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thread https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1183885641622446080?s=20
*After spending the morning tending to things at the castle, she was now back on the grounds of their Manosque cottage. Their twins played with their now deemed pet bunnies in the small gathering area in front of the kitchen entry being watched over by a raven or two. Sky went over to start tending to collect herbs and seeds for the autumn harvest, in hope of getting things done before the frost hit the land. Off over the far end of their vast gardens, some helpers from the castle came to gather the lavender to bring back for her to be stored. She looks up and notices a young woman in her teens standing hesitantly at the very beginnings of their property.*
I wonder who that is… *she tilts her head slightly as she picks up a rag nearby to wipe her hands. She looks behind her to motion to the raven* keep them close. *as she begins to walk over for a closer look and to also greet the young newcomer to their home. An aura of nervousness seemed to come from the lass as she approached closer, her head raven flying low above her head as she walked. she had no real concern about any threats entering the property since the spell she casted upon their first week arriving to this cozy little cottage of theirs.*
Good day, miss, might I help you with anything? *there seemed something almost familiar about her, yet she could not place her finger on it as of just yet. She waited on the young lady to respond as she stepped to just inches from the barrier of the spell.*
Hope had come here looking for her uncle Elijah. She had been told that he had been spotted somewhere in the area, so off she went. It had taken a bit of traveling, but at last she had found the small cottage some of the townspeople had told her about. She didn’t see her uncle, but she did see a woman who appeared ageless and two small children playing. As the woman approached her, Hope fidgeted with the hem of her uniform skirt. It was an old habit, something she did when nervous. Her eyes remained glued to the woman’s face as she asked Hope what she could do for her. Hope’s mouth lifted in a nervous smile as she spoke hesitantly. The normally confident tribrid was at a loss, for some reason.
“Um, hi. I don’t know if I’m at the right place or not, but some of the villagers told me I might be able to find my uncle here. Maybe you know him? His name is Elijah.”
She didn’t reveal his last name. Sometimes, when people learned she was a Mikaelson, things would go south. A lot of people had been harmed by her family over time, and she had learned that it was better not to bring the family name into conversations with new people in case they had an ax to grind with them.
~seeing the young lady fidget with the skirt of her school uniform, she confirmed the nervousness that resonated from her. She smiled softly at her to help try and ease that nervousness in her. She saw the school logo on the uniform and recalled of earlier conversations with Rebekah and Elijah about their niece. She waved at the raven as he perched on a tree branch cawing at them.*
Hush you
*she tells the raven then turning her attention back to the young woman, she whispers*
Are you Hope? There is no need to fidget as such, my dear child *she now stepped past the barrier of the spell to place her hand gently upon her shoulder. She continues whispering*
Your uncle does live here, and I suppose that being I am his wife, would now make me your aunt.
*she makes to lead the child towards the cottage and inside the barrier of the protection spell around the property. This teen would be meaning now harm. She was more full of nervousness in her search of finding her beloved husband Elijah, than to think for a second of harming anyone here. Besides, she had plenty of experience on keeping things safe if it really came down to it.*
Come along inside, my dear child. It will be much safer to speak openly there.
“Yes.” She nodded. “I’m Hope.” The Teen was about to ask how the woman knew who she was when she revealed that she was Elijah’s wife, thereby making her Hope’s aunt. Hope hadn’t even known her uncle had gotten married. “I didn’t know Uncle Elijah got married,” she offered the woman a shy smile as she led her past some sort of barrier. The atmosphere immediately changed, and Hope felt more at ease and at peace than she had moments before. The cottage that had appeared somewhat blurry when she first arrived now came into sharper focus, and she was able to see that they were in some sort of idyllic forest area. Her gaze swept around the grounds, and she waved to the little girls playing. Could they be her uncle’s children? Her cousins? It didn’t seem possible, but then, she hadn’t even known he’d gotten married in the first place. “So, um, when did you and my uncle get married? I haven’t seen him in a while.”
*as she guided her through the barrier, she felt Hope's aura ease. She smiled as she heard the teens questions as she nodded to the ravens tending to the twins. As they walked closer to the gathering area the girls were left playing with their bunnies, she nods* your uncle and I have been married a year now. It doesn't surprise me that you are unaware of this information, as he has wished to keep away from what follows your family. Keeping our little ones safe is of his most concern.
*she smiles again and lifts up each of the girls as they reached up to her, slipping each to a hip. She nods her head*
This way, we can chat inside more. You must be starving from such a long walk from the village.
*she leads Hope inside, the ravens now hopping about before flying into the nearby lemon tree to fix her a small snack as they continue their conversation inside and away from any ears.*
The trees have ears, you know. One can never be too careful in this day and age.
*she gives a slight smirk as she says this, entering the quaint kitchen*
“Ears. Right.” Hope looked slightly mystified by the whole affair, still so unsure as to what to make of all this information. She looked at the two sweet faced little girls with something like awe. She had always thought that she was the only child born of an original vampire, and here were two more. Twins, no less. Two adorable little girls she could call cousins. It was a life-altering moment for her.
She sat down at the simple wooden table in the center of the kitchen. The cottage was lovely and deceptively small from the outside. She couldn’t help but wonder if her newfound aunt had some kind of magic power. There was definitely something otherworldly about the woman. She was pretty sure she wasn’t a witch like her aunts Freya and Davina. If that was the case, then what, exactly, was she? She had so many questions.
*she sets the twins each down upon the floor of the kitchen once inside, motioning for Hope to take a seat. She opens the refrigerator door and grabs out a platter of fruits and meats and cheeses to snack on, setting it on the table before them. she sits down across from her and looks her in the eyes*
I trust, you know all of this *waving around the room* Stays secret, per your uncle Elijah's request? As I can tell by how you did not dare to mention his last name when you approached me, you must have a good understanding on things needing to be kept, how shall we say, safe?
*she passes a plate over to her as she grabs a slice of cheese for herself*
I can probably assume by now; you must have a lot of new questions.
*she tilts her head slightly*
What do you need your uncle for? may I ask?
*She nibbles on her cheese*
Hope plucked a bunch of grapes from the small platter set before her. Popping one in her mouth, she took a few moments to ponder the question. What had she come here for? There was no impending threat at home that commanded his presence. She certainly missed him, but she wasn’t so needy and selfish as to bring him home to ease her loneliness and longing for family. Head tilting slightly to the left, she swallowed what she was eating and decided to go with some of the truth.
“There were rumors about someone matching his description around here. I did a little digging and asked around. It led me to your place. The villagers love and fear my uncle in equal parts, you know. All I had to do was tell them he was expecting me, and they bent over backwards to tell me where to find him. Truthfully, I don’t really know why I’m here. I just felt a strong urge to come to this place. You have my word that no one will learn about it from me.”
*sensing the truth from her, she nods as she listens to her words.*
So just curiosity getting the cat, I see?
*she gives a playfully little smirk as she slips a strawberry into her mouth now.*
I suppose your uncle would not allow me to turn you away as you did come all this way...
*she winks at her with a slight giggle escaping her lips as she did so, to show she was kidding with her.*
We have a guest bedroom, so you may stay the night at least, as the sun shall be setting before too long.
*she places a hand gently on hers to reassure her she was safe here. *
We can figure out everything in the morning. I will show you the room once you have had your fill here.
“That would be lovely. Thank you.” It was a holiday weekend. The school would think she had gone home. Her family probably thought she had chosen to stay at school. It would be too easy to cover her tracks and stay here for a night or two. Hope could think of nothing more than to see her uncle again. She knew his wife was right. He wouldn’t turn her away. They’d always been close, and he’d always put his family first. He still was, just in a very different way.
“You know, I just realized.” Hope smiles hesitantly. “You know my name, but I don’t know yours. It was rude of me not to ask before now.”
*she gives a soft smile* you are so very right, my dear child. We have forgotten such formalities this time. I am truly sorry about that. I am Sky.
*she motions at the twins playing in the other room*
And they, are your cousins, Sami, and Solveig. you finish up here, and I shall go and ready the room, for you while you do so. *she stands up slowly, and smiles* I shall be right back. *she returns some minutes later from readying the room and sits back at the table. She looks over at their girls and smiles more before returning her focus on Hope* So, do you have any questions, before I must ready the girls for bed? And then I can show you to your room for the evening? Your uncle has been away to tend to his many business dealings, so I am unsure on when he will be returning home. I do so hope it will be soon. But, for now, we shall just settle in for the night. *she gives a soft smile*
“I’m looking forward to seeing him. It’s been a really long time. I guess I know part of the reason now.” She looked around the cottage, at the two little girls, and back at Sky. “I can feel the magic in here. I’m guessing my uncle told you I’m part witch.” She shrugged her shoulders in a way that was vaguely reminiscent of her father. “My instincts aren’t telling me you aren’t a witch. Not one like my aunts are, anyway. You’re definitely not a vampire or werewolf. Would you consider it rude if I asked what type of magic you use?” Hope didn’t want to offend her newly found aunt, but she did want to know what manner of magic she was dealing with. The information might come in handy later. Not that she intended to reveal it to anyone.
as being the first borns in your family are always witches, yes. I was provided such information.
*she gives a nod over to the girls* and with them being twins, I think they are both going to have such energies. As well as the witch from me as well. Probably just as old in magic, if not older running through my veins that they now have as well. *she gives a small look over and continues*
I am of Faye blood as well. So, they have that, along with your uncles vampire writhing them that they can use if they chose to later on. *she gives a pause* I suppose that makes them a lot like you, my dear child... three powers harnessed into one being. *she gives a whisper* extra special children you all are.
*she smiles and heads to scoop up Sami and Solvi up to bring them to bed. She begins to hum softly as she walks with them*
Once Sky led the twins out of the room in preparation for their bedtime, Hope took a few minutes to collect herself. Truth be told, she had expected this search for her uncle to prove fruitless, but felt she had to try any way. She was glad she had made the decision to come here. Meeting a new branch of her family was far more than she had expected. Her uncle was surely happy in this relaxing atmosphere. It wasn’t quite what she’d been expecting, but she was happy Elijah had found some measure of peace here. This was one of her most calming moments. It was a rarity for her, and she treasured it.
she sings softly to their twins as she sets them to bed, laying each snuggled child into her own bed once they were slumbering soundly. She leans down and kisses each one before turning to head back out the door and show Hope now to her room for her stay here. She closes the door partly, leaning down to Rune, their black cat.* Your turn to keep guard, sir. *she gives a wink as he meows at her, rubbing against her leg as he slips into the room for, he night. She returns to the kitchen and nods to Hope.* Are we ready for our room, now my dear child? *she smiles as she asks the question *
Hope could hear the soft sound of singing coming from the other room. It reminded of her of the times her own mother used to sing to her, and it brought a soft smile to her lips. She hadn’t thought about that in a very long time. It made her miss her mother, but it also made her happy to think about it.
A few minutes later, Sky was back in the room and ready to show her to her room. Hope stood up and nodded in response to the Faye’s question. She might not have shown it, but she was quite eager to see her room, and whatever other parts of the cottage she might pass along the way.
she leads her past the main entertaining / living area. An opened space with plenty of small windows that allowed the sunlight in the early morning to shine through. One could see the room off from it with the piano sitting in wait for the next time Elijah or herself decided to sit at it to caress its keys. They walked along to a slightly grand staircase that lead to the upper part of the cottage. She turned her head slightly to look at Hope.*
The spare rooms at the moment are all upstairs as I have been slowly renovating them one by one. The one I shall have you use this evening will eventually be one of the twin’s rooms. There is a small bathroom adjoining the two rooms. So, you will not need to go far for one. *she gives a soft smile as she softly spoke at such an hour. She continues up the stairs, her hand gliding it seemed along the wooden railing of mahogany, freshly polished. Once at the top of the stairs, one could see the many rooms already finished by now and the few remaining to still be worked upon. She lead them to the far end of the hallway where the twins rooms sat.* This will be where you stay for now, *she slowly opened the door to reveal cream colored walls and hand painted murals she had done by her own hands some weeks ago. Each room matching but slightly different for each girl. Painted cream-colored dressers and vanities to match as well as a mahogany four poster bed, with fresh linens placed for the night.*
The cottage was indeed much larger than it appeared to be from the outside. If She had to guess, she would say it was part of the enchantment Sky had around the place. Hope was used to large homes. She went to school at the corner Salvatore home and the Mikaelsons had a huge compound in New Orleans, in addition to their other homes. It wasn’t the size that impressed her. It was more that there was a sense of magic around the place. Hope had never felt anything quite like it. Faye magic was very different from witch magic. “This place is exquisite!” She looked around in awe at the enchanting room. “Do I call you aunt?” Hope wasn’t entirely sure about that.
Sky~ *she blushes at the compliment and smiles*
why thank you, my dear child. It is really nothing much. To be honest. Just a simple cottage is all it is. I came across these rooms upstairs here recently and started working on them. just simple paint and hard work is all that has gone into it.
*she smiles and then turns quickly to pull the curtains closed with the setting sun.*
It would honor me so, if you chose to do so, dear. I guess that being married to your uncle Elijah does make me your aunt now as well.
*she turns back after closing the tall curtains and smiles once again. She gives a nod towards a window looking double doors.*
There is a small balcony if you wished to look upon the stars and the moon. It really is quite beautiful to see the gardens drenched in the moonlight when it is a full moon. And the best part of being out here, is that there are no artificial lights to get in the way of our viewings. I also placed some of my clothes in the dresser drawers for you. So, you have something to wear in the morning. If you find that you need anything more, please do not hesitate to ask.
*She gives her a motherly look when she mentions the last part.*
“Thank you, Aunt Sky.” It felt strange to Hope to call her that, but that was only because it was so new to her. She had a feeling she would get used it for pretty quickly once she got to know her newfound aunt. Her attention was directed toward the French doors leading onto the balcony. Sky was right. The view was to die from. Hope had never been out in such a countrified area before. Mystic Falls was a small town, but it wasn’t this close to nature. And New Orleans, well, it was a bustling city. Nothing countrified there. If possible, she definitely wanted to visit here as much as possible. “This place is so beautiful and peaceful. I love it here!”
*She gave a pleased nod and watched Hope’s attention go towards the balcony. Smiling brighter that she was happy to be here in her new discovery as it was more than an adventure of sorts by this point, she lifts her hand towards the direction of the balcony and begins to walk over to the doors, opening them wider.*
Would you care for a peek out there now, dear? It is such a breathtaking view. Your uncle really has a way of finding the most beautiful places, he never ceases to amaze me every time.
*She peeks over her shoulder with a shy smile crossing her lips as she thinks upon all the wonderful things her beloved husband has surprised her with over the past year. She steps out onto the balcony, pulling her shawl over her shoulders against the cool breeze that greeted her as she did. She rests her hands upon the railing and smiles, looking up into the slow approaching night sky and then glancing over the gardens in their now golden hues from the setting sun.*
Hope eagerly stepped onto the balcony, her wolf side needing those few moments outside to feel somewhat free. The sunset was breathtaking, turning the land around them varying shades of gold and pink. She could see why her uncle would have wanted to make a place like this his home. “It really is stunning out here. I can’t wait to see what the night sky looks like.” Hope knew she would be okay tonight. There was no full moon, so she wouldn’t run the risk of turning and accidentally hurting someone. That was the last thing she wanted to do.
*she glances over at her and smiles* and there is plenty of land here. And trails past the property line, if you needed to do anything... *she hinted at knowing that the hunters moon has past being full by now, but sometimes she herself still had the werewolf hunger for the bloodlust. She had her goblet, however. And lately, with their late nights together, for some reason she didn't need it as often.* there is no one around for miles. We are secluded perfectly here. *she looks back over the land, content in the view*
“I take it my uncle told you what I am?” Hope wasn’t the least bit surprised by that. She’s gotten the impression early on that there were no secrets between her uncle Elijah and his wife. She gazed wistfully out at the view. The place was lovely and seemed pretty extensive. It seemed like exactly the kind of place where she could run freely without having to worry about harming anyone. It was perfect.
*looking out over the gardens still, she spoke in a hushed tone* Between your uncle Elijah, yes. But also, conversations with your aunt Rebekah. She stayed with me for a while back at a safe house that I help tend to from time to time. *She pauses* That place is under good management by this point, so I only need to go as needed. This way I can spend my days and nights here with my darling Elijah and our girls. *She gives a bright smile over this thought.* Besides that, I also know of various… creatures like ourselves. You can kind of say I *She thinks of proper word for it* I am a guru on such topics. *she didn’t think the lass needed to know as of yet that she was queen of the Faye, or that she ruled over an Island where she controlled and guarded all of the realms; including those the girl herself would have gone to in her own slumbers. Best to keep that quiet for the time being. Maybe in time, she will bring her up to visit the castle. She did seem the type that might appreciate the vast libraries and the freedom on the castle grounds.* I can understand the bloodlust that comes with some our one’s attributes of what one might be. I do in fact, have a slight underlining of the wolf running through my own veins. I just find ways around my control over the years. *she gives a casual shrug over this comment, hoping it helped her to know she was probably more understanding than others might.* There are a lot of things many might not realize about me…
“I get that.” Hope nodded. Sky definitely had a very distinct aura of mystery about her. There was no denying that. Hope had a feeling that no one would ever truly be able to figure her out, though she was sure many, including her uncle had tried. If she had to guess, Elijah probably came closer to it than anyone else before. The mystery added to her aunt’s allure and was probably a big draw. Not that she needed it. Sky seemed to naturally draw people to her. Hope was usually wary around new people, but she took to her uncle’s wife right away That was rare.
*she turns suddenly so as to maybe change the topic* Do you like books? I just finished, well just about finished, a library on this floor. *she gives a shy smirk as she corrects herself, allowing herself to lessen some of her guard in front of her niece. She had recently been trying hard to keep a front up with all that had happened over the past year, but she was getting tired of having to do so all the time. Well, except when her beloved was home.* I just had a lot of books, grimoires and such, delivered and I still have so much to be gone through and sorted into their new homes. Maybe, you would like to give me a hand with that tomorrow? Unless you need to head back to school right away? *she adds quickly remembering she did eventually have to return to the Salvatore school before too long. But maybe she could sneak her through one of her handy little portals like she taught Elijah to use so he could get home quicker to her.*
“I would love to help out!” She didn’t even bother to hide the eagerness from her voice. Hope loved books, especially ones involving magic. Add in that it would give her the opportunity to get to know this new branch of her family, and she was all for it. “Um, we’re on fall break from school. I don’t have to be back for about three or four days. So, I have plenty of time to stay and help out with your library.”
*she lets out a giggle at Hope’s excited eagerness to help.* Wonderful. It will be good to have an extra set of hands to help. There is an entire house worth sitting in huge stacks in the library and I haven’t been able to even make a dent in any of it yet. But, then again, your uncle and I did have a more important thing to take care of. So, the pause in such a task was more than welcomed. *she smiles fondly as she replays the day of their renewals, they just had almost one month ago. She lets out a happy little sigh as she recalls the beautiful words Elijah spoke to her that day and how perfect it all felt. She turns her attention back to Hope* A few days would give us plenty of time to get a lot of them put away. Then, maybe I will have room for the next delivery of more. *she bites the corner of her lip at the thought* I figured I can keep them all safe here since where I did hide them… fell through recently. What type of books do you like?
“You’re getting more?!” Hope’s eyes widened slightly. From the way Sky was talking, it sounded like there was an incredible amount here already. Where would they put them all? Something told her Sky had a way of making this place bigger whenever needed. She clearly possessed a lot of power. More than enough to simply expand a place like this. She looked up when Sky spoke, startled out of her reverie. “I like all kinds of books, especially magic books. My aunt Freya has an impressive collection of them back home.”
*she couldn’t help but laugh at Hope’s reaction to more books being delivered before the next month.* Yes, my dear child. There are to be more sent here very soon. Yes, there are a lot already here. But I have plenty of space for them as you will see once you go in the library in the morning. It might not be nearly as large as another library I have elsewhere, but it shall do the job I need it here. *giving a slight smirk* Who knows, you might even find a few familiar ones among the collection.
“With a library as big as you’re describing? I have no doubt that I will. I have a feeling you have just about everything here.” Hope had a feeling she would never be able to get through the entire library. It seemed far too vast for that. Maybe Sky could point her toward books that might be of particular interest to her. Of course, it was just as likely that she would find them herself as she looked through them.
She gives a nod* most definitely, there are a lot of books. So yes, there are bound to be something of interest to you, without a doubt.* she looks over the gardens one final time before she continues * perhaps we should turn in for the night. This way we are refreshed for an adventure of books in the morning. *it had been a busy day, and if the teen had traveled on foot this end of her travels, no doubt she would need the rest by now. She smiled softly and motioned with her head as she turned for back into the room.
She heads to the door, pausing before the doorway* blessed dreams, my dear child. I shall see you in the morning, unless you need anything further in the night. *she waits a spell in case Hope needed anything more*
“Thank you, Aunt Sky. For everything.” Hope hadn’t been here long, but she felt more at peace than she had in a long time. So much had been happening in the past year that she felt as though she’d barely had time to process it all. Maybe a few days away from the school and her home in New Orleans would be exactly what she needed. Plus, she was excited to see her uncle again. They’d been close when she was younger, and his absence had made the past year even more difficult.
*She smiled softly* You’re very welcome, dear child. Tis nothing. Blessed dreams, sweet girl. *she turns and then softly closes the door behind her, heading down the hall and then the stairwell towards the kitchen. She thought to fix a small snack before heading off to the bedroom of her and her beloved husband for the night. She heads over to their closet to change for the evening before turning to spend time out on their balcony as she always did. She looked upon the stars making her whispers out to the air. Barely audible whispers for the wind to carry along to her beloved’s ears and then closing her eyes briefly to wait for any return answers. With a soft smile to her lips, she finally turns back inside and crawls under the covers of their bed to hug his pillow, breathing his scent from it as she slowly drifted to slumber, until his return home.
In the morning, she quietly gets up and heads off to the kitchen to fix some breakfast for everyone humming away as she sets a bowl for Rune, their black cat and then twirling around the kitchen as she prepared fruits and other delights she had delivered from the bakery in town earlier that morning. Delicious little French treats she thought the girls would all enjoy on this slightly chilly morning. Once she was satisfied all was set, she scurried off to the twin’s bedroom to ready them for the day. Humming along still as she went, waking them each up and setting sweet little dresses for them for the day.* Morning, my little bugs… *she sings songs as she gets them ready before she brought them back with her to the kitchen to enjoy breakfast.*
After Sky left the room, Hope spent a few more minutes out on the balcony. The cool air felt good against her skin, and she liked the peaceful feeling she got from being in an area so close to nature. It spoke to her wolf side and seemed to keep it calm.
When she began to feel a slight chill, she turned and went back into the room. Sky had mentioned having some clothes for her, and she checked some of the drawers until she found a comfortable looking night gown that looked to be her size. Slipping out of clothes and pulling it over her head, she found that it was very soft and warm. Perfect for her, in fact. No to check out the bed.
She climbed onto the soft mattress, letting herself fall into it. Giving off a sigh of contentment, she slid under the covers and closed her eyes. She had thought she might be awake for a while, thinking about what happened that day, but she was sleeping by the time her head hit the pillow.
The next time she opened her eyes, sunlight was steaming through her windows. There was a moment of disorientation before she remembered where she was, and she took a moment to revel in the softness of the bed. Hope would have been happy to stay there all day, but she soon caught the scent of baked goods, and it lured her from her bed.
Not wanting to wear her school uniform again, she checked the closet for something more appropriate. She was delighted to find a pair of jeans and a shirt almost identical to what she wore at school. Sky must have intuited what she wanted through Faye magic.
As soon as she was dressed and ready for the day, she followed her nose to the kitchen, where Sky was putting them finishing touches on breakfast.
“Good morning!” The usually sullen teen practically sang the words out. She felt that relaxed. “What smells so amazing?”
*she had just finished setting Sami and Solveig their breakfast and looked over to the sound of Hope practically singing out a good morning. She couldn’t help but let out a small giggle to know that the teen was happy and comfortable enough to do such a greeting in the morning. She actually didn’t take her to be a morning person type. Rune raced from the room, probably chasing some invisible nuisance taunting him at this hour. She smiles back at her*
Blessed morning, my dear child! Are you hungry? There are fresh patisseries and croissants and so many more other delights just sent in from the bakery in town. As well as plenty of fruits. *she turns towards the counter to grab up a plate for Hope to take what she would like as she continues* there is just cooked bacon in the warmer of the oven and I will have scrambled eggs ready to side with the French toast momentarily. *she glances at the clothes she put on* do they fit alright? I tried to find some items to your size best I can.
“They fit perfectly. Thank you for getting them. This place is amazing, honestly. I can’t remember the last time I slept so well.” She smiled contentedly as she placed food on her plate. It looked so good that she couldn’t decide what she wanted to eat first, so she placed a little bit of everything and began taking random bites. Part of her wondered if this was all done by magic. It would make perfect sense given that Sky was Faye. She seemed to have created the perfect place here. It was no wonder her uncle had chosen to stay here.
*she gives a nod and then smirks as Hope places a little of everything on her plate* Help yourself, dear. There’s plenty to be had. *she hums some more to herself as she fixes the scrambled eggs. Cracking some eggs into a mixing bowl before adding milk and some vanilla extract to the mixture. She picks up her tiny whisk and blends it all together. Once mixed, she sets it aside to add butter to the already heating frying pan. Then, she picks up the bowl to pour the mixture into the frying pan, pushing it around with the spatula as it sizzles to the heat from the pan.* do you want any eggs, dear? *she turns with the pan in hand once they were ready, adding a spoonful to each of the twins plates.* I was thinking after breakfast to head up to the library at start in on those piles, unless you wished to tour the grounds?
“I would love some eggs. Please.” She smiled as her aunt came over with the freshly prepared eggs. Her tilted slightly as she weighed her options. Hope was very curious about what the rest of the place was like, but she also wanted to see the library. She would be here for a couple of days. There was no reason she couldn’t do both. “I think I’d like to take a tour first. If that’s okay.”
*she scoops some eggs onto Hope's plate and then scoops onto her own before she sets the frying pan back to the stove. She sits at the table to join the girls and nods* there is a lot to discover around here. I still have not seen everything myself. *she takes a forkful of egg mixed with french toast and syrup. Sneaking to catch some syrup dripped on her lower lip with her tongue before she dabs it with her napkin.* I can show you some spots, but it seems like this place is full of surprises. *she gives a smirk as she takes another forkful.*
“Really? Kinda sounds like back home. As much as I’ve seen of the city, there’s always something going on that I’ve never seen before. I feel like I’m always finding something new no matter how many times I go somewhere.” Hope hummed to herself as she continues eating. “Maybe you could show me some of your favorite spots.”
*she smiles as she listens to Hope speaking of home. It made her wish she was able to have gone with Elijah and finally seen New Orleans. Maybe one of these days, when he deemed it was safe enough for them... she brings her attention back to her niece from her trailing of thoughts. * yes, I can certainly show you some spots. You already saw me in one of them when you arrived last night. The gardens are simply wonderful. The fragrance from the lavender fields, the honeysuckle, and the other plants growing here are wonderful. My ravens love the ancient weeping willow at the far outskirts of the property. Such a beautiful tree she is... *she trails off in her thoughts now of the property, then she smiles sheepishly* I get ahead of myself. There are also wonderful rooms inside. The indoor greenhouse is always tranquil. And there is also the room where Elijah's piano sits... *she gets a thought of maybe caressing the keys to feel closer to her husband as he had been away far too long for her liking by now. She looks over at Hope, smiling as she pauses in her sudden babbles*
“All of that sounds so wonderful, I don’t know where to begin.” Hope tapped her chin as she thought of how best to start. “I think I’ll let you decide. You can show me all the places you love best.” She thought that sounded like a great idea, and she smiled to herself as she went back to eating her food. “Do you think the twins would like to join us? It would be nice to spend a little time getting to know them. I’ve never had cousins before.” Hope was excited about having new members of the family to get to know. It had just been her aunts and uncles for a long time. They were all that was left, until now.
*she gives a nod as she chews her bite of food. Once she had swallowed her spiteful down, she replied* We could start with the gardens. The girls love playing with their little bunnies out there. I think they have just about become their little pets. *she gives a small smile with a slight laugh to the thought* I do have some herbs still to be gathered. So, we can spend the morning out there, if you'd like? *she lifts up another forkful into her mouth of scrambled eggs mixed with french toast and syrup.*
“That sounds like a great idea. The weather here is absolutely perfect. This time of year, it’s usually colder and it rains in Mystic Falls.” Hope couldn’t help but wonder how much, if any, Faye magic went into making this place absolutely perfect. She had a feeling it didn’t rain here unless Sky wanted it to. Hope could definitely sense the power her aunt had, and she was sure the twins were just as powerful.
As soon as we have finished up our breakfast, then we can head on out. *she finishes up her food, and then slips out of her seat to bring her plate to the counter before checking and removing the twin’s plates as well. she peeks at Hope* shall I take your plate, my dear child? *she asks softly with a pleasant smile upon her lips.* I can clean up here if you would be so kind to clean up the girls for me? I believe I do have some more lavender to be bundled and piled up in the wagon before the staff arrive to bring back to the castle grounds for winter storage for me. I would very much like as much ready as possible before they arrive later this afternoon. The girls can play with their bunnies close by as we work on that a little.
“I’d be happy to help. Just tell me what needs to be done besides wiping off their hands and faces.” The two little girls smiled shyly up at Hope, and she gave them a smile right back. Her ears pricked up at something Sky had said. “Did you just say castle? There’s more than this amazing cottage?” This was turning out to be one of the most interesting trips Hope had ever taken.
*thinking a moment* I think just wiping off their hands and faces is all. *she turns quickly, closing her eyes when Hope catches on that she said castle. mad at herself, as she didn't want to mention that as of yet, but the cat was out of the bag now. she gave a slight casual shrug to the question* well, I mean... *she trails off thinking on exactly how she should tell her niece she just met, that she was queen besides just a Faye. she sets the plates on the counter, and then turns back to glance at her. with a sigh she continues* yes, I said castle. *she lifts her head, tilting it slightly and then continues* I might be queen of the Faye? *darting her eyes away as she thinks if she should add the fact that she also had the entire island and thinks, 'the hell with it, might as well.' she looks back at Hope* I am also queen to the Island of realms. but, that will all be stories for another time. for now, *She looks her dead in the eyes, for her to see the seriousness of things in such knowledge* that is all that one needs to be knowing of. anything more will be for a much later time. maybe, you will be able to visit and spend some time out at the island. but for now, here *stressing the word* is safest. *she gives a motherly and queenly look in her face to mean she wanted nothing more of the topic for the time being*
Hope nodded at her aunt’s instructions and found a damp cloth to clean the girls off. They giggled and fidgeted a bit, but allowed her to clean them off. “You’re a Queen? That’s pretty cool.” Hope was used to meeting all kinds of supernatural beings. Her boyfriend was a Phoenix. Why should it phase her in the slightest that her newfound aunt was queen of the faye? “Don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone. And I won’t ask too many questions, though there will be some later.”
*relief washing over her face as she closes her eyes briefly, she nods* thank you, and as I shall give you more answers in time. First, I must be certain that things are safe, as does your uncle has been doing the same. *she motions her head at the twins* those two must be kept safe at all costs. As I am sure you are aware. Maybe they had to do the same for you... with different things that go bump in the night? *she turns back to the counter and washes the dirty dishes quickly. Within minutes, she was already wiping her hands off with the dish towel nearby and looked back at the three of them, smiling. She holds her hands out to the little ones* come on, outside to play with the bunnies? *she smiles brightly at their beautiful little twins, suddenly realizing how quickly they were growing. Time always flies by quickly when one least expects it to. She leads them outside and past the fire pit, to the small garden shed on this side of the cottage.* they will be here sometime late in the afternoon for the wagon there, *she points to a large rickety looking wagon on the far side of the tiny shed.* I have twine inside the shed. So, we can bundle them easily. *Sami and Solveig giggle as they set off on their knees and hands to find the bunnies they have made fast friends with. She smirks as she watches them rush off. Their giggles like soft bells chimes as wind chimes on the breeze.*
“I understand completely, Aunt Sky. When I was a baby, I was sent to live with my Aunt Rebekah in an isolated country house. I wasn’t exactly supposed to exist since vampires can’t procreate and a lot of different creatures wanted me either dead or to study or worship. It wasn’t safe for me in New Orleans. It didn’t last long, but I was in hiding for a while. Uncle Elijah would have more details on that. I only know the stories I heard growing up.” As she spoke the little group had been making their way along to properly to the where the garden shed was. The place was so picturesque, it reminded her of paintings she had seen growing up. Her father would have loved it here for that reason alone. Hope’s attention focused back on Sky as she explained what needed to be done. She was eager to help out and wanted to make sure she did so correctly.
*she listens silently as they walk along to the shed area, giving a small nod in understanding* yes, safety is most important. Especially when they are so young. *she glances over to the twins and then smiles softly as she unthinkingly places her hand along her stomach. She then makes like she was simply wiping her hand on her clothing before picking up some tools and twine for bundling the lavender.* I am sure Elijah will tell me such stories in his own time. For now, the property is warded as much as I could make it so. Even though I am plenty certain your uncle may have already done so before we ever stepped foot upon the grounds. *she gives a slight smirk to the thought as it would be just like her beloved husband to have done. She continues* I can understand in the not supposed to exist part myself. I was hidden away and treated out to the rest of the realms as though I was no longer. For safety, of course. *she hands some twine to Hope and gathers up a large bundle, showing her how to wrap and tie them easily. Then, she places it into the wagon bed.* nothing to it. *she smiles* and I do believe we can get a good section done in no time. *she begins to pick up a cutting tool and steps into the field before them now to cut at a section to be bundled next. She pauses to a caw from a raven as it lands at the side of the wagon bed. She turns her attention to him, setting the tool down gently.* report *she whispers as she scratches under his beak. He caws a length as she nods silently, still petting him as he then begins to purr almost afterwards* very good. Thank you *she kisses the head of him, and he flies off quickly to the willow at the far end of the property.* looks like we will have that company sooner than expected. *she turns to Hope* which means more adventuring around the grounds…*she smirks playfully as she says this*
Hope had noticed the protective placement of Sky’s hand over her stomach and the way she’d tried to cover it up. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what that meant. It wasn’t Hope’s business to ask. That would have been rude. Sky would tell her if, and when, she was ready. For now, she would focus on the task at hand. It didn’t seem too difficult, and Hope was able to figure it out easily. She was so intent on what she was doing, she didn’t see the crow at first. When she realized it was talking to her aunt, she paused for a moment to watch.
*within a couple of hours, their company arrived and set to work without hesitation. They took over in the task for Sky and Hope. Sky nodded to them and turned towards Hope* shall we explore a bit more of the grounds? They will take over in the work for the rest of the day. They brought extra people today, so they will hopefully be able to finish this field quickly. *she gives a satisfied smile over this and wiped her hands on her skirts.* we could start on the side gardens if you would like? I haven't been to that part yet. We can explore it together. *she then pauses to greet Maura*
{Blessings, my queen, shall I tend to the girls for you this morning? *Maria bows low and smiles shyly as a lass of about 14 learning the ways of court would be still in front of her queen. She was still fairly new around the castle and was given the task to help as one of Sky's younger ladies in waiting.*}
*Sky returns with a slight bow and smiles* yes, thank you. I shall show my niece Hope around the grounds some more this morning as she will be staying for a spell longer with us.
{As you wish my queen *another bow and she was off towards the girls and playing with the bunnies alongside them*}
Hope was in awe of the way the visitors deferred to Sky. She figured it was all part of being a queen, but it was still pretty impressive to her. People had been like that with her father, but that was more out of fear than anything else. Everyone knew Klaus Mikaelson would rip your heart out if you so much as looked at him funny. Sky didn’t seem to have that violent tendency, and you could tell people revered her.
“I would love to see the side gardens with you.” She gave the twins a little wave and walked off with her aunt.
*Sky smiles in her nod and kisses each of the girls upon the top of their heads before turning to walk with Hope. She leads them down the cobblestone pathway past the small shed and around the corner. She had not ventured to this side of their cozy little cottage as of yet, even though they had been here for almost a year by now. As they stroll along, they come across some fruit trees not in the other gardens. the smell of mint floats up around them to greet them as they approach. Sky breathes in the aroma deeply and sighs* I do love that smell... *she closes her eyes as she gets lost in some sweet memory and then opens her eyes again. they step closer to the trees and she lifts her hand up to the low branch to pick some fruit for each of them to enjoy along their walk. she hands one to Hope* Peach? *she then slips a few more in the pocket of her skirt for later on before placing her peach up to her lips to enjoy the juicy peach herself* these are simply divine. I will have to grab some baskets to pick some for tarts and jams for the week. they will go beautifully topped on pancakes in the morning. don't you think, my dear child?
“With whipped cream? Sounds absolutely perfect.” Hope inhaled deeply, loving the scent of fresh fruit. She had noticed the way Sky had seemed to get lost in thought a moment ago, and she wondered what she was thinking. “I could help you with cooking if you want.” Hope was actually a pretty good cook, having been taught by her mother, and later, her aunt Freya. She didn’t have the opportunity to cook very often, though. If the other kids at school knew she was skilled in the kitchen, they’d be constantly asking her to cook for them, and that was something she didn’t want.
*she gives a pleased nod* if you wish for whipped cream, I can see to that. As for helping with food, that would be lovely to have a hand from time to time making things. So, whenever you wish to use the kitchen, feel free to do so, my dear child.
She scoops down to snatch up a sprig of mint before they continue along the path. There are a lot of peach trees over here. So, there will be plenty to play with. *she giggles in her smirk and looks ahead of them* it appears to be so overgrown bushes at the end of the garden yard there. But there is a path seeming to wrap around it. Shall we check out what lays on the other side?
“Definitely!” Hope had a curious nature and loved exploring new areas. It was part of what led her out here. She’d wanted to see if the rumors about her uncle being alive were true, and there was something about this area that had made her want to see more of it. She wondered just how big this place really was if not even Sky had seen all of it. She figured it was probably enchanted so that anyone who found it thought it was a simple cottage and not the home or the faye queen and her original vampire husband.
Let's go, then. *she smirked at Hope's enthusiasm. she slipped her arm into Hope's to walk along together and headed down the cobblestone path to the overgrown bushes. once they reached the wall, turning towards the cottage as the path allowed and then turning to the left to follow the path. after some minutes of walking along the cottage wall on one side and the overgrown bush on their other, it gave a secluded air about it.* this looks like the conservatory windows. or at least one of the walls of the room. I recall it seemed a little secluded on one side. *she mentioned curiously over this part of their walk. eventually, they come to a break in the wall of bushes and peek around the opening. Sky had to pause at their discovery that was hidden here* oh wow...
Hope’s eyes widened as she surveyed the area in front of them. “Breathtaking,” she murmured as she looked around. She hadn’t seen the conservatory yet, so she didn’t realize that was the set of walls they were looking at. “This place is infinitely large, isn’t? I bet it would take years to see it all. And just when you think you have; you find something new.” She took a few more steps into the garden for a closer look at it.
Sky ~
*She stared at what laid before them. It was like another world, secluded and hidden away. She stepped slowly through the opening in their path, the overgrown bush catching at her skirts. She brushed them off with a wave of her hand as she walked. A long pool, fallen stone from time of neglect surrounding it in spots. Tall grasses and trees lined the side pathways and at the far end, a large staircase leading off to someplace. She stopped before the edge of the pool and glanced down before her where the fencing of the pool laid against another section of the wall. Resting, almost. Past the reflection of the water, she noticed steps.* hmmm…. *she whispered.* how interesting. I wonder if this was a reflecting pool of sorts? *she looks up and continues to walk slowly around the newly discovered gardens, sliding her fingers slowly along the moss-covered stone railings. The cool softness beneath her fingers made her smile.* you will come handy as earth in spells… *she spoke softly to the moss itself. She glances over in Hope’s way to see what she was thinking of their discovery.
Hope’s eyes were huge as she took in the surrounding area. She had seen some strange and beautiful things, but nothing quite like this. It was like stepping into another world, and she longed to explore it more. The stairs had particularly piqued her interest, and she wanted to know where they led. Sky seemed to be headed in that direction, so she simply followed her. They had rails on either side of the path, so there was no need to worry about slipping and falling into the water. Good thing too, because she knew there was no telling what could be in there.
Sky ~
*she gives a smirk as she briefly darts her eyes up the stairs, pausing at the base of them and turning once again towards the pool. The energies that pulsed through her raised hand as she held them palms out over the water was fantastic as it began to flow through her. She closed her eyes as she focused on the energies, allowing them to finish flowing through her. Finally, she allowed her hands to lay by her sides once again and turned back to continue up the long stairs.*
The witch in Hope felt the magical energy as Sky worked her magic. It was very different from the witch magic she was used to. Witch magic was earthier and sometimes held a tinge (or more) of darkness to it. There something more pure about what Sky was doing, though she wasn’t quite sure why that was. It clearly had something to do with her being faye. “What happens now?” She spoke up after Sky lowered her hand and whatever she was doing ended.
*She gave a puzzled looked at Hope to her question* hmm? What happens with what? *as she turned to head up the stairs to investigate what laid beyond the top of them, satisfied in the feel of the energy that came from the waters. It felt old. Pure. The stone steps covered in + ~moss gave off a tranquil feel to the garden. She gathered up her skirts as she climbed the steps, pausing at the top of the first landing. She turned to look down over the reflection pool, holding her hands out on either side of her as she did. She listened to the almost silence that suddenly came as she stood there. Her breath slow and steady as any normal witch or daughter of Avalon would take. Especially this little garden witch that she was, she listened to the elements surrounding her before something told her to look down at her feet. She tilts her head as she uses her foot to move some dried moss out of her way to look beneath.* Very interesting indeed…
*she knelt down, oblivious to anything else that was around her, now using her hands to rip away at the moss revealing more of a design set in the stone…*~
“Never mind,” Hope mumbled as her attention was caught by the shift in magical energy. The moss was a little slippery, but when she saw the way Sky was moving around the moss as if there were something under it. It only took a few moments to lean down and begin helping her. What she saw surprised her. “Have you ever seen designs like this before?”
~they seem old druid or Celtic based... *she spoke in a distracted tone as she continued to move the moss now with Hope's help. After some moments, she stood up and saw the larger scene before them.* well, well, well. It seems we stumbled across a ritual or gathering area. I am now very curious to know who owned this property before us. I wonder if the rooms I haven't renovated yet might have anything that will give us a clue in that. There is old magic here, my dear child. Very, very old magic. Can you feel the energies coming from all around us now? *the breeze slightly picked up and seemed to wrap around them a moment, playing with them almost and then was gone. Sky gave a smirk at one of her elements played with them. Almost as though thanking them for uncovering what was lost so long ago.* this is a very interesting find... *she turned to look up the stairs still behind them.* now I am even more curious to see just what lays up at the top of these stairs. Being this has been hidden here for a reason, there must be something even more important hidden up there. There is energy coming from that direction. And it calls to me.
“I feel it too.” Hope’s voice was quiet, almost reverent as she looked toward the top of the staircase. She really hoped it wasn’t some sort of supernatural creature imprisoned in there. Hope had dealt with more than her fair share of that over the past year. Sky didn’t seem to be worried about that. Powerful as she was, Hope was sure that, if something were truly amiss, Sky would surely have picked up on it.
she gives a smirk and heads up the stairs once again. She turns her head slightly* are you staying here to play some more, or coming with me? *she hitches up her skirts and walks up the moss-covered stone steps, pushing the overhanging branches in their way as she goes.
Once at the top, they are met with a fair-sized landing. Secluded as the gardens below was. Only there was a small gazebo standing off in the corner, hidden by cherry and birch trees. She makes her way over to it.*~
“I’m coming with you!” There was no way that Hope was missing out on whatever this adventure was. She was dying to know what was up there. Moving along behind Sky, Hope kept her hand on the bannister. The stairs seemed sturdy enough, but she wasn’t taking any chances. When at last they reached the top, Hope let out a soft gasp of surprise. The place was absolutely stunning. It certainly didn’t seem sinister. Just the opposite. The place radiated a sense of lightness and peacefulness. She couldn’t remember the last time she had felt something like it.
*she walked over to investigate the gazebo and came across some other items placed around the garden. A sundial sat in a corner where some sunlight hit it just right even in the overgrown woods taking over from time. Before the gazebo, a small scrying pool or well.* what an interesting place... *she twirled around slowly to take it all in. One could get a lot done here in secret... *she whispered, lost in thinking out loud.*~
“It is very private,” Hope agreed. “What do you suppose it was used for?” She could smell the flowers blooming around the gazebo. Closing her eyes, she inhaled deeply. There was something romantic about this place. Like maybe lovers would come here to meet in secret. She wondered if Sky knew anything about the people who had lived here before.
She knelt down before the small scrying well, lightly placing her fingers upon the stone sides* this, is to see others and places. Like looking into a mirror upon the world. It's called scrying. *she Pat's the ground beside her* come. I can show you *she whispered and then closed her eyes to get a focused meditation started.*
Hope nodded as she crouched down next to her. She vaguely remembered a lesson on carting from school. The students hadn’t had the opportunity to try it, but it had definitely been interesting. Lizzie has found it boring and kept flicking the water at Josie, but Hope had paid very close attention to it. She’d wanted to ask her aunt about it later.
*in her focused meditation, she was calling upon her circle to protect them. She didn't have her stones with her. But if this was used as a ritual area, she hoped the feeling she was getting off the grounds meant there were stones already in place somewhere. She sensed Hope crouch next to her as she slowly opened her eyes once done. She looked up at her and whispered* is there anyone you wish to see? Just focus on them and look upon the waters. * she nodded in the direction of the well, knowingly. Just think about them and concentrate. They will appear in the reflection to you.*
Hope closed her eyes and focused on her father. She knew her mother was at peace, but despite what the Necromancer has shown her, she was still worried that her father might not be. She hated to think he was doomed to be a restless spirit or sent somewhere horrible because he’d died trying to protect her. When she opened her eyes again, she a familiar figure reflected in the water. “Is that—?” She spoke softly as she stared at the water in wonder.
*she sat silently watching as Hope focused herself. She would not be able to see what she saw, so she just watched in case the girl needed a guide through the process.* is that what, dear child? *she barely whispered to her. She hesitated to place a hand upon her arm lightly, she didn't want to break her focus.*
“My dad.” She kept her voice low and stayed absolutely still. The last thing she wanted was to have her concentration broken. She was unable to get a very clear look at him, but from his posture, he didn’t seem to be tormented. Rather, there was a relaxed air about him that she rarely saw in life. “He seems to be at peace.” The relief in her voice was palpable.
*she whispers to guide her through further * that's good. Is there anything more? *she pauses and watches her carefully. She knew Klaus was safely someplace in an urn. Where, she had lost track. She assumed Freya or Elijah had taken him and placed him in a safe place until they found a way to return him. The day they managed to bring her beloved Elijah back, Freya had tapped into her as an anchor and used up all Sky had left in her after performing her own spell to collect their ashes in the first place. Spent on her energies, only Elijah had made it through the veil. She sat and listened to Hope as she still looked upon the well. The water perfectly still*~
“He seems so relaxed. I don’t think I’ve seen him like that growing up. Except when he was painting. You know, when I was little, we used to paint together. We would site outside and he would paint a landscape while I painted in swirls it colors. I was too little to really have much skill. I’ve improved since.” She smiled shyly.
*whispering in a soft smile, she places her hand on her arm for sure now, not worried on breaking her focus.* those are good memories to hold on to and to be cherished. Keep moments like those with you in your heart, always. If the pool shows him relaxed, it could be his current situation. It could also be how you remember him, as he has passed on from this plane of existence. *she wanted her to find comfort in her father’s passing, especially in the way he had sacrificed himself as well as her beloved husband for this child. But she also wanted her to understand things in such a pool as this, could be simple memories one wished to see. More practice, maybe she could see a passed loved one.* these are more to see those on this plane with us. But, if it did show you for father, then maybe this is more powerful a scrying pool than I first thought. *she glanced at the pool in wonder*~
“I don’t really remember him being so relaxed. He’s not painting here, so it can’t be an old memory.” She shook her head. “With everything my family has gone through, it was so rare they got to relax. My mom tried to protect from all that, but I still caught glimpses of it as a child. I just never said anything to her. I didn’t want anyone to worry.”
she nodded slowly as she listened.* then it must be him now. In his current realm. *she gave a small smile being hopeful that it was true. She was sure there was a way she herself could be certain of such a thing, as she was in control of all the realms. For now, she will settle for what Hope has seen. It gave the teen a sense of ease to know such a thought. She would just let it be as that.* I hope that he will always be in the peace that he appears to have finally found *she whispers to her.* and he will be waiting for you when it is finally your time, my dear child. *she hugs her gently* it is always good to know they are at peace. *she sits back up from the hug and then looks around the gardens, taking in the solitude of the place after*
“I’ve felt so guilty for the longest time thinking he and Uncle Elijah might have been stuck in some sort of holding area or eternal torment because of me. Hearing Uncle Elijah is still alive, and now this, is truly a gift for me. I can finally let some of that guilt go.” She knew she could never fully let it go, but seeing this went a long way toward giving her comfort.
Let the guilt be gone, dear child. *she speaks softly as she looks along the tranquil garden* they did it because they loved you. I am certain with what I have seen how your uncle goes about to protect our twins, never mind in protecting me, he would have done it again if it came down to it. I know Elijah loves his family most of all. So, I am sure, your father is at a peace because he probably feels the same way. *she places her hand on her shoulder* it was not your fault the Hollow wanted you. They all did what they felt was needed to keep you safe. I am sure you would have been the same way if you were in their shoes.
“Of course, I would have!” She thought about her sacrifice to Malivore last spring. She’d been lucky enough to come back, and even though no one remembered her at first, she felt it was worth it if it meant keeping the people she cared about safe. During this conversation, Hope’s faze never left the reflecting pool. She wanted to watch her father for just a few more moments. They couldn’t stay out here forever, so she wanted to enjoy it while she could.
*She gave a nod and then got up. As she slowly walked around the garden, she spoke softly.* you know, now that you have the basic understanding of the scrying pool, you can come up here and at least look upon your father whenever you like. *she gave a shrug* it is in no way like talking with them, but on days when you really feel like one needs to see their face once again, it does bring a little comfort. *she paused at a vine and whispered her usual spell, making the tiny buds bloom into vibrant morning glories. Smiling as they formed, she opened her mouth slightly to admire her handiwork and then whistled. Sure enough a hummingbird nearby squeaked mouse like in his flight to drink from the flowers nectar.* Good day, my friend. Enjoy.* she whispered to him. Then she went over to a rose bush, doing the same to a few of the budding roses, turning them vibrant pinks and reds. She stuck her nose deep into one of the large ones to breath in its sweet fragrance, closing her eyes and becoming lost in the moment. As she breathed back out, she continued to Hope* there are no spells that will make it to speak with them via this way. This is merely a mirror upon life. Or in this case, I mirror upon the afterlife for you. So, use it wisely is my only caution.~
“I will,” Hope promised. Her aunt Freya and the teachers at school had been drumming the fact that magic was not a toy to be played with since she was a child. She knew that, if used improperly, magic could go wrong and become very dark, indeed. Hope took a deep breath and inhaled the perfume from all the blooming flowers. It was just enough to make the air fragment but not enough to make it cloying.
*she smiles with a nod and turns back to the roses before her. she slides her hands gently along their petals. She remembers her garden shears were in the pocket of her dress and she pulls them out. she carefully snips a couple of the roses to bring inside to be enjoyed.* these will look lovely in the tiny vase beside the bed. would you wish for a couple by yours as well? *she turns to peek at some more blossoms to take the best-looking ones. she snipped a few more and passed them gently to Hope.* did you need a little longer by the pool, my dear child? Or should we head inside to place these in water? We can grab some baskets to collect those yummy peaches for tonight. *smiling* maybe we can make some tarts. ~
“That would be nice. Thank you.” She would never have thought to ask for that. It seemed rude, somehow, to ask someone who was so one with nature to cut short the life of so lovely a flower. The idea of having such a beautiful flower, with its intoxicating scent, to decorate her room, was highly appealing, and she was glad that Sky thought to suggest it to her.
Much as she would have moved to stay out here, she knew they would have to go back. She stood up, watching as the image in the water faded. “I think I’m good for now, thank you.”
*she made a slight bow to approve her decision, then turned to head back down the moss-covered stone steps. She stayed silent as she felt that was what the teen may have needed as they walked. To be alone in one's thoughts after seeing a recently passed loved one like this can always make one think on other things not realized at first. Finally, she whispered* I shall find the vases, if you wanted to gather the peaches. There should be a small basket just inside the door.
“Sure.” Hope nodded, grateful for Sky understanding the need for her to be alone right now. She hadn’t really expected to see anything in that reflecting pool. She’d underestimated her own abilities. It was a comfort to see her father again and know he was at peace. Exactly what she’d needed. “Thank you,” she said quietly. “For everything.”
No need for thank you, my dear child. *she gives a slight shake to her head.* you came all this way, and you are family. it is my pleasure to help out in any way that I might be able to. *she spoke softly as they made their way now across the length of the pool part of the garden.* things take time and understanding. especially when it comes to the ways of healing. these gardens might be the key to such a healing I think you are really in search of. *she absently plays her fingers along the rose petals as they walk along, turning at the entryway and back towards the front gardens they started in.*
“You really think so?” Hope’s expression turned thoughtful for a moment. “Maybe you weren’t meant to find it until now because I was supposed to be with you so I could look into it. Do you think that’s possible, or am I being completely narcissistic in saying something like that?”
*She gives a small laugh at a thought of past conversations with her beloved Elijah.* fates are silly and mysterious creatures at many times. One just never really knows… *she smirks as they pass the peach trees and mint once again, breathing in the fragrance again. She glances ahead of them to check on the progress of those working on the lavender. A large pile waited already in the wagon.* they will be leaving before too long from the look on things. *she lifts her head to point at what she was speaking about.* Looks like we will have a quiet night sooner than I had hoped for.~
“They work fast, don’t they?” Hope watched as the workers moved about with efficiency. They seemed to have everything under control, with no need of help from her or Sky.
“So, tell me more about how you and my uncle met. Did you know him before he, um, died?” It was painful to say it, even though she knew he was back now. That he had to die in the first place was a difficult thing to think about.
Yes, they do. They have always been swift in any task given to them. *she smiles as she gets lost in sweet memories upon Hope’s question. She could still hear the song coming from the piano as he played that first night.* piano and candlelight… *she whispered at first, remembering that night, a dreamy smile crossing her lips. She blushes quickly when she remembers that she was asked a question, and that she had castle staff on the grounds. Embarrassed suddenly to have shown this before the staff, she tucked her lips in, biting them briefly and then gathering herself before speaking to answer her niece.* He was playing the piano. Beautifully, I might add. The song he played drew me in to where he was. *She glanced quickly at Hope before looking before them as they continued on their walk back.* he had such a sweet and welcoming smile as I entered the room, I simply had to sit beside him as he played. His fingers caressed the keys effortlessly as he shared his music with me and I shared my words of poetry with him. *she gave a happy sigh as she remembered that beautiful evening that led to many other evenings until they stood here this day.* ~
“That sounds so romantic.” The teenager in Hope could definitely appreciate a moment like that.
“I remember him playing the piano when I was a little girl. Sometimes, he would play a lullaby for me when it was my bedtime. Only one song though, no matter how many times I would beg him for another. And when we had parties, he would play. I remember him looking so elegant in his suit as everyone gathered around him to listen to him play.” She smiled softly at the memory.
It was wonderful… *she smiles as she sighs again, now wishing for her beloved Elijah to return home safely soon.* He does enjoy playing the piano. It is almost like it’s a part of him in a sense. We share a love of words and music. *she lets out a giggle.* I bet it was easy to always fall asleep as he played for your bedtime. I know I have drifted to easy slumber many nights to his playing as he watched over my sleep many nights. *she couldn’t help but smirk at the thought. Even when she wanted to fight Morpheus to slumber, Elijah would somehow convince her of the lateness of the hour and get her safely slumbering away.*~
“It was.” She smiled softly at the memory. “Does he play for the twins at their bedtime?” Hope let herself lose herself in the image of her uncle playing the piano as a much younger version of herself drifted off to sleep. In the summer, the windows would be open, and the breeze combined with the music would relax her enough to fall asleep with almost no trouble.
*she nods* sometimes he does. And other times, like now while he is away, he made a player of songs just for them that he chose. Also, I will sing to them as I rock them to sleep. *she spoke softer now as she noticed Hope getting lost now in her own thoughts. She looked forward as they approached where the twins were left to play with their pet bunnies in the front gardens.*
“They’re very lucky, then.” Hope’s gaze followed her aunt’s toward where the twins were playing happily. They didn’t seem to have a care in the world as they laughed and ran about with the bunnies. The twins looked so happy, and Hope felt her heart swell up with joy as she caught a glimpse of the family life she had been denied for a long time.
Blessed... *she whispers back without hesitation or thinking. She smiled at the sight before them. The sound of the twin’s giggles greeting them as they approached.* I am thankful of each day, and each moment we can share. Cherish your moments in life, Hope. One never knows what may be around the corner. *she added absently before continuing on* I shall go set these in water before they wither. You can sit with the twins a spell, if you'd like instead? I can always gather some peaches for our use. I think I might gather a few other treats as I ~do... *she suggested as she trails off.*
“I’d be happy to.” Hope was curious about her little cousins. That was something she had never had before, or thought she could have, since vampires weren’t supposed to be able to procreate. She and the twins were living proof that it could happen, but she suspected that had more to do with their fathers being original vampires than anything else. She was certain that a “regular” vampire would be unable to pull something like that off.
I shall not be long. *she took to inside and easily grabbed two small vases. She filled them with some water and snipped the bottoms of the stems to fit into the vases, setting them on the counter for later placement. Next, she picked up a basket and came back out into the front gardens where she left Hope with the twins. She smiled as she watched them a brief moment before heading quickly back to the side garden and the peach trees. She set the basket by her feet and picked the perfect ripened peaches for them to use for the evening and them grabbed a few sprigs of mint. Once she was satisfied on her bounty, she picked up the basket and returned to the front gardens.* I think I will grab a few lemons that remain on these trees and many some of the herbs that have not been harvested yet as well for our use this evening. *she smiled as she points to the basket.* I think we shall have more than enough to play with this evening since I never even knew those trees were there. *she gave a small laugh.
“I have a feeling we’ll have plenty. I bet this place has a way replenishing whatever you take.” Hope has been playing with the twins while they chased butterflies around the garden. “They are very sweet little girls,” she told Sky as she paused long enough to talk to her aunt. The girls turned to look at her as if they’d heard what she’d said and flashed her a grin. One of them lifted a hand and waved at her.
*she smiled as the twins looked over at them and then giggled.* oh, I do not know about that. This is our first year here. It seems to definitely follow the rules of the seasons and nature. Nothing magical other than the usual magic here. At least as far as I can tell. I shall only be a little longer. *she peeks over at Sami and Solvi again* did you want to stay outside a little longer, or head on in with the girls? We can get started on our treats early if you wanted? *she then looks back at Hope*~
“They seem to be having so much fun. I don’t mind staying out with them for a little while longer. I’ll keep an eye on them, and when you’re done, we can all go back inside and have something to eat.” Hope looked up toward the sky, which was a perfect shade of blue dotted with fluffy white clouds. The day was too pretty to make the girls go inside before they were ready.
if you wish, I can do that. *with a nod and a small smile, she takes her basket and heads over to grab some lemons and other berries and herbs for the night. She sets the basket by her feet once again and picks the best lemons before she looks through the berry bushes for what the birds have not eaten by now. A few sprigs of herbs and then she picked the basket back up and turns back to the cottage. She sets the basket down on the table and hums softly to herself as she works in the kitchen, twirling around about the kitchen as she worked. She rinsed off the berries and set them aside in a small bowl before then doing the same to the mint and other herbs. She sets the peaches and lemons by the cutting board as she continues to hum away.
Picking up a small knife, she then carefully slices he peaches and sets them in a bowl, placing them on the middle of the dining table. She grabs a mixing bowl and adds eggs, flour and water, grabbing up the whisk to mix it all up in. she sets the bowl near the stove and grabs a frying pan and turns the flames on, setting the pan atop of the flames. She pours some of the mixture into the pan, letting it sizzle as the heat hits the batter. She grabs a plate and sets it on another burn nearby as it cooks and then slips her hand around the spatula to flip the few pancakes she started. She continues on until all the batter is used, flipping and then sliding the finished pancakes upon the plate on the other burner.
Once dine, she sets it in the warmer of the oven and turns to use some of the lemons for lemonade, being sure to set some peaches and lemons aside for tarts and other treats later in the evening to be prepared for them. She looks the kitchen over and peeks her head out the door to call the girls.*
Girls, it’s all ready! *she then ducks back in to gather plates for them all and start washing up the dishes used while she waited for them to enter and wash up from playing in the gardens.*
Hope had been having a marvelous time running about the garden with the twins. They were chasing the bunnies, laughing as the bunnies hopped away every time they got almost close enough to reach them. Cooking smells were coming from the kitchen, and Hope sniffed the air appreciatively as her stomach rumbled in response. When she heard Sky called the girls in to eat, she gathered up the twins and led them into the cottage. “I can help get them washed up for dinner,” she offered. The twins were dirty from having been running around outside for so long. A wash up was definitely in order.
*she peeks behind her as the girls all enter the kitchen, smiling at the offer* thank you, that would be most helpful while I tidy up my mess here. The pancakes are in the warmer, so they will keep hot until we are ready. I made us some lemonade and set aside the rest of the peaches and lemons for other treats later if we wished to make them.~
“That sounds delicious!” She looked over at the twins, who were sniffing the air. “Come on. Let’s go get you two cleaned up so we can eat.” She held her hands out for them each to take and led them toward the bathroom near the kitchen. It didn’t take long for her to get them cleaned up. They were tired from running around outside, and by now they were hungry. If it got them to the food faster, they were more than willing to hold still. When they were finished, Hope took them back to the kitchen and helped them get settled at the table.
*Once Hope takes the girls to wash up, she finishes washing the dishes. twirling about the kitchen once again, she hums as she grabs the plate of pancakes from the warmer and places it in the middle of the table for them. She gathers up plates and sets them upon the table for them. then, she prepares the plates for Sami and Solvi each, while leaving empty ones for Hope and herself since they could choose their own shortly. then she places the glasses with the freshly made lemonade. She then wipes her hands on the kitchen towel before hanging it back on the refrigerator to wait for them to return to the room, hearing their giggles and mumbles as they were washed made her smile to the sound.*~
Hope and the twins came back into the room just as Sky was finishing setting things up. The twins ran to their places, giggling as they slid into their seats. Hope came over and sat down at her spot and looked at her aunt. “This looks amazing! You made a good choice with the things you gathered from the garden. Can I help out with anything?”
She helped the twins in their chairs as they can running in with Hope from being cleaned up.* there are my beautiful little bugs! *She laughs softly as their smiling, clean faces giggled into the room. blushing at Hope's compliment, she simply shakes her head* just sit and enjoy the food. please, my dear child. it is time to relax and enjoy what is before us. *she smiles pleasantly and slides into her own chair to set some pancakes upon her own plate, topping it with peaches and syrup with butter.*~
“I can’t wait to try it.” Hope cut herself a piece of her pancake and lifted it to her lips. “This is amazing. Everything seems to taste better here. Maybe it’s the fresh air.” She wondered if her aunt cast a spell to make everything perfect, including the food. This whole place had a dreamlike quality in its perfection.
well, there is nothing better than good wholesome countryside and fresh air. *she gave a smirk and a wink as she slid her knife into the pancake and lifted the forkful up to her lips, savoring the mixture of peaches, syrup and fluffy pancake.* something about freshly picked that always tastes better...
“I think you might be right.” She nodded as she dug into her food with enthusiasm. Sky was definitely a good cook. She could have given the women at Rousseau’s a run for their money, and Hope was curious as to whether she ever cooked food from that part of the country. “Have you ever done Cajun cooking before? Or tried it? It’s pretty popular where I’m from, which I’m sure you already guessed.”
*she finished her mouthful and then thought* no, I haven't yet. But I am sure your uncle might have a recipe or two around somewhere. *she smirked at the idea of making her beloved husband cooking up something for them. Watching him cook is always fun for her to do. she stuck her fork in the pancakes again, lifting it back up to her mouth.* I usually have meals ready before Elijah comes home, so he hasn't cooked too much for me yet. Maybe we can look into some recipes soon to try?
