smirks playfully as she lifts her eye brows, eyes smiling*
“The usual.” She shrugged. “Looking for some fun and not finding it yet.” She laughed. “It’s been a quiet day.”
Too quiet, I think. *she leans in and whispers* usually that means the boys are up to prank wars again. *she leans back and giggles* well, we could always find something to do... *she hum
“We could.” She nodded. “I’m sure we can get up to all kinds of mischief around here. The boys are probably going to cause lots of trouble on their own. We should be able to do the same.”
*a mischievous grin crosses her lip* we could... *pausing in her thought and placing her index finger on the side of her lip* well, I mean... the boys already have their prank war... and we have not been a part of it in any sense of a way... *she smirks even more as she looks at Jo.* what if we did the pranks, but... we made it look like the other of the boys set it on them? *she could not help but giggle at the thought of her idea*
“I like the way you think! What are you thinking of doing to them? It would have to be something they couldn’t possibly trace back to us.”
*with a playfully evil little giggle* well... what have they already done to each other in the past? *making the slightest of shrugs* I mean, they would automatically think it was one of their own tricks if we replayed an old favorite... *she smirks as she shrugs.*
“I heard Sam once superglued Dean’s hand to a beer bottle. We could try that. Or maybe a fork he’ll use to eat his pie.”
Oooo.... *her eyes light up* yes! *she jumps up excitedly, clapping .* that is a perfect one to start with! *she sticks her arm out for Jo to take so they could head into the bunker and start in while Sam and Dean were quiet.
*they will never/ know. *giggles*
“Dean will think Sam did it.” Jo nodded eagerly. “It will drive him nuts and he won’t believe Sam when he says he didn’t do it.”
*giggling even more over the thought of it* it will be perfect! And while they're off arguing about it, we can do one on Sam! *giggles* this will be great!
“Oh, yes! Maybe we can do something to mess with his hair. Dean is always teasing him about it.”
Oh! Maybe switching his shampoo with .... *she snaps her fingers together as she thinks out loud* what to use... what to use... *she says in a hushed tone*
“Nair,” Jo said immediately. “I’ve heard Dean threaten him with that before. He’ll hate it.”
*with a gasp and a shock to her eyes* oh no.... won't that make his hair fall out??
Sam will kill us!
*giggling* but maybe we can add a hair dye to the shampoo? One that fades out in time. Not as drastic. And less a chance of murder.
“Hair dye! Yes! That’s perfect. What color shall we use? Maybe a bright color? Hot pink or lime green?”
*without skipping a beat, she smugly says* Hot Pink. Totally. And then black ink in his tea. To make his teeth turn black.
“Ew!” She giggled. “It will freak him out, and he’ll never suspect it was us.”
Exactly. *she smirks and winks.* shall we get to work? *whispering* they will never suspect a thing.
“No they won’t. We need to get the hair dye. Should we go to a local drug store?”
Already on it... *she plays with her phone and then looks up, smirking* delivery within the hour. With all the orders of silly string renee, emberand den have done over the year, we have earned gold status. *she gives a knowing smirk* they will all simply think it is more silly string getting sent in.
“They won’t have a clue.” She grinned evilly. “And we’d be the last people they would suspect. We’ve never ordered anything from there before. Why would we now?”
Well... not in the silly string. Or the like. Just other essentials. *giggling* oh this is going to be great...
“They will probably think we ordered tampons or something. They probably won’t even look in the box.”
Dean should be set as I ordered enough silly string for them to be good for the year. One of the dungeon wings I used as their storage space for it. He won't go shopping in the box. Sam, I gave him som enew lore books to read. So he is otherwise occupied.
“They will never suspect a thing. They’ll blame each other, And chaos will reign as they continue pranking each other.”
*they stroll along and enter the bunker, making their way down the stairs.* I believe I there are still pies I have sent over from the castle still packaged. we can set one on the table and add the glue to the fork and beer that way. *her eyes smiling* Dean will never suspect a fresh pie. He will be too excited to notice the glue.
“You’re right. He won’t have any clue as to what’s going on until it’s too late. When he finally finishes and puts his fork down, it will be firmly glued to his hand.”
*giggling* exactly! *clapping her hands* this will be great! *she scurries off to the kitchen and quickly returns with a pie box, a fork and a beer. she sets it on the table* where do they keep the glue, I wonder?
“Check the supply drawer in the kitchen. I’m pretty sure I saw some there the other night. If it’s not there, I’m not sure where else it might be. We should have gotten some ourselves.”
Good thinking... *she goes to head back to the kitchen and calls behind her* can you look for the bottle of ink in the library? I think I left it in the corner desk last time I was in there. *she fiddles through the supply drawer once in the kitchen* found it *she snatches it up and quickly returns*
Jo, meanwhile, had made her way into the library. Just as Sky had said, there was a bottle of ink on the corner of the desk. She snatched it up and hurried back to the kitchen. “Here it is!” She held the bottle aloft for Sky to see.
Perfect. *as she finished setting the table space for the unsuspecting Dean to enjoy.* let us make some tea in a pot, and we will add just a couple of tiny droplets to the of an all black mug. Sam will never notice it. *she smirks after she nods to adding the glue carefully to the fork underside and the side of the beer bottle.*
“We can leave that for him in the library. If they’re in the same room together, they might begin to suspect something.” Jo was already putting water in a tea kettle.
That sounds like an excellent idea. they will never suspect if it was done in separate places. it will be more as though the other really did do it on the other *she giggles* and then the order should be arriving shortly to add that to the shampoo.
“It should be here soon, I think. Once it gets here we can put some in Sam’s shampoo and see how long it takes before he realizes he has hot pink hair. Did you get the kind that washes out after a couple of days?”
I think so... *checks phone to confirm order.* yup... oh! *she smirks and looks at Jo* It looks like it has arrived already! *she races to the delivery area to check. She picks up the small box and happily carries it to Jo.* care to have the honors?
“Let’s take care of the tea first. If we do too much to them too soon, they’ll know something is up.” She looked over the box of hair dye, and read its instructions.
True. *she nodded* should we sit back some place and wait for them to take action now? *she smirked*
“Somewhere they won’t know we’re watching.” She nodded. “We can’t seem too interested in them.”
Well we could just sit on the sofa and watch a movie to act like nothing is going on.
“That seems like the best way to go to me. We can hear them, but they won’t see our reaction.”
*nodding* now to sit back and wait...while enjoying popcorn, of course. *smirking* they will neve know...
“No, indeed. We just have to be careful not to get caught in the crossfire of whatever they do to retaliate.”
The sofa is plenty far away... *she makes a wave of her hand and then jumps on the sofa...*
“Yes! We just have to figure out how we might hear them.”
*giggling* we are right about between both rooms. No way we won't hear them!
“Perfect! Let’s go make our snack and pretend to watch something on television.”
*pulling up a movie* way ahead of ya...
“What did you pick?” Jo flopped down on the couch and glanced at the screen.
{To be continue}
11 may 2020
12 may 2020
~*she leaves coffee out for those who need it...*
*she throws on her head phones and sings along as she dances about the room...
[ ]
For #NationalPizzaPartyDay
She sets an arrangement out for those visiting at the castle
Open invite to all to stop by, grab some pizza, salad and treats, then enjoy time in the gardens in full bloom.
Awww thank you! 💜
16 may, 2020
*she stands along the edge of the cliffs, overlooking the cove and the sea below. She walks slowly along the edge away from the weeping cheery tree until she comes to the one spot. She silently stands near the edge of the cliff at this spot. Taking in a deep breath, she opens her arms outward. She allows the wind to calm her as she grounds herself as needed. She takes a step off of the face of the cliff as let's herself fall forward.
She falls like Alice through the rabbit hole, only down the side of the cliff through the portal that exists there and only the few are privileged to know of. She feels the soft, old ground under her as she lands. Slowly, she opens her eyes to see a world she hadn't seen in what now feels like eons. She carefully looks around and lifts herself up off of the forest floor that was once the softest of moss. she leans against a nearby tree to gather her bearings from her travel through the portal. She sighs softly as she knows she must continue or she will never be able to get back. She steps away from the tree and with her bag still slung on her shoulder, she heads off to claim what she came for. She steps into the cold stream and heads off through the water to the place she hoped she remembered where it was hidden.
she was now searching on remains from what might have been buried long ago... she stepped down into the icy stream, the water making her shiver at her first touch. She went further down to where the stream became a pool of water. She stepped further in until she was always deep of the icy cold water. Holding her breath so as not to show just how cold she was, because it may show them she was less of a warrior than they would allow her to be, as they are always watching and judging her here.
she reached the edge of the water and stepped out, climbing carefully over the rocks on the edge. She stepped up and through the Grove of weeping candles. She made sure to stand in the middle of them and to not listen to their cries of pain and sorrow. For she knew that if she was to stop and listen carefully to their woeful lamented songs, she would surely crumble to such pains. the empath in her closed it out and trudged forward on.
Finally , she made it through and came up to the castle she remembered all too well. The druids were here. She had to be extra careful for they may still not be too thrilled with her from years back... the memory of snapping necks and burning buildings down to pay reprimand on those who dared to go against her. dared to form an attack on their new queen... she sighed and shook her head, pushing such memories from the front of her mind. she must be swift through here. it was through their gardens that she might make it to the place she sot this trip.*
{child of moon... *a hushed whisper behind her spoke* what brings you here this time? *the older druid steps from the side garden to approach her, bowing in the greeting of old*}
I am merely passing through as always. *she bowed low in respect of teacher past he once was* always must pass through your beautiful gardens to reach my destinations. *she gave a soft smile to ask to not press further*
{on your way swiftly, little Faye, then. *he gave a knowing smirk on return as he stepped aside to allow her passage*}
*without another word, she nodded and fluttered softly past him, now flying through the gardens. she did not need the sisters three this time. she instead turned a different path, shooting across the woods to a path that lead beyond the hills...
finally, she comes to an abandoned cottage, burnt to the ground some time ago. she stood silent at the edge of the field, looking over what remained of the home. memories of entering to retrieve items, books to be exact, and having to scramble to save it all from a fire. she promised to keep that one safe. she had failed in even that. a frown crossed her face as she looked the scene over. other than what she sent to be salvaged, all stayed how she left it that day.
she steps forward in the tall wildflowers now taking over the lonely field.
{a long way to search for another goblet, little Faye... *a hushed tone once again just in her ear.*}
*a mischievous smirk crossed her lips. without having to look at who the voice belonged to* no need for such a trinket this day, my dear friend, teacher. I come to make certain books are not lost nor left to the wrong hands...
{as you always do, my queen... *he now stepped in time with her across the wildflowers, picking a few at what seemed to be random along their walk* i shall come along at watch you... if the little Faye minds not?}
*smiling to answer* your company is always welcomed. as well as your words. these days, extra eyes are more than helpful. *they now stood before what once was the threshold to the cottage. the door fallen over and charred black from the licks of the flames. she let out a heavy sigh as she made to step inside such walls.*
{a hand in front of her stops her dead in her tracks* wait *he whispers and then steps before her. he makes eyes in a far direction while placing a finger upon his lips*}
*she glances over, unmoving as she does. she narrows her eyes as she goes to make a spell to cast the intruder away. Before she can complete her spell, her friend sped over and snapped the neck of one gremlin, now limp at his feet. they made eye contact and both nod as she now continued on her task. she stood in the middle of the cottage, what once was the kitchen and slowly turned the room. charred remains discarded aside in a hurry stood before her eyes. she closed them and focused on feeling it out. breathing deep, there it finally was. calling to her. she stepped through the burnt wood and made her way across the cottage. her friend standing just out of the walls, waiting for her.
she knelt down inside the old fireplace and began to dig. finally, under bricks, she ripped them up to reveal a hiding spot. giving a grunt as she moved iron off from the spot, she finally pulled out an old grimoire. dusting off the cover, she peeks into its covers. this was the one she was after. the one the others were after as well. she remembered where she was suddenly and frantically shoved the old book into her bag.
she stood back up and brushed off the soot now upon her skirts, fixed her hair from her face and moved swiftly from the cottage. her friend met her at the door.*
{did you find what you need, little Faye? *he questioned low in her ear*}
*with a nod she eyed the field before them* let us be gone from this place, least they send more to watch...
{yes, of course, little Faye}
*they head back across the field more swiftly this time than their venture in, heading off to his area of this realm. they pause finally once they felt it was safe.* I thank you once again. *she bowed low as she was now getting ready for her normal departure from the realm. she needed to get this grimiore back to a safer place.*
{i am always at your service, my queen. *he bows in return, smirking in his way.* i also look forward to the next visit upon the castle in search of new pupils. the few i found last have already progressed greatly. *he reaches his hand out to her* until we meet again. My dear friend.}
*she takes his hand and whispers* until next time my friend. *she wakes back up safely under her old weeping willow tree on the cliff top once again. She sits up quickly and looks in her bag.* safe and sound now. *she flutters off back to the portal home, needing to gather some ingredients and look up a few things inside this book...*
*she hugs the bag tight after checking to be certain it made it back with her through the veiled realm then sprints up swiftly, opening her wings wing and taking flight off to the nearest portal to head back home. this time, back to NOLA and her family.
she hurries through the portal and then smiles as the NOLA sun shines upon her face and the sweet perfume of their garden hits her nose. the sound of their twins bubbly giggles that sounded like bells met her ears.* home at last *she whispered as she made her way across their gardens and into their estate. she paused along the way to kiss their girls upon the forehead, listen to their tiny chatters and check in with their nanny before she headed through their garden/ sunroom and down the hallway to the staircase. at the top of the staircase sat her studio she turned into her crafting area. this was where she was off to.
she sets the bag upon the large worn wooden table that stood in the middle of the long room and pulled the grimore out. she opens it out upon the table and turns to grab up some other just as old grimoires as well. dropping the now pile beside the first, she pulls up a stool, some candles and begins to flip through its pages, pulling over another grimoire to compare notes on. she scribbles along the sides of each in turn, marking notes as she needed to hopefully bring more power to some older spells she had once used.
hours pass without her realizing and finally she finds one she had hoped to find. the one to turn a mirror into an alarm scrying pool instantly. if this spell went how she had been told, it would hopefully be able to alert her if anyone tried to cast a new spell to counter any of hers around any of their homes. it would also sense any ill meaning spells that may have been cast prior.
she gave a smirk as her eyes glinted from the flicker of candle light. she grabbed up the grimoire, and headed of swiftly through another portal. she wanted to make the first try away from their estate and their girls. just in case anything was to go wrong...*

After more whispered words, the mirror shimmers in response. The ravens caw as she does this.*

Well, I think It worked, boys... *she smirks as she leans over and blows out the candles, setting everything back into the bag and ending her ritual.
