๐ฌ๐๐๐๐๐ฟ๐๐น๐ถ๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐ ๐ค๐ข๐ค๐ฃ
~*leaves a tin of Cherry pie shortbread bites made earlier in the afternoon upon the counter on this #NationalShortbreadDay to cool* https://t.co/WEEu7TYZCG
10 January 2021
After the morning of lazy snuggles to delay the day, they finally climb from bed and ready for their day. tending to things about their days, her beloved Elijah tends to his business as she sends their twins off to play in the care of their nanny. kissing them each upon the tops of their heads, she gathers up her baskets and slips a shawl about her shoulders. off to the village down upon the trails.
She hums along as she unconsciously swings the baskets, walking along the path down to the old cobblestones waiting for her. first stop was to the vineyard. she strolls in through the doors, stepping aside for an older couple and bowing her head to them.
"good day" each a reply.
up to the counter, she is then greeted with the large smile of the older woman there. "madame, the order awaits..." she hurries off to bring over her order she made just days before. adding to the baskets and whispering as well, "on the house as always, mon cherie. i shall have the rest sent straight away this day."
as she goes to say "you're too kind as al-" the woman turns and claps her hands barking orders to the young men in the doorways.
"Off you go now, shoo. send that order up right now... nothing to be standing here staring at!" the young boys take off and hurry before she went to scold them further then winks back at her. with a smile in return and a slight giggle, she nods and heads off along the cobblestones.
Christmas decorations still hung everywhere, making her smile all the more. made her think perhaps this year, they will leave theirs up a tiny longer more as well. she almost walked right past the bakery as she become lost in her thoughts then scolded herself.
inside, the couple smiled and waved her inside, rushing to gather her orders as they also insisted to add much more. cookies, cakes, pies and more. eventually, she had to wave them to stop. she agreed for them to send along more to their cottage later on in the week. she slipped them a little extra to give some to the children that ran about the streets before the shoppe as well. which they happily agreed to do. with wave, she hurried off on her way.
back along the cobblestone streets, up the trail to their cozy little cottage. she walked back through their kitchen and set her goodies upon the island. she unwrapped her shawl and twirled about to put everything away. she mentally prepared for their evening meal and snacks then selected the wine to be chilled just right.
before long, the afternoon grew by. she set meals into the oven to keep warm and then headed up to their bedroom chambers to draw herself a relaxing hot bath then to change for the evening.
14 January 2021
Flashback- [new years eve/ day abouts]
She snuck off quietly in their cozy cottage home of แดนแตแถฐแตหขแต แตแต to the crafting room as she called it rightfully so. She smiled to herself as she entered its doorway, greeted by the scent of her favorite scents. A mixture of candles and essence cones and sticks burnt about the years lingered about the room and took on its own calming sense as well. Her calming zone for some things, besides that of her beloved Elijah of course.
She breathed in deeply and then continued her way into the room, setting on her task at hand. The new year blessing to reinforce any protection barriers in place as well as adjusting to their current needs.
She went to her altar area and swung open its doors. She grabbed up an empty jar along with the dried leaves and flowers to be added into it. She grabs up slips of papers, her pencil waiting to he used and then scribbles down each blessing she wished to request this year. Protection, peace of mind, comfort and more for each person she set for her mind. She adds each slip of paper to her jar and then mixes all together with a slender twig of a stick.
She then hums softly to herself as she picks up each jar candle in turn, lighting each one, beginning with black then going down the line of the rainbow. Each a whisper to the desire of what the color meant until the final two, white then silver to tie it all to the moon.
Next, she pulls open the drawer below, selecting certain sticks to be lit. Each one flames small and bright then she blows on it slowly to make it still smoke. She places these in one holder, adds a cone and then closes it shut. The tall thin wooden object now smoking through the holes pre carved in a design now.
Centering herself, she breathes deeply, then focuses on her blessing. A new year, a full moon, the end of one cycle to begin anew. A new year of promises that could become real. Ending harshness that may have been fulfilled. She goes down the line, each blessing that was written with care. She sets the jar filled with her spell to flame then continues on in the same. Carefully worded and then asked for above those who would be there as her own guides and guardians. Blessings for peace and protection most of all. She ends her thanks yous to one and all.
The room now filled with smoke, her eyes brimming as it began to sting, she bows her head low then steps back when done.
She sits back to meditate more as the candles continue to flame...
Oh nothing,
Just playing with the hula hoop. https://t.co/dc937QuxGe
23 January 2021
~she leaves a beautiful arrangement of assorted pies upon the table (freshly homemade, by the way. With help from the girls) for all to stop by, share and enjoy in celebration of #NationalPieDay
Don't be shy! Stop by for a treat! Enjoy the day. Blessings https://t.co/LsB5hUgrUy
What shall she do today?