“I think he would really like that. Traditionally, vampires aren’t supposed to eat, but you know of my family’s unique history. They can do things that regular vampires can’t. I guess it’ll be that way for me when my vampire side gets activated.” Hope wasn’t quite sure how something like that worked. It wasn’t something she was eager to find out since it meant she would have to die, even if she would be coming back.
He does enjoy cooking, it seems. At least when he cooks for me, he enjoys doing so... *she smiles sweetly with a slight blush and then quickly looks thoughtful on what else Hope says.* well, let us not be in a rush for such things to happen. *she gave a slight smirking look in her eyes as she stabbed her fork in another piece of pancake, the syrup oozing out of the stack* just enjoy what you have now. and learn to harness those such gifts you do have. you have your whole life ahead of you to learn and grow before needing to want such other things so soon. best to leave things as they are... *she stuffs the fork into her mouth before she could speak more on it.*
“I agree,” she said with a nod. “I remember my uncle cooking when I was younger. Back before my family had to separate. Did he tell you about that?” About her? “He always said a growing girl needed to have good meals. He wasn’t wrong. And he was a really good cook. I’m guessing that hasn’t changed. I’m surprised he hasn’t cooked anything he learned in New Orleans. He always said the city had amazing cuisine.”
*she smiles* well, he has prepared me many a breakfast in bed. And brought home many treats he has found during his times in NOLA when he would find chances to hop a portal home to me. But, your aunt tends to beat your uncle to the kitchen in the afternoons or evenings, *she gave a smirk as she took another bite of food, this time a bunch of sliced peaches.* maybe I will have to not have our small meals waiting so that I might have him prepare something one of these nights. *she giggles with a playful smirk to her lips*
“Maybe,” she said with a giggle that made the twins laugh. “I could show you how to make a few things, if you want.” It would be fun. Just like at home when she was younger. Uncle Elijah used to let her help now and then, and so did her mom and Aunt Freya. It would be fun to cook with her aunt.
*she giggled with Hope as the twins laughed as well. she leaned towards each of them to tickle their toes briefly* you think your cousin is silly? *she sings in a silly voice as she tickled them, then turns to Hope and they giggle even more.* that would be fun, thank you. maybe we can fix some of Elijah's favorites from his NOLA home for when he returns. I think he would enjoy that. *she then scoops up the twin’s plates as they seemed done with eating by now as they were simply playing in it and making more of a mess upon their faces. she sets the plates on the counter and picks up a washcloth all in one swift motion, cleaning each face easily before setting them to the floor to race off into the other room to play.*did you wish for anything more to each, my dear? it looks like the girls are done eating at this point.
“This was perfect, thank you.” Hope patted her stomach to indicate that she was full. “We can start working on cooking some of those dishes whenever you’d like. Perhaps he’ll be home soon.” Hope was a little nervous about his return. She was looking forward to seeing him, but what if he wasn’t pleased that she was intruding on his new life? He must have been keeping this secret a reason all year for a reason. As far as she knew, no one knew he was back, except her aunt Freya, and she hadn’t told anyone.
not a worry, my dear child. I am glad you enjoyed it. Happy bellies make for happy kiddos... and vampires *she gives a wink in a smirk. Noticing the shift in Hope, she placed a hand on her shoulder lightly and in a hushed tone,* it will be alright. Even if your uncle is mad at you coming to find him, he will get over it quickly enough. You let your aunt worry about your uncle Elijah. *she gives another wink at her as she said the last part* you do realize he loves you kids more than anything, right? I am certain he spoiled you a lot even in these teen years of yours when he had the chance to do so, if you let him. *she pats her shoulder a couple of times* you will see... *changing the topic* shall I take your plate, dear? Then we can finally make our way up to that library full of books to dive into before they send more along? The twins will be alright down here playing, I believe Mairin is around someplace. I can just send a raven to fetch her.
“I’ll be happy to help clear up.” She was eager to get a look at that library and all those books Sky had been telling her about. “I know that he does. It’s just I haven’t seen him for so long. I guess I’m a little nervous is all.” Hope stood up and began clearing her plate from them table. The twins had gotten up from their seats and were running toward the door so they could play.
*she gave a small nod and then went to the other room briefly to call for Mairin to keep an eye on the twins while Hope and herself went upstairs to tend to the books waiting to be sorted through. upon her return, * being nervous is understandable, my dear child. all shall be well, you'll see. you came all this way on your own, and I am certain no one knows what your true where abouts are. now do they? *she gave a knowing smirk as it would have been just what she herself would have done and has done on many occasions. she grabbed up a bowl and tossed in some fruits, setting them upon a tray to bring upstairs with them.*
“No. They don’t.” Hope had a tendency to go off on her own. She was on a break from school, so everyone figured she was visiting her family. Technically, she was. Elijah was her uncle, and now Sky was her aunt. So, any assumptions made about that would be correct. She just wasn’t visiting the family they thought she was. Her aunt Freya thought she was on a trip with one of her friends. Even though she hated lying to her aunt, it was necessary to do so in order to protect her uncle. A part of her had known she would find him, and she wasn’t sure how much her aunt knew about her uncle’s fate or his whereabouts.
*she gave that knowing smirk once again as she lifted the tray, leaning in to whisper in her ear* then your secret is safe with me. from one adventurer on a mission to another. *she gave a quick wink as she then twirled around gracefully and swayed from the room.* come along, my dear... the books have been sitting alone for much too long and they are a -calling us to play...*she sang back as she almost danced on air. she continued as she went towards the stairs* your aunt has gone off many times without giving full details as to just where or what she was getting herself into. and your uncle will most certainly attest to that fact! *she let out a giggle that floated from her as she peeked behind her to see if Hope was coming or not*
Hope looked slightly surprised when Sky mentioned her aunt. How had she known she’d just been thinking that? It must have been in her expression. Or maybe Sky was able to read minds because she was faye. Hope made a mental note to ask about it if it happened again. For now, she wanted to check out that library and see what books were there.
*she noticed the look of surprise on Hope's face* oh come now, Hope. do you really think I would not be so rebellious from time to time? *did she think that just because she was queen, never mind a Faye, that she would not have taken off to do some odd thing or other that might have caused trouble in some form or another?* Fayes can be mischievous creatures at times... *giggling softly as she turned once at the top of the stairs and continuing to the library.* I have left very vague notes many times and gone off to take care of various situations on my own... ~
Oh. She had been talking about herself, not Aunt Freya. There had been no mind reading. Hope had to remember that she had a third aunt now. It was all so new to her, and she was still getting used to it.
“You must have gone on many adventures. Maybe you could tell me about them some time?”
Someday I can definitely do that. Yes, there have been many... adventures, and more still to come in the future, I am sure. Especially with the twins, if not any other children in the future. If we are so lucky to be allowed that blessing again. *she smiles softly and nods her head to the library door* for now, stories between pages wait for us this day. * she steps through the doorway and sets the tray neatly upon the large mahogany table before walking over to light the fireplace.*~
Hope stepped into the library; her eyes wide as she looked around the vast space. It was much larger than she had been expecting, but she really shouldn’t have been surprised. This cottage was enchanted, and she had already figured out that the place was bigger inside than it looked from the outside. “Where do we start?” There were so many books, and apparently more coming, and she had no idea how Sky wanted things organized.
*she knelt in front of the fireplace, adjusting slightly from the last fire and spelled softly to ignite a flame; blowing on it lightly to make it grow bright before turning to answer her*
One book at a time, dear. Just sit at the table and pull a stacking that calls to you to start with. That's what I always do. *she stood up and smoothed out her skirts to then walk over and join her*~
Hope paid close attention as Sky used a spell to start a fire. Her aunt was speaking softly, but her sensitive wolf hearing allowed her to hear some of what she was saying, and she made careful note of it to use in the future. You never knew when a spell like that would come in handy. When the fire was crackling merrily, she moved toward a stack of books a few feet from the fireplace and carried it to one of the chairs positioned around the room. Flopping onto the chair, she began sorting through the books.
*she slid into one of the large chairs at the table and resumed the pile she left off at, flipping slowly through the top on she was next to go through when she had found the protection spell book and got distracted with the contents within last time. She shifted the candle sticks out of the way as it was still light outside so the light this time of day filtered through the wide windows along one wall. she ran her finger slowly along a page that caught her attention. it was covered in runes mixed with ancient hieroglyphs.* Niki might be interested in this one... *she whispered to herself and closed the book. she stood up, holding it against her chest and walked across the large room to place it on a small table with two other books to give to her sister at a later time. she placed it gently on top of the others, some tiny dust particles floating about the air as she did before turning back to the table to start on the next one.* what else is in this here stack I wonder...
Hope glanced up from the book she was leaving through and watched as Sky carried a book to one of the nearby tables. She wondered if her aunt would teach her any cool spells. Aunt Freya did, from time to time, but Hope figured there might be things in these books that Freya didn’t know about. Faye magic seemed to be very different than witch magic, though both were very closely tied with nature.
*she leafed through the next book quickly and set it aside, knowing just where it was to go.* this is just a history... nothing fancy for now. *and proceeded to the next grimoire in front of her. She ran her finger slowly along the words and whispered them to herself the words on the page. She thought on the words and smirked as she debated on playing with this particular spell before her. She got up and grabbed a small rose from the vase. She sat back before the book and snapped the base of the rose off at the base and held it in the palm of her hand. She breathed in a whisper upon the petals of the rose and waited. Slowly, the petals formed crystals and she held her breath as it slowly transformed into more glass like before her. She smiled with twinkled eyes as it transformed before her.* ~
Hope looked up as she sensed movement. Curious, she watched as her aunt plucked the rose and cut off its base. She watched in fascination as Sky whispered to herself. With a start, she realized that rose was turning into a crystallized glass. “That is amazing,” she said, her voice filled with awe. “Will you show me how you did that?”
*Smiling as her eyes glinted watching the rose make its transformation into glass, she faintly heard Hope ask to be shown the spell. distantly she replied back, amused with her handiwork* grab yourself a flower, my dear child...* she waved her free hand towards the vase she got her rose from earlier, her eyes remaining focused on the rose in her palm. shifted herself over slightly so that her niece would be able to read the spell she just performed for herself.* just read it over slowly once so you know how to say it proper. then, hold the flower in your palm flat, like this *she shows her.*~
Hope went to the vase and grabbed a rose. She brought it back to the table and sat down. Nodding along with what her aunt was saying, she turned the book so it was facing her more fully and quietly read the incantation to herself. She knew better than to read it aloud before she was ready to actually ready to cast the spell. When she had the spell memorized, and was sure of the pronunciation, she began chanting the spell. Her eyes were glued to the rose as it slowly turned into glass the way Sky had mere moments earlier.
*carefully watching her niece now as she scooted into the seat beside her and read over the spell to herself. she gave a pleased smirk as she watched Hope's rose transform before their very eyes in the same manner as hers had just moments before; crystallizing and then turning into glass* well done, my dear child. bravo. *she gave a small clap as she smiled brightly at her niece's success. she whispers with a glint still in her eyes as she mischievously smirks. * do you want to try it again? ~
“I would love to! Will this work on anything, or only flowers? Say, for instance, I’m fighting a monster, and it’s nearly impossible to kill. If I turned it to glass, would I be able to shatter and kill it that way? Probably not. It sounds way too easy.”
*she makes a face to think and makes a shrug.* I don't know. but that is definitely something to try out when we, I mean one, might be in need of it. it is always good to have spells in case one needs it. maybe there are other fun spells like this one in this book? we can go through this some more and see what else we discover if you wish? ~
“I think that would be great. I love learning new spells. Maybe there are some defensive and offensive spells in here. The school doesn’t really focus on offensive spells, and only teaches the most basic of defensive ones. Doctor Saltzman doesn’t allow the use of dark magic, and he feels that some of the offensive spells are just that little bit too dark.”
*she nods slowly as she listens to her explain about school.* yes, dark magic is very dangerous, when used improperly. it is always safest to stay away from it. but, after time, one can also create their own spells to accommodate to ones needs as the occasion arises. there is really the matter of wording any and all spells correctly to determine the outcome one wants or needs from the said spell. *she pulls the book closer to her once again and runs her finger along the spell used just moments ago on the rose* this spell, for example. when used correctly, it turned this live rose into a glass specimen. preserved forever in its beauty. but, *she pauses on one word and picks up her rose once again to demonstrate* if I change this one phrase in the slightest... *she whispers upon the flower and it shatters before their very eyes* that. happens. *she looks at Hope and continues in a hushed tone* the slightest word change and what once turned something beautiful, destroyed it, instantly. so being certain on your wording is always important. *she carefully swept the shattered flower aside to the side of the large table.*~
“That’s what Aunt Freya always says. She teaches me spells when I’m home on break, though they aren’t terribly complicated. She wants me to learn the basics. I bet I could learn a lot between them two of you.” She gave her a hopeful smile. What little she had learned today, and what her aunt had been teaching her, was more advanced than what she was learning at school.
little by little. *she finished moving the shards aside and grabs another book from the pile.* we can set the interesting ones aside to check into further as we sort these all out. *she opens the new one before her and peeks at Hope from the pages, trying to hide her smirk at how she reminded her of herself in ways* you can continue leafing through that one if you wish. there might even be a blank grimoire around here some place, if you wished to jot a few spells down to keep for yourself for later study...*she casually let her eyes fall back upon the pages before her.*~
Hope had been intending to ask for a pen and paper so she could copy down some of the more interesting spells she might come across. Her very own grimoire sounded even better. She could use it now and in the future, and have something to pass down to her own children some day. Plus, it would come in handy in any future fights with monsters. “I’d like that. Do you happen to have a pen handy as well?”
I think over at the desk in that corner over there? there should be some in the cup holder last I looked *she points to the corner opposite of the fireplace, she gave a pleasant smile* keeping record of things can always be helpful, I have found in the past.~
“My aunt Freya is always hitting down things for spells to try in the future. She says it helps her remember them.” Hope made her way over to the cup holder Sky had mentioned, and sure enough, there were several pens in them. After selecting one and making sure it worked, she returned to her seat and began looking through the book again.
It is always good for one to scribe things down. Helps one to remember things better. *she pauses in scrolling through the book she was in and stood up in thought. She strolled over to a bookcase, half filled of books already and ran her hand along the spines.* I think there was a blank book somewhere along these shelves...*she mumbled out loud as she searched. The feel of one made he praise as she pulled it from the shelf. The spine of freshly sewn leather like material, thick enough for a young woman to start with.* this one should be a good place to start with. And I think this one, if my memory serves me right, was hand sewn and made in the dragon kingdom. *she rolls the book in her hand, smoothing her other hand along the covers of it. She flips it open and nods* yup, empty pages. Just how we like to start with. *she snaps it closed and comes back to the table to hand it over to Hope.* a gift. ~
“Thank you so much!” Hope accepted the book from her. She lifted it slightly, measuring the weight of it in her hands. Satisfied that it was just the right size for her, she set it on the table and flipped to the first blank page. She could begin copying spells into whenever she wished.
*smiling, she sat back down to resume her work.* I hope that you will use it well and find it useful, my dear. Sometimes, I have even pressed certain plants within my pages for later use. *she continued to flip through the book she left off at.* maybe we can spend a few hours here and then head back down to making some treats for the evening, if you wish? I think we could get through a good chunk of these piles together. any thing you wish to investigate further, just make a pile by the chair. there will be plenty of time to scribe any new spells needed for later. ~
“That’s a good idea.” She smiled briefly. “If I keep letting myself get caught up in copying new spells, I’ll never get anything done today. Hope set aside the book she intended to save for later and picked up the next book. This one was a book on magical plants and herbs. It would surely prove useful later, but right now, Hope’s focus was on getting this stuff organized.
*she smiles seeing Hope place the book aside for later, knowing she was happy in having her own spell book. Maybe one of these days in the future, she will have to bring Hope up to the castle and show her the vast and seemingly endless libraries between the Faye castle, but also some of the other more secretive libraries spread throughout the island.* maybe after we get all these organized, we may have to take a trip to the castle so you can play in those libraries. Those ones are already organized too. *she gave a slight smirk as she skimmed the next book before getting up to place it across the way fir the creature lores section*~
“That sounds pretty awesome to me.” Hope was definitely curious about this other land where Sky had a castle and there was surely even more magic that what she had seen so far here. A visit there would definitely be high on her list of things to do once she got other things in her life more settled.
*nodding* maybe soon, then. we can make almost a vacation trip to the castle. the holidays are coming, as well as the twins first birthday. and the castle will be buzzing for all the fun and exciting things to come the next couple of months. I know your uncle already mentioned that I must be setting to prepare for their party by now. *she smirks in her giggle as she returns to the table and picks up a book from the middle of the stack, rolling it around in her hands as she looked it over. she tilts her head and decides to sit next to the fire where two chairs sat before. the crackle and warmth inviting by now. she curls up with her legs under her slightly and pulls the blanket from behind the back of the chair to lay across her lap to look this one over. it reminded her of the one her beloved brought home to her from one of his many trips to New Orleans. it was intriguing to her that it did so. she slowly opened the book and played the palms of her hands lovingly along its pages as she did so. once settled how she liked with the book she continued* there will be a winter ball after the masquerade ball in Halloween, as well as the new years ball also... *she smiled lost in her next thought* and then our own little trip away from everything shortly afterwards.~
Hope recognized the chair Sky was using. It looked just like the one in the parlor at home. That chair was still there, of course. Elijah has clearly had it replicated. “Balls? Like big, fancy parties?” They had formals at school, but nothing on a really grand scale like the one Sky was describing.
*with a small laugh escaping her lips in a smile* why yes, big fancy parties is the best way to describe them, I do suppose. the main ballroom and the smaller ones off to the sides will all be decorated to the themes of the evening. there is now even a room to be set aside for a strike a pose that I have started for everyone to be able to be silly and have photos taken to remember the nights with. *her eyes twinkling briefly as she continued* and even the gardens get decked out. tables lines with food galore. everything you can possibly think of for food as well as delicacies for the various creatures to visit for the evenings. beautiful gowns worn by the ladies and tuxes or suits by the gentlemen. and the masques! *she leaned forward, closing the book on her finger, whispering now* your uncle found me the most beautiful masque during our stay in Italy. gold lined butterflies of blues, teals, and greens... I cannot wait to wear that one on Samhain. I just hope I can sneak into the black lace gown I am simply in love with rather than the teal dress your uncle prefers to see me in that night. *she gives a mischievous little giggle as her mind thinks on what might happen if she did in fact change gowns at the last minute...* but, I digress. there is plenty to see at such a party and people to meet as well. ~
“I’ll need something to wear too. I don’t suppose you have a magical closet filled with an endless supply of clothes.” She laughed. The last fancy dress she wore was the one her father had given Caroline Forbes the night Hope won the Miss Mystic Falls pageant. It was a poignant memory, and one that made her both sad and happy to think about.
*letting out a smug little laugh* why as a matter of fact... *laughing again * Queen Ember and myself do in fact have an extensive wardrobe combined of all kinds of dresses and masques galore. there is not a doubt in my mind we can find you something. in fact...*she places her finer along her chin in a smug smile and calls out. A raven caws and hops through the window.* I need some dresses brought in the morning. when they return to work more on the fields *the raven caws once again and flies quickly out the window.* so now, we can try on dresses tomorrow, if you wish? *she leans back in the high back chair to enjoy the fire more fully once again.*~
“That would be fun.” Hope didn’t usually go in for big parties and fancy dresses, but she was a teenage girl, and there were moments when she gave in to flights of fancy. Who wouldn’t be fascinated by the idea of a ball at a real life fairy castle? Lizzie would be pea green with envy if she knew Hope got to go to a ball in a castle. That alone made the whole thing worthwhile.
good. *she slides the book in her lap back open and glances at the pages once more.* I am certain there will be something for you to wear out of what they send tomorrow. and if not, well then I guess we might just have to make a special trip to search further. *she gave a quick wink and continued reading*~
“Did my uncle ever tell you about the dress my dad bought for Caroline Forbes? She gave it to her daughter, who unknowingly gave it to me for the night I won the Miss Mystic Falls contest. It was an interesting night. To say the least.”
*she lifts her eyes to glance over at her niece.* no, actually, he has not mentioned that story to me yet. we have spent many evenings telling each other stories. but, maybe he does not know of that one? *she places the book aside and pulls the blanket up over her more.* so you won miss mystic falls? that must be a big deal, huh? *she gives a motherly smile her way as she asks.* did you have a fun time in that?~
“It was. Lizzie was going to run, but circumstances would have prevented her from winning.” She frowned. “I forgot. It happened after everything. He probably didn’t know about it.” Hope shook her head. “It was an interesting experience. One I don’t need to do again.”
probably... *she says softly, trailing off briefly* but, *smiling softly* you did in a sense have your father with you when you won. as you were wearing something he himself had picked out. granted, it was not originally chosen for you. but it found its way to you. to be worn this time around. as your uncle Elijah would say, causality verses casualty... *she places her finger along her cheek* I think... *she shakes her head to forget the idea* anyways, I am certain your uncle would love to hear all about it. what was it like? I don't recall ever having anything like that at the castle while I was running around its grand halls.
“It was something.” She smiled softly. “The girls were competitive of course. Lizzie wanted to carry on her mother’s legacy. If she thought she would win, it would have been her in the contest instead of me. I can’t even remember why I agreed to it. It’s not usually my kind of thing. Not that I regret it.”
*nodding and smirking* oh I know that all too well at times... from both ends oft that. Volunteering someone and being the volunteer. Maybe next time miss Lizzie will be able to enter for herself. *she sits back in her chair enjoying the warmth from the fire. Staring off in the flames as they crackled* the only important thing was if you had fun. Even if you only experienced it the one time. I am sure the family would all be proud of you when they hear of your winning it. *she turned her glance over to Hope* should we get something to eat? Or would you prefer to continue these books? We have gone through a decent number of them already...*somehow the pile on the table did not seem as large as it was when they first entered the library*
“I hadn’t realized we did so many. I could definitely eat.” She flushed slightly at the mention of her family’s reaction to her winning the contest. “My aunt Rebekah was so proud. She never got to do that, and she thought it was terrific that someone in the family was able to do it and win. Plus, I think she liked the idea of me replacing Caroline Forbes’ daughter in the running. She couldn’t stand Ms. Forbes, though my dad cared deeply for her.”
Well, sometimes family members have their own person opinions about those we may or may not like. *she nodded as she set the book in her hand on the side table* time passes faster than we realized when you get caught up in a project. Especially when one has their nose in some good and interesting information. *she gives a wink* come then, we shall grab some other food as our try has emptied itself it would appear. Although I am certain a particular dog had a hand at that...*a faint caw came from behind a window curtain in protest as she smirked over this* ~
“How many pets do you have?” She looked over her shoulder at the crow. “That one seems to hang around here a lot.” It reminded her of the stories she used to hear about Damon Salvatore turning into a crow. Or was it that he had a crow he communicated with? She could never remember. The stories had never interested her all that much when she was younger.
Oh those ravens are me "dogs" *she lifts her fingers to make quotations as she says it, giving a shrug like it was nothing* actually, he is the general, or what would be considered the general of the flock. There are more but they tend to sit up in the weeping cherry tree on the edge of the property. I spelled them some months ago. So they can transform into humanoid form. These guys become my silent guards in the shadows *she leans forward, smirking* always watching *she adds in a whispers* they are my good boys.
Pets, however... well, the + ~bunnies in the gardens seem to have become adopted by the girls. And we have the stables back at the castle with horses, unicorns, dragons, and other various creatures. Around here is Rune, the all black cat. *she pauses in thought* I think your uncle has even found a foul unicorn once that we have housed at the castle too...~
Hope had certainly seen some of the creatures Sky was describing, though not in a domesticated manner. The ones she had seen had been part of Malivore’s attempts to get the items needed to open itself and destroy all supernatural creatures. She had to admit, she was curious about what those creatures might be like in a place like this. “Maybe I could see them? Last time I saw creatures like that, they were a threat to my school.”
When we make a trip to the island, you can definitely take a peek. Maybe you can always do a longer stay whenever you wish to, also. We can set up chambers for you and have things set aside for your stay. *she tilts her head, as the threats word peeked her interest. She already had threats of her own and knew all too well about that.* threats at your school? Interesting...~
“It’s a very long story.” She smiled at the thought of visiting the island. “Maybe over the next long break from school? I always spend the holidays with my aunts and Uncle Kol at the compound, but maybe I could visit at some point? I bet this place is beautiful in the winter.” Hope was picturing a castle decked out in garland and maybe lights and wreaths and a great big tree decorated with glittering ornaments.
Most definitely. That will give plenty of time to ready a chambers for you. *she settles back in the chair more, deciding for a while longer before the warm fire.* there will be plenty of time for stories in time to be told. With queen Ember back from her own trip, she will surely be already planning out the winter ball and decorating the halls and the grand ballrooms. She has full reign over the winter ball. As long as my midnight mistletoe is hung in some quiet corner... *she giggles softly* then I shall be a happy little Faye.
“Midnight mistletoe?” It was intriguing, but the idea of who her aunt might be kissing was a little too much information. She was, after all, married to her uncle. “And Queen Ember? Is she another faye? How many queens are there? Are there little faye kingdoms all over the world, or is it all ruled by one person?”
*she shakes her head* another name for it is a kissing ball. It is simply a ball of mistletoe formed in a decorative way. *she blushes and smirks playfully* I am hoping Ember leaves one off in the gardens for when your uncle and I take our private little strolls we sometimes like to take. An excuse to sneak kisses, not that we would need an excuse. *she giggles now* oh! Miss Ember is a demon and she shape shifts into a wolf. Beautiful black fur with sharp, piercing eyes. She rules hell. And she is also my events organizer at the castle. She simply lives to help host balls and parties. For now. It is just myself that rules the entire island. I mean, the other castles have their domains. For instance, the dragons now have a keeper to watch over them as I had to um... *she pauses and bites the corner of her lip to think on how to put it to her niece that she beheaded their king as well as his evil twin brother when she was queen napped for her own crown* let us say their king met an untimely demise, shall we? *she smiles her sweetest smiles as she thinks about the mounted head at the bunker. Maybe she should bring that to the castle as a reminder for them there...* and the pirates have their king liaison to keep the peace at their end. And my sister, queen niki, and many others. But, they are to report issues with me. Thus why I have to stop by the castle from time to time for meetings and such. Never a dull moment with me! *she gives a small shrug like it was nothing out of the ordinary for her.*~
“You have a sister? And your best friend is a demon? Wow. Your life sounds as chaotic as mine.” Hope flushed, realizing she might have said too much. What her uncle think if he knew she was fighting monsters on a regular basis at the school that was meant to be a place of safety for her? Of course, it was Mystic Falls. The place was a hot bed of supernatural activity, and had been since her family had first settled there centuries ago. Maybe it wouldn’t be that much of a surprise.
*she lets out a hearty laugh at her surprise* yes, I do have family outside of this cozy little cottage and from your uncle and our girls. as for miss Ember, let us say I took her under my wing and showed her the ropes, so to speak. she had a rough start, but she has blossomed beautifully into the queen she is today. *she gives a slight frown to the last bit she said* life can pose difficult at times. we get challenged for our strength. it might not seem fair to us at the time, but it is how life can go too. it is all a matter on how we handle + ~what is sent our way... ~
“I agree with you there. I have seen a lot. More than anyone should ever have to see. I’ve been possessed by some ancient monster, lost both my parents, sacrificed myself and been forgotten by those I care about.” She but her lower lip and looked away. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to bring the mood down.”
not at all, my dear child. not a worry in the world. *she whispers after listening carefully to her nieces ramblings.* that is a lot for one so young to have to handle so quickly. I commend you for your efforts in keeping so strong through it all. *she stands up and places a gentle hand upon her shoulder* let us go grab some ice cream and brownies and fix us a sundae, shall we? brownie sundaes make everything better. *giving a soft smile in her hushed tone*~
“I like peanut butter milkshakes.” She couldn’t resist a little smirk. “But brownie sundaes sound pretty awesome too. I can help make them. Will the twins eat them too?” Hope didn’t know if the twins were allowed to eat something so decadent. She knew she could. She was old enough. But maybe Sky thought the twins weren’t ready for them yet.
*she gives a nod* that is different. I am more cherries with my ice cream and shakes. *smiling* the girls can have ice cream and we can give them tiny bites of the brownies. I would love the help. *she tilts her head towards the door* shall we head down, then? these old books won't go too far.~
“No. Unless they have some kind of spell that lets them move around, they should stay right where they are.” She set down the book she had been looking through and looked at the pile she had been sorting through. It did seem quite a bit smaller than when she had started. Hope didn’t remember going through that many, but there were definitely more books organized than there had been before.
*she gave a smirk at the comment and headed to the door signaling for Hope to follow.* then let us have our little snack. We can always return to these later on if we so wish to do so.* she headed slowly down the stairs, running her hand gently along the smoothness of the railing and towards the kitchen to fix themselves sundaes.*~
Hope follows behind her. She looked around the cottage, still trying to take it all in. It seemed like there was something new to see in every room she walked into. The place was clearly full of surprises. Hope wondered if she would ever be able to discover them all. As they reaches the kitchen, she could hear the twins laughing. They must have been right outside the window.
*the sound of the twins back to playing out in the gardens welcomed them through the open window as they entered the kitchen. she heads over to the refrigerator to grab out some cartons of freshly made ice cream. black raspberry and also blackberry ice creams she made from scratch.* I hope you like homemade ice cream, dear. I stumbled across an ice cream churn when I went looking for more cookie sheets one afternoon and I couldn't resist trying my hand at making some favorites of mine. black raspberries and blackberries picked from the gardens. *she says with her head turned slightly as she sets the cartons on the counter and then pulls over the plate of brownies just made the other day. she opens the cabinet to pull out some bowls.* I think there are cherries and whipped cream in the fridge side... *as she carefully scoops up the brownie to place into the middle of the bowl.*~
Hope loved homemade ice cream. “They used to make it at Rousseau’s. They probably still do. I just haven’t been there in a while because I’ve been away at school. I see no reason why they would have stopped. Can I help out with anything? Maybe pull dishes out or something?”
*shaking her head* just check for the whipped cream and cherries* as she then makes to pull out a scoop for the ice cream* which flavor would you like to try out? black raspberry or the blackberry. *she smirks* or both? *giggling as she turns around waving the scoop playfully*~
“Let’s go for both. This feels like a special occasion.” Hope was already rummaging through the refrigerator looking for cherries and whipped cream. “Found them!” She pulled them out and set them on the counter. “What else do we need? Anything?”
*with a nod* as the lass wishes, so shall it be... both she proclaims... *she smirks and giggles* excellent *as she sees the cherries and whipped cream in Hope's hands. She pauses to think and then opens another cabinet to pull out a small container* jimmies, anyone? *she shakes the container and then sits it on the counter.*
“That sounds pretty good to me.” This was definitely going to be quite the decadent treat they were having. “Where are the brownies? I can get them and start adding them to the bowls. It might save some time if I work on that while you get anything else we might need.” It wouldn’t take long to do that, and she could set some small pieces aside for the twins.
*she slides the plate over for her view* the plate is right here, if you wanted to get a couple small bites for the twins. I haven't started on theirs yet. I have ours started first. *she tilts one bowl to then show she set the brownies first then the ice cream. *a thought crossing her mind* oh! The hot fudges sauce. We can heat that in the small pan near the stove. *smirking*~
“Good thinking!” Hope busied herself breaking up small pieces of brownie onto a plate for the twins. She made sure to make them big enough for them to hold, but small enough so they wouldn’t choke on them. It was actually kind of funny that she was so comfortable around them. As an only child, she wasn’t used to small children. She certainly didn’t hang around them at the Salvatore School.
*she hums softly a moment as she fixes their bowls, scooping ice cream into the bowls on top of the good sized brownie pieces she placed in the middle of the bowl. next, she picks up the whipped cream, whips it a couple times with the wooden spoon to fluff it a little before she scoops in into the bowls. finally, grabbing a smaller spoon, she scoops out some cherries to top it and then adds some jimmies on top of it for the final touch.*~
“That looks amazing! I can’t wait to try it. But first, I should go bring the girls in so they can eat.” Hope turned from the table and walked toward the back door. She called out to girls, who giggled happily as they came running with the expectation of a yummy treat.
*blushing slightly* it's nothing. *nodding* I will sets ours here on the table. *she smiles happily as the girls come in giggling their bell like laughter. she scoots down to lift each one up to the table to enjoy their treats, grabbing a cloth and wiping their hands quickly. would we like some ice cream? ~
“Yes!” The twins spoke in unison as they took their places at the table. As soon as the brownies were set in front of them, they began eating. Hope took her seat and began eating as well. “This really is delicious,” she announced after the first bite. “You made this yourself?” Homemade ice cream was her favorite. Much better than buying it from a store.
my first time really testing out the churn I stumbled across. I figured that we had all these berries growing in the gardens. *she gave a small shrug* might as well do something with them. I have some set aside to have the kitchen staff at the castle make syrups, jams and jellies. that will keep the berries a lot longer. and there was so many, they might be able to help feed a lot in the village as well. *she smiled as she thought on her ideas with the abundance of the food grown from the gardens here at their cottage.* there is no sense in letting it all go to waste by not being shared. *she slide into her seat after making sure the twins were set with their brownie pieces and ice cream in small bowls. their little mouths quickly devouring the cold treat and covering more their faces than getting into their mouths, for sure. she smirks and dives her spoon into her bowl, making sure to get a little bit of everything onto the spoon before setting it into her mouth, closing her eyes to indulge in the flavors hitting her taste buds.*~
“That’s a really good idea. It’s a great way to help the villagers, and it makes sure the berries don’t go to waste. I’m guessing you frequently share from your stock.” Hope admired her generosity, and she was sure that it was part of what her uncle loved about her. He had always been generous with her as a child, often buying her little toys and outfits for no other reason than because he wanted to.”
There is so much abundance all over this property. It would have been a shame not to share it! Plus there is only so much storage space for such supplies as the amount that was produced this summer alone. I can only imagine what the previous owners did with it all! *she gives + ~a slight roll of a shrug to her shoulders as she scoops another spoonful of now brownie, cutting into it firmly as it was becoming hard from the coldness of the ice cream now.* the village can benefit from the extra food when the winter months roll around. Plus the castle has endless storage spaces throughout the grounds. I do have some of the jams and jellies to be returned here for us once they have been made, and I have made the space for them to last us the winter as well as into the summer. Especially since we do plan a trip after the holidays sometime. *she gives a small smile now as she thinks of all she has set up for them for their second honeymoon trip, this time to Japan. She hoped that maybe she can find out something that will help her beloved husband with the dreams he still would not share with her. She darts her eyes off to the side as she makes a sudden frown over this thought. She closed her eyes to make it look like she was enjoying the brownie as she placed the spoon into her mouth. She silently wished she had the answer to help him with these dreams, but if he would only share them with her. Maybe she could now help. She brings her gaze back to Hope* there was plenty to be shared so why not? Right? *she smiles brightly now*
“Right.” Hope nodded as she scooped another bite of ice cream into her mouth. She had noticed the slight change in Sky’s demeanor, there but for a moment before quickly disappearing. Hope was a perceptive young woman and was good at reading people. She had to be, or she would have gotten herself killed in certain situations. “You mentioned a trip? Where are you planning on going?”
*she opens her mouth to reply and pauses as a blob of ice cream flies in front of her from one of the twins. A giggle coming from their direction. She makes a look with a hidden smirk as she turns slightly towards them to give an eye. Then she casually picks up a napkin to wipe it off from the table in front of her.* girls... *she whispers and then continues to reply to her niece's question* yes, Elijah let me pick where this time. Last year we went off to Venice. *she smiled brightly* a beautiful place Venice is. We stayed in time for the Venetian carnival. A grand time we had while we were there. *she shakes her head to stop herself from day dreaming some* this time, I chose to see Japan. Such a rich culture they have in that country. I hope we can find all kinds of fun things to discover during our stay... as well as some parasols ... and, things... *she giggles a little at the last. A secret between her and her beloved husband. She picks up another spoonful of ice cream*~
“Both of those sound lovely.” Hope had never been to either place, though she had been to Paris a few times to visit her aunt Rebekah and Uncle Marcel. She had enjoyed the sightseeing, and her aunt had insisted on buying her a few designer pieces that now hung in her closet back at the compound. There was really no use for them at school. She told all of this to Sky as they sat there eating their ice cream.
Oh, it was simply scrumptious being there. So much beauty in one place. And the masques... *she sighed happily as she thought back on them* but, *she shakes her head to bring herself back to the now* japan, I cannot wait to see it all... oh some day you must make a chance to see Venice. *taking another scoop of ice cream * that was very sweet of our dear sister to get you such lovely clothes while you visit her. How is she doing, and Marcel? I believe I still must meet him one of these years... when your uncle finally thinks it is all safe to be doing so, that is. *she smiles sweetly as she adds the last part.* but, I also must make sure the kingdom is safe, and the girls. Especially our little bugs here... and any future ones, if the goddess allows us to be blessed once again, that is. *she leans towards the twins and kisses each one on her temple before leaning back up in her seat.*~
“Aunt Rebekah is doing well. Uncle Marcel, too. Have you met Aunt Rebekah? I hadn’t realized. I thought you’d only met Aunt Freya.” The idea of visiting the Venice Sky had just described sounded like fun. Hope had a sense of romance, though she rarely had time to indulge in it. The only one who ever really got to see that side of her was her boyfriend, Landon. The two were crazy about each other, and though she was having a great time here, she missed him terribly.
Yes, actually miss Rebekah had stayed a time at the bunker I frequented some time ago. She was the one that brought me to Freya so that we could bring your darling uncle Elijah back from his, mishap let us call it? It took some energies, but as you now can see, it was a success in bringing him back. *she blushes slightly* she left due some, feelings she had kept bottled up and that was her choice. I am glad to hear that she is happy finally. She does deserve to have happiness, like your uncle and I have found here, together. ~
“I think she has found it.” Hope leaned forward and spoke quietly. “They don’t know if, but I overheard my dad telling Uncle Elijah that he planned on giving my aunt the cure to vampirism. It’s a very rare thing to have, and only a couple other people have taken it.” Hope had heard stories about it at school. Everyone knew Elena and Damon Salvatore had taken it. It was part of their local history lesson.
*she whispers* I do believe our dear sister mentioned such a thing to me on her way of parting that night from the bunker. She had hoped to maybe take it someday, to settle down, and get married. If this is in fact what she decided to finally do, then I wish her a very happy and healthy life ahead of her. *she gives a warm smile to the thought of Rebekah maybe finally getting the chance for what she wanted so much. To live a life, a mortal life rather than that of a vampire. She wished her the best if this was in fact the decision she had finally made. Either way, a happy life finally for the Mikaelson family was long overdue if she had any say in it.*~
“She hasn’t yet. She wants some time to enjoy being married to Uncle Marcel before she does. I expect she will in a few years, but she’s not quite ready right now.” Hope was privy to a lot of information her family didn’t know she had. Not because she employed magical means to get information, but because she was good at eavesdropping and knew the best spots in the compound to take maximum advantage of such things. It was how she learned certain truths about herself and why her family had been separated for so many years.
*with a thoughtful nod* I see. Well, whatever she decides is always good. It is her life, after all. They should each be allowed to do as they wish. I mean, they can always have a family gathering in the future. But, from what your uncle has mentioned to me about such a thing, maybe it is not such a wise decision for now for any grand family reunions. *she gives a wink* if you know what I mean by that? *she lets out a giggle* Married, you say? So she finally said yes to the lad? Good for her. Not that she spoke much about anything outside of things happening during her stay at the bunker. But, I am glad she has married, and is happy as well. I wonder if Elijah knows of this yet? I'm sure he does. Maybe it just escaped his memory to mention to me. He has been extra busy lately... *she babbles as she scoops more ice cream*
“I really don’t know. My family hasn’t given any indication that they know he is alive. I figured it out when I found a letter to my aunt Freya that was in his handwriting. She accidentally left it out in the room where she does her spells. I guess she figured I wouldn’t go in there.” Hope shrugged. “She didn’t realize that I was curious and trying to learn more about magic.”
Sounds about right with them, and probably under his request, too. It would not surprise me one bit considering everything that was going on at the time. Along with the fact that he would do anything, *she pauses to fix her statement* we would do anything to keep Sami and Solvi both safe. No matter what. I am certain keeping the fact that he was in fact alive, would be a large piece to that such puzzle. I don’t blame them for doing so. In fact I appreciate it as much as Elijah must. ~
“I won’t say anything unless you both say I can. Our family has a lot of enemies, thanks largely to my dad. There a lot of people who would come for you and the twins if they knew who you were. I really don’t want that to happen. I promise not to do anything that would put any of you in harms’ way.”
I do greatly appreciate that, my dear. Yes, it does seem like from what I have heard, the family has a lot of enemies. I know this too well from my end. I have had my share. In fact there are still a few out there that my sister and I are still dealing with. Although they have been quiet as of late... *she shakes her head* but, that is of my concern and no one else's. *she gives a sweet smile.*
“Uncle Elijah would probably help you with that. He’s very good at negotiating, and when that fails, he knows how to display his power in a way that shows his enemies he means business.” Hope was never supposed to know about her family’s dealings, but how could she not know, when people talked everywhere she went? Her family’s exploits were legendary. Even her first sort of boyfriend had a grudge against them. The shadow of her family was something she would likely always have to live under.
A young lady who seems to know an awful lot about her family's secrets... *smirking slightly and lifting her eye brow at her* alas, if one spent their time unable to avoid idle town gossip, one can learn great deal of things. *her lips smirking in a knowing smile at the corner* oh, I have not a doubt in my mind Elijah would help me on such a thing, provided I had allowed him to do so. But, it is something I must handle. Besides... *she sets her spoon down and whispers faintly, turning her palm upwards as a small fire flame flickered, then went out* I know a few tricks of my own to get me out of my little, mischief making, as we call it around here. *she leans back in her chair* I have learnt a few new potions and spells along my way, that have proven very useful lately. I do not wish to worry your uncle any further than he already does.
“He does like to worry. Thankfully, that worrying is what has him always thinking of possible scenarios that allow him to make sure he keeps us safe and out of trouble. He’s kind of the brains in the family.” Hope giggled. “And my dad was the muscle and my aunt Rebekah was the heart. The three of them were closer to each other than they were to my other uncles, and they didn’t meet aunt Freya until after I was born. They took that always and forever vow very seriously.”
*smirking as Hope giggled she thinks a moment, remembering that night of their date to Paris and how they were attacked by that small group of rogue vampires. she let a secret smile escape her lips as she remembered how her husband looked holding that heart in his hand once they had finished them off; his sign of the victory after such a fight. she let out a soft sign then, at how he was more concerned of the blood on her dress and if she was harmed in any way. just like her beloved to be that way. but, she felt maybe he kind of missed fighting like that once in a while. she pondered if maybe she should include him after all on one of her ventures in the future.*oh I am pretty sure he can be muscle if the occasion arose for it. *a knowing smirk still upon her lips.* as for your aunt, well I have also witnessed her reacting more with heated thought emotion as opposed to her heart at times. many times over the past year, in fact. but maybe that was due to changing as our years escape us. as for your father, well... *she pauses* I have never met him in person, so I cannot say for sure on just how much muscle as to stubbornness in what he wanted things to be from what I have heard on him. although, I suppose we are all guilty in being stubborn at times for wanting something for ourselves from time to time.~
“Aunt Rebekah has always been ruled by her heart. She lets her passion overcome her and reacts based on how she feels. That’s not always a bad thing, but she does have a tendency to let her temper get the better of her. I heard my dad was the same way. Of course, a lot of what I’ve learned happened before I was born. I never actually saw most of it.”
very true. sometimes it can be mistaken as the other. *she glances over to check on the twins and gets up to wipe their hands and faces then lets them down. as she is bringing their bowls to the sink to wash them, she continues.* sometimes we wonder on things from the past. + ~especially things before our own time. *she turns her head to smile, wiping the bowl clean and setting it into the strainer as she does* some people even mellow out over time. were you down with your treat yet? I can clean up here, if you wanted to take a break from the books more...*a caw from the window and a raven hops through. she pauses in her questions and looks over.* here? now? *she lets out a sign and then smiles as she wipes her hands quickly with the near by towel.* I shall be a brief moment... *she heads out the kitchen door and to the gardens to address someone who had arrived unexpectedly.*
What do you mean? when? Fine, fine. I shall handle it... *more sternly* I said. I. will. handle. it. *she stands straighter and brings her voice to normal* be off. I will be in touch soon.
*she smooths out her skirts and returns back to the kitchen, smiling at Hope and giving the raven a nod.* where were we? ~
Hope only heard part of the exchange, but it was enough to know that something was going on. Something always seemed to be going on whenever Hope was around. “If you have something you need to do, I can go back up to the library to work or stay with the twins. I don’t mind either way.” Hope had brought her empty bowl to the sink for rinsing.
*quickly* nonsense, not at all. nothing that can't be taken cared of later. *she gave her head a shake and motioned with her finger* you are here, and besides, what if your uncle Elijah returned home? if I went off to take care of whatever and left you and the twins here? *she gave a laugh* I would not leave you to your own defenses in that case. *she gave a wink and a smile* I am not that cruel... only when called for. ~
“You think he would be mad if he came back and found me here?” Hope was a little confused by that. She had thought her uncle would be happy to see her when he finally came home. Sky had certainly seemed to indicate as much. Unless she misunderstood what her aunt was saying to her now. “I might be able to help.” Hope had a talent for killing monsters. Of course, that was due largely to the fact that they had a talent for finding her and her friends, but that was another subject for another time.
Oh not at all, child! *she makes to correct her wordings* what I meant by that was that, well he will be shocked at first, for sure. But, with his concerns of keeping the girls and myself safe. He might be a tad bit concerned if I wasn't here with you upon his return. He would + ~certainly fear the worst right away. *she smiles and places a hand on her should to assure her niece.* that was all I meant. As for the other, issue that I have had just addressed to me... well, *she makes a pause* it is simply some other rebel queens causing my sister and myself some grief over who has the rights over the crown and titles, is all. Just a minor need for some gremlins and trolls to be handled since they are where they should not be. That is all. *she gives a wink* a simple matter of a potion tossed at them and boom, gone. *she smirks slightly with a glint in her eyes.*~
“Potions, huh? My aunt Freya had me working with her to learn how to make them, and we have potion classes at school. I could help you if you wanted. Might things go a little faster if you had some help. At least, it would make less work for you.” Hope gave her a smile that made her eagerness clear.
*smirking at her eagerness* while I would love the help with the potion I mean. I feel your uncle would have my head if something went wrong in making this particular one, and you happened to be involved.*she pauses and thinks, placing her finger in thought along her chin* although... i do have much more simpler and safer ones he might be more approving of...*she gave a mischievous little smirk. she gives a quick nod and heads out the door, motioning as she does.* come then... *she leads her to her crafting room and thoughtfully grabs up various jars from all about the room. setting a large bowl in the middle of the table in the middle of the room, she places the jars along in a row next to it. she spins around and scoots over to one of the many bookcases in the room and swipes up an old grimoire, tossing it open on the table in a spot that it seemed to just know to go to. she gives a smirk in Hope's direction and then stands in front of the gathered items.* so... *smirking some more*~
“That’s a serious amount of potion supplies,” Hope mused as she looked around the room. The lab at school wasn’t this well stocked, but her aunt had an impressive collection similar to this one. Hadn’t Sky mentioned something about Freya helping her bring back Elijah? The two must have had a great time comparing notes with all of their spells and magic supplies.
This? *she makes a smug face.* honey, you should see the stockpile at my cave! *she lets out a laugh then slides her hand, palm side down, along the smoothed worn wood.* I think the main room of the cave is packed three times more than this room. and then I have the inner rooms. those rooms house the darker things. I keep the cave spelled to keep others out and them all in. *she casually picks up a jar, opening it and adding a handful of dried rose petals to the bowl.* I mean, along with the chests and boxes galore that I have lost track of on various dangerous items I have there under lock and key. *she then adds some other flower petals from the other various jars as she continued on.* then, the storage at the other various places... like the faye castle, the dragon castle has their own storage...
and goddess only remembers where else! I am always stumbling across some new location in my travels. *she makes a shrug as she adds a few more things to the bowl, grinding one last thing to a fine powder and adding a pinch before she slides everything aside and whispers at the bowl. a small flame of blue comes from the bowl as she continues to whisper her ancient faye words. words used by the druids of old... soon it dies down and she peeks up at her niece.* hand me those vials on that shelf there? we can add this to them.~
“Wow!” Hope’s eyes were wide as Sky described all the various places she kept large amounts of magical supplies. She’d never seen or heard of anything quite like it before. “How do you keep track of it all? Do you have some kind of system that tells you what you have where at any given moment? I wouldn’t be surprised if you had some kind of magical help with all that.”
*she just gives a shrug and picks up a dropper to add the mixture into the vials so they were ready* most of the locations have the same items for the most part. The dragon castle is new acquisition, so I am still needing to go over the inventory there. I just haven't had a spare moment yet to do so. The former king had an extensive storage before I ,um... relieved him of his duties? *she then stresses* permanently. *making then a sweet smile, she continues * the things in my cave, I have stored them myself over the years. One tends to remember when they have certain items under lock and key for reasons very quickly so as to keep tabs on them for everyone's safety. Nothing magical about it except the warding’s to keep it all inside.
“Really? Interesting. I guess I just kinda figured with all that faye magic that you might have some kind of special enchantment up. Do you ever have any issues with people trying to break in and steal what’s in them? I would imagine that you have some pretty valuable stuff in there that would be disastrous in the wrong hands.”
my cave and here are both protected. the castles, well... the main room for simple ingredients is available to those who need it. but... *she gives a smug smirk* the royal areas are hidden in secret rooms along hidden passageways. there is no need for spells if you know how to hide something... *she heads over to the fireplace, taps a brick and a section slides open to reveal a hidden storage area. she slips out a small box and holds it up.* see? no spells. no enchantments. just simple hiding places. gives me time and energy for the more important things.~
“I can see why you wouldn’t want to waste too much magical energy on hiding places. Sometimes the simplest hiding places are the best because everyone thinks it would be too obvious a place to look.” Hope nodded in understanding. “Besides, your homes are enchanted, so if you have them on the property, they’re already enchanted, right?”
Well, the perimeter here is protected, if that is what you mean? As well as my cave is protected with a spell... or five, for reasons. *she gives a quick glance to see if her niece noticed the last part as she added it quickly.* there is a time for spells. And there is a time to just use your head and a simple hiding spot that one would not necessarily need to use a spell at all. For instance, that hiding spot? *gives a shrug* just a hide a away spot. Nothing fancy. Some older homes still have them installed throughout the place. It is just a matter of know how to look *she whispers the last part*~
Hope had indeed caught the part about the spell or five guarding the cave. It didn’t surprise her in the slightest. If it had been her, she would have done the same thing. As for knowing when to use her head, well, she could be impulsive like her father was. And her mother. But mostly her father. He was known for acting without thinking. “You prefer thinking things out,” she said with a nod. “Uncle Elijah is like that too. It must be part of why the two of you get along so well.”
*a shy smirk crossed her lips. she thought on other things they shared. she never thought on that aspect. it just came naturally to her. a well thought out plan was actually something that popped into her head with a snap. she never really had to think too hard on one.* oh, i don't know about that... *she whispered* I always thought it was more our love of music and things like that. anyways... *she picks up a few of the vials she filled and hands one to Hope.* keep it on you just in case you ever need it. you'll know when that will be. *she then turned and carried the remainder over to her travel bag for when she went out on her little "hunts".* these I will bring to where is also needed. you may use this room to practice the spells you wish to test out from the books. just be certain you clean up once you are done. I sometimes get in a rush for needing a spell or a potion made. so if something is out of place...*she made a stern face* it will not look pretty, let us just say.
“I understand.” Hope bobbed her head up and down in a nod. “Wait. I can really practice spells and stuff in here? Unsupervised?” That was a wholly new and unexpected concept to her. Sure, she had done a few spells on her own at school, but she had never actually been given /permission/ to do them there or at home without someone watching. This was turning out to be an awesome trip all around.
*she gives a smug look* as long as one is careful... *then she changes her look to one of a parental concern* should you be supervised? *she thought as she had been learning that there were plenty of times when the great master Merlin himself had walked away to do his own work, leaving her to her own defenses in her spell work. Alas, that may have also been a part to his lesson plan all along. One learns to think on their feet pretty fast when a spell goes wrong at it's most needed state... * best keep to the safe ones here in the cottage... maybe some days we can do a trip to the cave. Its protected in a way that any spells that go wrong, it won't destroy the entire place... *she rethinks her original thought.*
“I will be okay,” she said hastily as she realized her blunder. It had been foolish of her to make the comment about being unsupervised, but it had just slipped out without her realizing it. She’d been so eager that she’d spoken without thinking. “I’ve done magic o on my own before. Just don’t tell anyone because I wasn’t exactly supposed to be doing it.”
Uh-huh... *she gave a small smirk. She could understand doing somethings without others around because she didn’t want to be disturbed, or stopped.* well, like I said, the safe ones can be tested out here. Those, should not be needing supervision. *she continued her smirk over how excited her niece had gotten at the thought to be allowed to practice solo.*~
That sounded reasonable to Hope. At least she was being allowed to do it without an adult looking over her shoulder to make sure she didn’t sneak in any more advanced spells. “That sounds fair.” She would definitely be coming up here to practice some spells on her own later.
*she sets her bag over in a far corner and then makes a thinking face.* it seems the day has escaped us far quicker than I had thought. I think its time to turn in for the night. *she gives a smile* I am going to see to the twins. you are welcomed to check out some things in here a while longer, or turn in if you are tired? in the morning they should have sent some of those gowns I requested for you for the balls. we can play around with those tomorrow. *she smiled brighter at the thought of sharing the beautiful gowns. surely they will find the perfect one for her quickly.*
Hope glances toward the window and saw that the sun had set some time ago. How she had missed that, she didn’t know. When Sky mentioned turning in for the night, she felt her eyes suddenly getting heavy, as if mentioning being tired had suddenly made her so. “I think I will turn in too. I didn’t realize it was so late.” With a start, she realized she didn’t even know what time it was. How long had they been there?
Time does tend to escape us around here. Especially when we get caught up in many things. *with a slight nod* I will go set the twins down and then check to be sure you have everything? *she heads softly out the door and some time later sings softly from the twins room to lull them both to slumber, rocking them gently in the rocking chair with one upon each shoulder. She sets them each softy into their beds, kissing the forehead of each one and whispering* blessed dreams my little bugs...*she heads on up to check on Hope shortly after. Soft knock at the door to what was now her bedroom*~
Hope could hear the sound of singing from her room. It reminded her of when she was a small child and her Aunt Rebekah and her mother would sing to her. It was a soothing memory, and she began humming the song they used to sing as she prepares herself for bed that night. She was just finishing changing when a knock sounded at her door. “Come in,” she called out. She had recognized the soft tread of her aunt.
*she peeked her head in the door* do you have everything you need for the night? Is there enough blankets? *she pauses then adds* I believe they will be here first thing in the morning with the gowns. Also, there will be breakfast goodies sent over from the castle and bakery from town in the morning. So we will not need to worry about fixing anything. *she smiles softly* we can spend the day trying out the gowns and masques if you wished.
“I have everything I need.” She looked up and gave her a smile. “Thank you.” Hope’s eyes lit up at the mention of gowns. She wasn’t usually the type of person who got excited over trying on clothes, but the idea of wearing a gown to a party at a palace was definitely worth getting excited over. It was like something out of a fairy tale. “I can’t wait to see what they send.”
*smiling at how Hope lit up over the mention of the gowns, she gave a nod* very good. They should be sending only the best. *smirking with a slight laugh behind it* I already have mine picked out, but your uncle wishes to see another one. *she then lets out a giggle* blessed dreams then, my dear child. *she turns to head back out the door and softly closes the door behind her. She heads on down to ready herself for the evening as well. Coming from their bedroom some moments later in her bed clothes and bathrobe, she slips silently into the piano room, missing her beloved more at this hour. She sits before the piano and rests her fingers upon the keys to stroke them a little before slipping off into bed for slumber. In the morning, she wakens to the raven cawing at her of the arrivals for breakfast and the gowns. She hurries to slip into decent clothing and heads off o the kitchen to direct them all*
Hope woke up a little earlier than she normally would. She was that excited over the day ahead of her. It wasn’t that she loved shopping that much. It was just the idea of having a day where people were pampering her. She quickly got dressed and slipped downstairs to the kitchen in search of her aunt. She figured Sky would already be awake and fixing breakfast by now.
*She hummed along as she gave orders to where everything was to be set. food was delivered this morning along with the gowns for Hope to try out. a treat from having to actually make it for once. not that she needed to make anything really, it was more she enjoyed doing so most days. especially when her Elijah was home to help.* those can go over on the pantry area for now... yes. yes, right there *she points over to the small door leading to a nook. Turning to some others carrying bundles she could only assume were the gowns by how they draped over their arms.* splendid! those place in the guest room for now. we shall try them out in there... *she smiles and calls out behind them as they scurry off* thank you! *turning back to the kitchen table and seeing all the food that was sent, she gave a sigh* I do hope my darling Elijah returns home soon! there is no way we will eat all of this in one day. cook outdid herself this time... *she lets out a giggle as she hears the twins babble and giggle as they enter with their nanny and grab up goodies and hugs with kisses before heading out to play in the beautiful morning* my beautiful little bugs. did we sleep well? *as she held them tight and kissed them before sending them on their way*
“Good morning.” Hope was momentarily distracted by all the clothes that were being carried through the cottage. We’re all of those meant for her to try on? Surely, her aunt was going to try some on too, even if she didn’t necessarily need them. “Are all those meant for the ball?” Hope watched the procession move through the room, with little gaps allowing her a glimpse of two of all the food on the table. There was certainly no shortage of anything around here.
*smiling brightly* blessed morning! Did you sleep well? *as she grabs a plate for her to fill with what her heart desires as there was plenty to pick from. She nods* you can keep anything you like, my dear. This way if you go to any other future balls, you will have enough to choose from depending on the event. Even gowns for ever day wear around the castle.
“Everyday wear?” Her eyes were round at the thought. “My everyday wear usually consists of jeans and a cute top. The gowns may take some getting used to.” She giggled at the image of herself lounging around in some fancy dress just because she could. Lizzie would be pea green with envy if she knew that Hope was about to embark on the mother of all shopping sprees. Maybe she would send a group text to the twins so they could see.
*she turns to her* oh everyday wear is simple. I even have hunting outfits if that is more preferred. *leans over whispering* knowing the staff and how well they know my past parties of staffing. they certainly tossed in a few of those in there. *she let out a giggle in her smirk as she hands her the plate*
Food. Eat. There's plenty. And I mean plenty here... for like days... *she laughs some more* do you honestly think your aunt lounges around in some frilly thing all the time? *she waves over her own outfit of the day, one of her more comfortable hunting outfits her beloved husband adores seeing her in. With a smirk* I wear these because I never know when I might have to take off last minute to take care of something or other. ~
“I can’t see you in frilly things all day long.” She giggled. “You seem far too laid back for that. Besides, as busy as you are, fancy clothes wouldn’t be very practical, would they?” By this time, Hope had made her way to the table, and was busy filling her plate with food.
*joining her at the table to pick some items to eat, she agreed* no, I definitely can't hop a portal quickly in a frilly old thing. those are saved for the very special occasions. I won't even be in some frilly thing for the ball. a simple black lace I found for that night. *smirking as she grabbed up some gooey cinnamon rolls and other pastries, licking the icing from her fingers and indulging in the taste
of them.* shall we head over and try some on?~
“I’d love to!” She gave Sky an admiring grin. “We have similar styles. I tend to wear jeans and a comfortable shirt because I’m always fighting monsters. Well, when I’m not wearing my school uniform. Those kinds of clothes are just easier to move around in. I’d take something simple over something frilly any day.”
*smirking* yes, I know the feeling too well. But it is nice to wear some of these other dresses from time to time as well. The special occasions are always fun. *giving a nod as she grabs her plate* let us get started in on them then. *she gives a soft laugh in her smirk as she heads down the hall to the room, following the staff carrying the dresses for them*~
Hope followed right behind her, still looking around at some of the things she’d missed before. The place was definitely larger from the inside that it looked from the outside, surely because there was some kind of enchantment on it. “You’ll be trying stuff on too, right?” It would be fun to help her aunt pick something.
*blushing slightly* they only sent things for you to try on, my dear. *they entered the room and she set her plate on a small breakfast nook near the windows as she went to look over what was being hung in the closet for them to go through. She began to slowly flip through the garments to see what might be best to try out first.* do we have a color preference? *she peeked over her shoulder as she moved a dress aside before her*~
“Anything dark blue or black. I like dark colors.” Hope gestured toward the jeans and black crop top she was wearing. Most of her wardrobe consisted of darker colors. They hid stains from monsters she killed, as well as dirt when she was training or fighting. She was sure that there had to be something like that in there.
*nodding as she searches through them, she mumbles * dark blue.... ah! *as she comes across one, pulling it out to show her* what about this one? * holding up a dark blue flowing gown with empire waist and a chiffon overlay. it was even sleeveless so if she needed to move more freely, she could.~
“That’s beautiful!” Hope held her hands out for the material, running her hands gently over the material, and listening to the rustling sound the skirt made. “I’m going to take it behind that privacy screen your workers set up and try it out. They think of everything don’t they? I’ll be right back.” And with that, Hope moved behind the screen to carefully change into the ball gown. Moments later, she emerges from behind the screen. “What do you think?”
Absolutely! If you need a hand, let me know. *she continues looking through the other dresses to see on some of the other events to be coming up. With the holiday season, there will be a lot of gatherings to take place at the castle. She turns to the sound of her niece and pauses* you look simply divine in that my dear child. *her hands going up to her own cheeks a moment as she briefly thought upon when her two little bugs will be of this same age one day; trying on dresses just like that one Hope had slipped into.* beautiful. just like a photograph. *smirking playfully* who knows... *she sees a mask of blue with golden trim on the other side table and slips it into her hands to casually place it over Hope's face, turning her towards the mirror before them both.* maybe some young suitor will ask for a dance that night... *she whispers in her ear*~
“I have one in mind already.” Hope’s lips lifted into a smile as she giggled at what her aunt was saying. “I have a boyfriend,” she explained. “He’s absolutely wonderful.” Her eyes sparkled as she thought of Landon. She missed him, and she was kind of surprised that she hadn’t mentioned him by now. Probably because she was so busy with other things.
*smirking* we do now? And does your uncle know of this young man? *she giggles as well at the thought of how her beloved Elijah might be when it came to suitors for his niece, then thought how he might screen them when their own daughters came of that age... she could not help but giggle some more over such a thought that passed her mind. She whispers again* well, you are young still. Maybe dances with other suitors as balls and banquets can be a way to just pass the time. *she slides some of Hope's hair from her shoulder* what it this suitor of yours like? ~
“Uncle Elijah met him briefly one day when we were having lunch in the town where my school is. It was just before... you know.” Hope’s expression darkened for a moment as she fidgeted with the skirt of her dress. It would never be easy to talk about what happened to her father and uncle. She forced a smile to her face that became more genuine as she began to speak about Landon. It was a subject she could go on about for hours, and she told her aunt nearly everything, except that her boyfriend was a Phoenix.
*giving her a soft smile as she listened, then stopping what she was doing to gently wrap her arms around her in a small hug when she noticed her mood change slightly suddenly* it is alright, my dear child. they did what they did for you. *she whispers* they would do so again, + ~I am sure, if it came before them again. same as I am certain your uncle stops at nothing for the twins. your father watches over you. I'm sure. and, I think from the stories on what he had picked out once before, he might approve of this choice you have slipped into. *she gave a slight smirk to try and lighten the mood, then changed to back on the boy she had in her life* so... what is this lad's name? he does have one, doesn't he? I mean, I would hope he has a name...*she gives a slight giggle to her bad joke* ~
“His name is Landon, and he is amazing. He’s the real deal. Of course, my dad would have been super protective. My whole family would be. But once they see how wonderful he is, I know they would like him.” She hoped. Landon had only met Freya so far, and though she seemed like him, she wasn’t so sure about what the rest of her family would say.