She now takes a slow stroll back towards the castle, making sure to take the time to listen to the waters on her way back before she heads back through the old groves to return back to their estate gardens in NOLA.
She returns back to her studio room and places everything back upon the worn wooden table. She set the mirror she made into a safe place, the drawer of their nightstand beside their bed. The safest place in all of their home.*
{Tried & true QF3 CH25}
She wakes up early, the sun shining through their windows of their bedroom as she lays curled up in their bed. She stretches and finally climbs from their bed to patter off to their closet. After some time, she finally picks a long flowy day dress, patterned in soft roses. She slips into in and then strolls across their bedroom to sit before the vanity so she may brush out her long blonde tresses before beginning her day.
Once brushed and pulled some so it would be out of her way, she heads down the stairs to their kitchen. Here she finds their twins and their nanny already fixing breakfast. The happy babble and giggles filling their estate with bell like song as she stepped into the room. Such sounds she knows always brings a smile to her beloved's face, she wondered if he might still be in his office at this hour, secretly listening to them.*
Blessed mornings, my little bugs...
*she kissed each one on the top of their foreheads and sat at the island to join them. She goes over the day with the nanny as she planned to join them soon in the gardens.
Once done with breakfast, she kisses their girls once more, waves as they head off to the zoo and then heads back up the stairs. She heads back to their chambers and drags over one of the tall mirrors from their storage area. Having some mirrors without a "home" yet, she thought maybe she could turn one into the alarm mirror like the hand mirror she did just the other day. She grunts as she drags it across the hall into her studio and sets it before the table. She already had the items in her bag still from the other day. She pulls everything out and sets up exactly as she did before, only difference was she had her table to work with. She made the barrier around the large mirror and spelled the candles lit once again.
She whispered the same words and focused on the mirror before her, lifting her arms she that her palms faced the glass. She slipped the dagger up and repeated the blood ritual as before, cutting a tiny slit in her hand and placing it against the mirror, continuing her words. The mirror glowed as her eyes flashed a soft blue, then was still. All was silent once more.
She paused to listen before she lifted her hand from the mirror and wrapped her hand in a small cloth to cover the cut. She knew it should heal quick enough, but she still needed to move the mirror over to a corner of the room. She dragged it slowly across the room to the far corner. The mirror showed their homes as she brought it over. She covered the mirror with a draping cloth sheet just in case someone else was to walk into this room other than her beloved Elijah or herself.
Placing her hands upon her hips as she looks over the now covered mirror, she smirks and then turns on her heel to scurry off form the room. Plenty of time to join their girls in the gardens...*
Still I Rise – Maya Angelou/
“You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I’ll rise.”
If I were a sculpture, i would be the celtic spiral (triskele)
If i was a season, i would be spring
18 may 2020
What ever shall she do on this mischief Monday afternoon...
A little stroll through the gardens? A sneak to their private beach with a note for her beloved to come find her?
... endless mischief merry to make...
{Private beach}
She silently climbed from her loves arms and went from their bed. Wrapping her bathrobe snugly against her slender body, she pattered silently from their bedroom, glancing behind her to see him still slumbering peacefully. How she wished she could still be so now. With a sigh, she turned and left their chambers to continue down the stairs into their gardens. At the end there awaited the portal that would take her to their now private little beach. The old safe house the others had abandoned some time ago. She ducked through and emerged from the other side to the small woods and dirt path.
She walked in silence down the path, leaving the old grove trees behind her as the dirt turned to sand. The mist lingering upon the waters as it crawled onto the shoreline with the faint light of the morning sun casting an eery feel to it if anyone else gazed upon it gave her a sense of calm.
She walked close along the shore, the waves lapping at her toes sent a chill through her body at their chilliness so early of an hour. She played along her walk down the shore, weaving in and out of the waters grasp to avoid being frozen too much too soon. Finally, she reached her destination. The pile of blankets and pillows not far from their beloved little firepit. She spelled the firepit to light and then knelt down before it to gently blow upon it's small embers, breathing life into the flames. Soon, it roared into life, bringing forth welcoming heat with it.
She sat back against her hands and smiled as she stared into the flames, allowing herself to become lost in it for a spell.
Faint pink and pale blue began to line the top of the skyline as the horizon screamed of golds and orange before too long. She stood up from the comfy pillows and untied her robe. After dropping the robe to the pillows where she just sat, she pattered softly along the sand once again and headed to the waters edge. She stood staring out over the waters before she took a deep breath in and stepped inside. The waves welcoming her by pushing back at her as she waded in deeper.
The lull of the push and pull of the waves moving her about as she continued her way deeper in, almost made her feel sleepy. Yet she pushed on. She breathed slow and deep as she went in deeper, now swimming out so that she could lay back and just float. She allowed the water to push her around for a while as she closed her eyes to take in the energy from its movements. Slowly, she opened her eyes once more, now staring up into the sky above her. The faint morning colors still making their way across the sky ever more slowly. Soon, she sunk into the water and came back up, relieving the chill for a short time before she turned to swim back to the shore.
The waves made their greetings of their push and pulled lull once again as she waded her way back in. She shivered and rubbed at her arms as she emerged from the chilly morning waters and made her way back to the firepit, her naked body now glistening from the water left upon her skin mixed with tiny goosebumps until the heat from the flames hit her skin.
She sighed heavily as she warmed herself up then slipped her silken satiny floral bathrobe back around her body.
She picked up a blanket and wrapped it around her shoulders before she spelled a cloud of water to rise up from the ocean and carry itself over the firepit, casting a tiny shower over it to put itself out. She smiled at the faint smell of her tiny rain shower as she watched it put the once roaring fire out then turned to head back to the old grove trees and back to their home.
The sky was a little brighter by now, as she ducked back through the old grove tree and returned to their NOLA gardens. She smiled as she was greeted once more to the birds songs along her stroll back through to their home. She pattered silently back up their stairs and paused by their windows in their sitting room, peeking not out of them, but over at her still slumbering esposo. She smiled softly as she watched him then pattered softly back into their bedroom, slipping her robe off from her shoulders once more and dropping it to their floor before she crawled back under their covers and into the safe arms of her home. She nestled back in snugly and closed her eyes, taking in his scent as she was finally tired once again and sweet slumber returned to her...
20 may 2020

She slid effortlessly onto the piano bench, the the cushion luxuriously plush under her. She rested her palms gently upon the cool ivories and closed her eyes briefly taking in the silence of the moment.
Slowly, she begins to roll her fingers smooth and slow as she begins to play. Her fingers gliding along the ivory and ebony keys like water flowing along a stream. she continues to allow the music to flow through her veins, her soul. She sings ever so softly as she begins to play some of their most cherished songs...*

I know that it might sound More than a little crazy But I believe...
I knew I loved you before I met you
I think I dreamed you into life
I knew I loved you before I met you
I have been waiting all my life..."
*she suddenly switches and sings* "That's why she shies away from human affection, but Somewhere in a private place She packs her bags for outer space And now she's waiting for the right kind of pilot to come... Is like a journey I just don't have a map for So baby gonna take a dive and push the shift to overdrive Send a signal that she's hanging all her hopes on the stars" *she changes keys smoothly again, shifting her body in the slightest. Her eyes closed as she moves along in time to the chords, the notes flowing fluidly through her all the more.

"You're the light, you're the night You're the color of my blood You're the cure, you're the pain You're the only thing I wanna touch Never knew that it could mean so much, so much"

*she then smiles more, the corner of her lip smirking at memories walking down, flowers in hand towards the waiting arms of her beloved as she began their wedding song she walked down to. The softness of the moment. The sweet tenderness... her fingers glided along as though they were now one with the keys as she caresses them...
*smirks playfully* don't mind if I do... *she is a queen, after all*
25 may 2020
~*she sneaks off to their gardens for the afternoon...*
1 june 2020
~ 'Oh raven, you shadow my soul, forewarning a storm, so cruel and so cold Oh raven, do lend me your eyes, and show me my fate so I may survive' -k
3 june 2020
~" Like a comet pulled from orbit

Like a stream that meets a boulder
Halfway through the wood
Who can say
If I've been changed for the better?
But because I knew you
I have been changed
For good"
-for good, wicked
6 june 2020
*she stands in the doorway, the low rumble of thunder rolling closer in the distance. Low. Prominent. Rattles the land and soon the house subtly. The rain and cool breeze that comes with the dark clouds which suddenly took over the sky a welcome contrast to the humidity heat +
within the walls of their home. She closes her eyes as she breathes in low and deep the moisture upon the air. Welcomed feelings to the senses after the strawberry moon rose the night before. She ignores the cats obsessive meows for food, her mind thinking much too soon for +them as she indulges in the thunderstorm rolling in. More rolls of thunder and before long, between waves of heavier rains, the faint flash of lightening in the distance to bring another breeze of cool air upon her skin...*
8 june 2020
MischiefMonday... but this little faye is completely innocent as always... *smirks*
14 june 2020
So she'll be off lounging in their powder room for a spell or two the rest of the afternoon
*book in hand and candles in the ready.*
15 june 2020
Anything is possible...
She let out a sigh and walked up the path, worn from the years. Her leather pants giving a faint sound similar to that of the dragon wings flapping above. She smirked mischievously to herself as she thought this outfit was the perfect choice for this meeting. She hoped to fit in better when she stood before the new committee the advisor she left in place had chosen.
A shadow ran ahead of her as she made her way now past the bend at the wall to walk up the stone steps into the castle. She paused and whispered, "who is there?"
A shy child, a young dragon, stepped from behind the bush. "Queen faye?" She whispered back and tripped in her attempt to bow.
Smiling, she held out her hand, "come, dear child. We may walk together. "
Brightening, she sprang over and grasped her hand, leading her along up the steps. She smiled as she allowed the young girl to lead her even though she fully knew where to go on her own.
The girl paused suddenly before the doorway of the grand meeting room and let go of her hand swiftly. She bowed and flapped her tiny wings to leave out of sight.
Sky watched her puzzled then walked into the room.
The room was decorated clearly for her this day. Flowers were placed everywhere as she entered the room and was greeted with the fresh scent. She watched in silence to those already in attendance, sitting quietly chattering among themselves.
Then, the advisor stood quick to attention. "Majesty." He moved swiftly, he almost fell over his own feet across the room.
She stifled a giggle as she realized the familiarity of him to the little dragon she met along her way. 'Must have been his daughter...' she thought to herself. She lifted her hand for him to relax and pause, "no need for such over formalities. Please," she motioned for him to resume his seat once more as she walked around the table. "What business did we need me for this day?" She went right to the point. She paused at the head of the table, looking over the room and sizing up who was before her. She eyed all the exits and curtains as they swished silently in the breeze.
"The new committee I placed together, Majesty. " he motioned to those before them at the table.
She glanced over each in turn. "Tell me who and what you shall plan to do..." she began as she walked around the table.
Their voices in turn began to drone out the rest of the afternoon. She listened attentively as she paced about the room, watching them. She might have killed both their king and his deceitful brother, but she could not trust any of them would turn on her.
She kept her head high as she listened to them finish. "All seems very well in order then, Advisor. You have chosen well, I hope so far. I shall expect reports sent to the castle weekly."
"Yes, Majesty," he stood up to bow as she continued.
"Was that your daughter, I met along the way today? Little thing? Shy?" She asked, hiding her smile.
"Y-yes, Majesty. Did she do something wr-" he stammered.
She held her hand up to stop him, "nothing of the sort. A lovely child, in fact. I wanted to extend studies at faye castle if you so wished for her later on." She smiled softly at her offer.
Surprised, he bowed, "most gracious. I thank you. I shall make arrangements soon."
She bowed in return and bade them all good day. She waited for each to meet her further and take their leave before she headed back down the hall and the grand stone steps leading her back to path.
She paused to look back over the castle and mountain before going back through the old grove back to the faye castle.
She needed to pay a visit to the kitchen for treats to bring back home for her beloved and their girls then she headed over to the gardens. She strolled through to the way back, the portal doorway she made for their cottage to Manosque. She had made another one next to it now for NOLA. She slipped some flowers into the basket in her arm, smirking as she did and walked through to their home.
23 june 2020
#NationalPinkDay is it you say? *smirks*
I might have a few "pink" things in my closet...*giggles*
24 june 2020
Being the grounds of their Manosque cottage was well hidden from anyone's actual views, there was no harm in tiny dragons not much larger than ones hand to stay a little so the girls might acquaint with them.
She grabbed a small snack and a large basket before she made her way out to the gardens for the day. She planned to pick what fruits and berries for a small treat for later on. She sang softly as she went about in her way, stooping low in the bushes to see what the birds might have left for her here and there. Then, she made her way along the side of their cottage to where the fruit trees all stood. She smiles as she finds plenty of fruit on them all. She gathers apples and lemons and peaches along with blackberries and more.
By the time she was done, the sun way well past noon and she made her way back inside to their kitchen to set to work further.
