#BeautifulParasols - Japan:{after GoldAndBlue - Venice}ೇ
26 Sept 2018
~ after {#GoldAndBlue - Venice}: BeautifulParasols
{rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1177027371330916352?s=20
~*giggles* all the parasols....
4 October 2019
ೇ after {GoldAndBlue - Venice}: #BeautifulParasols - Japan
{rt 3 oct 2018
to return home from his business affairs. She plays her hands slowly along the flowers that are beginning to change into the coming autumn.
She blushes at how her thoughts were getting ahead of itself and sat on the swing once she came to the far corner of the garden, hidden behind the roses. She slips upon the seat of the swing and slowly allows it to sway back and forth along the breeze.* *after some time, she hops off the swing, the sun setting lower at this hour. She heads back towards their cottage, strolling slowly along. She stops to play with the remaining blossoms on some bushes, taking in the sweet fragrance that still came from them. She closed her Eyes to the sweet nectar of their scent, before turning to be on her way. She pauses among some flower beds, and lays back to enjoy the remaining warmth of the setting sun...
14 jan 2020
ೇ after {GoldAndBlue - Venice}: #BeautifulParasols - Japan (January 20th, 2020)
{ rt https://twitter.com/11hr11min/status/1157321332134219777?s=19
Japan Views https://t.co/gCWalXoOZx
#BeatifulParasols ೇ
Splendor, wonder, magic...
Awaits as cherry blossoms bloom and float around us
And parasols twirl to the sounds of mystical charms of the falls... https://t.co/kdhUzIEYfa
31 match 2020
{GoldAndBlue - Venice}: #BeautifulParasols - Japan
~ 'Everyday's a honeymoon' & The End of March
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
{ rt https://twitter.com/EIegantJapan/status/1245065871560671233?s=19
Glowing Cherry Blossoms https://t.co/fyrmK9vnyq
~ ೇ #BeautifulParasols to be played with before too long
dancing among cherry blossoms that float around us
fans¶sols as we make more beautiful music of our own

31 dec 2021
#tbt ೇ·BeautifulParasols 🇯🇵
{Rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1228450114152337414?s=19
~how he always seemed to know what she needed when she needed it. Almost as though he was an extension of her own subconscious. Was he even real? She wondered when she was younger.
Maybe Japan will hold answers that she seeked. Maybe the teacher knew they will find answers +}
Very beautiful parasols... https://t.co/Ry55AJMtno
planned postings~
{ideas... possible}
Moon gate garden
Floor plan of the main living quarters of the estate
our first week in the gloriously exquisite country called Japan, we settle in quietly with just ourselves. treating our taste buds with delicacies of fresh figs and grapes and aroma rich wines; paired with cheeses and meats of endless varieties. the house keeper setting some pretty fans and masques for us to play around with as we come across them lovingly placed upon the coffee table in a room. what a charming and magical stay this trip will be for us...
i tried out a new dress found in a lovely little shoppe in the village earlier in the week, beautiful black lace gown of floor length. pairing it with a lovely head piece and pulling my hair up tight into a bun, just as the shop keeper shown me how to do; i picked up the black laced fan laying on the side table and strolled into the room where a grand piano lived. running my finger slowly along the ivories as a walked past it, i flipped open the fan and began to twirl around the room, humming to myself as i danced and then giggling as I try to distract and lure mi rey in the other room working on some last minute business to come out and play...
sweet honeysuckle kisses mixed with soft babbles of the waterfalls outside of their beautiful estate she had picked out months before. they enjoyed a beautiful sunrise as she wrapped herself in a shawl that filtered the sun through the fabric as she then snuggled into her beloved's arms. then as the evening later fell to bring night once again, she pulls out a new parasol to play with; twirling it around seductively as the fading light brightly shown at that hour to shine behind the parasol as she twirled it in seamless circles, casting a fiery red-orange hue upon her and the room before them both. she smirks playfully as she glances over to her beloved from across their room...
{other edit}
{ rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1205453478920896512?s=19 }
-The Shinto is the cultural religion of the glorious country of Japan. they focus on kami {gods or spirits} of supernatural entities believed to inhabit all things. they worship at kamidana known as household shrines/ family shrines. sometimes offerings such as amulets are left at these places.
~she wonders as she looks over the shrine left for them at their estate for their stay here, thinking on these ideas she recently read about in one of the ancient books she requested to be left for them, among other books of lore and culture. she sits silently in the middle of the room to meditate and contemplate more of these ideals. could there be an answer here among this old land to help them with this Hollow? she closes her eyes to breath in slowly as she ponders, allowing her mind to open to the room and anything that may want to answer her silent thoughts...
in her silent meditations, she remembers back upon a dream she had not so long ago and a goblet given to her for their use. could her teacher have known she would find a connection to such a thing here? she searches through her mind, thoughts rolling around quickly as she tries harder to slow them down; the silence of the room almost deafening. she slows her breathing until she is holding it in; daring to search now with her ears. past the waterfalls in the near distance, she faintly hears a song whispering beyond. she moves with her mind towards it; seeming to astral project herself from where she sat. travelling to behind the very falls themselves making new discoveries of the land around them. this place reminds her of the same falls back at the island and how they had a tunnel there which led her to the catacombs beneath the very castle itself.
she turns her body slowly around where she was now standing to get a full look. it was amazing to look at, the splendor of this particular cavern and tunnel seemed to have not been touch in centuries, yet it looked well kept up with. she noticed faint lights flickering down a tunnel and possibly stairs as well. she makes her way to only find herself opening her eyes and sitting back in the kamidana once again. she makes a face, "fine, i shall just go myself..." she smoothed out her skirt as she knelt there speaking out loud, making a huffing sound as she did... ~
the rituals of japan~
rituals include the kagura ritual dances, age specific celebrations, and seasonal festivals. These festivals and rituals are collectively called matsuri. A major conceptual focus in Shinto is ensuring purity by cleansing practices of various types including ritual washing or bathing, and only focus for ritual purity. she wanders through the kamidana with a grimiore she came across in the piles of books left for them and kneels before the ritual area. she opens the book to read in the blessed silence of the room. the wind silent as it blows at her long blonde tresses.
blessed evenings on a quiet night to be shared with one held so dear...


