Winter Ball
Christmas 25th December 2019
snapshot this screen for your admission in to the Winter Ball.
Then hop any old groves tree portal to the Island of Realms to the Faye Castle.
Raven Guards will be on stand by to guide one through portals and up to the grand gardens for entry to the Grand Ballroom. Come and enjoy an elegant evening of holiday celebrations.
Use #GSWinter for all tweets to this event
snapshot this screen for your admission in to the Winter Ball.
Then hop any old groves tree portal to the Island of Realms to the Faye Castle.
Raven Guards will be on stand by to guide one through portals and up to the grand gardens for entry to the Grand Ballroom. Come and enjoy an elegant evening of holiday celebrations.
Use #GSWinter for all tweets to this event

~Your Ticket~
Winter Ball
Christmas 25th December 2019
snapshot this screen for your admission in to the Winter Ball.
Then hop any old groves tree portal to the Island of Realms to the Faye Castle.
Raven Guards will be on stand by to guide one through portals and up to the grand gardens for entry to the Grand Ballroom. Come and enjoy an elegant evening of holiday celebrations.
Gift giving is optional
Use #GSWinter for all tweets to this event
Need help finding a gown or a tux for the evening?
Fear not, the Queens, Ember and Sky
have a guest chambers with endless closets for just that! just follow the link, take a step into the doors and shop away!

~Your Ticket~
Winter Ball
Christmas 25th December 2019
snapshot this screen for your admission in to the Winter Ball.
Then hop any old groves tree portal to the Island of Realms to the Faye Castle.
Raven Guards will be on stand by to guide one through portals and up to the grand gardens for entry to the Grand Ballroom. Come and enjoy an elegant evening of holiday celebrations.
Gift giving is optional
Use #GSWinter for all tweets to this event
Need help finding a gown or a tux for the evening?
Fear not, the Queens, Ember and Sky
have a guest chambers with endless closets for just that! just follow the link, take a step into the doors and shop away!
~prelude for the winter ball to be held on the date of 25 December of the year 2019~
*as she bustles about to make sure all was in place for the twins birthday at the beginning of the month, she was secretly relieved that miss Ember had returned from her long trip away to help get the Winter Ball up and running. December was a much busier month than she had first realized and it always seemed to creep up on one a lot faster when they were like that. She thought back to how grand the castle always looked this time of the year. all dressed up in its finest holiday decorations galore. even the not so used stair cases got that extra attention this time of year. she smiled as she thought of that on her way to gather up some things for herself to use. she would let Ember do the bulk, but she wanted to fix up her and her beloved's chambers as well as the twins nursery.
she also stuck a couple of items to come back to Manosque in case they wanted a quiet week away from the bustle here at the castle. she stepped into the storage area and nearly tripped over strings of lights. and more lights, and more... She giggled at herself as she rolled her eyes* what in the world? how did you climb out of your boxes since last year? *she asked the lights even though she knew very well there would be no response from them.

*she pulled herself up from her fall and smoothed out her skirts, pulling the lights strings as she went. she glanced around searching for what she wanted to snag up first. she giggled as she finally came across her favorite item. the kissing ball. it was like the small mistletoe hung in doorways, only these were much larger and more fun for guests to try and avoid. or, try to hide near, if they so wished. she giggled more as she pulled out the box and dragged it across the floor to the hallway.* i will grab these for our chambers, these for the cottage, and these Em can use for the ball. *she sorted them out to her piles as a busy servant bustled by, pausing to bow low and see if she needed anything. smiling, she nodded* please, these i wish up to my chambers. and these, *she gestures* to set aside for the cottage, if you would be so kind? thank you *she turned back to climb more through the storage area. pulling out more items as the afternoon rolled on...*

~ the cook had the kitchen staff pulling out all the silverware and place settings to be polished, cleaned and inspected by Miss Ember for her approval of what to use this year. as well as all of the center pieces and assorted other decorations about the tables, gardens and main ballrooms. she would look over the menu plan with the head cook later on in the days to come...