She pauses to watch their bugs giggling away as the small dragons tried to fly around them. The girls giving what sounded like some forms of commands. She smiled to herself as she watched their little display before she finally snuck past to bring her findings inside. She set the basket upon the island and sorted through it all. Some for jams for later and some for use today. She scurried about as she gathered a bowl and other ingredients to begin on tarts and cakes galore. She would mix some of the fruits and berries in along the toppings of them all.
Some hours later, she wiped her forehead with the dish towel after wiping her hands, forgetting some flour upon her cheek as she looked over her display of treats. She smiled and nodded to herself, gathering a serving tray to set a small assortment of everything to bring into their chambers before she began on their dinner. Fettuccine alfredo sauce with pasta and her beloved Elijah's favorite of chicken parmesan she planned for them for the night.*
29 june 2020
Me my island
While the rainy morning passes through and cools the air for a spell...
My dear Em ☪︎ Siempre es un gusto leerla, en español ni se diga.
ah.... that time you try to send the kid wolf to bed and she changes languages on you *smirks and giggles*
{rt 21 mar 2019
Ir a dormir, mi lobo
Tengo que?
Si tu puedes
hablas en lenguas
Je vais essayer, peut-être que je regarderai Gilmore Girls
Dont change languages on me young lady.
1 episode of Gilmore then sleep
Oops, lo siento
30 june 2020
~*messages @DemonWith_ASoul *
📱wolfie! Do we have that list of events coming up for the rest of the year yet? I know between kur wedding anniversary celebration, Halloween masquerade ball, the twins 2nd{ 😲already?}and winter ball...
I cannot recall what else we have!
~hearing the ding she looks down at her phone. She thinks for a moment before responding~ 📱
I have it somewhere Queenie, can you give me till the end of the day to find it? I’ll even color code it to make it easier! 💜

~*she gives a replay back*
📱color coding? Why does this not surprise me coming from you. Little wolf! Very good, I shall watch my eye for it soon then! Can not wait to see all the fun things we can pull off for this years activities!
After having dressed in a light day dress to go about her day in, she patters down to their kitchen to enjoy breakfast with their girls. She could already hear their bell like giggles and chatter floating along the air to greet her as she made her way down their steps. She smiled fondly as she paused to savor the sounds her hand resting on the rich mahogany railing.
She continued on her way to their kitchen, smiling brightly at the sight before her finally. Their twin girls of one and a half years of age babbling about to each other, sharing their bowls of food with their now pet bunnies.
She kissed Sami and Solveig each in turn before sitting in her seat as their nanny and her helper about their cottage was already placing a plate of breakfast goodies before her.*
You're always too kind, my dear.
*she nods a thank you as she lifted her fork to dive into a bowl of fresh fruits from their gardens*
{Nonsense, Majesty. I am always at your service, my Queen. *she gave a curtsey and then turned to tend to Sami who gave a whimper over the bunny extra nibble upon her finger.}
Let me... *Sky whispers and takes the child's hand to lightly kiss it all better.*
{Of course, my Queen *she steps aside to tend to the dishes waiting to be washed*}
Sky kissed the tiny finger, making Sami instantly stopping in her whimpers, smiling at her little bug* all better... *she whispers as the child giggles and hugs her tightly then goes right back to playing with the bunny and her food.
She smiles watching her go right back to her own little world, sharing with her older sister Solveig and played with her own plate of food, lost in them for a while.
Finally, they all finish breakfast and she helps to get the girls ready for their day. She kisses them upon their foreheads as she waves them off with their nanny.
She peeks over after she watches them go when she hears the sound of 'caw' from the window. She smirks as she turns, placing he hands on her hips*
And just what is your issue this early?
*she coyly smirks as she picks up a small bit of meat to place before the raven. He hops over, takes the meat and then caws again at her.
She scratches under his chin waiting for more from him. He purrs to her scratches and then finally caws as he hops down to lead her to the door.
Giving a sigh, she follows him* alright, let us go see what has you worked up today...
*she follows him after she picks up a small basket and slips some food for while she is out.
Once out in the gardens, he takes flight above her as she tilts her head up to watch him. She gives a small shake of her head as she goes. They go through the length of the gardens to the giant willow tree that stood at the end if their property before he paused on a branch to wait for her. She catches up to him and places her hands on her hip again, waving a finger to him kn a scold* what is it with you today? Do you actually have something to show me? Or are you just confused?
*he cawed once before he flew down to her shoulder to rest. As he landed, the mist rose around them to make the grounds of their cottage disappear before her eyes. She stared closely as the world transformed before her eyes, watching for anything to jump out at her.* what is going on.... *hushed whisper escaping her lips as she slowly turned around to see where they were going to. Before her stood a shadowed figure. She squinted to focus on just who was now summoning her. The mist fades slightly as she confidently steps forward.* who calls upon the Queen of Faye in such a manner?
*she lifted her chin in a regal manner to show her annoyance of being pulled away from her home and her family in such a way. She stood silent to wait for the shadowed figures reply.*
{*They stepped closer, lifting the good of their cloak down from their head.* I beg your pardon, my Queen. I had no other way of doing so... please pardon my intrusiveness. *they went to one knee, bending their head low to the ground so not to make eye contact with her, should she choose to strike them for their manner*}
*she looked closer at the figure addressing her. It was the advisor from the dragon castle.* what has happened? Tell me swiftly. You know my temper when I am kept delayed. *she spoke slow and clear*
{The dragons, there are a few that have gone missing. Young ones... *he paused and swallowed, looking up now to meet her gaze* my daughter has been taken by rebels, I fear Majesty. I fear I can not trust those at the castle to find the children. I have come for your help. *his eyes pleading to her*}
*her eyes softened a little over his plea. She had met his daughter her last time out to the castle of the dragons. The girl had spunk in her and she had hoped to have had her running about the faye castle, learning so much more* I shall see to this. You have my word. The children will be brought back home. Get me any information you can. But send it with him only. *she lifted the raven on her shoulder and sent him over to rest on the dragons shoulder.* he will be your eyes where the shadows sleep. We will find out just what is going on.
{*he stood up carefully, nervous at first over the raven. The raven nuzzled against him, easing the dragon almost as though he whispered in his ear* thank you, my Queen. I am truly humbled. I will get a report to you swiftly.}
*she nods and steps back to her original place by the tree.* again, send the raven as soon as you need along with any information on this. I will send when I know more.
*she watched as he nods and bows as the mist surrounds her once more and their gardens of their cottage reappear once more.*
Never ends... *she whispers to herself as she turns to head back to their cottage.
She needed to get to the bottom of this and swiftly before it went any further. She thought on her way back just who she would be checking with first...*
*randomly blows a handful of glitter out to the verse*
6 july 2020
Meditation Monday...
15 july 2020
She rests her head against the door frame and sighs softly as she watches their gently and delicate waves up and down, back and forth...
She soon allowed the keys to flow beneath her delicate fingers, smoothly gliding along as she changes to a new song, her voice soft against the notes rising from their keys.
'The day you looked my way, it took me back You said something like “you’re beautiful" And stopped me in my tracks Tell me softly That you want me Tell me I’m your girl' *she smiles as she closes her eyes still playing the piano. the keys almost like nothing along her fingertips she sings softly along as she plays "There's just no rhyme or reason Only the sense of completion And in your eyes, I see The missing pieces I'm searching for I think I've found my way home I know that it might sound More than a little crazy But I believe"
she suddenly switches and sings more to herself, forgetting anything around her. The room disappearing as she becomes lost in song.* "That's why she shies away from human affection, but Somewhere in a private place She packs her bags for outer space And now she's waiting for the right kind of pilot to come... Is like a journey I just don't have a map for So baby gonna take a dive and push the shift to overdrive Send a signal that she's hanging all her hopes on the stars" * she changes keys smoothly again...*
Her fingers paused then resumed their effortless gliding along she barely whispers now as she plays.*

She finally pauses at the last note, opening her eyes slowly, resting once again on the still dancing curtains. Their now silhouette against the moonlight and shadows off the candlelight twinkled against the reflection of her eyes....*
21 july 2020
~*she drops off some itmes for the bunker mates for #NationalJunkFoodDay with a note
-enjoy! ♡s' *
26 july 2020 wee early hours of morning at their beach
She walks down along the beach, barefoot and violin in hand. She stops after some time and stands in among the waves as they thrash roughly against her and around her legs, not paying any care. Not paying any notice. Lost in her own thoughts
Trapped in her own mind
She is failing all around her
No matter what she tries to do. She tries to keep pushing onward, forward. Day after day. Trying to keep the days from all becoming the jumbled chaotic mess of one never ending day. One year turned into on forever day.
Keeps trying to push forward to try and find how to fire up the muse. Her own muse dwindles with each passing day. Just when she thinks she has the perfect day to fire up and go; something or someone -outside forces beyond her control- squashes it down. These outside forces thrive on this
Live for it
They snicker and ridicule every step of the way
She has spent all her energy pushing back best she can
To only now seeming to fail all of those around her. Hard as she tried. She is the failure the outside tells her she is
She closes her eyes as she lifted the violin to her chin to play the lonely lament from within her soul. Breathing deeply along as she pulls the bow along its strings, making the chords strike faintly over the crash of the waves.
Her head begins to fill -
Becomes lightheaded as though she is now floating as she stands in the icy waters against the cooling evening from the harsh heat of the day.
She can not find sleep anymore
It has become not allowed except in hour spurts or even few minutes at a time from the outside as they snicker in their enjoyment of her pain they cause.
She stops in her playing and throws the violin into the sea; not caring any more what happens to it. She turns and walks out from the sea, up further along the beach. Past the shoreline. The waves crashing trying hard to drown out her thoughts.
She heads up to the beach house to hide away from the night. Hide away from the heat of the sun rather than lay among the blankets upon the sand. She enters the house, heads up to the old room and buries herself under the covers, to hide her face from the world she is apparently failing of those around her.
She stares instead at the fan above her until her mind finally allows her to drift to sleep ; as restless and broken as it will ever be/ as it has always been these past months.
She sends what little energy she can muster up to heal those she cares about - to help them as they need as she closes her eyes this time to try and fall to sleep finally as the sun begins to waken up to begin the day again.
New day but it will be the same torment from the same outside source. She wishes upon the planet she sees as the stars fade away that today maybe might be finally different to be saved.
28 July 2020
she had confusion racing throughout her thoughts. her head banged harshly with the massive headache that raged inside her.
she could not take any more. she felt like she could just scream.
The confusion was bad
But the silence was even more defending.
She patterned along, barefooted and not giving a care on how muddy her feet became. The coolness in this late hour was actually refreshing. She began walking along the boardwalk and then ducked up along the switchback trail. Moving swiftly now up along the trail, she ducked here and there at the low hanging branches and hopped over the tree roots and boulders to trip her along her way.
She breathed heavily as the thick air from the dry humidity got to her, her thoughts catching up to her now. Tears of frustration escaped the corner of her eyes.
'Just what could she do...' thoughts creeped in along her way. She lost herself and tripped over a root int he pathway.*
Dammit! *as she fell flat on her face, her arms now covered in mud from the fall. She gathered herself back up but didn't bother to brush herself off as she stood. It didn't matter, nothing mattered. She continued along her way, mud and all. The skirt of her dress silently swished as she went along, torn now; still to uncare.
She kept moving on...
Deeper into the swamps...
She decided she would stay there until they decided they wanted to come get her.
She trudged along, her feet covered in dirt and grass stains, her dress getting only more torn from the briars in her path.
Finally she stopped. A field to cross, a mile long tunnel through the trees. Past the oldest tree and then the falls. She made her destination and threw. Herself upon the ground, losing herself finally to the tears, sobbing loudly as they spilled from her eyes....*
Solo in wee hours in their chambers 29 July 2020
*afraid to fall back to sleep at this hour/ unable to do so anyways , really. She wraps herself in their light sheet as she gets up from their bed. She patters silently across to their balcony. *
*she pulls the sheet up more as she leans against the railing. Waiting for the creatures that plague her mind at such hours. As they lurk in wait to attack her.
The crickets are the only noise in their endless drone as she listens, staring out across the dark and endless night. Nothing welcomes her otherwise. Not even the stars. Not even their fireflies.
She stands there waiting for any attack that might come but wishing and hoping for arms to just pull her back to safety. To calm the mind and tell her all will be OK. She moves her head to the side to watch over in the night. Sleep unwelcoming to her mind...*
*the darkness as black as the thoughts driving to encompass her in such wee hours of morning. Hours commonly know as witching hour. Now having just past. Things attacking her in her sleep., she begins to wonder what that would be any more. Restful slumber these past nights are non existent as the creatures liking to torment her soul so.
She strains to listen in the silent evening, wondering where her beloved Elijah might have been these past few days.
Past he would have been at their piano, playing upon to guard her dreams.
Silence only returns back to her for the now. She grips at the sheet, turning on her heel swiftly and patters back inside. She makes her way across their chambers, acorss their cottage, pausing before the entry to their piano room.
She stands there, holding her breath. Closing her eyes, she listens, wishing. Praying to hear the sweet chord he played.
The piano sat alone and silent.
Nothing greeted her.
She patters across in her bare feet, the sheet now dragging along the floor behind her as she walked. She ran her fingers slowly along their ivories that sat cold to the touch. The coolness sent a shiver through her spine as her fingers barely touched them.
With a sigh, she laid across the piano bench, hugging the sheet around her and closed her eyes. With each breath, the faint scent of him greeted her senses. The only thing to calm her nerves as a single tear escaped her eyes...*
30 July 2020
~*much needed time to relax and get the old charkras realigned type of day...*
Next we work on our thirdeyes! Lmao welcome to the witches workshops: with spookables, chatty spawns, and sarcasm!
Yes! Let's fix it all up
Then these bitches will all be running from us cause we will be in even more rare form!