*she quietly picks up a brush and begins to brush Hope's hair once guiding her to sit at a lounge seat for them as she listens* it sounds like you really like this lad. *she continues brushing her hair gently* I am sure that your aunts and Uncles would approve of him if you really like him this much. I mean, what was Elijah's reaction to this Landon when he did meet him? *she leans near her ear to whisper the last part to help trigger her memory of that day. she had a feeling he might have done some small thing to help things along in this little courtship if she knew her husband. He wanted his family happy as well as safe. even if it was a short while.* maybe he had a hand in something later that night, that you might not realize?~
Hope sighed contentedly as Sky began brushing her hair. The last person who did that had been her mother, and she had forgotten how comforting it could be. “I’m not sure how much attention he paid to him. Landon was the waiter where we eating. He certainly didn’t seem to /dislike/ him. And you know Uncle Elijah. He would never be deliberately rude to anyone.” Sky seemed to know something she didn’t and Hope turned slightly to look at her. “Did he say something to you about it?”
*she shakes her head no* no, he has not. But I am sure you would have known by now if he had disapproved of him. would you have not? *she gives a small smirk and thinks to herself * 'If he was a waiter, maybe he gave him a large tip like he tends to do so that the lad could enjoy any event that evening...' *she continues brushing her hair and then leans over to pick up a clip of blue gemstones lining it to fasten her hair up partly* there, I think your hair like this compliments it all nicely. what do you think?~
Hope moved her head slightly so she could get a better view of her hair. She didn’t usually wear her hair up, not even in a pony tail, but Sky was right. Her hair did look nice this way, and the blue clip accentuated the deep blue of her dress. “I agree. I think I’ll wear this style for the ball. When is it, again?”
Well, we have past the masquerade ball by now. But we have the winter ball around the corner. Which will be Christmas. We can save the masque for next year. *she smiles, glad the Hope liked what she did.* did you want to search through the rest of the gowns and outfits and see if anything struck your fancy as well? You don't have to remain in this if you don't want to. ~
“It might be a good idea to have a few extra just in case. I have a feeling there will be other parties I will need them for. Plus, my family gives pretty lavish parties. It’ll be good to have some new things to wear to them. My aunt Rebekah is planning a big holiday party this year. Are you and Uncle Elijah coming?”
To... *pausing a moment* oh, I am not sure on that. Your Uncle very much wants to keep us far from New Orleans for the time being. He says it is still very unsafe right now, which I do not have my doubts about that...*she thinks back on possible evenings out to dinner and the dangers of rogue vampires coming to attack them just out this way. she knew her darling would let her know the moment it was safe for them to head to even visit the rest of his family.* for now, it is best to keep the girls safe. at least until they learn how to defend themselves in case. unless Elijah says it is safe, we always have our festivities at the castle for now. But, we may always ask him, once he returns home, that is. *she smiles softly as she explains best she can. she never wishes to give false hope on arriving someplace she had a feeling might not be in the immediate future.* ~
“I understand.” Hope looked slightly crestfallen, but she had been expecting a response like that. She knew if her uncle had felt it was safe he would have brought them home to see New Orleans by now. It was through sheer luck that Hope had managed to find a spell that helped lead her here. Somehow, she had managed to get past the cloaking spells and find the cottage.
*hearing the heartbreak in the teens voice crushed her. she placed a hand gently upon her shoulder and spoke softly* we shall see with what Elijah says. One never knows. maybe it is safe yet for at least a short visit. but, we will not know until his return. patience. if not this year, be hopeful for the near future. one never knows what the fates will lead for us. ~
“I know. And I understand why he stayed away. Honest. It’s just that I miss him, you know? It’s been so long since I’ve seen him, and I got really lucky when I followed a bunch of leads and found a spell that would bring me to him. I was so excited when I found he was still alive. I didn’t tell anyone I was coming here. I wasn’t sure who knew.”
I know, my dear child. *speaking softly* and It is hard when we miss those we love. I do trust that you have taken all the precautions that you could have possibly thought of when coming this far. *she gave a soft smile* again, we will leave up to your uncle to make that decision. Deal? *she playfully rested her forehead to Hope's briefly and then resumed brushing the lower part of her hair*~
“Deal.” She smiled up at her aunt. “And I was very careful. As far as I can tell, no one even knows I’m here. My aunt Freya thinks I went to visit a friend from school, and Doctor Saltzman thinks I went home like always. All I had to do was cast the spell that lead me here. I made sure to do it in an area where no one would know to look.”
*trying to hide the smug proud feeling that came from her at these words* I believe you, my dear child. You seem like one who tries hard to take precautions as best as she can. Probably from seeing your family history. Of which I don't blame you. *tilting her head* why don't we try on some of these other creations they sent you? *smiling now and grabbing up some food sitting at the breakfast nook* we do not wish for their trouble of picking the right ones for you to try on to go to waste now, do we *she gives a wink*
“No, we certainly don’t,” she agreed. “There are some many, I don’t know where to begin. What about that one?” She pointed to an emerald green silk dress that was off the shoulders with a full skirt. The dark green would compliment her skin tone and give her an extra glow. Hope got up to take the dress behind the screen and carefully changed clothes. Moments later, she emerged and did a little twirl. “What do you think?”
*looking up as Hope asks, she pauses* breathtaking, my dear. Simply beautiful. It is perfect on you *smiling brightly. Then she thinks as she catches a glimpse of a crochet shawl of similar coloring.* this will go perfect with it!
“Thank you!” Hope’s cheeks turned pink with delight. She stretched her hand out to take the shawl. “This will go perfect. You’re right.” She slipped it over her shoulders and turned to look at herself in the mirror. “Do you like it?”
*smiling with satisfaction and joy of a motherly love watching as Hope grew excited of this time they shared, she was briefly lost in thought of what future moments could be with their twins* Hmm? *she refocuses* yes, it is perfect! I love it. I am glad you enjoy this. ~
“I’m having a good time.” She smiled, slightly surprised that she would enjoy trying on clothes this much. Sure, it could be fun, but with everything else that had been happening at school, there never seemed to be much time to do typical teenager stuff, like shopping, and just relaxing.
*she turns back towards the closet and peeks through once more* good. Very good. *she spies a few hunting outfits and pulls them out.* now this... *a pant shirt style that looks like it is from the steampunk era* will look delicious with some tall boots... *she gives a mischievous smirk as she thinks on her own hunting outfits. Maybe she should see if hers still fit her after these past months. She didn’t seem to need them as often anymore.*
Hope reached out for the hunting outfit. It wasn’t the usual style she would wear. Jeans and shirts were more her style, but the outfit certainly looked cool, and what harm would it do to try it on? “I don’t have any boots, but I definitely want to try this on. Is this style what you usually wear when hunting?”
*smirking as Hope takes the outfit* oh I think they took care of that one too... *she climbed into the closet, practically falling over herself as she reached over piles of clothing in her way. She makes a squeaking noise as she struggles to get back up to standing, holding a pair of sleek brown boots about knee length* will these do? *she makes another noise as she spots another pair, tossing the first pair next to her on the floor* oooo! Or maybe these combat boots! *she falls over to yank them up and over to show Hope*~
“I think the first set would be perfect.” Hope took the boots that had fallen to the floor and began making her way back behind the privacy screen to change clothes again. She emerged a few minutes later fully dressed, including the boots, in the hunting outfit Sky had just given to her.
*she gives a nod* very good *then turns to set the second pair of boots back to the closet. She turns to see Hope emerge from behind the changing screen and smiles approvingly * now, you are ready for anything around the island. *she gives a giggle* usually there are tiny hiding spots perfect for bags of potions and spells and even slots for a dagger or two for when you really must venture on an actual hunt. Otherwise, it is just cute to wear whenever. *she gives a little smirk*
“I think I found a few of those pockets when I was changing,” she said with a giggle. “I’m sure it would be useful for fighting monsters down the line. I do a lot of that school. Just don’t tell my uncle that. He wouldn’t like that. My family is extremely overprotective.”
*smirking at her giggle* it is great to have plenty of pockets. *with a shake of her head* that is your job to tell him. But if something was to come up, I'm sorry. Safety first. *she makes a soft face* your uncle and I have one big rule with each other, and I will not break that. I will however say that you have best be careful. And, if anything gets too hard to handle, send a raven to me for help. All I will say. If you think your uncle is overprotective, I think I can pose to become the same as he is. heck, I probably already am with our own girls. *she gives a smirk*
“Okay.” Hope nodded. She hoped she would never need to call on her for help, but you never knew. With Malivore being a threat to everyone, there might come a day when everyone would have to work together to destroy it once and for all. Her face softened at the mention of the I don’t blame you there. They are so sweet and should be kept out of harms’ way.”
As you once were yourself. *she gave a slight smirk* the family may be overprotective, but with good reasons. And as they feel, good intentions. As a child, one is innocent and should not be thrown in the middle of such chaotic things or the family can help it. *placing a hand on her shoulder and looking in her eyes* but know this, if you find you need us. You do not hesitate to call. I am certain even your uncle will come out of his "hiding" to help you if he had to. I have not a doubt in my mind. *she gives a soft smile.* shall we see what else there is? Or do you wish to do something else? You can go through these at your leisure now that you have found a few outfits. As you go through them, you can move them into the closet in your current room *smiling at the idea* ~
“I will remember that. Thank you.” Hope knew Sky was right. Her uncle would come running if he knew she needed him. Hope would prefer to keep him out of things for his new family’s protection. She didn’t want to drag him into his old life if he was being so careful about people not knowing he was back. That was the last thing she wanted to do.
*she smiles and gives her a quick hug. then asks* shall we look at more outfits together? see what else they sent? *she smirks* I think I saw some shiny little treasures among the clothing and shoes... *she gave a giggle as she tried to lighten the mood in the room for them.*
“Jewelry? Cool. It’s probably a good idea to accessorize. Maybe I can find a pendant to wear with that blue dress. And shoes.” She nodded. “I’m not a fan of heels, but I need them to complete the look.” Hope went over to a pile of items near the door and began sifting through it.
Most definitely! *she turns and pulls out a couple jewelry chests and boxes, setting them to the side table in front of the closet. She opens one up and smiles as she lifts up a necklace with a blue and white cameo.* this is pretty... it has little shells for the design. *laying it out between her palms to show her.*~
“It’s gorgeous. Maybe not quite the right shade of blue for the gown, but it would look great with a few other things I have. I mean, if you’d let me borrow it once in a while.” Hope was not so presumptuous as to presume that she could just take the necklace and keep it for herself. She carefully set it aside and began looking through the box.
*with a smirk and shakes her head* borrow!? Heavens no! These are for you to keep, my dear child! *she lets out a giggle.* I had these sent for you to chose your wardrobe for here and at the castle when you stay. As well as if you see anything for back at home... these are gifts for you from your uncle and myself. *she gives a happy little wink* consider them early Christmas gifts.
*then she whispers* I think there may be some tiny crowns as well for extra special occasions around the castle, being niece of the king and queen...~
“You mean like a tiara?” Hope’s eyes lit up. Lizzie would be so jealous if she knew about the tiaras. “So, I’d be a princess?” Many people considered the original vampires royalty in their world, even if they weren’t exactly beloved. She’d heard people refer to her father as a king, to her mother as a werewolf queen, and her as a princess. It had put a target on her back most of her life.
*smiling at her excitement.* yes, tiaras. A small selection just for you. Nothing fancy, mind you. Just little things to make sure others know you are one with us. So new comers know you belong at the castle while you are there. *thinking slightly* well... I guess in a way you are. If what I heard on the status of your parents. Then yes, a princess in that case. *nodding as she thinks* which I guess as the niece... you would still be considered as such, too. ~
“Awesome!” Yup. Lizzie would be pea green with envy if she knew. If she could do it without giving away the fact that her uncle was alive and had a family, she would take a selfie of her wearing the tiara and send it to Lizzie just to see how she would react. The girls were becoming friends, but there was still a hint of the old rivalry between them every now and then.
*smirking she pulls out another wooden chest and carries it over to an oversized chair so they may shift through it. She opens the top and reveals velvet lining of rich red. She lifts layers of the inside and places upon the ottoman. Careful not to knock anything over. Each + ~layer had it's own tiara. One of simple silver design with Celtic knot working detailed in it, similar to her own. A simple gold one of smooth gold. Others with thin metal workings and beautiful beadings worked throughout in flower shapes; in crystal beads, each handmade.* go ahead, try them on... *she whispers*~
“Oh!” Hope looked in awe at the various tiaras before her. She wasn’t the type to get her head turned by pretty baubles, but these were some seriously impressive jewels. So much so, that Hope was having trouble deciding which one to look at first. After a few moments of careful consideration, Hope selected a sliver diadem with a deep blue moon stone in the center. “What do you think of this one? Might it work better with my gown than that blue clip we tried earlier?”
*watching Hope select one and trying it on, she steps closer to her and speaks softly* I think the would be perfect. And you could pair the two together, if you did it right. You can keep all of them form the box. In case you have an outfit to be paired better with them. ~
“That’s so generous of you, but I couldn’t take all of them. What about the twins? Won’t they want them when they get older?” Hope figured there were others in Sky’s collection, but she didn’t want to take something that rightfully belonged to the twins.
~Dearest, *she gives a playful smirk* you underestimate your aunt and her vast collection... *giggling* the twins already have a collection from the first time your uncle mentioned the hearing of their heartbeats. I have already set aside theirs. These are extra ones from my collection that I will never get to wearing. I would rather see them worn that sit In a box, collecting dust the way they are now.
“Well. If you insist.” Hope couldn’t resist smirking at her aunt. “I don’t know that I could wear them all, but I will definitely be happy to try.” She giggled. “I have a feeling I’ll be at enough of your balls to have the opportunity.”
*smirking back* oh, most definitely! In time you might find you will have worn most of them. I still have so many to be worn, myself.*giggling*but there are so many that are really not my taste at all. Even some occasions of just strolling around the grounds with special guests.
“Something just to dress your outfit up.” Hope nodded, unable to hold back her own giggle. Her expression turned thoughtful for a moment. “Would I be imposing if I asked to bring my friends here when you have parties? I’d really like to bring Landon to the Christmas ball. I want Uncle Elijah to officially meet him as my boyfriend and not the nice waiter from the Grill.”
*smirking as she hears Hope giggle then smiling.* that would be lovely to meet your friends. And I'm sure you Uncle Elijah would like to meet this lad under nicer circumstances than a restaurant serving him. *she smirks again*~
“I do too. When is the Christmas ball? Would I have time to get Landon here so he can meet my uncle?” Hope knew it was a day’s journey from the school. He would need time to pack and get ready to go.
*with a happy little laugh* it is on Christmas, my dear child. As well as there is plenty of time when portals are involved. *she gives a little wink and then whispers, leaning closely* the old groves are the fayes portals to and from every where and any where one wishes to travel to. Especially to the island of realms and faye castle. So what may be a day or two, would really be minutes just by a mere passing through a tree.
“So, time does work differently there. What about here? I’ve only been here a day or two. Has it been even longer outside this area?” Hope was a little concerned about that. If she was gone from school and home for too long, she would surely be missed, especially if she didn’t return to school when her break was over.
Goodness no, my dear child! Time runs the same for everything. *smiling* portals are just more like a highway access point to and from places for us. Especially with things in the veil. It makes it a lot easier to gain time *she pauses at the last part to think on her words, then nods* yes, portals are like a stargate? If one knows where to find them, and how to use them, one can be anywhere within seconds.
“That would be pretty convenient if you’re running late.” Hope gave her a wry smile. “Do you use them often? I would imagine that would since it makes for easy travel between the realms. I have a feeling you need to travel from real to realm rather frequently.”
Most definitely do they make things so much easier! And the time it saves me? *she makes a small wave of her hand as she smirks* if you only knew how often I have had to use them. It makes it easier to get from one end of the island to the other when I need to investigate on + ~certain matters. I even visited your uncle in the veil that one time... *she trails off on that memory briefly, then with a quick shake of her head and a smile, she changes* lately, I have had to look into information on certain problem queens. Making sure on where I thought that they were and such. ~
“Problem queens?” Hope was intrigued by that. She knew a lot about problem creatures, though she had never knowingly encountered a royal one. She was pretty sure Malivore didn’t count. At least, not to her. “Maybe it’s something I can help you out with. Don’t tell my uncle but I’m pretty good at fighting monsters.”
*smirking* we shall see... for now, they have been quiet. But then again, *biting her lips mischievously* they may have been a little busy lately *as she scrunched up her nose* rebuilding their arsenal supply.... *she smiles ever so sweetly at the last part.* for now, you study and learn about here, school and maybe at your stays at the castle. The queens are your aunts issue. never you mind about them.~
Hope pouted slightly at that last statement. People tended to think that because she was young she couldn’t handle dangerous situations. That was far from true. She could have fought her aunt further on that, but what would be the point? Instead, she nodded her head. If she was needed, she would help. If not, she would learn from what was going on around her.
*Noticing the pout on her niece* the realms are different than this land. The island itself especially, is different. Not all the same laws here apply to there. study, read, learn about them. Understanding where one is about to venture to from time to time, is very important. I spent years studying when younger I was even sent to parts of the realms for further studies. Which before to long, we can set up for you, *smiling and placing a hand on her shoulder* if you wish to do so. *softer* some of them train in dangerous scenarios in a safe way to learn techniques to might not know of here. Or even have had to ever use.
“I think that would be.... awesome!” She declared. Hope was always eager to learn new fighting techniques, and if those lessons could help her figure out how to fight anything else Malivore sent her way, then she was definitely up for that. “Maybe I could come during my time off from school.” She wouldn’t want to spend an entire summer training, but it would be good to have a couple of weeks to train.
*with a satisfied nod* most definitely. We can set things up for whenever. Like I said, portals are helpful to get to places in a snap. We can start with studies as well as time with the head guard at the castle at first to learn new sword fright techniques. Then maybe time with one of my old teachers...~
“Sword fighting? How cool!” Hope didn’t have much experience with swords. This was due largely to the fact that Doctor Saltzman didn’t really use swords. He couldn’t train her to use a weapon he didn’t have much experience in using himself, and none of the other teachers at the school really used them either.
Oh yes, I have had many years training with swords about the castle and with special other teachers... among other lessons. They don't teach that at your school, considering all of the things you say that has been happening lately? *she gives a small tilt to her head and a then a nod* although, I suppose if they do not have the means for teaching such an art... Then of course one might not be able to learn. *making a face as she thinks more on this* maybe ...*she places her index along her lips as she thinks more* maybe we can discuss with this headmaster on supplying a teacher for such a class later on for all students that attend? I'm sure there are a few retiring swordsmen on the guards that would love to pass along their skills to the younger generation. They used to take on apprentices before. *pondering now* I wonder why they have not had many doing so as of late? *she gives a small shrug now and continues* anyways. Yes, I think maybe we can see into a few of the retiring swordsmen to maybe come hold a session there for you and you friends sometime ...
“That would be entertaining. I know it a few people who would enjoy living out a fantasy of being a knight.” She smirked to herself as she pictured MG, Landon and Rafael in a lesson like that. They would have a blast. “Someone will have to talk to the headmaster about it.” She thought for a moment. “Do you suppose your twins might go there some day? Aunt Freya and her wife are already talking about sending my little cousin, Nik, and he won’t be old enough to go for a few years.”
Then I shall have to have a meeting set up them, one of these days. *smirking * oh I can only imagine. I know a few when I first arrived at the bunker and some of them heard the word sword... *she lets out a giggle* you only get to do such a thing once, right? *she gives a wink*
Goodness, we have never even discussed such a thing. I mean, we have the nanny to help them here and then the teachers up at the castle who can also come to where we are at the drop of a hat. but, you never know. *she gives a small shrug* we will have to see how things go as they get older. There are some plans already in place for them, as to their particular trainings and studies for what they will each come to ... inherit? from us later on. Once they come to age, that is.~
“I understand.” Hope nodded. “As a student at the school, I can tell you it’s pretty great. I think you and Doctor Saltzman would get along. He never seemed to have much of an issue with Uncle Elijah, though he did with my father. Then again, nearly everyone had an issue with him,” she said drily. “I’ll have graduated by the time the girls are old enough to go, but if my aunts send their sons there, he will be with them. He’s only a year or two older than they are.”
I'm sure it is a wonderful school, dear. *smiling* well, as long as people are willing to work with what is needed, there are never any problems. *she smirks in a wink* as I am sure Elijah would agree on that part. In the sense of getting along with others.
*with a slight frown* I have heard on some things regarding your father, and in some cases, I can see why that would be... ok, in many cases. But, I am certain he did his best to try and change his ways, for you. One never knows what exactly the future will hold. I mean, who knows, maybe you will become headmaster one day *making a playful smirk in a slight giggle* not that I know of anything for your future at this moment. But, one never knows what may lay in one's path.~
“I can’t really picture myself as a headmaster. I see myself as being out there slaying monsters. I seem to be pretty good at that,” she said, a lighthearted smile flitting across her features. Hope had a lot of practice in that arena lately, what with all the monsters that had been coming to the school lately.
*with a hearty laugh escaping her without her control* and I am certain this Dr. Saltzman isn't doing this alongside you and your friends now? *she gives a knowing smirk and a raise of her brow* like I said, one never knows down the road, years later... that you and your friends might stay after graduation and become teachers or even mentors, yourselves. It is a school of the gifted, after all. *giving a small nod* I'm pretty sure there are other witches in your little... posse, as well as other creatures.. if I am not mistaken? The knowledge you can pass on, and still go out to protect as needed. *she opens her arms a moment and gives a slight bow* I do so almost every day. Being here with our girls, guiding those at the bunker and at the castle, as needed. and keeping peace against threats. It is possible to wear many hats at one time... *she smirks and slips a treat into her mouth*~
“I know that,” Hope nodded in acknowledgement of her aunt’s wisdom. “I guess at this point in my life I don’t really see it.” She paused for a moment before continuing. “You’ve mentioned that bunker a few times. What bunker is this? Is it nearby, or someplace you have to travel to by portal?”
*smiling* one never knows what path we will be led down until we travel it. You might not see it right in front of you now. But, one never knows what will come up that will make you want to go down that path. the bunker... *pausing to think on how best to describe it* consider it a safe house for misfit hunters and supernatural creatures. There is a portal to get there, yes. But it is also accessible by car. Just not here in Manosque. *she gives a small giggle* it is located somewhere in the states for this one. I check in from time to time with them. in fact, some of them should be attending the balls coming up.~
Hope made a Hmm noise at the mention of misfit hunters. She wondered how they felt about having a powerful supernatural creature having access to their, but thought that might be an inappropriate question. Instead, she asked, “How did you find them? Have you always had access to it?”
*she makes a small shrug* I had been chatting with a few other ... hunters as well an angel named Balthazar at the time. They had invited me to come and join them in their little bunker. Balthazar's Nephilim niece had grown found of me, as I had become like an adopted aunt to and her by then. *she leans forward* honestly, I think he needed a hand with the child, as she was a handful at times. But, she is a very spirited one, that one was. Always keeping us on our toes. *she gives a chuckle at the memories that this Nephilim child turned into great warrior today had caused around the bunker*
Most of those who were there when I first arrived have moved on to their own paths since then, but there are new people staying there. there are always ones coming and going as they need to. Most have stayed for a while.~
“Interesting. Do you spend a lot of time there?” Hope was definitely curious about that. She figured she could learn a lot from those hunters her aunt was talking about. Maybe they would help train her. Doctor Saltzman was a great teacher, and she was learning a lot from him, but there were some things he just didn’t have the skills to teach her.
Oh, definitely not as much as I used to. They are well set to be without me from time to time. I do check in however, as needed. Plus, they all know how to reach me by now if any of them need my... specialties, should anything arise. My time is here, with your uncle and our girls. This cottage keeps me plenty busy with every new thing to be discovered about the grounds. As well as things about the castle. I want everything in place for as the twins grow.
Hope could understand that. The twins were little now, but as they got older, they would surely be curious and would have so much to learn from a place like this. Hope certainly was, and she had only been her for a day or two. She would have to go back home eventually, but for now, she wanted the opportunity to get to know this new branch of her family better.
So, what shall we do now? We can carry some of these up to your room and then go through others later? Plenty to do around here, as you can tell she smirks*~
“I can.” She smirked back. “Let’s put what we have so far in my room. We can look at some of the other stuff after unless you have something else planned.” Hope began carefully placing her selections together and making sure all the jewelry she had been looking through was properly stored.
*with a nod* sounds like a plan. Bring some now so that it is not so much later to be done. *she scoops up an armful of dresses and chest into her hand.* you will have plenty of room for everything you pick in the room. ~
“I noticed the large closets.” Hope smirked again as she began gathering up her clothes and made her way carefully behind her aunt. Was it her, or was the place a little larger than it had been before? It may very well have. She knew the place was enchanted, and it wouldn’t surprise her one bit.
*smiling as she turned* yes, the closets are surprisingly good sized in these old rooms. Like I said before, I am curious as to who the former owners once were. *lifting the case in her hands* you can shift through the chests of jewelry later on at your leisure. *as she continues down the hall* and maybe I can have some fencing instructor come at some point to practice until we find the perfect swordsman to teach you if you wish. For your next visit.
“I would like that. Maybe we could do that and I could practice more spells like the one you showed me before with the rose. That was pretty cool.” Hope has memorized the spell, and intended to try it again when she go back to school. Maybe she’d even show her friends how to do it. The twins might like it.
Certainly, If that is what you want to do. *smiling as she turned her head. She climbed the stairs to the room temporarily for Hope and set things on the bed so they might sort the clothing. She turned to set the chest on the vanity afterward. *~
Hope followed her into the room and carefully set the clothes on her bed. She would need to store them properly. Clothes like this couldn’t be tossed on the floor the way she sometimes did at school. These were far too nice to be treated so callously.
*she turns back from the vanity and picks up one of the dresses to be hung up. * we can set the ones for later in the back part of the closet so that the more every day ones are closer, if you'd like...*
“I think that’s a good idea,” she agreed. The more practical side of Hope certainly thought so. She carefully selected some of the more elaborate gowns and hung them toward the back of the closet so they would remain safe until she was ready for them.
*she handed some to Hope as they sorted through what they took up with them.* some of these will be lovely for any dance, including ones at your school. *smiling, she points over to the vanity* and once we have gone through the chests, we can look into a better storage dresser for them to accommodate what you wish to keep. *rubbing her hands together once they've hung up all* there, I think that is all of it, for now. Shall we head back to continue? or did you wish to snoop through those books again? *she gave a smirk at the last part*~
“I’m not sure. Maybe we can look through the clothes a little more and then go check out the books.” Hope was having fun spending time with her aunt. It didn’t matter all that much to her what they were doing. It was just nice to be here with the opportunity to get to know her uncle’s wife.
Very good. *she gives a nod in her smile* then let us go through some more of the chaos of clothes to see what else can be attacked. *smirking* by the time we have gone through more, it will be time to pause for dinner. And then we can scope out some of those books.
“That sounds perfect. We’ll work up an appetite going through clothes, and once we’ll eat, we’ll be relaxed enough to concentrate on the books again.” Hope wanted a second look at the clothes. She thought she had seen a few things that might interest her.
*giggling softly in her smile* and at first someone seemed overwhelmed with all those clothes... *giggles more* then it sounds like a great plan to me. It is so nice to share these with you. I'm glad you decided to come searching. otherwise these poor dresses would be hanging unloved for years! *she smirks in her wink* then a nice meal and enjoying the quiet evening by the fire, going through those books. ~
Hope~ “I like that idea very much.” Hope moved toward the selection of clothes remaining and began sifting through them. Underneath some taffeta ball gowns, she found a simple black silk, off the shoulder gown. She carefully extracted it from the pile and ran her hands over the smooth fabric. This was more her style, and she wondered how she had missed it earlier.
*she looks through some of the other clothing draped on the sofa near by and then glances at the simple black gown Hope pulled out* oh, how simply scrumptious that will look on you! *smiling as she walks over to feel the fabric* this is simply lovely. Maybe we have more of this style in here, if this is more your style? Or I can have more similar ones made to be more fitting to this style if you wish for later?
“I would love that.” Hope nodded as she went to the mirror and held the dress against her so she could get a better look at it. The simple elegance of it was more her style than something frilly would be. She would definitely enjoy something more like this. “I’m going to try it on. Then, we can look for more in there.”
*with a nod, she dives into the closet to look for more in that styling and smiles* sounds like a good plan to me. It looks simply lovely. It should look perfect on you.~
“I can’t wait to see.” Hope ducked behind the privacy screen and began changing into the dress. She made sure the fabric was smooth with no wrinkles and stepped out from behind the screen. Her gaze fell on her reflection in the mirror and she nodded in approval.
*she looks over as Hope stepped back out from the screen* scrumptious. *she smiles in approval* that is your style, for sure. Its settled, I will have the seamstress make more of similar style to that for you in the future. *she steps softly forward, placing her hands upon Hope's shoulders lightly to look back at her in the mirror *
Hope could see her aunt’s reflection in the mirror, and she turned her head slightly to look at her. She hadn’t had a moment like this since her mother had died. Hope was close to her aunts, but it wasn’t quite the same. Sky was by no means a replacement for her mother, but the moment was warm and familiar, and it made her feel like a normal teenage girl, even if only for a few moments. “I’m thinking it would be pretty in a midnight blue, a deep purple, and a wine color. What do you think?”
*with a soft smile, she moves her eyes to Hope* absolutely! Any color you wish, they can do. *she gives her a soft squeeze of a hug and then turns back towards the closet* I think I even saw a few of those colors in here... *she rummaged through and triumphantly says as she + ~almost falls in the clothing, yanking a few in her hands at the same time* found some! *she had a deep wine knee length slip dress in one hand and a midnight blue mermaid style, sleek and slim in the other* how about these? *smirking*
Hope reached out her hand for the two dresses. They were exactly the colors she had described a few minutes ago. “I think these would be perfect.” She held the wine colored dress up to her body to see how it would look against her skin tone. It gave her skin a faint glow, making it look like she was lit from within.
I think they will be perfect additions to your collection. we can also use them as guides for the seamstress when she comes to. *peeking at the window and the antique clock on the wall she suggest* maybe we should pause for food, it does appear the sun has shifted to begin her setting for the day.
“It’s that late already?” Hope looked at the clock in surprise. What has felt like only a few minutes had actually been hours. She had been having that much fun. “I should really change into something more appropriate for a casual dinner,” she laughed. “This would surely get messed up if I’m not careful.”
*smirking as she nods* time flies most certainly when one is enjoying themselves. time always seems to escape us around here. *she giggles* your uncle and I joke that the gods are jealous of our time together some days. *she peeks over* only if you wish to, maybe one of the hunting outfits will be more suitable for the night?~
“I thought I’d just put my regular clothes back on for now. Some of these outfits need to be altered to fit me, don’t they?” Hope looked around for the jeans and top she’d been wearing when they had started going through the clothes.
If you think so, my dear child. *she smiles* you can wear anything you wish. It all belongs to you, what you wish to keep, that is. *thinking* maybe we can fix some chicken parmesan with a small salad for our meal?
“Yes! That’s one of my favorite dinners. Uncle Elijah showed me how to make it when I was a little girl. Was he the one who taught you to make it?” Hope had not been allowed to cook without supervision until recently, and she always remembered this particular dish. It was one of the first things she’d attempted on her own. Her uncle may not have been able to eat it, but he enjoyed teaching her, and enjoyed watching her enjoy the food they made together.
*she lets a soft laugh out* goodness, actually, I make it for your uncle. He loves my recipe for it. *smirking* I think I know where you get that love for it from. he can never resist when I make it for him. *with a nod* come then, let us be going to make it.
“It’s always been a family favorite.” Hope nodded. “I can help you with it, if you’d like. Or even cook it for you so you can relax with the twins. I wouldn’t mind.” And she didn’t. She would be happy to help.
Apparently so *she said with a smirk* how about we work together, there is plenty to pair with it as well. how about some salad? *as they walk down to the kitchen to ready their meal. she picks out some plates and bowls so they may ready things. then she peeks in the refrigerator to pick out the chicken to be prepared. *
Hope followed her into the kitchen and began setting the table with the plates and utensils Sky had put out. The way they interacted and cooked together reminded her of when she was younger. It felt good to have that sense of family again. Close as she was to her aunts and uncle, she didn’t see them often because she was away at school so much. She’d forgotten how nice it could be to have something like this.
*she sets to working on things as Hope set the table. it was nice to have help, and the new company of someone around their cottage. she imagined that it will be like this when the twins got older, as well as any other children they hoped to have. it will be nice to fill this home with more life.* shall we put walnuts and berries in the salad as well? we have plenty of them in the pantry in the corner there,*she gives a nod to the pantry that ran the length of their kitchen to store all their canned items and such.* there are plenty I had canned from the gardens bounty this season. ~
“That sounds good.” Hope nodded. It was much fancier than she was used to, but it certainly sounded delicious. Hope likes walnuts and berries. Why not try them in her salad? “What type of dressing do you have?” She thought a nice raspberry walnut vinaigrette would go perfectly with it. Maybe Sky had some in the cottage.
freshly made raspberry vinaigrette and some Caesar, and traditional Italian? I think? *she gives a pause as she thinks before continuing to bread the chicken and place them lined up in the baking dish.* check in the refrigerator. *as she places another chicken breast beside the first one* if not, there should be more bottles stored in the pantry as well. just about anything missing should be store additional out there. we can also boil fresh eggs from the chicken coop if you want that as well. just let me know, we can fetch them too. if you wish. *she places another breaded chicken in the baking dish and smiles at her.*
“I’m not sure if eggs would really go with this, but I can get them for you if you’d like. Do you have any pasta and sauce to prepare with this? I can help cook those.” By then, she had finished setting the table and was watching closely as her aunt prepared to put the chicken in the oven.
absolutely. the cupboard there will have types. your uncle and I enjoy fixing different dishes with them often. opened jars of sauces should be in the refrigerator, and the pantry for stored ones, of course. *she gives a nod as she finishes the last of the chicken by now and wipes her hands with the towel. she grabs up the baking dish to set it into the oven and turn it on.*
Hope went in search of what she would need. She successfully located the items she needed, but since some of them were in glass containers, she thought it would be safer to make more than one trip. That way, she wouldn’t risk accidentally dropping something and breaking it. “I found what we need,” she announced as she set the container of pasta and jar of sauce on the counter.
Very good *she grabbed a pot to cook the pasta in and glanced over* what pasta will we be pairing with it this day? What sauce as well? So I may pick the proper sides to pair with it all? *she smirks as she peeks over*~
“I have rotini pasta and a marina with chunks of tomatoes in it.” Hope gestured toward the items on the table. “I have some more things to get from the pantry. I will be right back with them.”
Excellent choices, my dear child! Those will go perfectly with the chicken parmesan. *she gives a nod as she picks up the jar of sauce to pour into a small sauce pan to warm up on the stove top.* very good *she calls back as she sets to more work*
Hope retrieved the remainder of the items they needed from the cupboard. She brought them over to the table and arranged things neatly. “Is there anything else we need that I might have forgotten?”
*glancing over as Hope set things on the table* I do not believe so...
*she grabs a bowl so they can begin to fix the salad.* there is a pot on the stove ready for the pasta. ~
“Good. I can cook it once the water starts to boil.” Hope glanced around the kitchen again. It didn’t seem very large, but the two of them had plenty of room to move around without bumping into each other. Hope took the pasta over to the stove and set it away from the flame, to be added to the water once it boiled.
Very good. water has been started already, so shouldn't be long now *she turns to gather the walnuts to start chopping them up to be added in the salad.* the chicken shortly after the pasta is ready if I timed it right. But we have a warmer there *pointing to the side parts of the oven that was brick. * it works beautifully at keeping everything warm for me while getting things ready.
“You have an impressive kitchen.” It reminded Hope a little of the state of the art kitchen used at the school. With so many children to feed, they’d needed to do an upgrade on it. The Salvatore’s hadn’t needed to eat, so they’d left it the way it was for years. Now, the kitchen had everything necessary to feed large groups, and the equipment was top of the line.
This little thing? *she gives a blush in her soft smile* as far as I know, this is how the cottage came. I have really only been working on the upstairs area of the cottage once I finally made time to explore and venture up there. Seemed like all of as been neglected this entire time. Yet all this main floor has remained in mint condition. *she points with a mixing spoon* now the castle... that is impressive with what size it is and the turn out the cook can do there. *nodding* how is the kitchen back at the school? *thinking out loud as she babbles* maybe I should discuss with Elijah on sending a donation for such a thing?
“The kitchen is nice. Not as homey as this, though. When the house was turned into a school, some of the parents sent large donations, and Doctor Saltzman made updating the kitchen a priority. The Salvatore brothers didn’t really need a kitchen, and so they didn’t realize how out of date it was.” Hope laughed.
*smirking* yes, the Salvatores ... I heard tales about them from time to time. *holding back a snicker* A pair those two were. *giving a nod* I can see why they would not have thought to update anything. yet again, being just them and what little guests they had over the centuries, there was no need really to do so. Besides, old world charm is much cozier, don't you think? Although, for a school with the number of students I am certain going about in one day there, an upgrade is necessary. ~
“It was very necessary,” Hope agreed. “The kitchen had almost nothing to it, and the equipment was all outdated. Definitely not suitable for a school full of supernatural students. It’s barely recognizable as the same kitchen now. I’ll have to see if I can find some pictures before and after to show you.”
oh, I bet. *smirking as she finished chopping the walnuts and adding to the bowl.* I think this water is just about ready by now... * giving a peek over the pot and then pulling the oven door open to peek inside.* and this is almost ready. *she smiles as she closes her eyes to breath in the wonderful scent before she closes it back up*
Hope nodded as she poured the pasta into the boiling water. “Do you have any butter? If you add it to the boiling water while the pasta is cooking, it makes it stick less.” Hope lifted the spoon next to the pot and gave the pasta a stir.
should be in the refrigerator. *she grabs up the lettuce to chop up next and add to the bowl.* do you like radishes? I thought I saw some still in the pantry I can add a few to this salad. the chicken should be just about ready once the pasta is set.
Hope was reaching for the butter in the fridge when Sky spoke. She shook her head briefly in response to her aunt’s question about radishes. “I was never a fan, but you should add them if you want them. I can always pick them out.”
*shaking her head* I can go without. its fine. they can always go in one a later time. *she then picks up some ripe tomatoes to slice up to add into the salad next, cutting them quickly and effortlessly.* so what else is at this school of yours?~
“All kinda of things. Weapons, spell books, all kinds of supernatural creatures. Our classes train us in how to use magic, though dark magic is strictly forbidden. It doesn’t stop some of us, but they try.”
All kinds, you say? *smirking* as much as we have upstairs still to go through? *she giggles at her own joke* forbidding certain kinds of magic, I can understand. One should not play in things unaccustomed to until ready. One should practice the small things first, before they are ready for the larger toys. I do agree to that policy the school has. It is safer that way. *she tilts her head a little towards Hope as she mixes up the salad and placing it in the middle of the table before grabbing a small dish towel to wipe her hands on.* some of you? *smirking playfully* surely you are not one of these? *already having an idea she may have dabbled in a few if she has had to hunt often lately like she said she has*
“Me? Oh, no! I would never!” Hope put on an expression of mock innocence, though she was sure Sky saw right through that. It was obvious in the way she’d asked the question. Her aunt was right. Sometimes it was necessary to use dark magic to fight whatever creature Malivore sent their way.
Uh huh... sure *she gives a nod with a slight smirk to her lips. She glances over* secret safe with me *she gives a wink* your uncle may have been known on occasion to tell your aunt to behave at times...but we won't get into that now. *she goes to speaking the oven once + ~more and smiles.* I think this is set now for us. *she grabs her towel and holders and pulls the chicken from the oven, setting it in the warmer until the rest was ready*
“I appreciate that.” It was good to know there was adult she could talk to about things like that. Her family didn’t always understand. Doctor Saltzman certainly didn’t. At least now she had her aunt Sky.
“The pasta is ready too.” She carried them pot to the sink, where she dumped it into the colander for draining. “The sauce should be done too.”
just be careful.. *she gives a small look of concern* I know it can be hard. and certain spells carry... certain powers about them. sometimes they are hard to resist. *giving a nod, she grabs the chicken from the warmer as Hope drains the pasta* excellent. *she sets the chicken in the center of the table and thinks on drinks. she grabs the twins drinks and then scurries off for some sparkling white grape juice from the cellars* I shall be right back. I need to grab a bottle or two from the cellars *also returning with a bottle of her beloved Elijah's favorite in case he returned while they ate. nothing like being prepared for everyone, she liked to be. she holds the bottle up and shows Hope as she makes to keep it in the chiller* for your uncle, should he be joining us. *she smirks* one never knows how long his trips away are. so it is always nice to have a treat waiting for him.
“He would appreciate that. Where are the twins? Do they need to get washed up before we eat?” Hope figured they were probably still playing outside. She could the sound of laughter floating in through the window. “I can go get them if you’d like. Everything in here seems to be pretty much ready.”
I think they were still in the gardens with their nanny. It would be nice to wash them first, thank you dear. *she wipes her hands with the dish towel and smiles before she readies some plates for the twins and placing them in their seats. she then readies a plate to keep in the warmer for her beloved Elijah in case he was hungry upon arriving home, just in case today was the day in which he did. she looks over the table scene and smiles in satisfaction all was set. she leans against the counter to wait for the girls to all return to the room.*
Hope went get the twins so they could all wash up for dinner. The twins laughed the entire time, with little Sami tucking a flower behind Hope’s ear. The little gesture made Hope smile. Once everyone was clean, she scooped the twins up and carried them out to the kitchen. She has to set them on the floor so she could seat them. It would have been too difficult with both girls in her arms.
what a pretty flower. *as she notices the flower now behind Hope's ear. she smiles as she lifts up one of the girls to help set them into their seats and then picks up a dish to place in front of each of them before taking her own seat so they may all enjoy their meal.* this came out better than I usually make it...*she commented as she closed her eyes to savor the taste of the chicken.* so after this was more books, correct?
“That’s correct.” Hope nodded as she took a deep breath. “This smells amazing. I can’t wait to taste it.” She looked over at the twins, who were happily eating their pasta. Sauce covered their little mouths, and they were laughing hysterically over some joke only the two of them shared.
*smiling as she listens to the giggles from the twins, like the music of bells. Their faces covered in sauce, she committed to memory to share with her husband later on. she dives her fork into the salad and then mixes it with some pasta on the fork before placing it into her mouth.* a very good combination of flavors. *she takes another forkful of the same to enjoy.* should we do lore? or more grimoires? *she gives a small smirk as she places the new forkful in her mouth*~
“I’ve been looking at whatever was closest to hand,” Hope admitted. “I guess I’ll keep doing it that way and see what other gems I discover.” She had already begun eating, and the flavors of the food combined into something almost sublime. “This is amazing!” She announced as she took another bite of food.
*letting out a giggle, she nods* very good plan, indeed. *then she winks* gems. some very good gems are hidden in them, I’m sure. *taking another bite, she savors the flavors again before she continues* I know only a quarter of what books were stored in this one location I + ~salvaged from. there was an attack on the cottage they were being what I thought, was safely secured and under covered protection. but somehow information was leaked. *she frowns and sighs* they tried to burn the entire cottage down before I got there. thankfully I got to it before it got too bad. the fire had just started. and I think I managed to save them all. so now I wanted to sort through what must be stored safely in protection, and what can simply be stored back at the castle. *pausing to think* we might even find a few to add to your own personal library.
“You would let me keep a few?” Hope used to borrow some of her aunt’s spell books, but she had never kept them. That was mainly because her aunt didn’t know she was taking the books. She had to put the books back before her aunt discovered they were missing.
there are so many books here. Plus, you have that new grimoire of your own now. so you will be able to copy down all that you wish to need as well as keep some that you might need. provided I won't have a use for them, of course. *she pops a forkful of salad into her mouth and smirks* besides... I can just hunt you down if I needed the book back to borrow back. *then she giggles at her joke*
This is very true.” Hope giggled. “I certainly wouldn’t object to you showing up at home or at school for a visit. Though, if my uncle is keeping you secret to protect you, neither of those places would be a good place for you to be. Word would get out, and that wouldn’t be good for the twins.”
*smirking as she takes another delicious bite of food, she nods and winks* all well and good, but... *she gives a mischievous smirk* if they don't all know who I am, all is safe. besides, I would most likely just send a carrier raven with a note to you before just popping in like that *giggling again*
“My very own raven message. How very Game of Thrones,” she giggled. “This food tastes amazing, and I am starving.” Hope smiled happily as she took another bite of food. She wanted to remember this version of the recipe so she could make it for Aunt Freya and Aunt Keelin the next time she came home.
*laughing at the reference* and you can be as secretive about it as you like *winks at her, smirking* or it can be discreet. as you have seen, eventually you can learn to just speak with them and then a written letter is never needed. *nodding* we were pretty busy trying on all those outfits earlier. maybe you worked up an appetite. this batch did come out wonderful. I am glad I set a plate aside for your uncle. otherwise he will be crushed that he missed out on it. *she smiles agreeing*
“Mmm,” she said with a nod. “He would definitely be sorry to miss this. Any chance I can get the recipe?” She gave Sky her sweetest smile and widened her eyes the way she did whenever she wanted to get what she wanted. “I probably did work out an appetite, but this really is that good.”
yes, Elijah would be so disappointed if he knew he missed this. I always make sure to set a plate aside in case of a late return home. better to enjoy it later. oh, there is not much to the recipe. I can write it down for you, however. if that is what you wish *smiling as she takes another bite* we tend to lose track of time when engrossed in something sometimes. *blushing* you are too kind, my dear child. I know it came out really well this time. thank you. take in your fill so we have energy for hitting those books. *smirking once again*
“Oh, I plan to!” Hope sounded really enthusiastic. She was having a great time here, like a little vacation. It would have to end some time, but right now, she was focusing on having fun. “Having the recipe would be great. I could make it for my aunt and her wife some time. They would both really like that.”
*smirking at hope's enthusiasm, she nods* I hope they enjoy it. I am certain you will have no problem making it taste just like tonight. *glancing at how the twins were doing on their plates, she turns to begin cleaning them up and setting them free from their chairs* maybe we will be able to get a lot of those stacks attacked tonight?
“I hope so. Between the two of us, we should make some progress. That is, if we don’t get distracted by whatever we read in those books. The ones I’ve seen so far are pretty interesting.” She glanced over at the twins, who were climbing from their seats so they could go take their baths and get ready for bed.
*laughing* distractions are what I do best. *she gives a wink and brings her plate to the sink to wash up along with the girls plates.* shall we bring up snacks too with us tonight? one never knows just how long one might be engrossed in books sometimes. *as she scrubs a plate and places it into the strainer to dry*
“That is true. It was one of the best things about a book. It’s like diving into another world.” Hope shrugged. It was rare that she got to show her “nerd” to anyone. There were usually too many other things going on for her to really get the time to sit and read. She was enjoying the opportunity to do that now.
*almost whispering* I do too. you are not alone in that. some books can be full of information while others let you escape to another world. *then smirking as she continues whispering* and if you ever make it the island, you might be able to live out a few of such adventures... as long as you are careful, of course. *giving a wink.*
“Don’t tell me the books come to life!” Hope laughed at the thought. These days, nothing ever surprised her. She’d seen so much lately she began to wonder if there was anything that she hadn’t seen. The idea of living some of those stories seemed pretty cool.
*laughing* more like the other way around. *thinks on how to explain best* the island is where everything from said books live day to day at sometimes... it is where one might visit while slumbering. How our dreams and day dreams come to become our stories and books. Once created, they need a place to live. Thus, the island of realms. A place centralized for them all to be. So ... kind of the books come to life in that sense.
“That sounds a little confusing. Is it meant to be like an island of inspiration of some sort? Whatever it is, it sounds kind of cool. I’ll have to add visiting there to my list of things to do some day. Hopefully, sooner rather than later. Do a lot of people find their way there? I’m guessing not.”
*thinking* more of a place for where they go to once created. as well as to visit once known about them. if you are ever staying at the castle, it is right on the island itself. so you can explore parts whenever you stay there. there are lots to venture and explore there. *she finishes washing things up and sets some treats and snacks on a tray for them.*
“I’m definitely going to have to do that. It sounds like an awesome spring break destination.” She laughed. “Anything has to be better than last year’s spring break. That was...” she shook her head. “I’m not even sure exactly how to describe except to say that it was extremely eventful, and not something I would care to repeat.”
*laughing with a slight smile, she nods* that good, huh? I have had my share. so I can understand. *she picks up the tray and holds it up slightly* shall we? the nanny can tend to the twins bath for a moment while we get things settled upstairs in the library. I can check on them in a few minutes.~
“Let’s go.” Hope was eager to get back to the spell books. She was certain she could find all kinds of useful spells in them. Things she would never learn at school, or that Aunt Freya might think were too advanced for her. Once everything was cleaned up, she began making her back toward where she knew the library was. She was getting used to the place and finding her bearings.
then let us be going *she gave a smug smirk and headed up to the library with Hope. she set the tray on the table near where they would be sitting at and then made sure the fireplace was lit. she leaned into the fireplace and breathed the soft words to make the fire come alive + ~once again before standing up satisfied and brushing off her skirts. she turned and checked with Hope before heading down to check in on the twins' bath and how nanny was doing with them, smiling as she does.* will you need anything else before I disappear for a few moments? and I shall not be very long
“I’ll be fine for a few minutes. Not to worry.” Hope has taken note of the way Sky had used a spell to light the fire. She would have to remember to ask her how she did it. It would come in handy when lighting the fireplace in her rooms at home and at school. She was certainly learning a lot in the short time she’d been here.
*with a nod, she heads off down the hall and the stairs to tend to the twins. hearing their laughter as bubbles were floating about the bathroom by the time she reached them, and their toddling about trying to not leave the room, she helps to capture them in the fluffy towels with their hooded critter designs and carry them off to their room they currently still shared. she dressed them for the night and then snuggled each one in her arms as she rocked and sung them softly to sleep before she gently laid them to their cribs and headed back up to join her niece in the library once again. she returned with a mug of fresh tea for each of them before sitting in a wingback chair with one of the many books still to be skimmed through.* finding anything interesting while I was gone? *she smirked as she asked.*
“A couple of things. There was one spell that caught my interest, but it wasn’t in one a book.” She turned to look at her aunt. “That spell you used to light the fire was pretty neat. Any chance you could show me how to you did that? You have no idea how handy that would be.”
*she opened her mouth slightly and then smirks* oh that old thing? *giggling softly as she continues to smirk* oh, that is nothing big... *she begins to stall playfully as she slowly gets up and strolls slowly over to the mantle above the fireplace. She leans close to one taper candle and breathes soft ancient Celtic/ Avalon words often said to be the language of the faye and makes the candle flame. This time loud enough for Hope to hear such words. she holds it towards Hope* you mean like this?
“Yes! That’s exactly what I meant.” Hope knew Sky had been teasing her with the exaggeratedly casual movements, but she didn’t mind. She was too curious about the spell. She listened closely to what her aunt was whispering, committing the words to memory so she could try it for herself. “Can I try the spell? I want to make sure I have the words right.”
*smirking and keeping back a small giggle to Hope's excitement over the spell, she casually places her index and thumb into her mouth to wet them and then places them over the wick to put the flame out quickly. She places the taper candle and holder on the table, sliding the stacks of books away to give them space as she did.* go ahead *smirking still.*
Hope looked up at her, eyes lit up with excitement. “Here goes.” Hope closed her eyes and concentrated. She tried to recall the exact words Sky had used and repeated them back. She pictured the candle lighting in her mind, and slowly opened her eyes to see a tiny flame growing. “It worked!”
*standing beside Hope and watching over carefully. she remained silent with a slight smirk to her lips as she watched her niece try out her hand at faye magic. she proudly placed her hand on her shoulder, giving it a soft pat.* excellent job. you might have no trouble when you go to work any of the other simpler ones you come across. you are a natural.~
“Thanks.” Hope’s cheeks colored at the compliment. “I guess it doesn’t hurt that I’m the granddaughter of the original witch, does it?” She grinned briefly. Her grandmother and her sister weren’t the most popular members of their family. In fact, it was just the opposite. Her great aunt has tried to take her as a child and her grandmother had tried to kill her aunt and uncles on more than one occasion.
*letting a small chuckle escape her lips as she smirked* no, I guess not. but, witches run in mine as well. so, it doesn't hurt in most cases. *she turns and walks over to a small desk cluttered with books and parchment. she picks up a very worn bound tiny book that looked more like a journal and brings it back over to where she left Hope.* here, I think you can start with these little things...*she smirks as she hands it to her* but, I would not allow this off of these premises. in the wrong hands, can pose dangerous to others... *she gives a playful wink and she giggles to show she was joking* it is extremely simple spells you might find the silliest of styles. but, they are what I started with. making flame, like you just did here, along with other things like making water rise from a body of existing water to turn to clouds and rain... even making a rainbow.
The spells sounded fairly basic. Hope had a lot of power, but she was young and still learning. She doubted most of her friends would know how to do this stuff, and that would make her cooler than them. Not that it matter. She was just eager to learn more magic. Maybe once she mastered these simpler spells, she could move on to something more advanced.
*seeing Hope lost in her thoughts for a moment, she whispered to bring her back from them* Hope? *she smiles softly as she spoke* are you going to take the book, my dear child? *she places it now into her hands and continues* these books are not going to finish themselves if we remain lost in our thoughts.~
“Oh! Sorry.” Hope blushed with embarrassment as she took the book from Sky. “I didn’t realize I’d gotten so lost in thought.” Hope moved to sit in the chair she’d been using earlier. She sat down and opened the book. The chair was near the fire, and she was nice and warm.
*letting out a small laugh with a smile* perfectly alright dear child. there have been so many new things you have discovered these short days that I am not surprised. *she stepped aside as Hope made her way to the chair she had claimed the other day. she picked up a few for herself to go through and joined her near the fire. she opened one book from her stack, glancing over to watch as her niece read her new book. a soft smirk escaped her lips as she remembered the first time she tried those very spells out. the first few were nothing. but, as she went through them, they became trickier. now, she did them from memory. their niece was a bright young woman. she had no doubt she would master these in no time. maybe even quicker than she had herself. she peeked back upon the pages before her, whispering to herself as she read*
Hope could hear Sky whispering, but didn’t pay much attention. She was far too engrossed in the book in front of her. There were all sorts of spells in here. Things that would definitely come in handy at different points. Maybe she could even show some of her friends these spells. Some of them seemed like they would be good defensive spells. They could definitely use that.
*she whispered to herself a while longer before slamming the book closed suddenly and closing her eyes briefly as though in a deep debate with herself. she breathed quickly but then gained composure just as fast before she opened her eyes once again and moved from her chair to bury the book under her piles upon the desk.* 'I will have to look into that further on our trip to Japan with Elijah when we go. I will show Elijah this later, maybe it will be a clue to the Hollow...' *she thinks to herself. she faked a smile to hide her thoughts from her niece to not cause any alarms to her as she returned to her seat by the warm fire, wrapping herself in the blanket draped over the back of it to cover her shoulders from the sudden chill in her suddenly as she settles herself in. she sighs softly as she enjoys the welcomed warmth of the fire before she picks up the next book in the stack.* anything interesting? *she softly asks Hope*
“Just a few spells that look like they might be useful in the future.” Hope glanced up at her with a soft smile. Her aunt looked nice and cozy curled up under her blanket. Of course, Hope had no way of knowing what had been going through Sky’s head only moments before. How could she? In all honesty, Hope was better off not knowing what she’d been thinking. “This is quite the book.”
*nodding slowly as she glanced back at her book* good, good... *she trailed off as she thinks on other things. *I hope it does prove useful for you. and I have a feeling you will quickly advance to another one. *smirking slightly* I shall have to try to remember just where I placed it...*as she made mental notes on what she saw in the other book. she may need to take that book to bed with her later to look over further*
Hope thought Sky sounded a little distracted, but maybe it was just her imagination. Hope herself was distracted by what she was reading and not really paying attention to what her aunt was doing. “I’m a pretty fast learner,” she bragged slightly. “I may advance sooner than you think.”
Trying to refocus her thoughts, casually replied* oh I haven't a doubt in my mind that you will do just that, my dear. *she slowly turned the page she was on and playfully glanced up at Hope with a smirk. She whispers* and I do have a room to test things out in, not to be forgotten... *she slowly lifts her mug of tea and sips it, savoring the flavors on her tongue. she enjoys the warmth before she continues on the next page she was on.*
“Really? I may have to check that out.” She would, indeed, be checking that out. It sounded like the perfect place for to practice her spells. And that was surely what it was intended for. It would be great to learn these spells and perfect them here, then go back to school and show her friends what she had learned.
I mean, that is why I have the room. *smirking slightly* I never know when I might need to make a potion or a charm at the last minute. Or if I might need to perfect an already existing one. *giving a slight shrug as she pauses on her page* better to be prepared than caught unawares.~
“That’s what Doctor Saltzman says when it comes to certain things. He wants to make sure we have the knowledge we need to defend ourselves, but without using dark magic.” Hope disagreed with being more defensive than offensive. There were definitely times when certain spells would have come in handy, but lost kids at the school didn’t know them.
Being prepared is always good. But that book in your hands is not dark. but will have useful tools for defensive as well as offensive within its bindings. *she reaches to place her drink down and looks up.* I agree, knowledge is useful. dark magic is not always safe path to go down. Better to stay with the non dark... *she gives a smirk*~
“I guess.” Hope was stubborn like the rest of her family and hated admitting when others were right. “But what if you need to defend yourself or stop something and only something dark will work? Or there’s no good light magic spell to use? Shouldn’t you at least know how to control something like that?”
*smirking* there is always a loophole around what one might not see right before their eyes... *she playfully glances back at the book in her lap, adding* one must learn to see the forest through the trees to master creative loopholes on ones own. in time wise way of old knowledge becomes learnt in practice... *peeking up and smirking more to see her niece's response*
“Loopholes have saved my life many times. If it weren’t for those, my friend and I probably would have been killed many times over. One of us always seems to find a way.” Hope shrugged. That was oversimplifying it quite a bit, but it was a complicated story.
*letting out a playful smirk, she whispers * I do love a good loophole... *she giggles and then composes herself* yes, sometimes, loopholes are very good. Especially when one needs to adapt their learnt spells to make their own loopholes *she winks at her and then goes back to read*
“That would definitely be something I would have to do.” Hope gave her a smile, pleased that she seemed to understand her. Not all adults did. After a few more moments, she turned her attention back to her book and began reading the spells to herself.
*with a small smile, she continues reading. After some hours of reading pages upon pages and finishing her mug after refills uncounted, she looks over at fire still crackling softly. Indulging in the peaceful quiet of the cottage at this hour, she daydreams for a little before she sets the grimoire she was currently on aside on the table beside her chair. Noticing how many they had gone through in these hours already, she glances at the antique grandfather’s clock, whispering* it appears to have grown late quickly on us in our fun for the evening. Perhaps we pause and continue tomorrow? Unless you wish a while longer on your own? I feel if I do not retire soon, morning and twins will both rise before I am ready. *she smirks slightly at her joke. She gets up and looks over the table with the books that remained, smiling at their progress.* we did good tonight. A well-deserved break is rewarded.
“We got a lot done.” When Sky mentioned that it was getting late, Hope yawned involuntarily. “I didn’t realize it was so late. I should get some sleep too.” She set aside her book and stood up. “I’ll see you and the twins in the morning. Goodnight.” She stretched before walking toward the door.
Blessed dreams, my dear *she nods and says softly. She looks around the room a moment longer, giving their niece time to head to her room before walking back to the desk and picking up the book she set aside earlier in the night. she plays it around in her hands as she looks over the binding in thought. she sighs and presses it against her chest, closing her eyes briefly. She reopens her eyes and turns on her heel to head to their chambers for the rest of the evening. she sets the book on the nightstand table next to their bed and heads over to their closet to change for the evening before climbing under the covers of their bed. she picks up the book and begins to look through it some more. the soft light from the lamp giving her just enough light to read by. before too long she falls asleep with the book in her lap, the covers pulled up to her chest and the pillows propping her against their headboard.
In the morning, she wakens and hides the book in the drawer of the nightstand before slipping on her bathrobe and heading to their kitchen.*
Hope fell asleep fairly quickly. The busyness of the day had made her tired, and she needed to rest. She changed quickly into her pajamas and crawled under the covers. Unlike Sky, she didn’t have a book to look at. She didn’t need one. As energized as she was during the day, there was something about this place that let her sleep through the night. That almost never happened for her.
*she sets to work quietly to fix breakfast for them all, humming softly as she went about her work. she made bacon, scrambled eggs, &pancakes. Along with fresh fruits and set some jellies to spread on toast. She began washing the dishes from her work before she would head off to see to the twins.*
Hope smelled the food as soon as she woke up. Sniffing the air, she got dressed quickly and made her way downstairs. As soon as she reached the kitchen, she saw the array of food set out. Her mouth watered at the sight of it. Looking around for Sky and the twins, she decided to wait a few minutes before filling her plate.
*returning to the kitchen, the twins racing ahead of her giggling, she sees Hope waiting for them.* no need to wait for us, my dear child. help yourself. there is plenty for all. *She smiles as she helps the twins each to their seats and then takes her own. she pours herself a drink asking at the same time* did you rest well? It was pretty late when we finally retired.
“Like a baby.” She giggled as one of the twins made a face at her. Hope made a silly face back, causing the twins to erupt into giggles. Still laughing, she began filling her plate with food, sampling her favorites and then sitting down at the table with a glass of juice.
*smirking at her reply and then giggling along with them as the twins and Hope made faces at each other, she sets plates before the girls. Once they were set, she began to fix her own plate.* more books today, do you think? Or did you want to try your hand at some of the ~things you read in the book so far?~
“I’m hoping for a little of both. Maybe we can look through more books, and practice some spells after lunch.” Hope looked over at Sky with a smile. It would be fun to be able to practice magic, and her aunt obviously wanted to teach her. She wouldn’t be suggesting it if she didn’t.
*smiling back as she gathers some food on her own plate* a perfect plan for the day. We can start on the books remaining on the table. I believe the next delivery of books will arrive in a few days, but I can have what has been sorted for the castle to be sent off today. *she whistles softly to call the raven sitting in the window and places a little food in the table when it hops closer. She whispers to it* send for a pick up of books today. *then she gives it a scratch behind his head before purrs and then leaves.* that should give us plenty of + ~space in the library now.
“I thought there was plenty of space already,” she joked. The library was huge, considering it was part of what appeared to be a simple cottage. It was certainly bigger than the one they had a school, which was impressive in its own right. “I think between the two of us we should be able to get a lot done today.”
Oh, one would think so *smirking* but there were many places needing to be salvaged and stored safely. So we will have plenty more to go through when the delivery arrives. With that *she sing songs* more spell books... *she stabs a stack of french toast with her fork and sticks it in her mouth as a playful smirk crosses her lips.*
Hope grinned at the thought of more spell books. She couldn’t say anything because she had a mouthful of French toast, but she enthusiastically nodded in acknowledgment of what Sky was saying to her. Grabbing a napkin, she wiped her mouth off and then took a deep drink of her orange juice. Once finished, she nodded again. As soon as they were done with breakfast, she planned to head straight up and get to work.
*she finished working on her plate of food and checking on how the girls were doing with theirs from time to time as she did, nodding back at Hope as she did.* I see a very productive day ahead of us... *maybe soon we will be able to also test a few out in the gardens, or even down by the small river. That will be fantastic to practice the water spells until I can show you how to get to the Cove to play at. *she enjoyed her breakfast as she spoke*
“Cove? Where is that?” Hope liked the idea of learning water spells. She didn’t have that much experience with them, so it would be fun to learn something new. This was turning out to be one of the best vacations she’d ever had. Too bad she couldn’t really tell anyone very much about it without giving away her uncle and his family’s whereabouts.
It is on the island. I can teach you how to use the old groves as portals to get there. a secluded little place, where I used to go so often to diffuse myself. I don't think anyone has been there in some while. the pirates do not even go there any longer; they just sail right past the entry now. But, it will be perfect using as a place for practice for you, as long as it is still unused.
“Why is it that no one goes there anymore?” She was quite curious about that. “Is it too dangerous? Or did you cloak it really well?” Her instincts told her it was probably the latter. She doubted that Sky would suggest going there if she thought it would be too dangerous for her young niece.
*with a shrug * those who had used it before have long since moved on to their own things. It is in no way hidden other than how it is naturally made to be. It has a narrow entryway, so only one ship at a time may enter. The pirates are under new regime, they have respected to not enter it for me. Other than them and myself, no one else really went there.
“Ah.” Hope nodded. “I see.” The idea of an undiscovered place where she could go was highly appealing to her. No one else had to know about it. It would be like a private sanctuary for her. “Do you go there when you need some time to yourself? It must make a nice getaway spot and I’m sure you need a break every now and then.”
