Winter holiday in Manosque
20 dECEMBER 2020~
20 dec 2020
LazySunday morning blessings, mí corazón @0riginalGillies
Let us stay in bed then later we may add to the decorations of our cozy little cottage of our home
ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ೇ
♡Mí corazón, mí casa
A touch, a word
A mere caress of the hair
a stroke to the skin
Whispers within the night
It is all simply to show
One is there
In arms as moonlight
washes over them
just simple thoughts
simple gestures
simply love.
~ tell them you followed the pomegranates 𝓢eeds because they ta𝓢ted like blood, like love. -PA/Tcdˑ℣
Tonight to celebrate the night before yule
Figs&pomegranate treats paired with sangria
Firefly like lights to light the way
~'You kissed my neck
Cracked open my soul
&breathed poetry to life
In places lain dormant for centuries'-MS
|ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ೇ
yuletide in beloved ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
*she sat upon the chair and lifted a pen between her long slender fingers, wrapping snugly around the pen as she thought a pause and then began to scribble away in their scrapbook of memories.*
-The season of Yule known as the winter solstice, is the celebration of the longest night of the year. Opposite of the summer season where we celebrate the longest day of the year. This is where we welcome the change of the days becoming longer and our nights begin to grow shorter.
A celebration of the rebirth of the sun/ the return of the sun/ thus we do things to honor its return.
Children gift apples and oranges to represent the sun by making orange pomanders to be placed in the tree/ often decorated with cloves to add a nice scent.
Symbolic of immortality, we bring inside the evergreen as trees and boughs/ symbolizing life. We decorate with multiple items including foods/ tarot cards/stones/ herbs/ sachets/ crafts made by nature/ and many more of the like.
With the sun, comes light; So we have fires and candles/ sometimes writing wishes upon papers and tossing them in/ for hopes of being blessed that they will be granted to us.
Veils are thinned once again. Fayes of various names become active or restless; unable to sleep in the wee hours of the nights. They cannot explain why or how it is so/ Those in tuned to the faire folk/ become restless in their ways of slumber/ clumsily going about their ways even at times.-
~must be why this little faye has been a wee bit insomniac these fairing days... *she scribbles down her collected thoughts aside in a journal. The keepsake of memories for their little family to share and keep as they grow throughout the years. She then gathers up the stacks of papers to write up and send out orders for the castle to be ready further in preparations of the holiday gathering. Not necessarily a ball this year, just to have the ballrooms and gardens decorated accordingly. Then add the banquet tables so that all who need a place to come and rest and feast these days to come may do so. They may use the time and place to exchange gifts towards one another or leave some as a secret Santa, should they choose to do just that. She seals these orders with wax and clicks to her raven waiting. He clicks his beak in return, hopping forth to receive this correspondence and off he went out the opened window, back to the island of realms and the castle de le faye.
Next was the one to have the items she set aside delivered swiftly to their NOLA home, should they stop by there in the coming weeks or months. She wanted to have the holidays still with them, if they ventured off on their way. Sealing with wax as the one before, a new raven approached then out the window as once before.
She set the pen down and looked about the room, smiling to herself as she did, the few decorations she had previously did. With a happy little sigh, she welcomed the feeling that washed over her.
Home, this was one of their homes, and she hoped this stay might be what her beloved needed these days. Time away from the bustle of his business. Perhaps they might prepare a meal later together, then spend time adding to some of these decorations. She leaned back as she smiled, her eyes twinkling back as though they reflected the lights off one of their many trees.
Sultrysunday thoughts this beautiful evening as the quiet mist rolls in
Saturn and Jupiter are lovers
༄ Ӎanosque || v: TO/S5ᴬᵁ ~ #WinterSolstice
[cᵃᵖᵗᵃᶤᶰcᵒᶰᵈᵉˢᶜᵉᶰˢᶤᵒᶰ 𝓢olo, first posted on the 355th day of the year 2015 in the Gregorian calendar -Dec 21st, 2015]
NeMeQuittePas ℣ˑ│𝓝𝓸𝔀 & ℱ𝓸𝓻𝒆𝓿𝒆𝓻 ೇ
cᵃᵖᵗᵃᶤᶰcᵒᶰᵈᵉˢᶜᵉᶰˢᶤᵒᶰ Solo: First posted on the 355th day of the year 2015 in the Gregorian calendar - Dec 21st, 2015. Adapted: 2017. ℰӍ]
~ Until We've Forgiven Someone's Darkness, We Don't Really Know What Love Is - MW
MANOSQUE / Е̃lijahᴹˑ ♮ ᵃᴹᶰᵉˢᶤᵃ ♮ ⌜ᴬᵁ'ᴴᵘᵐᵃᶰ'ᴿᴰ || v: TO / S5ᴬᵁ⌟ #Antoinette
~ 𝓝𝓸𝔀 & ℱ𝓸𝓻𝒆𝓿𝒆𝓻
What is this life? A frenzy, an illusion,
A shadow, a delirium, a fiction.
The greatest good's but little, and this life
Is but a dream, and dreams are only dreams. "
-The winter solstice has been, since time immemorial, one of the most significant dates of the year. Curiously, in all cases, the festival was a celebration of the triumph of light over darkness and even emperors before Constantine also commemorated on the solstice the feast of Dies Natalis Solis Invicti, the birth of the Undefeated Sun, as part of the cults initiatory Mithras.
And it is that during the magical night of Yalda, Shab-e-Chele-, on December 21, the Persians protected a lit fire in order to attract the benevolent powers of Mitra, called 'Light of the Universe' and mediator between the sky and the earth, to achieve immortality and salvation on the day of final judgment.
In this holiday there is a certain exaltation of life, at its most abysmal point, which recalls a famous quote from Albert Camus: "In the middle of winter I found in myself an invincible summer."