*she spends the day trying on gowns sent in to their estate. Various styles of kimonos of many styles and beautiful designs. She wraps her arms around herself as she first feels the beautiful silk against her bare skin. She steps before the mirror and smooths the palms of her hands along the front of the fabric as she looks at her reflection in it. She smiles as she whispers* mi beloved esposo will love to see these on me. *she pairs a red and creme colored one with a beautiful floral and gold hair pin for the evening meal they will share later that evening.
She sets them aside over the chair behind the changing screen and then slips into another one.
She smirks playfully when she sees a cute teal- blue colored one in a short design. She giggles as she thinks on what Elijah might say upon seeing his encanto in such a short design. Slipping out of this one and folding it carefully to place it in the trunk they took with them for her to send some back home with them. She then turns to look at the other ones. Her private dressing room and her private shopping time.* Such beautiful designs they sent in! It is almost as though they just knew what ones to send in to me.* she smirks and giggles over them all. Black with purple, covered in beautiful flowers. And then an all creme accented in pink cherry blossoms, to an all purple- mauve shaded one with wine accents.
Another day, she wakens to a delivery of small jewelry chests of various hair pieces to match up with the kimonos and other gowns she picked out the other day. She picks up on chest and sits upon their bed, still in her bathrobe.
She hums softly to herself as she happily goes through the beautiful pieces.
She pulls out a beautiful glass blown lotus flower hair pin of teal and soft pink. She thinks on how it will go nicely with the short teal- blue one she set aside. She places it gently down on the bedspread beside her and picks up one of a cluster of cherry blossoms.* how lovely...* she smiles as she twirls it slowly in her fingers, watching it sparkle in the soft morning light coming through the window
Setting that down finally, she continues to go through them and finds a glass purple one of an opened blossom.* such elegant workings...*she whispers as she looks at them all, wondering on other styles of flowers they might have in these chests.*
other edits~

Look into:
Saiho-ji -
one of the temples the archangel herself finds herself ~(raphael)
- the Koganji, where it a feather of her’s within the fountain that gives the waters their healing powers.
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