7 Aug 2020

She stands upon their balcony to start the day, after setting coffee and treats to await her beloved when he starts his day
The quiet greets her with cool, moist air breeze and birdsong chirping about their +
Perhaps today will be different
For it is a new day to begin
Each morning to waken / to start afresh/ never ceasing her live for him

His Angel is always here
She turns to change for the day, playing and dancing fingertips along +
~clothing that hang

She is silent in her ways as the silvery reflection of the Alice mirror catches every move along the way
She patters off after
Not paying any mind to the mirror +
~ how it seemed these days to silently record happenings abound
She went about her days as nothing more
Standing off in their gardens/ greeting the dawn
She closed her eyes in thought
Sending her love out to him/
Then thinking on caresses, wishing on arms she began+
~to miss this morning long
'Soon' she thought silent to her mind
'Before long as before as always'
She smiled softly to herself
As she could almost feel the touch of her beloved husband along the way of her thoughts/
She swayed in the breeze / gentle as such
Wishing on caresses +
~of her lovers touch
her love for him/ their love/ their song
Melodies to be cherished beyond the time

His Angel shall just send her love to her Corazón while she waits
Until theDusk returns&becomesLate
The branches swayed softly in the breeze as she sat upon the bench, leaning back and closing her eyes. She breathed in deep as she sent a mental image to her beloved so that he might share in this quiet of a moment. She smiled softly when she took in next the sounds surrounding her. Opening her eyes finally to a feeling of feet upon her shoulder, sitting silent in wait.
She tilted her head in the slightest as her best dog sat perched upon her shoulder. Scratching him as she whispered, "what tea this day, my friend?"
A simple nuzzle against her after a purr, he flew up and swirled about her. She stood, smoothing her skirts as she went. This, she knew meant come along. "Alright..." she hummed softly to him as she followed him past the barrier and down the paths to the water bend. She patterned softly down the path then went into the water to follow quicker as he swooped and swirled around her.
Finally, he led her back to that spot from once before. The building where she found the book. She looked around and motioned him to land back upon her shoulder "you were attacked once before, let us not have a repeat of that, shall we?"
She went silently along the narrow path surrounded by the water on both sides by now. Reaching the door, she saw all was as she left it. Secured and tight. "What has your feathers ruffled then? All seems quiet here..." she began as he cawed and took off, down the path around the corner.
With a lift to her chin "ah, I see now... " she followed him along the path that was hidden in the briars and woods.
On the end of the path, the beach appeared before her as he circled around a small boat laying in wait.
"Now, that would be interesting tea... that was not here the other times before." She petted him on her approval and looked around. All was silent, for now.
She fluttered over to the boat, making the softest of motions with her wings as she went. Kneeling beside it to peek inside, seeing what she could find out about this mystery visitor to the area. A napsack was all that was inside, besides the oars and paddles to row such a vessel along its way.
A rustle behind her of the trees made her turn swiftly and hide behind a tree herself. She held her breath and listened. If there was anything a faye was good at, concealing was one. She listened as she willed herself to become one with what little shadows were near by. A cloaked figure emerged from the building, flames engulfing their tail end as it did for her when she left. They reached the boat, waved they hand and the flames went out. They kept their hood up and climbed into the vessel, moving out into the waters alone. They did not appear to have anything in their hands when they emerged from the crypt, but one can never be too certain.
She wearied until they were far enough away before she stepped from her hiding spot. Keeping to the shadows, she went carefully towards the building. She had to know what this creature was up too...
She peeked through the hallway before she stepped inside. The hall way damp and dark as always, she breathed in deeply as she took it all in, waiting on her senses to catch up to the new light. She held her head high and walked through, the flames leaping up around her, eating at her skirts in her path. Not a scorch mark appeared along her skin as she emerged from the end into the concealed room, covered in books. She still had yet to remove them all from here. But she wished to do so on her own. So there was limited risk of these such ones falling into the wrong hands.
She walked slow around the room, playing her opened hands along the piles if worn books, the smell making her nostalgic.
She smiled as she crossed the room, stopping at the podium that once held the one book she had to take back with her that first time here.
She rested her arms along the smooth wood, her palms wrapping over the edge top. She leaned in as she watched over the room from here. Silent. still. Musty. Just as always. She moved her eyes at a snails pace along the room, taking every inch in to account. If anything was in fact moved, she would know of it.
Nothing stood out as she swayed back and forth over the podium, until the podium itself shifted suddenly, making her fall over.
"Oof..." as she stumbled over like she was on new feet, catching herself as she fell upon the cobblestone floor. She wiped the dirt from her face as she gathered herself back up, moving her long blonde tresses from her eyes as she did.
"Odd..." she started as she crawled closer from where she fell. She gripped the stand of the podium and wiggled it some. Sure enough, it moved to reveal a hiding spot. With a frown, she peeked inside to see it was in fact empty.
"They did take something after all... I wonder what it was? "
She gave a heavy sigh as she decided she needed to take a few things back with her on this trip.
If they came for one thing, they might return for more. She would have to make a point now to move things a wee bit faster than she had been. She pulled herself up to her feet and grabbed a couple items before heading back down the hall, the flames lapping at her this time as she exited to the beach she left behind. She whistled to her dog as she made her way swiftly back to their cottage home.
Their chambers of their cozy cottage on manosque
*she sneaks off after her walk and then relaxing a little while to take a shower so that she may feel fresher from the heat that started growing in the day. She starts the water as she turns to set some towels upon their side table then begins to unzip her day dress. She slowly pulls the zipper down and then let's her arms fall to her sides, allowing the rest to fall from her body in a silent swish to her toes. She steps lightly from the piled fabric and then slips into their shower, pulling the curtain closed as she lifts her chin and face to the warm water. She closes her eyes as she runs her hands through her hair, bringing the water throughout her long blonde tresses then lifts some shampoo into her hair for a good lather...*
*she rinses out her hair then begins a mud mask along her chest and upper arms. The heat from the summer causing tiny rash to form. The mud mask having sea salt was sure to do the trick and make it disappear within hours. Finally, she rinses everything off then shuts the water off, stepping carefully from their shower to grab a towel laying in wait. Wrapping it snugly around her slender body, she patters off silently of bare feet across their chambers to slip into a new dress for the afternoon. She slips into a blue and white dress, finding a nice ensemble for underneath... smirking as she does. She then sits out on their balcony to enjoy the quiet shade there and indulge in a small snack of fruits freshly picked from their gardens earlier on in the day...*
Later that night-
*noticing the time and realizing she spent longer than she thought she would on their balcony, she fluttered off to get their chambers ready for the evening. She set some glasses on their side table bedside their bed for her beloved esposo, adding her favorites to each for his decision upon his return. Then she sets their breakfast nook with a small arrangement of fruits, cheeses, meats and chocolates. Along with a small plate of meals in case as well. She then fusses with the flowers in the vase her beloved rey had gotten her earlier in the week, smiling when she was satisfied with how they looked. With a nod, she then turned to softly spell their fireplace and candles about their chambers to light and then strolled back out to their balcony, debating on a shawl as the cooler air greeted her by now. The air was still fairly warm, just cooler with the sun setting. She leaned over the railing to watch the stars peek out over them above and listen to the crickets song and the bullfrogs in the far away distance. She breathed deeply the night air, closing her eyes and hoping her beloved would arrive soon to share the moment. She smiled softly to herself as she indulged the soft breeze against her skin, the smell of moisture faint to her senses*
10 Aug2020
Lazy sunning on the beach for a short while...
I mean MeditationMonday ;) yeah, thats it
Move along... nothing to see here *smirks*
11 Aug 2020
I heard it is
So here you go. *smirks and giggles*
Jo~ “Silly faye!”
Sky~Always *winking* I'm in a silly mood this week...
Jo~“I noticed.”
12 Aug 2020
*Much too hot out this afternoon...
Thinking she will slip away to the waterside and then perhaps a stroll to explore in some shade...*
14 August 2020
Their bedroom chambers/ their private beach
Wee hours of 4 am
~restless sleep~
Alas, this night was one to torment her in such desire. She had secretly cursed herself for having fallen asleep before he came home. Missing him terribly so as she did. Did she fault him? Never. It was the ways of the jealous God Morpheus. At least her beloved was home safe. Her home was safe. All that truly mattered. She only wished for more time together, missing him was her secret little curse these days.
She silently climbed from his arms and from their bed, not wishing to disrupt his much needed and deserved rest. Kissing under his ear and then a small note to let him know where she was off to for a short while in case he did waken while she was gone.
Restless mind to wander waters.
Tu encanto shall return very soon for your arms once more.
She left it just under the corner of his glass of bourbon on the nightstand for him to find. Then, she slipped from her gown she had fallen asleep in. The floor length golden cloth a soft swoosh sound as it was pulled by gravity to the floor as soon as she unzipped it and rested her arms by her side.
Standing now in her undergarments of black lace, she thought in a short pause, smirked and grabbed a bathrobe to wrap around her. She was off to stroll their beach. No one would be there except for her beloved, should he follow her. She peeked over at their bed once more, the shadows of what remained of a Cresent moon, catching a fragment of her Corazón's face still fast asleep. She rested her head against the edge of their changing screen and smiled with a soft, content sigh. Thoughts of caresses coming to her mind as she watched him. Memories of whispered conversations they shared. How was she so lucky to have be allowed to find this one? This wonderful being she was blessed enough to be allowed to now be called his wife? She watched over him as he slept a few minutes longer, forgetting al of time. If she was dreaming, she would not wish to waken except to his kisses and snuggles right this very moment.
Coming from the other side, she walked lazily down the worn wooded path the short while til it became sand beneath her toes, her fingertips playing upon the tall grass of feather tips along her way.
She took her time as her mind was restless at such an hour. Not really thinking on anything, for once. Just not able to allow her to fall back to sleep. She made her way down the sand to the shoreline and to where the fire pit sat in wait. Soft crash of the waves greeted her as she made her way down, they seemed lazy this hour as well.
She now began to think on things. Only memories that started to make her smile, or more so blush as she now took steps to submerge herself into the waters.
Their first time together, her cheeks flushed in her private embarrassment of her own thought. She felt she fumbled through such a moment. How her beloved thought she was adorable at times. Such a beautiful moment still to be cherished. She sighed to only herself and the rocking waves. Such captivating caresses and control he had that night. Such confidence that took her beyond her mind. She became easily lost to him in such moments. She secretly would have it no other way. She loved that way his kisses sent her swooning. How his caresses sent shivers and desires for more through even inch of her fibers. She craved more of such touches even as he did them.
She smirked as the tiniest of giggles escaped her lips. Nights upon her returns from hunting...
She smirked more as her cheeks flushed slightly. Pressing her against the wall in such a way, not hurting her at all, but to press against her. Wanting to be that close to him in that moment as well. How he captured her lips, her neck, in his kisses. And then the tactic outfit, just in their way...
She worried those first few times if she would be good enough for him. Didn't matter once she was in his arms, however. He seemed to have a way about him. How easily her beloved esposo guided her without him ever realizing it. She wished now for his arms. His sweet kisses.
She opened her eyes to stare up at the few stars still out then began to swim back to the shore. That was enough for the night. She waded back through the crashing waves and strolled back up to the fire pit. The sky having become a little lighter of dark blue hues. She stood with the cooler evening air chilling her skin that now glistened with water from the sea as she warmed herself before the fire.
Finally, she picked up the bathrobe, slipped it on over the soft curves of her body and then picked up her undergarments to now head back home. She spelled a tiny rain cloud to put out the fire before she left. Then, she scurried off back to the portal and back to their cozy little cottage. Back to where her home slept waiting for her.
*she then closed her eyes as she nestled her nose into the softest part of his neck, breathing in his scent. Such combination of smells he was. A beautiful array that she knew only belonged to him. She could know anywhere they were that it was him by that. She drifted to the sweetest of slumbers now, knowing she was safe in the arms of her home. Her restless mind more relaxed and calm now that she spent energy and she was wrapped up in her love. She wished to be no where else but right here. She would have it no other way. She fell asleep pressing one more tiny kiss against his neck as her now naked body molded into his body.
15 August 2020
Delightful arrangements of cheeses, fruits, meats and chocolates on platters to indulge in their bedroom chambers later on along with delicious dinner paired with wine as well. She spent the afternoon once home humming about their kitchen to prepare their dinner.
Once setting things in the warmer of their oven, she fluttered off to their powder room to freshen up. The hot and steamy waters floating with the aroma of their luxury bathing gels as she played with the bubbles in their antique footed bathtub made the day speed by on her.
Finally, she slipped into something special for their evening, only to delay in slipping into the gown of the night. She wrapped herself up in her bathrobe and snuck down to their piano room.
The silence of their cozy little cottage echoed through the halls by this hour. Faint sounds of their girls sleeping soundly by this hour mixed with the patter of the cat off to hunt. She played her fingertips along the ivories of her beloved's piano.
The grandfather clock struck the hour as she sits on the piano bench to begin to play softly. She hums along as she plays.*
"She can't remember a time when she felt needed
If love was red then she was color-blind
All her friends, they've been tried for treason
And crimes that were never defined"
*her fingers glided along the ivory and ebony keys like water flowing along a stream. Allowing the music to flow through her veins, her soul, as she continued to glide her fingertips easily along the keys.
"I have died every day, waiting for you. darling don't be afraid, I have loved you
for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more..."
A short pause as she peeks out into the large set of windows as the sheer curtains floated along on the gentle breeze that played with them. She smirked at thoughts of sheer dresses made of the same fabric. Perhaps she would find some to dance about their halls in. How the skirts of such a gown would float around her...
"The day you looked my way, it took me back
You said something like “you’re beautiful"And stopped me in my tracks
Tell me softlyThat you want meTell me I’m your girl'
*Smiling as she closes her eyes still playing the piano, the keys almost like nothing along her fingertips, she remembers those first moments they shared. Those nights lost to sheer memories of the mind. Such dreams they seemed to them; they had to ask each other if they were awake or dreaming of each other. Such beautiful things her beloved said to her. Things still to this day that make her blush.