*ponders to herself outloud with a smirk*
Much to catch up on in the ways of Mischief. Best to start at the top of the list *smirking to herself* https://t.co/CoEPwCwSHr
27 January 2021
After a day of re2laxing, a hot shower later on and some time spent preparing treats for their evening, she softly hums along her way through their cozy little cottage of แดนแตแถฐแตหขแต แตแต. She tended to last minute details of preparing some of her beloved corazรณn, Elijah's favorite of dishes as well as his favorite of drinks. Setting all upon their serving tray to carry back to their bedroom chambers.
Smiling to herself as she goes along in her little tasks, she adds the final touches before slipping her long slender fingers around the edges of the tray to carry on to their chambers.
The somewhat quietness of their home, a comfort to one's soul as she strolled along softly in her steps. A pause along her way to peek in upon one of their main rooms; the piano sitting silently alone in the far end. A smirk crossing her lips as she thinks upon something. With a slight lift to her chin and a softer, "perhaps a little later..." she scurries off along her way to continue along.
In their bedroom chambers, she crosses their room and sets the tray upon their breakfast nook. The table freshly cleaned off from the night before as always. She begins to instantly fuss over the arrangement of everything almost as soon as she sets the tray down, releasing her fingers from the silvery tray.
Setting plates of food, treats to be indulged at one's desire as their evening progressed then setting bottles in to be chilled, but not before she slipped a glass between her fingers to pour a sliver into the glass. Just enough to wet ones lips to begin the night.
She places all to her pleasing then turns to head off to their closet, ducking behind their changing screen to run her fingers playfully along the clothing hanging here.
Her thoughts playful in her ways as always, she makes her decisions of what to slip into slowly in her usual ways. Rushing was never to her liking.
Finally, after some time of her indulged time delaying in her selections, she pulls out what would be her beloved's favorites and slips into them in just as an indulgement of her time as well.
Their tall mirrors placed about their room, catching glimpses of her form as the almost fullness of the soon to be wolf moon casting its glow inside. The Alice mirror reflecting just enough, should Elijah happen to step in their room in time to capture a moment of her readying for the night.
Finally, she steps from behind their changing screen, smoothing her palms tenderly over the cool fabric of silk along the gown of soft golden color for the evening then heads towards the various candelabras to set them each aflame. Their soft glow a contrast to the moonlight, one of fires golden, the other the silvery whiteness.
She smiles to the feel of their chambers and giggles as she playfully twirls about their room.
28 January 2021
Thursday afternoon yoga and meditations...
*she sets herself in a quiet area, anyone may join her in the peacefulness of this time. Reflection and pause in the day and the week*+ https://t.co/NVq74C2aUv
*a time to breath+ https://t.co/pZznjUh4BTRelax+ https://t.co/gUj64UzOjN
Pause+ https://t.co/QugeLXAck5
Reflect+ https://t.co/d2vnjRKiTk
To become one with oneself* https://t.co/e3eZMhannf
*rise of the wolf moon* https://t.co/O3TiQdiDlI

1 Feb 2021
#Imbolc blessings on this day
Weave your Brigid's crosses, set your fires. Light candles to welcome the sun's return, make room for new beginning this year ahead.
"May the darkness within you recognize there's hope for clarity and clearer paths ahead" https://t.co/OF26oqAgV6

Imbolc Blessings https://t.co/RQSP1a6MHP
MischiefMonday can lead to anything when she set her mind to such things. The wolf moon in her fullness just four days ago, now Imbolc falling in the same week. She smirked to herself as she woke early to begin this day. Humming about as she patterned softly upon her bare feet, wrapping her silky floral bathrobe snugly against her body as she made her way across their bedroom to their closet. Ducking behind their changing screen to take her time in selecting her dress for the day and then returning towards their main room of their chambers to nibble of some food before she headed out for the day.
She headed up the stairs to her crafting room, the air warm with the fireplaces roaring against the winter chill from the night made it more inviting as she entered the room finally. She crossed the room and set to rearranging of her altar, adjusting for the changing of the halfway point of the season. A time to invite the sun to return and warm the earth. A womb to heal and grow deep under the winters snow. She gathers up some dried sprigs of lavender to fold and weave into Brigid's crosses to be hung about their cottage. One she smiled to herself as she also formed a tiny one with a heart around it.
This was the time of renewal, new beginnings. Feile Brighde, the 'quickening of the year', brings new life around for the soon to come spring. All is pregnant and expectant - and only just visible if at all, like the gentle curve of a 'just-showing' pregnancy.
Brigid, the Goddess of healing, poetry and smithcraft, all that she herself was. She paid her honor to this at this time. Allowing such muses to flourish and grow was her allowance. Brigid, brings fertility to the land and its people and is closely connected to midwives and new-born babies. She is the Triple Goddess, but at Imbolc she is in her Maiden aspect. She whispered her blessings as she carefully lit her candles before she headed off to continue about her day. She went to some of the rooms to hang the crosses she made then set to make sure a small fire for their outdoor firepit would ready for the evening.