I smiled. The choice of the date of marriage to Antoinette, to be celebrated on this night, the longest of the year, represented in a certain way an incursion into the depths alien to human nature, to find there the inextinguishable light of the spirit: life itself that it moves through the abysses to renew itself.
I went to the window of the room for a moment and observed the landscape, without anything attracting my attention in a particular way, until a bright note caught my eye, amid the whiteness of the snow. They were miraculous red roses that seemed to sprout out of nowhere between cold and winter, amid the frost.
The flowers gave a little life to the place, wrapped in the white blanket that covered the floor.
"Beautiful, frozen and diffuse", I described the landscape in my mind, while I observed with greater attention the 'Christmas miracle', helped by the light of the moon that at that moment illuminated the petals of the roses with a silver tone. The frost covered the earth and reflected the lunar rays, making the night clearer, albeit for brief moments, and the metaphor for such splendor reminded me of the first encounters with Antoinette, after meeting her for the first time at the Chez-Marceline .
Even without memories of my past, I sensed that a basic rule of survival was to learn to be sensitive to the essence that is an intrinsic part of the people with whom we coincide in our journey. And what Antoinette had transmitted to me in those early days, together with her, was the feeling that she was not unaware of the dark side that many fear: the shadows that are impossible to accept in oneself, but that skillfully attract someone else into our lives. This makes us more dangerous, or more vulnerable.
My reflections ceased, and then I closed the window.
I walked across the room again, knotting my silk tie until I was in front of the mirror. When I repeated this movement for the third time and did not achieve the desired result, I gave up. I sighed and turned around, this time heading towards the closet on one side of the bedroom, in which a tuxedo was hanging, along with the respective bow tie. I'd change the coat, of course.
It is true that the civil question and the formalities were not the center of my thoughts at the present moment. In addition to the natural preoccupation with pinning down the details of the ceremony, in recent days she had been having strange dreams.
It was just as if the events, which occurred during my lost past and which I no longer longed for or sought, did not allow me to be at peace: waiting, thinking, fearing ...
Involuntarily I remembered the words that a woman, who called herself “Esther” in my dreams, had uttered when offering me what she called “a new life”: “To be happy again. Start". Can life become an hourglass? Turn around at will, and start over?
Then and for a moment, the thought played a second trick on me by reminding me of another dream, in which a woman tried to run away from a sorceress, to protect her daughter. And shreds of unfinished conversations were also present: "I don't want all the pain that accompanies that last name" ...
“I have to explain 'to Hope' about this family, one day. It would start with ... forever and ever. " I pushed away such musings, just as in the dream I had turned my gaze away from the woman's pale eyes, before changing the conversation that took place on both balconies.
The family is not explained, nor is it questioned.
'Denying temporal succession, denying the self, are apparent despairs and secret consolations.' I was able to smile for a moment then, knowing that a new opportunity to regain my life would be realized shortly. I finished changing the jacket for the tuxedo, finally adjusting the bow tie; I looked at the watch on my wrist, and adjusted the silver cufflinks.
In the present, the only time I wanted to consider, I longed to entwine Antoinette's fingers between mine. Call her my wife, and my reverent need; start a life story and passages that will claim and relate challenging happiness.
Time is the substance of which the immortals are made, and their promises; their hates, their loves. Nobody would change today anymore.
Then I opened the door of the room and went out to meet the royal repository of forgotten adjectives: immortal and beautiful, mysterious and joyful; fragile and strong; sweet and naughty. Owner of the aspiration to be immortal, on condition of never trying to remember the past.-
#NeMeQuittePas, Antoinette.
⌜ ⌟
∫ CarЕ̃ssingPianoKЕ̃ys. Playing songs that hЕ̃lp rЕ̃call #LongLostMemories. ∫
21 dec 2020
~ I'll always love you and make you ℋappy
╱ 'You are my 𝓢unshine, my only 𝓢unshine.' Е̃.
Mí corazón, you always find a way to calm my senses
Bring my smiles (perhaps blushes as well)
You are a sweet melody to soul
Which I treasure every day
Gracias for being here with me this day
~mí luna, mí corazón, mí casa
Being in your arms, is always my happy place
Te amo
back in cozy ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
~*Slipping through their private portal she had made as a birthday gift to her beloved Elijah, they gathered their girls and settled back in to their cozy little cottage in ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ. The last few days were getting settled back in, just in time for Christmas, just days away. Having sent about orders to go about certain tasks back at the castle and the island while they would be away, she breathed deeply the fragrance of their beloved home.
A small smile crossing her lips as the familiar smells greeted her nose. The welcomed creeks of certain floorboards as she stepped along in bare feet across their chambers, she strolled slowly along, wrapping her long flowing robe snugly around her as she went this early morning hour.
Many of the decorations she snuck over and set up prior to be prepared in case they decided to come back to their first of their homes welcomed her as she made her way through their cottage. She was glad she thought to bring these over. Perhaps they could work more on the remaining decorations through the rest of their property.
She ran her palms slowly along the fine antique wooden furnishings along her way, humming softly to herself in her steps until she found herself in the piano area of their home. The sunlight slowly filtered through the tall windows, casting a soft glow upon their piano, sitting all alone in the middle of the room. Dust floated silently through the sunlight as she walked closer into the room.
Reaching their piano, she rested her hand upon the rich wood of its outer shell. A pleased smile crossing her lips as memories flooded her mind. That wonderful smile of her beloved's looking back at her as he played such beautiful notes that first blessed evening. His fingers gliding effortlessly as he caressed the ivories so lovingly.
She giggled next over how they shared nights beside each other on the stool, playing together. She ran her finger slowly along the ivories now as she continued in her steps. The soft notes greeting her ears.
She smiled to the sound, thinking of when they might sit here before their piano and play it together again...
She trailed her finger, lingering a moment longer before she left it behind her to head off to their kitchen.