She continues to another song.*
"There's just no rhyme or reason
Only the sense of completion
And in your eyes, I see
The missing pieces I'm searching for
I think I've found my way home
I know that it might sound
More than a little crazy
But I believe..."
*he became her home. He was her safe haven in that sense. The world shimmered away like mist upon the rising sun. He just somehow brought out a sense of calm and peace when he was near.*
"That's why she shies away from human affection, but
Somewhere in a private place
She packs her bags for outer space
And now she's waiting for the right kind of pilot to come...
Is like a journey I just don't have a map for
So baby gonna take a dive and push the shift to overdrive
Send a signal that she's hanging all her hopes on the stars"
16 aug 2020
SundayShenanigans ...
*What could she possibly be cooking up this time while relaxing in their antique footed bathtub? Such chaos that can be innocently played off...*
She ran the water as she set towels on their side table, stripping from her clothing of the day. She allowed the fabric to fall to her feet as she stepped carefully from the pile and slipped behind their shower curtain.
She sighed to the warmth and heat of the waters that hit upon her face as she ran her hands through her long blonde tresses. After a lather with some of their luxury bathing gels, she rinsed off and then shut the water off. She stepped from their shower and wrapped her slender body in the towel she placed earlier before padding across their chambers.
She pauses at their closet and plays her fingers along the clothing hanging there, deciding on a warmer dress for the evening. She slips into special undergarments before she slips into the dress then heads off to their kitchen. She had thought since the rainy day brought in cooler air this day, a warmer meal for them was in order. She thought on the steak in their refrigerator she had ordered earlier on in the week that was delivered would be the perfect treat for her beloved esposo.
She stepped into their kitchen, spelled their player from the other room to begin to play throughout their cozy little cottage then stepped towards their counter. She began to pull out bowls and pans to begin the ingredients to prepare the small meal for them. She chops up items for a small garden salad with items from their garden after she places the steaks on a pan to bake in their oven, covering it in a wine sauce and spices.
She sings along softly to the player as the sounds floats through the room to her, as she sets everything on their serving tray.
She twirls about their kitchen while she waits on their meal to finish baking, adding roasted red potatoes drizzled in a buttery sauce and garlic seasoned green beans and honey glazed baby carrots...*
18 August 2020
Closing her eyes as she places it gently upon the underside of her chin, she pulls the bow slower along the strings...*
19 aug 2020
Their chambers in Manosque
20 aug 2020
ʎɐᗡ ǝʎɐℲ snoʌǝıɥɔsıW
*she leaves a note next to a pie on the kitchen counter of the bunker before she takes off back to the cottage*
Happy #nationalChocolatePecanPieDay
*he cuts himself a large slice, a little breakfast to go with his coffee, and digs in happily*
Mmmm. Thank you, Sky.
*what dean doesn't realize yet is she is in a mischievous little mood. Fayes like to take things and move them from time to time... she slipped the keys to his impala between the palm of her hand and innocently places them where Sam's pile of research books were left.*
*he notices something is missing and frantically checks his pockets*
Where the hell are my keys??
Sam? Saaaam...
*he calls down the hall toward @_DamnedOne room*
-was he not busy turning
His room upside down looking
For his note book?
Weeks of decoding gone
Just like that,
That comes the 'shouting'
Of a familiar voice,
A step towards the door
And then back towards an
Already checked drawer-
-is shouted back-
*She lets out a tiny giggle from her shadowed hiding spot as she watches the brothers. One frantically searching for his notebook by now, looking double even in places already searched in.
Her mischief unfolding beautifully in front of her.
Just how long will it take for them +
to find their items - even more so will they figure out is was her all along?
She covered her mouth with her hand as she leaned in to watch closer, not wanting to mis any of it*]
*he frowns. Of course Sam knows why he’s shouting down the hall at him*
Keys, Sam! Where did you hide my keys??
*he is actively searching now, still carrying his plate of delicious pie, grumbling to himself around a large mouthful, something about pain in the ass baby brother*
*she giggled hard at the sight before her. Dean yelling with a mouthful of pie, refusing to set it down even while searching for the keys. She shook her head. The commitment over the love of a food with this hunter was amazing. But then the automatic thought that his baby +brother would have snatched up the keys to his precious car was funny as well. She followed down the hallway close behind as he then grumbled with a mouthful more*]
-not there, thus closing the
Drawer to head to his
Bedding, and then to Dean's..
Looking beath the pillows,
Not exactly paying attention to
His words, thus answering
Mere for the sake of answering-
......... WHAT KEYS ?
*oh how this was getting better. Samuel clearly distracted over searching for his notebook she hid under Dean's bed while Dean, still keeping the pie close as ever to him, demanding to know where the keys to the impala went to. Dean simply had to venture down to the library to +find them laying right beside the books Sam had been looking through earlier. Well, before his notebook went "missing". She giggled more over the incident, waiting for more*]
*after slipping the keys to Baby at the pile of @_DamnedOne
Research books, she takes his notebook and hides it under Dean's bed, smirking as she flutters about the bunker*
*she hums about the bunker, giggling quietly as she goes and moves one of
@NoviceHuntress favorite knives into the kitchen, setting it next to the rest of the cutlery. *
Jo wandered into the room with a slight frown on her features. She spotted Sky at the table with a cup of tea and she waved good morning. “Hey. This is a crazy question, but have you seen my knife with the curved blade and silver handle? I can’t find it anywhere.”
*perfectly innocent face at Jo, she shakes her head as she is giggling on the inside* nope, not a clue. *she sips her tea*
“That’s strange. It was on my desk this morning. I just went in there, and it’s not where I left it.”
Strange indeed... *she bit the corner of her lip in her slight little smirk behind her mug* perhaps looking about for something else? *she watched as Jo thought*
“Something else? What do you mean?” Jo knew the faye had an odd sense of humor. It wouldn’t have surprised her if she knew what happened to her knife.
*she gave a nonchalant shrug* sometimes if i misplace something, it shows up when I'm looking for something different. Is all.
“I may have to try that.” She sat down across from her. “How’s your tea?” She was trying to make friendly conversation.
It is a delicious blend made from the items in the gardens back in
ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ . I brought more so everyone can try some. *she watched carefully to try and get a read off of the huntress. Did she suspect?*
“That was thoughtful of you. Maybe I’ll have some after I find my knife. I could use a warm drink.”
The pot is still filed with plenty of water. *she smirks again in her sip* perhaps you might want to try a cup now? *she glanced over as she eyed carefully in the corner the block of kitchen knives where Jo's knife laid beside*
“Maybe. I could probably do with a little relaxation.” She moved toward the counter and the cabinets to get a cup and spoon.
*she played her mug along her teeth as she turned slightly to watch Jo carefully. She just about held her breath to not allow her giggle escape her lips as she did.*
She thought she heard something, and she toward Sky. “Are you okay? It sounds like you’re coughing or something.” She was just a couple of feet from the knife block now.
*she quickly took a large gulp of her tea, nearly chocking on it and this time really coughing*
Nope, not a thing. Perfectly fine. *she set the mug back down, drumming her fingers on the sides now*
“Yeah. Sure.” Jo turned toward the counter again. Her head was moving to look in the direction of the knife block, and she thought she saw something shiny.
*she watched Jo intently as she got closer to the block of wood and the kitchen set.* always...
“Uh huh.” She walked toward the knife block and looked next to it. “What in the world?” She turned, holding up the knife. “How did that get there? DEAN!!!! Did you take my knife?”
*she bites down on her bottom lip to try and hold back her giggle as Jo instantly began to yell and blame Dean. She couldn't hold it back, however and burst into giggles*
Jo turned to her and narrowed her eyes. “You wouldn’t happen to know who did this, would you?”
*she instantly cuts the laughter and becomes as serious as she could to the look on Jo's face* nope, not a clue *she shook her head innocently*
“Are you sure? You didn’t see Dean come in here while you were making the tea, did you?” She was sure he had something to do with it.
Oh no, he was all over the pecan and chocolate pie I left him this morning. *she shook her head* I'm sure by now he is off sleeping that pie off.
“And he wasn’t carrying anything?” She huffed out a breath. “He won’t be sleeping for much longer. I’m going to go kick his ass!”
Like I said, he has been too busy with the pie I gave him earlier. Maybe you moved it and didn't remember? *by now Dean might be searching around for the impala keys. She didn't need him distracted by Jo on this*
“No. I haven’t been in my room since this morning, and it was on my desk when I left. Someone must have gone in there. Who would have done that?”
*shrugs* will all the things about this place. Who knows. Maybe something was playing a game?
“It’s possible. Who knows what managed to get in here over the years? The wards have been strengthened, but they keep everything out.”
As best as I've been able to increase the barrier. But anything is possible.
*she leaned back in her seat and sipped from the tea some more, relieved she stopped blaming Dean*
“We both know things have a way of sneaking in. Besides, it could have been something that was in here already. Maybe we should have it checked out.”
Maybe something came in with one of Abby's creatures she's been bringing in? *playing along now in the thought process*
“Maybe. She brings far too many things in here. Something else could easily have piggy backed its way in, and we could have missed it.”
Possibly... *she places her mug down and plays her slender fingers along the top of it.* one never knows... *she hums softly now, smirking*
“We really need to start monitoring what she brings in more.” Sge shook her head. “We need to figure out what’s in here.”
Well, we could always spend the day herding them all in the dungeon. But who knows how long that would take!
“I do not have the energy for that.” She shook her head. “We should make Abby do it.”
*nodding* add it to the to do list.
*she lifts her mug to her lips again, smugly smirking as she does over her little success in her play*
“What’s with the smirk?” She narrowed her eyes. “Do you know what happened?”
Nothing *she mumbles as she quickly sips from her mug*
“And why don’t I believe that?”
Believe what you like, my dear little huntress. *she shrugs and finishes her tea. She plays off as though she looked at her watch she wasn't wearing* oh will you look at the time. I must be getting back to the cottage. Things to be done... *she gets up quickly, ready to +
flutter off from the room and Jo's eyes*
“Yeah. Sure. I’ll see you around, Sky.” Jo watched as the faye prepared to leave. She had a feeling Sky was behind her moved knife, but she had no proof. It wasn’t like there were surveillance cameras in the place.”
*she waved as she kept her giggle at bay leaving the room. She thought on where else she might play at*
Jo shook her head in wonderment. What a strange conversation.
*she sees @VengenceofHell leather jacket laying all alone on the back of a chair and a smirk crosses her lips.* my, my... one should have put this away properly...* she wraps her slender fingers around the soft leather and flipped it over her shoulder as she fluttered off +
towards Renee's room to hang it inside her closet*
....*Shes going to use telekinesis to float her jacket back over to her. She is going to give her a taco haircut now for trying to take her beloved leather jacket. *
*the demoness forgets that the little faye has a protection amulet around her neck that protects against things that mean her harm. She hums along as she thinks on what else she might "misplace" this day*
*passing through the study area, she stops suddenly as she spies
@ChuckSurley treasured typewriter.* this is almost too easy today... *giggling as she pounced over the table, snatched up the paper he was currently working on and then fluttered off to the library again, this +
time hiding the paper inside a book*
My, my. What a day this is becoming...
ʎɐᗡ ǝʎɐℲ snoʌǝıɥɔsıW
*Well, let us sit back now and watch the events unfold before her eyes now...smirking to herself*
Humming she packs the delivery truck with brightly wrapped packages. 🎁 One of the boxes jiggles. She smirks looking at a small finger pop through one of the breathing holes. ‘This should cheer her up’ she thinks as she closes the hatchback and sings the last of the paper work.
She received a strange delivery with a card from her sister which reads "Dear Sissy Fea, I know you have been down lately so this delivery will help cheer you up. All the love always, Your Sister" Inside the card is a small list. 1 sock gremlin steals 1 of each pair of socks, +
, 1 soot imp will make it smell like something is burning, 1 klepto gremlin (fyi) he likes to hide keys, & 3 specter tricksters they like to make you think you see things.
A small note on the bottom says "Have fun and keep your chin up."{niki wrote above}
*she looks over the letter and then peeks over the paper at the boxes being stacked beside her.*
*she smirks mischievously as she looks everything over, rereading the letter*
Thank you, sissy...*giggling and then she twirls on her toes to plot before she opens any boxes*
25 aug 2020~
She heads off after a relaxing nap and then a refreshing shower to their piano room area and stands before one of the sections of wall on the far side of the room. The windows sat opposite of this side so the lighting and shadows as the day progressed on would work beautifully in contrast to what she planned to place upon this spot. She smiled as she placed her hands delicately on her hips to look over the room completely, ensuring this was the perfect spot.
With a nod, she twirls on her bare feet and flips an old bed sheet as her tarp upon the floor before the wall then drags over the ladder so she might reach the high parts of the wall easier.
She grabs a paint tray, lifts the gallon of paint and pours it into the tray after she propped the can open to mix the paint into its rich and creamy color. She sets the roller to the tray with a playful smirk as she sets to work.
Stepping towards the wall, she places the roller gently to it and adds the slightest of pressure as she begins to push the roller along the wall, the paint gliding effortlessly along, covering the original paint in a new coating of rich cream. She hums along as she steps in a small dance in her work.
Next, she mixes browns in various shadings, changing brushes and delicately gliding the brush along; creating flowing branches throughout the wall. A tree slowly coming to life before her eyes. She hums along more in her work, jumping in her faye nature as she does. Fluttering of her wings in the slightest as she smiles and giggles over the fascination of how such simple items can come into life right under her own fingertips.
She adds tiny flecks to parts of the branches to give shading and character to the branches.
She places the brushes into the Mason jar of fresh water to rinse them off before she continues on, taking another break in her work to allow the new layer to dry so as to avoid smudging in colors. She didn't want it to begin to bleed on her as she was by now almost half way done.
She leans back on the table, enjoying more of the delicious fruits before her, now adding some chocolate to nibble on as well.