Tiny vases filled with snowdrops flowers made her smile as she headed off to their kitchen to prepare some foods for this day...
8 feb 2021
Life is but day dreams melded together https://t.co/FklPpjCKN5
9 feb 2021
#readinabathtubday https://t.co/VJBFTv5Vjn
Relaxing style of a day in their แดบแดผแดธแดฌ estate, after a few small tasks tended to, she curled up in a chair and set a heat pad to her tired bones. Not realizing soon after, the heat and warmth making her to doze off for a nap. Some hours after, slumbering through the usual noise about their home, she woke still feeling tired.
"Such a month..." she whispered to herself as she took her time to fully get up from her apparent nap and chair. "Busy minds tire swiftly, I suppose..." pretty sure the cosmos had much more a hand at these more often bouts of sleepiness these days than anything else. Retrogrades, alignments of planets or stars. Convergences galore. With a sigh she finally pulled herself up out of the chair and headed off towards their chambers to freshen up.
A small shower should help waken her senses more so she might function more effectively about the remainder of the day.
She leaned in to turn the faucet so the water could warm up as she turned to undress from her clothing, allowing them to fall to the floor in a soft swoosh. Then, setting towels upon their small side table of rich antique mahogany before wrapping her long blonde tresses into a clip, she stepped behind the shower curtain and under the inviting waters.
Lifting their loofah, she added some luxury bathing gels that waited to be used and lathered along her silky skin. The scent of fresh apples and berries floating up to greet her nose making her close her eyes to indulge in such a moment.
A deep breathed sigh as she escaped her thoughts then continued in her way, finishing some time later and emerging from their shower, wrapping up her body snugly into the towel and pattering off to select a soft dress for the evening.
Soft lacey black dress she picked out, slipping into it easily before she skipped off down the stairs and to their kitchen to prepare a special meal for the night.
Roasted garlic and butter red potatoes, honey glazed baby carrots, paired with a juicy and tender filet minegon.
Humming softly to herself as she twirled about fixing their meal, setting their table with soft candlelight as she waited on things to bake. Then scurrying off to their wine cellar to select the perfect of red wines to go with their meal. Some from their collection back in แดนแตแถฐแตหขแต แตแต she made sure came with them. No sense in not having a little of such delicacies with them in each of their homes. With an extra playful smirk, she added final touches then with a nod, she turned to wait in their front parlor, and perhaps play a little upon their beloved piano...
10 feb 2021
~*she spends some time meditations and exercising in the afternoon...* https://t.co/liLIABvTwA
~*afterwards, she lays across their sofa to rest before she sets to decide upon their evening meal and more...* https://t.co/Pt3m5Bb68C
#NationalGuitarDay https://t.co/TI0oJcCONo
14 February 2021
~*she leaves assorted treats for the reader on the table for those who need it this day. A small note-
Enjoy the day with those you cherish most. Take a treat to share with them- * https://t.co/badDWui2u2
Happy Valentine’s Day
- @MillionRosesRP https://t.co/c5EKFDZJ5s
15 February 2021
"Quiet the mind, and the soul will speak." Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati https://t.co/gk2Tcp8FtN
MischiefMonday afternoons leading to more mischievous evenings... https://t.co/BPaAiMv3TG
16 February 2021 {wee hours}
Dream moment-
She tosses her head as she slumbered next to her beloved Elijah, her eyes suddenly flying open in the blackness of their room. Taking in a breathed, silent gasp as she did, she stares into the darkened room to gather her bearings. She sits up, propping her body with her right arm, the blanket pulled close against her chest with her right as she does.
'แดบแดผแดธแดฌ,' her mind whispers to her thoughts as her eyes adjust to focus on the richly ornate furnishings she had selected for their estate here. 'Just a silly dream...' she shakes her head to scold herself as she thinks to reassure her mind in the somewhat silent evening. Somewhat, as the faint sounds of the southern music of sweet jazz filled the night air and floated in through their opened windows. The curtains rustling softly in the gentle breeze.
She turns to look beside her, the heat from a body under her hand. She glances down beside her and smiles more softly to herself. Turning slightly, the silky blanket still held against her body as she does, she takes her left palm and gently strokes the cheek of the man laying beside her. How peaceful her beloved Elijah slumbered next to her, even as she woke from such a startling dream, now swiftly escaping her mind.
She watches him sleeping a moment longer before she slips her body once more against his form, fitting back into her place within his strong arms. She rests her forehead to his cheek and neck, closing her eyes as she takes a breath in, the scent of his musk floating around them and greeting her nose. A faint smile crosses her lips as he mind automatically resonates 'Home' to this smell of his. She wraps her body within his own, fixing the silk sheets of blankets around them both this time as she closed her eyes once more to swiftly return to her own slumber once more. His soft breaths to the rise and fall of his chest making hers go in time to them, lulling her to peaceful sleep. The faint sounds in the other room of their twin girls as they slumbered peacefully as well also coming to her ears. His arms were her home. Before long, she was back to sleep, the sleep god Morpheus soon ruling over their home once more as she did so.