She gathered their serving tray and set it upon the island in the middle of their kitchen, then began to prepare a small breakfast meal along with coffee to hurry up to the study of her beloved husband so that it was ready and waiting, should he decide he needed time in their for his business affairs this day. She hurried about in her new task, adding a few plates full of fruits from their fields, and bacon and sausages from the village butcher. Paired with fresh eggs to his liking and more, she quickly lifted the tray and brought it over to his study.
She set it upon the table in the room and made her way to the windows. She gathered the curtains between her hands and pulled them open is one swoosh. The sunlight greeting her in a sudden rush of warmth, she smiled brightly then took off to check on the rest of their cottage.
She had rooms she had orders done while away and had to make sure all was how she requested...
After she was done in this new task of hers, checking rooms, gardens and more, singing softly to herself along her way, perhaps a twirl on her toes here and there as well... the day passed by quickly before too long.
She found herself back in their piano room, the afternoon sun slowly turning to early evening. Soon, the great conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter will grace their view in the night sky. She grew excited at the thought to share in a splendor with her beloved @0riginalGillies. For now, she shall indulge in a little play this MischiefMonday day...
With a tiny little smirk, she eyed the lonely corner of the room, spying the violin sitting idly by. Strolling along with a skip in her step still, she wrapped her long slender fingers snugly around its neck, slipping her palm under it to cradle it carefully as she guided it up to rest under her chin. Snugly settled in place, she then gathered the bow and laid it across the strings. She closed her eyes as she tilted her head and brought her arm over, making the bow across the strings glide. The notes began to flow from the wooden instrument as she breathed slowly to her movements. She stepped in her playing, moving to the flow of the song escaping from the violin in her hands. She danced around their piano room, still in her bare feet, the long flowing robe swishing silently around her like the sheer curtains that hung from their windows danced about in the summer breezes in their time in
| ℛ𝒶𝓋𝑒𝓁𝓁𝑜 . She continued along, becoming lost to her song, to herself...*~
ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ೇ
{Rt lord byron
you don't win her
she chooses you
because she knows you
better than you know yourself}
{Rt lord byron
it's because of you
that I look forward
to every day}
VelvetyNight ~ 𝓢howers of light, paint the 𝓢ky* Е̃.
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ | ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ╱ night𝓢ky
Nuages à l'aube sur Manosque et la vallée de la Durance.
[ Translation- Clouds at dawn over Manosque and the Durance valley.]
Night of velvet
Within the Velvety Night
showers of light
Slowly begin to
paint the sky
Beautiful contrasting hues
Shimmer across
The dusk filled sky
As we lay close
Watching its brilliant show
Velvet night sky
Paired with sweet delicious
Velvety of wines
Roaring fireside
And arms so strong
To hold one so dear
Falling asleep to your caresses to waking in your arms,
There is no where else in the world I wish to be
For you are my home any where we shall be
Soft whispers
Soft whispers
Delving into secrets
Waiting to be discovered.
Night settles in swiftly
As candles are lit.
Fingers pressed close
Against sealed lips
Never to be releasing
Such secrets to be whispered.
Flames dance
To soft and subtle breezes
Kissing them so.
The night is full
Of tiny little secrets
Left upon a lover's skin.
12.22 2020 twins day out with Lilith ~
Lilith in the castle-
The gingerbread house competition
Sneaks in leaving a plate of cookies for the winter solstice. She has been in the baking mood and decided to share. These treats are just a tasty gift.
She makes her way through the castle adding yule decorations and twinkle lights with the help of her shadow friends and the castle sprites happily humming.
She glances at the ginger bread houses and grins. ‘Awesome!’ She says as she calls in the tree.
She sticks a tree in the center of the room and asks the castle fea to put up the lights. Two tables are then brought in one a crafting table so everyone can design and crate their own ornaments to add to the tree. And one of assortments of already created ornaments for everyone to help decorate.
She fashioned a fairy tree topper just for Sky and heads upstairs.
23 dec 2020
@0riginalGillies morning blessings, mí corazón
Mistletoe, or the “kissing bough”, a tradition that came to us from the Middle Ages. A berry would be picked from the Mistletoe and exchanged for a kiss. When all the berries were gone, you would need more Mistletoe if you wanted another kiss!
*she smirks at @0riginalGillies **Elijah looked at his beloved wife as she smirks, leaning forward to rest a soft kiss on her lips. He rubbed his nose against hers and placed another loving kiss, deepening it just a little bit.* +
I assume... I’m above traditions. I’m willing to kiss you under each plant there is... *he whispered between their lips.*
*she welcomed her beloved husband's kiss to her lips, so sweet and tender then giggled slightly when he rubbed their noses together, delaying his next kiss with him. She could be lost in such kisses by him any moment of any day.* I would welcome such kisses under any plant... or any where... for that matter, mí corazón. As long as your lips are always this sweet...
*she whispered back even softer to him between their kisses*
ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife · IvorySorceress
~ 𝑡𝘩𝑒 𝑏𝑙𝑎𝑧𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑦𝑢𝑙𝑒 𝑏𝑒𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑢𝑠.
by love inked | ᴰᵉᶜᵉᵐᵇᵉʳ
~mí corazón, always so sweet
Let us feed the flames
On this blessed yule evening time
ೇ ChristmasEve ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ🎄🍪 (Vallée)
~ 𝒟𝒶𝓎𝓈 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓈𝑒. 𝒮𝒾𝓂𝓅𝓁𝑒 𝒿𝑜𝓎𝓈. #FamilyAboveAll ℣ˑ
~such sweet beautiful simple joys~
ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ೇ
~ Quand Manosque s’illumine... ChristmasEve2020
✨Lumières dans la nuit... Belle soirée.
ℋappy. Family man at heart. NowᦾAlways╱ ℣ˑ
When Manosque lights up ... ChristmasEve2020
✨Lights in the night ... Beautiful evening.
ℋappy. Family man at heart.