Finally, the flowers she sets to task on. She mixed pinks, reds and whites on her pallette, then grabs a few different brushes for her next technique for such flowers. Blossoms to represent the cherry blossoms that float about from the weeping cherry tree at the far end of their property; as well as what sat just across the way from her cave back at the island of realms.
She delicately placed the brush in the paint then to the wall, the paint once again gliding along effortlessly under her fingers. Slow brush strokes as she went, flowers transforming before her eyes as she worked her way back down the wall then returning to where she started to add the minute details of blacks and brown centers; flecks of browns to make it all the more... magical. She took a deep breath in as she stepped back finally to admire the work. The wall was finally complete. She set the brushes back into he mason jar of water, now dirty from cleaning brushes earlier, and cleans the remaining brushes. She lifts an old rag cloth to wipe her hands as she walks slowly along the wall. She had to make sure she got it all done. She wasn't paying attention to anything else as she walked, the rag now playing over in her hands as she sang softly to herself.
Satisfied that all was to her liking, she placed the rag down and sat back on one of their sofas to enjoy the work on the wall. Now a cherry tree and branches cascading along it in subtle softness...*
25 August 2020
*what could be in store this evening?
Possible mischief and mayhem?
One just has to wait and see...*
{Tumblr post}
ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉೇ {flashforward to the early afternoon}
Once the lemonade was made, she adds it to their refrigerator to chill and then sets the remaining lemons in the wooden bowl sitting in the middle of their kitchen island. She gets an idea and giggles over it.
She wipes her hands on the dish cloth and then flutters off to the craft room to gather up her paints and brushes. She pauses to think about where she should start with then darts out to their garden/ sun room. There was one wall perfect for her idea.
She pulled the potted plants placed in front of this wall and then looks the room over to be certain once again. She lifted the same old sheet as her drop cloth once again and flips it up to lay it across the stone floor beneath her feet.
She mixes her yellows, greens and browns on her pallette then slips her brush between her slender fingers. Dipping the long brush into her pallette of colors, she steps forward and begins her first brush strokes directly upon the brick and stone in this room.
Not as easily gliding on this surface, she still painted her idea. First the browns and blacks for the tree trunks and branches.
She dips her brush into the mason jar to clean the brush off, swirling it around then wiping it on a rag.
She then starts in the greens, leaves slowly beginning to come to life as she walked her way down along the wall. Taking her time to form the smooth curves of a pointed oval along each branch.
When she had reached the end of the wall, she places the brush into the mason jar once again, swirling it around once again in the partically dirty water. She dips her brush back into the pallette of paint after wiping it off in the rag again.
Yellow bright and cheerful colors magically unfolded delicious lemons along the wall now. Unable to help but smile as the lemons looked back at her as her paintbrush glided best it could along the brick wall, dipping it back into the paint here and there as she did. The rest of the afternoon passing away on her until the faint light of sunset began to creep into the sun room on.
She sets the brush back into the water once complete, looking over her new work. She sits in one of their chairs to indulge in the mural for a short while until she slips away to her beloved's office to leave a tiny note for him to first pour some of the fresh lemonade and then to stroll out into their sun room for a peek and the new addition to their cozy little cottage. She smirks playfully as she places her lips lightly upon the bottom of the letter, leaving a tiny kiss upon the stationary. A soft smile escaping her lips as she sets the note down on his desk and then flutters off to their chambers to ready for the now evening.*
29 august 2020
~Finishing up old tasks~
{Flashback- 4 of the month of September in the year of 2019-
Now And Always~ part 2[WATTPAD]
ch4 discovering rooms}
While her beloved napped, she kissed his cheek softly once she knew he was slumbering and silently climbed out of their bed. She lifted her skirts to softly patter from their room to allow her husband peaceful slumber from his days away from their home and his girls. She turns briefly to look back at him at their doorway before stepping from their room.
She heads up the stairs at the far end of the their Manosque cottage. She looks up the worn staircase that hasn't even been explored since they had moved into this quaint little house in the country, and decides to quietly head up. Holding her skirt in one hand as she climbs the stairs, holding the thin wooden railing in the other. The stairs creaking as she stepped carefully up she looks down at them, shushing them as she goes.
At the top, she sees a few more rooms to be discovered. She smiles and looks around realizing how long this place must have sat alone and unlived in before they were able to acquire it.
"Wow..." as she slid her fingers slowly along the faded and peeling paint on the hallway wall. She walks down to the first room and looks around it.
Parts of the ceiling had crumbled in this room but, the windows were beautifully ornate and only worn in their paint. She looked up at the ceiling thinking on the beautiful paintwork she might be able to add to such a room. Maybe they could turn this into another bedroom, or even change it into a library. The more she thought on it, the library sounded more appropriate as the windows and the view. She smirks to herself, unless they moved their bedroom to this higher floor and have the better view of the grounds. She let's out a soft giggle and then turns on her heel to check the other rooms.
The next two rooms were identical in style and size with a small door between them. She smiles as she thinks on just how perfect this could be for their girls. And how they can take their time fixing it up for them so as they got old enough, they would be ready in the renovations for them to have their own rooms. Each room had a small balcony with tall windows going from the floor to the ceiling. A little bit of paint would do the trick and then she thought on the beautiful beds she saw back in town they might be able to bring in for them.
She gave a little happy twirl to her thoughts and headed further down the hall to the last room.
She peeked inside to find a lonely desk and chair set. This room barely touched with anything else. Only some cosmetic work needed in here. She imagines another bedroom possibly in this room. This one had no balcony. But the same style of tall windows. She turns to head back downstairs to grab a broom. Smiling and happy in her discovery, she figures she may as well start to a cleaning of this quaint new rooms of theirs before she started painting them. Thia would give her something to do while her beloved slept. Or even while he was away on his business affairs for these longer periods of time he has been doing
She picks up the broom form the corner of the kitchen and turns to head back upstairs to begin sweeping the rest of the afternoon.
Ch 5 ~ setting to work
After the day before's discovery of new rooms and their condition, she set out early the next morning to fix them up further. She starts with the two identical rooms she feels would be perfect for their twins. Not too much work was going to be needed in these rooms, she planned out her task as she carried the bucket of water up the stairs with the washing clothes and the mop. She already had a waste basket in another room from where she left off the other day.
She sets the bucket in a corner and turns to the other room to grab the waste basket and the broom. She hums the tune from their first meetings and twirls around the room as she sweeps the old piles of dirt, dust, and crumbling plaster along the floor. Smiling as she goes, she scoops it all up in a swift motion and then pauses with the broom stick in her hand. She sways the broomstick slightly as she stands in the middle of the room once she was done, thinking out loud on her next task to be done.
She bites the corner of her lip slightly as she looks at the room before her, now all swept. "I think I saw some cream colored paint in the small shed in the yard," she thinks out loud to herself, turning to rest the broom against the wall to head back down the stairs.
She lifts the front corner of her skirts as she glides her way down the stairs and out the side door to the small courtyard right off of the cottage. She looks over to the far end where a tiny one door, faded green shed stood with a tiny window on the side wall. With a nod, she makes her way across the courtyard to the shed.
She tugged on the shed door and grunted softly to herself when it didn't give easy to her pull. "Stubborn humidity," she mumbled as she reminded herself as to why the door may have given her trouble. She turned her hand slightly lifting the door another way to pull it once again. This time, the door gave way to her efforts and she sighed with relief.
She stood in the door way, peering inside, looking for the one can of paint she thought she saw some time ago. The sunlight filtered through the tiny window as the dust particles danced quietly around the air. She waved a spider web out of her path as she stepped inside to get a better look. She had some of the web land on her face that caused her to make a squeamish face as waved it quickly away.
She shakes her head as she fixes herself from the web attack and continues further into the shed. She stepped around some old boxes she still needed to look through, left behind by the previous owners and sees the can of her quest. She grabs it up and heads back out of the shed, leaving it partially open so it would not get stuck on her again later.
She carries it back up the stairs after she grabs a large paint brush on her way. She spent the rest of the morning painting and touching up spots around the room before she grabs the paint roller for the higher to reach spots. Then she does the same to the next room.
When she walks through the door between the rooms, she discovers there is really a small bathroom with a door at each end to the respective rooms. She smiles at her new discovery and thinks on more plans to be done. She works quickly now as she finds more things to be done upstairs and wants to have as much done to surprise her beloved at all of her hard workings while he goes about his business affairs.
At the end of her busy day, she drags her water bucket over to the new bathroom and empties it down the drain, listening to make sure the pipes were still in working order. Happy in her thoughts, she sets the bucket in the tub and heads back downstairs to shower and change into cleaner clothing for the early evening before fixing meals for herself and their girls.
She spent the quiet late afternoon in the gardens with their daughters before it was time to tell them stories and lullabies for bed. She rests her eyes to their snuggles as she gently rocked them to their peaceful slumbers, dreaming partly on how beautiful she was going to transform their new rooms upstairs.
Ch 6- finishing touches
Some days later, after fixing up trim and wood and replacing small things she can handle on her own, she grabs up her small brushes and canvas paints to bring up with her. She has already done the base of a cream white along all the walls for both of the twins new rooms to be. She wanted to make some murals along parts on the walls next.
She looks around the first room and thinks of where to begin. She places her finger along her chin a moment and then heads over to the small wall leading into a walk in closet.
It was the right size to bring in some nature. They girls loved the gardens as much as she did. So she thought a tree would be lovely to add before their closets. She sets to work all morning making a scene along the first closet entry before turning to the other. Each in turn to allow the layers time to dry before beginning the next layer. Completing both sections in each room at one time.
She pauses in her work to run down and fix a small snack and check up on how the girls were doing being watched over by a trusted castle worker she invited over to help while she worked on her task at hand.
Satisfied knowing all was quiet and well, she set back to her workings.
She started on a scene along the longest wall in both of the rooms. Taking turns in her layers once again. The rooms may be painted identical for them, but she was secretly leaving slight differences in each room as a subtle surprise for them to discover as they grow.
As the day passes along, she finally gets to the final corners and towards to entry of the rooms, overlooking the landing below. She day dreams momentarily as she paints along, thinking on what she may do next. She envisioned painting and adding a small bench in the nooks along the hallway up here. Maybe adding some planters to bring in the outdoors as well.
She thought of another tree with such benches. Complimenting in shades. she thought to visit the village later in the week, to find the perfect light fixtures to be added up here soon. She had a feeling she will have to place some orders for such things she will be looking for. But that will also help her to pass the time as well. She set her brushes down and looked into the room she stood in. She smiled to herself as she admired the handiwork she just did all day.
Wiping her brow with the back of her hand, she fathered up a cloth to clean herself up some and went to clean her brushes to put away.
Tomorrow is another day. And there were still more rooms to be completed.
Present day-
~*having started on the upstairs rooms right after her discovery on them in their cozy little cottage in ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ the year before, she slowly strolled up the very staircase she walked up almost that very first time a year ago. This time, the railing and stairs having been repaired to her specifications, now lavishly oiled and finished in rich Mahogany wood with inlaid golden leaves patterned to scroll along the handrail all along the railing. No more creaky sounds as she made her way up the stairs. She smiled to herself as she played the palm of her hand along the rich wood, smooth under her hand. She breathed in deep a contented sigh in the beautiful feeling under her fingers as she walked up the stairs.
Her paints now waiting for her at the top of the stairs, she paused once she reached the landing, bent down to puck them up from the floor where they waited and carried them off to the smaller room that she still had to complete in renovations. By now, in the times of their travels and time in NOLA, the workers should have had all her requested completed. She smiled in her hum as she stepped into the doorway. A blank canvas of creme colored walls now awaited for her. The lonely desk and chair still sat in the room, but now the trim was all replaced around the windows, newly rich wood in place of the worn and rotting wood once there. The floors refinished and sealed, glowed in the afternoon sunlight that came in through the bare windows that stood floor to ceiling. She set her brushes and paints down in the desk and grabbed the drop cloth in both her hands.
She made a tiny hop in her steps as she floated across, a twirl as she opened the cloth up and waved it out, allowing it to float onto the polished floor in front of the wall she chose to work on. This side, she planned to paint a mural of soft blues.
She fluttered back to the desk, picked up her pallette and mixed up assorted shades of blues, then made her way back to the wall waiting for its new creation. She set the brush into the paint, swirling a little more to ensure the perfect shade of her desire. Then, she set the brush against the wall. Smoothly and delicately, her brushstrokes flowed along the wall, creating swiftly shadowed trees along the ceiling, draping downward towards the centers. Next, she added more creme, to accent bamboo like leaves along with contrasting darker blues to add to such shadowed forest. She stepped back to admire the details as she went, wanting to make sure she did not miss a thing in her work.
She fluttered off to the desk, now grabbing black to mix with blue to create a magically darker blue.
She came back to meet the wall where she left it, placing her brush back to kiss the wall. Smooth strokes more deliberate now starting to make beautiful deer heads with majestic antlers, reminding her of the times she would come across them in her walks in the woods about the grounds or even back on the island of realms. Most importantly, the white stag. Regal and alone as the others frolic about in their ways/ watching over them all in turn. Same in her thoughts, these would watch over those who were to slumber in this room later on.
Once complete, she set the brush into the Mason jar of water, mixing it around to clean the brush, making the water turn black in the paint. She peeked behind her st her creation and smiled.* I do hope my beloved corazón @adaptablecharm will find a moment to peek in on this. Perhaps this can become a bedroom later on.
*she softly spoke in a near whisper to herself as she wiped her hands in a rag and then turned to head back downstairs to continue in other tasks of the day.
Especially a stop to the bakery and butcher in their village for more treats for the evening that approached soon. Perhaps more on the fig and blood orange treat from the other night would be fitting. She smiled as she closed the door partway and headed off..*
31august 2020
MischiefMonday afternoon...
Just what might she decide to do this day....