Not just safe, home. He was her peace to her demons. She could never truly explain how. It just happened. Such storms he seemed to just be able to soften around her. Before long, the breaths as she slumbered matched to his own rhythm. The music still floating in the air until morning was to rise once again to greet them together.
~ breathing softly · in the safety of โer home
/dreaming/ away as reality becomes unfamiliar
๐ฅ๐๐' ๐ป๐๐๐ ๐น๐ถ๐, ๐ถ๐๐น ๐ฉ๐๐ ๐ช๐๐๐๐ถ๐๐
· ๐พ๐ ๐๐ฝ๐ ๐๐๐๐๐พ๐' ๐ท๐ถ๐ท๐
-MardiGra๐ข&RomanticBlue๐ข https://t.co/aKFQPd1EWN
~soft purrs in her sighs escape her to the feel of soft caresses upon her in arms that held her.
His arms/ her home
The outside world seemed to always just
๐๐ฎ๐ต๐ฝ ๐ช๐๐ช๐/ sweeter dreams floated in
Bringing calm to her mind
Such demons that played went away as
Arms wrapped about her
Music filling the air
Til the moring shall return
Once again
16 February 2021
*TemptingTuesday thoughts roll through her mind as she plays her pen along her lips to think on what to jot down...
A delightful meal of treats. Her beloved's favorite of her chicken parmesan to be paired with some แดบแดผแดธแดฌ sides as well. Wine to be chilled then deserts to + https://t.co/zDscnZq481
indulge upon as their fireplace warms their chambers.
A tiny, playful smirk crossing her lips as she slowly nibbles upon the end of her pen. She scribbles a few more select things down, sets the paper aside then patters off to play with their piano in their front livingroom*
19 February 2021
In their estate in the beautiful city of แดบแดผแดธแดฌ, she wakens early to explore ideas for the day. As the city was under strange weather of freezing rain mixed with some snow, she thought to try and have some items about their home instead of needing to venture out. She had glimpsed earlier how the bayou faired thus far, icicles hanging off of the already low hanging branches of the trees made them droop even lower. Whispered words she sent along to help keep the trees safe in this mess of weather. How they were suddenly transformed like a crystallized wonderland of ice and snow frosting their always lush mossy green leaves and branches, swaying to the wind as they hovered over the murky waters of the bayou. Serene feelings washed over her as she stood there on the banks of here, watching over the land. Their land. Well, perhaps not just theirs, as it was nola. But, somehow it felt like it was theirs.
She had some treats delivered earlier in the week from the nearby bakeries and restaurants, in time for such adventures of non traveling for this day and slipped into a pretty dress before she headed down to tend to the setting of trays for the day.
King's cake, beinets, along with their favorite chocolates, fruits and more to cover their serving trays. She made sure these would be waiting up in their chambers for the day along with their evening.
Then, she pauses in her tasks to play bubbles with their twins. Their giggles filling their halls as she sends shiny bubbles about the room to watch toddler legs chase about to catch and inevitably popping them to then turn and chase another one. A peaceful smile crossing her lips as such memories are made.
Her own giggles join with Sami and Solvi as she plays throughout the rest of the morning until it was time to send them to clean up and nap with their nanny.
After kisses upon each small head and watching them on their way, she turns to think on some of the garden flowers.
Such weather could not be safe for some of those growing within their own grounds. She headed off to take a quick peek to ensure the groundskeeper they had to help did just as she requested.
"Perfect" she said to herself once she saw trees and bushes protected in cloth from the icy rains then went to head back inside. She hoped this effort would help to ensure she did not need to do some little 'extra' work later to bring such plants back to life in this storm.
Inside once more, she slipped away to their chambers to check on a few things, pausing along her way to sneak into their front livingroom to play her fingers along the ivories of their piano which stood there waiting alone. The coolness of the solid keys were inviting under her fingertips as she slowly glided them along a brief moment, filling their home with sound.
A playful smirk crossing her lips as she had some thoughts in her mind before she twirled upon her toes to head off with a giggle in her smirk. "A few tiny things to be done then perhaps a play with the ivories later this day." She whispered to herself as she skipped up their stairwell to their chambers.
She paused before their closet to lay in ready things for their evening, then making sure their treats were set proper upon their breakfast nook within their rooms.
Humming along in her tasks, the music floating on the air past the windows she danced about their room in time to the sounds, passing the day away as she did.
Off to check in on the room she had been preparing for their niece Hope, should she ever decide to stay with them. She had thought the guest apartment would be sufficient for the teen as it had plenty of space and a large bathroom.