22 dec 2019
*Sky smirked to herself as she rushed off from their cottage in Manosque via the new portal she created for them to use back to the castle on the island and grab up the holiday decorations she had set aside for them to use back in their cottage. Enlisting a few helpers in her task, she had selected her items to go back home and hurried off to check how everything was for the winter ball that was to occur in just a few days.
She peeks j on the head cook to be sure she had all in place for the food, or if she needed a hand in any last minute preparations. Well, that and she wanted to have some special treats to be sent on home to enjoy later on. She smirks to herself as she peeks in on all the goodies laid out and ready.* Oh how lovely do these all look! *she smiled happily at the sight*
{My queen! *the head cook bows low and then slides a picnic basket over her way* I believe this is what my misses will be looking for? *she gives Sky a motherly wink*}
*smirking playfully back as she giggles* oh you know my all too well, this time of the year! Blessings and thank you. *she gives a nod and a bow back*
{Well, you have snuck down here for such treats as inside at the beginning of Yule for years now... just because you spend most of your days in the cottage, does not mean you would not be wishing to now share in these treats, miss *she gives another wink and then turns to prepare more things*}
*she lets out a hearty laugh* very true. Very true. *she bows slightly* mi Rey thanks you as well as the twins. Blessed Yule. *she turns to head out with the basket of goodies to head on back to Manosque.*
I shall check in with Ember shortly on the ball preparations.
*she says to herself as she scurries back home.
Once home, she sets the basket in their kitchen table and then heads to their living room. Pleased the tree was set up and ready for her to begin to decorate, she smiles and looks at the boxes she had sent over to go through. She begins to pick out small trinkets and the garlands. Hearing the helpers were still here and helping in another room. Voices discussing on how to drape Garland along the bannister she smiles and busies herself as she hums a small carol...*
I will leave the tree for last. Maybe Elijah will like to help hang a few on with me...*she hums along and lays out ornaments on their nook in the corner and then hangs the stockings over the mantel.*