Beautiful lights around our lovely town ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
Even more special and beautiful by your side, mí corazón
SimpleJoys ahora y siempre ೇ
[#ғʟᴀsʜʙᴀᴄᴋ ChristmasEve2020]
And also leaving milk and cookies out for for the jolly old man before turning in for the night🎄🦌 Sleipner&Yule
~ Quand Manosque s’illumine.
'The most significant gifts are the ones most easily overlooked. Small, everyday blessings: woods, health, music, laughter, memories, books, second chances, warm fireplaces, & all the footprints scattered throughout our days.'
Gracias, mí corazón, @0riginalGillies
Such treasures spoiling tú encanto.
Having you hereto share moments with is the best gift of all.
~ To everyone, regardless of faith, may all your days be merry and bright. #Christmas2020 ╱ ℣ˑ
From Lestat de Lioncourt-
_Bajo el árbol de Navidad de todos y cada uno yacían unas cajas con un formato algo extraño dentro de las mismas un pasaje abierto a cualquier parte del mundo._
-4 días con todos los gastos pagos a cualquier país del mundo que deseen visitar /hotel, salidas y restaurants, todo correrá por mi cuenta/
Translation ~
_Under each and everyone's Christmas tree lay some boxes with a somewhat strange format inside them, a passage open to any part of the world._
-4 days with all expenses paid to any country in the world you wish to visit / hotel, outings and restaurants, everything will be my responsibility /
We thank you for your most generous gift, Lestat. I do apologize for such a delay in a reply. Holidays can become a tiny hectic with twins.Please accept these gifts in return. I heard you enjoyed music? So I thought an old book of musical scores along with a new violin.
{Treats for Christmas}
*she busily set to work, humming softly as she did. First, she darted off to the kitchen, preparing a beautiful board of cheeses, meats, chocolates and fruits then set it upon their serving tray to carry back to their bedroom chambers. She gathers up a couple of glasses then lifts their tray to bring back. Once in their chambers, she happily sets the serving tray upon their nook and arranges everything to be perfect. She then turns to finish trimming the small tree in their bedroom chambers.
She adds a few new ornaments and then scurried off to her hiding spot to retrieve her gifts for her beloved esposo. She returns swiftly with her parcels and giggles excitedly as she places them each lovingly under their tree for him to find.
First, she gently places a bundle of letters. Each individually enclosed in its own envelope labeled just for him. Love letters and tiny momentos of thoughts from her just to him and his eyes only... she smirked to herself at the thought of him reading these randomly while away from the family unexpectedly longer than he would have care for.
Next, shall we not forget, a beautifully ornate box of beautiful blue detailing to place such notes of love into for extra safe keepings...
A new viking shield to decorate the wall (but also to be of service if the occasion was to ever arrive). Hand carved with detail of runic alphabet, viking hammer and dragons. Topped with the celtic knot.
She smiles as she placed all under the tree then stood back up and headed to rest and wait upon their sofa, spelling their fireplace to a soft roar and their player to play the softest of music*
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ | ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
╱ ChristmasEve ~ night𝓢ky
Feliz Navidad mí corazón
Sharing the sweetest of memories on a treasured day
Simple joys cherished always
|ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ೇ
~the day spent close by mí beloved husband, @0riginalGillies sharing in trimming fixings for dinner, opening of gifts and sharing in TellingFAErieStories until the little ones drift to slumbers
Dreaming of sweet treats and more galore
Until we can sneak away to snuggle close+
~ Grateful today and every day.
Enjoying the quiet house by warm fireside and exchange of more last moment gifts
~A glass of tiny strolls of our favorite melodies shared between keys caressed by our fingers, and tiny figures I folded from spare sheet music
|ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ೇೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ | ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
╱ Christmas2020 ~ night𝓢ky
Friskyfriday evening as the moon dances among the clouds in the sky
26 dec 2020
ᴰᵉᶜᵉᵐᵇᵉʳ∫ ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉೇ
my darling~darling love, you are the most beautiful morning I could have ever asked for from this Universe.
~the most beautiful part of any morning is the one shared with you, mí darling
*messages @0riginalGillies *
{T}Mí corazón, fresh wines arrived and chilling just for you
{T}shall we prepare chicken parmesan, or the filet for later this night as the moon slowly makes her rise into the evening sky?
{T}a sweet SeductiveSaturday is not complete without wonder...
27 dec 2020
@0riginalGillies ೇ
Best way to spend the day, curled up in snuggles to pass the day away
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ | ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
~*she heads off to their kitchen and sets a teapot upon their stove top. She sets a pair of mugs down upon the counter near by then turns to gather up from their pantry, some delicious powders of chocolates to mix in for sweet hot chocolate this chilly evening soon approaching. The winter now upon them, snow upon the grounds, what better way to spend a LazySunday evening, than snuggled up cozy by fireside with hot mugs of chocolate with her beloved esposo, @0riginalGillies
She hums along in her steps then returns in time to catch the teapot just before its piercing whistles of its readiness.
She swiftly and gracefully lifts it from their stove top and pours the steaming water into their mugs then sets it back in its proper home once again. She adds the chocolate powder, mixing it briskly then adds a bit of milk to make it rich and creamy.