*smiling back* I used to go to blow off some steam, but now I use another location on the island. If I ever need to take a swim... *smirking at her latest swims* we have a more private place your uncle and I enjoy to use for our own indulgence. But it is a great little spot I always enjoyed. There is a fire pit and plenty of shells for collecting, never seems to run out of those...~
“It’s probably got some kind of magic connected to those shells. It sounds lovely. When the time is right, I hope to see it.” Hope wanted that time to be soon. She never got to go to the beach. Her home was in a city and her school was nowhere near a beach. Her mother had taken her to the beach once during a vacation when she was small. It had been fun, but she had been too young to really appreciate it.
Maybe someday soon. *she smiles at the thought of being able to share to spot with her niece and be able to show her some fun little water spells. she did not need to tell her yet about the abandoned ships in the cove that were spelled to return to their original state the following day should one blow them up... she smiles as she cleaned the twins up and sets them loose from their chairs*~
Hope finished her last bite of bacon and stood up. She began clearing her spot, a soft smile forming as she watched the twins wiggling in their seats. They were clearly eager to go out and play with their pets. And no wonder. It was a beautiful day. The kind of day that would have made her want to be outside instead of stuck in a classroom all day.
*she gathered up the plates and set them in the sink to wash. She washes them and sets them in the strainer before making sure all was good in the kitchen. She sees how nice it is outside and smirks playfully.* maybe a short break out in the flowers first? *softly whispering in song* we could practice buds to flowers...~
“You mean doing nature spells outside?” Hope’s eyes lit up at the thought. What better way to learn than to get some practice out in the field? Literally! “That sounds like a pretty good idea to me.” She looked over at the dishes now drying in the rack. “Would you like me to dry those and put them away for you?”
*the sound in Hopes voice said it all about the girls excitement. she couldn't help but smirk* yes, outside. practicing. there is plenty of garden space to do so. so, why not? *she gives a slight shrug to the thought* it is a beautiful day outside, and... you do have these new little spells to practice... *she smirks playfully at this* as for dishes, *she glances over at the strainer full of now drying dishes* they can air dry. they will still be there when we return later.
Hope glanced again at the drying dishes. They seemed fine. She had offered out of politeness, but truth be told she was eager to get outside and enjoy the beautiful day. Getting to practice more spells was an added bonus to a morning spent outside.
*smirking still she sets her hands playfully on her hips* what are we waiting for, my child? go grab you new spell book, silly girl! the day is wasting away while we stand in here discussing this! *she laughs heartily and then sets the dish towel on the counter after drying her hands.* I will meet you under the tree you first entered the grounds by.
“I’ll be there soon,” she promised as she ran toward the kitchen door. It didn’t take her long to reach the library. The book was on the little table where she’d left it the night before. Grabbing it and a couple of others that looked interesting, she headed back down the stairs and raced toward the tree where her aunt would be meeting her.
*Smirking as she watches her niece race from the door and off to get her spell books that she had found she turned to the counter and picked up a picnic basket, placing some fruits inside for them to use and to eat as well. She turns and heads out the door, checking on the twins with their nanny on her way; kissing each in turn on the top of their head as the girls race off to giggle and play with their bunny friends. She strolled slowly along to enjoy the beautiful morning on her way to the tree of the far end of the property. She smiles to herself as she enjoys the slowness of the Sun creeping up to the sky through the branches of the Weeping cherry tree. The branches catching the sunlight in a soft glow at this hour. She finally makes it to the tree and the ravens perched in is branches caw at her. She shakes her head up at them and laughs.* O hush now there is nothing wrong with being here it's my tree as well. * She places her hands on her hips as she scolds them and sets the basket gently on the bench placed to underneath the tree. She reaches inside the basket and grabs some bread crumbs and places them on a small stone set in place among the garden near the tree.* there you boys. enjoy. *she smirks and sits on the swing while She waits.*
Hope joined her a few minutes later. She was carrying the spell book she was looking at the night before, as well as a few others. Lifting a hand, she waved to her aunt. She walked the rest of the way to the swing, and looked around. It hadn’t been that long ago since she had first come through this very grove, but so much had happened, it felt much longer than a few days.
*she watches while she waits as the ravens swoop down to enjoy what she offered to them, smiling to herself as she rests her head against the rope her hand wrapped around. Becoming lost in her thoughts for a brief moment; coming back to the now with Hope waving at her.
She smirked once her niece joined her under the tree.* ready for your first road test? *giggling at her bad joke before sliding off the swing as she does. She strolls over to a rose bush nearby and stops beside it. She lifts her hand up to caress its leaves since there are few blooms this time of the year. She peeks her head slightly to glance back at her, a sly smirk crossing her lips.* task number one, make the bush bloom. *she steps back slowly, crossing her arms as she rests against the tree trunk.*
Hope walked over to the rose bush where her aunt was standing. She looked at the roses closely, admiring the way a couple of buds were beginning to sprout, though the bush was far from actually being in bloom. Holding her hands over the bush, she closed her eyes and pictured the bush in full bloom. While she was picturing that, she began softly chanting a spell she had found to make flowers bloom. Within moments, the fragrant scent of roses filled the air, and when she opened her eyes, she saw the rose bush had bloomed as if it was in season.
*she watches as Hope goes up to the rose bush to try her hand at the task she gave her. still leaning against the tree trunk smirking, she watches her movements closely as she begins to work; keeping an eye on what she does and even how she does it. now will be the time to improve on things while they had down time to practice. she leans forward with her mouth slightly opened and then biting the lower lip slightly as she watches her hand over the bush. a pleased smile crossing her lips as she sees the roses actually begin to bud and then bloom into beautiful summer blossoms; big and full. she springs forth from the tree trunk in excitement and claps happily at her niece's success so quickly.* excellent!! *she pounces beside her and plays her fingers gently under the blossoms as she leans in to breath their fragrance deeply.* they smell heavenly too. beautiful work, my dear child!
Hope grinned as she opened her eyes to discover the rose bush in full bloom. It had been easier than she thought it would be. Maybe she’d inherited more of the Mikaelson affinity for magic than she thought. She couldn’t wait to tell her Aunt Freya what she’d done. Hope it would be safe to tell her aunt she’d been here since Freya already knew Uncle Elijah was back. As long as she didn’t reveal the exact location, it should be fine.
*she playfully leans into Hope's shoulder with her own as she smirks at the work* next step? *she grins and leans in once again, this time lifting a flower up and breathing soft words over it. the rose opens up and grows to twice its size. she stands up straight once again and places her hand out, palm up, to the flower she just did.* your turn, my dear student.~
Hope took note of Sky’s actions as she strained to hear the whispered words. When Sky indicates that hope should try the spell, she plucked a flower from the bush, taking care not to prick herself on the thorns. Speaking softly the way her aunt had, she repeated the words as she had heard them only moments before.
*she watches intently this time as Hope tries to remember what she had just done. she did well. the rose did not grow nearly as large as Sky had made it, but in time that shall come. she placed her hand on her shoulder and spoke softly* good. *she slides the flower from the teens hands and sets it down on the stone slab where she had left bread moments before for the ravens. she then turns to the picnic basket and grabs out two shiny red apples. she tosses one up in the air and catches it playfully before she walks to the small patch of grass across from the tree, speaking as she does.* practice makes better, always... so not to worry on quality as of yet. *she stands back and motions for Hope to stand beside her. she sets her hands over one apple before her and waits for Hope to come closer before she whispers words to make her apple sprout into a tiny sapling tree.*
Hope was a little disappointed that it didn’t’ work as well as when Sky had done it, but it was clearly successful, and it was the first attempt. There would be opportunities for practice, and she would master it soon enough. For now, she watched as Sky demonstrated how to turn an apple into a sapling. She listened again for the spell her aunt was whispering and memorized it as best she could before approaching the apple her aunt had extra for her and copying her movements.
*she continues to keep her hands over the apple, whispering as she does. the apple slowly sprouts a tiny bud on its stem; growing slowly into a tiny branch with the littlest of buds before growing more and more as she then makes a small motion in her hands and wrist, briefly over at Hope as she went along to see her own progress. the longer she whispered her words and motioned with her hands, the taller it crept upwards to the sky. before too long, standing where the apple once was now stood a young sapling ready to be planted into the ground. she set her hands slowly beside her as she watched her niece continue her own task.*
Hope focused her energy on making the tree grow. She’d heard the soft whispers of Sky as she continued to chant the spell. Figuring she was supposed to do that as well, Hope did the same. After a few more times, she felt a soft breeze and heard the rustle of wind through leaves. When she opened her eyes, she saw tree that was almost fully grown. Standing next to it was Sky’s tree, now in full bloom.
*She continued to watch as Hope worked, taking any notes needed to guide her* open your eyes while you work, then you can guide the spells like these as you are working them. do not be afraid to see it as you go about the spell. *she whispers as she steps near her to her hand over hers to show her how to slide her wrist a certain way and guide a spell to make her tree sapling a little bloom*
“Got it. Keep my eyes open.” She nodded. Closing them had been a reflex. Hope hadn’t even realized she’d been doing it. She would have to make more of an effort to make sure she didn’t do that any more. She didn’t even know where she’d gotten the idea to do that from.
*she stands beside her and smiles* practice makes better. *she whispers as she now slowly shows her how to use her hands and certain words to make a blossom turn to an apple.* watching what one is doing is key to adjust as one goes during castings. one can avoid many troubles later if caught in the process. *she pauses after a decent size apple now hung on a branch before them.*
“Good point.” Hope nodded in agreement with what she was saying. Sky was right, of course. How was she supposed to control the spell if she wasn’t watching what she was doing? How silly of her to have kept her eyes closed.
You're doing great. *nodding in her compliment.* we can practice another one before going on to something else. *she turned back towards the basket and slipped another apple out of it. she tosses it up into the air and catches it with a smug smirk to her lips walking back. she sets the apple down on the grass near their trees then steps back.*
Hope grinned as she saw the smirk on her aunt’s face. She took a few steps toward the apple and looked down at it. With a nod, she began chanting the spell that would make the apple grow into a tree. This time, she kept her eyes on it the entire time.
*she stepped slowly behind Hope, whispering in her ear as she began her work.* slowly... that's it... *she gently placed her hand on her shoulder, still whispering* twist the wrist just gently so, and call it to grow taller... *she watched her every movement, encouraging her to move more freely in her hand motions.* flow like water. Tap into your elements. Into the earth.
Hope could feel the power flowing from Sky and into her when the woman touched her shoulder. Her gaze was intent on the apple as it began to grow from a sapling into a tree. She instinctively began loving her wrist in smooth, fluid motions, watching as the tree moved with her hand motions. Before long, the apple had turned into tree that was taller than she was and was already sprouting apple blossoms.
*whispering as she guided hopes hand* Good, just like that nice and slow keep it flowing like water flowing over a babbling Brook. * She guided her hand more As more blossoms appeared on the tree. She smiled proudly and clapped.* excelente. Should we try something else, then? *she hopped over to the basket and scooped up a peach this time tossing it up into the air and catching it and then tossing it over to Hope for her to catch and place on the ground.*
“Are we making a peach tree now?” Hope eyed the peach her aunt had pulled from the basket. She wondered if it would a little easier for her this time. It should become less of a challenge the more often she did it. And Hope has every intention of getting lots of practice.
*smirking to the question* you are... *she grabs out another one and bites into it, savoring the flavor.* let us see just how juicy yours come out *she says with her mouthful of peach. she sits in the swing while she enjoys her peach waiting for Hope to begin*
“Hopefully as good as the one you just at looks.” She smirked back before turning her attention to the peach that Sky had tossed out for her. Using the same spell, she’d been using on the apple, she began making the hand gestures that Sky had been helping her with earlier. This time was a little easier than it had been before, and the peach soon began growing into a tree.
*smirking back and enjoying her peach, she lazily swings a little while she watches. * let it flow through like water... easy movements in the hands will help to guide your task to go how you wish it to go. *she smiles as the tree begins to take form.* very good...
She let Sky’s words guide her. Her focus was on connecting to nature and letting the tree grow. When it finally reached is full height, she clapped her hands gleefully. “Look!” She pointed. “I did it.”
*she sprang from the tree in proud excitement.* ¡excelente! *she exclaimed at her niece. She clapped and stood next to her with a big smile to her lips* very good job. Like I said before, you are a quick learner. *she stood taller as she straightened herself up* I think we can move on to something else now...*she places her finger playfully to her lower lip as she thinks on just what she could have her practice next then gets an idea. She grabs Hope's hand and practically flies them down to the river bank to play with the waters there. She giggles as she races them down and stops dead in her tracks once there. Smirking playfully.* now... *she raises her eye brows as she looks at Hope and then whispers* watch this... *she stares out over the waters and lifts her hands out before her. She whispers and moves her hands palms out slowly along as she goes. Same fluid motions as with the trees just minutes before. She breathes slowly and steadily as she focuses on her work. The waters slowly beginning to rise up with the command of her hands. She controls the section of water up high into the air above them, keeping it steadily in place over the babbling river in front of them. Still focused, she transforms the water into a cloud and then smirks a more playfully smirk as she twists her wrist to make the cloud then rain upon the river. The sun shining bright by now catching the raindrops to form a large and bright rainbow before then. She sets her hands on her hips and looks over at Hope, pointing her thumb in the direction of her little handiwork* your turn... *she said in a giggle*
Hope held on tight as Sky raced them across the grounds to the water. She almost stumbled a few times, but her wolf side kept her agile, and she managed to keep up. When they stopped suddenly, she watched in awe as Sky performed her magic on the water. That was definitely something she wanted to try. She played very close attention to what her aunt was doing, murmuring “Whoa” when she was done. “Can you show me that again and walk me through it? It looks a little more complicated than the tree spell.”
*she giggles as she continues to smirk playfully.* of course, my dear child. *she moves her head and waves her closer guiding her through her motions first.* hold your hands over the waters like this. You want to feel the energy coming from it. It's about connecting with nature *she began then slowly whispered the words once again, moving her hands as she went along. She peeks at Hope to wait for her to do the same.* she goes over the steps slower, one by one; waiting for her to copy her as she went along*
Hope concentrated on exactly what Sky was doing. She memorized every word and gesture she was making so she could do it herself when the time came. Once Sky had finished her demonstration and indicated that it was Hope’s turn, the young women stepped closer to where Sky was and began her spell. She imitated what she had just seen as best she could and watched as it produced results similar to what Sky had done.
*nodding her approval as Hope began and continued in her progress, she carefully lifted her hands up to help guide her further.* this one is a little trickier than that last one. but these are all nature oriented. so it is a matter of tapping into the elements surrounding you. do not be afraid to dive into the energies surrounding you.~
“Right. Will I still be able to do this when I eventually become a vampire? I heard that the dead are no longer connected to nature. Will that apply to me since I’m a tribrid?” It was something she had been curious about for a while. She was hoping her aunt might have some answers for her.
*with a frown, she speaks softly* I am not sure. the girls are too young yet. there is no lore on tribrids. not yet, at least. so... *she places a hand gently on her shoulder* I guess now is a time to begin making our own lore on such matters?~
“It would seem that way. The twins and I are the only ones of our kind, though my tribrid nature is very different than theirs. I guess this is kind of a learn as you go situation, isn’t it?” Hope watched as the sky clouded over from her spell and it began to rain. “Oops.”
*feeling the rain Fall on her face, she giggles.* simple fix... rain plus sun makes rainbow... *she hinted.* yes, to your question. You are very unique. You can make waves in a good way. Writing down your experiences, can be useful to those future tribrid after you and *smirking slightly as she waves for the sunlight to peek through the clouds, to give her the chance to adjust her own spell. * especially your cousins that follow in your steps somewhat. ~
“You think there will be other tribrids after me? I mean aside from your children? I suppose it would depend on whether Aunt Rebekah and Uncle Kol have children. Original vampires seem to be the only kind that can do that. I mean, I guess the twins and I might grow up and have kids of our own someday, so maybe that way?”
Well, I would imagine that if you have any children, they will also be of tribrids. Being that you are one yourself. *she smiles softly, then looks out upon the water before them.* your uncle and I hope For more children *she pauses briefly and then comes back to the moment, blushing slightly* it would Really depend upon who they end up with. For instance, Kol and a Davina it would probably be a very powerful which since Davina is a witch. So they would technically be a hybrid not a Tribrid in that case.
“I agree. And actually, if I married someone who was not a witch, vampire or werewolf, then it would be four times as powerful. I’m not even sure what the correct term for that would be.” She was, of course, thinking of Landon. He was a Phoenix, so their children would have four different types of supernatural creatures in them.
*she takes in a deep breath and without realizing, whispers* goddess help them, they will be a mutt! *she couldn't help but let a giggle escape her lips as she blurted such a thought out.* I’m sorry... that was wrong of me. but, four supernatural creatures all balled up into one person. *she scratches her head* I wonder what that would be called? the traits the child could show would be endless... *she contemplates the thought a moment and then giggles again.* rest assured, my dear child. you will have your hands more full than your uncle and myself do now! *laughing*~
“I’m sure we would. I remember how protective my mother was if me. And my aunts and uncles when they were around. Back before the hollow, and even after when we all finally came together again. I hated feeling so restricted, but I understand why they had to do it.”
*she spells softly to make the clouds move away, making more sunlight filter down over them; warming them up gradually.* not even just protecting them. But more just a handful for the two of you when they start showing any of their little gifts they end up being blessed with. *she gave a small smirk* the girls sometimes spell up things on us. Like bubbles in the bathroom gone haywire...*she could not help but giggle at the memory of rubber ducks floating past her feet as she walked into the bathroom one afternoon.*
“Little ones are full of mischief,” she replied with a giggle. “I never did anything like that. My powers were different. My werewolf side was only recently triggered, and my vampire side hasn’t been at all. I still haven’t realized my full potential.” She shrugged. “Considering I have to die to become a vampire, I’m not in any rush.”
*smirking* they are a handful... *she giggles along with Hope.* but worth it all at the same time. *smiling in a small sigh* oh I'm pretty sure you did things as an infant in the way of spells. You just might not recall about it. As I am certain the twins will not recall making dragon eggs hatch and how exactly their little dragon pets back at the castle really came about one day. *giggling again* oh the surprised concern on your poor uncles face when he told me about that moment. I was not there when the girls did it. But, in light of anything else happening, I did make some charmed bracelets to lesson the amount of power they actually hold at such a young age for now. Better safe than sorry, right? *she smirks and nods*
“Right.” Hope nodded along in agreement. She had seen firsthand at the boarding school just what kind of damage magic could do if left unchecked. It created a terrible mess, and in some cases even resulted in the loss of a life or two. Thankfully, that was only one incident, but it was bad enough that it happened at all.
By the time little ones will even be a figment of your imaginations, you should have hopefully learnt all that you need to know about binding spells and the levels of them that exist. *she tilts her head* did you want to give this spell another try before we head off to do + ~something else? There is plenty of time before needing to worry on such matters. *she twirls around and sits back upon a large boulder nearby, enjoying the sight before them. She waits for her niece to determine what she wished to do next*
“Let’s try something else, maybe? I can feel this spell sapping at my energy.” Sky was, of course, right about Hope not having to worry about children for a while. She was still in school, and while she and Landon probably would marry one day, they were far to young to even think about marriage, much less magical children.
*nodding she turns back up The small hillside *maybe a break Then? I think I slipped some chocolate in the basket that I took with us. Sometimes that will help in energy draining. *she smiles as she walks along back to the weeping willow and the spot of the garden they started at.* we do not want to overdo it all in one day, you know.
“No, we don’t.” I’m still learning to control my powers to some extent. Aunt Freya helps, and there are some good teachers at school, but there’s still so much I don’t know.” She followed Sky back to the weeping willow, and spotted the picnic basket sitting under the tree.
It is good to have many teachers. You can learn the different styles of how others do things and adapt to how and what works for you. *she scoots to the ground and opens the lid to the basket, slipping her hand within to pull out some chocolate wrapped in cloth. She hands a piece to Hope and then takes a piece for herself. She walks over to sit at the bench underneath the willow, keeping space for Hope to join her.* it is good to learn from Freya. She is very smart in her craft. The professors at the school will also have tools and tips they have learnt along the way in their travels, so to speak as well. *she takes a small bite of her chocolate and leans back to savor the taste of it.*
“I agree. Our school psychologist is also a gifted witch and sometimes Bonnie Bennett is a guest lecturer. As is my aunt. She learned from my great-aunt Dahlia, who was as powerful as my grandmother. If my other aunt and my uncles hadn’t been turned, they would have been powerful witches as well. And I wouldn’t be here,” she laughed.
*nodding and then laughing with her, she sneaks another bite* so very true, my dear child. I am certain they are all glad and thankful that things went the way they did in the end. you also have all talented people around you, to teach and guide you. I am certain you make and them all proud. *she placed a hand on her shoulder gently and smiled. she then looked out onto the land of garden before then.*
Hope gave her a pleased smile when she said that. Her family often told her they were proud of her, but that didn’t mean she didn’t like hearing it. Not in a conceited way. In a way that made her feel like there were people in her life who thought she was important enough to take some pride in. She broke off a piece of chocolate and popped it in her mouth, savoring the flavor.
*seeing the smile cross Hope's face from the corner of her eye, she sat in silence for a little before suggesting they head back inside and maybe research some more spells or play with more outfits.* shall we head inside? we can go through more books? or play through some more of those outfits sent in? unless you wanted to try some more out here?~
“Maybe one more spell? Then we can see what new clothes came in and then go back to the books?” Hope wanted to do it all, but there were so many hours in a day, and she’d have to return to school at the end of the week. That didn’t leave her with very much time.
Sure *she said with a smile* there is Not enough time in a day for all we wish to do. But, fear not. This place will also be here between your classes. So any breaks, you will be more than welcomed to come. I am certain your uncle Elijah will agree to that *she gives a wink in her smirk* shall we try the fruit some more? Practice makes better, after all.
“I’d like that,” she said in response to both working with the fruit and coming back for other visits. Eventually, her uncle would be there, and Hope was really looking forward to seeing him again. She didn’t have many memories of him. He’d gone to France when she was still young. But the memories she had of him were good ones, and she hoped they’d be able to make more.
It will be nice to have you around. *she nodded and then bent down to the basket to retrieve a fruit. She placed it in Hope's hand, smiling* I think your uncle dreams of a house filled with children's voices, as do I. *she then whispered and turns slowly to sit on the swing she watches Hope do her next spell.* dreams to be real and will be kept safe...
That sounded like her uncle, to be honest. He had always be so good to her as a child. Her aunt Freya told her stories about her family and the time they spent with Hope. There were rarely any stories about before that time. Freya hadn’t been there, and most stories were too inappropriate to tell a girl Hope’s age. “I’ll be happy to be around. Maybe Aunt Freya can bring little Nik for a visit.” Hope turned her attention toward the fruit Sky had given her. Using what she had done earlier, she began casting the spell to make the fruit grow into a tree.
she sits back on the swing and allows her legs up to slightly sway some.* we shall have to put that to your uncle, of course. I think for now, he would rather remain low key as much as possible. *she smiles softly and then lifts her chin slightly to watch her movements as she whispers pointers* eyes opened, stay focused and guide with your hands how you wish it to go...
“I wouldn’t tell anyone,” she promised before focusing her energy on the growing tree. The branches and trunk curved along with the movements of her hand, and before long it was fully grown with little buds sprouting from it.
I know you won't, my dear. *she assured as she watched how the fruit turned into a tree. the trunk forming perfectly this time. she stood slowly to come closer as the buds began to form* good... very good. *she whispered.* I believe you are getting the hang of this one. did you want to try to make a fruit from it? or let nature to its thing from this point on? *she smirks with a tilt to her head.*~
“How would I make fruit?” She let her eyes flick over to Sky for a moment. “Do I keep going with this spell, or is there another one I use?” Hope definitely wanted to try it either way. She was enjoying the opportunity to learn new spells and get some practice at controlling her magic.
Sky~ she stepped closer and lifted her finger towards one of the newly budding branches* same as you have, just remain more focused on the smaller part of things... *she did the same as before and turned the bud slowly to go through the process before their eyes. The bud turned to flower and then withered the petals away to show a tiny fruit which then slowly grew large enough to be enjoyed.*
Hope watched, nodding along as Sky turned the small blossom into a fully ripened fruit. She continued what she had been doing in order to make the tree grow, and before long, there was a fruit ripening on the tree as a result of her spell. She reached out to pluck from the branch, eager to see if it tasted as fresh as it looked. She wasn’t disappointed and a wide smile lit up her face as she munched on the fruit.
{ https://twitter.com/HerFathersHope/status/1231364601717108736?s=20} {2/23/2020}
*she watches carefully as Hope made the tiny bud blossom as she had shown her. before long, a nice sized fruit appeared before them. she smirks and questions her* how does it taste, my dear child? did it come out well? *she waits as she watches her enjoy the new fruit*
Hope took a big bite. Her face split into a grin as the sweet juices from the fruit spilled into her mouth, and she bobbed her head in a nod. “It’s perfect. You could end world hunger with something like this.” Maybe that wasn’t totally accurate, but it would certainly help.
*smirking, she gave a laugh* well, maybe one village at a time, dear one... *she placed her hand on her shoulder as she laughed.* we don't want to cause chaos in the world. *she leans her head towards the house* let us go enjoy the fruits while we tend to other things. *she smiles as her and then peeks her eyes up as a raven caws from the branches of the willow above their heads. she pauses and listens before giving a sigh and a reply* very well... show me. *she gives a wave to her arm as she then turns on her heel to follow him as he takes flight from the branch and leads them both away to the other side of the property. she sighs as she goes along* let us see what is his worry over. *she smiles softly as she turns her head back at Hope to see if she was coming* take the basket dear girl...
Trying to keep pace with the raven, she had to hitch up her skirts and start a small jot through the field. She would rather not expose and have to use her wings if she did not have to, out of the simple respect that her niece would not be able to keep up with them both. She was unsure on just how in tune to her own werewolf self Hope was into, so she would rather not risk it this day. The raven swirled above her, cawing a yell for her to hurry her pace.
"I'm coming! I got one speed you know ..." she muttered under her breath as she paused sharply to make sure Hope was still there before darting the corner at the end of their cottage and heading towards the stream bed trail. She followed it quicker by kicking off her shoes and going barefoot along the dirt path. The raven clawed again and again. " I know, I know ..." she yelled up at him.
The end of the path brought her back to the secluded pond with an old stone crypt looking building standing alone across the way. She placed her hand on her hip as she let out a sigh and whispered when she lifted her arm up to allow the raven to land.
She scratched under his beak and whispered. " what happened, my dear one? Why the alarm to here?" With a nuzzle at her hair, he took flight again as she waited on Hope to catch up.
Hope had no idea what the Raven was trying to convey, but Sky clearly understood, and it spurred her on. When her aunt kicked her shoes off to run faster, Hope did the same. The low heels had been slowing her down, any way. Hope briefly considered using her wolf form, but she was still getting used to controlling it outside the lunar cycle, and in an area so redolent of magic, she was afraid she might not be able to change back so easily. She skidded to a stop just behind Sky and looked around. Things seemed ordinary to her, but what did she know? She was unfamiliar with this place. Sky would know better than her.
She scanned the area carefully, lifting her hand up to signal for silence so she could listen. The last time her ans her ravens were here, they were attacked and she wanted to be certain nothing was in the area now before she went closer to the building.
After she was satisfied that all was clear, she motioned for Hope to follow quietly and swiftly. She lifted her skirts again and moved along the now stone paved path towards the crypt. The leaves in the trees blew softly in the branches as they moved.
She paused once reaching the door and listened. The door was ajar when she went to place her hand on the old iron handle. "Hmm... is this what were are so upset about?" She whispered as she glanced up at the raven who now flew down and hopped about by her feet. "Someone appears to have mastered my spell..."
She continues to whisper, "stay close." As she entered the dark building. She allowed the door to creak slowly open before them as she scanned the gloomy entry. Cautiously, she stepped inside, holding her breath. When nothing jumped out at her, she let out her breath with a relieved sigh. She nodded for Hope to follow and continued through the room. The far side of what looked like a tiny room, led to a wall where she slid the overgrown moss aside. The hidden door was moved recently from what she could see as the dirt was disturbed at her feet.
"Someone has been visiting who doesn't belong..." she pushed the door aside and waved a spell to ignite the torches along the narrow stairs leading down into the earth below them. She proceeded down the stone steps, the cooler air rushing up from below to greet them.
The mildewy smell hit Hope the further down they went. The place was obviously somewhere damp. If she hadn’t seen the water by the structure, the smell alone would have made that clear. Since Sky clearly suspected something was amiss, Hope took her aunt’s cue and moved with caution if there was something done here, she didn’t want to be caught unawares.
Hope watched Sky's every move as they moved through the space. From Sky's movements indicated, everything seemed normal on the surface, but Hope could tell something was off. The magical energy seemed off somehow. It didn't feel like the energy she associated with her, and judging from their hasty exit, Sky felt the same. Whatever energy she was feeling wasn't meant to be here, which meant the two of them might potentially be in danger.
"Someone has been snooping around in what they shouldn't be into. I thought I spelled it to be protected better than it was. Apparently I was wrong..." she explained as she brought them through the tunnel and narrower stairs to the exit. "Careful here. Just keep walking..." she warned as she quickened her pace. She walked quickly through the last bit of the hallway and came out to the outside, she skirts catching flame as she went. She calmly walked to the beach that stood before them and into the waters to put out the flames. She looked at Hope and smirked. "See, not a single scar. All show." She gives a playful wink and then giggles as she kicks up some water to play at her niece a moment.
Hope watched in awe as Sky walked through fire to reach the water on the other side. When it became apparent that her aunt was unharmed, Hope took a breath, bolstered her strength and walked across without stopping. She felt a tickle along her legs that she assumed was the flames, and she moved purposefully until she reached the other side. Once there she ran to the water, extinguishing whatever flames had been there. When Sky started kicking water at her, she began laughing and began splashing water back.
She giggled as Hope played with the water with her after watching her make her first walk through fire. "Never thought you'd do that ever , huh?" She smirked as she kicked up more water, still hugging the book. The raven sitting on the branch nearby quietly watching over the two of them.
"A discovery I made some time ago when we moved in. I spelled over the building to keep others out until I could come back and further investigate things inside."
“I never thought I’d do a lot of the things I have,” Hope said with a light shrug. That was true. She’d done a lot of monster hunting in the past year. She’d fallen in love, which had been the least-expected thing of all. And now, she would soon be reunited with her uncle, and had met his wife and children. So many new things. She turned to Sky with a smile and used her power to splash out a particularly large wave of water in her direction as she began laughing.
*she through her hands up and let out a squeal as her niece sent a wave of water at her. then smirked at her mischievously.* oh yeah? *she she waved her hand and made a small wave at her back and then jumped back to avoid being hit again with more water, laughing while she did so.* life can be crazy, you know. we never think of what might happen to us until it just happens... *she called out over the sound of the water that splashed around them. a little fun to break up the day was always welcomed. she can worry about the grimoire, and who might have been at it later. a few moments spent like this would be welcomed.*
{ left off here as of 2.25.20 https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1232480683307589635?s=20 }
Hope laughed as the two of them played in the water. Occasionally, she would use her powers to send up a wave of water that would splash them both. Her clothes were getting soaked, but it didn’t bother her at all. It was rare that she got to relax and have fun the way normal kids her age did. Human teens didn’t have to worry about powers to control or monsters attacking. It was fun to forget about that stuff for a while.
*she paused briefly to carefully set the grimoire safely aside. the pull from its covers distracting her a second before she shook her head and made to ignore it. she had forgotten it had done that the last time she was here when she had first made the discovery of it. she quickly returned to play in the water with Hope, laughing as they splashed water about. she then commanded some of the water up, forming a small cloud to then shower a fine mist over them and making a small rainbow with what sun was shining over them. time was lost to them for now, the pressing issues were simply paused while they played.*
Hope watched in awe as the rainbow formed above them. She knew she had a talent for magic, and had been practicing with the twins back at school, but this was a new kind of magic for her. She wasn’t used to magic that was so purely elemental. Was it the faye in Sky that kept her so in tune with nature? She would have to ask.
*she played some more with the water, making a little more mist around them and then made a little splash at Hope with a smirk on her lips. She had caught a look of awe from her niece with her actions.* oh that is nothing much... *she gave a small shrug and giggled as she played with the water some more, drenched from head to toe now.* we may need to be heading back soon, they will surely be looking for us before too long. *she wanted to get the grimoire out of sight and locked away in case whoever it was had still been there. Their fun could still be had back in the protective barrier of the cottage as much as they were having here.*
“Sure.” Hope nodded. She was soaked from head to toe by now, and she shivered a little as cool breeze came through. At least the weather was warm today. They should dry off on the walk back to the cottage. “Do we have to go back through the fire again?” She glanced behind her. As far as she knew, there wasn’t an alternative route, but Sky probably knew all kinds of hidden paths and tunnels that wound through the property.
*she shook her head* of course not! *she motioned with her head to the path along the side of the building that wrapped along the side.* it comes up around to the front again. *she bent down to pick up the grimoire once again, feeling the pull from it.* not now... *she whispered to it. she hugged it close to her body to try and hide it from any other eyes in the area watching them. she led the way up the worn dirt path lined with over grown grass on either side. the faint sound of the water below them paired with the raven cawing softly above them were the only sounds past the feel of the gentle breeze helped to dry them as they walked.* i found this place some months back. i have not had a chance to come back since to go through everything within its walls. some of them... *she paused as she listened before she continued.* some of them feel dark... if that is the right way to describe them. *She gave a heavy sigh* it appears I will need to make sure to bring these to another place for safer keeping if someone was able to get in today. this one *she tapped at the cover of the book in her hands* i need to lock up myself. the rest seem much less harmless. *she peeked behind her to see if Hope was keeping up. she smiled in the patch of warm sunlight that greeted her when she came around the corner.*
Hope had also felt something off when they'd reached the grimoire earlier. The whole place had a dark feel to it, and the book seemed to be at the center of it. She couldn't help but shiver, even though it wasn't that cold out. It was from the feeling she got from the book, and she wondered how Sky could stand to touch it, much less carry it around.
*she ignored the call the grimoire did to her by continuing to talk as they walked. She listened for anything that didn't belong as they went. Ducking under low laying branches from time to time along the way.* I cannot tell how long those books have been hidden, but they seem to have been there for some time before I came across them... *she reached the top of the path and stood straighter, overlooking the pond now before them once again. They had arrived back at the entrance to the crypt they had started at. The breeze was soft and the waters barely moved in response to it.*
Hope walked quietly with her aunt, taking in this new route to the cottage. It seemed like every day she was learning something new here, which she loved. By the time they reached the cottage again, she was feeling pretty tired. Her guess was that it was from using more magic in a short amount of time than she was used to. Maybe she would take a nap.
*before they had left the crypt, she had casted a new spell to lock up and secure the doors better this time. She hoped it worked this time as the raven took off ahead of them to go back to the cottage the way they had came. As far as she knew, there was really only one way in and out from this crypt, unless you possibly went by boat on the backside where they had come out from. When they reached the grounds once again after their stroll back up along the stream, she looked around to be certain that they had not been followed. She gave a small shake to her head as she shrugged it off and they crossed the barrier that protected their grounds and cottage.* you look exhausted, my dear child. Perhaps that is enough excitment for one day? *she gave a small smile and then slipped the basket from Hope's arms.* I can carry this for you. *she pulls out a small piece of chocolate and passes it to her.* maybe this will help a little... along with maybe a small nap to rest yourself? It has been a very busy day, and it isn't nearly over yet! *she let out a small giggle over this thought.*
"Thank you." Hope smiled gratefully as Sky took the basket and offered her a piece of chocolate. She immediately popped the sweet treat into her mouth. It was like no other chocolate she'd had before. It was everything that made chocolate perfect magically combined into one morsel. "A nap would be wonderful. We can go look at more books later, once we've rested. Are you tired too?"
The bakery in the village has some of the best sweets. *she commented as Hope enjoyed the chocolate.* no, I am not tired at this moment. I think I will find a safe place for this here. *she points at the grimoire they carried back with them. You go ahead and get some rest. You did a lot of work with those spells we practiced. *she held the book against her chest as they strolled slowly across the gardens now to the entry of the cottage. It stood so quiet and peaceful from way out here. She smiled to herself as she thought on this. Such a perfect spot her beloved had found them... she turned her attention back to Hope again* yes, a nap for you, a well deserved one. While I secure this one and see what I can find out on the little issue we discovered today. *she agreed out loud as they reached the entryway to the kitchen.*
“That sounds good.” Hope yawned as they stepped in the cottage. “Are the girls still outside? I don’t hear them.” Hope figured Sky would have found a way to continuously keep track of the twins, most likely through magic. Children as powerful as they were would need to be protected. She remembered that from her own childhood.
*she paused as they entered the door to the kitchen to give a listen, then smiled as she heard familiar voices from inside* i believe that *smirking* is the sound of two little bugs flooding the bathroom in a bubble bath.. *she giggled as she continued to the table in the kitchen to set the basket down. she would put things away later from it. she kept the grimore close still to her body as she turned to begin heading out of the kitchen* you get some rest, we can go through those books later and see what other spells you might wish to try next. i am going to safely put this thing here away and check on the girls with their bubbles... *she planned to peek in on the girls, but she was going to hide away in her crafting room and investigate this book further rather than hiding it away.*
“Do you need any help with the twins? I don’t mind getting them cleaned up before I go take a nap.” She could hear the sound of the two little girls giggling. It sounded like they were having a marvelous time, and probably making a big mess on top of it. She didn’t even whoever would be cleaning all that water. Then again, Sky could probably have it taken care of in a matter of seconds with a wave of her hand.
If you'd like. Let me set this someplace first. I can meet you there? *she smiles softly* I do not wish this to become wet with their bath. *she then smirks mischievously at the thought of past baths. She heads off to her crafting room down the hall from the twins current room they share as they were still very young, and sets the grimoire under a pile of things near the fireplace. She then hurried off to meet Hope in the bathroom with the twins who were well under way with a very creative bubble bath. She let out a laugh as she sees bubbles surrounding the girls as rubber duck toys seem to float along on the suds. Giggles coming from someplace within sounding like tiny bells in song.*
What has happened to this room? *she asks with a playful voice as the girls them squeal excitedly over the sound of her voice when she entered. They played a little longer before she handed a towel with a hood of an animal on ot for one twin and wraps the other in her arms with the other one.* time to come out now, my little bugs...
Hope stood in the doorway and watched the three of them. She remembered times like this with her own mother, and it made her miss the old days when she was a carefree little girl who didn’t understand the ramifications of her unusual bloodline. She hoped the girls would be protected from that as long as possible.
*after setting each one down and dried off, she sends them to their room connected to the bathroom while she sets to drain the tub and clear the bubbles away. She places the rubber duckies in the sink to dry as the twins giggle and race off to jump, still partly wet on their beds. She glances at Hope and gives a soft smile before patting her shoulder gently to exit the room and gather the twins from their escapades.*
Hope helped Sky straighten things up in the bathroom. The twins had made quite a mess, and she figured her aunt could use the extra help. The twins’ giggling could be heard from their bedroom, and every now and then, the bed would creak as they jumped up and down. As Sky walked past her and into the bedroom, Hope gave her a little grin. The twins were adorable, and moments like this made her wish that she had brothers and sisters of her own.
What are we up to little bugs... *she smirked as she got to their beds to get them to stop. She wrangled one to set down to the floor so she could finish drying them from their bath. As soon as she set one down and turned to get the other twin, the first would try to climb right back up again to bounce. She sighed and smirked when they got away with one or two rounds of this before she decided to out smart them and she roared playfully like an animal, making them squeal as she opened her arms wide to scoop them both up together in one swoop.* gotcha *she said in a hushed playful tone and swung them around the room to where their fresh clothes laid in wait for them, their little legs swinging outwards in their giggles as she twirled them. She set them near their clothes and without letting them go, some how managed to get both girls dressed in a matter of seconds.* there. All set now. *she smirked and set her hands to her hips as she said it.* what are we going to do now? *wondering on what they wanted to do next. Yawns escaping them both gave her the answer* I think it appears to be nap time for all kiddos around here *she gave a wink at Hope as she said this and took each little hand as they went to grab their snacks first.*
Hope couldn’t help but laugh at the antics of the two little girls. They were clearly enjoying themselves, and Sky seemed to be having almost as much fun as they were. As the twins walked by, Hope reached out ruffle Sami’s hair, making the little girl giggle and reach her free hand out for Hope, who happily took it.
*she smiled as Sami took Hope's hand to walk to their small table set in their room to enjoy a small tray left of tea sandwiches. they happily nibbled them, sharing with Sky and Hope in turn before they wanted to climb down and snuggle. she walked over to one of the rocking chairs and reached out to snuggle them each and rock/ sing them to sleep for their nap. humming softly in her way as they nestled in. before too long, they were yawning once more and closed their eyes in turn, snoring softly. she got up to walk over and place them in their beds before they slipped from the room.*
When Sky took the twins to their chair so she could sing and rock them to sleep, Hope waved goodbye and started for the door. She didn't want to distract the girls from their nap, and she needed one as well. Hope quietly made her way to her own room, and got into the bed. It didn't take long for her to fall asleep, and she ended up sleeping for two or three hours.
once the girls were asleep, she set them to their beds, nodding to Hope as she exited the room for her own nap; she quietly set off back to her crafting room to see to the grimiore they took back home with them. she walked lightly through the room and carefully grabbed the book from its pile she stuffed it under to hide. then, turning quickly to her work bench, she spread it open upon the wood and stared at it. the magical pull/ and call from it / beckoning her to touch it. to play with its pages within. this was a different energy that came from it than what she was accustomed to. this felt powerful/ dark. she silently began to read the first page, running her fingers slowly along the edging as she went along. the room around her being forgotten about as she continued to read. time passed quickly as she went along, almost as though she would not be allowed to stop reading from its pages... the raven hopped up on her bench, trying to distract her and call her back from it with no success so he thought maybe to go wake Hope up from her nap after some hours had passed by now...
Hope slept deeply, but she was plagued with strange dreams. She had no way of knowing, but the grimoire's magical influence was affecting her subconscious. The magical energy was so powerful that Hope felt it in her sleep. The sound of a raven cawing eventually pulled her from her sleep and left her feeling disoriented as she tried to remember what she'd been dreaming. "What are you doing here?" She didn't really expect the raven to answer her.
*she lifted her hand as though in a trance and made some objects float over to her as she now whispered in a hushed tone the words from the grimoire before her. Lips slowly moving faster as one object came before her. A small bowl landing harshly upon the table in front of her with a loud clunk didn't even bring her back to the consciousness. It was as thought the book put her under some sort of a trance.
Meanwhile the raven clawed loudly and tugged at Hope's blanket before hopping down from the bed and out the door. Cawing for her to follow him.he wanted to lead her to sky in the other room.
Sky made some other items fly from their shelves to land in front of her, slamming on the table with more thuds unnoticed by herself. She could not seem to stop reading from the page...*
Hope rolled her eyes as she got out of the bed. She didn't want to get up yet, but she felt she had no choice. Still wearing her clothes from earlier, all she had to do was slip her shoes on and follow the raven. As she drew closer to where the bird was leading her, she felt the magical energy intensify, and could tell right away that it was dark magic. She recognized its feel from when Josie had gotten carried away with it back at school. Getting closer still to their destination, she heard several loud thuds coming from behind a closed door, which was exactly where the raven stopped. The door opened to reveal Sky in a trance- like state, mumbling to herself as she made objects fly around the room. "Aunt Sky!" Hope called out to her. She had to pull her from the trance before the twins saw her this way.
*she never noticed Hope enter the room as she continued in the trance the book gripped her in. To the sound of her voice calling out to her, something inside her snapped. The items she had called before her went flying across the room as though thrown from a child in a tantrum; slamming against walls and furniture. She didnt even realize the low yell came from her own throat as they went flying in many directions. She stood in place as though frozen, slowly coming back and bringing her eyes to where their niece stood. She gave a slightly confused look in her direction and then brought her eyes slowly down upon the grimoire laying in front of her.* I um... *she started to whisper and then furrowed her face as she looked over the pages opened before her. She shook her head and with a swift motion, slipped a cloth to cover the blasted thing* cursed...*she whispered and somehow she was able to move away from it. She looked up at Hope, worried that she might have done something horrible without remembering.* are you alright?
Hope was on the opposite side of the room from the wall where all those objects hit. Their impact was loud enough to make her cry out as she was startled and instinctively jumped back. It was only when her aunt seemed to come back to herself and covered whatever was in front of her that she ventured into the room.
"I'm fine," she assured her. "Just startled is all. What were you doing? It looked like you were in a trance or something."
*looking sheepishly she paused before answering* I wanted to take a small look over that grimoire we brought home today. *with a frown as she glanced over the grimoire now hidden by a random cloth she had managed to toss over it to hide it.* I started reading the first page and... well I don't recall really now... *she caught a glance of Hope's eyes and then slid them back to the grimoire. She whispered out loud more than to anyone in particular* I think the thing is cursed or something. It had this strange pull to it or something. *she slowly made to step away from the table so that she might get her bearings once again. She scanned the room carefully thinking on what she might have here where she might lock this blasted thing up so it would not do this such event again. She didn't want their niece, never mind their little bugs to fall under its grip like it tried to do to her just now. She was more versed in controlling and keeping things away. But somehow, this got to her still. Getting to the girls would be the last she would want to happnen.*
"You felt it too?" She looked over at Sky. "I could feel it in my sleep. It was giving me really strange dreams." Hope shivered. "I can't remember them, but they weren't very pleasant." Hope hadn't even been in the same room as that thing. She couldn't imagine what it must have been like for her aunt.
It called at me the first time I found it... *she answered distantly as she stared down at the cloth covering the grimoire from where she now stood. She sighed heavily and then in one swift motion, she scooped it up and scurried swiftly on her wings; keeping them hidden still somehow.she stopped abruptly before the fireplace across the far side of the room and paused in thought.* I have the hiding places around here that I found. *she began to whisper. She looked up at Hope as she continued to think out loud* maybe we can hide it in one of those and spell it to not be so... demanding?
“I think that would be a very wise idea.” Hope had seen a lot recently, and she knew just how dangerous dark magic could be. She had no doubt her aunt could handle herself, but dark magic had a way of twisting your mind and making you lose control without even realizing it. She didn’t want that to happen to Sky.
I do not wish it to get a hold on you like it did me just now... never mind the twins *she whispered low, also thinking on if it might have a pull on others as well. She felt the stonework around the mantle of the fireplace and pressed one in, revealing a hiding place* there we are... *she coaxed at it as she slipped it open more.* hmmm... seems a little too small. I wonder if maybe we could spell it to become larger? *she peeked over at Hope to see if she had any thoughts on such a matter.* any thoughts?
“It’s possible. Are you able to manipulate stone that way?” Hope had never seen anyone do that before, but she figured if anyone could, it would be Sky. And possibly her aunt Freya. The two of them were powerful witches, though in different ways. If Sky could do a spell like the one she was suggesting, that was definitely something Hope wanted to learn.
I have not tried one as such yet. *giving a slight smirk to her lips* but there is always a first... *thinking out loud now, she continued* maybe there is something in one of those books upstairs in the library? Would you know of anything? Maybe Freya has used something similar in the past with you on things? I know she seems to usually the family's go to person on such matters. *she gave the stone work a good look over as she bent down more to peek better into the small hole allowed to them. With a frown, she shook her head* I might be able to only fit half the size of this thing in here, the way they built this one... *something caught her eye in the corner. She gave a puzzled look as she came back up to step closer to the far edge of the mantle, where the shelf met the wall.* odd... *she whispered as she ran her finger along it. She jumped back startled when she heard a click and the mural painting above her head popped off the wall slightly* maybe we will not be needing such a spell as yet after all...*she glanced back at Hope in curiosity as she slide her fingers around the golden frame.* shall we see what is behind the curtain? *she giggled at her joke as she motioned with her head for Hope to join her*
“Look at that,” Hope said. Her voice was filled with awe when she saw the secret space behind the painting. “How long have you been living here? It seems like this place is full of surprises. I bet not even you know all the secrets here yet.” Hope followed her aunt and peered behind the painting. “It’s like a vault in here!”
Not long enough... *she spoke in awe as she stared inside as well. She ran her hand slowly along the golden wooden frame slowly as she spoke.* I am still finding things around here. *she smirked slightly as she spoke.* I feel the grimoire should be plenty safe in here. What do you think? *she gave a wink in her smirk.* it was only some months ago that I went and ventured upstairs to see what was there. I discovered all those rooms and have been working on them each best I can since. The entire upstairs seemed to have been neglected for years! Along with I still have the stairs going up further to still explore. *she nodded to agree to Hope's comment.*
“I would think it would be. Is there a way to check and see if it’s magically protected? If it’s not, can you ward it against anyone who shouldn’t be near it?” She was asking a lot of questions, but she was trying to learn as much as possible about how this worked. It could be information that might prove useful to her one day.
*with a shrug* i am not sure... *she lifts her hand to feel around the area* i don't feel any spell working from what i can tell. can you? *she pauses so Hope can check as well. *maybe we can spell it anyways, to be safe, you know? better safe than sorry. i don't see how it could hurt. *she looks closer inside, seeing nothing but darkness. she places her hand on the floor of the hiding space and whispers softly. with a nod she looks to her niece* i think it should be good now. *nodding to the book that was still wrapped in the cloth from earlier* pass that to me and we can test it out?*
"Sure." Hope hadn't felt any charges of magical energy when she'd checked out the hiding space. It was either very weak or not there at all. That seemed rather surprising, considering how well-hidden the space was. Someone clearly didn't want it to be found. She handed the book over to Sky and took a step back to avoid some of its dark influence.
I think if the previous owner used it, it was more for certain valuables than anything else. This property is larger than it appears from the outside, sure. *she rambles on as she takes the grimoire from Hope, making certain it stayed wrapped up in the cloth as best she can as she sets it carefully down within the vault in the wall.* a lot of things, and places can be like that. In my experience anyways... there is nothing magical about them at all. Just simple luck in how they appear. *she maneuvered it into the far corner of the vault until she was satisfied and then paused as the thought a moment on what else she should do. Maybe she can discuss with Elijah if he wanted to add anything to this vault in the wall before she spelled it shut for good. That seemed only logical to do after all.* this building itself, seems smaller than it really is on the outside. But, that it also part of the illusion and charm that comes with this beautiful place. *she smiles softly at Hope as she begins to carefully close the vault back up, placing the framed portrait back into place. She began to spell a temporary seal to it for the time being* I honestly do not feel that the owners before us were magical in any sense. The only real spell on this place is protection to the nines *she smirks and gives a playful little wink after she made her spell*
"Were you the one who did all the protection spells, or had it already been done before you and Uncle Elijah moved in?" She had a feeling that it was Sky who had done the spells. If the previous owners had done nothing magical to the place, then it was unlikely that they would have thought to put up magical protection spells around the property.
*leaning against the mantle, she gave a look in thought* I am pretty certain, if I recall correctly... that Elijah would not have allowed us on a property like this without setting to enlist a witch to protect the property. *she gave a clever smirk as she continued* it would not be him, if he did not. *she slid her hands behind her back as she leaned back, playing her fingers with themselves* I did however do a spell of my own, to ensure my own touch to the property so to speak. I wanted to make sure the place was secured and the girls were always safe here. *she shrugged like it was nothing*
"I bet I know who the witch was," Hope said knowingly. "There's only one he would trust enough with something like that." She was, of course, talking about her aunt Freya, who was an extremely gifted witch. With Sky's help, she would have had no trouble taking care of a task like using warding spells to protect the property.
I'm not even certain that Freya even knows of this place of ours. Goddess only knows who helped. *she gives a small smirk* your uncle works in his own mysterious little ways... always a surprise with him *she bites briefly the corner of her lip, giggling softly and then catches herself* at any rate, I am certain he would have found someone near to have done it, and then conveniently made them forget in a way that they even were here. Better to have as few know of here the better.
"That wouldn't surprise. I know my aunt is one of the few witches he actually trusted, but if there was someone local, I suppose he might have done what you described. It would have been more convenient, and he wouldn't have had to worry about anyone following them the way he would have with my aunt."
*she gives a slight shrug* I am uncertain in that knowledge. We came so quickly, I am not even sure he had a chance unless he had the property well before already. *she walked across to the table to set things back into place and started to change to subject* were you able to rest we- *suddenly the wall safe/ vault flew open before them with a loud sound. She raised her eye brow after a slight startled jump to the sound* maybe we will not be using the wall vault after all... *she makes her way back towards the fireplace to investigate. She glances around carefully and then she notices a parchment torn from the explosion that occurred.* hmm... I wonder what this is... *she questions in a peeked interest. She bends down to carefully pick it up and begins to read it*
Hope jumped what felt like a mile when the explosion. She turned to see the vault standing open on its hinges. It looked almost as if someone had blown it open from the inside. Maybe whatever magic had hidden it didn't want it being used. Sky certainly seemed to think so, judging from her response. Hope followed her to the open and stood back a few steps while Sky pulled out the parchment and began reading from it.
*her mouth moves silently as she reads the parchment from the floor. Holding it carefully in her hands as it felt so old it might just crumble into nothing within her hands. Suddenly, she brings her eyes slowly up to the grimoire still sitting where she placed it inside the wall vault. She stayed like this almost frozen for a while. Time seeming to have stopped yet feeling as though ages we flying swiftly past her. It was odd that she had found the place where the grimoire resides not too long after they had come to be here. But could it be connected to this letter she now holds in her hands? The feeling coming off from it felt the very same. The paper exactly like what was inside the grimoire itself as well. She finally spoke without taking her eyes from where they laid* this is apparently from the person, the woman that had done a spell over the property. They inform your uncle that all was set. *she stood up slowly and steps backwards from the wall.* I must be rid of this book from this house. Before it attracts the owner here. *she waves the paper* she wrote this very letter. It is her grimoire we found. Only... *she grabs a large cloth to wrap the book in to keep the power it had from them and pauses in her thought*
"How do we destroy something like that? I remember hearing that grimoires are supposed to be difficult, if not impossible to destroy. Even by their owners." Hope took a few steps back from the vault. Even from several feet away, she could feel its pull, and she didn't like the negative energy from it all. It reminded her of when Josie's magic had gone dark. That had been a scary and dangerous time, and she was afraid the same thing might happen now if that book got control of her aunt.
Well, this one I think we may need to either break the bond with it... it destroy it somehow. *she debates before she continues* we shall go to the far end of the property. Just outside of the barrier. *nodding in a distracted way* yes, that should work... she turns slowly around the room and then springs to action, grabbing up various items to toss into her cauldron. *grab them stones over there, the box on the floor with the large chunks of quartz... *as she pours a large jar of crushed rose petals and then adds a jarful of white ash leaves with her other hand. She tosses a few other ingredients, seeming to be almost triple a dose than she would have normally have done before and then scoops up the book in one arm and the cauldron with the other* ready?
"Ready." As soon as her aunt had given her command, Hope sprang into action and had grabbed the box Sky had indicated. Now, that box was tucked under her arm, and she was waiting for her next set of instructions. This was a spell she definitely wanted to pay attention to. It was something she was sure would come in handy later.
Let's do this *she said with a confident nod of the head and paced quickly out the door. She led them back outside and to the far end of the property, just past the willow tree where her own barrier was placed. She set the things down and placed her hands out, closing her eyes to scan for energy.* we shall start here and see where it gets us.
*She stood silent and still for some time as she set to work finding just where her own ended and the other witch's began.*
Hope didn't have the experience to scan for magic like that, so she simply stood back and watched. She did feel a magical energy that she knew was Sky's. She had felt coming from her fairly often, and could recognize it by now. So far, there was nothing unfamiliar to the magical energies.
*her eyes closed still, she whispers finally* there it is... *she stopped in her motions and froze in place. Opening her eyes, she stared in the spot she stopped at and smirked.* you will be severed from it all... not a worry... *she sings in her whisper before she pounces into action. She jumped over to where she dropped her things and set to work swiftly. The ravens swirled suddenly in the air above her as she gathered it all together. She set the cauldron down and then motioned to Hope to set the stones in a circle around them. She hummed softly to herself in a way like she was checking off things in her head as she worked. Placing the cauldron just so and adjusting again; adding things in a particular order to it and then waiting for all to be set before she went to really begin...*
Hope definitely felt a change in the magical energy here. She wouldn't have known what it was if Sky hadn't told her, but she would have felt it one way or another. Wasting no time, she did as Sky instructed and set the stones in a circle around the cauldron for her. When she was done, she took a few steps back, and gave Sky enough room to do her work.
*once Hope was done setting the stones in place, she began swiftly. The grimoire sat silent as she began her work. The ravens swooped high around them both as she did her work, cawing at random in response to some of her motions. She began to whisper now in ancient Faye. The old language thought to be dead to those not of Avalonian Faye...
The cauldron before her flashed into flame to the ingredients inside it as her eyes began to stare blankly through it in her work. The grimoire began to shutter slightly as she continued.*
'Must get this done swiftly before the witch this belongs to senses anything...'
Hope felt a chill in the air as the spell began to take effect. The sudden blaze of flame in the cauldron had her jumping back a foot or two even though it was unlikely that she would have been burnt. The temperature suddenly warmed up considerably as the faye magic and and the grimoire's magic began clashing and she could feel the sweat dripping from her.
*as she continued her work, the fire leapt higher. The ravens cawed louder in response to the clash of the two magic's as though they might help protect their faye queen. She continued to whisper in the ancient tongue, ramaining focused. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew hard at them, unable to do much with the protective barrier she had Hope place down before they began. It kept at them as she remained steady against it. She heard whispers faint upon the wind as it tried to swirl around her*
'This shall not work... I shall prevail...'
*she breathed deep and narrowed her eyes as she thought back to the whisper*
'you have yet to meet the faye of Avalon... I am older than your ways, witch...'
*she threw her hands before her at the cauldron, putting all her energies at it, calling now upon the ancient ancestors of old...*
Hope began to feel sick as the clashing of the two magics intensified. She could see Sky working at the spell, grim and determined to complete her spell. The wind picked up, making Hope feel even sicker. Though she couldn’t understand the voices being carried on the wind, she could definite hear something that sounded like talking. Frightened as she was by what was happening, she was also determined to hold her ground. If Sky needed her, she wanted to be there for her.
*she stared hard at the cauldron, sending energy and attention fiercely at it best she dared. She fought against the strong winds that built up more as she dared fight against them. The magic from them trying it's best to break through the barrier she put in place. She mentally called for Hope to come closer by her side. She had a gut feeling something, or someone might make an appearance before too long if she kept at this pace. She wanted to be certain Hope was near by so she did not get harmed. The ravens cawed louder as they continued to circle frantically against the winds.*
Settle down, boys... it is all in good time. *she called steadily up at them, her eyes never moving from the cauldron.* just stay alert as you do...
*she threw her arms up to the center of the ravens circle, casting energy upward and through them. Causing the winds to suddenly explode away from them. Her hair whipped back from her face as the wind suddenly seemed to die to calm around them. She stood silently waiting for more. Ready for what was to come next. The mist formed close and thick around their circle, a protective layer wrapping around them as she stood there. The ravens fell silent to her command.*
The place grew eerily quiet as the ravens stopped their cawing. Hope shivered from the damp mist that was surrounding them. It was like they were lost, and the outside world had ceased to exist. It was at that moment that Hope understood why the teachers at the Salvatore school were so insistent that only certain types of spells be taught. This kind of magic was so powerful that anyone inexperienced with magic could easily lose control.
*she stood still. watching. waiting. she dared not to even breath at that very moment, as she stared through the mist that formed around them. she was the keeper of the veils. she was the mist. soon, the ravens landed on their branches above them, silent. she stood taller suddenly, bringing all of her queenly stature to light.* stay behind me *she whispered to Hope as she stepped forward. she paused at the edge of the circle, cautious not to step past it. a shadowed figure began to become visible, walking up from the hillside from where the river would be. she watched carefully as the figure approached in a sure manner. as though they had won some battle. or certain that they would do so in the end.* this is not your place. you must be gone from here *she started as the now raspy whisper began to reply*
{oh but it was my spell that was called for protection...}
not any longer *she glared the figure down, now becoming visible of an older woman, clearly a witch of her area.
{*the raspy voice cleared her voice and she became louder* these... creatures must learn they are not wanted... that family must pay...}
you tricked him... *she whispered and then her eyes flashed red. in an instant her hands went forward and a blast of energy as she cast a spell lashed at the other witch. the witch was thrown back being caught off guard and then she smirked back at Sky. she tried to stand back up, but not before Sky threw another spell at her* i will break this bond you placed on this book. break your hold on here...
Hope watched with wide-eyed fascination as Sky battled the witch who once held the magic on this property. The old crone was terrifying, to be sure, but when Sky brought out the full force of her faye abilities, it was both terrifying and beautiful to behold. Wanting a closer look, but not wanting to get too close and disobey her aunt, Hope tried to peer around Sky to see what was happening. She could feel the force of the magic like a blast of heat, and for a moment she thought it would knock her backwards. Fortunately, she managed to remain upright and continued to observe what was happening.
{*with a cackle, the old crone stood back up, seeming to be untouched at first. Once she tried to step forward closer, Sky noticed a faint limp to her* my book, if you would be so kind, child... *she hissed and threw her own spell their way*}
*the spell sent by her hit the barrier and shuttered. Sky smirked evily back at the crone to her frown* oh, did that not work? *she made a fake little pout* so sad... *then she changed her tone once more* the grimoire will no longer be yours, hag. That bond shall be severed once I am done. My magic is older than yours. *she motioned to Hope to grab the book. She turned her head slightly* Do not cross the barrier. No. matter. what. *she winked and stressed at her niece. She stepped through the barrier, lifting her hands at the crone and somehow now holding her down but what seemed to be an invisible chokehold. The crone grabbed at her throat, struggling before she managed to slip from her grip and tossing her own spell back in retaliation. Sky was tossed back off her feet, landing on the soft turf. She pushed herself back up, cuts along her arms and her skirt torn some. She didn't take time to notice. She made to grab the crone in a better hold this time. She moved swiftly as she grabbed at her again and called to Hope to begin a spell in the book that was to attack the crone.* we shall use your own magic upon yourself... *she whispered with a smirk.*
The spell may not have penetrated the barrier, but it hit hard enough so that Hope could feel their protective circle rock from the blow.
Wasting no time she grabbed the book as instructed by her aunt and watched as Sky stepped outside the circle to fight the crone more directly. Hope watched them fight from within the circle, noting that Sky was clearly the stronger of the two, even though the crone was using all her strength in the combat.
At her aunt's command, she opened the book, which seemed to know exactly what was required of it because it fell open the page she needed. Alternating looks between the book and fight going on in front of her, Hope began chanting the spell the way her aunt had instructed her to.
{*the crone hissed in a snarl at Sky when Hope started to say the spell.* you will never ... *she grabbed at her throat and somehow managed to wriggle free briefly* never be able to sever it! *she managed to scream as she went to say a counter spell*}
*she dove over the crone, throwing her back on the ground flat on her back.* watch. Me. *she whispered in her ear as she slammed her fingers around her throat tighter than before, physically gripping her this time.* it will happen. One way or another.... *her eyes flashed a deep red as she glared at her. She pinned her down as she heard Hope's words.* Louder Hope! *she yelled over the crone's struggles. She began her own spell to coincide with those from Hope.
Hope had been chanting the spell throughout this. The magical energy was so intense the air crackled with it the way it did before lightning struck. She could feel a heavy wind picking up and swirling around her. It was so loud she nearly missed what her aunt was saying, but she did hear it, and immediately raised her voice so she was nearly screaming. Her throat would be sore later.
{*the crone fought hard, almost breaking the grip Sky had on her. She tried to continue once again her counter spell as Sky said hers and Hope continued to read loudly from the book*}
*she tightened her grip as the crone fought back, throwing now her legs around her to pin her better to the ground. She lifted one hand up and aimed down upon the old hag energies to blast at her.* that's enough hag! This will happen. *the crone shifted slightly from the blast of energy she sent at her and Sky shifted slightly as well. Taking the chance, the crone loosened the grip from her and began to quickly speak her spell. sky was caught off guard and was tossed aside. She quickly flew herself up, her wings showing briefly as she shifted into fight mode. She glared down at the crone now as she came at her again. Hope's words echoed loudly around them.*
Hope was getting distracted by the battle going in front of her. She averted her eyes, knowing that, if she continued to watch, she would become distracted to the point where she would falter in her spell. That would surely mean disaster for them. The crone would win if she paused even fior a moment. She couldn't let that happen, so she squeezed her eyes shut and focused all her energy on chanting the spell as loudly as she could.