She still had the guest bedroom in the third floor to be fixed up for their needs, although for now there was no pressing desire for a use at this time. She gathered some books left for her in her studio and brought them into their chambers to sit in the sitting room part of their rooms to go over some thoughts she had started on before. Her stationary near by so she could scribble thoughts and place her order list on paint, wall papers, trimming and accents, she spent the afternoon slowly deliberating over her choices.
21 February 2021
FB- แดบแดผแดธแดฌ
Life is meant to be enjoyed
Through dance and song and FayeStories the day long https://t.co/FhpU1ra4YG
1 march 2021
What might she be thinking to do this afternoon
A visit to her dear Lilith?
A stop through the portals to check on things about the realms?
Playing with potions?
Or time in the gardens, checking on news from her dear little ravens?
Oh the possibilities are endless https://t.co/CZsLCQyHnx
~*she heads off to their kitchen to prepare a small snack for their evening. Long Mondays deserve quiet and relaxing evenings. So she quickly readied a serving tray of chocolates, fruits, cheeses and meats, along with select favorite pastries as well from about their แดบแดผแดธแดฌ city.
Twirling about their kitchen as she set out to place everything perfectly upon their tray, she pauses then hurries off to their small wine cellar area in the garden/ sunroom. She returns with a bottle of the perfect wine for the evening, adds it to their serving tray; one she found with the antique shoppes upon their first arrival here. Then, she adds glasses, plates and the like before lifting the tray up to carry back to their bedroom chambers.
Humming in her steps as she made her way, swiftly in her faye like manners, crossing their estate and almost gliding up the grand staircase. After crossing their chambers and setting their serving tray down upon their table, she tended to curtains and windows to be opened just so. The full moon having been just days ago, she wanted the still easily seen moonlight to be allowed to filter through their rooms.
Giggles and some twirls as she played and danced about their room to tidy all up, she then allows the sheer curtains as accents to fall softly back into their place.
She heads off to their powder room to ready even more. A nice bath to be drawn, with luxury bathing gels to bring calming scents about the room. Soft, plush towels sitting ready upon their side table. Once all was set, she heads back into their main chambers of their rooms, pausing to ready the fireplace, candelabras and their player, each in turn.
The sweet sounds of แดบแดผแดธแดฌ were not playing yet at this hour, so she set some to be playing in their home.
Next, she heads over to their closet, to find something to slip into for their relaxing evening for them to enjoy...*~
2 march 2021
Chilly days make me wish for spring to hurry up swifter than it is...
So flowers are in my thoughts...
*she sends off a note with her seal off to the castle. Placing it gently in the beak of her raven.
A request for the seamstress to hurry to their แดบแดผแดธแดฌ estate+ https://t.co/UgA2XaeAUV
A dress of flowers she seeks to be fitted this day. She smirks as later on, there was no delay. Twirling soon in a dress covered in flowers this temptingTuesday day* https://t.co/U161ihczWG
Your ๐ขilky light ๐ขhines my love, & the unfinished metaphors of poetry ๐บ แดบแดผแดธแดฌ༄ ━ #Off ━ ℣ห
4 march 2021
~mรญ darling corazรณn, magic is what our love brings about https://t.co/4k4ibswY2F
{Rt https://twitter.com/0riginalGillies/status/1367670979850297345?s=19
she's magic ♥️
{rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1367575191514136576?s=19
~*with a playful smirk and a softly spoken spell, she makes some colorful flowers appear to liven up the room then skips off to tend to other tasks.* https://t.co/MI8YuC137p
~*nap time*~ https://t.co/NwWvba7Zy0
- @MillionRosesRP https://t.co/JjQdo3eyjn
8 march 2021
What to do, what to do?...
All sorts of things to be of possibilities.
*she plays her pen tip upon her lips as she jots down ideas to be played with.* https://t.co/xy6srLsmzA
She had spent the afternoon stopping off at the antique shoppes to check in on items she had requested for their nola home. Pleased with the findings the owners had discovered for them, she arranged for the delivery of everything thus far then bade her parting.
She strolled along the streets and paused at the bakeries and restaurants for special treats of pomegranate and dark chocolate tarts, along with specials from Antonie's restaurant. An order of
Filet with Marchand De Vin; consisting of grilled center-cut beef tenderloin, sauce Marchand de Vin, butter-braised mushrooms, and smashed potato.
Along with Antoine's Baked Alaska; a house specialty buttery pound cake shell, vanilla ice cream core, delicate meringue crust, hot chocolate fudge sauce.
She sang softly to herself as she made her way up their stairs and through their front door. She set her parcels upon their kitchen island and began to pull everything out to set out before her.
She smiled to herself at how delicious it all looked. She hurried about to set their table for a relaxing dinner and evening. She played with some of the flowers her beloved Elijah had given her earlier in the week into new vases about the center of their table and then about their room. The sweet aroma of the roses floated around her as she played work them making her smile at memories.