She sets it down upon their serving tray, gathers up a few treats to indulge their taste buds in as well then carries it back to their bedroom chambers, but not before pausing to take a moment to enjoy the quiet solitude of their cozy ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ cottage of their home. A soft smile crossing her lips then she scurries off to set all in their chambers to be ready for their evening.}
Mi wonderful esposo @0riginalGillies
The world is calmer inside when you're around
You help quiet the storm within
While at the same time sparking the fires to my very soul
Te amo ೇ
28 dec 2020
*whispers as she strolls along* temptingTuesday to explore a full moon this evening mí corazón,
With treats to indulge in, wines to savor and perhaps so much more as she casts her glowing light upon the world... and us. *smirks playfully*
he holds her thru dreams
keeping her safe from loneliness
his heartbeat her rhythm
like soft drums a comforting calm
allowing her peaceful sleep
#erotica280 #microprose #microstory}
{ rt
It’s a full moon in Cancer. Tie a blue string around something you don’t want to miss.}
~*giggles and smirks playfully. Then she innocently ties one of his blue ties around a wrist of his since she has no string handy. She does not wish to miss him him this moon night*
'if you can use some exotic booze
there's a bar in far Bombay--
(it's perfect for a flying honeymoon, they say)'
[Come fly with me- Michael bublé]
'Come fly with me, let's take off in the blue' *she whispers, holding him close* (a flying honeymoon, you say? )
You are mí corazón
Within your arms lays my home
For with you, I shall always know happiness
30 dec 2020
@0riginalGillies ೇ
~let us frolic and play the day away this wishfulWednesday in gardens so
Until you catch tu encanto, hiding in the flower groves
Sweet teats of picnic to indulge ones appetite
Then snuggle close in sweetkisses until the sun goes low
But if I catch you, the game will be over...
Ah, but there in lays the fun, mí amor. When you catch me, there can be another game to be played. *smirking extra playfully as she whispers near his ear* oh just what ever shall that game be, tú encanto wonders so...
~ from across the room, that smile which to this day, always makes me smile. @0riginalGillies ,sweetness in your smile, kindness in your words, sweeter still the lips upon kisses to steal the day away. You brighten even the grayest of days.
ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife · IvorySorceress
~ night𝓢ky ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ | by love inked dec 2020
Morning blessings, mí corazón
Let us begin the ending of this year, staying snuggled in bed and indulging in sweets instead
🍾 🥂 🍓
One could get used to this... *smirks*
#tbt ೇ·BeautifulParasols 🇯🇵
~how he always seemed to know what she needed when she needed it. Almost as though he was an extension of her own subconscious. Was he even real? She wondered when she was younger.
Maybe Japan will hold answers that she seeked. Maybe the teacher knew they will find answers +}
Very beautiful parasols...
/IslandOfRealms,/ defeating AnyMeasureOfTime
ೇ traveling lives within the /HeartOfTheDreamer,/
taking him everywhere.
~ my queenFaye, MayWeTravelManyMiles: ADreamWeDreamTogetherIsReality · Е̃ˑ
soundcloud- All My Love}
Such a beautiful reality that we share that only we can ever dream up, mí corazón @0riginalGillies
So many miles to be traveled and shared by your side, mí amor
Wishing you all the best. Here’s to 2021 🥂 🍾
~ 𝒮tringsOfPearl𝒮&Chandelier𝒮
To a better year ahead, mí corazón
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ | ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
find me.
1 January 2021
@0riginalGillies ೇ
Sweetest morning blessings
This first day and fri-yay of the new year
Nothing better than to indulge in the sweetest of honeysuckle kisses in your arms as the sun slowly wakens the world
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ | ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
~*Messages to her beloved @0riginalGillies *
{T}Sweet Friskyfriday evening of delights await mí Dios
{T} pomegranates, blood oranges, chocolates, and deep rich dark cherries...
{T}perhaps some time indulging in the fullness of the moon as we play with pillows or sweet honeysuckle
2 jan 2021
*messages @0riginalGillies *
{T}mí corazón, a quiet evening planned as the moon wanes from her fullness splendor
{T}Sweet delights for dinner then a cozy patio filled with blankets, pillows and lights that remind us of the fireflies
|ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ೇ
3 January 2021
~*A day away from home to indulge in the invitation from @marcheurdxnuit , we gathered up the girls Sami&Solveig to head off for NY and central Park.
Picnic upon the grassy area where the girls can run & play.
To sit back & indulge in watching my wonderful husband
@0riginalGillies play with our twins. Such fun, food and music to be shared on a glorious and splendid day as this one we share
One to be filled with love, peace and harmony
Thank you my dear for coming to the "Woodstock Hippie Party" #2021NYHip
Thank you so very much for inviting us. A beautiful time to have and be shared
4 January 2021
@0riginalGillies morning blessings, mí corazón
Let us begin the new week relaxing before the sun must begin this day
ೇ | ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
My wonderful
@0riginalGillies my #ManCrushMonday each and every day
Wonderful and supportive
Always inspiring ♡
Gracias for always being you
Te amo, mí rey. Ahora y siempre
*For #NationalSpaghettiDay ,she quietly spends the afternoon preparing a dish of roasted tomato pasta puttanesca, with a side of arugula salad with harissa chickpeas & pomegranate vinaigrette to have set upon their dining table to surprise her beloved esposo @0riginalGillies
She hums along to herself softly as she dances about in tiny twirls around their kitchen in their cozy little cottage in ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ.
Setting water in stock pots to cook the spaghetti then chopping up the salad pieces to ve tossed together into bowls then mixed with the dressing while she waited on water to boil. Then checking on the oven for deliciously prepared garlic bread with just enough cheeses drizzled in with it.
She then gathers the stock pit to drain and separate the pasta from the water to then add the spices, butters and tiny Cherry tomatoes chopped small. Adding these to plates, she then sets them to their table, fiddles with the candlesticks sitting in wait as centerpieces before wiping up her hands to then head off to their bedroom chambers to quickly freshen up for the evening *~
5 January 2021
TemptingTuesday morning is not complete, mí corazón
@0riginalGillies . Without some tasty treats to start the day off with
|ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ೇ
𝒮𝒾𝓂𝓅𝓁𝑒 𝒥𝑜𝓎𝓈 & 𝑀𝑜𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒟𝑒𝓁𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉𝓈
6 jan 2021
WishfulWednesday morning blessings to stay tucked away with mí corazón @0riginalGillies
Delay the day in his arms and then perhaps indulge in sweet treats and honeysuckle kisses before watching our girls run and play in the gardens with their bunny friends.
|ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ 心
[belated] ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife, @SkyBoivin
ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ~ in the morning, rising into the silvery air.