*Sky sent another blast of energy at the crone as she said her spell. The crone did her own as well. Soon the crone looked like she was shifting and she seemed to pause in her spell. Sky went to send another blast just as the crone hit her hard this time, sending Sky clear at the circle Hope was still safely inside. She landed hard on her back, the wind getting knocked out of her. This bought the crone time to disappear as she sent a hoarse whisper on the wind to her ears* {I will be back. There will be no severing of my book! }
*Sky propped herself on her elbows quickly as she tried to catch her breath and then scrambled back to her feet, bending over in rasping breaths.* where did she go?! *she yelled frantically between her breaths and hurried into the circle with Hope, now talking the book from her.* keep saying the spell. Do you have it memorized by now? *she looked her dead in the eyes as she flipped quickly to a new page* I have to get this spell done now, other wise... *she trailed off as she set the book down to begin preparing for the next spell. It was more important than before now that she broke this spell. This bond, between crone and book. Then she could cancel the spell she did and beef up her own spells around the property, their home, and keep their girls all safe...*
Hope faltered as Sky was knocked backward, nearly back into the circle. In that moment, she heard the crone's parting words as she faded away. They clearly hadn't defeated her. Hope was sure there would have been something more final, and it was pretty obvious she intended to come back.
She reached out to help Sky, but the fae was already on her feet and reaching for the book. Hope's head bobbed up and down in response. "I can do it." Her mouth was set in a determined line, not unlike the expression her parents respectively wore when they were determined to accomplish some goal.
*with a determined nod of approval she set swiftly to work* just in case she hasn't left. I feel she might still be here, lurking and waiting. Best to not let her get an edge in, if we can help it. *she lit the cauldron and began the spell she found. One that should hopefully sever the link between crone and grimoire. She raised her arms up as her ravens now swooped up from their branches, cawing once again. The wind picked up once more as she kept with the spell, remaining focused as she also kept an eye out for in case the crone returned. Her hair whipped around her face until she finally sent the energies out to the cosmos around them. The book flipped shut dramatically at her feet. She paused with her arms still over her head and listened as the wind suddenly died down. The ravens silently flew around them. She dared to turn and look at Hope, giving a nod before she started the next spell right away.*
We must not delay in these next steps. She motioned for her to grab the items near her and add them to the cauldron.* now for my own spell to protect the home and property, while I sever hers in one spell... *she made ready to begin once Hope added the next items*
Hope grabbed the items Sky was indicating and added them to the cauldron as instructed. As she handed over the items, she continued to chant the spell, which she had learned by heart after repeating it so many times. She would never forget the spell after this day. It was something she would always know, stored away in her brain in case she needed it again someday.
*She quickly readied the items as Hope brought them to her. Words swiftly spilling from her lips ahead of the cauldron being fully ready. The wind began to pick up once again. Assurance that the counter spell she was speaking on the air was in fact working. The leaves rustled and blew around the outer circle that protected them. She stood up as she stretched out her arms, the ingredients in the bowl of the cauldron igniting into bright flash of flames. Her eyes glowed brightly in reflections of the flames burning hot against her necklace, almost burning at her skin. She whispered upon the air as the wind fought against her.
She lifted her hands up toward the skies, embracing the energies swirling around her. She closed her eyes as she professed her desires upon the winds, requesting and commanding her desires as she called upon all she needed to call on. The ravens cawed and flew swiftly around the circle.*
Once Hope had gathered everything needed for the spell, she remained within the circle. In it, she would be safe from all that magical energy being conjured up. Outside, she risked accidentally being hit by a stray bolt of energy. This was some pretty powerful stuff, and they had no way of knowing what could happen if they got caught in the middle of it. Better to stay within the circle and watch as Sky used all the magic at her command in order to make that grimoire truly hers.
The flames in the cauldron changed color as she sent her blast out upon the directions once her requests were made. The property line glowed faintly in response signifying that her spell worked. Then, the flames changed once more as the grimoire belonging to the crone shuttered in response. The winds shifted in the slightest, making it shutter all the more. The spell over the grimoire was strong, but she would be stronger...
She narrowed her eyes as she motioned to Hope to come closer. She needed her to help channel the earth's energies so she could hit this spell harder. The ravens cawed and swirled above them still. She set her hands opened, palms down to the earth to gather up the energies.*
Hope moved quickly to accommodate the fae’s request. Watching what Sky was doing very closely, she made the same gesture she did in order to channel the earthy energy that would help to complete the spell. The force of its power hit her like a freight train, and she nearly stumbled backward from it. Somehow, she didn’t know how, she managed to stay upright.
*she gave a solid nod to Hope as she saw her take a step back but regain her footing. the teen was still young in this, but she was more than strong enough to hold her own. their combined efforts should certainly hold up and break this without any issues. she focused her eyes now upon the grimoire before them as she whispered her words of ancient Avalon Faye. she could feel the energies rising slowly as she reached out to take Hope's hands to join their powers.
the ravens cawed loudly as the wind picked up once more. the old crone suddenly came flying towards them from no where only to slam into the now new barrier Sky had just repaired and adjusted to be her magic and hers alone.*
you shan't pass through here again, hag! *she hollered above the the winds as the crone stood before the barrier, glaring them both down. she sent a blast at them. Sky lifted one hand out towards the crone, deflecting her powers with a short spell. Sky took Hope's hands and nodded at her to continue with the spell. the crone screamed at them as she stomped as close as she could.* {we shall see about that!} *sky smirked as they kept going*
Hope ~
Hope gripped Sky's hand and continued chanting the spell. It was good thing she had it memorized. With all the distractions happening around her, she doubted she would have been able to focus on the pages in front of her. She could feel the hag's energy trying to break through the barrier, and it was making her a little sick. Sky's magic was stronger, and was able to hold her back, but Hope was afraid she might not be able to last out there spell.
*the energy build solid and strong between the two of them. The mikaelson blood she heard of and saw in action before from Freya when she had helped her to bring her beloved Elijah back from the beyond was there inside the girl. She had not a doubt in her mind they could accomplish this task together. The old crone placed outside of the barrier, testing parts along her way and chanting low hushed snarls in her wake. Soon the hag of a witch tempted to try a spot and lashed out once more thinking Sky was distracted in their spell. If distractions was what the hag was hoping for, she would be sorely disappointed as Sky was taught with all kinds of distractions in her teachings between the castle and the other realms she visited in her time. She kept her hand with Hope's but this time used their combined strength to deflect at her. She had taken a step back from the force that hit her before she got her hand up to do so, quickly getting her footing as she sent a blast her way. The old crone fell back harder on the ground this time.
She retook Hope's hand to finish the spell, hoping to end this once and for all.
The ravens swooped down upon the crone to now help distract her from bothering them any further as the book shook hard between them.* I think its working... *she whispered in their spell.*
Hope wasn't as disciplined as her aunt, but she was descended from a long line of powerful witches, and that bloodline evidenced itself in the set of her jaw and the determined way she chanted the spell. She felt Sky's hand briefly let go of hers, and it threw her for just a moment before Hope forced herself to concentrate and continue with the spell. She heard her aunt speak, but it was so soft that Hope couldn't quite make out the words. What she could make out was the ravens attacking the crone on the other side of the barrier, and judging by the agonized screams, the hag would not be able to sustain her energy level for much longer.
*the ravens did their best to keep the crone down. She had fought back, but the blast from the combined powers was more than she had expected. She rolled over to crawl away.
Sky regained her focus as the book shook more under their powers. The energies from it all was building against the powers over the book. Suddenly, the book rose up a foot from the ground and then a blast of energy emanated from it. The force made Sky let go of Hope's hands as it sent her to the ground on her rear. The wind knocked out of her, she landed with a thud, her hands behind her to catch her fall. She breathed out a heavy sigh and stared at the book. The agonizing screams of the crone some how gave her solace that the spell was in fact complete. It was done. The book was now severed from the crone. For good. She looked across the way to where her niece had been standing.* it is done. *she murmured.*
Hope had not been expecting the blast of energy from the book, though she should have. With all the magic flying about, it was bound to its job and hit the book with its energy. Hope felt herself flying backward from the force of the energy. She landed so hard she felt her her teeth rattle from the impact. When she was able to get her bearings, she saw that the most former by all that magical energy was slowly dissipating, and the crone was no nowhere to be found.
*the sound of the crone's screams still echoed in her ears as she nodded at Hope to say it should all be over now. The book no longer held the magic that bound it to the old witch. Her magical hold was no longer felt in the air.
She breathed a heavy sigh of relief as she fell backwards, the soft grass catching her as she went back. All her energy drained from the over exertion. She felt the soft grass blades and their sweet perfume as she closed her eyes, near passing out as she waited for her energy to regain.
She dreamed as she laid there, subconsciously searching for anything more that may still be there. She listened in the new stillness above the caws of the ravens. Past the echoed screams of the crone. She did not know at this point if she was still really there or if she had been blasted into the realms beyond. If the crone was in the realms at this point, she hoped she went to the one place never to be retrieved from again.*
One of the first things Hope saw when the mist cleared was Sky, lying on the ground with her eyes closed. The teen made her way toward her aunt, who had been knocked a few feet away from her in the blast. Sky wasn't moving, but she was breathing, which was a good sign. "Aunt Sky?" She called out softly, not sure if it work or not. Maybe it would be enough to rouse her. She really couldn't be sure.
In her dreaming she could barely hear Hope calling her name. She sounded so far away and faint underneath the scream of the crone that slowly and finally began to fade. It would be a few minutes longer before she would have enough energy to open her eyes. Still, she had to keep searching the area in this state. It was more trancelike/ meditative even, if one dared to call it so.
She sensed more stillness surrounding her as she breathed steadily.
Hope watched her aunt, eyes fixed on her anxiously. What would she do if Sky didn’t wake up? How could she tell the twins, and her uncle for that matter? How would she even find him to tell him? As far as she knew, only Sky knew where he actually was. It was a very tense few minutes as Hope waited for any sign of her aunt’s return. When her eyes finally fluttered open, Hope released an audible sigh of relief.
{4.26.2020} https://twitter.com/HerFathersHope/status/1252416777872539654?s=20
*she struggled to hold on to this state, frantically searching the property like this.* almost there... *she whispered as she traveled to the far end of the grounds. there it was. her eyes snapped open now and she sprang up. she looked around, confused for a brief moment, forgetting where she really was verses where she had been in the trance.* she is not gone. there *she nodded to the back side of their cottage from where they stood* the crone is there. along with one last spot, i hope to be taken care of... *she stepped surly as though she was walking into battle. even though days felt so far behind them, it wasn't really so long after all, was it? she motioned to Hope to follow.* come along, child. we have a matter to be tended to... *her eyes flashed red as she stepped out of the protective circle, energy that remained from all their workings just moments before emanating around her. she made swift strides across their gardens so fast that before she knew it, she was on the other side and heading down the cobblestones towards the pool Hope and herself had discovered sometime before. she never even paused to make sure her niece was keeping up or not. her mind was set on one thing at this point. The Crone. Must. Die...*
Hope could not, in fact, keep up with her. Sky might have thought she was taking normal length steps, but to Hope, she was moving so quickly it was almost like she was flying. The teen moved quickly, trying to at least keep her in her sight. For a moment, she was tempted to turn into a wolf so she could run faster, but the transformation itself would be painful and take up more of her valuable time, so she chose to simply run as fast she could.
*turning the corner to face the pool, still to be cleaned up some, but that was on the list project. she didn't even pay any head to that. her eyes locked on up the top of the stairs. she now spread her wings and flew the length of the pool, tilting up the steps. the greenery flew past her in a rush of colors as she stopped at the landing. she glared in her scanning of the area.* show yourself, hag! i know you're hiding! *she snarled as her voice made the land tremble. all the power from the land within her, but for how long she did not know. she turned slow and calculating. then, she stopped dead in her tracks. there, cowering behind the scrying pool. she paced over, hands outstretched to defend herself.*
Hope's mouth dropped open as she saw Sky literally take flight, wings spread and flapping to gather enough air to push her forward. She should have known Sky would have wings. Wade did, so why shouldn't she expect her fae aunt to? She saw Sky land a few moments later, and she quickened her pace to reach her. As she drew closer, she could hear Sky yelling something, though she couldn't quite make it out. Moments later, the crone appeared, and Hope understood that Sky must have been calling to her to come out with the intent of finishing her off.
*the crone wasn't listening to what she had said. she was intent on the small pool before them. infuriated at the crone; not only for what she had been doing here today, but on how she dared to deceive her husband. now that the link to her grimiore was severed, she hoped she could fix anything that remained on the crone's spells. first, the crone had to go.* I said. STOP. you will no longer be here... *she snarled again, barking her demands. she was used to those who disobeyed the rules in place. yet, this was not the island. she had to handle things slightly different here... but only slightly... * {you will not get me... *she retorted back, attempting to cast a spell at the pool*} ENOUGH! *she sent a blast at her with a spell forced behind it as the crone tried her spell, knocking her away into the thorny bushes surrounding it.* you are done here, hag... *her eyes flashed red again, lifting her hands at her once more, planning to send everything at her this time to finish her. how dare she undermine her beloved... *
{67793 words so far}
Hope could see the bright light emanating from Sky as she cast her spell against the hag. She wondered if her aunt was even aware that she was glowing from all that power. Probably not, since she seemed to be pretty caught up in what she was doing. Hope was now close enough to see and hear what was happening, and the look on Sky's face was both beautiful and terrible at once. It was then Hope realized just how truly powerful Sky really was, and she was in complete awe of her.
*she felt the power of energy building from within her. her rage getting the best of her at this point. she wanted to send it all at this one creature. deserving all this force? who was she to decide... she stepped closer to the crone, looming over her now.* you have dealt your last spell... *she whispered low. her hand bringing up a fire ball of energy forth as her eyes remained fixated on the being before her. the crone began to tremble once she realized who was before her. she saw something faint behind her. {*it wasn't... was it? the crone thought. but there was nothing more to her thought*} sky sent her fist holding the fire ball of energy thrusting into the chest cavity of the crone, gripping at her very heart. or what tiny speck had remained of it by now with the years. the crone gasped out a final breath, as she twisted her hand just so, sending the surge through her as she then ripped the heart from her. she stood, the crone's heart in her hand as the crone slumped over.* i shall see to it you are never joined to body or book again. *she stared down at the spot the crone laid now lifeless, the heart dripping in her hand. she could feel the energy had released from her in that one action and she breathed a heavy sigh.*
Hope watched as Sky employed the same method she had once seen her father use on the hapless object of his anger. She grimaced at the sight, the old terror she'd felt as a seven-year-old bubbling just under the surface. Just before Sky ripped the crone's heart out, Hope could have sworn she was looking at her, and saying something that was cut off by Sky's actions. What interest could the woman have had in Hope, though? Surely she must have been mistaken in what she'd seen.
*she stood over the crone's lifeless body before she finally turned back to look at Hope, remembering she was with her. The look over Hope's face made her come back to herself in a way. She slipped the heart in the pocket of her now torn dress.* come, we must undo what she did here. *she knelt now before the scrying pool, placing her hands on the walls of stone. She whispered softly the counter spell they had done across the grounds. There was no time to waste. Now that the crone was dead, the possibility of any spells she might have done may erase themselves. She couldn't dare to take the risk however small it may be. She needed to undo any old ones and place her own as soon as she could. She would have to worry about the look on Hope's face later...*
Hope nodded as she tried to erase the memory of Sky ripping out the crone's heart from her mind. She'd had nightmares for weeks after seeing Klaus do it, but had refused to tell her mother what was causing them. Despite her father's absence for most of her life, she still loved him very much. He had always been so gentle and loving with her and that was the side she chose to remember. "What can I do?" This after she was able to get some control over herself.
*she heaved a small sigh of relief and then with a nod she whispered the spell* we need to break her spell and make our own. Like we did in the circle. She was trying to do something here, *she patted the top of the pool with one hand* at the scrying pool. This is a portal. Remember? We have to close this up for now.* she took Hope's hand, making sure to not use the same hand she took the crone's heart with.* we will reopen it after we fix it. I promise.
*she sighs heavily and whispers* I am sorry that you had to see that. I am sure you have probably not seen too much of that... I have only had to kill a few other times although not quite that extreme...those were more sword and battle. But I needed to send that energy someplace, there was too much of it from earlier. Inside the crone was the safest place. *she whispers to add* the crone cannot leave where she went to now, I'll see to that later... *she makes a frown and then nods, continuing the spell*
"That wouldn't be the first time I've someone get their hearts ripped out. It's just...been a while," she concluded lamely. Hope reached for Sky's hand, which, much to her relief was not the one covered in blood. Hope was no stranger to bloodshed, but that didn't mean she didn't get a little squeamish around it now and then. She just hid it better than others.
*nodding she gripped Hope's hand when she took it and placed it flat under hers against the stone wall of the scrying pool. she had a feeling it would take their combined efforts again to stop what the crone had done over here. only difference this time would be that she could not stop them... she began the spell low and steady, her eyes focused on the water of the pool. she was searching the water, trying to see anything from it before she sealed it up for the time being. shutting off any links before she detached any spell would be safest. then she would be able to heal the pool after she did the new barriers at this end.*
Hope leaned forward slightly, her gaze trained on the scrying pool. Her hand tightly grasped her aunt's as she waited to see what would happen. It seemed as though Sky was looking at something, but she wasn't sure what. Hope couldn't make anything out, but she was sure something must be there, or Sky wouldn't be so intent upon it.
Come on... *she barely breathed out as she narrowed her eyes* show. Me... *she focused her thoughts, searching for what was done to the pool. The water swirled slightly as the energy flowed from them through the stone. Faint shapes showed themselves to her but nothing was very clear.* what were you up too... *she tried to refocus energy to better seen something, anything.*
Hope knew from before that what one person saw, someone else might not see at all. Meaning that Sky could be seeing something, and Hope wouldn't see it at all. And it seemed fairly evident that Sky was looking at /something/. Hope just couldn't make out what it was. Even she was very curious about what might be there, she didn't dare ask what it was. She didn't want to risk breaking her aunt's concentration.
*she tried harder to see into the waters. The murky vision coming forth remained stubbornly hazy. She pushed a little harder, still to no avail.* who are you reaching out to?... *she whispered she tried a little more, but felt herself getting more frustrated than anything. She was being blocked from seeing it. She gave a defeated sigh and gave up on trying* maybe we fix it all and see it later... *she mumbled. She changed her focus now to undo the spell that the crone was casting over the area. She closed her eyes and spoke new words; loud, crisp and clear. To pool slowed its swirl as she began her shift in energies*
Hope paid close attention to what she was saying. You never knew when that information might come in handy later. Someday, she was sure, she would need it. And if she never did, it would be a cool way to impress her friends at school. As long as Doctor Saltzman didn't catch using such advanced magic, of course.
*The pool water began to swirl the opposite direction than before now, murky then becoming clear like it should. She continued the spell until it stilled once more. Then motioned to her niece to direct the energies outward next.*
The area surrounding here must be checked... *she explained as she began to stand from the scrying pool to check the area about them for any other spots the crone might had touched before. She headed towards the roses growing along the edge...*
"Of course," Hope agreed as she walked toward the roses. The air was heavy with their perfume, and she inhaled deeply. It was sweet, though a little cloying as they drew closer to the bushes. She recognized them as the flowers Sky had in little vases around her cottage. Now she knew where she had gotten them. Maybe Hope would pick some for her room later. Surely Sky would not object.
*she went slowly, her hands outstretched before her as she went. Passing by the rose bushes and the other flowers around the area. She made her way to the gazebo that stood at one end. This was only the second time they had been over here since Hope and herself had went around to explore this side of their cottage grounds shortly after her arrival/ or better yet/ discovery here.
What a discovery of this hidden area this find was for them, too. She could see them trying out different things with the scrying pool later on, but for now, she must secure the place. She sensed some energy behind the gazebo and paused.* here... *she called over to her niece. She lifted her hands to begin a spell once more. They will lift and break the old one to enforce the one she did on the other side of the grounds earlier.*
As soon as she came within a few feet of the area, Hope felt the energy. It was emanating from around the gazebo in waves. She swayed a little, feeling somewhat dizzy from whatever it was. Sky didn't seem fazed by it at all. Maybe the faye in her made less affected by it than Hope was. Apparently being a tribrid didn't make immune to everything the way people around her always seemed to believe.
Seeing Hope sway, she grabbed her wrist and pulled her closer. She had a feeling it would be combined efforts again. The crone was old. And old was sometimes stronger. Who know how much the crone had done on here. She gave her a look to ask if she was alright, knowing they had already done so much in just one day. She would not be surprised if the teen was draining in energy. She herself could feel the weakness washing over her, but she held fast. She learnt in all she did at the island that she had to or all else could fail.*
Sky's hand closing over her wrist had an anchoring effect on Hope. She felt stronger than she had a few moments before, though not at her usual full strength. She knew that magic could weaken her, had seen it happen to other kids at school, but she had never felt it this intensely. When this was over, she intended to take a very long nap.
*she spoke softly* we will have to combine again. It is a strong spell here...* she turned to face Hope, reaching for her other hand. She began to ready for the spell of their own*
"Right." Hope had been expecting that. She'd known they would need to gather as much energy as they could to put a stop to whatever magic the crone still had over the place. She held her other hand out to Sky, ready to finish whatever needed doing.
*she met Hope's eyes, nodded and began the spell from before. The ravens had left the branches of the trees and began to fly around them, almost protectively this time. They cawed as they circled above them. The crone's body remained lifeless where Sky had left her. The scrying pool, silent.*
Hope concentrated what energy she had left on helping Sky complete the spell. She felt something stirring as whatever magic they were conjuring mixed with the magic that had previously been there. Leaves rustled as a wind picked them up and blew them around the two women. She has felt the crone's influence earlier, but she didn't feel it now. Whatever they were doing was clearly working.
*she whispered words from the ancient faye tongue, holding Hope's hands as they continued on. The ravens cawed more as the wind picked up swiftly. She stared into the scrying pool between them as she went. Soon, the waters within its short walls began to move. Swirling in the slightest.
She lifted her gaze up and directed them towards the far side of the area they stood. She released Hope's hand and aimed it in that direction, sending energy that had built between them out towards it. Soon, she could almost feel the change in the area. The spell began to crumble from the crone.
She nodded to her niece to let her know they would be changing spells soon. They must not hesitate to begin and complete the new one, for risk of losing everything. *
Hope could feel the change in the atmosphere. As what she assumed to be the crone's power crumbling, there was a lightness in the air that hadn't been there before. Hope could feel her strength ebbing from her as Sky concentrated their combined powers to finish off that last bit of power. She wasn't sure she would have enough to complete the next spell. With any luck, Sky would have enough magic for both of them.
*she grasped Hope's hands once more and nodded* we can do this. Just like before. Only, now we should not have any disruption. *she gave a smirk with a wink as she nodded her head in the direction of what remained of the crone.* I seem to feel she was along out here. If we haven't seen anyone come by to interfere by now, she was a loner. We can get this done in no time. *she closed her eyes and whispered the ancient faye tongue once more, making a new barrier upon this side of the property. They should have no problem getting this settled. She pushed forward with what little energy remained with her. She had to see this through to the end. No matter what. There would be plenty of time to explain to her beloved after it was all said and done. Of course, with how things went, she was surprised he had not returned in the mist of their mini... adventure, they had discovered on their own. She gave a slight smirk in her thoughts then regained her seriousness on the matter at hand*
"I'm ready." Hope nodded determinedly. Her reasoning was that the faster they finished what needed doing out here, the faster they could return to the cottage, and the faster she would be able to rest. With the way she felt right now, she was sure she could sleep for an entire week and still be exhausted from all the magical energy she had used up today.
*she held Hope's hands tightly as she went. The ravens continued their caws as they flew around them, close and tight circles above them. The wind picked up, yet not as strong as before. Soon, energy shot out and all was silent. She could faintly see a line where the energy went as it faded and rested in place. She slowly let go of Hope's hands whispering* all should be set now.
"I don't feel her any more," Hope said quietly. "I could before. She had so much negative energy the air was polluted with it. I don't feel that any more. I can tell she's really gone and this is over." She looked around. "What happens now? Do we go back to cottage and go on as normal?"
Let me just make sure first, then we can go. *she motioned to the ravens who flew down and changed to humanoid form as she had made the spell some time ago to allow them to do just that. Her private little guards that can lurk in shadows yet transform to be man power at a moments notice. He bowed and stood silent before her, dressed in black as his feathers and hooded so none could look at the head underneath.*
Take the crone away. You know where she must go.
*with a bow he silently went and took the crone through the bushes, disappearing into nothing.
She turned to Hope.*
Now, we may go. *she gave a smile smile and wrapped her arm gently around her waist. The extra use of energy exhausted herself, she could only imagine how the young girl was handling.*
We shall rest and indulge in some chocolate. *as they made their way back down the long stone stairs past the pool*
"I never say no to chocolate!" Unlike many kids her age, Hope was blessed with a clear complexion and was able to eat as much junk food as she pleased without breaking out. She credited that to her Original bloodline, sure that there was something in there that kept her skin clear and blessed her with above-average strength. "Chocolate and then a nap!"
*letting out a small laugh* neither do I, kiddo. Let us be going then *they slowly made their way along the quiet at this side of the grounds. Now that the events from dealing with the crone was finally settled, the ravens that remained flew about following them as they walked along the side of the cottage to the main garden to return to the kitchen and some well deserved rest.*
Now that it was over, and Hope had a moment to relax, she realized she was extremely exhausted. She half walked, half stumbled, back toward the cottage, her limbs growing heavier with each step. By the time they reached the cottage, Hope could barely keep her eyes open, and was barely able to get into the house.
*still having her arm around her waist as they walked, she could feel how heavy she was getting. She helped hold her up as they went, guiding her through the kitchen door and setting her upon one of the antique sofas in the living room.* here you go dear child. You rest, I'll get some food and drinks for us... *she made sure Hope was settled in with a blanket to cover her before she turned to head to the kitchen again and get a tray for them*
Hope nodded as Sky got her settled on the couch. She didn’t usually get so tired after using magic. Could it be because she had used more than she was used to? That seemed like a logical explanation. She would have to ask Sky when she was more awake. Before her aunt had even left the room, Hope was fast asleep.
*she set some fruits and chocolates on the tray along with some juices and faye tonic and set it all on a serving tray to bring out to the living room. She heard a tap at the window and let the raven in that was there. It hopped in and cawed once.* very good. I shall tend to the rest of it later. Her body will not be found or touched as long as it is in that realm. Thank you. *she gave the raven atreat and scratched its beak. It purred to her scratches and enjoyed its reward before hopping back out to the gardens. She picked up the serving tray and returned to the living room only to find that Hope had passed out from exhaustion.* poor thing. We did over do it today. But, *she let out a heavy sigh* one can not always control circumstances when dealing with magic. *she set the tray down, slipping a few fruit and chocolates for herself, fixed the blanket on Hope and walked to the other room with her glass of faye tonic. She walked into the sunroom and sat down in a shaded area, silently going over the events that had unfolded. She will still need to be certain on any other spells done around here. But, she can check on that later. She closed her eyes and rested there, the glass sitting in her lap, hanging half off her hand*
Hope slept for quite a long time. She was so exhausted that her sleep was dreamless and deep. Hours later, she woke up to find that the sun had shifted and it was now late afternoon. She rubbed her eyes and looked around the room, a small smile forming on her lips when she saw that Sky was sound asleep on one of the chairs. The twins must have been outside playing with their pet rabbit. She didn't hear them anywhere in the house, so she figured she would go outside to see what they were up too.
*exhaustion from so much energy being used, she slept soundly in the chair, now warmed in a slight amount of sun as she shifted in the sky. The room cozy from her warmth filtering through the large windows helped her stay asleep for some time. She hadn't used so much energy before. Even in battles against the dragon kings or even the shadow demons before them. Restless dreams, not dreams at all. She seemed to be searching unconsciously about the cottage and grounds for any more signs left behind by the crone. Nothing was showing itself to her. Eventually, she shifted and woke slowly from her nap, the glass in her hand almost falling to the stone tiles making her suddenly jolt awake. She breathed a relieved sigh as she caught the glass and placed her other hand against her chest to calm her nerves.* just a glass... *she reminded herself in a hushed tone. She sat there and listened to the sounds of their cottage for a while longer, collecting her thoughts.*
Hope watched as she fell from the chair. Still sluggish from sleep, she wasn't able to get to Sky in time to prevent the impact of her hitting the floor. Thankfully, Sky seemed unharmed, and more startled than anything else. By the time Hope was off the couch and by her aunt's side, Sky was up and back in her chair.
That is the last time I sit with a glass in my hand... *she breathed out, leaning back still in the chair. She let out a long sigh as she felt embarrassed at her own silliness. She looks started as Hope was standing in front of her so suddenly. Now she felt even more embarrassed for having not actually had so much power exhurstion under control. She faked a smile at her niece* did you rest well, my dear child? *trying to make sure she did not see that she woke herself up by almost dropping the glass from her hand.*
"I slept fine. What about you? You looked like you were in a pretty deep sleep." Hope had seen her nearly drop the glass, but she wasn't going to say anything that would further embarrass her clearly flustered aunt. The glass hadn't broken, and Sky hadn't hurt herself. There was no need to discuss it any further.
More restless, I think. *she played with the glass in her hand, staring at it absently before setting it upon the small table nearby. She let out a small sigh and then smiled when she looked back at her niece.* at least you got some good rest. You passed out before your head hit that pillow, I feel. *she now smirked at her with a tiny giggle* maybe we did a little too much magic today. Yet, one cannot always control what is going on while performing spells. Case and point with what we just had to deal with. Life lessons apparently are in full swing around here for you. *she gave a shrug and then made to stand up, smoothing out her outfit.* food and then maybe we should get some relaxing shower or bath in... maybe a change in clothing? *she had to giggle at the last bit when she realized her own dress was torn in places at this point.* alas, it goes with the territory some days. All that matters is that we got everything done, I think. I sensed as I slept. *shaking her head* i felt nothing else remaining from my slumber. We shall just keep our senses up for any thing remaining.*
Hope looked down at her own clothes. They were dirty, but not quite as torn as Sky's were. "A bath sounds wonderful," she said eagerly. "I'm not used to doing that much magic. They kind of limit what we do at school. No experimenting on our own because they're afraid we'll be swayed by dark magic. Sadly, that has happened a few times. One of the more notable cases happened with one of the headmaster's daughters."
*she nodded as she made to slowly walk from the garden sunroom, motioning for Hope to follow as well.* I can imagine the school would wish to limit things like this. Can you see dozens of teenagers over doing it and passing out all over the grounds? *she made a smirk and continued* what happened to the daughter, might I ask? *as they made their way back to the living room. She lifted the tray of food and turned to suggest* we can set this tray in your room and I can make one for myself for mine while we have our baths.
"She embraced the dark side too hard. It turned her. Or maybe it brought out what was always there. Do you know about the Gemini twins and the merge that happens with them?" Hope looked at the tray Sky was talking about. "We can eat together, if you want. I can tell you the story of the Saltzman twins. It's quite a tale."
*shaking her head* I do not believe I have heard of the Gemini twins yet. The topic has never come up. *she sets the tray back down and sits on the sofa* no need to rush then. Let us enjoy some food, then we can always freshen up after. *she pats the seat beside her* what of this, merge? Its sounds like it could be painful.
"It's a long story," Hope explained, "and I'm not sure it's fully over yet." She got comfortable and took a piece of cheese from the tray. Her stomach growled appreciatively as the food hit her digestive system. In between bites of food, Hope told her aunt the story of the Gemini coven as far as she knew it to be. It was a long story, and by the time she finished, the tray of food was mostly empty. "And that's the story," she concluded. "It's a lot, I know."
*she says back as she shared the tray of snacks with her niece, listening to the story of the Gemini twins* Any story can have a lot. But, that does seem to be a heavy burden to place upon twins of a family. *she looked down at the tray and saw how it was just about emptied.* maybe they will find a way to end such a thing before too long. Thankfully, there is nothing like that for our girls. I couldn't imagine how their parents are searching the world. *she makes to take up the tray* I will clean up, why don't you go freshen up? We can go through the books after to relax. Who knows *smirking* maybe we will find something that will help the Saltzman Twins.
"Wouldn't that began something?" Hope smiled. "With the merge seeming imminent now that Josie's embraced her dark side, we'll need to find something quickly. I feel guilty for not being there when my friends probably need my help. There might be something I can do or find that would end this mess."
*with a smirk* there is always a loophole, my dear child. No matter what. Always search for those loopholes. *then nodding as she brings the tray to the kitchen* your friend embracing the dark side might seem the end of everything, there is still a hope that she can overcome that as well. Never lose hope on that. When you do, that is when you will lose your friend. *she sets the tray on the counter in the kitchen and then turns so they may head up to their rooms to freshen up before doing other things*
"I won't be giving up on Josie. I know there's still good in her even though it's not present now. My friends and I have been working on a way to save her. If the headmaster hadn't insisted that everyone go home for spring break, I would be there right now. I think he wanted everyone safely away just in case."
Sounds about right. He would be all for keeping everyone safe. *she smiles* keeping the thought that she is still in there underneath all that darkness will be very useful later on. *she tilted her head slightly* maybe a break from everyone will help fresh the situation when you all return together? And... maybe we will find something helpful to try in those piles up in the library... *she gave a playful wink in her smirk at the thought* who knows. Maybe what you find will lead to the solution in the end.
"Maybe. I think some of my friends plan on looking for a solution when they go home as well. They don't all have access to things like you have, but you never know what they might find. It's worth a shot, any way." Hope knew the odds of her friends finding something was slim, but with all those books Sky had at her disposal, she might find something during her visit.
One never knows. *she gave a soft smile* they might find things in old references in their area. Very true, I do seem to have an abundance of resources here, nevermind back at the castle. Which, if you and your friends find later on that you might need to reach out for them. Do not hesitate to ask. I can have things sent over to the school, or set up for a "field trip" for you all. *she smirked and gave a wink* maybe Dr. Saltzman would approve of such an activity during school time.
"Perhaps. Maybe I can put you in touch with him. You might be able to help, and I'm sure he would appreciate it. You don't have to tell him Elijah is still alive if you don't think it would be safe for him to know. We can think of a good cover for you being there and how we know each other. No one knows I came looking for my uncle."
Getting in touch with him to help would be nice. As for not informing him of such a thing that important... not my cup of tea. I shall discuss such a thing with your uncle Elijah before such a meeting was to take place. Misinformation upon a first meeting, especially with Dr. Saltzman's background knowledge on the family alone. That is not a wise decision to do. Misleading is never what one should do. Even if meant to keep from harm. *she leads them up the stairs so they might continue as they walk* besides, I am sure we can make a donation to the school. The girls might end up attending there one of these years. *she gives a small smirk* one never knows. So a good start to a relationship would be to not mislead. *she gave a knowing nod* I shall let that be your uncle's call on that. If he deems no, an anonymous donation of books can always be sent to the school *she winks and giggles*
"That's a good point. I hadn't thought of that." Hope would be out of school by the time the twins were old enough to be enrolled in the school, and it hadn't occurred to her that her little cousins might one day attend the Salvatore School. It should have. Her aunt Freya was already talking about enrolling Hope's cousin Nik, and he was only two or three years older than the twins.
*smiling sotfly* perfectly alright, my dear child. As you learn and get older, you'll learn how to look the entire situation over before just diving in. Some situations require action before thought. But instances such as this, we have time to examine all of it. *she placed her hand upon the railing as they made their way up the staircase. She giggled at a thought* before too long, the Salvatore school will be filled with a new line of Mikaelson blood. I hope Dr. Saltzman will be ready to handle such a lot! *she giggled more as they continued up the steps.* If he thinks the shenanigans you and your friends have been getting into as of late was crazy... he may just retire when he finally has to deal with Samantha and Solveig. Then toss your cousin Nik in the lot. *she gave a smirk* new batch of shenanigans I feel will be an experience.
"I'm sure it will be quite an experience for him. If his hair isn't grey already, it will be by the time my cousins are done with the school. I don't envy him in the least little bit." She shook her, giggling at the thought. "Poor Doctor Saltzman. He is stuck with this family, I would think."
*she giggles along with her niece* that poor man does not know all that he will be in for. *smirking as they reach the top of the staircase, pausing now before the door to where Hope was staying.* maybe as a compensation, we find a spell to keep his hair from graying. *giggling more*
"I'm sure he would appreciate that, although he isn't that fond of using magic. Perhaps you will be able to convince him to let you use a small spell on him. I'm sure you know of one. Let's just hope we don't accidentally make the poor man's hair fall out. My classmates already drive him crazy enough to make him tear his hair out."
*a slight smirk crossing her lips with a little giggle* oh I'm sure I wont make that happen. Although I can only imagine how much he may have lost by now with all of you! *giggling more* I could always just have some special that's made as well, if need be. We have some highly talented haters in the realms *she gave a wink* perhaps you have heard of one? A little on the mad side. *she giggles as she refers to the story of Alice in Wonderland and the mad hatter* so, quick relaxing baths and then meet up in the library?
"You mean like in Alice in Wonderland? That guy was real?" She shook her head. Why was she not surprised? In her world, anything was possible and she'd seen things she never believed to be real. Why not a character from a children's book too? "A bath sounds terrific. I'll be nice and relaxed after that."
*letting out a hearty laugh over Hope's surprise, yet not meaning for it to be rude* yes, my dear child. Very much as real as you and I. The island of realms means just that. When we dream up things, create them into lore like things, they must live someplace. Well, they live in their own realms because these stories breath life into them. *she smiles* maybe some day I can take you on a field trip through the looking glass... *then with a playful wink* I am Alice after all.
You go take a bath, and I shall meet you once I am done with my own. All the luxury bathing gels and salts are already lined up along the tub along with anything else you might need. *she takes her hands to gently squeeze them before she goes to hurry off for hers* enjoy yourself.
Hope squeezes her aunt's hand back and gave her a smile. "Thank you, auntie. I'm sure I will. Maybe over summer break we can check out some of those realms that you were telling me about. That would make quite an essay on how I spent my summer vacation. I bet the twins wouldn't be able to beat that with their trip to Europe to visit their mom."
Absolutely! *smiling brightly at the idea* you figure out what one you want to check out, and we can go hop a portal and hang out for a day at it. *smirking playfully* I bet their European trip will be nothing compared to the mad hatters tea party! Ok, then let us get refreshed and we can speak more on such ideas... *she smiles again and turns to quickly set off for her bath so they may resume in the library afterwards* see you soon, my dear child. *she sings behind her as she goes*
"See you soon, Aunt Sky!" Hope grinned tight herself as she set off for her bathroom. As if by magic, her bathtub was already full, and the scent of daisies filled the room. Hope's favorite flowers were ina vase on a little table near the tub. She breathed in the scent and began preparing for her bath. Gratefully, she sank into the hot water and closed her eyes. It was exactly what she needed to relax.
She patters through their chambers and quietly closes the door behind her to their powder room. She draws a bath for herself, leaning forward to select a luxury bath gel to add to the running waters that would suit her mood of the day. She pours some in and then stands up to step from her clothing, now torn and smeared with dirt, grass and other things too clustered to be noticed by now. She sinks into the waters, letting out a long sigh as the hot water mixed with bubbles hit against her skin. She closed her eyes as her head rested against the edge of the bathtub, forgetting all that happened just moments before...
After some time, she pulls the chain so that she might climb from it and wraps up into the towel she set beforehand. She then patters silently to their closet, selects a new dress for the late afternoon and then brushes out her hair so that she may head to their kitchen to fix a tray of food to bring up to the library to meet with Hope.*
Hope stayed in the tub for quite a while. It was incredibly relaxing. So much so that she nearly fell asleep in the tub. After a while the water began to cool and most of the bubbles were gone. That's when she knew it was time to get up. She drained the tub, dried off, and selected her favorite pair of jeans and a simple black t-shirt. Once she was comfortably dressed, she made sure her rooms were tidy and headed toward the library to meet Sky.
*she set the trays down on the table near the fireplace, thinking that seemed to be where her niece most preferred to read at. then turned to gather some writing materials and a stack of books for them to begin with. she knelt before the fireplace to softly spell it lite and then stood up after she played with the embers to get it roaring.*
About five minutes later, Hope walked into the library. She was considerably more relaxed and less tired than she'd been before and her cheeks were flushed from the hot bath. Her eyes lit up when she saw the roaring fire and a stack of books placed on the table next to her favorite chair. "You've thought of everything haven't you?" A delighted laugh escaped her lips as she sat down and her eyes fell on the tray of food placed in a nearby table.
*she glances back over to the sound of her niece's voice, and giggles in her smile* I suppose that I have. *she motions to the food* help yourself, please. *she strolled over to her chair and slips the blanket over her lap as she scoops down to pick up a book to begin with.*
Did you enjoy the bath? I hope everything was to your liking?
Hope got up and filled one of the plates with some of the food on the tray. Once she had what she wanted, she returned to her chair and nibbled on a strawberry as she selected the book from the type of the pile. "It was fantastic, and the flowers you left were beautiful. I'm not sure what scent the bath gel was, but it left me feeling more relaxed and energetic than I was earlier today.
Excellent. I am so glad you enjoyed it all. *smiling as she sipped her peppermint tea* your uncle Elijah is always bringing beautiful flowers home for me. I am glad we have so many vases and places to be able to place them in. *she smiles at memories of times her beloved Elijah would return home and surprise her with a bouquet or some other treat. She was lost in her thoughts for a brief moment as she savored the flavor from the tea. She brought her attention back to Hope* the gels are always relaxing. If I remember correctly, the ones in your bathroom I brought back from our time in Venice last summer.
"Really?" Hope had seen the expression on Sky's face when she had spoken of Uncle Elijah. It was sweet how much she cared for him. It made her happy to see that they had found that with each other. "They had a lovely scent. I wasn't quite sure what it was though. The scent was familiar, but I couldn't quite place it. Do you remember what it was?"
*she paused to think as she played her fingers slowly along the pages of the book in her lap in one hand, resting her mug against her chest.* I might have selected ones the smelt of Venice. So that I might remember the place and the time there. Maybe one was a watery sweet scent that you used?
"That sounds about right. It blended in with the scent of the tub water, so that's what I thought it must have been. After you told me that, though, it makes sense. It was extremely relaxing, whatever it was. I think I fell asleep at one point."
*letting a small giggle escape her lips* sounds about right. A good bath isn't a good one until one falls asleep in it. Trust me... there have been plenty I have dozed off in. *she gave a smirk then set her mug down.* if you wish, I can see what the village shoppes have for some to bring back to school with you to share with your friends ... or to keep secretly to yourself?
"I'd really like that. Though I'll have to think on the sharing thing," she said with a giggle. Hope didn't have very many friends at school, preferring to keep to herself, but the twins might enjoy it. They were becoming friends, and it might be nice to do something for them.
*smirking in a small giggle* it is hard to share those sometimes. *she glanced at the page before her and flipped it over to the next before sipping at her tea.* I can always be certain to have some delivered from time to time as well. This way if you did share them, you'll never run out. *she gave a small wink as she looked back up from the book in her lap. Then resumes back to the pages before her.* now I wonder if there is any information on the Gemini's or even on that old crone in any of these... surely someone came across such things in the other realms...
"I would think so. The Gemini coven is a pretty old one. And the merging is a big deal. There must be something on it. Ms. Salvatore has been scouring Europe in search of something that might help. As for the crone, if this was her home, she probably has something hidden away so no one can figure out how to stop her."
*with a small nod* I see. Then there is bound to be something if they are in fact as old as that. *she flipped the page slowly and continued* as for that crone... *she narrows her eyes* this was not her home. This is ours and your uncle enlisted her assistance in doing protection on it. However, as it seems with some of these beings... *she gave a heavy sigh* they have underlying hidden agendas of their own. *she lifted her eyes to glance coyly up at her niece* we just happend to discover hers and nip her in the butt. Permanently. *she said with a mischievous little smirk and then holds up the book in her lap as demonstration* and... we acquired a new toy *giggling* we have upped our game in defense against any other creatures that may think they can out smart this family. They underestimate your uncle. Which in turn means they underestimate your new aunt. *winking* they shall learn swift enough to stand clear. For messing with the likes of dragons is unwise... *smirking and lifting her eye brow* and do we know why, my dear child?
"The dragon will burn you," she said promptly. "Everyone knows not to mess with my family. The ones who don't, learn not to pretty quickly. The hard way. Sounds like that tradition will continue with this latest branch of the family tree." She winked back at Sky. "And I'm sure the next generation will keep it going."
Well, I was going to say because you are crunching and taste good with ketchup. But that works too. *she gave a playful smirk with a wink* yes, I too have had my share of those who need lessons on not to be messing with the likes of. But, there will always be that one bunch it seems. I can only hope that we can make it so things are less in need of such measures when the younger ones are old enough. *she sets the book aside and then gets up to gather another book to be scribbled in. She returns to her wingback chair and sits back down, wrapping back up in the blanket.*
"There are some people who just will not learn that no matter how many times they go against us and lose. I've heard a few stories I wasn't meant to." Hope shrugged as she leaned over to select a book. The one at the top was about water magic, which sounded interesting to the young tribrid. It might be something she could use at a later date.
*she nods silently then speaks softly* some never learn...*she glances at what book Hope selected and smirks* water huh? Had fun with what we did earlier? *she then glances down at her own book, the slightest of smirks showing at the corner of her lip as she pretended to not have actually looked*
“Well, it /was/ at the top at the pile.” Hope smirked back at her as she opened the book and began leafing through it. “This could come in handy some day. I mean, you never know, right?” Hope glanced up at Sky with a smile. She knew her aunt would understand what she meant.
*Chuckling in her smirk* very well put, my dear child. Very well put... *she smirked more* the pile must have known to have that one on top for you... *she leafed through her book upon her lap, skimming the pages. After seeing it was not much of any use for the moment, she set it on the other side of the chair and proceeded on to the next one.* we might be able to find a small water bowl to practice with if you find any you wish to test out. That one, if I recall, was the small spells in the front...
“That sounds like fun. My aunt Freya says you should start out small when learning magic. Let your skills and powers build before getting to the really big spell. That way, you’re in control enough to be able to manage whatever larger spells come later. I like to dive right in, but I see the wisdom in what she is saying.”
{5.24.2020} https://twitter.com/HerFathersHope/status/1264293279174197248?s=20
*nodding to agree* yes, a very wise statement. Always start small and build up, if allowed. *she gets up from her chair, setting her book down upon the seat then walks across the library to the desk. She pulls a drawer open and pulls out a small brass bowl. She sets it briefly on the top of the desk so she can close the drawer back up and then picks the bowl up once again. She carries it back to where they sat, setting it on the side table between them and then heads back to another side table near the entry of the room to gather up the water pitcher. She brings that over to place next to the bowl, sits down and smirks as she speaks, lifting the book back up to set in her lap once more.*
Pour the water into the bowl... *she began as she smirked at her niece with what she had in mind*
*she smirked playfully and lifted the bowl from her niece.* no, my dear child... *she pours the water back into the water pitcher, this time setting it on a far side table and turns back to her, leaning against the table* pour. The water. *she gave a mischievous smirk as she lifted her eye brow at her niece, hoping she figured out by now* one rule... no. Hands.
“Oh!” Hope realized what Sky was getting at now. She wanted the teen to use her powers to pour the water. Hope wasn’t telekinetic, but she knew some spells that would allow her to move objects without having to actually touch them. She decided a fairly simple incantation that didn’t require much effort. The words came out of her mouth as a soft chant, and she watched as the pitcher trembled on the first round, lifted on the second, moved slowly toward the bowl on the third, and finally poured water on the fourth. Some of the water spilled out of the pitcher, but her goal was accomplished and she was pleased by that.
*she leaned back more against the side table behind her, crossing her arms to rest her hands upon her elbows as she looked over her niece. Her right leg crossing over her right one slightly. She smirked with her eyes as she stood like this, watching over her "student". She held on intently to the words Hope chanted from her lips that made the water pitcher tremble at first. She was shaky in her movements bringing the pitcher up to the bowl causing the water to splash some over the floor. But, one had to start someplace. She nodded as the water made it into the bowl for the most part and gave a small clap of approval.* very good, for your first try. *she stepped closer to where she stood and poured the water back into the pitcher.* this time, guide the water with your hand... *she almost whispered as she rolled her wrist, soft words coming forth as the water moved from the water pitcher on it's own, flowing to the movements of her hand. She made little swirls with her index finger in which the water did the same in response, moving along in the air assisted by an invisible force. She lifted her chin slightly as she moved her body over to be closer to the bowl waiting for its reward. She set her index finger downward and made a swift swirling circle near the bowl. The water rolled itself up into a funnel of waves, then flowed like a waterfall into the bowl. Not a single drop wasted. She set her arms down to smooth against her dress and turned to her niece. A glimmer in her eye* now, want to try that technique? *she stepped aside, motioning with her hand the gesture of after you to her and smirked.*
{6.28.2020 https://twitter.com/HerFathersHope/status/1275198135191683072?s=20}
Hope nodded and walked out of the room. She didn't want to seem pathetically eager so she moved at a moderate pace until she got to her room. Once there, she moved quickly, first changing into the bathing suit she found in one of the drawers, then selecting some clothes to into later. Once that was taken care of, she selected the magic books she was most interested in using and added them to extra set of clothing in her bag. Now that she was ready, she made her back to Sky.
*she watched Hope leave the room, feeling the excitement radiating from her. She smirking happily as she patterned off on her own to their own chambers, slipping behind their changing screen to grab a few items to place into her own bag and then paused by their powder room for a couple of towels. Just in case the ones they left in the cove forever ago were long gone by now. She hurried off to the kitchen and set a basket of goodies, especially for the makings of smore's. Once done, she sat at the island and waited on her niece to meet her there. *
Hope made her way out to the island. Sky had told her where to find just before the two had left to prepare. It took her a little longer than she'd planned to arrive, but she made it. She could see her aunt sitting patiently as she made her way toward her. Once she was close enough time be seen, she lifted a hand in greeting. "I hope you weren't waiting long."
Not at all! *she smiled back at her niece. I have snacks as well as towels. I wasn't sure if they would still be along the beach from the last time I was at the cove. *she motioned to the portal for them to take.* come this way, it shall be easier as you don't have wings of your own *she giggled and show her to a tree portal to step inside. Once through, the beach and come appeared before them. This time of the day on the island, the sun was just thinking of setting. The cream colored sand greeted them with warmth as Sky slipped her shoes off from her feet to continue along the way. The cove being circular as to only allow ships in one ar a time, was perfect when the pirates used it to hide from their foe. Old ships still remained docked at the far end. She gave a smirk at memories of coming down to blast them to pieces in fits of raged anger to only have them magically spelled to be whole once more come morning light.*
This way dear child... *she whispered as she patterned now bare footed along the sand towards the shore towards the fire pit waiting for them*
Hope followed suit in the removal of her shoes. She paused to look out at the water. The setting sun turned the sky a multitude of colors, and reflected in the water. She was entranced by the beauty of it, and stared for several moments until her aunts voice came to her. Turning reluctantly, she made her way behind Sky to their destination.
*she strolled along the sand, humming along on her way down towards the water and the fire pit. As she approached the pit, she noticed all was still where she left them last. When she called forth her summon of the pirate still about on the high seas. She needed intel somehow after all...
She twirled about on her toes as though a dance about the beach before setting the picnic basket down next to the blankets and her bag next to it as well. She fluffed a couple of blankets and pillows for them then kneeled on the sand to watch the sun set a little as she waited on Hope to catch up.* this is a secluded place to run off to and get away... those ships there...*she pointed over far to the side* belonged to the once well known and revered pirate King around here. Only, treason got the best of him. So now his remaining ships are spelled here for ... *she smirked as she paused in thought*
Practice? *she let a giggle escape her as she shared the information*
"Practice?" Hope's head cocked slightly to the side. "What do you use them to practice for?" She thought she might know, but she needed clarification to be sure. Sky has a vast wealth of knowledge when it came to magic that Hope hadn't mastered yet. She knew she would someday, but not just yet.
Oh... you'll see before too long... *she gave a knowing smirk and then jumped up* set your bag down and we can get started! *she motioned at the blankets and then walked to the fire pit a little closer. She noticed the energy balls still sat in the ready and a mischievous smirk escaped the corner of her lips. She stood at the fire pit to wait for Hope and said* first, we set the fire place ablaze.
Hope obediently set her bags down and moved to Sky's side. She noticed some kind of glowing balls nearby and gave her aunt a curious smile. Would they be used to light the fire pit, or did Sky have some other method of starting a fire? Hope thought being able to start a fire using magic would come in handy. You couldn't always have matches or have ideal conditions for starting one the "normal" ways.
*smirking and nods at the fire* spell it up like we practiced in the library... *noticing her niece eyeing the bucket of energy balls, she turns towards the beach a little whispering knowingly* soon you can play with those, dear child. Soon. *she giggled in her smirk as she stepped back to observe Hope make the fire come to life.* fire first, then we play with wind and water. The area here will give you the best wind updraft to practice with.
"What are those?" Hope nodded toward the glowing orbs before turning her attention back to the fire pit. She focused on the pit and the image of flames shooting from it exactly the way Sky had shown her earlier. Little wisps of smoke began curling upward, and within five minutes, a merry little fire was burning in the pit.
*smirking playfully as she crossed her arms waiting* oh you'll see soon enough... *with a nod* good. Now we will let that play alone while we go to the waters edge. Come, come. *she turned on her heel and skipped down to the water* we can start with more water if you like... or go to the wind. Your choice.
"Can we do something the wind? We've been working with water already. It would be fun to try another element." Hope moves after her aunt. She wasn't as fast as she was, but she moved fairly quickly, managing to kick up some sand in her wake. Laughing, she reached Sky at at the water's edge and looked out at the sea.
Wind it is. *with a nod she turned to face the water. She points up to the cliff top* up there, is my personal cave. Along with a beautiful weeping cherry tree so ancient, I can not begin to tell her age. She is in full bloom. *she pauses and looks back at Hope* your goal, *smirking* is to whistle up a breeze to make some of those very blossoms to come and float down around us, then to dance upon the waters.
Shall we begin? *she lifts her eyebrow in her smirk* I will help, not to worry. I will not make you do it all first solo.
"I've never worked with the wind before," she admitted. "Fire was always more my thing. Maybe you could give me a little demonstration?" Hope knew Sky would be happy to show her. She was sure once she learned the proper words and gestures she would have no trouble doing the spell herself.
*smirking brightly* alright... cold feet never hurt no one. *winking* I will start, and then you can try to take over. *she lifts her hands up towards the cliff face and breathes out a spell on ancient faye. She saw the wind begin to slowly pick up as a glimpse of the weeping cherry tree rustled. She flicked her wrist then held her fist in a pause. And waited. Then, she whistled with soft smile crossing her lips.
The breeze swirled around her and Hope gently then built up as it circulated up to the top of the cliff face. The cherry blossoms that littered the grass under the tree lifted up as the wind met them and then another change in her tune of whistle, the breeze returned, circling around them both once again. A gentle wall tunnel of cherry blossoms scented around them as she looked at Hope and whispered* now, make them go to the water from here.
Hope paid close attention to the words Sky was saying. She didn't understand ancient faye, but she was able to pick up on the pronunciation. Mimicking her movements and words, Hope focused her energy on the falling cherry blossoms and moved her hand toward the ocean. Only a few blossoms made it to the ocean. The rest stayed floating in the air as if waiting for direction.
*as she watched, she saw the struggle on the spell* you have to whistle to them... *she whispers as she stepped close to her ear.* like this...*she gave a small whistle and then some of the blossoms shifted in the wind* wind can become alive. Think on hurricanes and twisters. That blast on an autumn day that sends the leaves swirling and dancing about. There are colors on those winds. Just just air... whistle up the wind is what you need to do. It will obey as long as it knows your whistle.
Hope nodded and let out a soft whistle that sounded similar to the one Sky had blown. She wasn't sure it would be loud enough to work, but a few more blossoms shifted. Her hand moved toward the ocean and she whistled again. The blossoms moved toward the ocean and floated down to the water.
*whispering in her ear again* see? Whistle up. The wind when you need a cool breeze on a summer day, and it shall greet you. *she stood up and stepped aside. She fluttered to some rocks that protruded out of the waters, the waves crashing soundly about them.* ready to try on your own? *as she leaned back*
Hope nodded. She was nervous, but she thought she could do it now. It might not be as effective as what Sky did, but she thought she could be a little more successful now. Hope whispered the ancient words and moved her hand. As the blossoms began to move, she whistled softly. This time, more of the blossoms moved toward the ocean.
*she stretched herself out along the boulders, looking straight up into the sky, watching the Cliffside as Hope whistled softly* a little more determination to your whistle, dear child... *she sang as she played hands over her and around her like she was a maestro before the orchestra.* the wind will not listen if you do not command it. *she smiled a she watched the flower petals slowly dance*
Hope wasn't quite sure how to accomplish that, but she tried to put a little more confidence in her whistles and hand gestures. It seemed to work because more of the blossoms moved toward the ocean and floated lazily down to its surface, where they eventually disappeared under the water.
*she smiled to the sky as she watched more blossoms float and dance about the breeze Hope made* good. Very good... keep going. You're doing great! *she giggled as she watched they dance about. She rolled to her side, propping her head in her hand as the blossoms went to the water*
Excelent! *she jumped into the water to swim a little back to Hope*
What do you want to do next? As she popped up from the water*
"More practice with the water. Maybe we can make some waves or something."
The ocean was calm, and Hope wanted to see what it would look like with larger waves. Hopefully, she wouldn't accidentally cause a tidal wave.
Sounds good to me! *she hopped from the water and turned to face the cove before them.* we can start with moving the water, using the wind and make it swirl about as a small funnel. That, you use to push some water. I would suggest sending it away from us *winking*
"That would definitely be wise. We don't want to start a tidal wave or something." Hope was interested to see how combining manipulation of two elements might work, and if it might be possible. "So, we would manipulate wind and water at the same time?"
Yup. You already know the spells at this point. So you should have no problem. *she began a small one to show her. She moved her arms and wrists, like she was doing ballet, and whispered her words, whistling as she did. A small funnel of wind moved to the water, collecting as it touched to make a tiny mircoburst of water. She moved it up away from the water and then she guided in whistled commands to tilt it. A flick to her wrist, the funnel laid on its side and she began to move the waves lapping near them away to the opposite direction. She then made the funnel collapse into the waves as the small one she pushed continued along its way, reaching the shore away from them.* see. Easy as pie.
Maybe it was easy for Sky, but Hope was still learning. She was sure it wouldn't come out as perfectly as when Sky did it, but she thought she could have some success at it. Hope did her best to mimic what Sky was doing, and she did have a certain amount of success so the young woman was pleased about that.
Practice makes improvement. *she spoke softly as Hope did her new challenge. She watched as she worked her motions* smooth as silk. Whistle to it like before. Do not fear it or yourself. *she stood beside her and watched*
Hope focused on what she was doing, letting her mind recall the recent memory of her manipulation of the wind. This attempt was a little more successful than her first attempt. She wasn't as successful as Sky, but she was definitely improving. She was sure she would get the hang of it soon.
Better. Much better. Keep going. *she nodded and smiled next to her.* after you master this, we can make rainbows, smore's, and maybe have a play at the energy balls...
"How do they work?" Hope's concentration nearly faltered for a moment as she thought of the energy balls. After a second or two, she refocused on what she was doing and began whistling the way she'd seen her aunt do earlier.
Soon. *letting a tiny giggle escape her lips briefly* focus for now, my dear child. *she walked away from Hope to stand to the side and watch her movements. It was more about the guidance of the motions than the spell by now. Anyone can say words. Some spells required certain motions in certain orders to be laid out before they would ever work. That was the trick to some of them. As for wind itself, a relationship needs to be built for that god/dess to even acknowledge your existence, let alone allow one to control it as they were trying to do today. Today was all about learning such relationships and trust with the elements. Even more so, teaching Hope to trust her own power deep inside her.*
Hope continued her movements, practicing three more times until she got it right. When she saw the results mirrored what Sky had done, she let out a little whoop of joy. She had done it! She toward Sky, clearly pleased by her accomplishment. "I did it," she crowed, showing more enthusiasm than she normally did.
*she let out a chuckle at Hope's excitement on mastering it.* perfect. *she clapped as she stepped closer to her. She smirked and then she gave a look as she crossed her arms.* make it rain. *she stood there and waited. She wanted her to master a rain fall before she did the next challenge. She giggled to herself as she thought on tossing an energy ball to one of the abandoned ships to set ablaze. If Hope can make a rain shower now, then she would be able to master quickly setting a ship on fire out with little effort. But, steps were steps...*
Hope couldn't make a big rain storm but she could certainly cause a rain shower. It wouldn't be enough to put out a big fire, but it could dampen it. She used the spell she'd learned earlier and watched as a small sprinkling of rain fell near the edge of the ocean.
*she spoke softly, guiding her to make it grow larger* good start... *she stepped to the shore and guided her, lifting her palms up and calling more water to the cloud.* more water, more rain you can create. *she made a pulling motion with her hands, bringing her arms apart as the cloud widened.* then, you whistle the wind as before... *she smirked in a whistle and a breeze pushed the cloud of drizzle slightly over* to bring where you need. *she turned smiling back at Hope.* you try making it larger.
Hope nodded. She mimicked Sky's gestures. Her hands widened as she whistled toward the wind, calling it to blow the rain about. The rain increased, and she could feel the dampness of it as it came toward them. Soon, it would reach them, and they would be caught in the downpour. She turned to Sky. "How do I make it stop?"
*she lifted her head, a smiling crossing her lips as she indulged in the rain. The sweet smell of the sea air it was created from, exhilarating to her. She shook her head when she realized she was asked a question* hmm? Oh, simple. *she whistled again, causing the breeze to calm. The drizzle relaxed as the cloud paused. She pulled some clouds away from the sun, allowing the sunlight to stream down into the cove more, making a rainbow.*
Easy gestures make for subtle changes. The more dramatic, the greater the chaos. Easy and slow, makes simple.
"I'll remember that." Hope was a teenager. She could be impulsive and dramatic, especially with Mikaelson blood running through her veins. Subtly was not usually her strong suit, but she knew, with enough practice, she could learn to control her emotions.
Power runs through your veins, my dear child. Learning now how to harness that emotion is key. *she smiles and places a gentle hand on her shoulder. * there is always a time and a place for extra release... *she now smirks mischievously and then spins around to scurry over to the fire pit. She picks up an energy ball and tosses it up into the air, catching it again in her smirk* ready to test these puppies? *giggling as she asked. She then pounces in her steps back to the shore, waiting for her niece*
Hope looked on in delight as Sky got the energy balls. She'd been eyeing them while they were practicing magic, and she was eager to see how they worked. She raced after her aunt, kicking up sand behind her as she went. When she reached Sky, she breathless and laughing. "Okay. How do these things work?"
Well... *she began with a smirk* many ways. They are just balled up energy. So one can toss it out... *she threw one from her hand hard and then held her palms out, guiding it with more force towards the abandoned ships. Once close enough, she gave another added push to it and it exploded a hole in the ship, causing aloud boom to come with it.* that. *as she spun smugly around to face her niece, thumbing to point at her handiwork* well, that's one way to use them, anyways.
"What are other ways? Are they all that destructive?" Hope was sure they would come in handy for remote work. "Are you going to create a rain storm to put that out?"
Oh, there's many uses for these little... toys. Depending on your intention, can be how destructive they can be. *explaining as she turned to walk back towards her.* All in good time ... *she sang along her steps then let's a mischievous little smirk as she strolls past her to land upon the sand and lay back on her elbows.* as for putting that fire out... well, my dear child. That. Is now your job. *she gave a little smirk as she lifted her eye brow. She had every confidence in the realms that she could handle putting out this fire that now blazed from the ship in front of them. She was here if Hope needed help and guidance. But, she felt she was ready to try for herself. If she needed to do so out in the real world, she would not be next to her necessarily to help her. Best she learns under guided pressure now and feel how to adjust herself in the heated moment. Especially if she had all that power of being first born blood Mikaelson. She heard the stories of losing control. She had her own experience in such things. Practice and control is the only teacher for such a thing. And time. She waited for Hope's reaction.*
"Really? Cool." Hope had already learned so much from Sky. Far more than she had learned from her Aunt Freya and at school. This was all stuff she could use during her normal life, and she couldn't wait to put it to good use. With a deep breath, she began working the spell they would bring rain and put out the fire. She was obviously getting better with practice, and she found that the rain formed more easily and quickly put out the fire.