Oh the many things to be had
-last day of August
-before the full harvest moon
-the possibilities are endless
*smirks mischievously to herself* wonder what mi corazón would think of my thoughts right now
*thinks its time to hide under the covers for a spell...*
6 sept 2020
6 sept 20
7 sept 2020
What might she be up to this afternoon?*
- 14 sept 2020-
Swamp walk
~*She heads off to the swamps for a small walk from the day, ducking through a portal of an old grove and emerging on the other side. The woods and swamps waiting before her. She breathes in deeply the air around her now. Fall soon approaches only days away. She walks down the path, worn over the years of tread. Over growth hung over the path randomly throughout the path as she walked, having to duck here and there to avoid the branches or vines catching hold of her long blonde tresses as she walked by.
The swamp all dried up from the summer months and drought over this land. She stepped up onto the boardwalk placed along the path to allow walking above the waters of the swamp when its levels are high. She pauses halfway up the walk and closed her eyes, lifting her arms up along her sides as a circle above her head. She paused here before placing her palms against each other and bringing down straight in front of her, breathing out as she does. She then opens her arms once more, hanging her arms along her sides, her palms now facing to the earth under her feet.
Her fingers tingle with the vibrations of the land and its energy connecting with hers. She smirks as she turns and continues along her way. The feeling of the energy in her fingertips still lingered as she made her way up the hillside to the field waiting for her at the top.
She pauses along the way, trees formed together to make their own doorways/ portals of their time. The energy of them flowing through her as she rested her hand upon their trunks. She made her way up further the trail.
Finally reaching the top, the sun shining down as she stepped out into the field. Thistle scattered along the lush grass surprised and greeted her as she walked through. She smirks to herself.*
Thank you mother goddess...
*she whispers to herself in her smirk as she bends down and spends the following time lost in picking these pretty purple flowers, long thin stems standing up through the grasses.
The field still holding so much, she decided to head back, taking the other path back down this time.
She pauses back where she first was, collecting the energy once more and then places her palms together, keeping it all closely near her. The energy flowed through her, circulating over and over s she took slow breathes and each calculated step, focused more than anything. She whispered in ancient faye with each step until she suddenly threw her arms out away from her, fingers tingling as energy sent out to the cosmos and upon the earth. To be used as seen fit. She smirked with a glint in her eye as she then stepped back through the portal to return to ᴿᵃᵛᵉˡˡᵒ and discover more of such a glorious and beautiful land it had to show her and her beloved esposo. *~
*she strolls slowly along the beach after coming through one of their beloved old grove tree portals to arrive at their safe house/ beach house. Her mind restless and wide awake as she makes her way slowly along the sand, water crashing softly upon her feet as she went. She gives a small sigh as she breathed in deep, taking in the salt upon the air. She sits on the sand once she arrived close enough to the pillow and firepit area. Here is a good place to meditate, she thought.
Her beloved esposo distant this night in his business, she crosses her legs snugly upon themselves and stares out onto the water. She pondered as the sound of the crashing waves slowly began to drown out her thoughts. She was wide awake this night, having napped a little just hours before. nothing she could do would ever possibly get her to slumber anytime soon. So she sat there, staring at the water/ the waves/ before her. Their lulling crashes and calm motions taunting her to calm her mind. Restless minds wander so. They always do. Nothing much can be done when hers alone become like this. She knew this one all too well. Nothing could be done to ease that. She wished for arms this night, missing them so and hoping things would lessen soon.
She breathed slow, steady and deliberate; to bring her thoughts to one. Concern in her thoughts/ missing arms/ she hoped would not last long.
She stood up/ stripped down from her gown she had slipped into earlier in the night, allowing it to carelessly fall upon the sands and her feet. She loosened the bra, sliding it from her shoulders and tossing it away from her. Tired from the week/ then slid her slender fingers under her panties, sliding them down and off in one simple motion. As though they were not actually a part of her at all. She tossed them aside carelessly just as the bra/ just moments before.
Standing tall, she stepped from the pile of discarded clothing/ heading off towards the waters edge. The waves crashing louder in her ears/ echoing with each calculated step.
She pauses as the cooler waters for this time of the season/ lapped at her toes, sending a shiver through to her spine. She wished a brief moment for warmth around her. But shrugged such thoughts away as she stepped through them instead. Fall approached swiftly as soon as mabon arrived. Like a storm that suddenly sweeps in unannounced.
Wading through the waves that pulsed and pushed against her legs, growing deeper to her thighs/ bare skinned against cold waters, goosebumps began to surface as she pushed her way onward through the water. Deeper still until her lower belly was kissed by its chill. She continued on/ belly button, then to her breasts. Bare to the world.
She dove in now, sinking under the waves/ plugging her nose a brief moment as she ducked her head under. Resurfacing once again just as swiftly. She tilted her head back, hair against as she smoothed it back/ a mermaid with legs and wings floating up from the waves. She laid back against the waters/ allowing the same waves to float her along. Her body nothing more than a driftwood lost at sea. She stared up into what remained of the yellow Cheshire grin of the moon in the sky, now turning to the first quarter moon
/ the land casted in its barely there glow. Her mind blank for a short while/ no running thoughts that were making her worry so. Just water, sky, stars, the moon and her naked body lost and floating about soft waters moving her along.
she closed her eyes as she allowed herself to float more along the waters, rolling over things in her mind. She wished she knew how to help. -what was distracting her beloved so. How might she be able to help.-
A heavy sigh as she finally stopped floating, swimming back to the shore. The waves helping her along back as they pushed her forward. All she could do for now / was to hope.
She stepped from the waters, making her way up to their firepit area. She debating making a fire this late of the night
she decides finally, after a short while in debates, to not have a fire. She slips the gown back up over her body, foregoing the undergarments and strolled back up along the shores. Back home
She breathed deep the air before she went back through the old grove.
She patters silently across the castle grounds. Eerily silence followed around her this time of night. As though the entire island went to slumber all at the same time.
She detoured with her still insanely restless mind, the inner gardens of the castle. She went down to where their private picnic area was. The candles still lit, tiny lanterns hanging from the branches above. A calmness and gentleness surrounding her as she pattered silently on soft mossy grass barefooted. She laid across the fleece blanket that waited between candles and their soft glow. A soft sigh escaping her as she stared up into the night sky. Orion the hunter prominently hung there, letting her know for certain autumn was in fact here to stay. She continued to stare up, lost in her wandering restless mind*
2 Oct 2020
~*she sneaks away to a private section of beach to meditate then enjoy some warmth of sun before summer disappears completely into fall*
10 October 2020
Usually one drinks the blood from our enemies...
But lately, we feel this is the more sanitary approach to things...
13 October 2020
Mischief merry makes...
Will she decide to remain a perfect little Ángel, or be a mischievous little faye? ...
She stands before her meditation altar. Where she could also cast spells if she so chose to do so and lights each one of the jared candles, one by one. Beginning with the black and working her way across the top, left to right. Red, orange, down the rainbow of colors until she reached white, pausing before the gray one for her beloved moon.
She breathes in deeply the aromas which now began to greet her as she closed her eyes to think upon her words. Whispering just barely audible to any living creature who might have been spying upon her within these walls, she says her ancient faye words. This time mixed with those of the viking tongue of old belonging to that of her beloved Elijah's ancestors. Words beyond the ages.
Meant for only those who knew how to use such properly. She continued on in her task. Before long, she ended her words, stepped back and bowed her head in thanks to those who wished to listen to her upon this day, then turned to sit upon the old high back winged arm chair in the corner of the room. The fire a soft crackle and roar welcoming to contrast from that of the gentle breeze from the rainy and misty day. She sat back a little while before standing before the altar again, this time to flame scents of sticks and cones to send the messages along more to the winds. "The four corners will know where to send you off..." as she watched the smoke billow and curl up and out from their tall wooden holder. Soft curls like a serpent winding and weaving its way upon the tall green grass of summer.
She gave the candles time to burn down, sitting back upon her chair to stare off and day dream into the flames of the fire. The soft crackles from it a confort to her as she becomes mesmerize by how it licked at the logs laid within its grasp. They wrapped themselves around them easily with color variations so beautiful and captivating so.
She eventually stood back up to check on her jars. Some melting perfectly as others, just a few random ones here and there, melting oddly in their ways. She pulled an empty used jar up from the cabinet below and poured one color in. The silvery shimmery gray of the moon. She poured it carefully into the empty awaiting jar, then placed the original one back in its home. She lifted the new one and rolled it easily around in her hands, making the newly melted wax of candle mold against its cool glass. She stepped her feet back a moment as a curse escaped her lips. A tiny amount of wax slipping from the mouth of the jar as she tipped it a little to far over.
With a frown she readjusted herself in her task, remaining focused all the more so. Next, was the orange jar. This one seemed to have a lot more ready to be poured by now. She was more careful as the smell of tangerines filled her nostrils as it floated up from within the jar to greet her. Not too harsh a smell. Not too over powering. Just a calming and comforting, subtle level of smell. She smirks to herself as she rolled the jar around some more doing as before with the previous one.
Finally, she set the jar back below to cool more away from the heat above. The jars together enough to heat the entirety of the room.
She turned and sat back down before the fire, slowly drifting off to a tiny little nap from all this work.
She heads out extra early in the wee hours of morning. Daylight not having broken yet. She had silently climbed from their bed and slipped into her hunting gear. The sleek leather like material of fabric molding against her skin as she stepped into it. She tied the back extra good to ensure it held firm in place before she wrapped her long blonde tresses into a tight and high sleek ponytail.
She made sure the coffee was set and breakfast treats awaited her beloved Elijah in his study upon his waking along with a note as she always did on her escapades out like this.
Last minute as it was, but necessary all the same. Her hair swished back and forth as she moved swiftly across the stairs and the lawn to hop through the closest Grove portal. She had to get to the island. There was not a second to spare on this any longer.
They had gotten no where in finding the child who had gone missing. Time was wasted long enough. She came through the tree and emerged before the castle of the dragons. She straightened herself up taller and moved even faster now. She went past any who walked by, giving a small nod to acknowledge as they realized it was their queen of their island. She made no attempt to pause and make idle chatter on this day. There was no time to waste further.
She entered the castle and arrived before what sat of the council elect in the grand room. She paused here before the solid mahogany table. Ancient beyond time. They all looked at her, but none said a word.
The raven she had sent to be the eyes and ears for the advisor of the Castle De Dragons had hopped off his shoulder, cawing as he went across the long table towards his faye. She watched him as he came closer to her, their eyes never leaving the other. They connected in this time; he showed her all he had learnt in his time here. She watched intently as visions flew past her in flashes. By the time he reached her, she had seen all that she needed to know. He hopped up on her bare shoulder, nuzzling into her neck and playing a little in her hair. She smiled slightly as she gave a scratch under his beak.
"Very good, my dog," she whispered to him. With the acknowledgement, he flew off to the highest part of the room to hide in the shadows unseen.
She now glared about the table, one by one. She ran her palm slow along the table as she strolled even slower along the front of here, silently, as she watched intently from the corner of her eye. She was sizing them up. She knew the advisor was not behind such a deed. It was his own daughter that had been among the taken, in fact. She remembered that day he came, panicked to summon her. She knew he never would have done so in that way if it had not happened. She turned effortlessly around the corner of the table.
"What brings you this day, my queen?" A voice finally breaking the silence of the room, cutting it like a hot knife through butter. It was the one seated to the advisor's right. Who was this one exactly again? She cursed herself silently in her mind. She was never good at names. She knew he held some important status here if he was still seated at this very table. She froze in her steps and turned her head in the slightest to look him over.
"You should know why." Was all she said, her eyes never leaving his. He was shown in her dogs eyes to her. He didn't have much to show her. Only that he had been hiding something. Her eyes narrowed now.
He gave a huff at her with a sneer, "no, actually, I have not a clue." He quickly turned his eyes away from her glare.
Turning her head in a snap, she looks at the advisor, "how many more have gone? Any clues yet?" She then turned on her heel and returned to her spot at the head of the table.
The advisor stumbled at first, worried on the altercation between these two and caught off guard over her sudden change. "No-nothing, miss. My queen" he quickly stuttered.
"As i thought." She made another look over the table.
The dragon in question to her mind started to sneer again, "the children, bah-"
He never got to finish as she had swiftly pulled her dagger from her her back pant and threw it at him, making it land squarely between his index and middle fingers. Just missing the hand completely.
He paused as he tried to hold in a startled scream over her action.
"I think you, sir, are hear by relieved of any post here..." she glared at him.
Mumbling under his breath his protests, he stands up and heads toward the head of the table to exit the room, pausing next to her. He makes to speak but she cuts him off.
"Keep in mind. I, did. Not. Miss. I never miss. Next time, will be your face, or worse. Be thankful you have not been banished. Yet." She turned her head slightly to glare at him.
He snapped his head straight at the door, swallowing hard in his silence before he then bolted for the door.
With a motion, a shadowed figure stepped forward from the shadows to take her command. One of her humanoid ravens hidden among others about the castle.
"Eyes. Always on him. Report at once anything. Any. Thing. That you find. He knows something. Or he has been hiding something."
The raven bows and turns in command, taking off after the dragon.
A barely audible cough makes her now turn her head back towards the table. "My Queen..."
She looks over at the advisor and frowns. "I am not sorry. It had to happen."
"I am not one to question my Queen. Only to give advise. Although in this case, I am seeking such. I have had no luck on finding the children. I fear that you may be correct in what you just did here, and that they are a part of the problem."
Placing both palms upon the edge of the table, leaning over it, "I know, my dear advisor. We will find all the children. I promised you they would all be returned home. I would expect the same if it were my own children. He knows something. I intend to find out what. I will find the children today."
He only gives a nod, fully understanding why she had taken it upon herself now. He stood up and walked towards her, placing a hand upon her shoulder. "I hope you do find them. I am at your disposal. You know this..." he whispered and waited on a command.
She gave a nod. "Wait here for the raven to return with news." With this, she spun on her heel and flew off through the door, down the hallway. She went off to the gardens and waited on her dogs.