Satisfied with how the room all came together, she scurried off to their powder room so that she could freshen up from the day and choose what gown for their evening ahead...*
~*a lovely gown of beige and tan. Embroidered with threaded silver as the moonlight beads of fine glass. A recently new addition to the collection of gowns newly delivered this month.*~ https://t.co/xkzxhplLxW
11 march 2021
"To love a person is to see all of their magic, and to remind them of it when they have forgotten."—unknown
~ThirstyThursday thoughts
Her eyes only see the beautiful soul that lays beneath the outer shell shown to the rest of the world. She loves deeply/ loves hard
All that + https://t.co/9okGYYOMjl
13 march 2021
๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐ก๐ ๐๐๐๐๐๐ ♥️
(I see you)
{Rt https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1370852482620997632?s=19
~*smirks as she records herself singing*~ https://t.co/cExbiJ3t03
(Here right now- willow smith)
14 march 2021
~*she sets some pies on the table for #PiDay for anyone who wishes to treat themselves* ~ https://t.co/kj1aUe35HM
15 march 2021
They were sharing breakfast this morning. It has been years since I've seen the sea gulls around. https://t.co/zz6feXRjEX
~what? *places her hands upon her hips as she talks back to "general"* don't you yell at me. I gave you your dinner offering in the area with everyone else's. Go share. https://t.co/Ql7qpXsht9
~life can be unexpected at the very best of times right down the the extremely worst of times. It is what is given to us to teach, learn and grow. How we take these moments and turn them into how we wish them to become in the end is how we ourselves mold our very souls + https://t.co/irowpTlbSd
To what we are truly to be deep within the confines of the shell that houses our soul. Our very being of who we are; or who may eventually become in the end of our physical form upon this creation of a world as physical beings~
20 march 2021
ostara blessings https://t.co/R7Z2v7sUc3
~eyes heavy
Body wanting to be awake
at such an hour.
She lays in silence
to listen to the stillness
of the hour
of the world around her~
21 march 2021
~My sister and I when we are about to get things done... ~ https://t.co/J7H3ScoKDV
29 march 2021
-full worm moon for the month of march
A time the earthworms return to the surface to resume their tasks.
Spring warmth, blossoms anew https://t.co/BJ7cfoazjW
Moonlight & seashore https://t.co/05QV1TRpG4
https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1376707957690359809?s=19A long month almost behind them; the word busy being an understatement these days. She set to work late in the afternoon after a short shower to ease her sore and tired muscles. She had tried for a nap to no avail; sleep simply wished to allude her these past months. She would figure that out in all due time.
She gathered up a basket, her hat for the breezy day and set off for their city of แดบแดผแดธแดฌ. She first stopped off at the bakery and cafe to bring home treats, including beinets for her beloved to enjoy later on in their evening of the full worm moon of March. Then, she set off to one of their favorite of restaurants, to pick up an order she had placed well in advance. Fine dishes of vegetables, meats and more to share and indulge in by a warm fireside was in her plan this night of nights.
She bade good day and thank you at each of her stops before she headed back to their beloved estate to prepare further at home.
Setting the gatherings upon the island in their kitchen before she set all to the antique silver serving tray she had first found upon their arrival to this charming place of theirs, she added what else was needed then selected the perfect of wines and champagnes for pairing with it all.
She looked over their tray, thinking that something was missing... placing her finger along her chin and tapping it a couple of times as she thought this over. She turned her head towards the doors which lead outside towards their patio and gardens. Flowers. Not just any flowers, however. She wished, this day, for the sweet and succulent scent of the magnolias traditional for here. Only, it was not quite time for them yet.
With a mischievous little smirk, she stepped outside and walked along the edge of their property. One tree was just starting its tiny little buds. She smiled at the discovery that perhaps they would see these flowers sooner that she first thought. She peeked her eyes around, leaned into one twig of a branch and whispered to it. One small bud transformed into a beautiful bloom of such magnolia. She breathed a thank you as she made to pluck the one sole flower, to bring it inside.
Humming to herself as she added it to the middle of their tray, then lifted the tray in her two hands to carry it up to their bedroom chambers. She sets it upon their breakfast nook to then turn and set their fireplace ready and warming while she then decided on what to wear for the night...*
30 march 2021
~ a moment of meditative calm with a wind and rain.
Nature cleanses itself, as so should we.~ https://t.co/iLf2wNDgTe
31 march 2021
WishfulWednesday thoughts...