She watched carefully, trying hard to not jump in this time. She smirked as Hope showed such eagerness to give it a try. She watched as she took a deep breath to begin. The cloud forming easier than earlier and then as she was able to gain control over the movement of the cloud towards the blazing ship.*
Hope watched as the rain came down and started putting out the fire. It took less than five minutes, and all that was left of the fire was a plume of smoke rising from the shift. Hope shivered as the damp air moved toward them and gave her a slight chill.
*clapping at the success, she got up and waved her hand* good! Good! Now we need a break and some snacks. Come warm at the firepit.
*she turned and stepped to the fire, pulling out the food she packed for them. Fruits, sandwiches and more.* we can do more in a little bit.
"Okay." Hope nodded. She was feeling tired from working so much magic in a short space of time. Having some food would help replenish her energy. Besides, she was getting hungry now that dinner time was approaching. She sat down in front of the fire, sighing as the heat warmed her and dried her damp clothing.
*she handed her some food and then set the basket between them. The fire was roaring good by now. She then pulled some sticks closer to them and added some marshmallows to each stick. She placed hers in the fire to toast it to a rich golden brown and crispy color before pulling it away from the fire. Then, she placed the melting marshmallow of her stick to some Graham crackers with a chunk of chocolate and pulled it off from the stick. She set her stick next to her and took a bite of her smore's.* we can do more in a while, after we rest some.
"I could definitely use a rest." Hope had been roasting a marshmallow, and when it was perfect by her standards, she made s'more for herself. The chocolate melted in her mouth, and she let out a small sigh of pleasure as she finished the sweet treat and licked chocolate and marshmallow from her lips.
*she gave Hope a smirk as she enjoyed herself making a smore's. She finished her own, locking her thumb carefully and enjoying the mixture of gooey marshmallow and melted chocolate. She took her stick up, placed another marshmallow on it and began to make another one over the fire*
Hope grabbed a piece of chocolate and munched on it. She preferred it by itself rather than with the sticky sweet marshmallows. "Did you bring a drink? My throat is a little dry." Apparently using magic depleted her in a lot of ways.
*she passed over the basket of food she brought with them and mumbled between bites of smore's* in the basket there should be some different things. I packed an assortment of stuff for us. *she finished her second on and placed the stick into the flame to burn off the extra marshmallow on it. She glanced over at the mouth of the cove as some ships sailed past its opening, wanting to make sure they continued to sail past.*
Hope looked through the basket until she found a bottle of juice in a flavor she liked. She took a long, refreshing drink from it and leaned back on her elbows. Her gaze moved toward the mouth of the cove and she watched the ships until they passed and the ocean was empty again. The area was quiet except for the sound of the ocean and the crackling fire and it soon made Hope sleepy.
*she glanced over at Hope and noticed her eyes getting somewhat heavy. She smiled softly then spoke* there are blankets and pillows in that corner of the fire pit area if you wanted to nap a little first. The cove isn't going anywhere.
"I might." She glanced at the star filled sky. "It's getting late. How long have we been out here, any way?" It didn't feel like very long, but for all she knew, it could have been hours.
*shaking her head a little* time moves differently here. All the realms have their own cluster on time. What might feel all of an hour, may in fact have been hours or even days, depending on where you go. *she slipped some cheese into her mouth, taking a small nibble of it.* besides, you have been at those spells for quite some time. *between nibbles* so it would be no wonder the day escaped us here.
"What is the time difference between here and your place? Is it the same? I mean, I'm not gonna back and find out I lost a month or something, am I? Because that would be not good. School is not always fun, but I can't miss too much. I'd fall behind, and everyone I love would be really worried about me."
Oh no! Not at all for this part. I promise. *she lifted her hands, palms out.* If i was going to bring you to one of those, I would set up a better time for that. *she stood up to start walking around the pit area* there is only a couple hours difference, if that, here.
"That's not so bad." Hope was relieved by that. She didn't care that much about school, but she didn't want to leave her family and friends behind. She didn't want them to worry, and she would miss them far too much.
*she walked a little away from where they were sitting, still munching on some cheese. She smirks and picks up an energy ball to play with. She rolls it around in her palms before she sets it on her fingertips, making it change color and then throws it up in the air. She takes her other hand, closed fist and throws open the hand at the direction of the ball of energy, making it burst into a cluster of star like clusters to float around them before she turns back to where Hope sat*
Hope watched the light show in awe. She definitely wanted to learn how to do /that/. "Awesome," she whispered under her breath. "That is definitely something I want to learn. Can you teach me how to use those energy balls?" She watched the clusters of light floating around them while they had their snack.
*smirking as she sees Hopes stare of awe* certainly, my dear child. We can go over anything you wish in due time. *she leans down to grab some more food and then heads back over to grab some more of the energy balls. She returns and hands one to Hope. She began to roll hers once more along her fingertips.* a simple spell, really. *she whispers loud enough for her to hear the words as the ball of energy slowly changes colors once more. She gives a small pause for Hope to try and make hers change colors as well before she throws her energy ball up into the air as before. She repeats as before; giving the ball room to rise up high enough before she brings her closed fist up in its direction and throws open her hand. Her fingers almost in a tiny explosion in itself as she makes the motion. The ball of energy now bursting as before into more tiny flecks of stars to shower around them*
Hope listened intently to this new spell. When Sky was done, she looked to her with an eager expression. "My turn?" She was dying to try this latest spell. Her gaze shifted from the energy balls to her aunt's face in excitement.
*she laughed happily at her excitement* of course! I am actually surprised you didn't try it as I was doing it. *she stood next to her to help her if she needed it, but she was pretty confident she would not*
"I wanted to see how you did it first," Hope explained. Normally, she would have tried it when Sky was doing it, but those energy balls seemed pretty delicate. She hadn't wanted to run the risk of accidentally destroying one.
These things are pretty sturdy *she gave a playful wink as she tossed one at her to catch as though it was some baseball.* give it go. You can't mess it up too bad. These things can be pretty resilient on my spells. Even more so on first timers and beginners. I leave them for those from the bunker to use if they need to chill out.
Hope caught the energy ball a little clumsily. People thought she was some sort of superhero, but in a lot of ways, she was a normal teenage girl who had awkward moments like everyone else.
"Just walk me through this like you did with the other stuff. I think I can do it if we do that."
*with a nod she picks up another one* like this, *she rolls the new energy ball between her fingertips then spells to make it change colors. She pauses to let Hope do this in steps alongside her*
Hope paid close attention to what her aunt was doing. It seemed simple enough to her. She imitated the words Sky used to make the energy ball turn colors, and was delighted when it worked for her. The ball turned a series of colors from blue all the way to a soft pink.
*nodding as she watched her work the spell, she then motioned* toss it up, now dear. *she threw hers into the air and then made her first, moving it to towards the ball in the air and then tossing open her fist, making the ball of energy explode into its flecks like stats around them*
Hope tossed the energy ball into the air. She made a fist like Sky had. The ball moved through the air a little less smoothly than Sky's had, but still did it. She watched as it pulsed various colors, then opened her had to watch the way it exploded into sparks of color.
Very good... *she pats her shoulder smiling.* did you want to keep playing with these balls, or head back? You know how to get here now, so you can come any time you want. It is safe enough so if you brought your friends along, nothing will happen to them *she gave a wink in her smirk*
"That would be amazing. I think the twins would have a lot of fun. And Landon would enjoy it too. All my friends would." Hope wasn't about to tell her she was thinking of throwing a party. She had a feeling Sky might not like that.
"We should probably go back. I'm starting to get a little tired."
*smirking as she knew how teenagers could be, she was probably planning a gathering in the near future with her friends* bring a few by, practice some spells, use the ships as target practice. *she gives a grin with a glint in her eyes* they come back each morning, so no clean up for them. Have a small cookout... nothing too large however. We don't want to draw attention from the pirates.
"The pirates are still around?" She was surprised. She hadn't even seen any signs of live pirates. Hope thought they might have been taken out already.
When Sky mentioned the small barbecue with her friends, Hope smiled innocently."I have no idea what you could mean."
*smirking knowingly all she replied back to her* uh, huh. Sure... just not too many, not too big. Clean up when done.
*giving a wink then switching to about the pirates* oh yes. They do not enter the cove anymore unless they feel they need to. If they saw a lot happening here from out there *pointing at the mouth of the cove* they might venture in here to check on things. Only, if they do not see their QueenFaye, then they might not be as easy to handle. Not that they would be expected to do anything. Better safe than sorry. They have things they do for me these days, and I have been waiting on reports back. They may come looking for me on that.
"Oh." Hope nodded in understanding. Anything she and her friends did would be low key any way. She would have to ask Sky about a spell that would only work on people with a certain type of invitation or a word that would only work when on the island. That way, she wouldn't have to worry about any unwanted guests.
*giving a smirk she motions her head back* let us be heading back, shall we? It will begin to get late if we stay standing here all night talking. *she turned to head back and pick up their basket of goodies* the portal is really the only way in and out unless you're already on the island. *she rambled on as they walked. She lead them back to the little cave at the far end of the cove, past the beach and where soft mossy grass grew past the sands. She led them through the cave as it transformed back to the old grove tree to emerge back at the far end of the
ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ property.* back home... *she sang softly as she stepped through the ancient grove tree and into a field of lavender. A sea of purple and green before them still to be finished harvested on this end of the vast field.
She hummed along at first while she waited for her niece to catch up to her, shifting the basket to one arm and bending down a moment to pick a few sprigs.* these will make a lovely shade of purple paint...*she hummed out loud*
{ 6 sept 2020}
Hope helped Sky straighten up from their picnic, though Sky insisted on carrying the basket herself. She followed her aunt back to the portal, keeping up with her easily as the two made their way home. Hope made sure to memorize the way back just in case she ever had cause to come back her by herself one day. As they walked, Hope remained quiet while her aunt hummed and talked softly. The scent of calming lavender washes over her as they emerged from the portal and Hope took a moment to inhale it while Sky talked about making paint from the fragrant plants.
*she turned to look at Hope as she made the thought* do you think this would make a lovely shade for the purples? Should we crush it up fine like and add it in?
*she added them to the basket in her hand* I thought perhaps we might do a section of wall in your uncles off tomorrow, if you wished to help. He loves NOLA so. I thought perhaps a mural of magnolias along one wall would be a nice way to tie in here with there, what do you think dear?
"I think he would enjoy that very much. Uncle Elijah always did love art. Of all my aunts and uncles, he was always the most refined. He used to insist on teaching me the right forks to use when I was younger." She laughed. "Dad never cared, but it was important to Uncle Elijah that I learn proper manners."
*a soft smile crossing her lips at Hope's memories of her beloved husband, she nodded as they walked along back through the field to the cottage.* i think your father liked making art along with other things more on his mind. *smiling brighter* your uncle loves NOLA, so I do hope he enjoys the softness and beauty of some magnolias. He does enjoy to indulge in the finer things from time to time that life may have to offer. *a tiny giggle escaping her lips* and then the simpler things as well... like ice cream. *she smirks in her giggle as she opened the door that led to the kitchen.*
"My father loves to paint. I get that from him. He had a studio in the compound and when I was little he would let me paint in there sometimes. He would teach me about blending colors and the best use of light. Some of my favorite memories of him were in that studio. I still paint. It's my way of keeping his memory alive."
Memories like that are ones to be cherished and treasured. Continuing to paint helps keep him alive for you. *she set the basket upon the kitchen island as they entered and began to unload some of the items that still remained inside. She set some of the remaining food on a serving tray then proceeded to add more for them. She slipped the lavender bushels under her arm as she went to lift the tray.* I will set some of these in your room so you have something after you have had time to freshen up and rest? *she smiled as she asked her on this* it has grown a tad bit later than I had first expected it to be. But no matter, a good rest til the morning then we may start on preparing for the mural we wish to create. *she smirks as she says this, turning towards the kitchen hall door to lead to the main stairwell and to the bedroom chambers upstairs*
"I would like that. I'll probably have a little more food and then take a hot bath." She looked around the kitchen. She didn't see or hear any signs of the twins. A glance at the clock indicated that it was past their bedtime. The twins were likely upstairs, surely fast asleep by now. Sky was probably going to look in on them, not that it was her business.
"Is it okay if I make a plate to take upstairs? I'd like to relax in my room."
A nice hot bath will definitely relax you. *she gives a knowing smile and lifts the tray in the direction she was heading to* this tray is all set for you, my dear. We can set this up on your small table in your chambers so it will be there for the night for you. *she listened to the stillness of the cottage* the girls must be long fast to their slumbers by now. But I shall check upon them shortly. *she then in a hushed tone* come along, my dear girl...
Hope nodded and followed behind Sky. She made sure to remain as quiet as possible so as not to disturb the twins. She was Sky would welcome the quiet for the night. Hope hadn’t even realized it was quite that late. It felt as though it was still early evening, like when they had arrived at the cove. Instead, it was already nearly ten o’clock at night. No wonder she was so tired. When they reached her room, she pushed the door open, allowing her aunt to enter and set the tray down on the small table near her bed.
*She walked through the door and headed towards the small table beside the windows.* thank you, my dear child. *as she walked by her niece. She fussed with the items, setting everything on the table so that she might set the tray upon its stand nearby. She turned and began to play with the curtains to adjust for the light before turning to spell some candles the light. She turned to Hope and smiled* rest well, my dear. I shall be up a while longer should you find you need anything more. We can start first light if you wish. To prepare the colors and the wall. *she paused to make sure there was nothing her niece needed before she went off to ready things for the rest of the evening *
“Thank you so much, Aunt Sky. I’m really enjoying all these lessons you’re giving me.” She was learning a lot more in the few days she spent here than she had in almost an entire year of school. Hope loved all the ways she was learning to manipulate the elements. She couldn’t wait to show off what she was learning when she went back to her friends.
You're very welcome, my dear child. *she softly says as she then begins to turn the bed down for her, even though she was more than capable of doing so herself. She turned back to Hope* well, then that should be everything for the night. If you need me, I'll be in the chambers most likely. *she gave her a small hug and kissed her forehead before turning to the door* blessing night, my dear. *she made her way out the door and back to the kitchen to then prepare the snack and small meal for the evening to bring back to the chambers of her and her beloved Elijah, pausing by the twins bedroom on her way. She silently flutters into their room, peeking through the door. A soft smile crossing her lips as she sees their small blonde locks of hair slumbering peacefully. She steps up to each in turn, and kisses the top of their heads, brushing back the small locks of curls upon their foreheads.* blessed dreams, my little bugs...*she whispers in each ear then spells their music player with the soft melodies of piano lullabies her beloved esposo created for them. The soft tones filtering through their room around them. She slips away from their room just as silently, then whispers to Rune* you know your orders, Sir *as the black cat meows back at her and purrs past her into the room.
In their kitchen, hums as she works swiftly and then brings the tray to their chambers. After setting their serving tray down upon their breakfast nook, she heads off to their powder room for a relaxing bath then to change for the evening. The scent of the honeysuckle and lavender luxury bathing gels following after her as she sat to brush out her long blonde tresses for the night...
In the morning, she woke up at first rays of sunlight filtering through the balcony to greet her. She smiles and stretches then readies for their morning.*
{9 SEPT 2020}
“There are some, but Doctor Saltzman doesn’t have the budget for the kind of teacher you’re talking about.” She glanced over at Sky. “I learned most of my technique from my dad. I don’t know if he ever had professional training. You’d have to ask Uncle Elijah. He would know for sure.” Hope went back to what she was painting.
*she watches carefully as Hope made the tiny bud blossom as she had shown her. before long, a nice sized fruit appeared before them. she smirks and questions her* how does it taste, my dear child? did it come out well? *she waits as she watches her enjoy the new fruit*
Hope took a big bite. Her face split into a grin as the sweet juices from the fruit spilled into her mouth, and she bobbed her head in a nod. “It’s perfect. You could end world hunger with something like this.” Maybe that wasn’t totally accurate, but it would certainly help.
*smirking, she gave a laugh* well, maybe one village at a time, dear one... *she placed her hand on her shoulder as she laughed.* we don't want to cause chaos in the world. *she leans her head towards the house* let us go enjoy the fruits while we tend to other things. *she smiles as her and then peeks her eyes up as a raven caws from the branches of the willow above their heads. she pauses and listens before giving a sigh and a reply* very well... show me. *she gives a wave to her arm as she then turns on her heel to follow him as he takes flight from the branch and leads them both away to the other side of the property. she sighs as she goes along* let us see what is his worry over. *she smiles softly as she turns her head back at Hope to see if she was coming* take the basket dear girl...
Hope paused for a moment as she watched her aunt converse with the bird. It must have been Sky's familiar or something, because Hope had seen them talking many times, and it had a distinctive marking that made it obvious that it was the same bird. As soon as Sky began walking, Hope was right behind her. She was very curious about what this next adventure might bring. When Sky handed her the basket, she took it carefully and continued moving, matching her pace with Sky's.
Hope paused for a moment as she watched her aunt converse with the bird. It must have been Sky's familiar or something, because Hope had seen them talking many times, and it had a distinctive marking that made it obvious that it was the same bird. As soon as Sky began walking, Hope was right behind her. She was very curious about what this next adventure might bring. When Sky handed her the basket, she took it carefully and continued moving, matching her pace with Sky's.
Trying to keep pace with the raven, she had to hitch up her skirts and start a small jot through the field. She would rather not expose and have to use her wings if she did not have to, out of the simple respect that her niece would not be able to keep up with them both. She was unsure on just how in tune to her own werewolf self Hope was into, so she would rather not risk it this day. The raven swirled above her, cawing a yell for her to hurry her pace.
"I'm coming! I got one speed you know ..." she muttered under her breath as she paused sharply to make sure Hope was still there before darting the corner at the end of their cottage and heading towards the stream bed trail. She followed it quicker by kicking off her shoes and going barefoot along the dirt path. The raven clawed again and again. " I know, I know ..." she yelled up at him.
The end of the path brought her back to the secluded pond with an old stone crypt looking building standing alone across the way. She placed her hand on her hip as she let out a sigh and whispered when she lifted her arm up to allow the raven to land.
She scratched under his beak and whispered. " what happened, my dear one? Why the alarm to here?" With a nuzzle at her hair, he took flight again as she waited on Hope to catch up.
Hope had no idea what the Raven was trying to convey, but Sky clearly understood, and it spurred her on. When her aunt kicked her shoes off to run faster, Hope did the same. The low heels had been slowing her down, any way. Hope briefly considered using her wolf form, but she was still getting used to controlling it outside the lunar cycle, and in an area so redolent of magic, she was afraid she might not be able to change back so easily. She skidded to a stop just behind Sky and looked around. Things seemed ordinary to her, but what did she know? She was unfamiliar with this place. Sky would know better than her.
She scanned the area carefully, lifting her hand up to signal for silence so she could listen. The last time her ans her ravens were here, they were attacked and she wanted to be certain nothing was in the area now before she went closer to the building.
After she was satisfied that all was clear, she motioned for Hope to follow quietly and swiftly. She lifted her skirts again and moved along the now stone paved path towards the crypt. The leaves in the trees blew softly in the branches as they moved.
She paused once reaching the door and listened. The door was ajar when she went to place her hand on the old iron handle. "Hmm... is this what were are so upset about?" She whispered as she glanced up at the raven who now flew down and hopped about by her feet. "Someone appears to have mastered my spell..."
She continues to whisper, "stay close." As she entered the dark building. She allowed the door to creak slowly open before them as she scanned the gloomy entry. Cautiously, she stepped inside, holding her breath. When nothing jumped out at her, she let out her breath with a relieved sigh. She nodded for Hope to follow and continued through the room. The far side of what looked like a tiny room, led to a wall where she slid the overgrown moss aside. The hidden door was moved recently from what she could see as the dirt was disturbed at her feet.
"Someone has been visiting who doesn't belong..." she pushed the door aside and waved a spell to ignite the torches along the narrow stairs leading down into the earth below them. She proceeded down the stone steps, the cooler air rushing up from below to greet them.
The mildewy smell hit Hope the further down they went. The place was obviously somewhere damp. If she hadn’t seen the water by the structure, the smell alone would have made that clear. Since Sky clearly suspected something was amiss, Hope took her aunt’s cue and moved with caution if there was something done here, she didn’t want to be caught unawares.
She moved further down the stairs, deeper into the earth and well beneath the crypt. Soon, the stairs ended and the room opened before them. She paused at the edge of the base of the stairs to listen once again. Nothing. She spelled for the candles to light and commenced into the room. She walked slowly around the room, inspecting each spot carefully as she went. "Books seem to be in place..." she slid her fingers slowly along the antique wooden and worn bookcases piled and over flowing with books. She paused before a stack of books on the floor that tilted and looked to its side, "that chest is still locked..." she lifted her gaze across the room to the lonely podium with a lone grimoire laying on top. She slowly stood up and moved towards it, sending the area around it for anything strange. Nothing out of place other than the book laying open. " someone's been snooping around..." she walks around to face the podium, playing her fingers along the book as she does. She glances down to read what was on the page before her. "Interesting indeed..." she whispered as she reads it.
She looks up at her niece and with a look, motions they must leave. She gathers the book into her arms and shows her the exit, opposite from whence they had entered.
She moved further down the stairs, deeper into the earth and well beneath the crypt. Soon, the stairs ended and the room opened before them. She paused at the edge of the base of the stairs to listen once again. Nothing. She spelled for the candles to light and commenced into the room. She walked slowly around the room, inspecting each spot carefully as she went. "Books seem to be in place..." she slid her fingers slowly along the antique wooden and worn bookcases piled and over flowing with books. She paused before a stack of books on the floor that tilted and looked to its side, "that chest is still locked..." she lifted her gaze across the room to the lonely podium with a lone grimoire laying on top. She slowly stood up and moved towards it, sending the area around it for anything strange. Nothing out of place other than the book laying open. " someone's been snooping around..." she walks around to face the podium, playing her fingers along the book as she does. She glances down to read what was on the page before her. "Interesting indeed..." she whispered as she reads it.
She looks up at her niece and with a look, motions they must leave. She gathers the book into her arms and shows her the exit, opposite from whence they had entered.
Hope watched Sky's every move as they moved through the space. From Sky's movements indicated, everything seemed normal on the surface, but Hope could tell something was off. The magical energy seemed off somehow. It didn't feel like the energy she associated with her, and judging from their hasty exit, Sky felt the same. Whatever energy she was feeling wasn't meant to be here, which meant the two of them might potentially be in danger.
"Someone has been snooping around in what they shouldn't be into. I thought I spelled it to be protected better than it was. Apparently I was wrong..." she explained as she brought them through the tunnel and narrower stairs to the exit. "Careful here. Just keep walking..." she warned as she quickened her pace. She walked quickly through the last bit of the hallway and came out to the outside, she skirts catching flame as she went. She calmly walked to the beach that stood before them and into the waters to put out the flames. She looked at Hope and smirked. "See, not a single scar. All show." She gives a playful wink and then giggles as she kicks up some water to play at her niece a moment.
Hope watched in awe as Sky walked through fire to reach the water on the other side. When it became apparent that her aunt was unharmed, Hope took a breath, bolstered her strength and walked across without stopping. She felt a tickle along her legs that she assumed was the flames, and she moved purposefully until she reached the other side. Once there she ran to the water, extinguishing whatever flames had been there. When Sky started kicking water at her, she began laughing and began splashing water back.
She giggled as Hope played with the water with her after watching her make her first walk through fire. "Never thought you'd do that ever , huh?" She smirked as she kicked up more water, still hugging the book. The raven sitting on the branch nearby quietly watching over the two of them.
"A discovery I made some time ago when we moved in. I spelled over the building to keep others out until I could come back and further investigate things inside."
“I never thought I’d do a lot of the things I have,” Hope said with a light shrug. That was true. She’d done a lot of monster hunting in the past year. She’d fallen in love, which had been the least-expected thing of all. And now, she would soon be reunited with her uncle, and had met his wife and children. So many new things. She turned to Sky with a smile and used her power to splash out a particularly large wave of water in her direction as she began laughing.
*she through her hands up and let out a squeal as her niece sent a wave of water at her. then smirked at her mischievously.* oh yeah? *she she waved her hand and made a small wave at her back and then jumped back to avoid being hit again with more water, laughing while she did so.* life can be crazy, you know. we never think of what might happen to us until it just happens... *she called out over the sound of the water that splashed around them. a little fun to break up the day was always welcomed. she can worry about the grimoire, and who might have been at it later. a few moments spent like this would be welcomed.*
{ left off here as of 2.25.20 https://twitter.com/SkyBoivin/status/1232480683307589635?s=20 }
Hope laughed as the two of them played in the water. Occasionally, she would use her powers to send up a wave of water that would splash them both. Her clothes were getting soaked, but it didn’t bother her at all. It was rare that she got to relax and have fun the way normal kids her age did. Human teens didn’t have to worry about powers to control or monsters attacking. It was fun to forget about that stuff for a while.
*she paused briefly to carefully set the grimoire safely aside. the pull from its covers distracting her a second before she shook her head and made to ignore it. she had forgotten it had done that the last time she was here when she had first made the discovery of it. she quickly returned to play in the water with Hope, laughing as they splashed water about. she then commanded some of the water up, forming a small cloud to then shower a fine mist over them and making a small rainbow with what sun was shining over them. time was lost to them for now, the pressing issues were simply paused while they played.*
Hope watched in awe as the rainbow formed above them. She knew she had a talent for magic, and had been practicing with the twins back at school, but this was a new kind of magic for her. She wasn’t used to magic that was so purely elemental. Was it the faye in Sky that kept her so in tune with nature? She would have to ask.
*she played some more with the water, making a little more mist around them and then made a little splash at Hope with a smirk on her lips. She had caught a look of awe from her niece with her actions.* oh that is nothing much... *she gave a small shrug and giggled as she played with the water some more, drenched from head to toe now.* we may need to be heading back soon, they will surely be looking for us before too long. *she wanted to get the grimoire out of sight and locked away in case whoever it was had still been there. Their fun could still be had back in the protective barrier of the cottage as much as they were having here.*
“Sure.” Hope nodded. She was soaked from head to toe by now, and she shivered a little as cool breeze came through. At least the weather was warm today. They should dry off on the walk back to the cottage. “Do we have to go back through the fire again?” She glanced behind her. As far as she knew, there wasn’t an alternative route, but Sky probably knew all kinds of hidden paths and tunnels that wound through the property.
*she shook her head* of course not! *she motioned with her head to the path along the side of the building that wrapped along the side.* it comes up around to the front again. *she bent down to pick up the grimoire once again, feeling the pull from it.* not now... *she whispered to it. she hugged it close to her body to try and hide it from any other eyes in the area watching them. she led the way up the worn dirt path lined with over grown grass on either side. the faint sound of the water below them paired with the raven cawing softly above them were the only sounds past the feel of the gentle breeze helped to dry them as they walked.* i found this place some months back. i have not had a chance to come back since to go through everything within its walls. some of them... *she paused as she listened before she continued.* some of them feel dark... if that is the right way to describe them. *She gave a heavy sigh* it appears I will need to make sure to bring these to another place for safer keeping if someone was able to get in today. this one *she tapped at the cover of the book in her hands* i need to lock up myself. the rest seem much less harmless. *she peeked behind her to see if Hope was keeping up. she smiled in the patch of warm sunlight that greeted her when she came around the corner.*
Hope had also felt something off when they'd reached the grimoire earlier. The whole place had a dark feel to it, and the book seemed to be at the center of it. She couldn't help but shiver, even though it wasn't that cold out. It was from the feeling she got from the book, and she wondered how Sky could stand to touch it, much less carry it around.
*she ignored the call the grimoire did to her by continuing to talk as they walked. She listened for anything that didn't belong as they went. Ducking under low laying branches from time to time along the way.* I cannot tell how long those books have been hidden, but they seem to have been there for some time before I came across them... *she reached the top of the path and stood straighter, overlooking the pond now before them once again. They had arrived back at the entrance to the crypt they had started at. The breeze was soft and the waters barely moved in response to it.*
Hope walked quietly with her aunt, taking in this new route to the cottage. It seemed like every day she was learning something new here, which she loved. By the time they reached the cottage again, she was feeling pretty tired. Her guess was that it was from using more magic in a short amount of time than she was used to. Maybe she would take a nap.
*before they had left the crypt, she had casted a new spell to lock up and secure the doors better this time. She hoped it worked this time as the raven took off ahead of them to go back to the cottage the way they had came. As far as she knew, there was really only one way in and out from this crypt, unless you possibly went by boat on the backside where they had come out from. When they reached the grounds once again after their stroll back up along the stream, she looked around to be certain that they had not been followed. She gave a small shake to her head as she shrugged it off and they crossed the barrier that protected their grounds and cottage.* you look exhausted, my dear child. Perhaps that is enough excitment for one day? *she gave a small smile and then slipped the basket from Hope's arms.* I can carry this for you. *she pulls out a small piece of chocolate and passes it to her.* maybe this will help a little... along with maybe a small nap to rest yourself? It has been a very busy day, and it isn't nearly over yet! *she let out a small giggle over this thought.*
"Thank you." Hope smiled gratefully as Sky took the basket and offered her a piece of chocolate. She immediately popped the sweet treat into her mouth. It was like no other chocolate she'd had before. It was everything that made chocolate perfect magically combined into one morsel. "A nap would be wonderful. We can go look at more books later, once we've rested. Are you tired too?"
The bakery in the village has some of the best sweets. *she commented as Hope enjoyed the chocolate.* no, I am not tired at this moment. I think I will find a safe place for this here. *she points at the grimoire they carried back with them. You go ahead and get some rest. You did a lot of work with those spells we practiced. *she held the book against her chest as they strolled slowly across the gardens now to the entry of the cottage. It stood so quiet and peaceful from way out here. She smiled to herself as she thought on this. Such a perfect spot her beloved had found them... she turned her attention back to Hope again* yes, a nap for you, a well deserved one. While I secure this one and see what I can find out on the little issue we discovered today. *she agreed out loud as they reached the entryway to the kitchen.*
“That sounds good.” Hope yawned as they stepped in the cottage. “Are the girls still outside? I don’t hear them.” Hope figured Sky would have found a way to continuously keep track of the twins, most likely through magic. Children as powerful as they were would need to be protected. She remembered that from her own childhood.
*she paused as they entered the door to the kitchen to give a listen, then smiled as she heard familiar voices from inside* i believe that *smirking* is the sound of two little bugs flooding the bathroom in a bubble bath.. *she giggled as she continued to the table in the kitchen to set the basket down. she would put things away later from it. she kept the grimore close still to her body as she turned to begin heading out of the kitchen* you get some rest, we can go through those books later and see what other spells you might wish to try next. i am going to safely put this thing here away and check on the girls with their bubbles... *she planned to peek in on the girls, but she was going to hide away in her crafting room and investigate this book further rather than hiding it away.*
“Do you need any help with the twins? I don’t mind getting them cleaned up before I go take a nap.” She could hear the sound of the two little girls giggling. It sounded like they were having a marvelous time, and probably making a big mess on top of it. She didn’t even whoever would be cleaning all that water. Then again, Sky could probably have it taken care of in a matter of seconds with a wave of her hand.
If you'd like. Let me set this someplace first. I can meet you there? *she smiles softly* I do not wish this to become wet with their bath. *she then smirks mischievously at the thought of past baths. She heads off to her crafting room down the hall from the twins current room they share as they were still very young, and sets the grimoire under a pile of things near the fireplace. She then hurried off to meet Hope in the bathroom with the twins who were well under way with a very creative bubble bath. She let out a laugh as she sees bubbles surrounding the girls as rubber duck toys seem to float along on the suds. Giggles coming from someplace within sounding like tiny bells in song.*
What has happened to this room? *she asks with a playful voice as the girls them squeal excitedly over the sound of her voice when she entered. They played a little longer before she handed a towel with a hood of an animal on ot for one twin and wraps the other in her arms with the other one.* time to come out now, my little bugs...
Hope stood in the doorway and watched the three of them. She remembered times like this with her own mother, and it made her miss the old days when she was a carefree little girl who didn’t understand the ramifications of her unusual bloodline. She hoped the girls would be protected from that as long as possible.
*after setting each one down and dried off, she sends them to their room connected to the bathroom while she sets to drain the tub and clear the bubbles away. She places the rubber duckies in the sink to dry as the twins giggle and race off to jump, still partly wet on their beds. She glances at Hope and gives a soft smile before patting her shoulder gently to exit the room and gather the twins from their escapades.*
Hope helped Sky straighten things up in the bathroom. The twins had made quite a mess, and she figured her aunt could use the extra help. The twins’ giggling could be heard from their bedroom, and every now and then, the bed would creak as they jumped up and down. As Sky walked past her and into the bedroom, Hope gave her a little grin. The twins were adorable, and moments like this made her wish that she had brothers and sisters of her own.
What are we up to little bugs... *she smirked as she got to their beds to get them to stop. She wrangled one to set down to the floor so she could finish drying them from their bath. As soon as she set one down and turned to get the other twin, the first would try to climb right back up again to bounce. She sighed and smirked when they got away with one or two rounds of this before she decided to out smart them and she roared playfully like an animal, making them squeal as she opened her arms wide to scoop them both up together in one swoop.* gotcha *she said in a hushed playful tone and swung them around the room to where their fresh clothes laid in wait for them, their little legs swinging outwards in their giggles as she twirled them. She set them near their clothes and without letting them go, some how managed to get both girls dressed in a matter of seconds.* there. All set now. *she smirked and set her hands to her hips as she said it.* what are we going to do now? *wondering on what they wanted to do next. Yawns escaping them both gave her the answer* I think it appears to be nap time for all kiddos around here *she gave a wink at Hope as she said this and took each little hand as they went to grab their snacks first.*
Hope couldn’t help but laugh at the antics of the two little girls. They were clearly enjoying themselves, and Sky seemed to be having almost as much fun as they were. As the twins walked by, Hope reached out ruffle Sami’s hair, making the little girl giggle and reach her free hand out for Hope, who happily took it.
*she smiled as Sami took Hope's hand to walk to their small table set in their room to enjoy a small tray left of tea sandwiches. they happily nibbled them, sharing with Sky and Hope in turn before they wanted to climb down and snuggle. she walked over to one of the rocking chairs and reached out to snuggle them each and rock/ sing them to sleep for their nap. humming softly in her way as they nestled in. before too long, they were yawning once more and closed their eyes in turn, snoring softly. she got up to walk over and place them in their beds before they slipped from the room.*
When Sky took the twins to their chair so she could sing and rock them to sleep, Hope waved goodbye and started for the door. She didn't want to distract the girls from their nap, and she needed one as well. Hope quietly made her way to her own room, and got into the bed. It didn't take long for her to fall asleep, and she ended up sleeping for two or three hours.
once the girls were asleep, she set them to their beds, nodding to Hope as she exited the room for her own nap; she quietly set off back to her crafting room to see to the grimiore they took back home with them. she walked lightly through the room and carefully grabbed the book from its pile she stuffed it under to hide. then, turning quickly to her work bench, she spread it open upon the wood and stared at it. the magical pull/ and call from it / beckoning her to touch it. to play with its pages within. this was a different energy that came from it than what she was accustomed to. this felt powerful/ dark. she silently began to read the first page, running her fingers slowly along the edging as she went along. the room around her being forgotten about as she continued to read. time passed quickly as she went along, almost as though she would not be allowed to stop reading from its pages... the raven hopped up on her bench, trying to distract her and call her back from it with no success so he thought maybe to go wake Hope up from her nap after some hours had passed by now...
Hope slept deeply, but she was plagued with strange dreams. She had no way of knowing, but the grimoire's magical influence was affecting her subconscious. The magical energy was so powerful that Hope felt it in her sleep. The sound of a raven cawing eventually pulled her from her sleep and left her feeling disoriented as she tried to remember what she'd been dreaming. "What are you doing here?" She didn't really expect the raven to answer her.
*she lifted her hand as though in a trance and made some objects float over to her as she now whispered in a hushed tone the words from the grimoire before her. Lips slowly moving faster as one object came before her. A small bowl landing harshly upon the table in front of her with a loud clunk didn't even bring her back to the consciousness. It was as thought the book put her under some sort of a trance.
Meanwhile the raven clawed loudly and tugged at Hope's blanket before hopping down from the bed and out the door. Cawing for her to follow him.he wanted to lead her to sky in the other room.
Sky made some other items fly from their shelves to land in front of her, slamming on the table with more thuds unnoticed by herself. She could not seem to stop reading from the page...*
Hope rolled her eyes as she got out of the bed. She didn't want to get up yet, but she felt she had no choice. Still wearing her clothes from earlier, all she had to do was slip her shoes on and follow the raven. As she drew closer to where the bird was leading her, she felt the magical energy intensify, and could tell right away that it was dark magic. She recognized its feel from when Josie had gotten carried away with it back at school. Getting closer still to their destination, she heard several loud thuds coming from behind a closed door, which was exactly where the raven stopped. The door opened to reveal Sky in a trance- like state, mumbling to herself as she made objects fly around the room. "Aunt Sky!" Hope called out to her. She had to pull her from the trance before the twins saw her this way.
*she never noticed Hope enter the room as she continued in the trance the book gripped her in. To the sound of her voice calling out to her, something inside her snapped. The items she had called before her went flying across the room as though thrown from a child in a tantrum; slamming against walls and furniture. She didnt even realize the low yell came from her own throat as they went flying in many directions. She stood in place as though frozen, slowly coming back and bringing her eyes to where their niece stood. She gave a slightly confused look in her direction and then brought her eyes slowly down upon the grimoire laying in front of her.* I um... *she started to whisper and then furrowed her face as she looked over the pages opened before her. She shook her head and with a swift motion, slipped a cloth to cover the blasted thing* cursed...*she whispered and somehow she was able to move away from it. She looked up at Hope, worried that she might have done something horrible without remembering.* are you alright?
Hope was on the opposite side of the room from the wall where all those objects hit. Their impact was loud enough to make her cry out as she was startled and instinctively jumped back. It was only when her aunt seemed to come back to herself and covered whatever was in front of her that she ventured into the room.
"I'm fine," she assured her. "Just startled is all. What were you doing? It looked like you were in a trance or something."
*looking sheepishly she paused before answering* I wanted to take a small look over that grimoire we brought home today. *with a frown as she glanced over the grimoire now hidden by a random cloth she had managed to toss over it to hide it.* I started reading the first page and... well I don't recall really now... *she caught a glance of Hope's eyes and then slid them back to the grimoire. She whispered out loud more than to anyone in particular* I think the thing is cursed or something. It had this strange pull to it or something. *she slowly made to step away from the table so that she might get her bearings once again. She scanned the room carefully thinking on what she might have here where she might lock this blasted thing up so it would not do this such event again. She didn't want their niece, never mind their little bugs to fall under its grip like it tried to do to her just now. She was more versed in controlling and keeping things away. But somehow, this got to her still. Getting to the girls would be the last she would want to happnen.*
"You felt it too?" She looked over at Sky. "I could feel it in my sleep. It was giving me really strange dreams." Hope shivered. "I can't remember them, but they weren't very pleasant." Hope hadn't even been in the same room as that thing. She couldn't imagine what it must have been like for her aunt.
It called at me the first time I found it... *she answered distantly as she stared down at the cloth covering the grimoire from where she now stood. She sighed heavily and then in one swift motion, she scooped it up and scurried swiftly on her wings; keeping them hidden still somehow.she stopped abruptly before the fireplace across the far side of the room and paused in thought.* I have the hiding places around here that I found. *she began to whisper. She looked up at Hope as she continued to think out loud* maybe we can hide it in one of those and spell it to not be so... demanding?
“I think that would be a very wise idea.” Hope had seen a lot recently, and she knew just how dangerous dark magic could be. She had no doubt her aunt could handle herself, but dark magic had a way of twisting your mind and making you lose control without even realizing it. She didn’t want that to happen to Sky.
I do not wish it to get a hold on you like it did me just now... never mind the twins *she whispered low, also thinking on if it might have a pull on others as well. She felt the stonework around the mantle of the fireplace and pressed one in, revealing a hiding place* there we are... *she coaxed at it as she slipped it open more.* hmmm... seems a little too small. I wonder if maybe we could spell it to become larger? *she peeked over at Hope to see if she had any thoughts on such a matter.* any thoughts?
“It’s possible. Are you able to manipulate stone that way?” Hope had never seen anyone do that before, but she figured if anyone could, it would be Sky. And possibly her aunt Freya. The two of them were powerful witches, though in different ways. If Sky could do a spell like the one she was suggesting, that was definitely something Hope wanted to learn.
I have not tried one as such yet. *giving a slight smirk to her lips* but there is always a first... *thinking out loud now, she continued* maybe there is something in one of those books upstairs in the library? Would you know of anything? Maybe Freya has used something similar in the past with you on things? I know she seems to usually the family's go to person on such matters. *she gave the stone work a good look over as she bent down more to peek better into the small hole allowed to them. With a frown, she shook her head* I might be able to only fit half the size of this thing in here, the way they built this one... *something caught her eye in the corner. She gave a puzzled look as she came back up to step closer to the far edge of the mantle, where the shelf met the wall.* odd... *she whispered as she ran her finger along it. She jumped back startled when she heard a click and the mural painting above her head popped off the wall slightly* maybe we will not be needing such a spell as yet after all...*she glanced back at Hope in curiosity as she slide her fingers around the golden frame.* shall we see what is behind the curtain? *she giggled at her joke as she motioned with her head for Hope to join her*
“Look at that,” Hope said. Her voice was filled with awe when she saw the secret space behind the painting. “How long have you been living here? It seems like this place is full of surprises. I bet not even you know all the secrets here yet.” Hope followed her aunt and peered behind the painting. “It’s like a vault in here!”
Not long enough... *she spoke in awe as she stared inside as well. She ran her hand slowly along the golden wooden frame slowly as she spoke.* I am still finding things around here. *she smirked slightly as she spoke.* I feel the grimoire should be plenty safe in here. What do you think? *she gave a wink in her smirk.* it was only some months ago that I went and ventured upstairs to see what was there. I discovered all those rooms and have been working on them each best I can since. The entire upstairs seemed to have been neglected for years! Along with I still have the stairs going up further to still explore. *she nodded to agree to Hope's comment.*
“I would think it would be. Is there a way to check and see if it’s magically protected? If it’s not, can you ward it against anyone who shouldn’t be near it?” She was asking a lot of questions, but she was trying to learn as much as possible about how this worked. It could be information that might prove useful to her one day.
*with a shrug* i am not sure... *she lifts her hand to feel around the area* i don't feel any spell working from what i can tell. can you? *she pauses so Hope can check as well. *maybe we can spell it anyways, to be safe, you know? better safe than sorry. i don't see how it could hurt. *she looks closer inside, seeing nothing but darkness. she places her hand on the floor of the hiding space and whispers softly. with a nod she looks to her niece* i think it should be good now. *nodding to the book that was still wrapped in the cloth from earlier* pass that to me and we can test it out?*
"Sure." Hope hadn't felt any charges of magical energy when she'd checked out the hiding space. It was either very weak or not there at all. That seemed rather surprising, considering how well-hidden the space was. Someone clearly didn't want it to be found. She handed the book over to Sky and took a step back to avoid some of its dark influence.
I think if the previous owner used it, it was more for certain valuables than anything else. This property is larger than it appears from the outside, sure. *she rambles on as she takes the grimoire from Hope, making certain it stayed wrapped up in the cloth as best she can as she sets it carefully down within the vault in the wall.* a lot of things, and places can be like that. In my experience anyways... there is nothing magical about them at all. Just simple luck in how they appear. *she maneuvered it into the far corner of the vault until she was satisfied and then paused as the thought a moment on what else she should do. Maybe she can discuss with Elijah if he wanted to add anything to this vault in the wall before she spelled it shut for good. That seemed only logical to do after all.* this building itself, seems smaller than it really is on the outside. But, that it also part of the illusion and charm that comes with this beautiful place. *she smiles softly at Hope as she begins to carefully close the vault back up, placing the framed portrait back into place. She began to spell a temporary seal to it for the time being* I honestly do not feel that the owners before us were magical in any sense. The only real spell on this place is protection to the nines *she smirks and gives a playful little wink after she made her spell*
"Were you the one who did all the protection spells, or had it already been done before you and Uncle Elijah moved in?" She had a feeling that it was Sky who had done the spells. If the previous owners had done nothing magical to the place, then it was unlikely that they would have thought to put up magical protection spells around the property.
*leaning against the mantle, she gave a look in thought* I am pretty certain, if I recall correctly... that Elijah would not have allowed us on a property like this without setting to enlist a witch to protect the property. *she gave a clever smirk as she continued* it would not be him, if he did not. *she slid her hands behind her back as she leaned back, playing her fingers with themselves* I did however do a spell of my own, to ensure my own touch to the property so to speak. I wanted to make sure the place was secured and the girls were always safe here. *she shrugged like it was nothing*
"I bet I know who the witch was," Hope said knowingly. "There's only one he would trust enough with something like that." She was, of course, talking about her aunt Freya, who was an extremely gifted witch. With Sky's help, she would have had no trouble taking care of a task like using warding spells to protect the property.
I'm not even certain that Freya even knows of this place of ours. Goddess only knows who helped. *she gives a small smirk* your uncle works in his own mysterious little ways... always a surprise with him *she bites briefly the corner of her lip, giggling softly and then catches herself* at any rate, I am certain he would have found someone near to have done it, and then conveniently made them forget in a way that they even were here. Better to have as few know of here the better.
"That wouldn't surprise. I know my aunt is one of the few witches he actually trusted, but if there was someone local, I suppose he might have done what you described. It would have been more convenient, and he wouldn't have had to worry about anyone following them the way he would have with my aunt."
*she gives a slight shrug* I am uncertain in that knowledge. We came so quickly, I am not even sure he had a chance unless he had the property well before already. *she walked across to the table to set things back into place and started to change to subject* were you able to rest we- *suddenly the wall safe/ vault flew open before them with a loud sound. She raised her eye brow after a slight startled jump to the sound* maybe we will not be using the wall vault after all... *she makes her way back towards the fireplace to investigate. She glances around carefully and then she notices a parchment torn from the explosion that occurred.* hmm... I wonder what this is... *she questions in a peeked interest. She bends down to carefully pick it up and begins to read it*
Hope jumped what felt like a mile when the explosion. She turned to see the vault standing open on its hinges. It looked almost as if someone had blown it open from the inside. Maybe whatever magic had hidden it didn't want it being used. Sky certainly seemed to think so, judging from her response. Hope followed her to the open and stood back a few steps while Sky pulled out the parchment and began reading from it.
*her mouth moves silently as she reads the parchment from the floor. Holding it carefully in her hands as it felt so old it might just crumble into nothing within her hands. Suddenly, she brings her eyes slowly up to the grimoire still sitting where she placed it inside the wall vault. She stayed like this almost frozen for a while. Time seeming to have stopped yet feeling as though ages we flying swiftly past her. It was odd that she had found the place where the grimoire resides not too long after they had come to be here. But could it be connected to this letter she now holds in her hands? The feeling coming off from it felt the very same. The paper exactly like what was inside the grimoire itself as well. She finally spoke without taking her eyes from where they laid* this is apparently from the person, the woman that had done a spell over the property. They inform your uncle that all was set. *she stood up slowly and steps backwards from the wall.* I must be rid of this book from this house. Before it attracts the owner here. *she waves the paper* she wrote this very letter. It is her grimoire we found. Only... *she grabs a large cloth to wrap the book in to keep the power it had from them and pauses in her thought*
"How do we destroy something like that? I remember hearing that grimoires are supposed to be difficult, if not impossible to destroy. Even by their owners." Hope took a few steps back from the vault. Even from several feet away, she could feel its pull, and she didn't like the negative energy from it all. It reminded her of when Josie's magic had gone dark. That had been a scary and dangerous time, and she was afraid the same thing might happen now if that book got control of her aunt.
Well, this one I think we may need to either break the bond with it... it destroy it somehow. *she debates before she continues* we shall go to the far end of the property. Just outside of the barrier. *nodding in a distracted way* yes, that should work... she turns slowly around the room and then springs to action, grabbing up various items to toss into her cauldron. *grab them stones over there, the box on the floor with the large chunks of quartz... *as she pours a large jar of crushed rose petals and then adds a jarful of white ash leaves with her other hand. She tosses a few other ingredients, seeming to be almost triple a dose than she would have normally have done before and then scoops up the book in one arm and the cauldron with the other* ready?
"Ready." As soon as her aunt had given her command, Hope sprang into action and had grabbed the box Sky had indicated. Now, that box was tucked under her arm, and she was waiting for her next set of instructions. This was a spell she definitely wanted to pay attention to. It was something she was sure would come in handy later.
Let's do this *she said with a confident nod of the head and paced quickly out the door. She led them back outside and to the far end of the property, just past the willow tree where her own barrier was placed. She set the things down and placed her hands out, closing her eyes to scan for energy.* we shall start here and see where it gets us.
*She stood silent and still for some time as she set to work finding just where her own ended and the other witch's began.*
Hope didn't have the experience to scan for magic like that, so she simply stood back and watched. She did feel a magical energy that she knew was Sky's. She had felt coming from her fairly often, and could recognize it by now. So far, there was nothing unfamiliar to the magical energies.
*her eyes closed still, she whispers finally* there it is... *she stopped in her motions and froze in place. Opening her eyes, she stared in the spot she stopped at and smirked.* you will be severed from it all... not a worry... *she sings in her whisper before she pounces into action. She jumped over to where she dropped her things and set to work swiftly. The ravens swirled suddenly in the air above her as she gathered it all together. She set the cauldron down and then motioned to Hope to set the stones in a circle around them. She hummed softly to herself in a way like she was checking off things in her head as she worked. Placing the cauldron just so and adjusting again; adding things in a particular order to it and then waiting for all to be set before she went to really begin...*
Hope definitely felt a change in the magical energy here. She wouldn't have known what it was if Sky hadn't told her, but she would have felt it one way or another. Wasting no time, she did as Sky instructed and set the stones in a circle around the cauldron for her. When she was done, she took a few steps back, and gave Sky enough room to do her work.
*once Hope was done setting the stones in place, she began swiftly. The grimoire sat silent as she began her work. The ravens swooped high around them both as she did her work, cawing at random in response to some of her motions. She began to whisper now in ancient Faye. The old language thought to be dead to those not of Avalonian Faye...
The cauldron before her flashed into flame to the ingredients inside it as her eyes began to stare blankly through it in her work. The grimoire began to shutter slightly as she continued.*
'Must get this done swiftly before the witch this belongs to senses anything...'
Hope felt a chill in the air as the spell began to take effect. The sudden blaze of flame in the cauldron had her jumping back a foot or two even though it was unlikely that she would have been burnt. The temperature suddenly warmed up considerably as the faye magic and and the grimoire's magic began clashing and she could feel the sweat dripping from her.
*as she continued her work, the fire leapt higher. The ravens cawed louder in response to the clash of the two magic's as though they might help protect their faye queen. She continued to whisper in the ancient tongue, ramaining focused. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew hard at them, unable to do much with the protective barrier she had Hope place down before they began. It kept at them as she remained steady against it. She heard whispers faint upon the wind as it tried to swirl around her*
'This shall not work... I shall prevail...'
*she breathed deep and narrowed her eyes as she thought back to the whisper*
'you have yet to meet the faye of Avalon... I am older than your ways, witch...'
*she threw her hands before her at the cauldron, putting all her energies at it, calling now upon the ancient ancestors of old...*
Hope began to feel sick as the clashing of the two magics intensified. She could see Sky working at the spell, grim and determined to complete her spell. The wind picked up, making Hope feel even sicker. Though she couldn’t understand the voices being carried on the wind, she could definite hear something that sounded like talking. Frightened as she was by what was happening, she was also determined to hold her ground. If Sky needed her, she wanted to be there for her.
*she stared hard at the cauldron, sending energy and attention fiercely at it best she dared. She fought against the strong winds that built up more as she dared fight against them. The magic from them trying it's best to break through the barrier she put in place. She mentally called for Hope to come closer by her side. She had a gut feeling something, or someone might make an appearance before too long if she kept at this pace. She wanted to be certain Hope was near by so she did not get harmed. The ravens cawed louder as they continued to circle frantically against the winds.*
Settle down, boys... it is all in good time. *she called steadily up at them, her eyes never moving from the cauldron.* just stay alert as you do...
*she threw her arms up to the center of the ravens circle, casting energy upward and through them. Causing the winds to suddenly explode away from them. Her hair whipped back from her face as the wind suddenly seemed to die to calm around them. She stood silently waiting for more. Ready for what was to come next. The mist formed close and thick around their circle, a protective layer wrapping around them as she stood there. The ravens fell silent to her command.*
The place grew eerily quiet as the ravens stopped their cawing. Hope shivered from the damp mist that was surrounding them. It was like they were lost, and the outside world had ceased to exist. It was at that moment that Hope understood why the teachers at the Salvatore school were so insistent that only certain types of spells be taught. This kind of magic was so powerful that anyone inexperienced with magic could easily lose control.
*she stood still. watching. waiting. she dared not to even breath at that very moment, as she stared through the mist that formed around them. she was the keeper of the veils. she was the mist. soon, the ravens landed on their branches above them, silent. she stood taller suddenly, bringing all of her queenly stature to light.* stay behind me *she whispered to Hope as she stepped forward. she paused at the edge of the circle, cautious not to step past it. a shadowed figure began to become visible, walking up from the hillside from where the river would be. she watched carefully as the figure approached in a sure manner. as though they had won some battle. or certain that they would do so in the end.* this is not your place. you must be gone from here *she started as the now raspy whisper began to reply*
{oh but it was my spell that was called for protection...}
not any longer *she glared the figure down, now becoming visible of an older woman, clearly a witch of her area.
{*the raspy voice cleared her voice and she became louder* these... creatures must learn they are not wanted... that family must pay...}
you tricked him... *she whispered and then her eyes flashed red. in an instant her hands went forward and a blast of energy as she cast a spell lashed at the other witch. the witch was thrown back being caught off guard and then she smirked back at Sky. she tried to stand back up, but not before Sky threw another spell at her* i will break this bond you placed on this book. break your hold on here...
Hope watched with wide-eyed fascination as Sky battled the witch who once held the magic on this property. The old crone was terrifying, to be sure, but when Sky brought out the full force of her faye abilities, it was both terrifying and beautiful to behold. Wanting a closer look, but not wanting to get too close and disobey her aunt, Hope tried to peer around Sky to see what was happening. She could feel the force of the magic like a blast of heat, and for a moment she thought it would knock her backwards. Fortunately, she managed to remain upright and continued to observe what was happening.
{*with a cackle, the old crone stood back up, seeming to be untouched at first. Once she tried to step forward closer, Sky noticed a faint limp to her* my book, if you would be so kind, child... *she hissed and threw her own spell their way*}
*the spell sent by her hit the barrier and shuttered. Sky smirked evily back at the crone to her frown* oh, did that not work? *she made a fake little pout* so sad... *then she changed her tone once more* the grimoire will no longer be yours, hag. That bond shall be severed once I am done. My magic is older than yours. *she motioned to Hope to grab the book. She turned her head slightly* Do not cross the barrier. No. matter. what. *she winked and stressed at her niece. She stepped through the barrier, lifting her hands at the crone and somehow now holding her down but what seemed to be an invisible chokehold. The crone grabbed at her throat, struggling before she managed to slip from her grip and tossing her own spell back in retaliation. Sky was tossed back off her feet, landing on the soft turf. She pushed herself back up, cuts along her arms and her skirt torn some. She didn't take time to notice. She made to grab the crone in a better hold this time. She moved swiftly as she grabbed at her again and called to Hope to begin a spell in the book that was to attack the crone.* we shall use your own magic upon yourself... *she whispered with a smirk.*
The spell may not have penetrated the barrier, but it hit hard enough so that Hope could feel their protective circle rock from the blow.
Wasting no time she grabbed the book as instructed by her aunt and watched as Sky stepped outside the circle to fight the crone more directly. Hope watched them fight from within the circle, noting that Sky was clearly the stronger of the two, even though the crone was using all her strength in the combat.
At her aunt's command, she opened the book, which seemed to know exactly what was required of it because it fell open the page she needed. Alternating looks between the book and fight going on in front of her, Hope began chanting the spell the way her aunt had instructed her to.
{*the crone hissed in a snarl at Sky when Hope started to say the spell.* you will never ... *she grabbed at her throat and somehow managed to wriggle free briefly* never be able to sever it! *she managed to scream as she went to say a counter spell*}
*she dove over the crone, throwing her back on the ground flat on her back.* watch. Me. *she whispered in her ear as she slammed her fingers around her throat tighter than before, physically gripping her this time.* it will happen. One way or another.... *her eyes flashed a deep red as she glared at her. She pinned her down as she heard Hope's words.* Louder Hope! *she yelled over the crone's struggles. She began her own spell to coincide with those from Hope.
Hope had been chanting the spell throughout this. The magical energy was so intense the air crackled with it the way it did before lightning struck. She could feel a heavy wind picking up and swirling around her. It was so loud she nearly missed what her aunt was saying, but she did hear it, and immediately raised her voice so she was nearly screaming. Her throat would be sore later.
{*the crone fought hard, almost breaking the grip Sky had on her. She tried to continue once again her counter spell as Sky said hers and Hope continued to read loudly from the book*}
*she tightened her grip as the crone fought back, throwing now her legs around her to pin her better to the ground. She lifted one hand up and aimed down upon the old hag energies to blast at her.* that's enough hag! This will happen. *the crone shifted slightly from the blast of energy she sent at her and Sky shifted slightly as well. Taking the chance, the crone loosened the grip from her and began to quickly speak her spell. sky was caught off guard and was tossed aside. She quickly flew herself up, her wings showing briefly as she shifted into fight mode. She glared down at the crone now as she came at her again. Hope's words echoed loudly around them.*
Hope was getting distracted by the battle going in front of her. She averted her eyes, knowing that, if she continued to watch, she would become distracted to the point where she would falter in her spell. That would surely mean disaster for them. The crone would win if she paused even fior a moment. She couldn't let that happen, so she squeezed her eyes shut and focused all her energy on chanting the spell as loudly as she could.
*Sky sent another blast of energy at the crone as she said her spell. The crone did her own as well. Soon the crone looked like she was shifting and she seemed to pause in her spell. Sky went to send another blast just as the crone hit her hard this time, sending Sky clear at the circle Hope was still safely inside. She landed hard on her back, the wind getting knocked out of her. This bought the crone time to disappear as she sent a hoarse whisper on the wind to her ears* {I will be back. There will be no severing of my book! }
*Sky propped herself on her elbows quickly as she tried to catch her breath and then scrambled back to her feet, bending over in rasping breaths.* where did she go?! *she yelled frantically between her breaths and hurried into the circle with Hope, now talking the book from her.* keep saying the spell. Do you have it memorized by now? *she looked her dead in the eyes as she flipped quickly to a new page* I have to get this spell done now, other wise... *she trailed off as she set the book down to begin preparing for the next spell. It was more important than before now that she broke this spell. This bond, between crone and book. Then she could cancel the spell she did and beef up her own spells around the property, their home, and keep their girls all safe...*
Hope faltered as Sky was knocked backward, nearly back into the circle. In that moment, she heard the crone's parting words as she faded away. They clearly hadn't defeated her. Hope was sure there would have been something more final, and it was pretty obvious she intended to come back.
She reached out to help Sky, but the fae was already on her feet and reaching for the book. Hope's head bobbed up and down in response. "I can do it." Her mouth was set in a determined line, not unlike the expression her parents respectively wore when they were determined to accomplish some goal.
*with a determined nod of approval she set swiftly to work* just in case she hasn't left. I feel she might still be here, lurking and waiting. Best to not let her get an edge in, if we can help it. *she lit the cauldron and began the spell she found. One that should hopefully sever the link between crone and grimoire. She raised her arms up as her ravens now swooped up from their branches, cawing once again. The wind picked up once more as she kept with the spell, remaining focused as she also kept an eye out for in case the crone returned. Her hair whipped around her face until she finally sent the energies out to the cosmos around them. The book flipped shut dramatically at her feet. She paused with her arms still over her head and listened as the wind suddenly died down. The ravens silently flew around them. She dared to turn and look at Hope, giving a nod before she started the next spell right away.*
We must not delay in these next steps. She motioned for her to grab the items near her and add them to the cauldron.* now for my own spell to protect the home and property, while I sever hers in one spell... *she made ready to begin once Hope added the next items*
Hope grabbed the items Sky was indicating and added them to the cauldron as instructed. As she handed over the items, she continued to chant the spell, which she had learned by heart after repeating it so many times. She would never forget the spell after this day. It was something she would always know, stored away in her brain in case she needed it again someday.
*She quickly readied the items as Hope brought them to her. Words swiftly spilling from her lips ahead of the cauldron being fully ready. The wind began to pick up once again. Assurance that the counter spell she was speaking on the air was in fact working. The leaves rustled and blew around the outer circle that protected them. She stood up as she stretched out her arms, the ingredients in the bowl of the cauldron igniting into bright flash of flames. Her eyes glowed brightly in reflections of the flames burning hot against her necklace, almost burning at her skin. She whispered upon the air as the wind fought against her.
She lifted her hands up toward the skies, embracing the energies swirling around her. She closed her eyes as she professed her desires upon the winds, requesting and commanding her desires as she called upon all she needed to call on. The ravens cawed and flew swiftly around the circle.*
Once Hope had gathered everything needed for the spell, she remained within the circle. In it, she would be safe from all that magical energy being conjured up. Outside, she risked accidentally being hit by a stray bolt of energy. This was some pretty powerful stuff, and they had no way of knowing what could happen if they got caught in the middle of it. Better to stay within the circle and watch as Sky used all the magic at her command in order to make that grimoire truly hers.
The flames in the cauldron changed color as she sent her blast out upon the directions once her requests were made. The property line glowed faintly in response signifying that her spell worked. Then, the flames changed once more as the grimoire belonging to the crone shuttered in response. The winds shifted in the slightest, making it shutter all the more. The spell over the grimoire was strong, but she would be stronger...
She narrowed her eyes as she motioned to Hope to come closer. She needed her to help channel the earth's energies so she could hit this spell harder. The ravens cawed and swirled above them still. She set her hands opened, palms down to the earth to gather up the energies.*
Hope moved quickly to accommodate the fae’s request. Watching what Sky was doing very closely, she made the same gesture she did in order to channel the earthy energy that would help to complete the spell. The force of its power hit her like a freight train, and she nearly stumbled backward from it. Somehow, she didn’t know how, she managed to stay upright.
*she gave a solid nod to Hope as she saw her take a step back but regain her footing. the teen was still young in this, but she was more than strong enough to hold her own. their combined efforts should certainly hold up and break this without any issues. she focused her eyes now upon the grimoire before them as she whispered her words of ancient Avalon Faye. she could feel the energies rising slowly as she reached out to take Hope's hands to join their powers.
the ravens cawed loudly as the wind picked up once more. the old crone suddenly came flying towards them from no where only to slam into the now new barrier Sky had just repaired and adjusted to be her magic and hers alone.*
you shan't pass through here again, hag! *she hollered above the the winds as the crone stood before the barrier, glaring them both down. she sent a blast at them. Sky lifted one hand out towards the crone, deflecting her powers with a short spell. Sky took Hope's hands and nodded at her to continue with the spell. the crone screamed at them as she stomped as close as she could.* {we shall see about that!} *sky smirked as they kept going*
Hope ~
Hope gripped Sky's hand and continued chanting the spell. It was good thing she had it memorized. With all the distractions happening around her, she doubted she would have been able to focus on the pages in front of her. She could feel the hag's energy trying to break through the barrier, and it was making her a little sick. Sky's magic was stronger, and was able to hold her back, but Hope was afraid she might not be able to last out there spell.
*the energy build solid and strong between the two of them. The mikaelson blood she heard of and saw in action before from Freya when she had helped her to bring her beloved Elijah back from the beyond was there inside the girl. She had not a doubt in her mind they could accomplish this task together. The old crone placed outside of the barrier, testing parts along her way and chanting low hushed snarls in her wake. Soon the hag of a witch tempted to try a spot and lashed out once more thinking Sky was distracted in their spell. If distractions was what the hag was hoping for, she would be sorely disappointed as Sky was taught with all kinds of distractions in her teachings between the castle and the other realms she visited in her time. She kept her hand with Hope's but this time used their combined strength to deflect at her. She had taken a step back from the force that hit her before she got her hand up to do so, quickly getting her footing as she sent a blast her way. The old crone fell back harder on the ground this time.
She retook Hope's hand to finish the spell, hoping to end this once and for all.