{Secret santas}
3 dec 2019
Happy Holidays ππ

~~ https://twitter.com/secretsantasrp/status/1201957043785142273?s=19
My Dear @DemonWith_ASoul ππ
Hello sweetheart. Happy holidays. A very dear someone has sent you a special present. Have a joyful dayπ π»
~~ https://twitter.com/secretsantasrp/status/1203180631297052672?s=19
—— Dear @skyessong
“Thank you for your support this past year. Blessings for another year my friend”
Happy Holidays! πππ π»☃️
—— Dear @JackKline22,
Your Secret Santa has a gift for you!
“dearest little man, you have been a joy to write with when you are on. i do hope you find time to be around the bunker more often!“
Happy Holidays! π π»π☃️π⛄️ https://t.co/SHNsiD39zk
~~~ https://twitter.com/secretsantasrp/status/1204233849464655872?s=19
—— HO HO HO! @RighteousOne_
Here’s a give from your Secret Santa!
“Many thanks in your friendship this past year along with all the prank war shenanigans around the bunker. Go team squirrel”
Happy holidays! π☃️ππ π»⛄️ https://t.co/jaup6VGwjw
—— Dear @_DamnedOne,

“Thank you for your support this year, my dear moose!
Here is to another year of shenanigans and good lore books!“
Happy Holidays! π π»π☃️π⛄️ https://t.co/a4hjlEeg9f
Slightly confused.
As is evident by the l o o k he
Casts around to find none in the
Tapping the card against the palm
Of his hand-
Alright... whoever left this, Im
Really greatful, but...should you
Have delivered it in person,you'd
Have received a hug...
—— Dear @NoviceHuntress,
Your Secret Santa has a gift for you!
“A wonderful time writing with you. Thank you for sharing your time with me.”
Happy Holidays!! ππ π»☃️π⛄️ https://t.co/dGteGCXZvA
—— Dear @ChuckSurley,
Here’s a gift from your Secret Santa!
“Thank you does not say enough for the support you have given me these past two years. Blessing dear one- your silver lining”
Happy Holidays! ππ π»☃️π⛄️ https://t.co/g9DLvyfLn7
Thank you so much for this, and for always being my silver lining. Hugs and kisses!πππππ

—— Dear @0riginalGillies,
Here’s a gift from your Secret Santa!
“Your shared love of characters, stories and songs/ you challenge me to write better/ more. I love that and cherish each moment we share. You have words that are always beautiful and moving;
@0riginalGillies do not ever doubt that they are otherwise so ♡”
Happy Holidays!! π π»☃️ππ⛄️ https://t.co/6HnX4Vn9sv
—— Dear @VengenceofHell,
Secret Santa has something for you!
“Thank you for this year !”
Happy Holidays! ππ π»π☃️⛄️ https://t.co/V1c6dBxkZG
—— Dear @DaringlyDefiant,
Here’s something from your Secret Santa!
“It has been a pleasure to read your work this year.“
Happy Holidays! ☃️ππ π»π⛄️ https://t.co/iCVdPnYzVB
To @angelwhoheals
Thank you, my dearest friend for being by my side through everything.♡ blessings
She is honoured by such an unexpected gift, fingers tracing the pendant.
"Thank you Sky."
*smiles and whispers* blessed yule and merry Christmas, my dear friend.
To @bloodyvenator
Time has not given us a chance to better introduce, so an overdue welcome to the family! We are thankful you have joined us. Blessings https://t.co/EyTzdncGzu
You're a radiantly awesome hostess and I'm an awful absent minded guest. I won't be a stranger anymore. My promise.
*a slight bow with a soft smile* not a worry, my dear. When time allows, things settle. I do hope time will allow before too long. The bunker is plenty large enough and has many new faces to delight in.
To @VindictiveBela
Welcome to our family!
We have not had chance to spend time together, but I hope the new year will lend us an opportunity for it. Blessings https://t.co/xz5CjAEuIf
To @KingOfLilliputt
Even though you have not been in for a while. Still, a welcome to the family this year. I do hope to spend time in the coming year to chat soon. Blessings https://t.co/6LEx0RTBdB
To @DamagedOne_
Blessings. I hope you have a wonderful holiday season♡ https://t.co/BJfI9ZhFnZ
-She quickly hugs her tightly.-
*smiles, returning the hug* you're very welcome, my dear
This is the first Christmas present I have had since graduating from college. Of course being in college was the first time I had ever recieved a Christmas gift.
Well, then extra special, and enjoy it!
To @BattlingMyDemon
Welcome to the family "dad" ! :) hope to have a chance to spend time this upcoming year. Happy holidays. https://t.co/czZpYsTVYM
22 dec 2019~
*she hums softly to herself as she grabs a box of Christmas decorations. Once again it was her favorite time of year, and that joyful feeling was running through her veins and keeping a smile on her face. She adorns the tree with tinsel and ornaments, twirling every now and
then to the music coming from her headphones.
Once finished with the tree she stands back and looks at it, her nose crinkled slightly in thought. After a moment she gives a slight nod, it had passed her inspection.
She sits criss-cross on the floor, and is greeted by a wet
nose poking her hand playfully. She laughs, pulling the wriggling bundle of fur into her lap*
Hey Daph. Want to help?
*The pup barks excitedly as she sets to work wrapping presents for everyone. It takes an hour or so, and when she's finally done she leans back, puffing a
strand of hair out of her face. She continues to hum to the music as she places the presents under the tree, her face aglow with excitement.*
Now for the treats!
*She gets to work in the kitchen, rolling up her sleeves and pulling her hair into a loose bun. Delicious smells soon fill the room, the scent of cinnamon, vanilla and warm chocolate chip cookies. She gently sprinkles powdered sugar over the top of the gingerbread house, and anyone watching would have noticed the little layer of white powder that dusted her nose and cheeks.
Once finished she sits on the counter, her cheeks slightly flushed from the warmth that had filled the kitchen. She was happy, warm and quite content. She sips hot chocolate and looks around, admiring the change that had occurred over the past few hours. And yet there was still
plenty left she had to work on.*