Time longs for one away
When the day slowly grows longer
Each tender caress
That soothes my soul
Kisses trailing along my skin
Sweet, soft, delicate
A delight to my senses
As my body wishes for more
Soft moonlight casting
Her faint glow
Around us so
As we entwine into
Each others arms for the night
3 April 2021
Sunlight streaming
Brightly through the window
Captures the whiteness
Of the wild orchid
Brilliant and beautifully sublime https://t.co/YEhO7pVDeZ
~*earlier in the day, she dropped off baskets to those at the bunker for Easter with a note from her, Elijah and their girls. For the guys, BBQ basket of goodies, the girls, spa day essentials * ~ https://t.co/aVxTsYNPSq
Happy Easter! Thank you for the awesome gift.
You're very welcome *smiles * enjoy!
~for their little bugs, @SamiMikaelson1
& @CallumSolveig1 ,
she gathered frozen themed baskets filled with goodies along with a Crayola art basket with fun paints and more to be explored.*~ https://t.co/vpVVfxnwZc
~{FF} for their girls @SamiMikaelson & @SolveigMikaels1 this easter,
beautiful new saddles, riding blankets&more to match for each of them (respective colors to tell apart, of course) along with baskets for indulging in relaxing spa days, sparkling waters, and more to delight in https://t.co/aCCbGBziFz
Thanks Mom! Everything is so adorable. My Easter gift to you is this. I was reading about human customs and I found this very curious ... what kind of bird comes out of a chocolate egg? Anyway, happy Easter! https://t.co/Mss0aWca8n
Delicious chocolate is always fun. There are no animals, per say, that should be coming out of them, my little bug. Simply molded by crafted chocolate smiths for our enjoyment. Happiest of Easter days, my sweet girl. I am happy you like your gifts.
Ohhhh I understand... humans can be creatures of extremely rare occurrences... but they look pretty I admit! -She smiles, turning the egg over in her hand.- I loved my gifts! I can't wait to try my new saddle! thanks Mom!
*a bright smile crossing her lips as she watches her turn the egg over in her hand* I can not wait to hear how well that saddle holds up to your riding skills. Humans are strange creatures indeed. Although there are wonderful things many of them can do.

19 April 2021
FB แดนแตโฟแตแตสธแดนแตแตโฑแตแตแตโฑแตโฟหข https://t.co/hQNlX9zn59
22 April 2021
Earth day is each and every day as long as we keep the mother earth in our hearts and mind https://t.co/2545k3GLEp
The world around us is full of life
Trees, animals, and so much more. Just sit and observe the earth as she rolls along by https://t.co/SeZyVPmGDt
A walk through the woods, the forest speaks if only one takes the time to listen
The trees whisper along the breeze as the ground helps the very soul https://t.co/9Na3VvHPUZ
23 April 2021
Garden walk
Mated bluebirds♡ https://t.co/RwVTnbI9Fs
25 April 2021
*as she sneaks some watermelon to nibble on. Clearly wide awake* https://t.co/pxEjMnBAya
26 April 2021
Hidden getaways
Paradise to play in
Solitude and calming
Soothing to the soul https://t.co/B8mJkKH4a2
Thoughts of sunshine, sweet treats and even sweeter kisses and caresses later on as the pink moon rises into the evening sky https://t.co/d0TczbHWBv
~*pink full moon evening dancing...* https://t.co/aGLM5yS8l8
14 may 2021
*she might not be actively racing about as she does, but that never means she may not still be lurking in the shadows as a faye likes to do... observing the ways of life passing by* https://t.co/3GWJXTXRxq
17 may 2021
Just one of them days *smirks* https://t.co/XJ389MNSJa
22 may 2021
*Saturday afternoon vibes* https://t.co/E8DmaSNuk9
27 may 2021
*trippyThursday vibes*
~nothing like a travel through the looking glass ~ https://t.co/kkvKwQSTqX
29 may 2021
Always work to be done.
But maybe now will make it easier to manage with twins racing about the estate that we have a small space to keep that stuff organized. Along with my mischief things... *smirks* https://t.co/L2KtoRuIms
30 may 2021
~Treats to make my skin feel hydrated... loving how it makes my skin shine these days.~ https://t.co/oVYo6svs6G
31 may 2021
The earth speaks but only when one takes the time to listen to her. https://t.co/eIbUCKRT5U
[Can't post as file too large - so special as is only in here ;) ]
Wishes upon every day things
One just has to believe to make manifest to reality https://t.co/ivE0PxEDxX
*self care sunday* https://t.co/dLc5na0nAD
6 June 2021
off to check on things...
*Sunday pampering* https://t.co/zKJa4UyYk9
8 june 2021
World oceans day ๐ณ
A spiritual place
A life source
There is still time to protect her https://t.co/bgyl6pip5e
my beloved wife is literally a mermaid ♡ IvorySorceress
*giggles in a tiny smirk*
9 june 2021
-mermaid moods- https://t.co/pbUXJM3fmn
11 June 2021
Nothing... https://t.co/PBtGpqMgCP
*Baby Spice vibes this early SeductiveSaturday morning* https://t.co/KjeWTeZYAj
Love, celebrated in time
Chance meetings;
One never really dwells
on such thoughts.