~sweet misty silvery air
The morning rises upon the dawn
|ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ೇ
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ | ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
the dawn is not distant, nor is the night 𝓢tarle𝓢𝓢; love is eternal. ━HWL
7 January 2021
~thirstyThursday treats await, mí corazón @0riginalGillies for when the day is done
The sun has set
And the stars come out to play
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
8 January 2021
@0riginalGillies let's spend the day
Tucked away
This Friskyfriday day
Watch the day slowly creep by
As we indulge in sweet honeysuckle kisses divine
when you cannot sleep
dream with me
into a secret garden
where beauty and peace
are laws of nature}
Dream with me
Sweet slumbers only come
When arms are close by
Tucking in
And wrapping up close
To guard the dreams
Carried by
Like a dream
It all began
Like our own
Once upon a time
We whispered
All through the evenings
After time beside piano
Sharing in poetry, stories and
Almost, but not quite so
For we allowed it to be real
As the twilight grew
Now we share
Beautiful gardens galore
With meadows of flowers
And swing trees upon breezes
Fireflies that share their dances
As stars come out to play
Jealous of a sweet love on display
𝓢howers of light, paint the 𝓢ky*
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ | ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
9 January 2021
@0riginalGillies morning blessings, mí corazón
Let us delay the day a while longer...
10 January 2021
LazySunday snuggles to pass the day away
Nothing to be done but to lay back and watch the girls play
~ Et une douce soirée. Ӎanosque ೇ
[Translation- and a sweet evening]
[Solo qf from 1.10.2021
After the morning of lazy snuggles to delay the day, they finally climb from bed and ready for their day. tending to things about their days, her beloved Elijah tends to his business as she sends their twins off to play in the care of their+}
~*smirks* nothing better than a very sweet evening, indeed, mí corazón.
11 January 2021
Mí wonderful esposo @0riginalGillies
Kind, caring, supportive In every way possible
Is it any wonder that your arms are home for me?
╱ 𝒯𝒽𝑒𝓃 ℐ 𝓁𝑜𝑜𝓀 𝒶𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊
& 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓌𝑜𝓇𝓁𝒹'𝓈 𝒶𝓁𝓇𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝓂𝑒:
~ every day I find the parts of my life that fit me perfectly, and I'll make sure I'll never let them go.
'Just one look at you
And I know it's gonna be
A lovely day'
~always shall they stay
In such perfect harmony
Simple joys in every day
12 January 2021
Morning blessings mí corazón, @0riginalGillies
Let us delay the day as we indulge in the sweetness of such simple joys which surround us
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ | ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
The spiral staircase of her mind,
is daunting to those unworthy.
He did not see a spiral, instead finding the untrodden path to her soul.}
When he holds her close and pulls her near; those untrodden paths are easier to burden.
Just as she feels herself slipping away through a spiraled world around her; he somehow finds the way to her.
No one else dared ever before to try; they simply let her go on by.
Alone she felt, forevermore; until he showed at the door.
Not afraid of what might be; he reached his hand to lead.
Back to home each time; forever back to his rhyme.
For this simple touch was the key; to her very soul for him to see.
13 January 2021
@0riginalGillies , mí corazón, let us indulge the morning away on this #nationalrubberduckday and enjoy the relaxing bubbles as we play
|ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ೇ
ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife, @SkyBoivin
'The fairies break their dances
& leave the printed lawn, ~
The blind𝓢 let through the day' ᴬᴱᴴ
~ by love inked | ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
~dances as such,
Fayes left behind their remnants of proof to be found,
We take each other's hands and dance along in what they left behind
To be enjoyed and shared by us alone.
14 January 2021
@0riginalGillies morning blessings, mí corazón
Let us spend the day snuggled close enjoying what life has given before us
Simple joys♡
ೇ |ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
15 January 2021
@0riginalGillies happy #NationalSrawberryIceCreamDay
Best way to enjoy such a day is to indulge in a slow churn homemade strawberry ice cream covered in a berry sauce drizzle
ೇ |ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
~*she messages her beloved @0riginalGillies *
{T}mí darling corazón, beautiful evening before us with a relaxing bath then delicious dinner awaiting for you
{T}such treats on a fine Friskyfriday evening to end a week more divine
{T}shall I slip into the gold?
|ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ೇ
-He felt the buzz in his pocket, and reached for his phone. A smile lit up his face.-
{Text} I love you, I didn’t say that enough today ೇ
{Text} such lingering aftertaste.... I'll curse in Old Norse then, my queen.
{Text} gold, definitely. a heavenly view.
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ
~*she smirks and giggles softly upon reading his reply after her phone went off*
{T} I love you, mí corazón
{T}sweet delights that which linger... *as she bites her lip*
Mí Rey, only kisses, not curses should pass your delicious lips
{T}gold it is, as mí Dios wishes...
16 January 2021
Sweet SeductiveSaturday morning kisses, mí corazón
A sweet and delicious breakfast ready just for you
|ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ೇ
𝓢neaking kisse𝓢 from this morning's 𝓢un; I love you, my faЕ̃ry’s 𝓢ong... *he whispered against her lips and turned his head to press now kisses against her throat, nuzzling her, /the radio playing soft music nearby./
~*she purrs softly in her smile as he kissed her* i love you, mí corazón *purring even more as he pressed sweet kisses along her neck then giggled to his nuzzles* you know how I love such neck kisses...*giggling as she wraps her arms around him, enjoying the soft music nearby*
17 January 2021
@0riginalGillies ೇ Beautiful LazySunday morning
Let us spend this sultrysunday with sweet honeysuckle kisses upon delicious lips while we indulge in treats before we spend the day watching our girls play
𝒮𝒾𝓂𝓅𝓁𝑒𝒥𝑜𝓎𝓈 𝒜𝒽𝑜𝓇𝒶 𝓎 𝓈𝒾𝑒𝓂𝓅𝓇𝑒
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ | ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ╱ night𝓢ky
She’s that rare sky that gives you insight into what it really means to be alive.}
18 jan 2021
My beloved esposo @0riginalGillies, my #ManCrushMonday everyday
Always caring, wonderful, and thoughtful
Te amo, mí corazón, mí luna, mi casa
𝒮weet MischievousMonday evenings begin with chilled 𝒲ines and 𝒮weet treats
𝒲arm fireside, mí corazón @0riginalGillies
Along with 𝒮weeter kisses all through the night
Let us 𝒮hut away the outside world to end such a day
All awaits just for you
~ 𝓛𝓮𝓰𝓪𝓽𝓸. 𝓞𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓪𝓽𝓸. 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓼𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓭𝓸.