The ravens swooped down upon the crone to now help distract her from bothering them any further as the book shook hard between them.* I think its working... *she whispered in their spell.*
Hope wasn't as disciplined as her aunt, but she was descended from a long line of powerful witches, and that bloodline evidenced itself in the set of her jaw and the determined way she chanted the spell. She felt Sky's hand briefly let go of hers, and it threw her for just a moment before Hope forced herself to concentrate and continue with the spell. She heard her aunt speak, but it was so soft that Hope couldn't quite make out the words. What she could make out was the ravens attacking the crone on the other side of the barrier, and judging by the agonized screams, the hag would not be able to sustain her energy level for much longer.
*the ravens did their best to keep the crone down. She had fought back, but the blast from the combined powers was more than she had expected. She rolled over to crawl away.
Sky regained her focus as the book shook more under their powers. The energies from it all was building against the powers over the book. Suddenly, the book rose up a foot from the ground and then a blast of energy emanated from it. The force made Sky let go of Hope's hands as it sent her to the ground on her rear. The wind knocked out of her, she landed with a thud, her hands behind her to catch her fall. She breathed out a heavy sigh and stared at the book. The agonizing screams of the crone some how gave her solace that the spell was in fact complete. It was done. The book was now severed from the crone. For good. She looked across the way to where her niece had been standing.* it is done. *she murmured.*
Hope had not been expecting the blast of energy from the book, though she should have. With all the magic flying about, it was bound to its job and hit the book with its energy. Hope felt herself flying backward from the force of the energy. She landed so hard she felt her her teeth rattle from the impact. When she was able to get her bearings, she saw that the most former by all that magical energy was slowly dissipating, and the crone was no nowhere to be found.
*the sound of the crone's screams still echoed in her ears as she nodded at Hope to say it should all be over now. The book no longer held the magic that bound it to the old witch. Her magical hold was no longer felt in the air.
She breathed a heavy sigh of relief as she fell backwards, the soft grass catching her as she went back. All her energy drained from the over exertion. She felt the soft grass blades and their sweet perfume as she closed her eyes, near passing out as she waited for her energy to regain.
She dreamed as she laid there, subconsciously searching for anything more that may still be there. She listened in the new stillness above the caws of the ravens. Past the echoed screams of the crone. She did not know at this point if she was still really there or if she had been blasted into the realms beyond. If the crone was in the realms at this point, she hoped she went to the one place never to be retrieved from again.*
One of the first things Hope saw when the mist cleared was Sky, lying on the ground with her eyes closed. The teen made her way toward her aunt, who had been knocked a few feet away from her in the blast. Sky wasn't moving, but she was breathing, which was a good sign. "Aunt Sky?" She called out softly, not sure if it work or not. Maybe it would be enough to rouse her. She really couldn't be sure.
In her dreaming she could barely hear Hope calling her name. She sounded so far away and faint underneath the scream of the crone that slowly and finally began to fade. It would be a few minutes longer before she would have enough energy to open her eyes. Still, she had to keep searching the area in this state. It was more trancelike/ meditative even, if one dared to call it so.
She sensed more stillness surrounding her as she breathed steadily.
Hope watched her aunt, eyes fixed on her anxiously. What would she do if Sky didn’t wake up? How could she tell the twins, and her uncle for that matter? How would she even find him to tell him? As far as she knew, only Sky knew where he actually was. It was a very tense few minutes as Hope waited for any sign of her aunt’s return. When her eyes finally fluttered open, Hope released an audible sigh of relief.
{4.26.2020} https://twitter.com/HerFathersHope/status/1252416777872539654?s=20
*she struggled to hold on to this state, frantically searching the property like this.* almost there... *she whispered as she traveled to the far end of the grounds. there it was. her eyes snapped open now and she sprang up. she looked around, confused for a brief moment, forgetting where she really was verses where she had been in the trance.* she is not gone. there *she nodded to the back side of their cottage from where they stood* the crone is there. along with one last spot, i hope to be taken care of... *she stepped surly as though she was walking into battle. even though days felt so far behind them, it wasn't really so long after all, was it? she motioned to Hope to follow.* come along, child. we have a matter to be tended to... *her eyes flashed red as she stepped out of the protective circle, energy that remained from all their workings just moments before emanating around her. she made swift strides across their gardens so fast that before she knew it, she was on the other side and heading down the cobblestones towards the pool Hope and herself had discovered sometime before. she never even paused to make sure her niece was keeping up or not. her mind was set on one thing at this point. The Crone. Must. Die...*
Hope could not, in fact, keep up with her. Sky might have thought she was taking normal length steps, but to Hope, she was moving so quickly it was almost like she was flying. The teen moved quickly, trying to at least keep her in her sight. For a moment, she was tempted to turn into a wolf so she could run faster, but the transformation itself would be painful and take up more of her valuable time, so she chose to simply run as fast she could.
*turning the corner to face the pool, still to be cleaned up some, but that was on the list project. she didn't even pay any head to that. her eyes locked on up the top of the stairs. she now spread her wings and flew the length of the pool, tilting up the steps. the greenery flew past her in a rush of colors as she stopped at the landing. she glared in her scanning of the area.* show yourself, hag! i know you're hiding! *she snarled as her voice made the land tremble. all the power from the land within her, but for how long she did not know. she turned slow and calculating. then, she stopped dead in her tracks. there, cowering behind the scrying pool. she paced over, hands outstretched to defend herself.*
Hope's mouth dropped open as she saw Sky literally take flight, wings spread and flapping to gather enough air to push her forward. She should have known Sky would have wings. Wade did, so why shouldn't she expect her fae aunt to? She saw Sky land a few moments later, and she quickened her pace to reach her. As she drew closer, she could hear Sky yelling something, though she couldn't quite make it out. Moments later, the crone appeared, and Hope understood that Sky must have been calling to her to come out with the intent of finishing her off.
*the crone wasn't listening to what she had said. she was intent on the small pool before them. infuriated at the crone; not only for what she had been doing here today, but on how she dared to deceive her husband. now that the link to her grimiore was severed, she hoped she could fix anything that remained on the crone's spells. first, the crone had to go.* I said. STOP. you will no longer be here... *she snarled again, barking her demands. she was used to those who disobeyed the rules in place. yet, this was not the island. she had to handle things slightly different here... but only slightly... * {you will not get me... *she retorted back, attempting to cast a spell at the pool*} ENOUGH! *she sent a blast at her with a spell forced behind it as the crone tried her spell, knocking her away into the thorny bushes surrounding it.* you are done here, hag... *her eyes flashed red again, lifting her hands at her once more, planning to send everything at her this time to finish her. how dare she undermine her beloved... *
{67793 words so far}
Hope could see the bright light emanating from Sky as she cast her spell against the hag. She wondered if her aunt was even aware that she was glowing from all that power. Probably not, since she seemed to be pretty caught up in what she was doing. Hope was now close enough to see and hear what was happening, and the look on Sky's face was both beautiful and terrible at once. It was then Hope realized just how truly powerful Sky really was, and she was in complete awe of her.
*she felt the power of energy building from within her. her rage getting the best of her at this point. she wanted to send it all at this one creature. deserving all this force? who was she to decide... she stepped closer to the crone, looming over her now.* you have dealt your last spell... *she whispered low. her hand bringing up a fire ball of energy forth as her eyes remained fixated on the being before her. the crone began to tremble once she realized who was before her. she saw something faint behind her. {*it wasn't... was it? the crone thought. but there was nothing more to her thought*} sky sent her fist holding the fire ball of energy thrusting into the chest cavity of the crone, gripping at her very heart. or what tiny speck had remained of it by now with the years. the crone gasped out a final breath, as she twisted her hand just so, sending the surge through her as she then ripped the heart from her. she stood, the crone's heart in her hand as the crone slumped over.* i shall see to it you are never joined to body or book again. *she stared down at the spot the crone laid now lifeless, the heart dripping in her hand. she could feel the energy had released from her in that one action and she breathed a heavy sigh.*
Hope watched as Sky employed the same method she had once seen her father use on the hapless object of his anger. She grimaced at the sight, the old terror she'd felt as a seven-year-old bubbling just under the surface. Just before Sky ripped the crone's heart out, Hope could have sworn she was looking at her, and saying something that was cut off by Sky's actions. What interest could the woman have had in Hope, though? Surely she must have been mistaken in what she'd seen.
*she stood over the crone's lifeless body before she finally turned back to look at Hope, remembering she was with her. The look over Hope's face made her come back to herself in a way. She slipped the heart in the pocket of her now torn dress.* come, we must undo what she did here. *she knelt now before the scrying pool, placing her hands on the walls of stone. She whispered softly the counter spell they had done across the grounds. There was no time to waste. Now that the crone was dead, the possibility of any spells she might have done may erase themselves. She couldn't dare to take the risk however small it may be. She needed to undo any old ones and place her own as soon as she could. She would have to worry about the look on Hope's face later...*
Hope nodded as she tried to erase the memory of Sky ripping out the crone's heart from her mind. She'd had nightmares for weeks after seeing Klaus do it, but had refused to tell her mother what was causing them. Despite her father's absence for most of her life, she still loved him very much. He had always been so gentle and loving with her and that was the side she chose to remember. "What can I do?" This after she was able to get some control over herself.
*she heaved a small sigh of relief and then with a nod she whispered the spell* we need to break her spell and make our own. Like we did in the circle. She was trying to do something here, *she patted the top of the pool with one hand* at the scrying pool. This is a portal. Remember? We have to close this up for now.* she took Hope's hand, making sure to not use the same hand she took the crone's heart with.* we will reopen it after we fix it. I promise.
*she sighs heavily and whispers* I am sorry that you had to see that. I am sure you have probably not seen too much of that... I have only had to kill a few other times although not quite that extreme...those were more sword and battle. But I needed to send that energy someplace, there was too much of it from earlier. Inside the crone was the safest place. *she whispers to add* the crone cannot leave where she went to now, I'll see to that later... *she makes a frown and then nods, continuing the spell*
"That wouldn't be the first time I've someone get their hearts ripped out. It's just...been a while," she concluded lamely. Hope reached for Sky's hand, which, much to her relief was not the one covered in blood. Hope was no stranger to bloodshed, but that didn't mean she didn't get a little squeamish around it now and then. She just hid it better than others.
*nodding she gripped Hope's hand when she took it and placed it flat under hers against the stone wall of the scrying pool. she had a feeling it would take their combined efforts again to stop what the crone had done over here. only difference this time would be that she could not stop them... she began the spell low and steady, her eyes focused on the water of the pool. she was searching the water, trying to see anything from it before she sealed it up for the time being. shutting off any links before she detached any spell would be safest. then she would be able to heal the pool after she did the new barriers at this end.*
Hope leaned forward slightly, her gaze trained on the scrying pool. Her hand tightly grasped her aunt's as she waited to see what would happen. It seemed as though Sky was looking at something, but she wasn't sure what. Hope couldn't make anything out, but she was sure something must be there, or Sky wouldn't be so intent upon it.
Come on... *she barely breathed out as she narrowed her eyes* show. Me... *she focused her thoughts, searching for what was done to the pool. The water swirled slightly as the energy flowed from them through the stone. Faint shapes showed themselves to her but nothing was very clear.* what were you up too... *she tried to refocus energy to better seen something, anything.*
Hope knew from before that what one person saw, someone else might not see at all. Meaning that Sky could be seeing something, and Hope wouldn't see it at all. And it seemed fairly evident that Sky was looking at /something/. Hope just couldn't make out what it was. Even she was very curious about what might be there, she didn't dare ask what it was. She didn't want to risk breaking her aunt's concentration.
*she tried harder to see into the waters. The murky vision coming forth remained stubbornly hazy. She pushed a little harder, still to no avail.* who are you reaching out to?... *she whispered she tried a little more, but felt herself getting more frustrated than anything. She was being blocked from seeing it. She gave a defeated sigh and gave up on trying* maybe we fix it all and see it later... *she mumbled. She changed her focus now to undo the spell that the crone was casting over the area. She closed her eyes and spoke new words; loud, crisp and clear. To pool slowed its swirl as she began her shift in energies*
Hope paid close attention to what she was saying. You never knew when that information might come in handy later. Someday, she was sure, she would need it. And if she never did, it would be a cool way to impress her friends at school. As long as Doctor Saltzman didn't catch using such advanced magic, of course.
*The pool water began to swirl the opposite direction than before now, murky then becoming clear like it should. She continued the spell until it stilled once more. Then motioned to her niece to direct the energies outward next.*
The area surrounding here must be checked... *she explained as she began to stand from the scrying pool to check the area about them for any other spots the crone might had touched before. She headed towards the roses growing along the edge...*
"Of course," Hope agreed as she walked toward the roses. The air was heavy with their perfume, and she inhaled deeply. It was sweet, though a little cloying as they drew closer to the bushes. She recognized them as the flowers Sky had in little vases around her cottage. Now she knew where she had gotten them. Maybe Hope would pick some for her room later. Surely Sky would not object.
*she went slowly, her hands outstretched before her as she went. Passing by the rose bushes and the other flowers around the area. She made her way to the gazebo that stood at one end. This was only the second time they had been over here since Hope and herself had went around to explore this side of their cottage grounds shortly after her arrival/ or better yet/ discovery here.
What a discovery of this hidden area this find was for them, too. She could see them trying out different things with the scrying pool later on, but for now, she must secure the place. She sensed some energy behind the gazebo and paused.* here... *she called over to her niece. She lifted her hands to begin a spell once more. They will lift and break the old one to enforce the one she did on the other side of the grounds earlier.*
As soon as she came within a few feet of the area, Hope felt the energy. It was emanating from around the gazebo in waves. She swayed a little, feeling somewhat dizzy from whatever it was. Sky didn't seem fazed by it at all. Maybe the faye in her made less affected by it than Hope was. Apparently being a tribrid didn't make immune to everything the way people around her always seemed to believe.
Seeing Hope sway, she grabbed her wrist and pulled her closer. She had a feeling it would be combined efforts again. The crone was old. And old was sometimes stronger. Who know how much the crone had done on here. She gave her a look to ask if she was alright, knowing they had already done so much in just one day. She would not be surprised if the teen was draining in energy. She herself could feel the weakness washing over her, but she held fast. She learnt in all she did at the island that she had to or all else could fail.*
Sky's hand closing over her wrist had an anchoring effect on Hope. She felt stronger than she had a few moments before, though not at her usual full strength. She knew that magic could weaken her, had seen it happen to other kids at school, but she had never felt it this intensely. When this was over, she intended to take a very long nap.
*she spoke softly* we will have to combine again. It is a strong spell here...* she turned to face Hope, reaching for her other hand. She began to ready for the spell of their own*
"Right." Hope had been expecting that. She'd known they would need to gather as much energy as they could to put a stop to whatever magic the crone still had over the place. She held her other hand out to Sky, ready to finish whatever needed doing.
*she met Hope's eyes, nodded and began the spell from before. The ravens had left the branches of the trees and began to fly around them, almost protectively this time. They cawed as they circled above them. The crone's body remained lifeless where Sky had left her. The scrying pool, silent.*
Hope concentrated what energy she had left on helping Sky complete the spell. She felt something stirring as whatever magic they were conjuring mixed with the magic that had previously been there. Leaves rustled as a wind picked them up and blew them around the two women. She has felt the crone's influence earlier, but she didn't feel it now. Whatever they were doing was clearly working.
*she whispered words from the ancient faye tongue, holding Hope's hands as they continued on. The ravens cawed more as the wind picked up swiftly. She stared into the scrying pool between them as she went. Soon, the waters within its short walls began to move. Swirling in the slightest.
She lifted her gaze up and directed them towards the far side of the area they stood. She released Hope's hand and aimed it in that direction, sending energy that had built between them out towards it. Soon, she could almost feel the change in the area. The spell began to crumble from the crone.
She nodded to her niece to let her know they would be changing spells soon. They must not hesitate to begin and complete the new one, for risk of losing everything. *
Hope could feel the change in the atmosphere. As what she assumed to be the crone's power crumbling, there was a lightness in the air that hadn't been there before. Hope could feel her strength ebbing from her as Sky concentrated their combined powers to finish off that last bit of power. She wasn't sure she would have enough to complete the next spell. With any luck, Sky would have enough magic for both of them.
*she grasped Hope's hands once more and nodded* we can do this. Just like before. Only, now we should not have any disruption. *she gave a smirk with a wink as she nodded her head in the direction of what remained of the crone.* I seem to feel she was along out here. If we haven't seen anyone come by to interfere by now, she was a loner. We can get this done in no time. *she closed her eyes and whispered the ancient faye tongue once more, making a new barrier upon this side of the property. They should have no problem getting this settled. She pushed forward with what little energy remained with her. She had to see this through to the end. No matter what. There would be plenty of time to explain to her beloved after it was all said and done. Of course, with how things went, she was surprised he had not returned in the mist of their mini... adventure, they had discovered on their own. She gave a slight smirk in her thoughts then regained her seriousness on the matter at hand*
"I'm ready." Hope nodded determinedly. Her reasoning was that the faster they finished what needed doing out here, the faster they could return to the cottage, and the faster she would be able to rest. With the way she felt right now, she was sure she could sleep for an entire week and still be exhausted from all the magical energy she had used up today.
*she held Hope's hands tightly as she went. The ravens continued their caws as they flew around them, close and tight circles above them. The wind picked up, yet not as strong as before. Soon, energy shot out and all was silent. She could faintly see a line where the energy went as it faded and rested in place. She slowly let go of Hope's hands whispering* all should be set now.
"I don't feel her any more," Hope said quietly. "I could before. She had so much negative energy the air was polluted with it. I don't feel that any more. I can tell she's really gone and this is over." She looked around. "What happens now? Do we go back to cottage and go on as normal?"
Let me just make sure first, then we can go. *she motioned to the ravens who flew down and changed to humanoid form as she had made the spell some time ago to allow them to do just that. Her private little guards that can lurk in shadows yet transform to be man power at a moments notice. He bowed and stood silent before her, dressed in black as his feathers and hooded so none could look at the head underneath.*
Take the crone away. You know where she must go.
*with a bow he silently went and took the crone through the bushes, disappearing into nothing.
She turned to Hope.*
Now, we may go. *she gave a smile smile and wrapped her arm gently around her waist. The extra use of energy exhausted herself, she could only imagine how the young girl was handling.*
We shall rest and indulge in some chocolate. *as they made their way back down the long stone stairs past the pool*
"I never say no to chocolate!" Unlike many kids her age, Hope was blessed with a clear complexion and was able to eat as much junk food as she pleased without breaking out. She credited that to her Original bloodline, sure that there was something in there that kept her skin clear and blessed her with above-average strength. "Chocolate and then a nap!"
*letting out a small laugh* neither do I, kiddo. Let us be going then *they slowly made their way along the quiet at this side of the grounds. Now that the events from dealing with the crone was finally settled, the ravens that remained flew about following them as they walked along the side of the cottage to the main garden to return to the kitchen and some well deserved rest.*
Now that it was over, and Hope had a moment to relax, she realized she was extremely exhausted. She half walked, half stumbled, back toward the cottage, her limbs growing heavier with each step. By the time they reached the cottage, Hope could barely keep her eyes open, and was barely able to get into the house.
*still having her arm around her waist as they walked, she could feel how heavy she was getting. She helped hold her up as they went, guiding her through the kitchen door and setting her upon one of the antique sofas in the living room.* here you go dear child. You rest, I'll get some food and drinks for us... *she made sure Hope was settled in with a blanket to cover her before she turned to head to the kitchen again and get a tray for them*
Hope nodded as Sky got her settled on the couch. She didn’t usually get so tired after using magic. Could it be because she had used more than she was used to? That seemed like a logical explanation. She would have to ask Sky when she was more awake. Before her aunt had even left the room, Hope was fast asleep.
*she set some fruits and chocolates on the tray along with some juices and faye tonic and set it all on a serving tray to bring out to the living room. She heard a tap at the window and let the raven in that was there. It hopped in and cawed once.* very good. I shall tend to the rest of it later. Her body will not be found or touched as long as it is in that realm. Thank you. *she gave the raven atreat and scratched its beak. It purred to her scratches and enjoyed its reward before hopping back out to the gardens. She picked up the serving tray and returned to the living room only to find that Hope had passed out from exhaustion.* poor thing. We did over do it today. But, *she let out a heavy sigh* one can not always control circumstances when dealing with magic. *she set the tray down, slipping a few fruit and chocolates for herself, fixed the blanket on Hope and walked to the other room with her glass of faye tonic. She walked into the sunroom and sat down in a shaded area, silently going over the events that had unfolded. She will still need to be certain on any other spells done around here. But, she can check on that later. She closed her eyes and rested there, the glass sitting in her lap, hanging half off her hand*
Hope slept for quite a long time. She was so exhausted that her sleep was dreamless and deep. Hours later, she woke up to find that the sun had shifted and it was now late afternoon. She rubbed her eyes and looked around the room, a small smile forming on her lips when she saw that Sky was sound asleep on one of the chairs. The twins must have been outside playing with their pet rabbit. She didn't hear them anywhere in the house, so she figured she would go outside to see what they were up too.
*exhaustion from so much energy being used, she slept soundly in the chair, now warmed in a slight amount of sun as she shifted in the sky. The room cozy from her warmth filtering through the large windows helped her stay asleep for some time. She hadn't used so much energy before. Even in battles against the dragon kings or even the shadow demons before them. Restless dreams, not dreams at all. She seemed to be searching unconsciously about the cottage and grounds for any more signs left behind by the crone. Nothing was showing itself to her. Eventually, she shifted and woke slowly from her nap, the glass in her hand almost falling to the stone tiles making her suddenly jolt awake. She breathed a relieved sigh as she caught the glass and placed her other hand against her chest to calm her nerves.* just a glass... *she reminded herself in a hushed tone. She sat there and listened to the sounds of their cottage for a while longer, collecting her thoughts.*
Hope watched as she fell from the chair. Still sluggish from sleep, she wasn't able to get to Sky in time to prevent the impact of her hitting the floor. Thankfully, Sky seemed unharmed, and more startled than anything else. By the time Hope was off the couch and by her aunt's side, Sky was up and back in her chair.
That is the last time I sit with a glass in my hand... *she breathed out, leaning back still in the chair. She let out a long sigh as she felt embarrassed at her own silliness. She looks started as Hope was standing in front of her so suddenly. Now she felt even more embarrassed for having not actually had so much power exhurstion under control. She faked a smile at her niece* did you rest well, my dear child? *trying to make sure she did not see that she woke herself up by almost dropping the glass from her hand.*
"I slept fine. What about you? You looked like you were in a pretty deep sleep." Hope had seen her nearly drop the glass, but she wasn't going to say anything that would further embarrass her clearly flustered aunt. The glass hadn't broken, and Sky hadn't hurt herself. There was no need to discuss it any further.
More restless, I think. *she played with the glass in her hand, staring at it absently before setting it upon the small table nearby. She let out a small sigh and then smiled when she looked back at her niece.* at least you got some good rest. You passed out before your head hit that pillow, I feel. *she now smirked at her with a tiny giggle* maybe we did a little too much magic today. Yet, one cannot always control what is going on while performing spells. Case and point with what we just had to deal with. Life lessons apparently are in full swing around here for you. *she gave a shrug and then made to stand up, smoothing out her outfit.* food and then maybe we should get some relaxing shower or bath in... maybe a change in clothing? *she had to giggle at the last bit when she realized her own dress was torn in places at this point.* alas, it goes with the territory some days. All that matters is that we got everything done, I think. I sensed as I slept. *shaking her head* i felt nothing else remaining from my slumber. We shall just keep our senses up for any thing remaining.*
Hope looked down at her own clothes. They were dirty, but not quite as torn as Sky's were. "A bath sounds wonderful," she said eagerly. "I'm not used to doing that much magic. They kind of limit what we do at school. No experimenting on our own because they're afraid we'll be swayed by dark magic. Sadly, that has happened a few times. One of the more notable cases happened with one of the headmaster's daughters."
*she nodded as she made to slowly walk from the garden sunroom, motioning for Hope to follow as well.* I can imagine the school would wish to limit things like this. Can you see dozens of teenagers over doing it and passing out all over the grounds? *she made a smirk and continued* what happened to the daughter, might I ask? *as they made their way back to the living room. She lifted the tray of food and turned to suggest* we can set this tray in your room and I can make one for myself for mine while we have our baths.
"She embraced the dark side too hard. It turned her. Or maybe it brought out what was always there. Do you know about the Gemini twins and the merge that happens with them?" Hope looked at the tray Sky was talking about. "We can eat together, if you want. I can tell you the story of the Saltzman twins. It's quite a tale."
*shaking her head* I do not believe I have heard of the Gemini twins yet. The topic has never come up. *she sets the tray back down and sits on the sofa* no need to rush then. Let us enjoy some food, then we can always freshen up after. *she pats the seat beside her* what of this, merge? Its sounds like it could be painful.
"It's a long story," Hope explained, "and I'm not sure it's fully over yet." She got comfortable and took a piece of cheese from the tray. Her stomach growled appreciatively as the food hit her digestive system. In between bites of food, Hope told her aunt the story of the Gemini coven as far as she knew it to be. It was a long story, and by the time she finished, the tray of food was mostly empty. "And that's the story," she concluded. "It's a lot, I know."
*she says back as she shared the tray of snacks with her niece, listening to the story of the Gemini twins* Any story can have a lot. But, that does seem to be a heavy burden to place upon twins of a family. *she looked down at the tray and saw how it was just about emptied.* maybe they will find a way to end such a thing before too long. Thankfully, there is nothing like that for our girls. I couldn't imagine how their parents are searching the world. *she makes to take up the tray* I will clean up, why don't you go freshen up? We can go through the books after to relax. Who knows *smirking* maybe we will find something that will help the Saltzman Twins.
"Wouldn't that began something?" Hope smiled. "With the merge seeming imminent now that Josie's embraced her dark side, we'll need to find something quickly. I feel guilty for not being there when my friends probably need my help. There might be something I can do or find that would end this mess."
*with a smirk* there is always a loophole, my dear child. No matter what. Always search for those loopholes. *then nodding as she brings the tray to the kitchen* your friend embracing the dark side might seem the end of everything, there is still a hope that she can overcome that as well. Never lose hope on that. When you do, that is when you will lose your friend. *she sets the tray on the counter in the kitchen and then turns so they may head up to their rooms to freshen up before doing other things*
"I won't be giving up on Josie. I know there's still good in her even though it's not present now. My friends and I have been working on a way to save her. If the headmaster hadn't insisted that everyone go home for spring break, I would be there right now. I think he wanted everyone safely away just in case."
Sounds about right. He would be all for keeping everyone safe. *she smiles* keeping the thought that she is still in there underneath all that darkness will be very useful later on. *she tilted her head slightly* maybe a break from everyone will help fresh the situation when you all return together? And... maybe we will find something helpful to try in those piles up in the library... *she gave a playful wink in her smirk at the thought* who knows. Maybe what you find will lead to the solution in the end.
"Maybe. I think some of my friends plan on looking for a solution when they go home as well. They don't all have access to things like you have, but you never know what they might find. It's worth a shot, any way." Hope knew the odds of her friends finding something was slim, but with all those books Sky had at her disposal, she might find something during her visit.
One never knows. *she gave a soft smile* they might find things in old references in their area. Very true, I do seem to have an abundance of resources here, nevermind back at the castle. Which, if you and your friends find later on that you might need to reach out for them. Do not hesitate to ask. I can have things sent over to the school, or set up for a "field trip" for you all. *she smirked and gave a wink* maybe Dr. Saltzman would approve of such an activity during school time.
"Perhaps. Maybe I can put you in touch with him. You might be able to help, and I'm sure he would appreciate it. You don't have to tell him Elijah is still alive if you don't think it would be safe for him to know. We can think of a good cover for you being there and how we know each other. No one knows I came looking for my uncle."
Getting in touch with him to help would be nice. As for not informing him of such a thing that important... not my cup of tea. I shall discuss such a thing with your uncle Elijah before such a meeting was to take place. Misinformation upon a first meeting, especially with Dr. Saltzman's background knowledge on the family alone. That is not a wise decision to do. Misleading is never what one should do. Even if meant to keep from harm. *she leads them up the stairs so they might continue as they walk* besides, I am sure we can make a donation to the school. The girls might end up attending there one of these years. *she gives a small smirk* one never knows. So a good start to a relationship would be to not mislead. *she gave a knowing nod* I shall let that be your uncle's call on that. If he deems no, an anonymous donation of books can always be sent to the school *she winks and giggles*
"That's a good point. I hadn't thought of that." Hope would be out of school by the time the twins were old enough to be enrolled in the school, and it hadn't occurred to her that her little cousins might one day attend the Salvatore School. It should have. Her aunt Freya was already talking about enrolling Hope's cousin Nik, and he was only two or three years older than the twins.
*smiling sotfly* perfectly alright, my dear child. As you learn and get older, you'll learn how to look the entire situation over before just diving in. Some situations require action before thought. But instances such as this, we have time to examine all of it. *she placed her hand upon the railing as they made their way up the staircase. She giggled at a thought* before too long, the Salvatore school will be filled with a new line of Mikaelson blood. I hope Dr. Saltzman will be ready to handle such a lot! *she giggled more as they continued up the steps.* If he thinks the shenanigans you and your friends have been getting into as of late was crazy... he may just retire when he finally has to deal with Samantha and Solveig. Then toss your cousin Nik in the lot. *she gave a smirk* new batch of shenanigans I feel will be an experience.
"I'm sure it will be quite an experience for him. If his hair isn't grey already, it will be by the time my cousins are done with the school. I don't envy him in the least little bit." She shook her, giggling at the thought. "Poor Doctor Saltzman. He is stuck with this family, I would think."
*she giggles along with her niece* that poor man does not know all that he will be in for. *smirking as they reach the top of the staircase, pausing now before the door to where Hope was staying.* maybe as a compensation, we find a spell to keep his hair from graying. *giggling more*
"I'm sure he would appreciate that, although he isn't that fond of using magic. Perhaps you will be able to convince him to let you use a small spell on him. I'm sure you know of one. Let's just hope we don't accidentally make the poor man's hair fall out. My classmates already drive him crazy enough to make him tear his hair out."
*a slight smirk crossing her lips with a little giggle* oh I'm sure I wont make that happen. Although I can only imagine how much he may have lost by now with all of you! *giggling more* I could always just have some special that's made as well, if need be. We have some highly talented haters in the realms *she gave a wink* perhaps you have heard of one? A little on the mad side. *she giggles as she refers to the story of Alice in Wonderland and the mad hatter* so, quick relaxing baths and then meet up in the library?
"You mean like in Alice in Wonderland? That guy was real?" She shook her head. Why was she not surprised? In her world, anything was possible and she'd seen things she never believed to be real. Why not a character from a children's book too? "A bath sounds terrific. I'll be nice and relaxed after that."
*letting out a hearty laugh over Hope's surprise, yet not meaning for it to be rude* yes, my dear child. Very much as real as you and I. The island of realms means just that. When we dream up things, create them into lore like things, they must live someplace. Well, they live in their own realms because these stories breath life into them. *she smiles* maybe some day I can take you on a field trip through the looking glass... *then with a playful wink* I am Alice after all.
You go take a bath, and I shall meet you once I am done with my own. All the luxury bathing gels and salts are already lined up along the tub along with anything else you might need. *she takes her hands to gently squeeze them before she goes to hurry off for hers* enjoy yourself.
Hope squeezes her aunt's hand back and gave her a smile. "Thank you, auntie. I'm sure I will. Maybe over summer break we can check out some of those realms that you were telling me about. That would make quite an essay on how I spent my summer vacation. I bet the twins wouldn't be able to beat that with their trip to Europe to visit their mom."
Absolutely! *smiling brightly at the idea* you figure out what one you want to check out, and we can go hop a portal and hang out for a day at it. *smirking playfully* I bet their European trip will be nothing compared to the mad hatters tea party! Ok, then let us get refreshed and we can speak more on such ideas... *she smiles again and turns to quickly set off for her bath so they may resume in the library afterwards* see you soon, my dear child. *she sings behind her as she goes*
"See you soon, Aunt Sky!" Hope grinned tight herself as she set off for her bathroom. As if by magic, her bathtub was already full, and the scent of daisies filled the room. Hope's favorite flowers were ina vase on a little table near the tub. She breathed in the scent and began preparing for her bath. Gratefully, she sank into the hot water and closed her eyes. It was exactly what she needed to relax.
She patters through their chambers and quietly closes the door behind her to their powder room. She draws a bath for herself, leaning forward to select a luxury bath gel to add to the running waters that would suit her mood of the day. She pours some in and then stands up to step from her clothing, now torn and smeared with dirt, grass and other things too clustered to be noticed by now. She sinks into the waters, letting out a long sigh as the hot water mixed with bubbles hit against her skin. She closed her eyes as her head rested against the edge of the bathtub, forgetting all that happened just moments before...
After some time, she pulls the chain so that she might climb from it and wraps up into the towel she set beforehand. She then patters silently to their closet, selects a new dress for the late afternoon and then brushes out her hair so that she may head to their kitchen to fix a tray of food to bring up to the library to meet with Hope.*
Hope stayed in the tub for quite a while. It was incredibly relaxing. So much so that she nearly fell asleep in the tub. After a while the water began to cool and most of the bubbles were gone. That's when she knew it was time to get up. She drained the tub, dried off, and selected her favorite pair of jeans and a simple black t-shirt. Once she was comfortably dressed, she made sure her rooms were tidy and headed toward the library to meet Sky.
*she set the trays down on the table near the fireplace, thinking that seemed to be where her niece most preferred to read at. then turned to gather some writing materials and a stack of books for them to begin with. she knelt before the fireplace to softly spell it lite and then stood up after she played with the embers to get it roaring.*
About five minutes later, Hope walked into the library. She was considerably more relaxed and less tired than she'd been before and her cheeks were flushed from the hot bath. Her eyes lit up when she saw the roaring fire and a stack of books placed on the table next to her favorite chair. "You've thought of everything haven't you?" A delighted laugh escaped her lips as she sat down and her eyes fell on the tray of food placed in a nearby table.
*she glances back over to the sound of her niece's voice, and giggles in her smile* I suppose that I have. *she motions to the food* help yourself, please. *she strolled over to her chair and slips the blanket over her lap as she scoops down to pick up a book to begin with.*
Did you enjoy the bath? I hope everything was to your liking?
Hope got up and filled one of the plates with some of the food on the tray. Once she had what she wanted, she returned to her chair and nibbled on a strawberry as she selected the book from the type of the pile. "It was fantastic, and the flowers you left were beautiful. I'm not sure what scent the bath gel was, but it left me feeling more relaxed and energetic than I was earlier today.
Excellent. I am so glad you enjoyed it all. *smiling as she sipped her peppermint tea* your uncle Elijah is always bringing beautiful flowers home for me. I am glad we have so many vases and places to be able to place them in. *she smiles at memories of times her beloved Elijah would return home and surprise her with a bouquet or some other treat. She was lost in her thoughts for a brief moment as she savored the flavor from the tea. She brought her attention back to Hope* the gels are always relaxing. If I remember correctly, the ones in your bathroom I brought back from our time in Venice last summer.
"Really?" Hope had seen the expression on Sky's face when she had spoken of Uncle Elijah. It was sweet how much she cared for him. It made her happy to see that they had found that with each other. "They had a lovely scent. I wasn't quite sure what it was though. The scent was familiar, but I couldn't quite place it. Do you remember what it was?"
*she paused to think as she played her fingers slowly along the pages of the book in her lap in one hand, resting her mug against her chest.* I might have selected ones the smelt of Venice. So that I might remember the place and the time there. Maybe one was a watery sweet scent that you used?
"That sounds about right. It blended in with the scent of the tub water, so that's what I thought it must have been. After you told me that, though, it makes sense. It was extremely relaxing, whatever it was. I think I fell asleep at one point."
*letting a small giggle escape her lips* sounds about right. A good bath isn't a good one until one falls asleep in it. Trust me... there have been plenty I have dozed off in. *she gave a smirk then set her mug down.* if you wish, I can see what the village shoppes have for some to bring back to school with you to share with your friends ... or to keep secretly to yourself?
"I'd really like that. Though I'll have to think on the sharing thing," she said with a giggle. Hope didn't have very many friends at school, preferring to keep to herself, but the twins might enjoy it. They were becoming friends, and it might be nice to do something for them.
*smirking in a small giggle* it is hard to share those sometimes. *she glanced at the page before her and flipped it over to the next before sipping at her tea.* I can always be certain to have some delivered from time to time as well. This way if you did share them, you'll never run out. *she gave a small wink as she looked back up from the book in her lap. Then resumes back to the pages before her.* now I wonder if there is any information on the Gemini's or even on that old crone in any of these... surely someone came across such things in the other realms...
"I would think so. The Gemini coven is a pretty old one. And the merging is a big deal. There must be something on it. Ms. Salvatore has been scouring Europe in search of something that might help. As for the crone, if this was her home, she probably has something hidden away so no one can figure out how to stop her."
*with a small nod* I see. Then there is bound to be something if they are in fact as old as that. *she flipped the page slowly and continued* as for that crone... *she narrows her eyes* this was not her home. This is ours and your uncle enlisted her assistance in doing protection on it. However, as it seems with some of these beings... *she gave a heavy sigh* they have underlying hidden agendas of their own. *she lifted her eyes to glance coyly up at her niece* we just happend to discover hers and nip her in the butt. Permanently. *she said with a mischievous little smirk and then holds up the book in her lap as demonstration* and... we acquired a new toy *giggling* we have upped our game in defense against any other creatures that may think they can out smart this family. They underestimate your uncle. Which in turn means they underestimate your new aunt. *winking* they shall learn swift enough to stand clear. For messing with the likes of dragons is unwise... *smirking and lifting her eye brow* and do we know why, my dear child?
"The dragon will burn you," she said promptly. "Everyone knows not to mess with my family. The ones who don't, learn not to pretty quickly. The hard way. Sounds like that tradition will continue with this latest branch of the family tree." She winked back at Sky. "And I'm sure the next generation will keep it going."
Well, I was going to say because you are crunching and taste good with ketchup. But that works too. *she gave a playful smirk with a wink* yes, I too have had my share of those who need lessons on not to be messing with the likes of. But, there will always be that one bunch it seems. I can only hope that we can make it so things are less in need of such measures when the younger ones are old enough. *she sets the book aside and then gets up to gather another book to be scribbled in. She returns to her wingback chair and sits back down, wrapping back up in the blanket.*
"There are some people who just will not learn that no matter how many times they go against us and lose. I've heard a few stories I wasn't meant to." Hope shrugged as she leaned over to select a book. The one at the top was about water magic, which sounded interesting to the young tribrid. It might be something she could use at a later date.
*she nods silently then speaks softly* some never learn...*she glances at what book Hope selected and smirks* water huh? Had fun with what we did earlier? *she then glances down at her own book, the slightest of smirks showing at the corner of her lip as she pretended to not have actually looked*
“Well, it /was/ at the top at the pile.” Hope smirked back at her as she opened the book and began leafing through it. “This could come in handy some day. I mean, you never know, right?” Hope glanced up at Sky with a smile. She knew her aunt would understand what she meant.
*Chuckling in her smirk* very well put, my dear child. Very well put... *she smirked more* the pile must have known to have that one on top for you... *she leafed through her book upon her lap, skimming the pages. After seeing it was not much of any use for the moment, she set it on the other side of the chair and proceeded on to the next one.* we might be able to find a small water bowl to practice with if you find any you wish to test out. That one, if I recall, was the small spells in the front...
“That sounds like fun. My aunt Freya says you should start out small when learning magic. Let your skills and powers build before getting to the really big spell. That way, you’re in control enough to be able to manage whatever larger spells come later. I like to dive right in, but I see the wisdom in what she is saying.”
{5.24.2020} https://twitter.com/HerFathersHope/status/1264293279174197248?s=20
*nodding to agree* yes, a very wise statement. Always start small and build up, if allowed. *she gets up from her chair, setting her book down upon the seat then walks across the library to the desk. She pulls a drawer open and pulls out a small brass bowl. She sets it briefly on the top of the desk so she can close the drawer back up and then picks the bowl up once again. She carries it back to where they sat, setting it on the side table between them and then heads back to another side table near the entry of the room to gather up the water pitcher. She brings that over to place next to the bowl, sits down and smirks as she speaks, lifting the book back up to set in her lap once more.*
Pour the water into the bowl... *she began as she smirked at her niece with what she had in mind*
*she smirked playfully and lifted the bowl from her niece.* no, my dear child... *she pours the water back into the water pitcher, this time setting it on a far side table and turns back to her, leaning against the table* pour. The water. *she gave a mischievous smirk as she lifted her eye brow at her niece, hoping she figured out by now* one rule... no. Hands.
“Oh!” Hope realized what Sky was getting at now. She wanted the teen to use her powers to pour the water. Hope wasn’t telekinetic, but she knew some spells that would allow her to move objects without having to actually touch them. She decided a fairly simple incantation that didn’t require much effort. The words came out of her mouth as a soft chant, and she watched as the pitcher trembled on the first round, lifted on the second, moved slowly toward the bowl on the third, and finally poured water on the fourth. Some of the water spilled out of the pitcher, but her goal was accomplished and she was pleased by that.
*she leaned back more against the side table behind her, crossing her arms to rest her hands upon her elbows as she looked over her niece. Her right leg crossing over her right one slightly. She smirked with her eyes as she stood like this, watching over her "student". She held on intently to the words Hope chanted from her lips that made the water pitcher tremble at first. She was shaky in her movements bringing the pitcher up to the bowl causing the water to splash some over the floor. But, one had to start someplace. She nodded as the water made it into the bowl for the most part and gave a small clap of approval.* very good, for your first try. *she stepped closer to where she stood and poured the water back into the pitcher.* this time, guide the water with your hand... *she almost whispered as she rolled her wrist, soft words coming forth as the water moved from the water pitcher on it's own, flowing to the movements of her hand. She made little swirls with her index finger in which the water did the same in response, moving along in the air assisted by an invisible force. She lifted her chin slightly as she moved her body over to be closer to the bowl waiting for its reward. She set her index finger downward and made a swift swirling circle near the bowl. The water rolled itself up into a funnel of waves, then flowed like a waterfall into the bowl. Not a single drop wasted. She set her arms down to smooth against her dress and turned to her niece. A glimmer in her eye* now, want to try that technique? *she stepped aside, motioning with her hand the gesture of after you to her and smirked.*
{6.28.2020 https://twitter.com/HerFathersHope/status/1275198135191683072?s=20}
Hope watched Sky's movements closely, mentally mimicking them so she could commit them to memory. Her eyes widened as it cascaded like a waterfall into the bowl. "That." She pointed at the bowl. "Was awesome. I really need to learn how to do that." Confident as she was, Hope knew she was not at the skill level where she could do that yet. She could get the water into the bowl, but she couldn't do any fancy tricks with it.
Hope watched Sky's movements closely, mentally mimicking them so she could commit them to memory. Her eyes widened as it cascaded like a waterfall into the bowl. "That." She pointed at the bowl. "Was awesome. I really need to learn how to do that." Confident as she was, Hope knew she was not at the skill level where she could do that yet. She could get the water into the bowl, but she couldn't do any fancy tricks with it.
*she gave a smirk in her giggle then moves her head, lifting her hand in a motion of after you* want to give it another try? It takes practice, but ina pretty sure you can handle it. *she winked playfully at her as she made a circling motion with her index finger over the water pitcher, playing with the water. She made it rise up in a tiny funnel then allowed it to fall back into the container.*
*she gave a smirk in her giggle then moves her head, lifting her hand in a motion of after you* want to give it another try? It takes practice, but ina pretty sure you can handle it. *she winked playfully at her as she made a circling motion with her index finger over the water pitcher, playing with the water. She made it rise up in a tiny funnel then allowed it to fall back into the container.*
Hope nodded as she watched the water move back into the pitcher with a wave of her aunt's hand. She closed her eyes to give herself a moment to focus, then opened them and began to repeat the same steps she had earlier. She was determined to get it right this time. Or, at least, better than she had before. The pitcher was a little steadier this time around, but some of the water spilled as the pitcher tipped over the bowl.
Hope nodded as she watched the water move back into the pitcher with a wave of her aunt's hand. She closed her eyes to give herself a moment to focus, then opened them and began to repeat the same steps she had earlier. She was determined to get it right this time. Or, at least, better than she had before. The pitcher was a little steadier this time around, but some of the water spilled as the pitcher tipped over the bowl.
*she watched as she leaned back against the chair nearby. She tilted her head to the side in thought as she watched her niece's movements.* breath slow and steady, keep fluid movements like the water itself. *she whispered to not alarm and break Hope's concentration, but rather to be a guide in her mind* the goal is to move the water, not the container itself, my dear child...
*she began to think more on just how she might help her to connect better with the water element itself. Thst might just be the trick the girl needed to better succeed in this task...*
*she watched as she leaned back against the chair nearby. She tilted her head to the side in thought as she watched her niece's movements.* breath slow and steady, keep fluid movements like the water itself. *she whispered to not alarm and break Hope's concentration, but rather to be a guide in her mind* the goal is to move the water, not the container itself, my dear child...
*she began to think more on just how she might help her to connect better with the water element itself. Thst might just be the trick the girl needed to better succeed in this task...*
Hope heard Sky's voice as if from a distance. She concentrated on taking slow breaths and moving the water. After a moment or two, the water swirled out of the pitcher and moved in a steady stream toward the bowl. It made less of a mess than before, but she still spilled a little water.
Hope heard Sky's voice as if from a distance. She concentrated on taking slow breaths and moving the water. After a moment or two, the water swirled out of the pitcher and moved in a steady stream toward the bowl. It made less of a mess than before, but she still spilled a little water.
*she watched in silence as Hope slowly began to make the water swirl and move. She smiled and clapped when she finished.*
very good, my dear child! See,
*she placed her hands on her shoulders gently, giving a small squeeze as she stepped from behind her.*
practice and you got it. You are a quick learn. You will have any spell you work on mastered quickly. I have no doubt you will master all these stacks of books if you had the time to sit down with them long enough.
*she watched in silence as Hope slowly began to make the water swirl and move. She smiled and clapped when she finished.*
very good, my dear child! See,
*she placed her hands on her shoulders gently, giving a small squeeze as she stepped from behind her.*
practice and you got it. You are a quick learn. You will have any spell you work on mastered quickly. I have no doubt you will master all these stacks of books if you had the time to sit down with them long enough.
"I think it comes from being the granddaughter of the original witch. We have a lot of powerful witches in my family. If my aunt Rebekah hadn't been turned, she probably would have been as well. I know Uncle Kol has certain skills as well. And his wife is very powerful, though I wouldn't have gotten any powers from her. Mostly, it's Aunt Freya who showed me stuff. And now you."
"I think it comes from being the granddaughter of the original witch. We have a lot of powerful witches in my family. If my aunt Rebekah hadn't been turned, she probably would have been as well. I know Uncle Kol has certain skills as well. And his wife is very powerful, though I wouldn't have gotten any powers from her. Mostly, it's Aunt Freya who showed me stuff. And now you."
And the Salvatore school, least you forget. *she gave a playful smirk* all great women before you, guiding your path. You have the potential deep within you. Just have to harness it, and never forget it. All who came before you will always be there with you.
*she walks across the library and picks up a small potted plant. She carries it back over to where they were and sets it near the water pitcher.* water the plant? *she motions with her hand and smirks to her question* practice makes better, always.
And the Salvatore school, least you forget. *she gave a playful smirk* all great women before you, guiding your path. You have the potential deep within you. Just have to harness it, and never forget it. All who came before you will always be there with you.
*she walks across the library and picks up a small potted plant. She carries it back over to where they were and sets it near the water pitcher.* water the plant? *she motions with her hand and smirks to her question* practice makes better, always.
"Yes, of course the Salvatore School." She nodded. Sky was right. She did come from a long line of extraordinary women. Not all were considered good, but they had incredible gifts that had been passed down to her.
"Yes, of course the Salvatore School." She nodded. Sky was right. She did come from a long line of extraordinary women. Not all were considered good, but they had incredible gifts that had been passed down to her.
Hope's attention shifted back to the bowl. Rather than move the bowl back to the pitcher before transferring it to the plant, Hope elected to move the water directly from the bowl. With intense concentration, she moved her hand, slowly guiding the water from the bowl to the plant. It made less of a mess than her other attempts, but a droplet or two still spilled out.
*she nodded approvingly as she watched her water the plant this time.* steady, good... *she whispered encouragingly. After Hope was done, she smiled.* better than the first go. *she nudged her gently with her elbow on her arm. She glanced around the library, pondering on what she might have her try next. She smirked mischievously when she stopped at the fireplace.* there. *she pointed to the fire flame.* make it drizzle rain over the flames and put put the fire in the fireplace. *gradual building up to more advanced use of moving water would be best practice for the girl, she felt. At the rate Hope was going, she would be able to move waves of water in the ocean when they stood at the beach before too long. Best to start now with these*
*she nodded approvingly as she watched her water the plant this time.* steady, good... *she whispered encouragingly. After Hope was done, she smiled.* better than the first go. *she nudged her gently with her elbow on her arm. She glanced around the library, pondering on what she might have her try next. She smirked mischievously when she stopped at the fireplace.* there. *she pointed to the fire flame.* make it drizzle rain over the flames and put put the fire in the fireplace. *gradual building up to more advanced use of moving water would be best practice for the girl, she felt. At the rate Hope was going, she would be able to move waves of water in the ocean when they stood at the beach before too long. Best to start now with these*
"What, with water from the bowl?" she had never attempted to control the weather before. It sounded a little too advanced for her, but maybe she misunderstood what Sky was asking of her. She looked to her aunt for clarification as to what she Hope to do.
"What, with water from the bowl?" she had never attempted to control the weather before. It sounded a little too advanced for her, but maybe she misunderstood what Sky was asking of her. She looked to her aunt for clarification as to what she Hope to do.
*smirking, she sits back in her chair, crosses her legs and leans back. She gave her niece a smug, knowing look.* well, yeah. *she simply replied playfully. She then gave a slight shrug, lifting her hand up as playing around* I mean, unless you think it can't be done...then we can just disregard it altogether... *she rested her chin on her fist and eyed her playfully smirking in her ways* it is really very simple actually.i do it all the time.
*smirking, she sits back in her chair, crosses her legs and leans back. She gave her niece a smug, knowing look.* well, yeah. *she simply replied playfully. She then gave a slight shrug, lifting her hand up as playing around* I mean, unless you think it can't be done...then we can just disregard it altogether... *she rested her chin on her fist and eyed her playfully smirking in her ways* it is really very simple actually.i do it all the time.
Hope gave Sky a look. Her aunt was married to a Mikaelson. Surely, she knew how stubborn they could be. Mouth set in a grim line of concentration, she fixed her gaze on the water and used her hand to mentally guide the water up and out of the bowl until it went sailing in a smooth arc toward the fireplace, where she flung her hand outward as if throwing the water, which landed with a hiss on the fire.
Hope gave Sky a look. Her aunt was married to a Mikaelson. Surely, she knew how stubborn they could be. Mouth set in a grim line of concentration, she fixed her gaze on the water and used her hand to mentally guide the water up and out of the bowl until it went sailing in a smooth arc toward the fireplace, where she flung her hand outward as if throwing the water, which landed with a hiss on the fire.
*smirking as she leans forward to watch every movement that Hope did, she took mental notes.* good start. However... *she stood up and strolled over to the fireplace and spelled the fire roaring once again. She turned, leaning against the mantle, waiting for the warmth of the fire to welcome her* there are other, more delicate ways of watering fires out... *she then stands beside the mantle, walking her fingertips slowly along the shelf of the mantle, her smirk never leaving her lips. Her eyes twinkled as she smirked. Suddenly, she twirls from the mantle, takes the water pitcher back across the library to refill it, returning in the same swift motion of her twirl. For a moment she felt like she was about the forest. She set the water pitcher back down upon the side table and stood between the table with the water pitcher and the fireplace mantle. The fire now crackled in it's small roar. She eyes her niece to see what she might have thought on her sudden little spurt of craziness then stood straight up.
She paused here for a few moments, gathering her thoughts and pulling her energies from around her.
Slowly, she lifted her arms up above her head, she moved her hand closest to the water pitcher, whispering she pointed her index finger towards it. She moved her index finger in a slow, tight circle. The water in the water pitcher began to rise up from it in a funneled swirl. She moved her finger slowly over closer to the fireplace, making tiny swirls of water in the air. Her smirk never left her face. She turned with the funnel to now face the fireplace, the fire crackled and roared louder by now. She changed her whispered spell, the ancient fate rolling off her lips like water itself.
Soon, the funnel of water transformed into a tiny cloud, hovering in the room. Another different spell spilt from her lips and she lifted her other hand, using both now. With a wave, the cloud floated into the fireplace, causing a tiny drizzle of rain to quietly drop over the fire. Misty smoke escaped as the fire slowly died out, making barely a sound from it. She placed her hands on her side and gave a smirk in her eyes at her niece* the more delicate manner of putting out a fire...
*smirking as she leans forward to watch every movement that Hope did, she took mental notes.* good start. However... *she stood up and strolled over to the fireplace and spelled the fire roaring once again. She turned, leaning against the mantle, waiting for the warmth of the fire to welcome her* there are other, more delicate ways of watering fires out... *she then stands beside the mantle, walking her fingertips slowly along the shelf of the mantle, her smirk never leaving her lips. Her eyes twinkled as she smirked. Suddenly, she twirls from the mantle, takes the water pitcher back across the library to refill it, returning in the same swift motion of her twirl. For a moment she felt like she was about the forest. She set the water pitcher back down upon the side table and stood between the table with the water pitcher and the fireplace mantle. The fire now crackled in it's small roar. She eyes her niece to see what she might have thought on her sudden little spurt of craziness then stood straight up.
She paused here for a few moments, gathering her thoughts and pulling her energies from around her.
Slowly, she lifted her arms up above her head, she moved her hand closest to the water pitcher, whispering she pointed her index finger towards it. She moved her index finger in a slow, tight circle. The water in the water pitcher began to rise up from it in a funneled swirl. She moved her finger slowly over closer to the fireplace, making tiny swirls of water in the air. Her smirk never left her face. She turned with the funnel to now face the fireplace, the fire crackled and roared louder by now. She changed her whispered spell, the ancient fate rolling off her lips like water itself.
Soon, the funnel of water transformed into a tiny cloud, hovering in the room. Another different spell spilt from her lips and she lifted her other hand, using both now. With a wave, the cloud floated into the fireplace, causing a tiny drizzle of rain to quietly drop over the fire. Misty smoke escaped as the fire slowly died out, making barely a sound from it. She placed her hands on her side and gave a smirk in her eyes at her niece* the more delicate manner of putting out a fire...
Sky had whispered the spell so softly Hope had been unable to hear exactly what she was saying. There was no way she could imitate it if she didn't even know the word to the spell. It seemed a bit more complicated than it should have been to her, but she had never been one to be patient. Personally, she thought the spell she had done was more straightforward, and she informed Sky that this new spell seemed a bit more complicated than it needed to be. "I'm gonna need a lot of practice before mastering that one," she informed her aunt.
Sky had whispered the spell so softly Hope had been unable to hear exactly what she was saying. There was no way she could imitate it if she didn't even know the word to the spell. It seemed a bit more complicated than it should have been to her, but she had never been one to be patient. Personally, she thought the spell she had done was more straightforward, and she informed Sky that this new spell seemed a bit more complicated than it needed to be. "I'm gonna need a lot of practice before mastering that one," she informed her aunt.
There is all the time in the world, my dear child. *she spoke softly as she thought. She walked across the library and gathered another pitcher of water, carrying it back over. She set now both water pitchers upon the floor between the side table the first one was originally sitting upon and the fireplace. She glanced about the room as she continued* perhaps we work on it together... *she asked as she rested her eyes upon some potted plants at the windows that stood along the side of the library. She made an ah- ha motion and fluttered across the library, lifting a plant to carry over and then made to carry some more. She set them down on the other side of the water pitchers in a line then looked over at Hope.* we can practice making such funneled clouds to water these plants. It does not take much of a rain cloud, which is the desire you want from such a spell. It comes in very handy once you have finally mastered it to put out much larger fires... *she bites the corner of her lip in a slight pause as she thinks on the times she has escaped to parts of the island to set a section ablaze in her distressed rages at times.
She quickly stopped herself from biting her lip, pushing away such a memory. Those times were much fewer these days with the calm her beloved husband now gave her. She had no more need to do such a thing as often as in the past.* care to give it a try? *she smirked and motioned at the water pitchers and plants now at her feet*
There is all the time in the world, my dear child. *she spoke softly as she thought. She walked across the library and gathered another pitcher of water, carrying it back over. She set now both water pitchers upon the floor between the side table the first one was originally sitting upon and the fireplace. She glanced about the room as she continued* perhaps we work on it together... *she asked as she rested her eyes upon some potted plants at the windows that stood along the side of the library. She made an ah- ha motion and fluttered across the library, lifting a plant to carry over and then made to carry some more. She set them down on the other side of the water pitchers in a line then looked over at Hope.* we can practice making such funneled clouds to water these plants. It does not take much of a rain cloud, which is the desire you want from such a spell. It comes in very handy once you have finally mastered it to put out much larger fires... *she bites the corner of her lip in a slight pause as she thinks on the times she has escaped to parts of the island to set a section ablaze in her distressed rages at times.
She quickly stopped herself from biting her lip, pushing away such a memory. Those times were much fewer these days with the calm her beloved husband now gave her. She had no more need to do such a thing as often as in the past.* care to give it a try? *she smirked and motioned at the water pitchers and plants now at her feet*
Hope watched in mild confusion as Sky began carrying plants over to where they'd been working. The confusion didn't last for long as she realized what her aunt meant for her to do. Upon Sky's mention of putting out larger fires, Hope immediately thought of Josie Saltzman. That girl had a penchant for starting fires, and have even set Hope's room on fire a few months ago. Mastering a skill like this would come in handy around a girl like Josie.
Hope watched in mild confusion as Sky began carrying plants over to where they'd been working. The confusion didn't last for long as she realized what her aunt meant for her to do. Upon Sky's mention of putting out larger fires, Hope immediately thought of Josie Saltzman. That girl had a penchant for starting fires, and have even set Hope's room on fire a few months ago. Mastering a skill like this would come in handy around a girl like Josie.
Imitating what she did before, she moved her hands and chanted the spell, this time making her gestures a little wider in order to encompass the entire row of plants in front of her. She watched with delight as small clouds formed over the row of plants and little drops of rain spattered down on them.
*she gave a nod as Hope started, and she began right along with her, whispering almost into her ear as they stood side by side. She helped her to guide the formation* good... *she whispered as she made another motion and a new whisper* like this also, will give more control over the funnel as you turn it into a cloud. Always take your time when doing so at the beginnings... *she smiled as she encouraged her niece onward with the spell* all it takes is practice. Nothing is ever overnight, my dear child. *she smiles and nods at the work Hope did.*
*she gave a nod as Hope started, and she began right along with her, whispering almost into her ear as they stood side by side. She helped her to guide the formation* good... *she whispered as she made another motion and a new whisper* like this also, will give more control over the funnel as you turn it into a cloud. Always take your time when doing so at the beginnings... *she smiled as she encouraged her niece onward with the spell* all it takes is practice. Nothing is ever overnight, my dear child. *she smiles and nods at the work Hope did.*
Hope knew that. It had taken a lot of practice to learn some of the things her aunt Freya had taught her. As for some of the stuff she and her friends had tried at school, well, they didn't always work, largely because some of the required skills they hadn't yet mastered. In this case, she seemed to be picking up the art of controlling water rather well, but it would still require practice. She certainly couldn't do this on a larger spell just yet.
Hope knew that. It had taken a lot of practice to learn some of the things her aunt Freya had taught her. As for some of the stuff she and her friends had tried at school, well, they didn't always work, largely because some of the required skills they hadn't yet mastered. In this case, she seemed to be picking up the art of controlling water rather well, but it would still require practice. She certainly couldn't do this on a larger spell just yet.
You will master it in time. Not a worry... *she plays with a little more of the water, making it swirl about the room before she waves her hands apart, spreading the floating stream of water and then making it swirl in a funnel. Soon it transformed into a tiny cloud. She immobilized it over the plants and with one final wave of her hand, make it drizzle over the water, remaining in place.* ve for eyou know it, you'll be doing that. *she smiles and then walks over to pick the book back up* is there another one you wish to try your hand at tonight?
You will master it in time. Not a worry... *she plays with a little more of the water, making it swirl about the room before she waves her hands apart, spreading the floating stream of water and then making it swirl in a funnel. Soon it transformed into a tiny cloud. She immobilized it over the plants and with one final wave of her hand, make it drizzle over the water, remaining in place.* ve for eyou know it, you'll be doing that. *she smiles and then walks over to pick the book back up* is there another one you wish to try your hand at tonight?
“Maybe something with the wind? That might be kind of cool.” Hope began moving the plants back into place so the room was as tidy as when they arrived. “How long did it take you to master such powerful spells? Did being a faye give you an extra power up that you might not have had if you were only human?”
“Maybe something with the wind? That might be kind of cool.” Hope began moving the plants back into place so the room was as tidy as when they arrived. “How long did it take you to master such powerful spells? Did being a faye give you an extra power up that you might not have had if you were only human?”
*she gave a shrug as helped set plants back into their homes in the windows* I honestly can not recall. I have had many teachers over the years as well as self taught on many other things. *she adjusted a potted plant and then whispered to it to make it bloom its flowers, bright and cheerful. She turned her back to the windowsill, leaning her hands behind her and then thought out loud* we could go on a small... field trip? *she made a concerned look as she nodded* if you wished to focus on wind tonight, that is?
I know of a private little cove on the island we can sneak off to. The best area, I think anyways, for practicing not only with the wind, but the water along with it. But only if you wish to do so...
*she gave a shrug as helped set plants back into their homes in the windows* I honestly can not recall. I have had many teachers over the years as well as self taught on many other things. *she adjusted a potted plant and then whispered to it to make it bloom its flowers, bright and cheerful. She turned her back to the windowsill, leaning her hands behind her and then thought out loud* we could go on a small... field trip? *she made a concerned look as she nodded* if you wished to focus on wind tonight, that is?
I know of a private little cove on the island we can sneak off to. The best area, I think anyways, for practicing not only with the wind, but the water along with it. But only if you wish to do so...
“Of course I do!” Hope was too excited about the idea to adopt her usual cynical attitude. It was behavior typical of a teenager, but Klaus and Hayley’s daughter had it down to a science. “Is it one of those middle of the night trips?” She hoped not. She was really eager to learn more spells.
“Of course I do!” Hope was too excited about the idea to adopt her usual cynical attitude. It was behavior typical of a teenager, but Klaus and Hayley’s daughter had it down to a science. “Is it one of those middle of the night trips?” She hoped not. She was really eager to learn more spells.
*smirking at her niece's excitement she couldn't help but chuckle.* go pack an bag with a extra clothes in case you get wet and slip the bathing suit underneath what you got on. *she gave a nod of her head* oh, and any books you're interested in using as well. *she walked across the room to hurry off to her own chambers shared with her husband.* I shall meet you in the kitchen and we can set off swiftly before the sun really sets. *with a wink as she turned her head* we can make time for a fire while we are there... *she smirked playfully thinking on smore's after they had some fun*
*smirking at her niece's excitement she couldn't help but chuckle.* go pack an bag with a extra clothes in case you get wet and slip the bathing suit underneath what you got on. *she gave a nod of her head* oh, and any books you're interested in using as well. *she walked across the room to hurry off to her own chambers shared with her husband.* I shall meet you in the kitchen and we can set off swiftly before the sun really sets. *with a wink as she turned her head* we can make time for a fire while we are there... *she smirked playfully thinking on smore's after they had some fun*
Hope nodded and walked out of the room. She didn't want to seem pathetically eager so she moved at a moderate pace until she got to her room. Once there, she moved quickly, first changing into the bathing suit she found in one of the drawers, then selecting some clothes to into later. Once that was taken care of, she selected the magic books she was most interested in using and added them to extra set of clothing in her bag. Now that she was ready, she made her back to Sky.
*she watched Hope leave the room, feeling the excitement radiating from her. She smirking happily as she patterned off on her own to their own chambers, slipping behind their changing screen to grab a few items to place into her own bag and then paused by their powder room for a couple of towels. Just in case the ones they left in the cove forever ago were long gone by now. She hurried off to the kitchen and set a basket of goodies, especially for the makings of smore's. Once done, she sat at the island and waited on her niece to meet her there. *
Hope made her way out to the island. Sky had told her where to find just before the two had left to prepare. It took her a little longer than she'd planned to arrive, but she made it. She could see her aunt sitting patiently as she made her way toward her. Once she was close enough time be seen, she lifted a hand in greeting. "I hope you weren't waiting long."