Life just seems
To travel a particular path.
A small smile;
A special chord.
Anything, really.
Fast friends
Soon lovers in the night.
Life is funny;
How things can turn about.
Whispers in the night fall;
Comforts just in being there.
Stolen moments of time;
The tiniest things
Truly mean the world.
This is what it feels-
Celebrating love.
Two souls
Once lost
Now found;
To one another.
Fated in time.
16 june 2021
21 june 2021
[Reblog from author page]
Repost tumblr 21 june 2019
Mid summers nights eve. That is what we are in. In The old ways, this was our true name.
The faye folk are out and about... chaos among our sleep. Making us restless in our slumbers more than usual. Sending us dreams of such things.
This night of nights, is about faye folk, stories of old, Avalon. Of the God and The Goddess. Now is the time we begin to gather our harvests. The faye are out to play.
The last few days of been high energy many people who are gifted probably feel like they want to crawl out of their own skin. Unable to stay still that is probably because it happens to be the closest most high energy event in a while our summer solstice or a.k.a. Midsummers night with addition of a strawberry moon and lunar eclipse. recently there has been a lot of activity in the area and the night it's self on June 21 is the beginning of litha and depending on the type of "gifted" that you are and whether or not you were part of any of the links to Babylonian Times and the gateways of Avalon it ranges from anywhere between 2 to 3 evenings starting on June 20/21th witching (2:30 am) hr till the 21 midnight on the 23rd.
The holiday itself actually Pertains to the summer solstice in the beginning of when the days become shorter currently the theory is that the God and Goddess are abundant and pregnant with Sustenance and a fruit for harvest so now the oak king needs to fight the Holly king and this is the theory of why it took three days because apparently their battle lasted three days and the Holly king wins and on the 21st The daylight hours begin to wean away and night becomes longer for the winter because the Holly king wins. So technically Midsummers or Melissa is the mark of the coming of the winter and not the beginning of summer is technically the only day of summer.
So on this day, many blessings be to all.
This year, I have found with many things to be up and down. I'm overworking myself on the main - but thats because of things behind the scenes.
I find busrts of energy here and there. Summer is my time. I'm a faye of the sun not just the moon. I thrive in the sunlight as well as dance in the moonlight.
Blessed solstice to all. May this time of year find you peace and happiness as I hope will come to me as well.
~FB early morning hours~
Time of the new moon... new beginnings; a time where we are always told to manifest what we want and it will become to be...
She woke in the morning and slipped out from their bed. She patters upon bare feet across their bedroom chambers, slipping into her silken floral bathrobe as she makes her way towards their closet. She slips silently behind the changing screen that stood just so; clothing being chosen those for heading into a wooded area. She slips swiftly into them then heads out from their chambers towards the hall. Silent music of the quarters filtering in through the windows on this summer morning. Wee hours of a summer in nola, remnants of jazz from the night lingering upon the air as birds chirp their songs to the rising sun.
Climbing down their stairs, she turns down the next hall and slips out to their gardens, roses, magnolias and more greeting her nose as soon as she steps from the door. A small smile to her closed eyes as she breathed in deeply to linger on such a combination of aromas before she strolled through their yard to slip through a portal of the faye. Emerging from the other side to the weeping cherry tree of her beloved little area, her cave she spent years hiding away from the world... those years before she had found her beloved Elijah that is. Now the cave is just for storage of such magical items needing to be kept hidden away from all. She glanced across the way to see it standing silently watching over all.
She stands beneath the tree, cherry blossoms in full bloom as she began her focus, breathing in deeply and closing her eyes. Slowly, she lifts her arms up around in a circle above her head as she exhaled. She lifted her chin up straight up towards the tree top. A deep breath in once again as she stood there, pausing almost as though time itself had frozen around her. Bringing her palms flushed together, she brings them down center to pause once more. Focusing on the light that welled up from deep inside of her, she breathed in and out slow and steady. In an instant, she threw her palms straight out at her sides, energy shooting out from her very fiber of being. A slight smirk twisted at the corner of her lips as she remained in place; the world echoing in her wake. The blossoms shivered to no wind as the energy slowly dispersed itself around her form.
She stared straight out over the cliffs which stood before her and the cherry tree, listening to all around her. Waiting. Soon, all become still once again. She rested her arms now by her side, breathing regular once again then turned to lean against the tree. Resting her palm against the thick trunk of the ancient one, she closed her eyes and whispered her thoughts as though to an old friend. Trees know secrets of the woods. Secrets of life. They have eyes and ears as well, you know. Opening her eyes as she felt the blossoms gently floating around her as though the tree replied back its answer to her, she smiled and gave it a pat to thank it before heading back to the portal to ready for the day in their nola home. Morning meditations and the release of extra energies is always good to do from time to time...~
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