心 𝒜𝓃𝒹 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓈𝓊𝓃'𝓈 𝒶𝓁𝓂𝑜𝓈𝓉 𝓊𝓅.
{♯FL|SL·@CelloMistress 心 @kingofcha0s}
{T}It's #NationalPopcornDay ,mí corazón. *smirking as she messages @0riginalGillies *
{T}What more perfect way to spend a temptingTuesday than a snuggly movie night and popcorn with the girls

20 jan 2021
@0riginalGillies morning blessings, mí corazón
WishfulWednesday to be allowed a relaxing morning to start ones day
ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife, @SkyBoivin
𝓢unrise&𝓢unset ~by love inked | ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
~ each and every one, more beautiful than the last by your side, mí corazón
|ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ ೇ
21 January 2021
Nothing better than to lay back and enjoy a beautiful sunrise with you, mí corazón @0riginalGillies ೇ
(this photo below by Skyboivin2)22 January 2021
@0riginalGillies ೇ fri-yay morning blessings this beautiful day, mí corazón
'𝐿𝑒𝑠 𝑣𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑠 𝑔𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑠 𝑑𝑒 𝑙'𝐴𝑚𝑜𝑢𝑟╱
𝑠𝑒 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑒𝑛 𝓢𝑎𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠...'
{@SkyBoivin} ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ | ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
[ Translation-true gestures of Love are transformed into Sacraments]
Les plus belles formes d'amour ...
Les sacrements avec un tel amour sont les plus sacrés de tous.
{The most beautiful forms of love...
Sacraments with one such a love is the most sacred of all.}
23 January 2021
A beautiful morning, mí corazón
What a wonderful way to spend the afternoon than with freshly made pies, this #NationalPieDay
With help from our little bugs, Sami&Solveig.
"You are soul food for my ravenous mind."-NRH
~SeductiveSaturday sweetly strolls along as we play about the day {@0riginalGillies}
24 January 2021
@0riginalGillies ೇ
LazySunday morning blessings, mí corazón
Let us delay getting out of bed as we watch the sun slowly rise and waken the world
~a stroll along the wintery grounds, then warm ourselves by the fireside with sweet treats this
Sultrysunday evening, mí corazón [@0riginalGillies], tu encanto thinks shall be in order.
Your favorites are prepared, chilled and awaiting to be indulged. Perhaps some fresh +f
flowers have been placed as well as other things to enjoy this beautiful enchanting evening for us to share
25 January 2021
@0riginalGillies ೇ
mí corazón ♡
You make each day so very special.
~*manic mondays should always lead to relaxing evenings to soothe ones soul. She hums softly and sets their table of treats for their evening. Quiet and inviting night to ease the new week to begin. Nothing but relaxing for her beloved @0riginalGillies*
~ dans la lueur écarlate · NowᦾAlways
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑ | ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
In the scarlet scarlet scarlet scarlet scarlet glow
being truly alive
is about pushing limits
taking risks
embracing failure}
26 January 2021
@0riginalGillies Beautiful morning blessings, mí corazón
*TemptingTuesday ideas as she readies an evening of quiet fireside, treats to be indulged in as well as the favorite of her beloved @0riginalGillies to enjoy after a long and busy day.*
{T}the moon softly shines about the grounds as the snow silently patters upon the windows
* messages her beloved @0riginalGillies *
{T} Mí corazón, a surprise this
#NationalChocolateCakeDay awaits upon your return
{T} wishfulWednesday ways to relax before the comingೇ WolfMoon
After a day of relaxing, a hot shower later on and some time spent preparing treats for their evening, she softly hums along her way through their cozy little cottage of ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ. She tended to last minute details of preparing some of her beloved corazón, Elijah's favorite of dishes as well as his favorite of drinks. Setting all upon their serving tray to carry back to their bedroom chambers.
Smiling to herself as she goes along in her little tasks, she adds the final touches before slipping her long slender fingers around the edges of the tray to carry on to their chambers.
The somewhat quietness of their home, a comfort to one's soul as she strolled along softly in her steps. A pause along her way to peek in upon one of their main rooms; the piano sitting silently alone in the far end. A smirk crossing her lips as she thinks upon something. With a slight lift to her chin and a softer, "perhaps a little later..." she scurries off along her way to continue along.
In their bedroom chambers, she crosses their room and sets the tray upon their breakfast nook. The table freshly cleaned off from the night before as always. She begins to instantly fuss over the arrangement of everything almost as soon as she sets the tray down, releasing her fingers from the silvery tray.
Setting plates of food, treats to be indulged at one's desire as their evening progressed then setting bottles in to be chilled, but not before she slipped a glass between her fingers to pour a sliver into the glass. Just enough to wet ones lips to begin the night.
She places all to her pleasing then turns to head off to their closet, ducking behind their changing screen to run her fingers playfully along the clothing hanging here.
Her thoughts playful in her ways as always, she makes her decisions of what to slip into slowly in her usual ways. Rushing was never to her liking.