They flew in swiftly upon the sight of her, swirling around her from above before taking their place in front of her. They each took their turn to show her all they took in. All that they found.
Flashes of hidden caverns and ships, before her eyes. She knew of this place. She flew off swiftly. Not a moment to lose further. She already wasted too much time with them up in the castle.
Finally, she stood before such caverns. The base of the cove, where the pirates sailed their ships into at. She listened closely as she approached along the shadows of the trees here.
She heard voices and hid behind some bushes, watching through the branches as she held her breath.
Just as she thought, the dragon she just let go, was one of them.
"I don't care. Get the ships here. Now!" He barked at another lanky looking dragon. They raced off, scared in another direction. He then looked out upon the waters of the cove before turning back into the cavern.
She turned her back against a trunk and sighed, tilting her head back, "I hate being correct so much...'
4 dec 2020
~*off through the village to "handle" some things...*
Let us see just what I might be able to find out today...
7 dec 2020
MischiefMonday Merry Makes...
*she giggles as she blows glitter along the timeline*
8 dec 2020 headed off the the village in the time of the moon phases. She set out to begin a task needed to be done. Dragon children having been found by now and a traitor laid to rest, she needed to be certain other things did not progress again as such.
"Enough on such things," she mumbled under her breath as she paced her way through the courtyard square. The large fountain in its center flowing loudly against the cold soon to be winter air. She adjusted the hood of her cloak so that she could go unnoticed through the village then went briskly forth again. She darted past vendors she would normally pause to speak with, catching up on their families. Today was not a day for idle chit chat. She pressed her palm against her thigh briefly as one bumped into her along their way, checking to make sure her dagger was still firmly in place there.
"So sorry, miss..." they started as she quickly waved them away and continued along. They simply gave a shrug and turned away.
Young children darted around her, giggling as they did. A tiny smirk escaped her lips as she heard the sound reach her ears, reminding her of their own twins back safe in their home.
'Maybe someday soon, there will be more to run around with the girls...' her mind began to trail off. She shook her head, her tresses slipping from its clip.
Finally, she reached the far end of the village and paused. She looked at the worn and overgrown path that laid before her. With a sigh, she pressed forward. Past the overgrowth, sat a cottage seemingly just as worn. One of the first homes to have been placed in the village. Its owner probably just as old.
She ducked under the vines and ivy hanging from the trellis as she went by, pushing it back gently. A small break in the overgrowth just before the cottage, gave way to a quaint opening and doorway. She rapt gently upon the door and waited.
"But the note strictly said this time to meet..." she huffed under her breath. These days her patience grew short with all she had to take care of around the island. She rapt once more and held her breath, listening closely for any sound of life on the other side of the door.
She let out her breath, closing her eyes. 'Not again,' she thought sadly as she pressed on the wooden door. It swung open with a loud creek. She stepped inside on silent toes and peered into the dimly lit hall. Not a single sound greeted her as she took another step inside.
As her eyes adjusted quickly to the dim lighting, she gasped at the scene before her. Disarray throughout the entry and living area. She carefully walked over chairs tossed aside and steadied herself as she climbed over a side table. She made her way to the kitchen in hopes of finding one she sought.
To her disappointment, the kitchen was not any better. A knife stood tall in the butcher block on the island in the middle of the room. Under its blade, a piece of parchment with a note hastily scribbled on it remained. She glanced around the room, listening carefully. Silence greeted her once again.
She went swiftly for the knife, grasping it heavily between her long slender fingers and yanking it from the block of wood. She snatched up the parchment and stared at the words now before her.
"Bastards..." she heaved in a harsh whisper, throwing the knife still in her hands across the room. The blade struck the wall in a boing sound as it rattled in its new place. Her other hand clenched the parchment in her fist. Her eyes flashed a firey red as she glared ahead of her.
In a blur, she was out the back door of the cottage, leaving everything how she found it. She flew off on her wings through the woods behind the cottage, swooping up and over branches and trees in her path. Everything was a blur as she sped past in a flash. Anyone not knowing of faye swiftness, may have thought it was simply a hard wind coming through as she went on her way.
Without a pause, she went through a grove portal and sped on. Emerging from the other side, her ravens upon her heels as she shifted her direction and came up into the air. High above the land she hovered, her wings once pressed against her as she sped along, now whipped open wide and flapped. She glared down below her as she scanned the land below.
She whispered in the old tongue as she watched. A blur glowed and an evil smirk crossed her lips.
"There you are, vile beast..."
She closed her wings and dropped down quick at the pulse of energy glowing back at her.
This creature she was after, dragged a sack behind them through this part of the woods. Huffing as they struggled in the way. "Of i knew you were going to be such trouble..." they huffed as they shifted along their way. "I might not have taken such a task. But," they caught their breath as they lifted and pushed the sack over a giant trunk across the path. "Lucky for you, i need to eat." They yelled loudly as they fell over the trunk, chasing after the sack that fell in front of them, breaking their fall. "Oof" as they landed on the sack, muffles coming from it.
"Now now, you will be all good once I deliver you. The queen will never know it was I!" They cackled as they lifted the sack once more to continue along.
Suddenly, they were toppled over by a gust. "Traitor!" Was all he heard as he rolled away from where he stood. She landed on her feet over him and glared down at him. She flew closer, gripping his throat as she went, her dagger now in her hand and pressed against his cheek. "What say you?" She growled deeply as her eyes glared into his.
He froze to her glare. Her eyes sending fear into his very soul.
Annoyance, she shook him to reply. "Well?!" She growled again.
He snapped to focus and stuttered at her. "M-my queen..."
With a jolting shake again "liar! What nerve have you to do such a deed? Who sent you to do this?"
He refused to answer, daring to advert his eyes to the sack that now laid silent. Finally, he whispered, "they said they needed to lure you to them..."
She shoved her hand hard against his throat, pressing him more against the dirt floor of the forest, causing him to gag. "Who?" Her eyes pierced through him as she began to search his mind. She slipped her dagger slightly and pressed her fingertips against his side temple, searching. Her mind silently spelling to do so.
He struggled at first, but froze in place to her glowing red eyes. He forgot how she was checking him and his breathing slowed drastically.
Upon her retrieval of the knowledge she desired, she slipped her dagger better in her fingers and slide the blade slowly along their cheek, pressing down and causing a small mark to occur. He suddenly cried out in the pain.
"You will no longer do any more troubles..." she leaned in and whispered in his ear, now moving her hand down and shoving the dagger deep into his chest.
He took in a deep gasping breath before becoming lifeless on her hands. She yanked the dagger from him and lifted herself up from him. She took a cloth from her pocket and wiped off her dagger, turning her attention now to the sack. She turned it slightly and cut the rope holding it closed.
It remained unmoving for a moment longer then began to rustle from inside. Hastily, she helped them to remove it from them.
"Oh bless you, my queen!" An old woman's voice escaped from the sack as the woman she went to originally go meet popped out from the sack. "Bless that you found me. That creature grabbed me up so quickly..." she babbled on. "Something about someone..."
She quickly held her hand up to silence the old woman. "Easy now, my dear. You're safe." She helped her to her feet so she could help her back to home. "All shall be right as rain before we know it. Now, let us get you home..." she began as she led her along the path back towards the portal to take them back to the village.
"Oh it is alright, my dear child..." the old woman started as they walked down the path. "No need to fuss over little old me."
"Nonsense. You come first." She returned, helping her over trunks and branches.
The old woman continued her chatter. "Then, we might discuss things along our way...
--New moon rises
Time for renewal
Darkened nights
High above the sky
The stars shoot across the skies
New beginnings
As we close up circles
Rivals to be fought
In the dead of night--"
She rambled on to her.
"But what does it mean?" She whispered to the old woman.
With a smirk of a knowing old woman does, "that, my dear child, is for you to find out..."
With a sigh, she mulled over it as she brought her back home.
17 dec 2020
She sits down at the table and sets to work, singing along softly to the songs playing upon their player. She decided with the snow outside, and the chilly air dropping lower, now would be the perfect time to settle inside and get to fixing gifts to others and decorations to send along to their NOLA and ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ homes. Dried orange slices, thread, cranberries and more littered the table as the island of the kitchen was covered in remains of cookies and other goodies of the holiday season, now baking in the ovens. Ribbons and strings laid in wait to tie treats together in cute little bundles for each gift to be given along with boxes and bows and wrapping paper all around.

back in cozy ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
~*Slipping through their private portal she had made as a birthday gift to her beloved Elijah, they gathered their girls and settled back in to their cozy little cottage in ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ. The last few days were getting settled back in, just in time for Christmas, just days away. Having sent about orders to go about certain tasks back at the castle and the island while they would be away, she breathed deeply the fragrance of their beloved home.
A small smile crossing her lips as the familiar smells greeted her nose. The welcomed creeks of certain floorboards as she stepped along in bare feet across their chambers, she strolled slowly along, wrapping her long flowing robe snugly around her as she went this early morning hour.
Many of the decorations she snuck over and set up prior to be prepared in case they decided to come back to their first of their homes welcomed her as she made her way through their cottage. She was glad she thought to bring these over. Perhaps they could work more on the remaining decorations through the rest of their property.
She ran her palms slowly along the fine antique wooden furnishings along her way, humming softly to herself in her steps until she found herself in the piano area of their home. The sunlight slowly filtered through the tall windows, casting a soft glow upon their piano, sitting all alone in the middle of the room. Dust floated silently through the sunlight as she walked closer into the room.
Reaching their piano, she rested her hand upon the rich wood of its outer shell. A pleased smile crossing her lips as memories flooded her mind. That wonderful smile of her beloved's looking back at her as he played such beautiful notes that first blessed evening. His fingers gliding effortlessly as he caressed the ivories so lovingly.
She giggled next over how they shared nights beside each other on the stool, playing together. She ran her finger slowly along the ivories now as she continued in her steps. The soft notes greeting her ears.
She smiled to the sound, thinking of when they might sit here before their piano and play it together again...
She trailed her finger, lingering a moment longer before she left it behind her to head off to their kitchen.
She gathered their serving tray and set it upon the island in the middle of their kitchen, then began to prepare a small breakfast meal along with coffee to hurry up to the study of her beloved husband so that it was ready and waiting, should he decide he needed time in their for his business affairs this day. She hurried about in her new task, adding a few plates full of fruits from their fields, and bacon and sausages from the village butcher. Paired with fresh eggs to his liking and more, she quickly lifted the tray and brought it over to his study.
She set it upon the table in the room and made her way to the windows. She gathered the curtains between her hands and pulled them open is one swoosh. The sunlight greeting her in a sudden rush of warmth, she smiled brightly then took off to check on the rest of their cottage.
She had rooms she had orders done while away and had to make sure all was how she requested...
After she was done in this new task of hers, checking rooms, gardens and more, singing softly to herself along her way, perhaps a twirl on her toes here and there as well... the day passed by quickly before too long.
She found herself back in their piano room, the afternoon sun slowly turning to early evening. Soon, the great conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter will grace their view in the night sky. She grew excited at the thought to share in a splendor with her beloved @0riginalGillies. For now, she shall indulge in a little play this MischiefMonday day...
With a tiny little smirk, she eyed the lonely corner of the room, spying the violin sitting idly by. Strolling along with a skip in her step still, she wrapped her long slender fingers snugly around its neck, slipping her palm under it to cradle it carefully as she guided it up to rest under her chin. Snugly settled in place, she then gathered the bow and laid it across the strings. She closed her eyes as she tilted her head and brought her arm over, making the bow across the strings glide. The notes began to flow from the wooden instrument as she breathed slowly to her movements. She stepped in her playing, moving to the flow of the song escaping from the violin in her hands. She danced around their piano room, still in her bare feet, the long flowing robe swishing silently around her like the sheer curtains that hung from their windows danced about in the summer breezes in their time in
| ℛ𝒶𝓋𝑒𝓁𝓁𝑜 . She continued along, becoming lost to her song, to herself...*~
23 dec 2020
WishfulWednesday thoughts for a very merry Christmas eve eve night...
Blessed yule to all
May all find peace this year
#happyPiano |ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
~*she glides across the open living room towards the outer room where their piano sat lonely before the tall windows. The embroidered curtains pulled back to allow the sunlight to filter in to warm up the room cast slight shadows from the sides of their frames. She smiles to herself as she approaches the beautifully ornately carved wooden organ of music and slides her index finger lightly along its ivories, barely touching her keys. The coolness of the keys sending a tiny tingling shiver along her veins as she moved her finger slowly along.
Their cozy little cottage of this quaint village in ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ was silent this time of the day now that their twins were down for their nap. She had time to herself at this hour. With a mischievous little smirk, she slid her body upon the bench before the piano and adjusted herself properly in the seat. She fixed the Moon Dragon silk scarf her beloved @0riginalGillies gifted to her this Christmas back over her bare shoulders and wrapped its length more around her arms then gently placed her palms upon the keys now waiting before her. The scarfs silky fabric smooth and cool against her skin as it moved back into place.
She breathed in deep the silent solitude of the moment; of their home, then closed her eyes. Pausing briefly, she slowly moved her fingers onto the keys, making them begin to press on their chords for the sound to resonate around her. With a happy sigh, she began to play.
Her eyes still closed, she slowly moved her hands along to her keys, caressing the keys just as in the not so distant past. She swayed in the slightest as she continued on.
Happy piano, thought to her mind, then a very happy piano thought making her smile. The memory of her beloved's smile looking back at her made her smile even more. She continued in her keystrokes now softly humming along. She bagan to play their favorites, singing softly to each one. She could almost feel his touch upon her own hands as she caressed their piano keys as she swayed more upon the bench. The dragon scarf shifting in its place and sliding down off from her bare shoulders once again as she paid it no mind in her song. It stopped finally as it caught upon the corner of her elbows, she leaned in toward she piano and smiled as she sung softly still...
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