It's Christmas morning and under the tree in the bunker are piles of gifts for the growing family living there. The smell of warm vanilla and gingerbread drifts through the rooms, mingled with the scent of coffee. Breakfast is being made as she waits for everyone to wake up. https://t.co/mN19RqX6uG

She also left some goodies on the counter for them all, to have whenever they wanted. https://t.co/nbcTREWJGv

For @SkyBoivin and her husband @0riginalGillies ~ A couples mug that has a word they use quite often towards each other. π©❤️π¨ https://t.co/FkBpXlkVrq

This is simply lovely
Many thanks, dear wolf♡
And for the twins, @CallumSolveig1 and @SamiMikaelson1 she got them plenty of candy which would surely hype them up, but of course she could play with them after.... π¬π« https://t.co/NUh8FQNxR1

~*laughs* the aunt way, load them up and set them loose?
They will certainly enjoy it all, thank you em

For her closest friend @skyessong she had gotten two small boxes with an assortment of things, because the more the merrier, right? ❤️π https://t.co/O3XczE6A4H

For @RighteousOne_ ~ She knew of his love for Batman and pie, and kept it in her mind as she went shopping. ❤️π₯§ https://t.co/KyK3732tm4

For @DamagedOne_ ~ She wasn't quite sure what to get their friend, but she knows that Alex works hard and deserves a rest. ✅π΄ https://t.co/BZnB2saDby

For @JackKline22 she knows he loves nougat, and figured that he could eat some while watching a movie and relaxing. π₯ https://t.co/jcEY9oWm3l

Aw, thank you Em. Though I don't know if I'm an awesome dad, but I love the mug!❤π
You're welcome, and Merry Christmas! I think you're a great dad! ❤️ππ
For @VengenceofHell ~ She had gotten blankets, because her friend loved to snuggle as much as she did. She also got her chocolate because who doesn’t love chocolate? π«π«
https://twitter.com/VengenceofHell/status/1209902404340256768?s=19 ....
*She likes the gift but now has a lot of tracks to cover.#AbbyisSoftSatan
https://twitter.com/RighteousOne_/status/1209925502632259584?s=19My heart and the moon for my beloved Wolf. And of course, coffee.
Merry Christmas, Ember. https://t.co/MIaPERoaA8
Thank you, that’s so sweet ❤️ Merry Christmas Dean. https://t.co/KTUZ5UxEq0
She hurries along to be sure all is set and ready to go for the festivities in the evening for the winter ball. The rest of the castle was already decorated and dressed well before tonight and she wanted to make sure @DemonWith_ASoul needed any extra help on things...*she sets up the music to fill the ballrooms, the gardens and the halls of the castle for a festive feeling in the air as she goes to help with anything needing to be done before she scurries back to Manosque to ready for the ball.
[ https://t.co/pqSTOfSXaJ ]
*She begins to happily sing along as she heads over to the smaller ballroom first, a display of the finest collection of hand crafted gingerbread houses on display from various folks of the village showcased in this room for the week, before the judges come in to vote on the best one for the year. she strolls slowly by, fascinated over the craftsmanship put into them all.* It amazes me every year how they look so real, yet they are only food!
*she smiles at the transformation of the room that has occurred and heads off to the gardens next. Well, at least the main gardens. She left a small surprise of soft light decorations for the twins garden and their own off their chambers. But she also had last minute added some small treats in Manosque gardens as well. The critters deserved to have a treat as well...
She added some beautiful lights to represent the fireflies that always danced about in the summer months, as well as added some spell work to make it slightly warmer out here in case anyone wished a quiet stroll later in th evening...

She peeks in and sees how beautifully decorated ember has organized the main ballroom and smiles, turning to head off to dress and ready for the ball later in the evening...
After her afternoon back in their cottage in Manosque, she readies with a bath and then slips into her robe to head off to their bedroom. The gown her beloved esposo Elijah picked for her waiting for her to slip over her slender body.
A beautiful gown of ice white bleeding down to her feet into a beautiful shade of blue, she pairs with an ethereal Belle Epoque floral and foliate motif diamond necklace, her beloved Elijah gifted to her for Christmas. It all matched beautifully together. Once smoothing out her gown before their full length mirror, she turns to sit before the vanity to begin brushing out her hair.
She is excited to see the others enjoy themselves, but mostly to enjoy a magical evening dancing in the arms of her corazΓ³n,

*She sets up decorations for the winter ball, the soft sound of Christmas music playing in the background. Her hair is tied up in a bun with a few loose strands falling out and upon olling up her sleeves she gets to work. Hours pass as the room is slowly + https://t.co/T4QFhNTJ8O
transformed into a winter wonderland. She steps back to take a look at her work, a proud smile brightening her face as her gaze travels around the room. She thinks for a moment, a finger to her lips. The next thing needed to be done was setting up the food. She travels back and + https://t.co/8mB9NtCovy
forth between the kitchen and the ballroom, her hands full of food. She bites her lower lip as she arranges the platters, making sure the buffet is perfect and that there are enough options for everyone. She knows that Sky had made plenty of food as well, so she didn't focus on + https://t.co/myKcrZdXiN
the dinner and sweets too much. Once she was finished she sighs softly, stretching as she takes one more look around the room. Everything seems to be ready for the ball, now all she needs to do is get dressed and wait for the others to be finished as well. With an exhausted yet + https://t.co/ObRSP92b8R
satisfied grin she heads to her room to prepare for the evening.
~@GrayscaleGods winter ball. #fb. ~
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