Finally, after some time of her indulged time delaying in her selections, she pulls out what would be her beloved's favorites and slips into them in just as an indulgement of her time as well.
Their tall mirrors placed about their room, catching glimpses of her form as the almost fullness of the soon to be wolf moon casting its glow inside. The Alice mirror reflecting just enough, should Elijah happen to step in their room in time to capture a moment of her readying for the night.
Finally, she steps from behind their changing screen, smoothing her palms tenderly over the cool fabric of silk along the gown of soft golden color for the evening then heads towards the various candelabras to set them each aflame. Their soft glow a contrast to the moonlight, one of fires golden, the other the silvery whiteness.
She smiles to the feel of their chambers and giggles as she playfully twirls about their room.
ೇ #WCW to my beloved wife ·IvorySorceress
~ you're the inner illumination to my undying soul
/antique mirror,/ and I research
your footsteps on the wind.
by love inked | ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
silk along the gown of soft golden color for the evening then heads towards the various candelabras to set them each aflame. Their soft glow a contrast to the moonlight, one of fires golden, the other the silvery whiteness.
She smiles to the feel of their chambers and giggles +}
Mirrored glass
Antique mirrors
Capture and reflect
Passages of time
Secretly upon their
Mirrored glass.
An undying soul
Of a lover
Timeless in the ages
And she, an endless light
Only for him
They bring illumination
To each others very souls.
She dances as if on air
When thought
That he was not watching
When caught her reflection
Upon mirrored glass
Yet, all the while
She captures his smile
Reflecting back at her.
Time of a moon
Casting such sweet shadows
They join as one
As they meet in the night
Passing their own
Passages of time
28 January 2021
*sings softly humming*
VueDeӍanosque ╱ WolfӍoon
~ La Lecture sous Pleine Lune ·
[Reading under the Full Moon
night manosque souls to moon provence alpes cotedazur]
∫ 'always ᦾ forever. maybe that's what heaven is...'
෴ Le𝒮 𝒮oirée𝒮 Nomade𝒮 []
[Ne Me Quitte Pas]
ೇ ━ #Off ━ ℣ˑӍanosque ╱ WolfӍoon
No place else than here in your arms ೇ where is wish to be
Rien de plus doux que toi, ma maison / sous les étoiles
29 January 2021
Fri-yay morning blessings, mí corazón {@0riginalGillies }
Let us begin the day by delaying delicious treats and sweeter kisses ೇ
@0riginalGillies ೇ You, tú encanto and a wolf moon awaits an evening filled with nothing but us, and sweet honeysuckle kisses...
30 January 2021
Morning blessings, mí corazón
{@0riginalGillies ೇ} let us delay this beautiful yet chilly Saturday staying snuggled under fluffy blankets by fireside while we indulge in breakfast treats
*messages to her beloved @0riginalGillies *
{T}Let us indulge ourselves in temptating fig, pomegranate &more, mí corazón
{T}shut out the rest of the world becoming lost under the light of the full moon splendor. Her magnificent glow casts alluring shadows across us in the +
{T}I'll spend the afternoon long preparing in all of your favorite of delights, savory drinks to quench your thirst (among other things to taste, if you like) anything is possible on a SeductiveSaturday night
'I should have known better with a girl like you
That I would love everything that you do'
" I never realized what a kiss could be
This could only happen to me..."
Such splendid beauty
That lays before me
Soft white sands
Crystal waters
Time away
In Villa Cimbrone
With my beloved family
All at play
Laughter of little ones
As they splash about
Crashing waves
Music luring us back
Once we capture
Time with a beautiful sunset
Candlelight dinners
Near fireside glow
As the waters soft crashing
Against the shores
Drown out anything else
Relaxing time away
Nothing but love reflection
From his eyes
Which twinkle like the stars
In the skies above
These are our
Postcards from the beach
She scrolls along in their scrapbook some memories from their summer away to Ravello.* Such a beautiful time away for a even more fun birthday surprise. I do hope we might return one day to explore what we never got to see. A beautifully rich culture filled with wonder... *she smirks to herself as she continues on.* more adventures await us as we continue on our journey together. Who knows Just what the fates have in store for us? Will our family grow more? Will we claim more homes away from our ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ cottage? One just never truly knows...
Ahora y siempre
*she closed their scrapbook and placed it back lovingly upon the side table to add more to it later.*
now that I have her
I work twice as hard
to deserve her}
her conditions for love
are that there are none
we love as freely and fully
as imagination allows}
31 January 2021
ೇ lazy Sunday ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ (vallée - last day)
~ 𝒟𝒶𝓎𝓈 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓈𝑒. 𝒮𝒾𝓂𝓅𝓁𝑒 𝒿𝑜𝓎𝓈. ♥️ ℣ˑ
@0riginalGillies LazySunday morning blessings
Chilly outside means warm fireside, blankets and food inside/
Along with sweetkisses to keep warm with as well
|#𝓢kijah𝓢nuggle ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ
*however does he put up with his mischievous encanto?* ೇ
my DarlingLove, you're TheMostBeautifulGift I could have ever asked for from this Universe: Unforgettable.Disturbing.Religious.
I can't imagine loving anyone the way I ♥️ you, & I'm so grateful for the life that we share.
also, your ChickenParmesan rivals the best chefs in Italy.
You do love that dish very much, mí corazón. Perhaps tonight shall we make it again?
Then while we curl up by the fireside, we can discuss just how unforgettable tu encanto is. For you are too sweet My Heart. I ❤you and this life we share. Let us plan our next adventure now
1 Feb 2021
@0riginalGillies morning blessings, mí corazón
Let us celebrate with candles and more to welcome the return of the sun this Imbolc day
#ManCrushMonday mi wonderful esposo @0riginalGillies
With you, I'm always home. No matter where in the world we may be. You are the calm to any of my storms. Te amo
1 Feb 2021-
Follow their story off to Nola