Not at all! *she smiled back at her niece. I have snacks as well as towels. I wasn't sure if they would still be along the beach from the last time I was at the cove. *she motioned to the portal for them to take.* come this way, it shall be easier as you don't have wings of your own *she giggled and show her to a tree portal to step inside. Once through, the beach and come appeared before them. This time of the day on the island, the sun was just thinking of setting. The cream colored sand greeted them with warmth as Sky slipped her shoes off from her feet to continue along the way. The cove being circular as to only allow ships in one ar a time, was perfect when the pirates used it to hide from their foe. Old ships still remained docked at the far end. She gave a smirk at memories of coming down to blast them to pieces in fits of raged anger to only have them magically spelled to be whole once more come morning light.*
This way dear child... *she whispered as she patterned now bare footed along the sand towards the shore towards the fire pit waiting for them*
Hope followed suit in the removal of her shoes. She paused to look out at the water. The setting sun turned the sky a multitude of colors, and reflected in the water. She was entranced by the beauty of it, and stared for several moments until her aunts voice came to her. Turning reluctantly, she made her way behind Sky to their destination.
*she strolled along the sand, humming along on her way down towards the water and the fire pit. As she approached the pit, she noticed all was still where she left them last. When she called forth her summon of the pirate still about on the high seas. She needed intel somehow after all...
She twirled about on her toes as though a dance about the beach before setting the picnic basket down next to the blankets and her bag next to it as well. She fluffed a couple of blankets and pillows for them then kneeled on the sand to watch the sun set a little as she waited on Hope to catch up.* this is a secluded place to run off to and get away... those ships there...*she pointed over far to the side* belonged to the once well known and revered pirate King around here. Only, treason got the best of him. So now his remaining ships are spelled here for ... *she smirked as she paused in thought*
Practice? *she let a giggle escape her as she shared the information*
"Practice?" Hope's head cocked slightly to the side. "What do you use them to practice for?" She thought she might know, but she needed clarification to be sure. Sky has a vast wealth of knowledge when it came to magic that Hope hadn't mastered yet. She knew she would someday, but not just yet.
Oh... you'll see before too long... *she gave a knowing smirk and then jumped up* set your bag down and we can get started! *she motioned at the blankets and then walked to the fire pit a little closer. She noticed the energy balls still sat in the ready and a mischievous smirk escaped the corner of her lips. She stood at the fire pit to wait for Hope and said* first, we set the fire place ablaze.
Hope obediently set her bags down and moved to Sky's side. She noticed some kind of glowing balls nearby and gave her aunt a curious smile. Would they be used to light the fire pit, or did Sky have some other method of starting a fire? Hope thought being able to start a fire using magic would come in handy. You couldn't always have matches or have ideal conditions for starting one the "normal" ways.
*smirking and nods at the fire* spell it up like we practiced in the library... *noticing her niece eyeing the bucket of energy balls, she turns towards the beach a little whispering knowingly* soon you can play with those, dear child. Soon. *she giggled in her smirk as she stepped back to observe Hope make the fire come to life.* fire first, then we play with wind and water. The area here will give you the best wind updraft to practice with.
"What are those?" Hope nodded toward the glowing orbs before turning her attention back to the fire pit. She focused on the pit and the image of flames shooting from it exactly the way Sky had shown her earlier. Little wisps of smoke began curling upward, and within five minutes, a merry little fire was burning in the pit.
*smirking playfully as she crossed her arms waiting* oh you'll see soon enough... *with a nod* good. Now we will let that play alone while we go to the waters edge. Come, come. *she turned on her heel and skipped down to the water* we can start with more water if you like... or go to the wind. Your choice.
"Can we do something the wind? We've been working with water already. It would be fun to try another element." Hope moves after her aunt. She wasn't as fast as she was, but she moved fairly quickly, managing to kick up some sand in her wake. Laughing, she reached Sky at at the water's edge and looked out at the sea.
Wind it is. *with a nod she turned to face the water. She points up to the cliff top* up there, is my personal cave. Along with a beautiful weeping cherry tree so ancient, I can not begin to tell her age. She is in full bloom. *she pauses and looks back at Hope* your goal, *smirking* is to whistle up a breeze to make some of those very blossoms to come and float down around us, then to dance upon the waters.
Shall we begin? *she lifts her eyebrow in her smirk* I will help, not to worry. I will not make you do it all first solo.
"I've never worked with the wind before," she admitted. "Fire was always more my thing. Maybe you could give me a little demonstration?" Hope knew Sky would be happy to show her. She was sure once she learned the proper words and gestures she would have no trouble doing the spell herself.
*smirking brightly* alright... cold feet never hurt no one. *winking* I will start, and then you can try to take over. *she lifts her hands up towards the cliff face and breathes out a spell on ancient faye. She saw the wind begin to slowly pick up as a glimpse of the weeping cherry tree rustled. She flicked her wrist then held her fist in a pause. And waited. Then, she whistled with soft smile crossing her lips.
The breeze swirled around her and Hope gently then built up as it circulated up to the top of the cliff face. The cherry blossoms that littered the grass under the tree lifted up as the wind met them and then another change in her tune of whistle, the breeze returned, circling around them both once again. A gentle wall tunnel of cherry blossoms scented around them as she looked at Hope and whispered* now, make them go to the water from here.
Hope paid close attention to the words Sky was saying. She didn't understand ancient faye, but she was able to pick up on the pronunciation. Mimicking her movements and words, Hope focused her energy on the falling cherry blossoms and moved her hand toward the ocean. Only a few blossoms made it to the ocean. The rest stayed floating in the air as if waiting for direction.
*as she watched, she saw the struggle on the spell* you have to whistle to them... *she whispers as she stepped close to her ear.* like this...*she gave a small whistle and then some of the blossoms shifted in the wind* wind can become alive. Think on hurricanes and twisters. That blast on an autumn day that sends the leaves swirling and dancing about. There are colors on those winds. Just just air... whistle up the wind is what you need to do. It will obey as long as it knows your whistle.
Hope nodded and let out a soft whistle that sounded similar to the one Sky had blown. She wasn't sure it would be loud enough to work, but a few more blossoms shifted. Her hand moved toward the ocean and she whistled again. The blossoms moved toward the ocean and floated down to the water.
*whispering in her ear again* see? Whistle up. The wind when you need a cool breeze on a summer day, and it shall greet you. *she stood up and stepped aside. She fluttered to some rocks that protruded out of the waters, the waves crashing soundly about them.* ready to try on your own? *as she leaned back*
Hope nodded. She was nervous, but she thought she could do it now. It might not be as effective as what Sky did, but she thought she could be a little more successful now. Hope whispered the ancient words and moved her hand. As the blossoms began to move, she whistled softly. This time, more of the blossoms moved toward the ocean.
*she stretched herself out along the boulders, looking straight up into the sky, watching the Cliffside as Hope whistled softly* a little more determination to your whistle, dear child... *she sang as she played hands over her and around her like she was a maestro before the orchestra.* the wind will not listen if you do not command it. *she smiled a she watched the flower petals slowly dance*
Hope wasn't quite sure how to accomplish that, but she tried to put a little more confidence in her whistles and hand gestures. It seemed to work because more of the blossoms moved toward the ocean and floated lazily down to its surface, where they eventually disappeared under the water.
*she smiled to the sky as she watched more blossoms float and dance about the breeze Hope made* good. Very good... keep going. You're doing great! *she giggled as she watched they dance about. She rolled to her side, propping her head in her hand as the blossoms went to the water*
Excelent! *she jumped into the water to swim a little back to Hope*
What do you want to do next? As she popped up from the water*
"More practice with the water. Maybe we can make some waves or something."
The ocean was calm, and Hope wanted to see what it would look like with larger waves. Hopefully, she wouldn't accidentally cause a tidal wave.
Sounds good to me! *she hopped from the water and turned to face the cove before them.* we can start with moving the water, using the wind and make it swirl about as a small funnel. That, you use to push some water. I would suggest sending it away from us *winking*
"That would definitely be wise. We don't want to start a tidal wave or something." Hope was interested to see how combining manipulation of two elements might work, and if it might be possible. "So, we would manipulate wind and water at the same time?"
Yup. You already know the spells at this point. So you should have no problem. *she began a small one to show her. She moved her arms and wrists, like she was doing ballet, and whispered her words, whistling as she did. A small funnel of wind moved to the water, collecting as it touched to make a tiny mircoburst of water. She moved it up away from the water and then she guided in whistled commands to tilt it. A flick to her wrist, the funnel laid on its side and she began to move the waves lapping near them away to the opposite direction. She then made the funnel collapse into the waves as the small one she pushed continued along its way, reaching the shore away from them.* see. Easy as pie.
Maybe it was easy for Sky, but Hope was still learning. She was sure it wouldn't come out as perfectly as when Sky did it, but she thought she could have some success at it. Hope did her best to mimic what Sky was doing, and she did have a certain amount of success so the young woman was pleased about that.
Practice makes improvement. *she spoke softly as Hope did her new challenge. She watched as she worked her motions* smooth as silk. Whistle to it like before. Do not fear it or yourself. *she stood beside her and watched*
Hope focused on what she was doing, letting her mind recall the recent memory of her manipulation of the wind. This attempt was a little more successful than her first attempt. She wasn't as successful as Sky, but she was definitely improving. She was sure she would get the hang of it soon.
Better. Much better. Keep going. *she nodded and smiled next to her.* after you master this, we can make rainbows, smore's, and maybe have a play at the energy balls...
"How do they work?" Hope's concentration nearly faltered for a moment as she thought of the energy balls. After a second or two, she refocused on what she was doing and began whistling the way she'd seen her aunt do earlier.
Soon. *letting a tiny giggle escape her lips briefly* focus for now, my dear child. *she walked away from Hope to stand to the side and watch her movements. It was more about the guidance of the motions than the spell by now. Anyone can say words. Some spells required certain motions in certain orders to be laid out before they would ever work. That was the trick to some of them. As for wind itself, a relationship needs to be built for that god/dess to even acknowledge your existence, let alone allow one to control it as they were trying to do today. Today was all about learning such relationships and trust with the elements. Even more so, teaching Hope to trust her own power deep inside her.*
Hope continued her movements, practicing three more times until she got it right. When she saw the results mirrored what Sky had done, she let out a little whoop of joy. She had done it! She toward Sky, clearly pleased by her accomplishment. "I did it," she crowed, showing more enthusiasm than she normally did.
*she let out a chuckle at Hope's excitement on mastering it.* perfect. *she clapped as she stepped closer to her. She smirked and then she gave a look as she crossed her arms.* make it rain. *she stood there and waited. She wanted her to master a rain fall before she did the next challenge. She giggled to herself as she thought on tossing an energy ball to one of the abandoned ships to set ablaze. If Hope can make a rain shower now, then she would be able to master quickly setting a ship on fire out with little effort. But, steps were steps...*
Hope couldn't make a big rain storm but she could certainly cause a rain shower. It wouldn't be enough to put out a big fire, but it could dampen it. She used the spell she'd learned earlier and watched as a small sprinkling of rain fell near the edge of the ocean.
*she spoke softly, guiding her to make it grow larger* good start... *she stepped to the shore and guided her, lifting her palms up and calling more water to the cloud.* more water, more rain you can create. *she made a pulling motion with her hands, bringing her arms apart as the cloud widened.* then, you whistle the wind as before... *she smirked in a whistle and a breeze pushed the cloud of drizzle slightly over* to bring where you need. *she turned smiling back at Hope.* you try making it larger.
Hope nodded. She mimicked Sky's gestures. Her hands widened as she whistled toward the wind, calling it to blow the rain about. The rain increased, and she could feel the dampness of it as it came toward them. Soon, it would reach them, and they would be caught in the downpour. She turned to Sky. "How do I make it stop?"
*she lifted her head, a smiling crossing her lips as she indulged in the rain. The sweet smell of the sea air it was created from, exhilarating to her. She shook her head when she realized she was asked a question* hmm? Oh, simple. *she whistled again, causing the breeze to calm. The drizzle relaxed as the cloud paused. She pulled some clouds away from the sun, allowing the sunlight to stream down into the cove more, making a rainbow.*
Easy gestures make for subtle changes. The more dramatic, the greater the chaos. Easy and slow, makes simple.
"I'll remember that." Hope was a teenager. She could be impulsive and dramatic, especially with Mikaelson blood running through her veins. Subtly was not usually her strong suit, but she knew, with enough practice, she could learn to control her emotions.
Power runs through your veins, my dear child. Learning now how to harness that emotion is key. *she smiles and places a gentle hand on her shoulder. * there is always a time and a place for extra release... *she now smirks mischievously and then spins around to scurry over to the fire pit. She picks up an energy ball and tosses it up into the air, catching it again in her smirk* ready to test these puppies? *giggling as she asked. She then pounces in her steps back to the shore, waiting for her niece*
Hope looked on in delight as Sky got the energy balls. She'd been eyeing them while they were practicing magic, and she was eager to see how they worked. She raced after her aunt, kicking up sand behind her as she went. When she reached Sky, she breathless and laughing. "Okay. How do these things work?"
Well... *she began with a smirk* many ways. They are just balled up energy. So one can toss it out... *she threw one from her hand hard and then held her palms out, guiding it with more force towards the abandoned ships. Once close enough, she gave another added push to it and it exploded a hole in the ship, causing aloud boom to come with it.* that. *as she spun smugly around to face her niece, thumbing to point at her handiwork* well, that's one way to use them, anyways.
"What are other ways? Are they all that destructive?" Hope was sure they would come in handy for remote work. "Are you going to create a rain storm to put that out?"
Oh, there's many uses for these little... toys. Depending on your intention, can be how destructive they can be. *explaining as she turned to walk back towards her.* All in good time ... *she sang along her steps then let's a mischievous little smirk as she strolls past her to land upon the sand and lay back on her elbows.* as for putting that fire out... well, my dear child. That. Is now your job. *she gave a little smirk as she lifted her eye brow. She had every confidence in the realms that she could handle putting out this fire that now blazed from the ship in front of them. She was here if Hope needed help and guidance. But, she felt she was ready to try for herself. If she needed to do so out in the real world, she would not be next to her necessarily to help her. Best she learns under guided pressure now and feel how to adjust herself in the heated moment. Especially if she had all that power of being first born blood Mikaelson. She heard the stories of losing control. She had her own experience in such things. Practice and control is the only teacher for such a thing. And time. She waited for Hope's reaction.*
"Really? Cool." Hope had already learned so much from Sky. Far more than she had learned from her Aunt Freya and at school. This was all stuff she could use during her normal life, and she couldn't wait to put it to good use. With a deep breath, she began working the spell they would bring rain and put out the fire. She was obviously getting better with practice, and she found that the rain formed more easily and quickly put out the fire.
She watched carefully, trying hard to not jump in this time. She smirked as Hope showed such eagerness to give it a try. She watched as she took a deep breath to begin. The cloud forming easier than earlier and then as she was able to gain control over the movement of the cloud towards the blazing ship.*
Hope watched as the rain came down and started putting out the fire. It took less than five minutes, and all that was left of the fire was a plume of smoke rising from the shift. Hope shivered as the damp air moved toward them and gave her a slight chill.
*clapping at the success, she got up and waved her hand* good! Good! Now we need a break and some snacks. Come warm at the firepit.
*she turned and stepped to the fire, pulling out the food she packed for them. Fruits, sandwiches and more.* we can do more in a little bit.
"Okay." Hope nodded. She was feeling tired from working so much magic in a short space of time. Having some food would help replenish her energy. Besides, she was getting hungry now that dinner time was approaching. She sat down in front of the fire, sighing as the heat warmed her and dried her damp clothing.
*she handed her some food and then set the basket between them. The fire was roaring good by now. She then pulled some sticks closer to them and added some marshmallows to each stick. She placed hers in the fire to toast it to a rich golden brown and crispy color before pulling it away from the fire. Then, she placed the melting marshmallow of her stick to some Graham crackers with a chunk of chocolate and pulled it off from the stick. She set her stick next to her and took a bite of her smore's.* we can do more in a while, after we rest some.
"I could definitely use a rest." Hope had been roasting a marshmallow, and when it was perfect by her standards, she made s'more for herself. The chocolate melted in her mouth, and she let out a small sigh of pleasure as she finished the sweet treat and licked chocolate and marshmallow from her lips.
*she gave Hope a smirk as she enjoyed herself making a smore's. She finished her own, locking her thumb carefully and enjoying the mixture of gooey marshmallow and melted chocolate. She took her stick up, placed another marshmallow on it and began to make another one over the fire*
Hope grabbed a piece of chocolate and munched on it. She preferred it by itself rather than with the sticky sweet marshmallows. "Did you bring a drink? My throat is a little dry." Apparently using magic depleted her in a lot of ways.
*she passed over the basket of food she brought with them and mumbled between bites of smore's* in the basket there should be some different things. I packed an assortment of stuff for us. *she finished her second on and placed the stick into the flame to burn off the extra marshmallow on it. She glanced over at the mouth of the cove as some ships sailed past its opening, wanting to make sure they continued to sail past.*
Hope looked through the basket until she found a bottle of juice in a flavor she liked. She took a long, refreshing drink from it and leaned back on her elbows. Her gaze moved toward the mouth of the cove and she watched the ships until they passed and the ocean was empty again. The area was quiet except for the sound of the ocean and the crackling fire and it soon made Hope sleepy.
*she glanced over at Hope and noticed her eyes getting somewhat heavy. She smiled softly then spoke* there are blankets and pillows in that corner of the fire pit area if you wanted to nap a little first. The cove isn't going anywhere.
"I might." She glanced at the star filled sky. "It's getting late. How long have we been out here, any way?" It didn't feel like very long, but for all she knew, it could have been hours.
*shaking her head a little* time moves differently here. All the realms have their own cluster on time. What might feel all of an hour, may in fact have been hours or even days, depending on where you go. *she slipped some cheese into her mouth, taking a small nibble of it.* besides, you have been at those spells for quite some time. *between nibbles* so it would be no wonder the day escaped us here.
"What is the time difference between here and your place? Is it the same? I mean, I'm not gonna back and find out I lost a month or something, am I? Because that would be not good. School is not always fun, but I can't miss too much. I'd fall behind, and everyone I love would be really worried about me."
Oh no! Not at all for this part. I promise. *she lifted her hands, palms out.* If i was going to bring you to one of those, I would set up a better time for that. *she stood up to start walking around the pit area* there is only a couple hours difference, if that, here.
"That's not so bad." Hope was relieved by that. She didn't care that much about school, but she didn't want to leave her family and friends behind. She didn't want them to worry, and she would miss them far too much.
*she walked a little away from where they were sitting, still munching on some cheese. She smirks and picks up an energy ball to play with. She rolls it around in her palms before she sets it on her fingertips, making it change color and then throws it up in the air. She takes her other hand, closed fist and throws open the hand at the direction of the ball of energy, making it burst into a cluster of star like clusters to float around them before she turns back to where Hope sat*
Hope watched the light show in awe. She definitely wanted to learn how to do /that/. "Awesome," she whispered under her breath. "That is definitely something I want to learn. Can you teach me how to use those energy balls?" She watched the clusters of light floating around them while they had their snack.
*smirking as she sees Hopes stare of awe* certainly, my dear child. We can go over anything you wish in due time. *she leans down to grab some more food and then heads back over to grab some more of the energy balls. She returns and hands one to Hope. She began to roll hers once more along her fingertips.* a simple spell, really. *she whispers loud enough for her to hear the words as the ball of energy slowly changes colors once more. She gives a small pause for Hope to try and make hers change colors as well before she throws her energy ball up into the air as before. She repeats as before; giving the ball room to rise up high enough before she brings her closed fist up in its direction and throws open her hand. Her fingers almost in a tiny explosion in itself as she makes the motion. The ball of energy now bursting as before into more tiny flecks of stars to shower around them*
Hope listened intently to this new spell. When Sky was done, she looked to her with an eager expression. "My turn?" She was dying to try this latest spell. Her gaze shifted from the energy balls to her aunt's face in excitement.
*she laughed happily at her excitement* of course! I am actually surprised you didn't try it as I was doing it. *she stood next to her to help her if she needed it, but she was pretty confident she would not*
"I wanted to see how you did it first," Hope explained. Normally, she would have tried it when Sky was doing it, but those energy balls seemed pretty delicate. She hadn't wanted to run the risk of accidentally destroying one.
These things are pretty sturdy *she gave a playful wink as she tossed one at her to catch as though it was some baseball.* give it go. You can't mess it up too bad. These things can be pretty resilient on my spells. Even more so on first timers and beginners. I leave them for those from the bunker to use if they need to chill out.
Hope caught the energy ball a little clumsily. People thought she was some sort of superhero, but in a lot of ways, she was a normal teenage girl who had awkward moments like everyone else.
"Just walk me through this like you did with the other stuff. I think I can do it if we do that."
*with a nod she picks up another one* like this, *she rolls the new energy ball between her fingertips then spells to make it change colors. She pauses to let Hope do this in steps alongside her*
Hope paid close attention to what her aunt was doing. It seemed simple enough to her. She imitated the words Sky used to make the energy ball turn colors, and was delighted when it worked for her. The ball turned a series of colors from blue all the way to a soft pink.
*nodding as she watched her work the spell, she then motioned* toss it up, now dear. *she threw hers into the air and then made her first, moving it to towards the ball in the air and then tossing open her fist, making the ball of energy explode into its flecks like stats around them*
Hope tossed the energy ball into the air. She made a fist like Sky had. The ball moved through the air a little less smoothly than Sky's had, but still did it. She watched as it pulsed various colors, then opened her had to watch the way it exploded into sparks of color.
Very good... *she pats her shoulder smiling.* did you want to keep playing with these balls, or head back? You know how to get here now, so you can come any time you want. It is safe enough so if you brought your friends along, nothing will happen to them *she gave a wink in her smirk*
"That would be amazing. I think the twins would have a lot of fun. And Landon would enjoy it too. All my friends would." Hope wasn't about to tell her she was thinking of throwing a party. She had a feeling Sky might not like that.
"We should probably go back. I'm starting to get a little tired."
*smirking as she knew how teenagers could be, she was probably planning a gathering in the near future with her friends* bring a few by, practice some spells, use the ships as target practice. *she gives a grin with a glint in her eyes* they come back each morning, so no clean up for them. Have a small cookout... nothing too large however. We don't want to draw attention from the pirates.
"The pirates are still around?" She was surprised. She hadn't even seen any signs of live pirates. Hope thought they might have been taken out already.
When Sky mentioned the small barbecue with her friends, Hope smiled innocently."I have no idea what you could mean."
*smirking knowingly all she replied back to her* uh, huh. Sure... just not too many, not too big. Clean up when done.
*giving a wink then switching to about the pirates* oh yes. They do not enter the cove anymore unless they feel they need to. If they saw a lot happening here from out there *pointing at the mouth of the cove* they might venture in here to check on things. Only, if they do not see their QueenFaye, then they might not be as easy to handle. Not that they would be expected to do anything. Better safe than sorry. They have things they do for me these days, and I have been waiting on reports back. They may come looking for me on that.
"Oh." Hope nodded in understanding. Anything she and her friends did would be low key any way. She would have to ask Sky about a spell that would only work on people with a certain type of invitation or a word that would only work when on the island. That way, she wouldn't have to worry about any unwanted guests.
*giving a smirk she motions her head back* let us be heading back, shall we? It will begin to get late if we stay standing here all night talking. *she turned to head back and pick up their basket of goodies* the portal is really the only way in and out unless you're already on the island. *she rambled on as they walked. She lead them back to the little cave at the far end of the cove, past the beach and where soft mossy grass grew past the sands. She led them through the cave as it transformed back to the old grove tree to emerge back at the far end of the
ᴹᵃᶰᵒˢᵠᵘᵉ property.* back home... *she sang softly as she stepped through the ancient grove tree and into a field of lavender. A sea of purple and green before them still to be finished harvested on this end of the vast field.
She hummed along at first while she waited for her niece to catch up to her, shifting the basket to one arm and bending down a moment to pick a few sprigs.* these will make a lovely shade of purple paint...*she hummed out loud*
{ 6 sept 2020}
Hope helped Sky straighten up from their picnic, though Sky insisted on carrying the basket herself. She followed her aunt back to the portal, keeping up with her easily as the two made their way home. Hope made sure to memorize the way back just in case she ever had cause to come back her by herself one day. As they walked, Hope remained quiet while her aunt hummed and talked softly. The scent of calming lavender washes over her as they emerged from the portal and Hope took a moment to inhale it while Sky talked about making paint from the fragrant plants.
*she turned to look at Hope as she made the thought* do you think this would make a lovely shade for the purples? Should we crush it up fine like and add it in?
*she added them to the basket in her hand* I thought perhaps we might do a section of wall in your uncles off tomorrow, if you wished to help. He loves NOLA so. I thought perhaps a mural of magnolias along one wall would be a nice way to tie in here with there, what do you think dear?
"I think he would enjoy that very much. Uncle Elijah always did love art. Of all my aunts and uncles, he was always the most refined. He used to insist on teaching me the right forks to use when I was younger." She laughed. "Dad never cared, but it was important to Uncle Elijah that I learn proper manners."
*a soft smile crossing her lips at Hope's memories of her beloved husband, she nodded as they walked along back through the field to the cottage.* i think your father liked making art along with other things more on his mind. *smiling brighter* your uncle loves NOLA, so I do hope he enjoys the softness and beauty of some magnolias. He does enjoy to indulge in the finer things from time to time that life may have to offer. *a tiny giggle escaping her lips* and then the simpler things as well... like ice cream. *she smirks in her giggle as she opened the door that led to the kitchen.*
"My father loves to paint. I get that from him. He had a studio in the compound and when I was little he would let me paint in there sometimes. He would teach me about blending colors and the best use of light. Some of my favorite memories of him were in that studio. I still paint. It's my way of keeping his memory alive."
Memories like that are ones to be cherished and treasured. Continuing to paint helps keep him alive for you. *she set the basket upon the kitchen island as they entered and began to unload some of the items that still remained inside. She set some of the remaining food on a serving tray then proceeded to add more for them. She slipped the lavender bushels under her arm as she went to lift the tray.* I will set some of these in your room so you have something after you have had time to freshen up and rest? *she smiled as she asked her on this* it has grown a tad bit later than I had first expected it to be. But no matter, a good rest til the morning then we may start on preparing for the mural we wish to create. *she smirks as she says this, turning towards the kitchen hall door to lead to the main stairwell and to the bedroom chambers upstairs*
"I would like that. I'll probably have a little more food and then take a hot bath." She looked around the kitchen. She didn't see or hear any signs of the twins. A glance at the clock indicated that it was past their bedtime. The twins were likely upstairs, surely fast asleep by now. Sky was probably going to look in on them, not that it was her business.
"Is it okay if I make a plate to take upstairs? I'd like to relax in my room."
A nice hot bath will definitely relax you. *she gives a knowing smile and lifts the tray in the direction she was heading to* this tray is all set for you, my dear. We can set this up on your small table in your chambers so it will be there for the night for you. *she listened to the stillness of the cottage* the girls must be long fast to their slumbers by now. But I shall check upon them shortly. *she then in a hushed tone* come along, my dear girl...
Hope nodded and followed behind Sky. She made sure to remain as quiet as possible so as not to disturb the twins. She was Sky would welcome the quiet for the night. Hope hadn’t even realized it was quite that late. It felt as though it was still early evening, like when they had arrived at the cove. Instead, it was already nearly ten o’clock at night. No wonder she was so tired. When they reached her room, she pushed the door open, allowing her aunt to enter and set the tray down on the small table near her bed.
*She walked through the door and headed towards the small table beside the windows.* thank you, my dear child. *as she walked by her niece. She fussed with the items, setting everything on the table so that she might set the tray upon its stand nearby. She turned and began to play with the curtains to adjust for the light before turning to spell some candles the light. She turned to Hope and smiled* rest well, my dear. I shall be up a while longer should you find you need anything more. We can start first light if you wish. To prepare the colors and the wall. *she paused to make sure there was nothing her niece needed before she went off to ready things for the rest of the evening *
“Thank you so much, Aunt Sky. I’m really enjoying all these lessons you’re giving me.” She was learning a lot more in the few days she spent here than she had in almost an entire year of school. Hope loved all the ways she was learning to manipulate the elements. She couldn’t wait to show off what she was learning when she went back to her friends.
You're very welcome, my dear child. *she softly says as she then begins to turn the bed down for her, even though she was more than capable of doing so herself. She turned back to Hope* well, then that should be everything for the night. If you need me, I'll be in the chambers most likely. *she gave her a small hug and kissed her forehead before turning to the door* blessing night, my dear. *she made her way out the door and back to the kitchen to then prepare the snack and small meal for the evening to bring back to the chambers of her and her beloved Elijah, pausing by the twins bedroom on her way. She silently flutters into their room, peeking through the door. A soft smile crossing her lips as she sees their small blonde locks of hair slumbering peacefully. She steps up to each in turn, and kisses the top of their heads, brushing back the small locks of curls upon their foreheads.* blessed dreams, my little bugs...*she whispers in each ear then spells their music player with the soft melodies of piano lullabies her beloved esposo created for them. The soft tones filtering through their room around them. She slips away from their room just as silently, then whispers to Rune* you know your orders, Sir *as the black cat meows back at her and purrs past her into the room.
In their kitchen, hums as she works swiftly and then brings the tray to their chambers. After setting their serving tray down upon their breakfast nook, she heads off to their powder room for a relaxing bath then to change for the evening. The scent of the honeysuckle and lavender luxury bathing gels following after her as she sat to brush out her long blonde tresses for the night...
In the morning, she woke up at first rays of sunlight filtering through the balcony to greet her. She smiles and stretches then readies for their morning.*
{9 SEPT 2020}
After Sky left the room, Hope made her way to the bathroom adjoined to her room. She ran the hot water and poured her favorite honeysuckle bubble bath in the water. The relaxing scent soon permeated the room and Hope felt more relaxed simply by breathing it in. As soon the tub was full, Hope climbed in, sinking down into the water until her head was just barely exposed. She let the heady scent of the bubble bath wash over her. Leaning her head back, she closed her eyes and drifted off. Sometime later, she felt the water beginning to cool, and she reluctantly got out of the tub. After drying off and putting on some warm pajamas, she ate from the tray of cheese and grapes her aunt had left for her. By then, it was after midnight, and Hope was exhausted. She climbed into bed and closed her eyes. By the time her head hit the pillow, she was fast asleep, and remained that way until morning.
*she made her way down to the kitchen after washing up in their powder room and finding what to wear for the day. Simple jeans and t-shirt as they would he painting. She paused at their vanity, slipped into the chair and brushed out her long blonde tresses then wrapped them into a snug bun, clipping it into place with a beautiful clip she had sitting there.
Once in the kitchen, she swiftly readied breakfast of eggs, bacon, and French toast along with fruits and juices. She sets plates in everyone's seat waiting for them and then heads off to ready the girls for the day.
Smiling at their bubbling voices and smiles that greeted her as she entered their room. She slips each to her hip and flutters to their powder room to wash them quickly from the night. She slips their dresses of the day on and then brings sets them to the floor to scurry off ahead of her. She helps them to their high chairs in turn and then begins to wash up the work she did before sitting to eat herself finally as she waited for Hope*
Hope could hear movement in the cottage, and eventually began smelling the food Sky was cooking. That was what drew her out of bed. Her stomach growled as she dressed for the day. Today, Hope opted for a pair of jeans and one of her t-shirts. Her hair was pulled back in a high ponytail, and her face was make-up free. As she heard Sky and the twins make their way downstairs, she washed up and followed behind them.
"Good morning," she called out as she walked into the kitchen. She looked over at the twins and grinned as they waved excitedly at her. They were so sweet and energetic. She thought they were adorable.
*with a bright smile to the sound of Hope's voice as she entered the room, she sing songed back* blessed morning, my dear child. Come. Sit, sit... *she motioned for her to take her seat at the table to enjoy the breakfast she prepared.
She took her seat finally as she wiped her hands off with the Terry cloth dish towel. She lifted her fork to enjoy her food as she continued her conversation* did you rest well? I was thinking we might prepare the paint first and then see what time it is after that. Sometimes when adding shades from scratch, things go a little longer. *she placed a forkful of egg into her mouth*
"That sounds like a good idea to me." She nodded. "I've never mixed paint from natural ingredients before. My dad usually did that stuff because I was too young, and there's not much opportunity for that at school." Hope cut a slice of French toast and placed it in her mouth. "This is really good. Is it your own recipe?"
*she smiled in her nod, then blushed* oh no, just a recipe I learnt back when growing up around the castle. I'm certain everyone makes things a little differently in their own ways.
Yes, I have the crafting room with some already prepared. But, the new sprigs will be lovely to add to them. We can start in right after we finish up here.* she took another bite of her food*
"Okay." She nodded as she shoved another of forkful of food into her mouth. Hope was quite curious about the process. If she learned how to make her own paints, she could do that during her breaks from school and use them at the compound at school. There were probably a lot of colors she could make this way.
*she finished her food and then tended to the twins before bringing plates to the sink to wash. She paused to kiss Sami and Solvi before they headed off with their nanny to play out in the gardens.
She fixed a tray of food for them to bring up with them to have to snack on while they worked.
Once the dishes were tended to, she nods to Hope* are you ready?
*she went to lift the tray up to bring with them*
"I'm ready." Hope had still been eating while Sky was straightening up the kitchen. When she finished, she got up to clear and wash her own plate, figuring that Sky shouldn't have to clean up after her. She made a mental note to help Sky with lunch. Her aunt might protest her doing that, but Hope didn't want to leave all the work to her when she was able to help out.
*she turned to the door and carried the tray with them up to her crafting room. The lavender already laying on the table waiting to be used. The paints were sitting there as well. She set the tray down upon the side table near the window and then walked over to the large main table that sat in the middle of the room.*
Can you set the kettle on the hook above the fire, dear?*
*she asked Hope as she started to pull the lavender sprigs closer yo her. The fireplace already a small roar to it. She slipped her small dagger into her hand to begin.
Carefully, she took the heads of the lavender from its stalks and placed them into small bowls then turned toward the fireplace to grab up the kettle of water warming there. She wrapped a towel around the handle of the kettle to lift it up and carry it over to the bowls. She slips her other hand under the towel to lift the kettle and pour the boiling hot water into the bowls; just enough to cover the lavender along the bottom of the bowl. She slipped a flat stick between her fingertips and began to mix and press it all together. Instantly, it changed to purple, darkening slowly as she continued in her motions.*
Hope hung the kettle over the fire as requested. The morning had a bit of a chill to it, and the fire warmed her up. She turned toward Sky and waited for the water to boil. She plucked some food off the tray and nibbled lightly on a piece of cheese. When the water was ready and Sky had the water poured out, Hope watched closely as she mixed the water. A pleasant smell filled the room as the crushed lavender released its scent. Hope inhaled and let it relax her.
*she kept mixing and grinding down the lavender until it was a rich purple hue. Then, pointing to some of the paints nearby* can you pass some of those over with these bowls here? *she held the bowl between her fingers carefully to make sure they didn't spill*
We can add some of this purple to the other colors to make other blues and such.
"Sure." Hope carefully picked up the bowls Sky had indicated and set them on the table closest to her. The paint she'd been mixing had turned a vibrant shade of purple that Hope knew would show up beautifully on a canvas. They might be able to make a beautiful shade of indigo if mixed with the right blue.
Perfect. *she poured a small amount of her mixture into each bowl, then added some blue to one and some white to another. Black to a third. She handed Hope a mixing tool to help then slid one cloe to her to begin mixing as well.*
These will look nice on the walls. The vibrant colors should help the murals stand out more.
"That's what I was thinking." She nodded as she began mixing the paint she was handed. It was the blue one, and as she thought, when mixed together, it made a deep indigo that would look absolutely beautiful in the painting. "What do you think of this?" She held it up for Sky to see.
*she paused in her mixing to see what Hope was showing her.* very pretty hue. That should look nice upon a mural. *she slid the black one over to her next as she decided to set hers aside now and begin on adding a little bit of another color to see what level of gray she might create next with a dab of the remaining paint* start with this one next, then we can head over to the room to ready the wall area.
Hope set aside the indigo paint she had just mixed, smiling at Sky's praise. She accepted the next set of paints she was given and began mixing the lavender with the black. This time the lavender shade became so dark it was almost indistinguishable from the black she was mixing it with. She glanced over at what her aunt was doing and took note of the dusky purple that the paint's shade was becoming. "That would be pretty for a twilight scene," she commented.
Mmmm.... *she hummed as she finished mixing her new bowl before setting them all on a tray to carry everything with them*
Ready? We can head down to the study, your uncle's office. We will need to move some furniture away from the wall and place a covering along the rug and floor. I don't wish for the hardwood to be ruined. *she added some paint brushes to the tray and then smiled over at the bowl Hope was working on.* that is a pretty shade. Maybe after we paint the magnolias, we might be able to find a room to do a nice evening theme.
"We'll have to look for a room that would look nice with that," Hope agreed. "Perhaps we should put the drop cloths down first so we don't have to worry about accidentally spilling something when we carry all this paint into the study."
Cloths should be waiting in the study already for us, my dear child. *smiling knowingly as she lifts the tray after adding Hope's bowl on it as well. She turns towards the door and continues as they walk to the study/ office* this is all we should be needing to add to the supplies. *she walks carefully carrying the tray as they finally make their way into the study, setting the tray now upon a table of rich polished wood and points to the cloth before grabbing one between her fingers and tucking it under her arm. She paused before the wall in question and smiled. She turned her head towards her niece.* it appears they knew which wall and did the work of moving furniture away for us...
"They? Are there other faye in this cottage? Like magical little helpers who do whatever you need whenever you need it? Because that would be awesome." Hope could definitely get on board with an idea like that. She could use something like that at school or at home. Of course, it was unlikely that she would have something like that. She didn't even know what it was.
*letting out a chuckle* just some servants from the castle that help tend to things around here, my dear child. *she smiles softly as she steps before the wall, furniture all cleared from the area and takes the cloth from under her arm. She slides her hands out in her hand and flips it open as she smoothes it out and places it upon the floor, covering the beautiful hardwood flooring. She steps back to check the area over then nods as she scurries across the room to repeat with the other cloth laying in wait.*
"Ah, of course." So nothing as cool as she had hoped. She shook her head at her own silliness. She watched as Sky prepared the drop cloths on the floor. Her gaze swept her uncle's study. The style was almost identical to the one he'd had back at the compound. That was really no surprise. Uncle Elijah had always been a creature of habit.
*as she smoothed put the cloth and turned to gather the next one* were you expecting some special creatures hiding about this cottage of ours, my dear child? You sound almost disappointed. *she smiles secretly as she watched the corner of her eye as Hope looked over the study. She flipped open the next one with a simple flip of he wrists and then proceeded to bring the ladder closer along with a smaller table to set their tray of paints closer to work with *
"In this place? Anything is possible. Or, at least, that's what I thought." Hope shrugged, feeling a little silly at her brief flight of whimsy. She was used to being surrounded by supernatural creatures at school, and had assumed that the home of a faye would have assorted creatures in it as well.
*she smirks and whispers* I didn't say they weren't faye, or even a dragon or two around here. *she gave a wink* just said there are servants about the property tending to things. They are just good at staying behind the scenes. *she paused before the wall, placing her hands on her hips as she looked over the area to decide on where to begin. She grabbed the roller and set to work on rolling a pale blue to the wall. After the blue will be a mixture of pinks and creams to make up a watercolors effect to begin the base*
"Dragons?" Hope had only seen one in her entire life, and that hadn't been all that long ago. She would have to ask more about that.
Mimicking her aunt's actions, she began painting the wall the same shade of blue Sky was using. There was enough paint, and enough room, room for them to work without bumping into each other.
Oh yes. *she replied as she smoothed the roller easily along the wall, pausing to add more paint from the tray as she went. The blue slowly covering the wall before them.* they are humanoid shape when not in their...* pausing to think* traditionally referred to form. *she reached as high as she could before needing to climb up on the ladder waiting for their use.* there are a few that took service to me and the faye castle rather than staying at the castle of the dragons. Perhaps you will see some at the masquerade ball for Samhain. *she gave a small smirk towards her niece as she rolled the paint upon the wall.*
"I probably will," the youth responded as she began using moving the roller up and down in a steady motion. She was more petite than Sky, and needed to use the ladder much sooner than her aunt did. "How many of them are here?"
Oh I could not give an exact count on that. Some come and go for many things. Harvesting crops, tending gardens. They deliver some items as needed as well. *the roller glided easily as she reached the top of the ladder, covering the last parts before they could begin on the actual art motif itself.* some are faye, dragon, and others i am certain by now. Some come to the castle in service while earning studies. Others just for service to show loyalty.
"Sounds like quite the staff." Hope manages to finish the first half of her wall. She moved on to the next section and repeated her movements with the roller brush. "They must stay pretty busy. There's always a lot going on here. At least it seems that way."
There is always lots to do all around. *she finished her section finally and climbed down carefully, hoping off the last step in a small graceful leap. She started her next section and added more paint to the roller.* especially with the fields to be harvested. Books to be gotten through. All of it.
"You can't do all of that by yourself. It would be far too much for one person. Or faye, I guess." Hope was an independent young woman, but even she knew that there was nothing wrong with asking for help when she needed it.
I usually try to handle some things on my own... *pausing* ok, maybe I try to do most things myself. *giving a smirk then a small nonchalant shrug* but if you want it done right, sometimes you got to do it yourself. Right? *as she reached to get more of her part of the wall, not wanting to drag the ladder over just yet.* it is easier with help on some things. Especially on such as the fields. Or even fetching some of your uncle's favorites of wines. I have a special place that I found who can make them per specific... styles of flavor and brewing. Shall we say. And as far as I can tell, they have mastered it to perfection, there has never been a complaint once. *with a pleased look of accomplishment on such a thing* they have become my own person brewery of just this one vintage, I do not feel we shall ever run out of it for him *she smirks playfully with a wink*
"I remember him being very fond of wine. If you found the kind I'm thinking of, he must be thrilled because it remember having one he liked in particular. He always used to make sure we had it in the wine cellar of the compound." Hope smiled as she added more paint to her tray and began working on the higher sections of her wall. She needed to climb on the ladder, which she hated, but she would be unable to reach the area otherwise.
*smiling at the thought of her beloved Elijah's preferences not having changed even when he would have been with his family in the compound back in NOLA, she rolled her paint effortlessly along the wall. He may seem like a creature of habit in many cases, but she knew secretly that he also loved to be mysterious and surprising just as much* creature comforts bring a sense of balance and peace to anyone, at any time, my dear child. Always remember this. Especially when you're back at school with your friends. A rough day with one, and a simple favorite treat made for them, will help make their day even brighter after all is said and done. Even though one might be a supernatural creature, we still hold human traits of needing those creatures comforts. *she pauses and tilts her head* i think that is what makes us still feel alive, or at least still connected with our human friends? A way to stay connected to them. Or, maybe in our ages, we just become set in what we really love and just want to not have anything less than that *she smirks and gives a playful little wink*
Hope knows exactly what she means. She's seen it many time at school. She nods along with what Sky is saying. How many times has she seen one of the twins, or even M.G. or Kaleb, having a rough day, and having their day improved by a tray of brownies or a favorite comic book? It's the same way for her too. Landon has often known exactly what she needs to brighten her day after a spell gone wrong, or she's particularly missing her parents. Hope tells all this to Sky, the women chatting while they work. Before Hope knows it the first section of the wall she's working on is down, and she's starting work on the next one.
*She nods silently as she allows the girl to open up about her friends at school more and even about her parents. It was always good to allow the memories one have of loved ones that have passed on to still be shared and remembered. It helps keep them alive in one's heart. They finish the base layer of paint before they knew it, while they chatted along. She takes a step back to look over the wall and nods.* good, next is *as she lifts up brushes and flips one over to Hope* the branches and trunks of the tree. We might be able to get most if not all of this done before the sun sets at the rate we are going. *she smirks brightly as she picks up a try to mix a few browns and blacks together*
Hope catches the paintbrush deftly, her reflexes as a werewolf and vampire kicking in. There are some advantages to being a tribrid, though she's not the superhero some people believe her to be. Hope looks at the picture Sky has for them to follow and begins to mix her own plate for exactly the right shade she needs to begin the mural. The dark color of the branches will make a sharp contrast against the lighter color of the background in a way she hopes will look elegant.
*she smirks as she watches the teen catch the paint brush perfectly. She nods to herself as she thinks 'she will do well in any battle as long as she keeps up on such reflexes. Its good she has a grasp on such now.' As she motioned the opposite side from her* you start on the smaller section of branch work? I shall start with the larger one here. *she made her way up the top off the ladder and positioned herself near tip toes to begin her end of the branch. She made sure to make the thick and subtle sharpness to contrast against the soft elegant to follow of the blossoms. Once she had this part done, she climbed down slightly to begin the narrowing of it until she fluttered her wings slightly to glide down, the paintbrush to the wall to help create a smooth flow of feeling to the branch outline. She would go back to make it more formed as an actual branch and maybe this was cheating a little tiny bit. But, it was fun to glide down with a flutter of her wings, stretching them out as she did so here. She stepped back to peek at her handiwork and smirk.* perfect. *as she then made her way to adjust the ladder to now actually make the branch.*
Hope is busily working on the branch work on her section of wall. She almost misses the way Sky glides down, but a breeze stirred by the flutter of her wings grabs her attention. She turned just in time to see Sky fluttering her wings. Her eyes widen and her mouth forms an O of surprise. She's never seen Sky use her wings before. Hope is aware that her aunt is faye, but she's never seen her wings until this moment. "Very cool," she says under her breath.
*she gave a tiny smirk as she heard her niece but pretended to pay it no mind as she moved the ladder to continue her section of the branch work.* humm? *she questioned in a knowing way, pretending to not know what she was humming about. She lifted her paint brush to the wall and began to continue on the branch, giving it more texture and shape*
“Nothing. Never mind.” Hope smiles as she goes back to her painting. Sky seems to be playing it off as thought it were no big deal. Hope figures that, to her, it’s probably not. Very carefully, Hope begins to craft the branches, skillfully tapering the branches to a fine point where they reach the sky. Art classes are available at her school, but most of what she’s learned is from her father. She inherits her love of and talent at painting from him.
Oh, alright *she replies with a soft yet knowing smile. She dips some more paint onto her brush, pausing a moment to catch a glimpse of Hope working on her section.* you have a lovely technique in your strokes, my dear child. Perhaps, if you wish, your uncle and I might look into a professor of the arts so you might refine it more? But only if you wished. *she makes a casual shrug to her shoulders as she moves her brush along her branch* I'm certain the Salvatore School has fine teachers on the topic already...
“There are some, but Doctor Saltzman doesn’t have the budget for the kind of teacher you’re talking about.” She glanced over at Sky. “I learned most of my technique from my dad. I don’t know if he ever had professional training. You’d have to ask Uncle Elijah. He would know for sure.” Hope went back to what she was painting.
With a knowing little smirk, "Oh I'm certain something could be easily persuaded if your uncle was to get knowledge of his niece wishing such a small request..." she hummed softly to herself while she continued along in their task.
The afternoon passes into evening as they continue along, painting and chatting about things that came along. the moonlight making its way into the office/ study as candles were seeming to flame on their own. possibly workings of the tiny workers remaining hidden in the shadows at work while their Queen and her niece went about busily in their task. Finally, she took a step back and looked over their masterpiece upon the wall. "beautiful..." she whispered as she gazed over the misty blue mixed with grey and crème background. the striking branches of the tree standing out between the delicate petals of blossoms of magnolias found about her beloved Elijah's New Orleans home. Their home. or at least one of their many growing homes, now.
The afternoon passes into evening as they continue along, painting and chatting about things that came along. the moonlight making its way into the office/ study as candles were seeming to flame on their own. possibly workings of the tiny workers remaining hidden in the shadows at work while their Queen and her niece went about busily in their task. Finally, she took a step back and looked over their masterpiece upon the wall. "beautiful..." she whispered as she gazed over the misty blue mixed with grey and crème background. the striking branches of the tree standing out between the delicate petals of blossoms of magnolias found about her beloved Elijah's New Orleans home. Their home. or at least one of their many growing homes, now.
"My beloved corazon will love this while he sits at his desk working. You did a beautiful job, Hope." She smiled at their niece and then clapped her hands. "goodness! time seems to have escaped us this day! the sun has appeared to have already set. Come. Let us grab some food then head to wash up. We can then meet up to retire the evening to the library if you wish and sit by the fire with those endless piles of books still waiting to be read?" She gave a playful little smirk as she suggested the last.
Several hours later, they were finished. Hope had managed to get a little paint on herself, but not enough to permanently ruin her clothes. Her back ached slightly from climbing up and down the ladder so much, but when she stepped back to admire the work they had done, she decided that it was worth the mild pain. Besides, it was nothing a little pain medicine wouldn’t solve.
“It looks beautiful.” Hope smiled, cheeks flushing at her aunt’s praise. She knew her uncle would love it, especially since they had done it all themselves. It would be doubly special to him for that reason alone.
Noticing her niece stretch her back, "Tell you what, why don't you go take a bath while I fix us something to eat. I'll meet you in the library upstairs with it when you're ready?" She gave a bright smile. "This will be a wonderful little surprise for when your uncle returns home." She placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, standing next to her to look over the wall some more.
28 oct 2019
#MikaelsonMonday & #HerFathersHope
The bond of family gives us a responsibility ToLoveWithoutCondition, WithoutApology.
~ Every time we found AMomentOfHappiness, we were forced to flee. EvenInᴺᴼᴸᴬ, WhereWeWereHappiestOfAll. ℣ˑ
12 nov 2019
Hope Mikaelson
Not new to character or RP
Ships with
Looking for mains
21+ for mature content

2 dec 2019
#MikaelsonMonday & #HerFathersHope
~ The road to redemption is long and winding, but worthy. /Till we meet again./
{rt https://twitter.com/Story_Kat/status/1198353729516449792?s=20
This is the best video about Hope Red heart
https://youtu.be/_VA_JCuZbig I love it so much!!! }
24 dec 2019
#MikaelsonMonday & #HerFathersHope
~ Your father was incessantly painting back in those days.
Mixing, searching for brighter reds, for #DeeperBlues
I remember the first time that he showed me a turquoise.
It's also the first time I smelled blood.
(1/2) &LK
#MikaelsonMonday & #HerFathersHope
'Every witch in our family locked in the bell tower all week. Creepy black veins all over my body. What's not to handle? It's only every bone in my body breaking all at once.' -HMM
~TheFullMoonDoesn'tCrestUntilLater ℣ˑ
19 dec 2019
I’d like to wish my “favorite” uncle,
a belated birthday. You’ve given me so many happy memories as a child. I hope you and Aunt Sky will do the same with your twins. Thank you for being an amazing uncle.
28 dec 2019
~ Iconic. ℣ˑ #HerFathersHope Red heart
18 feb 202
#MikaelsonMonday & #HerFathersHope
{rt https://twitter.com/0riginalGillies/status/1092665116171141120?s=20
#MikaelsonMonday CityBeneathTheSea
~ Looked at Death and traded this Life for love (...) Frozen faced in mirrors of healing hands / Went from shadow-writing to finding grace.
'I don't want Hope to be a Mikaelson, AllThePainThatComesWithThatName.' ━ Hayley Marshall-Kenner
16 sept
{ r
~~ paint. It’s my way of keeping his memory alive.”}
{ wattpad saved story as well: https://www.wattpad.com/story/265620416-time-with-hope
Hope turned her head toward Sky and smiles. She was really happy with the way the wall had turned out, and she couldn't wait for Uncle Elijah to see it when he eventually came home. Hopefully, that would be before she had to leave to go back to school.
"A bath sounds wonderful. Are you sure you don't need any help cleaning up? I don't want to leave this mess for you."
--- saved here 12.4.2020
With a shake of her head. "Not to worry, my dear child. Your aunt can handle it all in no time!" She gave a wink in her smirk as she continued, "now, go ahead, my dear girl. You go freshen up and I shall have all in order by the time you're finished!" With a smile and a wave, she turned to pick up their things in the room swiftly so that Hope could go indulge herself a little while. She hummed along as she went, tidying everything to be cleaned in a short while before she took to fixing them some food to bring upstairs.
Within ten minutes of her conversation with Sky, Hope was back in her room, preparing for the hot bath her aunt had suggested. Through whatever magic dwelled within the cottage, her bath was already drawn, steaming hot, candles lit, and water scented with lavender by the time she's reached her private bathroom. It didn't take long at all for Hope to get out of her mildly paint spattered clothes and sink into the tub. She sighed in contentment as the hot water covered her skin and eased her aches and pains.
She fluttered off to her own chambers she shared with her beloved Elijah and drew herself a quick shower. setting towels on the side table while the water grew hot, she then readied herself to step into the inviting waters. After a quick later and rinsing of the paint she had gotten upon her skin in their task, she quickly shut the water off reluctantly to step out and wrap her body up into the towel before heading across their chambers from their powder room to change. she quickly grabbed a new dress to slip into and then scurried off to the kitchen.
humming along in her next task, she gave a little twirl here and there about their kitchen as she fixed up a tray of meats, cheeses, fruits and chocolates to go along with some fresh salad and leftover chicken parmesan from the other day. she added everything to a serving tray. then, she added some glasses with chilled sparkling grape juice for each of them before lifting the serving tray up to carry up to the library for them for their quiet and relaxing evening.
once in the library, she set the serving tray upon the table between the chair they would be sitting at and then spelled the fireplace to a soft flame. she gave a satisfied nod and took her seat to sit in the quiet for a while.
Hope took a long soak in the tub. She didn't hurry the way Sky had. The goal was to rest her sore muscles, and a quick bath wouldn't do that. She closed her eyes and let the warm water relax her. It felt so good to rest after the busy day they'd had. When the water began to cool, she reluctantly got out and drained the water. A few minutes later, she was dressed in comfortable clothes and heading to the study, where her aunt would be waiting for her with food she could smell from her room.
She sat in the chair, enjoying the quiet that their cozy little cottage held at such an hour. In fact, it was usually pretty quiet other than the giggles and chatters of their twins playing about. She smiled to herself as she rested her eyes a moment, the warmth of the fireplace reaching her now, imagining what their home will sound like in the coming years as their girls grew. A small smile crossing her lips as she day dreamed in her chair. She breathed in a soft sigh, never hearing Hope walk in at first.
Hope was quiet, but not that quiet. She made some noise as she walked into the room where Sky was waiting. She hadn't meant to startle her aunt, but Sky didn't seem to realize she was there. Hope cleared her throat to let her know she was there. Once she was sure her presence was known, she loved to her favorite chair and sat in front of the fireplace.
She opened her eyes to the sound of Hope clearing her throat. She had already faintly heard the young woman's patter of footsteps along the hall. Being not only faye, but a queen in training her entire life, she had to learn to always be on her guard. She gave a small smile as she came back from her day dreaming. "My dear girl, hello. Did you enjoy your bath?" She asks as her niece sat in her own chair across from her beside the fireplace. "Plenty of snacks to indulge in as we continue these endless stacks before us." She gave a smirk as she motioned with her hand the piles of books still to be gotten through. "Slow and steady, however. They will all be gotten to before too long."
"The bath was awesome. It was all ready for me by the time I got there. I could get used to that," she laughed as she settled into her seat and picked up the nearest book. "Hmm," she said thoughtfully. "I think my aunt Freya has a book just like this one. She never let me look at it, though." She began thumbing through it.
"Oh, don't get used to that, my dear girl. That may have been a simple coincidence on someone else's part this day..." she smirked in a soft whisper, glancing off to the shadows near the entry of the library door. She peeked back at her side table, playing her finger along the food there. "I think one of the busy little workers about here as taken a liking to the new creature about the cottage, is all. You may find more things being done and waiting for you over time. But only when they are set to be here those days." She noted out loud and then smirked again as a shadow took off out of the room in their faye like busted way. They knew their Queen was on to them and they had tasks they were set for, not tending to needs of teenage girls. Perhaps she might make that one to be a hand maiden for the teen down the road since they took a fancy to her. A thought to be dealt with later on, however.
She turned her attention back to her niece who was thumbing through a new book already. "Hmm. Perhaps then, if she felt you were not ready for such a great book... perhaps that should be set for my pile to have us go through together at a later time?" She suggested. She knew if her sister in law had kept some things away from a teenage girl, she had to have a very good reason for such a thing. Probably best to do so with any books of the same liking here.
Hope made a face. It was a mistake on her part to mention that Freya had never allowed her to look at that particular book. That alone had made the book especially interesting to the teen. She had been intending to finally get a look at it, and had gone and screwed things up for herself. Oh, well. She sighed inwardly as she handed the book back to Sky. It was best not to make a fuss over it. Her aunts might talk, and if Freya thought she had been trying to deceive Sky, she would never trust her with some of the more interesting spell books in her collection.
"For your own good, my dear child" she mentioned as she took the book the teen willingly handed over to her. "Like I said, I will look it over and we can explore it together." She gave a smile with a wink. She rolled the book over in her hands, playing one palm along its spine. It seemed to sing to her in the softest of whispers. She made a knowing face as she set it aside in a special pile for later on. "All in due time, all in due time..." she whispered. "You know Freya would only keep harmful things you are not ready for yet away from you, right? If she thought a book like this is not of your level of experience, then we must respect such a fact. In time, with practice, one may advance to such creatures of such spells." She played her hands along the pile beside her now before slipping her palms into her lap once more, the fire warming her in a sleepy way. She would not doze off yet, however. She wanted to be certain such books were placed in a safe place. If this was such a book she thought it might be, perhaps it should be placed with the others her beloved Elijah had in safe keeping. Those which belonged to the top with of the Mikaelson family. That of his mothers. Safer with those than out where a curious teen might play with the wrong spell.
Hope knew she was right. She didn't like the fact, but she knew it. There was no point in arguing about it. She'd gotten into plenty of trouble with magic at school before. It wasn't worth it now. There was no sense in trying to sneak the book out of the study. She was sure Sky would miss the book if she did, even if she even managed to get it out of the room. When the time was right, one of her aunts would surely show her what was in the book.
She slid the book a little back then reached for something else. "There are plenty of other spellbooks here to keep one entertained..." she hummed softly as she slowly caressed the leather binding of the new book now in her hand. She paused her hand as she reached the edge of the binding and slid her finger along the leaves of the pages, slipping her index between them and picking her page. She flipped open the book and glanced down briefly, running her index along the words but not really reading it. She lifted her eyes from the page and peeked at the teen. "What studies are you doing at that school of yours?" She thought to change the subject for now. Perhaps finding out on the types of classes Hope had at the Salvatore School, she could inquire with Elijah on perhaps adding some subjects to help their niece's curiosity in these more advanced spells.
"Oh, the usual," Hope replied breezily. "Various literature and mathematic classes. History. There's a great one that talks about the history of Mystic Falls that specifically mentions our family." She rolled her eyes to show she was being sarcastic. Hope hated the attention that one brought her. "We have some magic classes, and art classes. It's quite varied. I'll have to give you a rundown of my schedule some time."
She gave a tiny smirk in a smaller laugh over Hope's sarcasm on the family history being taught. "Well, I would think you of all people would be certain to correct any wrong information on that. Sometimes knowing ones history is helpful in knowing how to handle ones future..." she quietly added. "Yes, a list of what you are taking would be nice. Then perhaps we may see if we might contribute to any new additions to the ciructulum there for you." She gave a nod as she glanced down at her book. "What would you say is your favorite? Since history seems to be a sore spot for you..." she added with another smirk.
"I like the art classes, though they aren't all that advanced. I do a lot of work on my own based on what I learned from my dad." Hope got her artistic talent from Klaus. That's what her mother had always told her. She'd found pictures of the family in his art studio, as well as a few of the twins' mother. Everyone knew that Klaus had always cared for Caroline.
"Ah, yes. I have heard of your father's artistic talents." She nodded slowly as she listened to Hope. "A very... unique way he had with his," she gave a smile. "Something to be said on genius talents is always not able to be understood by the vast collective." She gave a thought to herself as she wrinkled her nose, glancing over along some shelves. Then an idea crossed her mind as she lifted her hand with her index finger out."Ah..." she started as she rose from the chair and crossed gracefully across the room. She paused before a shelf and slid her fingertip along the letter bindings until she finally found what she set out for. "This one, I believe, just might help you a tiny bit..."
She pulled an oversized book, bound in old, worn leather, wrapping both her arms wound it like she was a small child clumsily trying to hold on to it. The book was surprisingly heavier than she had last recalled. She struggled to gain her way with it, turned quickly and heaved it to the table closest to her. "Here. We. Go..." a she hoisted it to the table. Then she smugly and proudly placed her fists upon her hips, looked in Hope's direction and said, "ta- da!" Giggling right after. It was a book of techniques from the masters of the ages. A book that only one had existed and written in over the ages by the masters themselves or some of their apprentices, if they had any. Fayes had their ways of collecting pretty trinkets. This was such a thing here.
Hope came over to where Sky had set the book and leaned in to peer at it. Her dark eyes were bright with curiosity as they took in the pictures before her. The book not only showed the finished products of the masters, but also described the techniques used, including a few pictures of the proper tools and brush strokes to apply. “Where did you find a book like this?” Hope couldn’t help but wonder if her father had ever seen it, or owned a similar copy. As much as her father had loved to paint, it wouldn’t have surprised her if he had a book like this. She had, after all, seen the collection of art books at the library in the compound.
She stepped back a little to allow Hope space to perk at the oversized collection. A small smirk crossing her lips as she watched the teens eyes light up, absorbed in what laid before her. She gave a questioned look to her question, paused in thought then replied.
"I am uncertain upon where most of these books come from. Or how they might have come to be, in fact. Many have been...collected over the centuries by many creatures. Some varieties of the faire folk like to... shall we say, borrow items of their curiosities?
Others, will take as a game to cause chaos as a joke. This one, however, seems it might have been compiled by a few on their own. No one can really say for sure. I only recalled coming across it before. As far as I know, this is the only one of its kind."
She stepped closer, playing her fingers gently along the worn edging of the book.
28 oct 2019
#MikaelsonMonday & #HerFathersHope
The bond of family gives us a responsibility ToLoveWithoutCondition, WithoutApology.
~ Every time we found AMomentOfHappiness, we were forced to flee. EvenInᴺᴼᴸᴬ, WhereWeWereHappiestOfAll. ℣ˑ
12 nov 2019
Hope Mikaelson
Not new to character or RP
Ships with
Looking for mains
21+ for mature content
2 dec 2019
#MikaelsonMonday & #HerFathersHope
~ The road to redemption is long and winding, but worthy. /Till we meet again./
{rt https://twitter.com/Story_Kat/status/1198353729516449792?s=20
This is the best video about Hope Red heart
https://youtu.be/_VA_JCuZbig I love it so much!!! }
24 dec 2019
#MikaelsonMonday & #HerFathersHope
~ Your father was incessantly painting back in those days.
Mixing, searching for brighter reds, for #DeeperBlues
I remember the first time that he showed me a turquoise.
It's also the first time I smelled blood.
(1/2) &LK
#MikaelsonMonday & #HerFathersHope
'Every witch in our family locked in the bell tower all week. Creepy black veins all over my body. What's not to handle? It's only every bone in my body breaking all at once.' -HMM
~TheFullMoonDoesn'tCrestUntilLater ℣ˑ
19 dec 2019
I’d like to wish my “favorite” uncle,
a belated birthday. You’ve given me so many happy memories as a child. I hope you and Aunt Sky will do the same with your twins. Thank you for being an amazing uncle.
My sweetest niece, our saving grace. You reminded us, OriginalVampires, what we had spent centuries forgetting: how to love without fear. You have returned our humanity to us in the best of ways. It is now up to you to make your own path, to remain strong and know HowLovedYouAre.
28 dec 2019
~ Iconic. ℣ˑ #HerFathersHope Red heart
18 feb 202
#MikaelsonMonday & #HerFathersHope
{rt https://twitter.com/0riginalGillies/status/1092665116171141120?s=20
~ Looked at Death and traded this Life for love (...) Frozen faced in mirrors of healing hands / Went from shadow-writing to finding grace.
'I don't want Hope to be a Mikaelson, AllThePainThatComesWithThatName.' ━ Hayley Marshall-Kenner
16 sept
~ I give you my word. I'll do whatever it takes to keep 𝐻𝑜𝓅𝑒 safe. https://t.co/38p8NzLkpj
{ r
~~ paint. It’s my way of keeping his memory alive.”}
{ wattpad saved story as well: https://www.wattpad.com/story/265620416-time-with-hope
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